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Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore Sep. 2022. – Jan.


19ECE201 Analog Electronics

Assignment 1
1. Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 1

Fig. 1

All the four diodes can be considered to be identical with a cut-in voltage of 0.6 V. If 𝑅1 =
𝑅2 = 𝑅3 = 𝑅5 = 10 𝑘Ω and 𝑅4 = 4.7 𝑘Ω and the input to the circuit is 𝑣𝑖 = 5 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡),
where f = 100 Hz,
(i) Analytically determine the average value of the voltage across the terminals AB.
(ii) Plot the input and output waveforms.
(iii) Using the 1N4004 model for the diode, simulate your circuit and compare the results
with your analysis. How will the output change if the diode is the BY79 ?
2. Given the C6V2 zener diode (download the datasheet), look at its’ datasheet and model its’
performance in the reverse bias condition. Simulate the operation of your model.
(i) What is the Zener voltage ? (ii) What is the Zener resistance ? (iii) What is the knee
current ? (iv) What will be the voltage across the Zener when the current through it is
25 mA ? (v) Design a shunt voltage regulator, using the model that you have built, to work
to the following specifications: (a) 7 𝑉 < 𝑣𝑖 < 9 𝑉; (b) 0 < 𝐼𝐿 < 50 𝑚𝐴. It is to provide a
nominal output of 6.3 V at 25 mA. (vi) Determine the load and line regulation for the above

1. Your submission is due by 2359 hrs of October 4, 2022. No excuses; no exceptions.
2. Please remember that the above is a deadline and that there is nothing to prevent you from submitting your
assignment before that time.
3. Your assignment should be submitted as a pdf attachment in AUMS. The pdf file should be named
“xxxx_22.y.pdf” (without the quotes), where y stands for the assignment number and xxxx represents the last
four digits of your roll number. Please note that any deviations from the above instructions will result in your
submission being deleted without notice. It is your responsibility to ensure that the pdf file is a faithful copy of
what you want to convey – no complaints of disappearing figures, strange fonts, gibberish looking letters, will
be entertained.
4. Note that your submissions are to be made to your individual classes (for 19ECE212) in AUMS and NOT to
the common class, created for taking the online quizzes in the subject.
5. A template for your assignment submissions is available in AUMS. All submissions should strictly follow that

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