1885 Diary

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1885 DIARY BEGINS ON JANUARY 7,1885 Wed. Jan 7, 1885 Pleasant & warm.

Chored about home this A.M. Went to Woonsocket this P.M. Very muddy. Elmer went with me. Got some grain &c&c got me some shirts. Thursday 8 Pleasant & cool. Got tubs ready & put the hams in & c & c. Carried a load of corn stalks &c to Wm. Clark 760 lbs. Fri. Jan. 9, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Chored about home some. Went to J. Smiths with Elmer to fix a drove well at Unionville. Carried a load of 760 meadow hay to Wm. Clark. Jos & Willie helped me load it. Alvah went to Franklin. Saturday 10 Pleasant but windy & cold. Chored about the house some. Got the corn into the house from barn. Alvah went & got the corn sheller from Hermons boys. Gone to Franklin this eve.

Sun. Jan. 11, 1885 Cloudy & cool, rain a little this eve. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. Bell from West Medway preached. Elmer went to Bellingham & about this P.M. Monday 12 Stormy most of the day. Chored about house some. We shelled 4 bushls corn, cut a little wood, pulled 1 bushl turnips & the been poles where B. Corcoran had his garden. The _?_ carried 7 bus potatoes to Franklin & got As Bycicle & have gone this eve to the rink Pleasant & cool. Chored about home some. Began to make a step for new house. Carted 6 load gravel to put in new house cellar. Worked in there this eve. Corbit helped this eve in the cellar. Elmer & Alvah went to Franklin & Unionville to day. Wednesday 14 Very Pleasant & cold. Fixed things to drive well with. Worked most the day cleaning out drain at new house. Jos. at Boston.

Tues. Jan 13, 1885

Thurs. Jan. 15, 1885 Stormy all day, snow. Cleared up in the wood house some & got the work bench in there & c & c. Friday 16 Stormy, snow & rain. Chored about some. Changed 2 pig and 10.00 for a heifer. Fixed for Plea her in horse barn.

Sat. Jan. 17, 1885 Stormy A.M. Cloudy P.M. Pleasant this eve. Very windy & growing cold. Made some stairs & sawed the old apple tree with cross cut saw. Elmer went to Bellingham & Franklin. Alvah gone to F. this eve with Aaron Carey. Sunday 18 Pleasant & cold. At home all day. Put blocks under stove in Parlor & started a fire there for the first time this winter.

Mon. Jan. 19, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Washed most the day. F.E. Paine came & got 645 lbs oats or straw. Alvah went to Franklin this eve with horse. Tuesday 20 Very pleasant & cold. Chored about, split some wood, helped F.E.Paine get straw 530 lbs. We carried 23 old sleepers to P. Cotter. Got old wheel ax & shelves of Allan Newell. Cloudy part & very pleasant part the day. Chored about house some. Worked on the new house cellar & carting gravel in there most the day. Elmer went to Woonsocket & Alvah to Franklin this P.M. & A is going to stay to night. Thursday 22 7/0 Very cold & Pleasant. Chored about. Sawed, split & got in wood. Alvah helped, he cam home at 9 1/2 A.M. Has gone to a dance at Lib Chilsons this eve.

Wed. Jan. 21, 1885

Fri. Jan. 23, 1885 2/0 Very cold & pleasant. Thrashed & winnowed pole beans. Cut some wood. Carried Mr. Ramson to Franklin. Alvah gone this eve. Saturday 24 Snowed in the night & rain & sleet today. Chored about house some. Thrashed the remainder of the beans & c & c. Elmer gone to Stockbridge & Alvah to Franklin this eve.

Sun. Jan. 25, 1885 Trees covered with ice in morn, but has thawed off. Was good sleighing in morn. Thawed some. It is P.M. now. Have been home all day. Elmer & Alvah gone to Franklin this eve. Going to write to Uncle Nathan this eve. Monday 26 Pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Winnowed the remainder of the beans & cleared up some in horse barn & c & c. Elmer went to Bellingham this P.M. & has gone to Franklin this eve after Alvah at skating rink.

Tues. Jan. 27, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Chored about home. Cut split & got in some wood ( posts, sleepers & c) Had the horse sharped. Elmer & Alvah went to Franklin this A.M. Alvah gone to a dance this eve. Wednesday 28 Very cold & stormy. Snowing most the day. We got in & sawed & split up 12 old ties & c & c.

Thurs. Jan. 29, 1885 0/4 Very cold & pleasant. Chored about house some. Split & helped cut up 7 old sleepers. Went to B. Guiles with the cow. I sold him for $30.00. Elmer went with the horse & brought me home. Friday 30 Pleasant and warm. We cleared snow off the ice. Cleared out ice house & got up 7 load, 56 cakes Jos. Willie, Alvah & I, with my horse. This eve, I went to Dea. Whitings, Mancy Daniels, A.J. Newells & Peter Adamses & got some milk.

Sat. Jan. 31. 1885 Very pleasant & cool. Fixed the sled a little & got ice most the day. Alvah drawed, I sawed, Jos. packed & Willie sawed some. This eve Elmer & Alvah went to Franklin. Walter Frost came home with them. Sunday, Feb. 1 Stormy all day. Snow at home all day. Walter Frost here. Very cold & windy. We sawed & got in 5 loads of ice to finish filling the house, I went & got a cow of M.M. Daniels for $20.00 & 2150 lbs. hay. Tuesday 3 Very pleasant & cold. Put up and delivered 6 bus. potatoes to G.W. Foster. Fixed slead for & carted 2 loads of hay to M.M. Daniels. 790 & 865 lbs = 1655 lbs Took job cutting ice for him.

Mon. Feb. 2, 1885

Wed. Feb. 4, 1885 Cloudy & cold began to storm. Mist a little before night. Cleared off snow & c & c. Sawed & got out 8 load of ice for M.M. Daniels. Alvah & Elmer went to Franklin this P.M. Alvah gone to a sleigh ride tonight to Norfolk. Thursday 5 Very pleasant and warm. Cut ice. 20 cakes for M.M. Daniels. I helped load. Carried 8 bus. Potatoes for Ms. Cochrans to Franklin. Called & see Bemis.

Fri. Feb. 6, 1885 Cloudy, snowed some in A.M. Carted a load of 830 lbs. hay to M.M. Daniels & a load of 775 to H. Bemis. Saturday 7 Very cold, but pleasant & windy. Chored about. Split some old sleepers & Alvah sawed & got them in. I went with a load of 780 lbs. hay to H. Bemis. At Job Greens a while this eve, boys gone to Franklin tonight.

Sun. Feb. 8, 1885 Cloudy & stormed. Some snow. Cold. Called in at Mr. Corbins & J. Grams a few minutes. Elmer went to Plainville & to Ginney. Alvah to Franklin with A. Carey in Eve. Monday 9 Very pleasant & cold frosty morn. Put 3 or 4 more ice cakes in ice house to load it up. Loaded a load of 900 lbs hay & carried to H. Bemis. Helped Alvah split up 12 old sleepers & he sawed them up & got them in. E & A gone to Franklin this eve.

Tues. Feb. 10, 1885 Rained hard most all night. Got up to look after it. Warm & stormy most the day. Cleared off , cold tonight. Carried a load of things for Fenchman to the Shanty on Bald Hill. Brought home a load of wood. Got ice out of the horse barn & tub. Wednesday 11 0 Very Cold & windy, clear. Chored about house some. Cut & got in some wood, 6 old ties. Began making saw horse. Alvah went to Franklin this A.M. and again this eve.

Thurs. Feb. 12, 1885 0/4 Very pleasant & cold. Made sawhorse. We split, sawed & got in 12 or more old ties. Elmer went to Dea. Whitings to fix sawing machine. Friday 13 4/0 Cold & pleasant. Put shoe on horse slead. Helped Alvah split & cut & got in 12 old ties. Went & got 2 load of saw dust (beyond Woodard place) & put in ice house. Jos. got 2 load. Boys gone to W. Wrights this eve.

Sat. Feb. 14, 1885 Cloudy & cold. Helped Alvah split & saw & get in old sleepers & c & c. Chored about house. Alvah gone to Franklin this eve & Elmer to Geo. Tingley to reading circle. Sunday 15 Very pleasant & cold. At home chored about all day. _?_ & Walter Metcalf came here from Ashland. Alvah went back with them. Is going to stay and work there. Elmer gone to meeting this eve & about.

Mon. Feb. 16, 1885 Very windy & stormed, snow some, most the day. Rains very hard this eve. Carted 12 old ties to J. Cotter. Stoped & helped J.Canney, 1 1/2 hs. on thawing out his water pipe. Rain comes in around the chimney tonight. Tuesday 17 Very cold & very windy. Chored about home. Helped J. Canney 2 or 3 hs. trying to thaw out his water pipe, but could not. Elmer went to Boston. Stays there tonight. I found, this P.M., the oven door had been on fire & was out & cold.

Wed. Feb 18, 1885 Snowed most the day. Cleared off about 3 P.M. Chored about house & c. Swept paths. Elmer came home tonight. Thursday 19 Pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Elmer went to Franklin with a passenger in A.M. & he went again this P.M.

