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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1868 Very stormy. Snow in the morn, but turned to rain before noon.

Drawed home a load of birch wood with the oxon and slead from the Rockwood lot. J. Cross helped load it and then went home. We all went up to Hermons to dinner and staid a while. Carried the children home from school. THURSDAY, 2 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day and thawy. Lewis Chilson came and killed our heifor, we helped some. I carried the children to school and some passengers off, then put up some potatoes and went to Woonsocket. J. Cross and J& D Gilmore worked in the woods about 6 or 7 hs. FRIDAY, 3 Very pleasant and warm, thawy. Helped weich the heifor 406 + 90 and chored about some. Carried 4 8/12 ft. wood (birch) to Chs. Dean and got 1 load of logs with the oxon and slead and 2 with the wagon. J. Cross and D. & Chs. Gilmore worked in the woods 6 hs. This eve I picked over some apples &c and we loaded a load of wood for Mrs. Fisher.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1868 Warm Commenced to snow in the night and has all day, but little has fell yet. Went to Mrs. W. Fishers with a load of birch wood all cut and put in her woodhouse. Got 2 load of logs when came home. J. Cross worked there in woods in A.M. and sawed some wood of fathers in P.M. SUNDAY, 5 Very pleasant and cold. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. Rev. Dr. Hooke preached. Meeting this eve at Mr. H.M. Barverys. MONDAY, 6 Very pleasant and cold. Carried the children to school on ox slead then drawed 4 load of logs to mill and 1 off of the lot. J. Cross and J. & D. Gilmore worked 8 hs. and Chs. 3 hs. Very good sledding. Sarah Hartham to night Mancy Daniels married _?_.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1868 12 above Very pleasant and cool. Drawed logs from Mancys lot to the mill, 5 load with oxon and 5 with the horse. Chs. Gilmore drove the horse. John and David chaped and J. Cross chaped. 31 above Cloudy and warm, thawed some but good sledding yet. Drawed 5 ox and 5 horse load of logs to mill. Chs. Gilmore helped drive and John and David cut and sawed and J. Cross gone home tonight. This eve have been to a sewing circle at H.B. Millers. Tiped over 1 sleigh load. THURSDAY, 9 Changeable. Warm and cloudy in the morn, than pleasant at _?_ P.M. Had a snow squall and since been growing cold fast. Drawed 4 load of logs with oxon and 4 with the horse to mill and some out into the pasture. J. & D. and Chs. Gilmore helped about 8 hs. Mr. Bowen and wife here this eve. WEDNESDAY, 8

FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1868 zero Very pleasant and very cold. Drawed 4 load of logs to mill and 1 into the pasture. Was alone with the oxon. Father went to Woonsocket to Uncle Nathans. Emeline went to Mr. Phersons. This eve cut out my beef, peared apples &c. 6 above Very pleasant and cold. Worked drawing logs to mill 4 load with oxon and 4 with horse and some into the pasture. John Gilmore helped 7 hs. Jos. been to Boston. SUNDAY, 12 7 above Very pleasant and very cold. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. Rev. Merrell preached. SATURDAY, 11 1 above

MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1868 1 above Very pleasant and cold. Drawed logs to mill and out, 3 ox load and 2 horse, to mill and some out into the pasture. John Gilmore helped 6 hs. 1 ox load of 6 logs was long for heading. Salted my beef this eve. 8 above Very pleasant and cold. Warmer this P.M. In A.M. drawed 1 of long logs (3) for heading with the horse. Father went with 1 load all there is cut. This P.M. looked over accts with John Gilmore and have got a load of birch wood. Father been to Woonsocket. Emeline been to Boston. WEDNESDAY, 15 Snowed a little most all day, cool. Worked in the woods most of the day on the pines cutting and sawing. John and David Gilmore worked with me 6 hs. Father carried Melvina Scott home tonight. TUESDAY, 14

