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Task Performance
Human Factors in HCI

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Describe how an interface will suit the user’s various capabilities; and
 Prove that HCI principles are naturally derived from human factors.


 One (1) personal computer with a pre-installed Google Chrome and Microsoft Word
 Internet connection


1. Create a new document on Microsoft Word with the filename 03TP_LastName_FirstName (e.g.,
03TP_Reyes_Mika). This will serve as your answer sheet and will be collected by your instructor.

2. Open Google Chrome and search for at least three (3) technological developments and/or innovations from 2017
to present, which are related to human-computer interaction. Then, provide answers for the following items for
each development/innovation in the answer sheet:
a. Title of the technology/innovation (2 points)
Projection Keyboard
Smart Watch
Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset
b. Image of the technology/innovation (3 points)

c. Enumerate the features of the technology/innovation and explain how the feature satisfies various
human capabilities. (Essay: 10 points)

The technical innovation system is a concept created in the field of innovation studies to explain the nature and
speed of technological development. A Technological Innovation System includes a dynamic network of
individuals engaging in a given economic/industrial area under a certain institutional framework and involved in
the production, distribution, and application of technology.

The idea of a technical innovation system was first introduced as part of the innovation system approach, a
higher conceptual school. This approach is based on the concept that causes of technological development
may be found not just in particular businesses or research institutes, but also in a larger social organization in
which firms and knowledge institutes are situated. Within nations, sectors, or technical areas, innovation system
studies have pointed out the effect of social institutions on technological progress, and indirectly on long-term
economic growth, since the 1980s.

d. Explain the connection of the interactive interface of the technology/innovation with different aspects
of human performance, such as cognitive capability, ergonomics capability, and HCI principles.
(Essay: 10 points)
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a comprehensive field of study that focuses on computer technology
design and, in particular, the interaction between humans (users) and computers. HCI began with computers
and has now grown to encompass nearly all aspects of information technology design.

HCI began in the 1980s with the rise of personal computing, when computers such as the Apple Macintosh,
IBM PC 5150, and Commodore 64 began to appear in ever-increasing numbers in homes and workplaces. For
the first time, sophisticated electronic devices such as word processors, gaming units, and accounting
assistance became available to ordinary people. As a result, as computers grew in size and cost, the
requirement for human-computer interaction that was simple and efficient for less experienced users became
increasingly important.
e. References in APA Style Citation format. (5 points)
Balzat, M., Hanusch, H. Recent trends in the research on national innovation systems. J. Evol. Econ. 14, 197–210 (2004).

Avvisati, F., S. Hennessy, R.B. Kozma and S. Vincent-Lancrin (2013), “Review of the Italian strategy
for digital schools”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 90, OECD Publishing, Paris,

3. After researching, conceptualize a feasible technological innovation or think of possible development for an
existing technology in line with any industry (e.g., entertainment, healthcare services, educational services, etc.),
which will satisfy the basic cognitive and/or ergonomic capabilities of human. Explain your idea through an
essay using at least five (5) sentences. (10 points)

Innovators face additional obstacles when their knowledge of innovation as a series of actions evolves.
Although innovation is generally thought to be the result of a series of actions, they do not necessarily occur in
a logical way and often require several feedback loops. As a consequence, while many innovation projects
share identical activities and processes, the uncertainty of getting results and completing an activity to the
needed quality forces innovators to provide feedback between activities in order to enhance the final solution.

These challenges are expressed in the increasing complexity of innovations which are in turn also determined
by the complexity of the surrounding, framework conditions. Consequently, the complexity expressed by the
number of information sources, knowledge and application fields for innovation is rising. In this light, innovators
need to analyze and process more information for the same purpose.


Criteria Performance Indicator Points
Content The correct subjects and/or ideas were included and studied. 5
Relevance The ideas and principles mentioned were relevant to human factors in HCI. 3
Organization The ideas were presented in an organized manner. 2

03 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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