Fri. Feb. 20, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Carted 2 load old tie to J. Cotter. 17 of them & chored about house. Saturday 21 Very pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Went & got a load of wood in Hermons pasture that I bought of Phersons in last summer. Drawed some food for cow from old barn. Ellis Cook, stay here tonight.

Sun. Feb. 22, 1885 Pleasant & cool, but a little warmer. Been at home all day. Elmer went to rakeville, S Bellingham & about & this eve, he has gone to Franklin. Monday 23 Very pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Cleared up some in old barn &c&. Elmer gone to a party this eve. I made a little cider this eve. Been at J. Greens a while.

Tues. Feb. 24, 1885 Very pleasant & little warmer. Very cold morn. Picked over & carried 2 bhls of apples to L. Goulah at Woonsocket. Carried 1 3/4 bus turnips, sold them to H. Smith. Got some grain &c. Elmer gone to Mr. Stockbridges this eve. Let water run full stream at barn tonight. Wednesday, 25 Snowed part of A.M. Cleared off, very pleasant & warm. Helped them about the Ice Cream for the Entertainment at the church. Cut the ice & c & c. Went after milk &c for it. Fixed scaffold top of granit beams for oats.

Thurs. Feb. 26, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Cold morn. Put up & Elmer carried the 11 1/2 bus potatoes to B. Corcorans to L. Fales at Franklin. I fixed scaffold & pitch the oats on over the floor & weighed up 375 lbs meadow hay & carried to Wm. Clark. Willie W helped some &J. Greene. 1 1/2 hs. Elmer gone to Amelia Mills this eve. Isabel here tonight. Friday 27 Pleasant & warm. Isabel washed for me. I helped ring &c. Carted a load of 957 lbs of hay to Wm. Clark. J. Greene helped load it. 1 1/2 hs. Carted some old plank back of barn & c & c.

Sat. Feb 28, 1885 Very pleasant & cool morn, but warm day. Drawed 3 load old ties & c from Canneys lot. Made a little cider & c & c. Elmer gone to Franklin this eve to get Alvah. Sunday, Mar. 1 Pleasant and warm most the day. But is rainy some this eve. Have been at home all day. Alvah came last night, is at Franklin this eve.

Mon. Mar. 2, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Elmer carried Alvah to Bellingham depot this P.M. We went to town meeting. Tuesday 3 Very pleasant & cool. Chored about house. Carried some irons up to Herman to fix for the buggy & to get notes signed & c & c. Elmer gone to Bellingham & about this eve.

Wed. Mar. 4, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Chored about house. Sawed some wood, made a little cider &c. Thursday 5 Pleasant & warm. Chored about house. They painted the car house. I painted my ladder. Got out some pumpkin seeds & c & c.

Fri. Mar. 6, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Chored about house. Went to the funeral of Mrs. Dean & to Franklin to bank & about. Elmer went with me. I sawed some wood in A.M. Saturday 7 Pleasant & thawed some. Chored about. Made a little cider. Cut a little wood & c & c. Elmer went to Franklin in eve to Taylers show.

Sun. Mar. 8, 1885 Snowed a little. At home all day. Wrote to B. Cathrane this eve. Monday 9 Pleasant & cold. Snowed a little this eve. Chored about home. Sawed some wood. Went & looked over the lot of Pine_?_ beyond McPhersons. Went to M.M. Daniels & got milk. We made 7 pies this eve.

Tues. Mar. 10, 1885 Very windy & cold. Pleasant. Sawed some wood. Made some cider & chored about . Elmer gone to Mr. Stockbridge this eve. Wednesday 11 Pleasant & very cold. Sawed & cut wood most the day, the pine from Pherson lot & old sleepers. Got a load of hay in to the horse barn from the old barn for cow.

Thurs. Mar. 12, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Chored about carried a load of 285 lbs hay to Wm. Clark. Made a little cider. Have a stiff neck. Friday 13 Very cold & squally. Sawed a little wood & chored about. Made sauce this eve.

Sat. Mar. 14, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Cut pumpkin & c & c. Cut a little wood. Picked over some apples & sold 8 bus. Made some cider this eve. Sunday 15 Cloudy & stormy this P.M. & eve rain hard. At home all day. Wrote to Alvah this eve.

Mon. Mar. 16, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Thawed some. Cut some wood made some cider. Trimmed & put 1 bus of turnips, Elmer carried them to Woonsocket. Emma came home and went with him. Tuesday 17 Very cold & pleasant. Chored about house. Cut some wood. Made some cider & c & c. This eve helped make some pies.

Wed. Mar. 18, 1885 Cold & Pleasant, but snowed some in P.M. Went to Boston. Went around with M.M. Daniels some. Went to Uncle Nathans. Thursday 19 Pleasant most the day & cold. Snowed a little this eve. Staid at Uncle Nathans last night & most of the A.M. Went & bought 20 blinds & went about city some.

Fri. Mar. 20, 1885 Very Cold & windy. Chored about home. Saturday 21 Very windy & very cold. Chored about home.

Sun. Mar. 22, 1885 Cold & windy. About home all day. Monday 23 Cold. Pleasant & windy at home. Choring about at work in sink pipes. They froze up & the water pipe to horse barn froze up for the first time this year.

Tues. Mar. 24, 1885 Cold & pleasant. Worked clearing the sink pipes & put it together. Elmer soldered it. Let the water run all night down stairs. Elmer carried Dr. Nolan home & to Dea. Whitings. Wednesday 25 Pleasant & cold & windy. Chored about. Sorted & put up a bbl apples for F.E. Hancock & carried them down to him. Went to D.C. Cotters & got a cask of oil &c. Elmer went down with me.

Thurs. Mar. 26, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Sorted & sold 2 bus Apples to Fales, the stove man for 1.80. Made some cider Scraped the house some & c & c. Friday 27 Pleasant part & cloudy part the day & warmer. Chored about home some. Went to Albert J. Gilmoress & about with him to see some cows. & c & c, but didnt get any. Called at Alfred Metcalf & see his apples. Drawed a load of hay .

Sat. March 28, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Chored about house. Fixed some for pantry & c & c. Made a little cider. Sunday 29 Snowed last night. Ground covered. Quite deep today. Cleared off before night. Been at home all day. Very pleasant, thawed some but quite a lot of snow on the ground now. Chored about home. Worked in shop some on the ladder. Tuesday 31 Pleasant most the day & warm, thawy. Fixed the ladder. Worked about house. Elmer went to Bellingham & to Woonsocket.

Wed. April 1, 1885 Mon. Mar. 30, 1885 Set a hen

Very pleasant & warm., but windy & muddy. Cleared out eve trough & fixed our house some. Picked over 2 bus apples for Branch Store. Greenys made some cider. Carted some ashes, 4 bbls in the orchard & c & c. Elmer gone to the church entertainment. Thursday 2 Cloudy & cold most the day. About home Scraped the house some. Fixed farm wagon stalls & chored about. Elmer made 6 pies this eve.

Fri. April 3, 1885 Very warm & pleasant. Chored about some. Trimed 1 bus turnips for D. Corse. Got ready & went with 1 load of goods for Lib Chilson to Unionville in G. Pond house. Very bad, muddy going. Uncle Nathan & Mrs. Tilton Came to night. Saturday 4 Stormy all day. Rain. About house most the day.

Sun. Arpil 5, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Went to meeting in A.M. Very pleasant. Cold morn, but warm day. Chored about. Washed Elmers buggy & c & c. Went & got piece of iron by ledge shop & fitted into fireplace downstairs. Helped move stove & Elmer went to Franklin. Got lead & paint. He began to paint the blinds. Wednesday 8 Cloudy & stormy some. Helped Elmer make some pies &c. Made a shelf for on sink down stairs. Made & painted step for new house. Cleared up some on the bench in wood house. Elmer went to Hermons & to So. Bellingham this eve.

Monday 6 Very pleasant & cool. Got ready & went to Mr. Chilsons & loaded a load of goods & carried to Unionville. Came home & fed the horse & he came with me & after we went & got another load, the last and came to Unionville. Didnt get home till past 10 P.M.

Tues. April 7, 1885

Thurs. April 9, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Made 4 jacks to paint on. Painted the step & helped Elmer some. He painted 5 set of blinds or primed them. Friday 10 Cloudy & cold most the day. Chored about home. Changed down stairs sink pipe. Sawed a little wood. Fixed Uncle Nathans saw horse & c & c. Elmer gone to Woonsocket & about this P.M.

Sat. April 11, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Cleared up some in shop & c & c. Sunday 12 Cloudy & stormed. Some rain & snow. Went to Meeting in the A.M. Norfolk minister preached here. Elmer went to concert this eve.

Mon. April 13, 1885 Cloudy part the day & cool. Trimed some turnips. 3 bus & picked over 2 1/2 bus apples & carried to Woonsocket. Got some grain & c & c. Tuesday 14 Cloudy part the day. Chilly & cold. Chored about, put up 18 bus turnips & carried to Woonsocket. Sold to Wm. Powers. Geo. Miller helped put them up. Elmer went to Boston to Alvahs bycycle in, stays to night.

