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MCRS practice exam 1 - 2022


This practice test consists of multiple choice questions and numerical fill-in-the-blank questions. For some questions you need SPSS.

Please note that the division of questions over topics is not necessarily the same in the final exam.

You should be able to finish this practice exam in one hour. Don't use any study materials the first time you make this exam, so that you get a
good idea of how you are doing and how much more preparation you need. The final exam consists of more questions and you should be able
to finish it in two hours.

Good luck!

Question 1 − MCRS−A−conceptual model − 265254.2.1

See below a conceptual model that depicts the following hypothesis: Age predicts the extent to which people break rules and this
relationship is explained by level of extraversion. Each variable in this conceptual model has a number. Link each number to the correct
variable name in the boxes in the answer field below.


rule breaking

level of extraversion

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Question 2 − MCRS−A−empiricism − 265233.1.0

In which part of the empirical cycle do we determine what the level of measurement of a variable should be (hence, when we operationalise
the variable)?

A In the induction phase

B In the deduction phase

C Between the deduction and the testing phase

D Between the testing and the evaluation phase

E In the evaluation phase

F In the testing phase

G Between the induction and the deduction phase

Question 3 − MCRS−A−reliability − 265236.1.0

A research assistant who measures the blood pressure of her research participants has an eye infection and therefore wears glasses
instead of her contact lenses. However, with her glasses she can't read as well as with her contact lenses. The result is that the blood
pressure value that she writes down for some participants is a little too high, and for other participants is a little too low. What can we
conclude about the measurement of blood pressure in this study?

A It is not reliable

B It is not valid, but it is reliable

C It is reliable and valid

Question 4 − MCRS−B−z score − 265247.1.0

If the scores on a test have a mean of 26 and a standard deviation of 4, what is the z-score for a test score of 18? You may use the formula
sheet for this question.

A 11

B -1.41

C -2

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Question 5 − MCRS−A−variables − 265240.1.1

Read the following hypothesis:

"Young women who are interested in music festivals spend more money on festival outfits than older women who are interested in music

What are the variables in this hypothesis? (More than one answer possible)

A Women
C Money spent on festival outfits

D Interest in music festivals

E Biological sex

Question 6 − MCRS−A−worldview − 265235.1.1

The empirical-analytical and empirical-interpretative approach differ from each other in their view of the world. How is the empirical
approach best described?

A Based on observation, understanding and an idiographic approach

B Based on observation, explanation and a nomothetic approach

C Based on explanation and understanding and the idea that theory should lead to hypotheses

D Based on the idea that social entities are not objects, understanding and that knowledge is what can be precieved by the senses

Question 7 − MCRS−A−mediation − 265255.2.0

See the conceptual model below. How do we describe the relationship between the three variables? Please note, more than one answer may
be correct.

A This s a mediated relationship

B The relationship between variable 1 and 2 is explained by variable 3

C Variable 1 predicts variable 3 (the outcome variable) and 2 (the mediator). 2 also predicts 3.

D There is a direct relationship between variables 1 and 3, and an indirect relationship between variables 1 and 3 via 2

E This is a moderated relationship

F The relationship between variable 1 and 3 is affected by variable 2

G The moderator variable in this conceptual model is variable 2

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Question 8 − MCRS−A−operationalization − 265266.1.1

"Health anxiety was measured with a seven-item scale developed by te Poel et al. (2017). Respondents were asked to indicate on five-point
Likert scales ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree) to indicate to which extent they agreed with the statements that
measured anxiety about their health (e.g., I constantly worry about my health)."

What is described in the text above?

A the operationalization of the measure health anxiety

B The validity of the measure health anxiety

C the reliability of the measure health anxiety

D The results of the research into health anxiety

Question 9 − MCRS−B−range − 265246.1.0

What is the range for this set of numbers?

231, 1017, 21, 230, 500, 321, 414, 110, 56, 98, 136, 657, 88

A 143

B 996

C 231-88

Question 10 − MCRS−B−independent dependent − 265244.1.0

Read the following hypothesis: "interest in reading the newspaper affects political party interest". Which of the following answer options
correctly describes the variables in this hypothesis?

A Interest in reading the newspaper is the independent variable, political party interest is the dependent variable

B Interest in reading the newspaper is the outcome variable, political party interest is the predictor variable

C Interest in reading the newspaper is the predictor variable, political party interest is the independent variable

Question 11 − MCRS−A−research question − 265234.1.0

Which of the following is a predictive research question?

A With how many students will the registration for Communication Science decrease if the program is only offered in English?

B What is the most common complaint among students of the English-language and Dutch-language Communication Science program?

C What is the cause of the increased number of enrollments among students of the English-language Communication Science program?

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Question 12 − MCRS−A−conceptual model 2 − 265261.1.0

A researcher uses the following conceptual model:

Which hypothesis best fits this model?

A More fans on Instagram, a higher frequency of using Instagram, and less negative responses on Instagram predict a higher level of self-esteem.

