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       Compare and contrast the following set of terms using a

Venn diagram: (25 points)

1.   Contact metamorphism – Regional metamorphism

2.   Anticline – Syncline
3.   Compression – Tension
4.   Normal fault – Reverse fault
5.   Dip-slip fault – Strike-slip fault

1.) Contact metamorphism – Regional metamorphism 2.) Anticline – Syncline

Anticline is a fold Both of them are Syncline is a fold

that is convex terms used to that is concave
upward and each describe folds upward and each
Both of mineral and It is a type of metamorphism half of the fold
This metamorphism is a type based on the folds dips toward
texture are being where rock minerals and dips away from
of where rock minerals and relative ages of the trough of the
changed by the cause texture are change by heat crest.
texture are changed mainly folded rock fold.
of the heat. and pressure over a wide
by heat due to contact with layers.
area or region.
magma and it only occurs in
a small region.

.   4.) Normal fault – Reverse fault 5.) Dip-slip fault – Strike-slip fault
3.) Compression – Tension

Faults which move
Tension refers to The hanging wall
Compression refers Compression and The hanging Dip slip fault is when along the direction Strike slip fault are
forces that attempt to They’re both a of the dip plane are
to forces that tension refer to elongate a body and is pushed the rock moves when rocks moves
attempt to shorten forces that wall is pulled hanging wall dip-slip faults and

the body and

the one that pulls towards the foot along the dip of the
described as either
alongside one and
attempt to materials apart. apart from the and both
normal or reverse
squeezes the deform an object. fault. (thrust), depending on another.
material together. footwall. relative to the their motion. Faults
which move
footwall. horizontally are known
as strike-slip faults and
are classified as either
right-lateral or left-
You are going to summarize the major points, concepts, generalized ideas that you  learned from this week’s topics in the 3-2-1 Plus Ideas table. 

**Note: Make a 3-2-1 plus table in your word document or have them hand-written in a long bond paper.
3 new ideas that I learned are…  What I learn about this week’s topic is how the parts of the earth processes.
 I learn how a fault is processing which is a break or a crack in a rock that causes it to move
 I also learn about the hanging wall that the earth system has which is a block of a rock above the fault line
Or above the crack on the rock
2 most important terms I remember..  From what I remember the most important thing is to study and do research about the earth system
 There are five active fault lines in the country, these are the Western Philippine Fault, the Eastern Philippine Fault; the South of Mindanao
Fault, the Central Philippine Fault, and the most famous one the Marikina Valley Fault or the West Valley Fault

1 big plan I need to do to apply what I  learned is..  I plan on sharing what I learn to others so that they can also learn how the earth system works

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