Wed. April 15, 1885 Pleasant & cold. Chored about house. Carted some the old lumber from garden lot to old barn pasture & to wood pile. Had horse shoed. Elmer came home. Uncle Nathan went to the conference with Joseph. Sold Charles Dean a load of hay, 960 lb. Thursday 16 Pleasant, cold & windy. Helped mix up 100 lbs lead for painting. Fixed house some. Went & got Mr. Canneys leaddel & put in 6 rounds. Went to G.W. Fosters. Elmer went to Franklin. Mr. H. Hancock helped mix paint 1 hour.

Fri. April 17, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Ice 1/8 in thick this morn. Elmer went & got Mr. H. Hancock to paint. He painted the south end. I fixed the packs & the staging & scraped the house & c. Trimed 5th bus turnips & carried to Mancy Daniels. Washed the buggy. Elmer gone to Bellingham this eve. Saturday 18 Very pleasant & warm. Cold morn, froze water. Helped on the house. Scraped & fixed it. Put step at next house & c & c. Elmer went to finish this eve.

Sun. April 19, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Cold morn. At home all day. John Metcalf came here & went this P.M. Sarah & the child went back with him. Monday 20 Very pleasant & very warm, but frosty morn. Worked on the house, carpentering & scraping & c & c. H. Hancock painted the north end or part of it. Elmer painted blinds, 10 pair this P.M. E.Mahoney helped some. Elmer gone to Woonsocket this eve.

Tues. April 21, 1885 Fire Very warm & pleasant. Worked on the house part of the day, fixing clapboards & cleaning & c. Went up to fighting, fire on J.P. Rays land about 10A.M. & the painter went about 11A.M. The largest fire ever saw. Elmer carried him home tonight & went to Franklin. Wednesday 22 Very warm & pleasant. Worked on the house & chored about. Put up apples, potatoes & turnips. Mr. Hancock painted. Elmer went & got him & carried him home & sent turnips, potatoes & apples to Franklin this eve. E. Worked on his buggy this P.M.

Thurs. April 23, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Got ready & went to Jos. Smiths. I worked on his drove well all day. Pulled it up & drove it again with our point & pumped most the P.M. E. Went to Franklin & I walked home from Beaver Pond Road. Friday 24 Very pleasant & warm. Worked on the house blinds. Elmer painted some of them & his buggy. Mr. Hancock finished the first coat this morn & the 2 coat on the South End tonight. Elmer went & got him & carried him home tonight.

Sat. April 25, 1885 Very pleasant & cooler. Worked on the house & blinds. Putting & hanging some the blinds & c & c. Elmer went & got Mr. Hancock & carried him home tonight. He finished painting the front & the gable end. John here to night. Sunday 26 Stormy most the day & cold. Carried John Metcalf up to his wood lot to see how it was burned. Helped Elmer make some pies & c & c.

Mon. April 27, 1885 Pleasant but very windy & cool. Helped on the house or about the painting. Mr. Hancock painted the doors & end of the L & port of the north side. E carried him home tonight. I went & see M.M. Daniels cows, hoed over the asparagus this eve. Tuesday 28 Cloudy part the day. Windy & cool, rained a little. Elmer went & got Mr. Hancock & carried him back to night. He finished painting the house except the sash & blinds that Elmer is going to paint.

Wed. April 29, 1885 Very stormy & cold. Chored about. Put some fixtures on blinds. Picked over some potatoes & c & c. Elmer painted the 6 ctr blinds. Thursday 30 Very pleasant & cool. E went to J. Smiths & drove a well for him in A.M. This P.M., hoed the currants & strawberry & hung 3 blinds & c & c. Elmer gone to Franklin this eve.

Fri. May 1, 1885 Stormy all day & cool. Worked about house & cellar some. Carted 1 load of 15 ties to J. Cotter & c & c. Elmer painted some blinds. Finished the new ones & 2 prs of old ones. Saturday 2 Stormy most the day. Cold. Worked about house some cleaned out the refrigerator. Cleaned out the hogs nest. Hooped tub to put in cellar & c & c.

Sun. May 3, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Ground froze this morn. Went to meeting on A.M. Monday 4 Cloudy & cold. Ground frost. Chored about. Put up 13 bus turnips & carrots to Woonsocket to Wm. Powers. Got some grain & c & c. Elmer went with me.

Tues. May 5, 1885 Got Cow of MMD. Cold morn frosty & froze some. Pleasant. Chored about. Carted a load of dirt from bank of new house to hog pen. Hung 6 pr. Blinds & c & c. Traded hay & straw for a cow of M.M. Daniels. Weighed 820 lbs for 20.00. E. went to Franklin this eve. Wednesday 6 Cloudy & cold. Chored about . Hung 3 pr. Blinds. Helped A. Canney plow a garden for C. Corbit - 1 1/2 hs. Moved the water clossit. Sold Mrs. H. P. Pond 165 lb hay & straw. Let a piece of planting to Wm. Hill on shairs. He to pay for 1/2 the plowing & 1/2 the seed & harvest it &c.

Thurs. May 7, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Rains this eve. Chored about. Fixed the water closet at new house. Trimed & sent 3 bus turnips to M.M. Daniels. Friday 8 Cloudy & cool rains since 4 P.M. Thrashed a few oats & carried the straw up to Mr. Pickels, 100 lbs. Went round the pasture & put up the wall & c & c. Put up Mrs. S. Wilcoxes hay seed. E carried it over. Hung 2 blinds.

Sat. May 9, 1885 Pleasant & Cool. Harrowed on Corbits garden. Went & got a load of old timbers for P. Greene at R. Cook place, 2 hs. Sunday 10 Pleasant & Cool. At home all day. Wrote to Alvah.

Mon. May 11, 1885 Pleasant most the day & cold. Carted 32 sleepers to J. Cotter. Carted 2 load of old lumber from back of horse barn. Cleared up round the piece top of hill & fills up holes to plow there. Tuesday 12 Pleasant & cold morn. Ice in tub. Carted some posts & rails up mine hill & some old stuff to wood pile &c. Went & got a load of lumber for P. Greene , 2 hs +.

Wed. May 13, 1885 Cloudy part the day. Warmer, but cool. Aaron Canney plowed for me on top of mine hill. I helped in A.M.& some in P.M. Went a got a load of old lumber for Jeb Green this P.M. , 2 1/4 hs. Elmer gone to Woonsocket this eve to carry Corbit. Thursday 14 Stormy all day, colder N. E. Storm. Sold & on pitched on 2 load of hay, 1,900 lbs to J. Canney. Worked on Cellar some. Cleared up in back room some & chored about.

Fri. May 15, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Helped Aaron Canney plow top the hill & c. He finished it 2 1/2 or 3/4 & plowed the old ground back of horse barn 6 1/2 hs or more. W. Hill, in A.M., throwed over manure & in P.M. harrowed part the piece top hill & we furrowed some & got the old stuff off back of horse barn. Saturday 16 Pleasant & warm. Carted ashes & plaster & c up top the hill. 7 bbl ashes. 1 bush plaster - 2 1/2 bus potatoes. Helped clean up house some & hang 2 pairs of blinds.

Sun. May 17, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. W. Mansfield preached. Walter Frost here, came last night. Elmer & he went off this eve. Wrote to B. Corcoran. Monday 18 Cloudy & rained hard part of P.M. Plowed a little & harrowed & furrowed some back of horse barn & laid out 2 load of manure & planted a few hills of potatoes.

Tues. May 19, 1885 Very pleasant & very warm. Planted some potatoes (pearl seva) & some beanes & pease, corn & cucumbers. Laid out 2 load of manure. Elmer went to Bellingham. Wednesday 20 Pleasant & warm. W. Hill harrowed 2 hs - I helped furrow the beans & get out 2 load manure. He had horse 2 hs & 1 1/2 he picked over 2 bus apples for Boston branch & E carried to Woonsocket & got 6 bus oats & 2 of meal.

Thurs. May 21, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Wm. Hill helped me cart off stones 3/4 hour. I helped him furrow on the piece back of horse barn & c & c. Hurt my knee. Elmer gone off with Aaron this eve. Friday 22 Very pleasant & warm. Wm Hill worked for me 9 hs throwing over & spreading manure & harrowing. Carted manure over the piece back of horse barn & sowed 1 bus oats.

Sat. May 23, 1885 Stormy most the day. Carted 2 casks ashes, 1/2 cask plaster & 2 bus potatoes up the hill & helped furrow 1/2 hour. Broke the plows point. Hill throwed over manure for me 4 hs in the hog pen. Sunday 24 Water Pleasant most the day. Cloudy & damp this eve. At home all day. Water began to run up here again this P.M.

Mon. May 25, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Damp part. Sowed the hayseed on the piece back of horse barn. Stuck a few bean poles & c & c. Went & helped Aaron Canney milk for Mancy Daniels 2 hs. Elmer & Mrs Tilton went to Woonsocket. Tuesday 26 Bees Swarmed Very pleasant & warm furrowed Uncle Nathans garden & some for J. Greene. Planted some pole beans. Cut & made a bush. W. Hill bushed in the hayseed & c, 4 hs. I went & done chores for M.M. Daniels. Milk &c to night . Carried 1 bus potatoes top the hill.