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1868 12 above Very pleasant and cool. Drawed in the load of birch wood and put in Mr. Bowers cellar _?_ ft. than worked in the woods cutting and drawing logs, 3 load with oxon and 3 with the horse, 6 long logs for heading. John and David got more, helped 9 hs. Cut meat and apples this eve. 2 below 0 Very pleasant and cold. Carted a cord of wood to Mancy Daniels (of Josephs), than worked in the woods cutting and sawing &c. Drawed 2 load logs to mill with oxon, 1 long log. All drawed but a very few. John and David Gilmore 9 hs. helped this eve. Have been to a meeting at Franklin. SATURDAY, 18 7 above Very pleasant and cold. Chored about house some. Went and got 2 load of wood with the oxon and 1 with the horse for father from Mancys pasture. Father helped. He fell and hurt his leg, is quite lame this eve. Went collecting pew rent. Sarah Heart went with me. FRIDAY, 17

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1868 3 above Very pleasant and cold. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrill preached. Went and carried Aunt Patty in P.M. MONDAY, 20 2 above Cloudy and cool. Drawed 2 load of Fathers wood down with the horse in A.M. Fixed the hay scales and loaded a load of hay for Jos. Grant of ours (919 lbs.). Unloaded some wood &c &c. Father and Mother went to Franklin. TUESDAY, 21 30 above Very driving snow storm all day and continuous this eve. Carried the children to school and went after them. Chored about house some.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1868 13 above Very pleasant and warm. Shoveled paths, carried the children to school and worked on the road with oxon 4 hs. shoveling snow and driving through this P.M. Jos. and I cleared the snow off the ice to cut and commenced a place. J & D Gilmore helped on the road. 2 above Cloudy morn and began to rain a little before noon but we got ice till most night. Mr. Conner and his man and boy and Dea Whiting helped and John Gilmore 4 hs. and Chs. 2 hs. and J.W. Cook and Jos. and I with our oxon. Ice is about 1 ft. thick. 35 above Very pleasant and warm. Carried the children to school and went after them at noon. Cleared up the husks _?_ in the horse barn &c &c. Cut some squash, commenced shoeing the horse slead. FRIDAY, 24 THURSDAY, 23

SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1868 16 above Very pleasant and cold. Finished shoeing the slead. Winnowed some cranburries and carried to Woonsocket 8 qts. Elmer went with me and got his pictures taken 16 _?_. 20 above Cloudy most the day, but a little while about noon very pleasant and warm. Snowed in eve, began about 4 P.M. I staid at home with Alvah in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. and in eve to Mancy Daniels and carried a load. Rev. J. Merrill preached. 12 above Snowed a little most all day, but little depth of snow has falen to day. Carried the children to school and went after them to night. Went and got Mrs. Hurd in morn to take the cars. Fixed a bottom in our large racking chore &c &c. One of our heifors sick to day. Helped about the washing some &c. MONDAY, 27 SUNDAY, 26

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1868 20 above Cloudy and snowed a little. Carried the children to school and went after them tonight. Fixed a cricket, set a pane of glass down stairs, worked on the slead a while &c &c. Father, Mother and Abbie went to the funeral of Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Beals here a while this eve. 20 above Cloudy and began to snow about 10. A.M. and part the time has snowed quite fast. Fixed the ox slead some. Went and got a load of small wood with the horse 4 7/12 ft. from Rockwood lot. Moved Mrs. Bealses goods down and put them in the car, 5 small horse load. Took all of P.M. most. Went and got the children. 18 above Cleared off this A.M., very pleasant. Helped finish loading & c Mr. Bealses goods. Carried the children to school and went after them and got some milk at Mr. Phersons. Got 2 load of wood from Rockwood lot, 3 ft. and 2 7/12 ft. last cut. Carried a load of slabs to Mrs. Hurd and 1 to Mr. Bowen. We went to Dea Whitings this eve. Mrs. Beals _?_. THURSDAY, 30 WEDNESDAY, 29

