Lesson 2 飲食與健康

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L2 飲食與健康

The vegetable soup is rich in vitamin A, since it contains various vegetables.

蔬菜湯含有豐富的維生素 A,因為它含有各種蔬菜。
 vitamin-rich (adj.) 富含維生素的
 rich in/ high in 富含(營養素等)
 contain (v.) 包含;含有
 various (adj.) 多樣的;各種的

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl.

cut…in half 切半 freeze (v.) 凍結/冷凍 preheat (v.) 預熱
stir (v.) 攪拌 marinate (v.) 醃 roast (v.) 烤
squeeze (v.) 擠壓/榨 peel (v.) 剝 garnish (v.) 裝飾(食物)

It is a safety practice to wash and sanitize your cutting board.

 sanitize/sterilize (v.) 為…消毒;淨化
 practice (n.) 做法;(v.) 練習

There's still no cure for terminal cancer. 晚期癌症仍無法被治愈。

 cure (n.) 治療方法;解決方法 (v.) 治癒
 terminal (adj.) 末期的;晚期的

 therapy (n.) 治療;療法 (身體和心理上的治療,不用藥物或手術)
 treatment (n.) 治療;療程 (使用藥物醫治)
 dental treatment (n.) 牙科治療

Comparing to other industries, I found the pharmaceutical industry more profitable.

 pharmaceutical (adj.) 製藥的(行業) (n.) 藥品;藥物
pharmacy (n.) 藥店;藥房;配藥室
 profitable (adj.) 有盈利的;能賺錢的

compare A with/ to B: 比較 A 和 B 的相異之處(兩個介系詞都可用)

Some medications cause fatigue. Therefore, people must avoid driving after taking them.
 cause (v.) 引起;導致 表示所以:
 fatigue (n.) 疲勞  so (連接詞)
 drowsiness (n.) 睡意  hence (副詞)
 avoid + Ving 避免去做某事  as a result (片語)

Exercising regularly can boost your metabolism.

定期運動可以促進你的新陳代謝。 其他相關單字:
 boost (v.) 改善;增強;促進  nutritious (adj.) 有營養的
 metabolism (n.) 新陳代謝  enable people to V 使人可以…

同樣句子也可以說: Exercising regularly enables you to boost your metabolism.

The immune system of the elderly is weak; therefore, they are susceptible to the disease.
老年人的免疫系統較弱; 因此,他們很容易感染這種疾病。
 immune system (n.) 免疫系統
 susceptible to (easy to) be infected 容易受到感染

 prone (adj.) 容易…的/很可能…的 (prone to exaggerate 喜歡誇大)
 vulnerable (adj.) 易受影響的/脆弱的

He is diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor prescribed some pills.

 diagnosed with 診斷出疾病
 prescribe (v.) 為…開藥

A tumor was found in his head following a comprehensive health checkup.

 tumor (n.) 腫瘤 看診相關單字:
 comprehensive (adj.) 全面的;詳盡的
 make an appointment 預約
 health/physical checkup (n.) 健康檢查
 schedule (v.) 安排 (n.) 計畫表

We hope that one day the pandemic will be eliminated.

 eliminate (v.) 消除;消滅;淘汰
 pandemic (n.) 大流行病 (adj.) (疾病)大規模流行的,廣泛蔓延的
He has been exposed to the virus and has a fever. 他接觸過病毒並發燒。
 be exposed to 暴露於

She broke her leg in the accident and must take medicine to relieve pain.
 break a leg 摔斷腿
 relieve pain 止痛;緩解疼痛
 relieved (adj.) 感到放心的

He is allergic to feather, as a result, it is impossible for him to enter the zoo.

 allergic to 對…過敏
 allergy (n.) 過敏

New variants of Coronavirus are highly contagious, and a new vaccine must be developed as
soon as possible.
 variant (n.) 變種
 contagious (adj.) 接觸性傳染的;患傳染病的

 infectious (adj.) 具有感染力的
 infection (n.) 感染

第二課音檔 掃描立刻聽!

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