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Explain the following sayings from the Analects of Confucius.

1. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away

small stones.”

Consistent simple habits can make a massive difference depending on

the goal of a person. This saying of Confucius illustrates how being
consistent and persistent with your objective will bring you a mountain
of miracle in the end. I am fond of learning languages personally and I
usually study via flashcards to improve my vocabulary and I read them
for 15 minutes every day; at the end of the month, I was able to form
sentences relatively due to the consistent daily small routines I forced
to myself. It is important to reemphasize the message of this quote is
that things come from tiny steps and progress towards your solution.

2. “To be wealthy and honoured in an unjust society is a


This statement serves as a reminder that one should not take all things
at face value. We shouldn’t assume that the wealth and position are
an inherent or sometimes absolute indicator of moral goodness. If we’ll
think about and understand how status and wealth is achieved in a
society and whether the values being put forth are values that benefit
only those people in power or for everyone regardless of their status.
Personally, it is not a disgrace to be wealthy neither honoured by any
society. Assuming a person has done no mean or underhanded things
to acquire their wealth or honour, your favourite politician may be is
wealthy and being honoured as your favourite entertainers or athletes.
A certain society may perceive one person in a honourable way while
other person may look like the opposite of the other.

3. “Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.”

This quote is similar with the ‘A man that can’t dance has no business
fighting’. Other people may see dancing as the community, love or
happiness which is the counterpart of the sword which may symbolize
violence. This could mean how one reacts or read the different factors
of the physical world other than oneself, if a person perceives and
measure the intention of the external forces an how that person
respond in a balanced way.
4. “The noble-minded are calm and steady. Little people are
forever fussing and fretting.”

This quote is similar to the Filipino saying “Ang latang walang laman
ay maingay”. It indicates that those people who dwell in a society that
has no protocols are negative in nature. The nobler emphasizes the
good qualities of other people and compared to little people they
accentuate the bad ones. A person who feels superior understand
themselves and their mind through years of self-reflection and
contemplation. Hence, their control with their emotions and mind.

5. “When the wind blows, the grass bends.”

This quote may symbolise with our day to day lives, despite what
you are as a person or your purpose in general, there will always be
things or situations that will require you to adapt, as they say change
is inevitable. These situations may be difficult to overcome but one
must pay no attention to it like a blade of grass that would dodge an
incoming wind. This may also mean changes that will force you to
adapt due to fate which you have no control, the only thing you can
do is to face and endure it.

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