Wed. May 27, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Carted dirt into the meadow & 5 loads to hog pen from new house. Wm. Hill helpd 4 1/2 hs. Drawed 2 carts ashed up the hill to him. Set out some cabbage from seed. This eve went to a Festival at church with Mrs. Tilton. Thursday 28 Very pleasant & cool. Carted load of dirt to the hog pen. Carted manure on to hill by brook garden. Wm. Hill helped to day. Aaron Canney plowed for me 4 hs this P.M. I went & traded for a horse hoe of G.W. Foster. E gone this eve.

Fri. May 29, 1885 Frost this morn, but warm & pleasant today. Wm. Hill carted manure on the piece by brook meadow. Aaron Canney finished plowing it, 6 hs. I fixed the roll & rolled the piece back of horse barn. Sold or engaged old cow & calf to BM Guild to deliver next week - Wednesday. Elmer off this eve. Saturday 30 Cloudy & rained a little. Wm. Hill throwed our manure & harrowed & c for me. Helped Canney plow a piece for J. Corbit on my lot. Carted a load of 910 lbs hay to G.W. Foster. Got horse hoe borrowed. J Canney harrowed & carried it home. Worked on brook meadow hill &c. Alvah & Alvah Metcalf came.

Sun. May 31, 1885 Cloudy & stormy some. At home . Oliver Daniels staid here & his team last night. Alvah went back this A.M. Elmer carried him to Franklin. Alvah Metcalf here tonight. Have 20 Wyandit chicks. Monday, June 1 Pleasant part the day. Worked in the cellar cleaning up & c & c. Elmer carried Alvah Metcalf to Unionville & to Bellingham.

Tues. June 2, 1885 Very pleasant & cool. Aaron Canney plowed for me 8 hs on the gransord back horsebarn. 6 hs & 2 on race meadow lot. I helped some. Wednesday 3 Pleasant & cool morn. Aaron Canney came & finished plowing the race meadow lot 2 1/2 hs. I helped some. Worked on the other lot some. Cleared out the privey or throwed & worked it over. Let cow down to B.M. Guild & E carried a calf. I sold him. I walked.

Thurs. June 4, 1885 Pleasant A.M. Cloudy & rained some in P.M. Harrowed some by race meadow & harrowed some here. Wm. Hill planted 10 rows corn over the hill &c. Bought cow & calf of M.M. Daniels, 40.00. Friday 5 Stormy most the day. Picked over 1 bus apples & carried to Woonsocket. *Went to Barnum Circus & c. Carried beans & potatoes to Wm. Hill. Elmer went with me, got grain.
*See advertisement for Barnums Circus next page

Sat. Jun 6, 1885 Bees swarmed. Very peasant & cool.. Ed Mosers & Wm. Hill worked for me. We planted 16 rows pop corn, 8 rows pole beans, 5 rows fodder corn & most a bus pearl savoy potatoes, a few beauty of Hicbron. Laid out the manure. Elmer gone to F. this eve. Sunday 7 Pleasant part & cloudy with a little rain part the day. At home all day. Elmer off this eve.

Mon. Jun 8, 1885 Very warm. Pleasant part the day, but about 3 P.M. rained hard. Eddie Moses worked here. Dug up round the trees where we plowed. Throwed some manure out of the hog pen. Tuesday 9 Pleasant & cold. Eddie Moses worked for me. Throwed over manure & helped on the fence top hill. 1 1/4 hs & he harrowed on the piece back of horse barn most of P.M. I got & carried back J. Canneys harrow. Wm. Hill & I made the fence top mine hill. E gone with Aaron.

Wed. Jun 10, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Cold morn. Wm. Hill & Eddie Moses worked for me, laid out manure & planted 1 1/2 bus E Rose Potatoes. I sowed the piece by brook meadow to Hungarian & grass seed, harrowed brushed & rolled it in. Thursday 11 Pleasant & warm. Wm. Hill & Eddie Moses wokred for me. We furrowed & drawed the manure on the piece back of horse barn & planted 1 qt. yellow beans, 2 qts field corn & some potatoes. Gave Dr. Nolan my note to settle.

Fri. Jun 12, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Worked over the butter & chored about house. Planted some corn, yellow eye beans, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins & mellon seeds & some potatoes. Late cachum kind. Elmer went to Franklin & Crimpvill & c. Saturday 13 Very pleasant & warm. Covered manure for turnips. Planted some beans, sweet corn for fodder & c & c. Finished piece back of horse barn. Elmer gone to a Festival at Bellingham this eve.

Sun. Jun 14, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. At home all day. Elmer gone to concert and about this eve. Monday 15 Very warm & pleasant. Skimmed milk & churned & chored about house. Horse hoed the garden & hoed some of it. Picked over & sold 2 bus apples & 1 of potatoes & c & c. Cars broke down here this P.M. Elmer gone this eve.

Tues. June 16, 1885 Very warm, had a little shower in P.M. Hoed the garden & planted 13 hills pole beans, some beet seed & some sweet corn over again. Went & got a load of peabrush. Elmer gone this eve. Wednesday 17 Cloudy part & warm. Helped Jos hive his bees in morn that came out yesterday. Went & put in a pump for Dea. W. Whiting in his ciston. Set out 12 tomato plants & 12 for Uncle Nathan & 100 cabbage plants & some squash. E gone.

Thurs. June 18, 1885 Warm & pleasant. Helped about house some. Set out some cabbage plants. Mowed a little side the road & by bees & c & c. Elmer gone to Festival at church this eve. Friday 19 Warm & pleasant. Worked in & about house. Bushed the peas. Raked up the hay 4 or 5 tumbles. Harrowed part the piece by race meadow. Elmer gone to Boston & about.

Sat. June 20, 1885 Very warm & pleasant. Harrowed, sowed hungarian & grass seed on the race meadow piece. Bushed & rolled it in & worked about the house. Went to Woonsocket this eve. Had horse shod new. Sunday 21 Pleasant & warm. Went & fixed Mrs. Hopkins pump. Went to meeting in A.M. Went & got Dr. Clark for Minnie Wales. Scum lot milk & c & c.

Mon. Jun 22, 1885 Cloudy & rained some & pleasant part the day. Worked in house most the day. Scimmed milk & churned. Fixed section for A. Canney & paint for J. Guild. Mowed a little & c & c. Elmer came home. Tuesday 23 Pleasant & cool. Mowed a little 5 tumbles. Helped Wm. Hill horse - hoe 2 hs on the hill. Helped Eddie Moses hoed there. I horse hoed Uncle Nathans garden & hoed most of it. The crows have pulled most of my corn. Elmer went off this eve.

Wed. Jun 24, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Chored about. Finished hoeing my & Uncle Nathans garden. Took the water bbl out to fix. Pulled white weed & c & c. Elmer off this eve. Thursday 25 Very pleasant & warm. Scimmed milk & chored about house some. Horse hoed some back horse barn by loing tree & planted some beans & squashed where the crows pulled the corn. Hoed some there. Elmer gone this eve.

Fri. June 26, 1885 Very warm & pleasant Fixed the mowing machine & mowed the orchard by house. Mowed this eve till 9 OClock. Hoed some & planted squash seeds where crows pulled the corn. Saturday 27 Very warm & pleasant. Helped Wm. Hill horse hoe on the hill 1 1/2 hs. Hoed & planted beans in 2 roes of my corn & spread & raked up my hay & chored about house some & c & c. Elmer gone to Franklin this eve.

Sun. June 28, 1885 Cloudy most the day & warm. Rains some tonight. Have been at home all day. Elmer gone this eve. Monday 29 Pleasant part & showery part the day. Very warm. Chored about house some. Churned, cultivated & hoed the rest of the field corn & planted beans where crows pulled it & c & c. Elmer rode horse to cultivate some & c & c. E & I went to G.W. Fosters wedding.

Tuesday June 30, 1885 Cloudy & cool. Chored about house some. Planted my turnip seed. Ashed the pop corn & c & c. Elmer off this eve. Wednesday, July 1 Cloudy & cool. Chored about. Hoed some the pop corn. Went over Uncle Nathans meadow with Mr. Stockbridge. Elmer off this eve.

Thurs. July 2, 1885 Cow. Very pleasant, warm. Chored about. Opened & turned & got in the hay. 2 loads to horse barn. Mowed & raked part the piece front of old barn. 16 tumbles. P. Green helped 1 hs. Went to G.W. Fosters with best cow tonight. Friday 3 Minnie Wales married. Pleasant most the day. Elmer carried Frank Bennet to Franklin this morn. I opened, made & got in 1 load of hay to old barn. Cultivated the pop corn & hoed a little. E off tonight.

Sat. July 4, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Chored about house some. Ground the section & c. Mowed the remainder this side the swale, front of old barn & tumbled it up. 38 bbls. Elmer rode to rake it. He has gone Hiland lake this eve. Sunday 5 Pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Went & looked at my crops with H.B. Miller. Caught 2 wood chucks.

