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L1 休閒與娛樂

The movie blackened the reputation of the emperor of Ming dynasty.

 blacken (v.) 敗壞…的(名聲/形象)
 reputation (n.) 名聲;名望
 emperor (n.) 皇帝
 empire (n.) 帝國
 dynasty (n.) 王朝;朝代
 image (n.) 形象

Only alumni are granted admission to the gallery.

 alumnus (n.) 校友;複數 alumni
 grant (v.) 同意,給予
 grant admission to 准許進入

Celebrity life seems fascinating to him. 名人的生活對他來說似乎很有趣。

 celebrity (n.) 名人
 fascinating (n.) 形容事物有趣的;迷人的

He is fascinated by the landscapes of Norway. 他對挪威的風景著迷

 fascinated by 對…著迷
 landscape/scenery (n.) 景色;風景

This opera is not my sort of thing. sort 的補充用法

這部歌劇不是我喜歡的類型。  分類;整理 (v.) sort the newspaper
 one’s sort of thing 某人喜歡的類型  類型(n.) all sorts (= many types) of books

Antique and ancient manuscripts are displayed at the exhibition.

 antique (n.) 古董
 ancient (adj.) 古老的
 manuscript (n.) 手稿;原稿
 display (v.) 展示
 exhibition (n.) 展覽(會);表現;展示

He socialized with the representatives to raise funds for the project.

 socialize with 與…交際 台灣常說:跟大家 social 一下
 representative (n.) 代表 英文上是錯的喔~
 raise funds 籌措資金
 network (v.) 建立人脈(尤其指工作)
 raise (v) 養育;引起;增加
 social network (n.) 社交網路

The citizens urged the authority to build more public amenities.

 authority (n.) 當局;當權者;官方
 amenity (n.) 娛樂消遣設施;公共便利設施

The firm will be catering at the banquet.

該公司將在宴會上提供餐飲服務。 其他相關單字:
 cater (v.) 提供飲食  a bouquet of flowers 一束鮮花
 banquet (n.) 正式的宴會

He spent most of that evening chatting up the girl and hanging out with her.
 chat (v.) 聊天
 chat up/ flirt (v.) 調情
 hang out with someone 和某人出去

Jack and Peter seem to really hit it off — they have become great friends.


✧ hit it off 一拍即合

✧ get along with someone 與…相處融洽

 spend time+ Ving 花時間做某事 He spent time doing his homework.
 spend time on+某事 He spent time on his homework.

第一課音檔 掃描立刻聽!

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