B More fans on Instagram, a higher frequency of using Instagram, and less negative responses on Instagram predict a lower level of self-esteem.

C Less fans on Instagram, a lower frequency of using Instagram, and less negative responses on Instagram predict a higher level of self-esteem.

D More fans on Instagram, a higher frequency of using Instagram, and more negative responses on Instagram predict a lower level of self-esteem.

Question 13 − MCRS−A−latent concept − 265237.1.0

Jim wants to examine the relationship between empathy and social interactions in adults. He uses 10 items that capture the overall concept
of empathy. In Jim's study, we can describe empathy as a:

A Manifest concept

B Indicator
Latent concept
D Induction variable

E Third variable

Question 14 − MCRS−B−level of measurement − 265245.2.0

“Newspaper, radio, television” are answer categories for the survey question “What source do you most often get your news from?”. This is
an example of what level of measurement?

A Nominal

B Ordinal

C Interval

D Ratio

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Question 15 − MCRS−A−fundamental research −

The purpose of fundamental research is to:

A solve a practical problem

B contribute to science

C contribute to applied research

Question 16 − MCRS_B_z−scores SD − 265724.1.1

In a sample of 522 students, the mean attitude towards studying is 4.3 on a scale from 1 to 7, with a standard deviation of 1.4. Elgin is not
fond of studying and he scores two z-scores below the mean attitude towards studying. What is the value for his mean level of attitude?

M = ...

An experiment is used to check the effect of an ad featuring famous people. Test subjects were shown either former US President Bill Clinton
or actor George Clooney appealing to viewers to donate money for Darfur. The researcher wants to know if the opinion that the respondents
taking part in the experiment have of these people leads to more frequent donations.

Use the data file Clooney and Clinton.sav for the following questions.

Question 17 − MCRS_AB_levels of measurement − 265706.1.0

Have a look at the variables ‘sympathetic’, ‘stylish’, ‘attractive’, ‘elegant’, ‘sexy’ and ‘nice’ . What is the level of measurement of these

A Nominal

B Ordinal

C Interval

D Ratio

Question 18 − MCRS_B_PAF number of factors − 265708.1.0

Run an exploratory factor analysis with the variables ‘sympathetic’, ‘stylish’, ‘attractive’, ‘elegant’, ‘sexy’ and ‘nice’. How many factors are

.... factor(s)

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Question 19 − MCRS_B_PAF explained variance −

What is the explained variance of the first factor?

The first factor explains......% of the variance in the items.

Question 20 − MCRS_B_cronbach's alpha − 265715.1.0

Calculate the reliability of the first factor.

Cronbach's alpha is ....

Question 21 − MCRS_B_compute_measure of central tendency − 265718.1.1

Compose a mean scale(s) of the first factor and report the values for the most suitable measure of central tendency.

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Question 22 − MCRS_B_correlation − 265729.1.0

Test the following hypothesis and answers the questions below:

"The more honest one finds the celebrity in an ad, the more one trusts the celebrity in said ad, or vice versa"

Variables: honest and trust

Analysis: correlation analysis

1. does this hypothesis reflect a symmetrical/asymmetrical, one-tailed/two-tailed, positive/negative relationship?
2. what is the value for the correlation coefficient r?
3. is this a weak, moderate or strong correlation?

Please note, multiple correct answers.

A symmetrical

B asymmetrical

C one-tailed

D two-tailed

E positive

F negative

G r = .52

H r = .36

I r = .66

J weak

K moderate


Questionvolgorde: Willekeurig

Question 23 − MCRS−A−semantic differential − 265241.1.0

See the example below of a survey question.

What type of answer scale is used in this example?

A Semantic differential scale

B Open-ended scale

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Question 24 − MCRS_AB_moderation mediation spurious − 265736.1.0

Match the described relationships below with the correct type of relationship.

Studying for the MCRS exam predicts confidence in passing the exam and confidence in passing Spurious relationship
the exam predicts exam score.
The more anxious one feels about ones health positively affects the frequency of searching for Moderated relationship
health information on the internet and this relationship is stronger for higher educated people.

The extent to which children want to play violent video games is predicted by biological sex, Mediated reslationship
biological sex furthermore predicts the extent to which children behave aggressively, which is also
predicted by the extent to which they want to play violent video games.

Question 25 − MCRS−A−FALSIFICATION − 265262.1.0

When testing hypotheses we can use verification or falsification. Why do we in principle NOT choose verification of our research hypotheses
within Communication Science?

A Because hypotheses that can only be verified cannot be refuted, and therefore offer less certainty

B Because verification is only possible in theory but not in practice

C Because you can never verify a hypothesis, while you can always falsify it

Question 26 − MCRS_AB_scale construction − 265737.1.0

What is the correct order of steps involved in scale construction?

Reverse code negative items

Compute new scale

Cronbach's alpha

Exploratory factor analysis

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