Mon. July 6, 1885 Very warm, cloudy most the day. F. Kenney worked for me. Hoed the pop corn. Cabbages, fodder corn & some of the beans. Mowed part the orchard & raked it up & c & c. Elmer went to Woonsocket this P.M. Tuesday 7 Very warm & cloudy most the day. Got a few potatoes &c out the cellar. Churned, mowed the hen yard & the remainder of the orchard & raked it up &c. Mowed some in race meadow this eve. F. Kenney worked here. E off this eve.

Wed. July 8, 1885 Shower & rained hard last night, but very pleasant & warm today. Finished mowing the upland of race meadow. Made & got in 4 load hay to old barn in the mow. F. Kenney helpd us. Thursday 9 Isabel came here to work Very warm & pleasant till most night, than had a hard shower about 5:30 & rained this eve. F. Kenney helped me mowed some beyond swale front of old barn by RR. Got in 2 load to old barn & Jos run in 1 load for me & 1 small one got wet & all was spread.

Fri. July 10, 1885 Warm & cloudy most of A.M. Pleasant P.M. F. Kenney worked here. We unloaded the hay & made & got in 3 load to old barn. J. Greene helped 1 hour. Mowed some beyond the swale. Broke the machine this eve. Saturday 11 Very warm & pleasant. Cleared corn & c out of _?_ Helped put spring on Elmers buggy & went to Bellingham and bought mowing machine cythe &c. Elmer went with me. F. Kenney worked here. Got 3 load hay on to old barn. W. Frost come this A.M.

Sun. July 12, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in A.M. John Metcalf & Earnest went home in morning. I helped make ice cream. Lot here to day. Monday 13 Very pleasant & warm. Helped Isabel some about the washing. Churned & fixed machine & moved the remainder beyond the swale & some back of shop & some back this eve. Frank Kenney worked here. Hoed some & c & c.

Tues. July 14, 1885 Stormy part the day. Chored about. Ground cythe. Went up to Hermons & got some cabbage & beet plants & set out potatoes, some turnips & c & c. Wednesday 15 Off T. Corbett Very pleasant & warm. Mowed the remainder back of shop & a path threw the oats & the piece by Dea. W Seane. Got in 1 load of hay to horse barn . J. Greene helped & we helped him. F. Kenney helped me.

Thurs. July 16, 1885 Very warm & pleasant. Mowed some among the pines & took care of the hay. Got 2 load in to the horse barn. F. Kenney helped & Jeb Greene 1 hour getting in. Alvah came home. Elmer off this eve.

Friday 17 Very warm & very pleasant. Finnished mowing among the pines. The machine mowing got 3 load in to old barn. Alvah helped get it in. F. Kenney helped.

Sat. July 18, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. At home all day. Elmer went to Franklin, to Bellingham & about. Alvah went back this P.M. Sunday 19

Mon. July 20, 1885 Warm & pleasant. Helped Isabel some about the washing & c. Mowed the oats back of horse barn, most of them with the horse. Made & got in 1 load of hay to old barn. Sprouted 5 bus potatoes. Elmer had buggy tires set. Tuesday 21 Very warm & pleasant most the day. Had a shower this P.M. about 5 oclock. Mowed part the swale front of old barn. Raked part the oats & c & c. Elmer gone to Ashland, Framingham & about.

Wed. July 22, 1885 Very warm & pleasant. Finished mowing the swale front of old barn. Worked the butter. Got in 1 load of hay & 1 load of oats to the old barn. Willie helped with there horse. T. Corbit packed his goods to day & they have gone to Boston. Thursday 23 Very warm & pleasant. Mowed a little in race meadow. Got in 1 load oats & 1 of hay to old barn. Willie helped. I helped him get in 1 load & c & c. Jos went to Boston. Got his horse in the mud.

Fri. July 24, 1885 Very warm & pleasant part the day. Worked butter &c. Mowed some in race meadow. Got in 1 load of hay to old barn. Saturday 25 Cloudy most the day & very warm. Churned, picked potato bugs, Horse hoed some & hoed some & c & c. Arthur Metcalf here tonight.

Sun. July 26, 1885 Very warm & cloudy most the day. At house all day. Arthur Metcalf went home this P.M. Monday 27 Very pleasant & warm to day. Helped Isabel about the washing &c some. Leib Chilson came about 8 , ground the cyths & mowed this side the brook in race meadow. Got 1 load into horse barn with his horse.

Tues. July 28, 1885 Very pleasant & warm . Leib Chilson & I mowed brook meadow & raked it into winrows. Tied part of it. Got 1 load in to old barn & 1 for P. Greene. Elmer came home this eve. Leib cut his finger. Wednesday 29 Cloudy part this day. Warm. Leib Chilson helped me. I churned. Got 4 load of hay from brook meadow. 995 & 1180 & 925 & 740 = 3840. Carried 2 load to Wm. Clark.

Thurs. July 30, 1885 Cloudy & warm most the day. Carted 1 load of hay up to Wm. Clark. Elmer & Emma started off about 2 P.M. with the cow for John Metcalf. Sold her for 50.00 to him. Friday 31 Cloudy part the day & looked like showers, but had none. Is very very dry. Warm. Chored about house. Elmer came home to night.

Sat. Aug. 1, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Warm & showers this eve. Chored about. Picked potato bugs. Mowed about the house & c & c. Sunday 2 Cloudy & rained some. At home. Elmer gone off with horse this P.M.

Mon. Aug 3, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Stormed some. Cooler. Went to G.W. Fosters with cow. Got some things ready to carry to drive a well. Hoed some & weed some turnips & c. Elmer off this eve. Mrs. C. K. Wadsworth up here to tea. Tuesday 4 Rained hard part of A.M. Pleasant most of P.M. Warm. Chored about. Weed, thinned & set out turnips. Pulled weeds & c & c. Elmer gone to Sheldonville & Franklin this eve.

Wed. Aug. 5, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Got ready & started for Milton at 8:45 A.M. Mr. Straton took us (Elmer & I.) from Mattapan to his house. Had to go to the blacksmiths & got part made. Began to drive a well about 3 P.M. Got driven about 8 or 9 ft. Is very hard. Isabel went home. Thursday 6 Rained a little last eve. Pleasant most the day. Staid at T. Hunts last night. He carried us to depot this morn & Elmer gone to Ashland . I to Boston. Came out to T. Hunts tonight.

Fri. Aug. 7, 1885 Very pleasant & cooler. Went to Dr. Stratons, rode out with T. Hunt. Pulled up the pipe with jack in A.M. & drove in P.M. to hold driving. _? _ go about 5 P.M. Saturday 8 Pleasant & warm. Cold tonight. Road out to Dr. Stratons with T. Hunt & Mr. Straton carried us to Hyde Park & we got home at 9:30 A.M. Had horse shod. Chored about home & c & c. Elmer went to North Attleboro tonight.

Sun. Aug. 9, 1885 Pleasant & cooler. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. Smith preached. Elmer gone to the concert this eve. Monday 10 Cloudy most the day. Warm. Elmer went to Milton to work on the well. I chored about home . Went & paid M.M. Daniels note. Pulled some beans & c & c.

Tues. Aug. 11, 1885 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Very warm. Got the machine up & ground & mowed a part of the hungarian by brook meadow. Mowed some by hand. Is very stout & good. M.M. Daniels came to traid for it tonight. Elmer came home in morn, is gone to Franklin this eve. Wednesday 12 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Very warm. Chored about house some & went to mowing the hungarian. Finished it about 4 1/4 & raked some of it. Mowed part by hand. Traded it to M.M. Daniels for 5. & a heifor. Geo. Frost & wife came this morn. Isabel here.

Thurs. Aug. 13, 1885 Cloudy part. Pleasant part. Very warm. Rained at noon. Worked on the Hungarian. Spreading, thinning & raking. Went & got a 2 year old heifor of M.M. Daniels. Friday 14 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Chored about house some. Turned the hungarian & raked it up. Helped Maney get it. Carted him 1 load &he carted 3 load. F. Bennet helped in P.M. Geo Frosts folks here. E went to Franklin with her.

Sat. Aug. 15, 1885 Pleasant most the day & warm. Turned the hungarian & helped get in 2 load. Picked a few apples. Elmer went to No. Attleboro this eve. Sunday 16 Calf Pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. W. Mandell preached. Heifor had a ded calf this morn.

Mon. Aug. 17, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Helped some about the washing. Went to see M.M. Daniels. He was gone. Went to see G.W. Foster. He came & helped about the heifor. Carted old ties to Picket & Fenton. 3 hs, 64 ties. Elmer went to Franklin. Geo. Frost & wife went home. Tuesday 18 Pleasant & warm. Chored about. Carted old ties 2 1/2 hs. To Picket & Fenton. 46. Carted the wood in small loads home for new house. Mrs. Corbetts goods went to day.

Wed. Aug. 19, 1885 Rained some. Warm. Carried Elmer & Aaron Canney to Franklin. With his horse to be _?_ for shoes. Cleared up cellar to new house. Worked on the mowing machine some & c & c. Thursday 20 Very pleasant & warm. Fixed the machine & mowed the Hungarian in race meadow. Picked & sold some apples & c & c.

