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Capital Budgeting and

Valuation with Leverage

Finance for AE

dr. Mario Bersem

University of Amsterdam

Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 1

Today’s Agenda

Chapter §18.1 - §18.5:

• Takes into account effect of tax deductibility of interest
payments on the investment decision (also cf. Chapter 15);
• three methods are covered:
– WACC (§18.2)
– Adjusted Present Value or APV (§18.3)
– Free Cash Flow to Equity or FCFE (§18.4)

Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 2

1. The project under consideration has the same risk as
the firm
– Assumption allows the use of the firm’s cost of capital to value
the project. It is maintained in §18.1 – §18.4 and relaxed in

2. The leverage ratio (D/E) remains constant

– Assumption allows use of the WACC method (cf. exercises in
tutorial #6).

3. Taxes are the only imperfection

– Taxes are only departure from perfect market assumptions.

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The Weighted Average Cost of Capital
(WACC) method
• Use after-tax WACC as a discount rate
• If we have constant D/E ratio, then we can discount
unlevered cash flows to determine levareged value:

rwacc = rE + rD (1 - t c )
E + D E + D

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Table 18.1: determine FCF

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Value of Levered Project
• Because the WACC incorporates the tax savings from
debt, we can compute the levered value of an
investment, by discounting its future free cash flow
using the WACC.


V 0
= + + + !
1 + rwacc (1 + rwacc ) 2
(1 + rwacc ) 3

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Suppose telco equipment co. Alcatal Lucent has:
• equity cost of capital of 9.4% ; debt cost of capita of
7.1% ;
• market capitalization of 9.49 bn ; enterprise value of
13 bn ;
• and the tax rate is 33%.
(a) Calculate WACC
(b) Given constant D/E-ratio, what is the value of the
project with the following expected cash flows:
Year 0 1 2 3
FCF -100 52 100 65
Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 7
9.49 13 - 9.49
a. rwacc = 9.4% + 7.1%(1 - 0.35) = 0.0686 + 0.0125 = 0.0811 = 8.11%
13 13
b. Using the WACC method, the levered value of the project at date 0 is
52 100 65
VL = + + = 48.10 + 85.56 + 51.44 = 185.1.
1.0811 1.08112 1.08113
Given a cost of 100 to initiate, the project’s NPV is 185.1 – 100 = 85.1.

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Debt Capacity
• Fixed D/(D+E) ratio (=d), therefore adjustments to
debt level are required over time
• Debt capacity = the level of debt that is needed to
maintain d:
Dt = d ´ Vt L
• VLt calculated as:
Value of FCF in year t + 2 and beyond
FCFt + 1 + Vt L+ 1
Vt L
1 + rwacc

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The Adjusted Present Value Method (APV)
• Calculate the levered value of the firm (VL) by:
1. Calculating the unlevered value of the firm (VU)
2. Then adding the value of the interest tax shield:
V L = APV = V U + PV (Interest Tax Shield)

Nota Bene: Use unlevered cost of capital (also called

pre-tax WACC) as a discount rate:
rU = rE + rD = Pretax WACC
E + D E + D

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1. Determine unlevered firm value:
V =å

t =1 (1 + rU )

2. Add present value of the interest tax shields:

ITSt = t c ´ INT = t c ´ rD ´ Dt -1

PV ( ITS ) = å
t =1 (1 + rU ) t

Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 12


• Equity cost of capital: 10%

• Market capitalization: 10.8 bln
• Enterprise value: 14.4 bln
• Debt cost of capital: 6.1%
• Tax rate: 35%
– (a). What is the unlevered cost of capital?
– (b). What is the unlevered value of the project?
– (c). What are the interest tax shields from the project?
What is their present value?

Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 13

10.8 14.4 − 10.8
rU = 10% + 6.1% = 9.025%
14.4 14.4
50 100 70
VU = + 2
+ 3
= 184.01
1.09025 1.09025 1.09025
• Using the results from the previous example:
Year 0 1 2 3
FCF –100 50 100 70
VL 185.86 151.64 64.52 0
D = d*VL 46.47 37.91 16.13 0.00
Interest 2.83 2.31 0.98
Tax Shield 0.99 0.81 0.34

The present value of the interest tax shield is

0.99 0.81 0.34
PV(ITS) = + 2
+ 3
= 1.85
1.09025 1.09025 1.09025

VL = APV = 184.01 + 1.85 = 185.86 Check answer with the WACC method!

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The Flow-to-Equity Method
• Calculate Free Cash Flow to Equity: i.e. excluding payments to
creditors (debt holders: interest and repayment)
• Value Equity Cash Flows using equity cost of capital
• Net Borrowing at t = Dt - Dt-1

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• The FCFE can also be calculated, using the free cash flow, as

FCFE = FCF - (1 - t c ) ´ (Interest Payments) + (Net Borrowing)

After-tax interest expense

Unlevered Net Income

FCF = (Re venues - Costs - Depreciation) ´ (1 - t C ) +

Depreciaiton - CapEx - DNWC )
NPV ( FCFE ) = å
t =0 (1 + rE ) t

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Example (18.10, BM 3rd Ed, 18.11 BM 4th Ed)
• Equity cost of capital: 10%
• Market capitalization: 10.8 bln
• Enterprise value: 14.4 bln
• Debt cost of capital: 6.1%
• Tax rate: 35%
– Calculate FCFE
– Is the result the same as before?

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• Using the debt capacity calculated in problem 5, we can
compute FCFE by adjusting FCF for after-tax interest expense
(D ´ rD ´ (1 – tc)) and net increases in debt (Dt – Dt – 1)
Year 0 1 2 3
D 46.47 37.91 16.13 0.00

FCF -$100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $70.00

After-tax Interest Exp. $0.00 -$1.84 -$1.50 -$0.64
Inc. in Debt $46.47 -$8.55 -$21.78 -$16.13
FCFE -$53.53 $39.60 $76.72 $53.23

39.60 76.72 53.23

NPV = −53.53 + + 2
+ 3
= $85.86
1.10 1.10 1.10

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Project-Based Cost of Capital
• What if the risk and the leverage of an investment project differ
from those of the company?
• Determine project-based cost of capital (cf. §18.5):
– Estimate unlevered cost of capital using other similar companies’ debt
and equity cost of capital ;
• Use the unlevered cost of capital to determine APV ;
• For WACC and Flow-to-Equity method: use project leverage to obtain equity cost of
capital, rE , and the WACC, rWACC

[Note:] If the leverage of the project differs from the risk of the
– Cash is negative debt
– Optimal leverage depends on project and firm characteristics
– Safe cash flows can be 100% debt financed

Finance for AE Lecture 12 Mar 17, 2020 19

• Three different methods to evaluate
investment projects (WACC, APV, FCFE)
• WACC method: if D/E ratio is constant
• APV: in all other cases easier as the discount
rate is independent of leverage (constant cost
of capital)
• FCFE: in some more complicated cases

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Summary Finance for AE
• The Firm, Balance sheet, Profit and loss statement, Cash flow statement
• Time value of money: present value and future value
• Bond valuation
• Investment decision rules (e.g. NPV, IRR, payback)
• Capital budgeting (finding the cash flows)
• Equity valuation
• Pricing of Risk, CAPM & efficient portfolio
• Capital structure perfect market (MM)
• Capital structure and tax shield, financial distress costs, agency costs
• Capital budgeting and valuation with leverage (WACC / APV)

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