Lesson 4 政治及法律

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L4 政治及法律

Several violations and illegalities during the operation were uncovered.

 irregularity (n.) 違規;不合常規
 illegality (n.) 違法行為

Loose management and undocumented workers contributed to the accident.

 loose /lax management 鬆散的管理
 attribute to (v.) 把…歸因於 (+原因)
 contribute to (v.) 導致 (+結果)

It is the obligation of the cram schools to conduct a fire drill every month.
 obligation (n.) (道義或法律上的) 義務;責任
 conduct (v.) 實施;處理;引導/帶領
 fire drill 消防演習

Strict rules such as imprisonment and huge fine are set to prohibit public official from
accepting bribes.
 imprisonment (n.) 監禁;拘留
 fine (n.) 罰金;罰款 (v.) 處…以罰金
 prohibit someone from Ving 禁止;妨礙某人做某事
 public official (n.) 公職人員

 breach (v.) (n.) 違背;破壞
breach of contract 違約
be in breach of something 違反 (法律或規章)
 official duties 公務

You must cease operation in a timely fashion since it is illegal.

 cease (v.) 停止;中止
 cease operation 停止操作 (固定用法)
 in a timely fashion/manner 適時;及時
It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts in exchange for favors.
 illegal (adj.) 非法的;違法的
 legal (adj.) 法律上的;合法的
legalize (v.) 合法化
 solicit (v.) 請求;索求;招攬
 in exchange for 作為…的交換

A batch of members in the nascent political party were nominated.

 a batch of 一批;一組
 election (n.) 選舉
 nascent (adj.) 新生的/萌芽的;開始發展的
 nominate (v.) 提名;任命;指定

The initialism V.P. stands for vice president.

首字母 V.P.代表的是副總統。
 initial (n.) (字的)起首字母 (adj.) 開始的;最初的
 initialism (n.) 首字母縮寫
 stand for 代表;支持;容忍

Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of the referendum.

 prerequisite (n.) 先決條件;前提
 marginal (adj.) 微小的
 referendum (n.) 公投;公決
(n.) 議會的邊緣席位

He defied the boss to protect his right.

 defy (v.) 違抗;對抗

Citizens are prohibited from selling drugs and persuading others to commit crimes.
Commit 用法
 ban/ prohibit someone from Ving 禁止做某事
 投入: commit to the job
 prevent someone from Ving 防止做某事
 犯罪: commit murder

I certainly oppose violating human rights.

我當然反對侵犯人權。 其他相關單字:

 oppose/resist (v.) 反對;抵抗  support (v.) 支持;鼓勵

 violate (v.) 違反;違背  opponent (n.) 對手;敵人
His freedom of movement is restricted since he is the suspect of several cases.
 restrict (v.) 限制;妨礙
 suspect (n.) 嫌疑犯/人 (v.) 懷疑;猜想;不信任 (adj.)可疑的

 lawyer (n.) 律師 (職業統稱)
 attorney (n.) 律師 (被雇傭後的說法) defense attorney (n.) 辯護律師

We rely on the police to enforce the law. 我們依靠警察來執行這項法律。

 enforce (v.) (強制)實行;使服從
 rely on someone (v.) 依靠某人

I signed a petition against abolishing the law. 我簽署了一份反對廢除法律的請願書。

 petition (n.) 請願書
 petition for 支持…的請願書
 abolish (v.) 廢除
 petition against 反對…的請願書

The law obliges the company to pay decent wages to its employees.
 oblige (v.) 迫使(不得不做)/ be obligated to (adj.) 對某事有義務/obligation (n.) 義務
 decent (adj.) 體面的;像樣的

They promised to legislate for the protection of wild animals. 其他相關單字:

他們承諾要立法保護野生動物。  fine (n.) 罰金
 legislate for 為..立法 legislate against 為了反對…立法  sentence (v.) 判決
legislator (n.) 立法者  imprisonment (n.) 監禁
 capital punishment 死刑
The penalty for speeding has been increased to one year in prison.
 penalty (n.) 刑罰;處罰;罰金
 pay a heavy penalty 付出沉重的代價

When a bill is passed in parliament, it becomes a law.

 bill (n.) 法案;帳單;鈔票
 parliament (n.) 議會;國會
 law (n.) 法律
 go to law 打官司
People regard the policy as too lenient to prevent crime.
 regard (v.) 將…看作;考慮
 too +adj.+to+V
 lenient (adj.) 寬容的
too hard to finish 太難無法完成

Many people approve of amending the existing law.

 approve (v.) 贊成;批准 approve of +N/Ving (n.) 贊成/同意
approval (n.) 核准;贊成
 on approval 供試用的;包退換的
 amend (v.) 修正(常用於法律) amendment (n.) 修正
 existing (adj.) 現存的

The authority must discharge its legal duty to supervise the companies.
 discharge (v.) 履行(責任、義務);排放(廢液、廢氣)
 supervise (v.) 監督;管理;指導

The police suspect him of counterfeiting currency.

 suspect somebody of +Ving 懷疑某人做了某事
 counterfeit (v.) 偽造;偽裝 (adj.) 偽造的;假冒的
 currency (n.) 貨幣;流通

The complainant was asked to verify his allegations.

 verify (v.) 證明;證實;查實
 allegation (n.) (未經證實的)指控
 assertion (n.) 斷言 (明確肯定)

第四課音檔 掃描立刻聽!

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