Fri. Aug. 21, 1885 Very pleasant A.M. Cloudy P.M. Rained a little. Chored about. Picked & picked over some apples. Carried 2 bus to Woonsocket.. Got some c corn & oats & c & c. Saturday 22 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Had a shower about 2 1/2 P.M. or 3. Picked a few apples & turned the Hungarian. Raked some till it rained. Mrs. Wm. Miller here this P.M. & to tea. Elmer came home to night & has gone to Franklin.

Sun. Aug 23, 1885 Cloudy & warm. Rain this eve, went to meeting in A.M. Elmer off with horse to night. Monday 24 Cloudy most the day. Rained some this P.M. & eve picked some apples. Worked on the hungarian some. Mr. Ingels out from Boston. Nellie Frost came this morn. Sold 2 bus of apples to Barrot, 1 to Geo. Wales, to Mandell.

Tues. Aug 25, 1885 Stormy all day. Chored about some. Fixed handles & c in some old axes. Fixed in the hog pen some & c & c. Wednesday 26 Very pleasant part & cloudy part the day. Cold to night. Picked a few apples. Chored about. Trimmed & raked about the hungarian. It was very wet. Went to M.M. Daniels this eve. Marianna Gould here this P.M. to tea. Elmer went to Diamond Hill this P.M.

Thurs. Aug. 27, 1885 Pleasant most the day & cool. Picked few apples. Opened & turned the Hungarian & raked & trimmed it up & c & c. Elmer carried Mrs. Hopkins to Medway & he went to N. Arnolds to meeting this eve. Friday 28 Very pleasant. Cold morn. Chored about. Turned & got in the Hungarian. 1125 lbs to horse barn. Pulled a lot weeds & c & c. Carted 2 load of split old ties to Picket & Fenton, 1 1/4 hs.

Sat. Aug. 29, 1885 Pleasant most the day. Picked a few apples. Helped about house some & c & c. Walter Frost came in A.M. Alvah came tonight. Elmer went for Dr for Bertha Wales. Sunday 30 Stormy all day. At home choring about. Walter & Nellie Frost, Alvah & a lot more here today.

Mon. Aug. 31, 1885 Cloudy & rained some & pleasant part the day. Helped Isabel some about the washing. Picked a few apples & c & c. Elmer carried Alvah & Nathan Frost to Franklin in morn & Sarah Hancock home this eve. Several here today. Geo Warrel & wife came to Jos today. Tuesday, Sept. 1 Pleasant & warm most the day. Shower this eve. Churned, picked apples & c & c. Went to Milford & looked over my lumber & sold 100 ft to A A Newell. Elmer gone with Steve Richardson today. He carried Nellie Frost to Franklin in morn. Hasnt got home yet.

Wed. Sept. 2, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Cool tonight. Picked some apples & chored about. Put cows front old barn a while. Picked lot cherries. Fixed chicken coops. Mr. Wright took his 1/2 of the Wyondats. Elmer went to Franklin to get Nellie Frost & with Sarah this eve. Thursday 3 Very pleasant. Cool. Chored about some. Have felt sick & lame all day. Have done but little. Elmer went to Auction at Bellingham.

Fri. Sept 4, 1885 Very pleasant & warm, but rained this eve. At 9 & after mowed the rowin by Dr. W. Laine & raked it into beds. See to the trains, Jos & Willie & the girls went to Nantasket. Saturday 5 Ida went home to night Cloudy & warm & rained some. Geo, went home tonight. Picked a few apples. Churned, spread the rowen & c & c. Isabel got through here tonight.

Sun. Sept. 6, 1885 Very pleasant & warm, but cold tonight. Some frost this morn. Have been at home all day. Shot a skunk that was in my trap. Raked the rowen into winrow that I had spread. Monday 7 Pleasant & warm. Spread & raked up the rowen. Chored about. Sold the Heifor to Mr. Gorman for 32. Heifor boards & apples for 33.50.

Tues. Sept. 8, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Chored about. Picked some apples. Tuned the rowen & got it in to old barn. 1 load 7 or 800. Uncle Nathan & Mrs. Tilton come tonight. Wednesday 9 Rained in night & some this morn. Chored about. Picked a few apples & I got ready & went to Woonsocket this A.M. Carried apples & c. Got grain & c.

Thurs. Sept. 10, 1885 Cloudy & stormed some in A.M. AM pleasant, PM cold tonight. Chored about home. Took up carpet for Mrs. Tilton & fixed floor & c in the end entry. Friday 11 Hard frost last night. Pleasant. Carted 86 old ties to P. Cotter. Elmer went to Boston & to Crimpville to night.

Sat. Sept. 12, 1885 Cow MMD. Very pleasant. Cold morn. Some frost. W. Hill came & dug 15 bus of the potatoes on the hill. I churned & chored about. Carted 28 ties to P. Cotter. Made a fence post around the cabbage in new house garden & c & c. M M Daniels sent cow out to pasture. Elmer off. Sunday 13 Pleasant part & cloudy part. Warm. At home all day. Picked up apples where the cows are, front old barn. Walter Daniels here to dinner.

Mon. Sept. 14, 1885 Greenes cow pastured Very pleasant & warm. Fixed fence & gate front old barn. Job Green put cow in there to pasture. Picked & sold L H Barrott 3 bus apples. Wrote to P. Holbrook & to B. Corcoran. Elmer gone to Franklin this eve. Tuesday 15 Very warm & pleasant. Put ice in the refrigerator. Made a little cider. First this year. Working on the fence by the Whiting lot by ledge. Arthur Metcalf came today. Elmer & he went to Franklin this eve.

Wed. Sept. 16, 1885 Very pleasant A.M. Cloudy P.M. & a little sprinkle. Cooler tonight. Chored about some. Fixed fence some. Went & helped Nathan Hawes get in 3 load of rowen this A.M. Elmer & Arthur off this eve. Thursday 17 Very pleasant & Warm. Pulled some beans. Picked some apples & c & c. Let Fales have 3 bus. Made a little cider.

Fri. Sept. 18, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Picked some apples. Sent 2 bus _?_ to Mr. Barret by Jos. Pulled beans. Mr. Harford dug potatoes on the hill for Wm. Hill. Saturday 19 Very pleasant & warm. Pulled some beans. Picked some apples. Churned & c & c. Arthur Metcalf went home this morn. Mr. Harford dug potatoes top the hill for Wm. Hill. Elmer went to Plainville this eve.

Sun. Sept 20, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Cool tonight. At home all day. F. Bennett had horse & buggy to go to Woonsocket today. Monday 21 Very pleasant. Very hard frost last night. Picked some apples & the squashes & pumpkins & c & c.

Tues. Sept. 22, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Began to rain this eve. Pulled & stacked the tree beans. Dug some potatoes. Elmer went to Franklin in eve. Wednesday 23 Stormy part the day & very windy & cold. Dug a few potatoes. 3 or 4 bus. Changed wheels on the hay cart to four _?_ & carried Wm. Hill 20 bus his potatoes & c & c.

Thurs. Sept 24, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Frost this morn. Fixed the wheelbarrow. Carried 21 bus potatoes down cellar. Picked 14 bus Apples or more in little orchard. Friday 25 Very pleasant. Cool morn, but warm day. Picked some apples carried 17 bus to S. Cooks cider mill. Sold 26 lbs squash. Elmer gone to Franklin with Aaron this eve. L.G. Baker here today.

Sat. Sept 26, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Skimed the milk. Sold 3 Wyandott pulletts. Picked & sorted 17 bus cider apples & carried to P.P. Cooks cider mill & c & c. Elmer gone to Franklin with Aaron Canney.

Sunday 27 Very pleasant & very warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. Mandell preached.

Mon. Sept. 28, 1885 Foggy morn, but very pleasant & warm. Churned, picked a few apples & chored about. Elmer went to Franklin twice & this eve gone to N. Arnolds. Tuesday 29 Very pleasant & warm. Chored about some. Went to the Auction at Nathan Arnolds. Bought cow buggy & c & c. Elmer gone to Caryville this eve.

Wed. Sept. 30, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Picked & sorted some apples. 22 bus or more for cider. Had horse shod, New all round. Elmer gone to Bellingham this eve. Thursday, Oct. 1 Very pleasant & warm, but frost in the morn. Chored about. Carted up some cider apples. Picked some. Picked some grapes & c & c. Mrs. Greene & Minnie went to Franklin with the horse.

Fri, Oct. 2, 1885 Cloudy, foggy & very damp all day. Chored about. Picked & pulled the pole beans & c & c. Elmer went to Franklin with horse. Saturday 3 Stormy & warm. Chored about. Sorted a few potatoes & c & c.

Sun. Oct. 4, 1885 Cloudy & stormed a little. Warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. Wm. Mandell preached. Monday 5 Very pleasant & warm. Chored about. Picked the lane & some other apples. Carried a load of goods to Nancy Hardings for Frank Bennett & Minnie. Commenced keeping house today.

