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L3 工作及職場

The manager is on maternity leave, as a result, the boss hired a temp.

 temp (n.) 臨時僱員
 someone is on maternity leave 在休產假 (形容他在休假的狀況)

I would like to take a menstrual leave this afternoon.

I would like to take a day off. annual leave 年假
我想請一天假。 maternity leave 產假
sick leave 病假
The workers have to hand in receipts for personal leave 事假
reimbursement within a week. official leave 公假
工人們必須在一週內交出收據以便報銷。 funeral/ bereavement leave 喪假
 hand in 交出;傳遞 menstrual leave 生理假
 reimbursement (n.) 報銷;退款
 compensate (v.) 補償;賠償

His predecessor is good at encouraging and uplifting others.

 predecessor (n.) 前任者;前輩
 successor (n.) 接班人;繼承者
 incumbent (adj.) 現任的 (n.) 在職者
 encourage (v.) 鼓勵
 uplift (v.) 鼓舞;使人振作

It is by all means certain that we'll finish the project on time. 其他相關單字:
我們一定會按時完成這個項目。  measure (n.) 措施
 by all means 無論如何;想盡辦法;當然  instrument (n.) 儀器
 by no means 絕不
 means/method/way (n.) 方法

The meeting concluded with a promise to decrease the seating capacity.

capacity 其他意思:
 conclude with 以…結束
 人的能力
 seating capacity 座位容納量;載客定員
 職位、角色
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are forced to postpone the annual conference.
 unforeseen (adj.) 未預見到的;意料之外的
 circumstance (n.) 條件;情況
 obliged (adj.) 被迫/只好做某事 oblige (v.) 強迫;迫使;討好;幫助
 postpone (v.) 延後;延期

Everyone at the conference is wearing a badge so that others can recognize them.
 badge (n.) 徽章;證章
 recognize (v.) 認出;認可

On behalf of the board of directors, I cordially invite you to our meeting.

 on behalf of 代表;代表…的利益 常混淆單字:
 the board of directors 董事會  inquire (v.) 詢問
 cordially/sincerely (adv.) 誠摯地;友善地  require (v.) 要求
 acquire (v.) 獲得;收購(公司)

Hands-on experience is required if you are applying for the position.

 hands-on (adj.) 親身實踐的

Please review the new safety procedures and direct any questions to the manager.
 review (v.) 再檢查;複審;(v.) (n.) 評論
 direct …to… 提出;把…提交
 manager (n.) 經理;(運動隊的) 主教練

 responsible entity 企業內部負責單位。
 accountability unit 責任單位
 executive (n.) 行政主管/經理;(公司或組織的) 領導階層

He was found unfit to remain in the organization and had to leave.

 unfit (adj.) 不適合的;不恰當的;不健康的 解雇的說法:
 remain (v.)停留/留下  lay 人 off/ lay off 人
 let go 人/ let sb 人
 sack/fire(v.)
 incompetent (adj.) 無能力的;不能勝任的;不稱職的
 hold on 緊握;繼續;停下來

The manager will assuredly overcome the barrier.

 assuredly/certainly/definitely (adv.) 肯定地
 overcome (v.) 克服;戰勝
 barrier (n.) 障礙

A good manager empowers his employees with the ability to meet the needs of customers.
 empower…with… (v.) 給某人…的權利
 meet the need 滿足需求

Due to the abrupt departure of our public relations manager, it will be impossible to launch
the product in time.
 abrupt (adj.) 突然的;意外的;魯莽的;唐突的
 public relations 公共關係
 launch (v.) 推出;發起

Applicants were asked to use SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of a certain company.
申請者被要求使用 SWOT 分析法來辨識某家公司的優勢、劣勢、機會和威脅。
 SWOT analysis (n.) 優劣分析法;SWOT 分析法
 analyze (v.) 分析
 identify (v.) 識別;辨識;認出
 strength (n.) 強項 第三課音檔 掃描立刻聽!
 weakness (n.) 弱點
 threats (n.) 威脅

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