Tues. Oct. 6, 1885 Pleasant morn, but stormy most the day. Chored about. Churned. Cut a little wood &c. Fixed in new house some. Wednesday 7 Very cold morn. Frost some. Pleasant & cool. Picked apples most the day. Some Baldwins & many apples by bank.

Thurs. Oct. 8, 1885 Cloudy part the day. Carried a load of apples to P.P. Cook. 16 bus - in A.M. picked Baldwins this P.M. This eve husked some. Washed & balled up the butter (6 balls). Friday 9 Pleasant & cold. Went around by Mr. Corbett with a load of 16 1/2 bus apples to S. Cooks in A.M. Picked apples the rest the day.

Sat. Oct. 10, 1885 Very pleasant & Warm. Wm. Hill dug 14 bus potatoes on the hill. I picked a few apples & chored about. Went & got a cow of M M Daniels to pasture tonight. Sunday 11 Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. Cornell preached. Elmer went to Blackstone & about in the P.M.

Mon. Oct 12, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Wm. Hill worked for me 9 hs. We cut up & got in the pop corn. Picked the greenings front of old barn & the pairmarn russets. He carried home his part the corn & some potatoes. Elmer went to Crimpville & about. Tuesday 13 Cloudy morn & began to storm about 9 A.M. Very rainy most the day. Helped get team & c ready for Elmer. He has gone to Ashland. Fixed fence & chored about. Husked popcorn. Worked in new house some. Churned an hour or more this eve. Have not got butter. Took dinner with Uncle N.

Wed. Oct. 14, 1885 Stormy A.M. Pleasant P.M. & warm. Churned & worked in house most the A.M. Husked some popcorn. Picked some Baldwins this P.M. Thursday 15 Pleasant & warm. Cloudy part of P.M. Picked apples most the day. Wm. Hill helped 6 1/2 hs.

Fri. Oct. 16, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Picked Apples. Wm. Hill helped 3 1/2 hs. Elmer went to H. _?_ & to Crimpville this eve. Saturday 17 Very pleasant & warm. Wm. Hill worked for me 4 hs in the A.M. We fixed fence 1 1/2 hs & then picked apples in P.M. He dug potatoes on the hill & I picked apples & got them up in the eve. Elmer went to Franklin & about. Found to day that some one had stole apples.

Sun. Oct. 18, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. At home all day. Found more apples stolen since yesterday. Elmer gone to Franklin & about this P.M. & c. Wrote to B. Corcoran. More apples stolen. Monday 19 Pleasant & warm. Chored about some. Picked apples & c & c.

Tues. Oct. 20, 1885 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Geo. Miller worked for me picking apples. Arthur worked 4 hs. Picked & got in from little orchard & race meadow & got the tree beans in. Wednesday 21 Cloudy & rained a little & quite hard this eve. Geo. & Arthur Miller picked apples for me to day. Got them in. Picked the russets in the orchard & 2 bbls north spies & some baldwins. U N & Mrs. T at conference with Jos.

Thurs. Oct. 22, 1885 Very pleasant & warm. Mended ladder. Cleared the apples out of new house & helped D. Burnes. He moved into new house this A.M. Fixed step &c. Geo Miller picked apples for me & Arthur this P.M. Friday 23 Very pleasant & warm. Cool morn. Arthur Miller dug potatoes for me. 8 1/2 hs & Geo helped 6 1/2 hs. I chored about. Churned. Sorted apples & c & c. This eve carried 2 bbls apples to A. Keef & 1 to T. Hancock & 200 lbs cabbage to Cotter.

Sat. Oct. 24, 1885 Very pleasant. Geo Miller & Arthur worked here digging & sorting potatoes. I chored about home. Picked our apples. Sorted some potatoes & c. Elmer off. Sunday 25 Very pleasant. At home till eve. Train carried Alvah Metcalf to poor house. He to fix. Mrs. Greene, he came this P.M.

Mon. Oct. 26, 1885 Very pleasant. Sorted some apples & carried 18 bus to J. Corbit. Carried them to W. Medway for him. Alvah Metcalf staid here last night. Tuesday 27 Very pleasant & warm. Sorted & carried 18 bus cider apples to _?_ mill for P. Corbet.

Wed. Oct. 28, 1885 Foggy morn, but pleasant & warm most the day. Picked ober apples & carried 18 bus to cider mill for Mr. Corbit. Went to Bowmans Show at the church this eve. Alvah Metcalf here tonight. Thursday 29 Cloudy most the day. Rains hard this eve. Alvah M. gone home. Elmer carried him to Bellingham. I sorted apples & carried a load to Medway for J. Corbet 18 1/2 bus. Rained before I got there.

Fri. Oct. 30, 1885 Stormy most the day. Chored about house. Went & see F.E. Paines cow. Moved the pop corn, it began to heat & sprout . Husked some of it & husked this eve. Saturday 31 Pleasant & cold. Arthur Miller dug potatoes on the hill. 6 1/2 hs., where Wm. Hill planted, I chored about. Picked the last of the apples. Sorted & got the shue potatoes & sorted some apples. Elmer went to Franklin.

Sun. Nov. 1, 1885 Very cold morn. Cloudy & looks & feels like snow this P.M. Carried Uncle Nathan & Mrs. Tilton to Franklin meeting this P.M. Horse lame before got home. Monday 2 Very stormy A.M. Driving rain, warm. Fixed doors & c some at new house & chored about. Churned this P.M. Arthur Miller dug potatoes on the hill. 2 1/2 hs.

Tues. Nov. 3, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Chored about house. Some pulled, cut tops & got in my turnips. 30 bus. Arthur Miller dug potatoes on the hill. 9 hs. Elmer went to Dea. Whitings to fix clocks &c. Wednesday 4 Pleasant & warm. Cut & got up the corn. Got up the cabbage from the Corbet garden. 3 load. A. Miller finished digging the potatoes on the hill 2 hs. J.C. Metcalf here to dinner & tonight E went to see W. Bright with him.

Thurs. Nov. 5, 1885 Pleasant & warm. Carted 3 load of loom from R.R. & put in hog pen. Wm. Hill came & we divided the potatoes & looked over accts. Sorted most of his & carried mine down cellar. Cleared up some in horse barn & husked this eve. John Metcalf here. Friday 6 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Warm. Rain this eve at 9 Oclock. Got Wm. Hills potatoes ready & sent them off on the cars. 14 bags. Sorted some of mine & got them down cellar & c & c. J.C.M. here tonight. Elmer went to Franklin with him to day.

Sat. Nov. 7, 1885 Storm most the day. Warm. Chored about some. Husked some. Finished the field corn tonight. John went home this P.M. Sunday 8 Storm most the day & warm. At home all day.

Mon. Nov. 9, 1885 Stormy most the day & warm. Chored about. Churned &c. Sorted some apples. Tuesday 10 Pleasant most the day. Cooler. Chored about house & c, some. Picked over & carried a load of 18 1/2 bus to Medway for Corbet. Elmer in A.M., went to Wm. Clark & fixed some clocks.

Wed. Nov. 11, 1885 Pleasant, but windy & cool. Chored about & sorted apples. Elmer went to Woonsocket & this eve has gone to Bellingham. Thursday 12 Cloudy part the day. Warm sorted apples carried 17 1/2 bus to J. Corbet to Medway.

Fri. Nov. 13, 1885 Very Pleasant & warm. Sorted & put up 3 bbls apples & carried to Franklin to Goods & to to C. Briggs. Elmer went with me. M.M. Daniels had 7 qts. milk tonight. Saturday 14 Very pleasant & warm. Worked & put up the butter. Carted old ties for J. Cotter.

Sun. Nov. 15, 1885 Very pleasant & cooler. Went to meeting in A.M. to concert this eve. Walter Daniels here to dinner today. Monday 16 Very pleasant & cool. Chored about. Husked a little. Picked over a few apples. Got in the pumpkins & last of the turnips & c & c. Got Cow of F. E. Paine, 815 lbs, tonight.

Tues. Nov. 17, 1885 Pleasant & cool. Chored about. Churned &c in A.M. Sorted a few apples, put up 56 lbs cabbage for M.M.D. Carried over to him with the milk this eve. Elmer went to Boston today. Wednesday 18 Cloudy & cool. Chored about home. Sorted some apples & c & c. Carried Minnie Bennett home this eve. Alvah came home tonight.

Thurs. Nov. 19, 1885 Snow. Cloudy most the day. Stormed some this P.M. Snow this eve. Chored about. Got the yellow eyed beans in the barn. Cleared some the rotten apples out of old barn. Made a little cider. Friday 20 Very pleasant & cool. Some snow on the ground. Chored about. Fixed around the chimney & patched the roof some. Elmer carried Uncle Nathan to Franklin. Elmer & Alvah gone to W. Brigges to a party this eve.

Sat. Nov. 21, 1885 Cloudy stormed a little. Chored about home some. Got yellow eye beans in. Went to Woonsocket & got a load of grain in P.M. M.M. Daniels took his cow home. Sunday 22 Stormy most the day. Some snow. At home all day.

Mon. Nov. 23, 1885 Stormy all day. Snow. Chored about. Picked over some apples & c & c. Made & put up some apple sauce this eve. 9 jars. Tuesday 24 Stormy rain & snow. Chored about & picked over some apples & c & c. Alvah went to Franklin in cars to look for a job. Came back tonight. Elmer & I new leathered the pump at new house & fixed sink pipe.

Wed. Nov. 25, 1885 Stormy all day. Chored about house. & barn & c & c. Alvah gone to wate on tables at Franklin tonight. Thursday 26 Thanksgiving. Storm all day. Snow. Chored about. Fixed some to keep cold out of further barn & covered up the apples there. Moved the pumpkins up stairs in horse barn. Carried F. Bennet & Minnie & _?_ home this eve. Elmer & I took dinner with Uncle Nathan. Alvah has not come home yet.

Fri. Nov. 27, 1885 Pleasant & cold morn and tonight, but thawed in middle of the day. Chored about some. Got some apples down cellar. Sorted some &c&c. Alvah came home this morn, but has gone to Franklin with the horse tonight. Saturday 28 Very cold morn. Pleasant most the day. Chored about home. Elmer & Alvah went to Franklin this P.M. I sent 1 1/2 bus apples to Geo. Brown.

Sun. Nov. 29, 1885 Very pleasant & cold. At home all day. Alvah went to Sunday school & eve meeting. Elmer went to _?_ hill & about. He is most sick with a very hard pain this eve. We have made a bed down here for him tonight. Monday 30 Cloudy & stormy part the day & this eve snow. Fixed trunk for Uncle Nathan. F.E.Paine got his oats, 2 load 790 + 840 = 1630. I helped Isabel here helping take care of Elmer. Dr. Nolan came & see him tonight. He is some better. Alvah has gone to Franklin tonight to commence work in depot.

Tues. Dec. 1, 1885 Stormy all day . Snow. Chored about. Sawed a little wood, hoop tub & c & c. Commenced the 1/2 bbl flour. Isabel there today. Elmer some better. Wednesday 2 Cloudy morn, but pleasant most the day. Cool. Fixed Uncle Nathans trunk & they went to Boston this morn. I carried Isabel home this morn. Sorted & carried 2 bbls apples to Steven Richardson & carried Alvahs trunk to Geo Getchells & brought his bicycle home.

Thurs. Dec. 3, 1885 Snowed a little in A.M. but pleasant most the day. Sold 12 chickens to B. Guild for 1.20 & 2 cows for $55.00. Took his note to be paid in 60 days or after the old cow comes in. I traded 2 bbls & 1/2 bus of apples to M.M. Daniels for a pig that weighs 65 lbs. J.C. Metcalf came this morn & went home after dinner. Wallie Metcalf came here tonight. Got apples in to kitchen downstairs, in from old barn. Friday 4 Pleasant & cool. Chored about home. Helped oil Alvahs bycicle. Hooped the water bbl & c & c. Walter Metcalf here all day.

Sat. Dec. 5, 1885 Stormy rain most the day. Chored about house. Fixed sink pipe. Sawed some wood, painted the water bbl & c & c. Walter Metcalf here. Sunday 6 Pleasant & cold. At home all day. Alvah came home & I carried him & Geo. Gottleib down town this eve. Wallie here today. I called in at Paul Clarks this eve.

Mon. Dec. 7, 1885 Pleasant but very windy & cold. Chored about sawed some wood. Painted the water bbl again. Thrashed the beans, the yellow bush. Got the squash & pumpkin & the cider apples in & c & c. Wallie went to Franklin & came back tonight. Tuesday 8 Very pleasant & cold. Little warmer this eve. Chored about house some. Cleared up the p beans & thrashed the yellow eyed ones & carried Mr. J. Greene with his apples & c to P.C.Crosses & got stove &c for him. Got my bill & _?_ here. Got as Oliver Daniels here to night

Wed. Dec. 9, 1885 Stormy all day. Warmer, thawy. Walter went home this morn. I made plug for sink. Fixed the water bbl in & let the water into it & c & c. Thursday 10 Cloudy A.M. pleasant at P.M. Warm & thawing. Ground all thawed up. Chored about. Sorted a few apples to carry to F.E. Hancock. Churned.

Fri. Dec. 11, 1885 Very Pleasant & cold. Get ready for & helped Albert Newell kill 1 of my hogs, 276 lbs. Picked over some apples & this eve carried A. Everett 1 bbl & F.E. Hancock 2 bbls & 1/2 bus to S. Thayer. Got hog in tonight. Saturday 12 Very pleasant & cool. Chored about home. Sawed some wood. Cut out some of the hog. Cleaned out the pork bbl & c & c. Jos bought lot of goods from an Englishman today.

Sun. Dec. 13, 1885 Cloudy, began to shower. Rain about 3 P.M. At home all day. Alvah came home & stays tonight. Geo Gotchell here today & to supper tonight but went this eve. Monday 14 Stormy most the day & warm. Rain. Chored about home. Sawed some wood & c & c. Alvah started for Franklin at 6:35 A.M. on the tryer car.

Tues. Dec. 15, 1885 Very pleasant & cool. Chored about. Fixed bbl for _?_. Dug out the ditch for drain to new house cellar. Went to Franklin this eve & got trunk for Elmer. He didnt like it. Waldo Daniels here & made out report.

Wednesday 16 Very pleasant & cool. Got ready & carried 13 bus apples to Esters cider mill. Went to Woonsocket & got some grain &c & a trunk for Elmer. Helped him get his things ready this eve. He cleaned my watch today.

Thurs. Dec. 17, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Chilley, cold snow. Helped Elmer in morn. He has gone to Ashland. Went in the cars at 8:45. Took his things in a trunk. To be gone awhile. Changed wheels to hay rack, got the wheels & c out from under Josephs barn & put under cow yard shed & the roll. & c & c. Friday 18 Cloudy & snowed part the day. Chored about. Cut up & salt the hog. Carried Mr. & Mrs. Hopkins to Minnie & to Franklin. I was sick this morn & had to get up early.

Sat. Dec. 19, 1885 Rained in morn. Cleared off very pleasant before morn, but clouded up again. Went to Franklin this P.M. Carried trunk back. Carried 2 bus turnips to Geo Brown. A clock to Wm. Clark, a watch to Charlott Briggs, a _?_ to Nellie & Emma & 29 lbs chickens to Clarks Market for Job Greene & c & c. Tried out my lard. Sunday 20 Very pleasant but windy & growing cold. Have been at home all day. Alvah came to staid till about 4 P.M. I cooked some fresh pork & brisket. We moved the bed out of Elmers room.

Mon. Dec. 21, 1885 Cloudy most the day. Snowed part a little while. Chored about. Went & got the horse shod sharp. Went & got clothes for Mrs. G at C. I. Deans. Carted 42 old ties up to Fenton, 2 1/2 hs. & c & c. I have a bad cold. Tuesday 22 Very pleasant but cloudy this eve. Chored about this P.M. Carried Mrs. Bints clock home. Carried Mrs. Greene up to C. Crosses.

Wed. Dec. 23, 1885 Very warm & pleasant. Muddy. Chored about. Fixed horse barn hay door. Put in wast pipe on north side. The bbl salted little keg of pork. Cleaned the pork tub for hams & put them in it. Carried a lady & 2 children to Mr. B. Bennetts. Thursday 24 Very pleasant & warm. Muddy. Chored about. Fixed some around the water bbl on the barn. Filled up some around new house. Filled a bed with hay for D. Burnes & c & c. Alvah & Geo Getchell came upon the car this eve. Have gone to church.

Fri. Dec. 25, 1885 Pleasant but cold & windy. Carried a trunk to B. Bennett. Cut a little wood. Changed the water pipe to go to the R.R. Carried Ellis Cook home. Made a pickle for the hams & c & c. Went to Hermons to dinner. Saturday 26 Very Windy & very cold. Chored about. Fixed in barn some. Carted 42 old ties to J.M. Picket this P.M. Sawed a little wood.

Sun. Dec. 27, 1885 Cold & cloudy most the day. Have been at home all day. Made 5 pies this eve & brisket for supper. Poped some corn & c & c. Monday 28 Pleasant & warmer. Thaws a little. Got some wood into the woodhouse. Cut up some turnips & put up 100 lbs cabbage. 50 lbs for C. Briggs & 50 for A Boucher & 1 bus turnips. Carried them to him this P.M.

Tues. Dec. 29, 1885 Very Pleasant. Thawed some. Chored about. Sorted & put up 1 bbl baldwins for A. Everett. At store a while. The business director man was there. Have not felt very well today. Wednesday 30 Warm & pleasant. Put up 2 bus potatoes & 1 of apples & went to Woonsocket. Got some grain & my cider. 44 gals at Mr. Esteys.

Thurs. Dec. 31, 1885 Cloudy & warm. Rained this P.M. & eve. Chored about. Got the cider down the cellar & c & c. Carried Mr. Shaw to Franklin to take the 1 OClock P.M. train . Found the tire broke. Took the buggy up to H.B.M. To have it set. Made a soup. Cleaned out the stove pipe & the stove.

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