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1868 8 above Very pleasant and cold morn. Chored about home. Picked the ice up and got away from horse barn and _? _ yard &c &c. Settled with Asa Sargeant and looked over the society Accts. I took care of Alvah, and Emeline went to the Convention at Franklin. I have been this eve with Abbie. Nettie and Melvina Scott. 5 above Very pleasant and cold. About home most of A.M. See to the males &c. Jos. been to Boston about 11 A.M. Went and got a load of logs for Father and drawed down to the old shop with oxon this A.M. Drawed my large maple to mill. Father helped load it to night. I carried a load 3 9/12 ft. birch wood to Chs. Dean. SUNDAY, 2 15 above Very pleasant most all day. Cloudy towards night. Cold. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrill preached. Meeting at Josephs this eve. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 1

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1868 7 above 4 below this eve at 8 oclock. Very pleasant but very cold and windy. Drawed a little load of birch wood to the Gilmore boys and drawed home a load of dry pine &c, home side the road with oxon. Hung out the clothes of out then in worked in the ice house a little packing and moving saw dust. Father and Mother went to the funeral of Mrs. A. Adams. TUESDAY, 4 2 below Cloudy morn but cleared off, but windy and very cold. Drawed 2 load of wood of Fathers with oxon from Nancy lot, 1 load tiped over down hill. I had to load it all over again. Have been to Woonsocket this P.M. Got 4 bushls meal and 1 of corn. H.M. Bowen went with me. 8 below Very pleasant most the day, very cold morn. Clouded up towards night and began to snow about 6 this eve and is snowing quite fast. Unloaded a load of wood and went and got the oak log and 2 chestnut _?_ in Nancy lot, 2 load. Father helped and fell a white oak in Fathers by Pond place &c. This eve _?_. WEDNESDAY, 5

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 6 23 above Cloudy and mist a little in morn. Cleared off before night, thawed a little. Went to Uncle Nathans after Mrs. Gould but didnt get her, she is most sick. Looked out S. Hubbards Acct. and J & J. This eve went and settled with him and took a bank note. Emeline went with us. Fixed the cellar window and 1 in old barn &c &c. FRIDAY, 7 12 above Pleasant but very cold and windy or blustering. Chored about home, looking over the Acct. of Hubbards &c. Put in another waste pipe at horse barn. SATURDAY, 8 7 below Very pleasant and very cold morn but quite mild most the day. Chored about home. See to the mails &c &c. Jos. been to Boston. I split a little wood. This eve Emeline gone to the song at Dea Whitings.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 9, 1868 30 above Began to snow about 7 oclock A.M. but turned to rain before noon and is thawing quite fast. Have been to meeting all day. Was but 10 out to meeting, so stormy. Rev. Strong preached. He has been living in California. MONDAY, 10 20 above Very pleasant and cold and icy, 3 above zero at 9 this eve. Helped some about the washing. Picked and shoveled the ice away from the tub in cow yard &c &c. Fixed some lamps, broke one. Hermon here this eve. TUESDAY, 11 4 above Cloudy and began to snow before 10 A.M. and snowed till about 3 P.M. than cleared off. Very pleasant. Got in some of my wood and cut a little of it. Went and got the remainder of Fathers on the Nancy lot. Turned 1 to grind on old broad axe &c &c. Isabel Miller here this P.M. and Eme and Aunt Patty down stairs.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 12 6 below Very pleasant and cold. Went to Walpole to the Convention. Emeline, Jos. and Abbie and several others went from here. Melvina and Estella Scott took care of the children. Jos., Abbie and Emeline and Estella Scott went to Franklin to meeting this eve. THURSDAY, 13 14 above Very pleasant and not very cold. Windy but not a cold wind. Drawed the Gilmore boys a load of birch wood and father helped trim out the oak we had cut and drawed home a horse load in P.M. We sawed it up and drawed it home, 1 load with the horse and 1 with oxon. Carried Melvina Scott home and back and Estella and their trunks. Been to meeting at church this eve. Carried 3 load. Franklin minister there. 12 above Very pleasant and cold. Butted an oak log, cut a little wood, divided the beans &c &c. Uncle Nathan and Mrs. Gould down stairs to day. Mr. & Mrs. Bowen here this eve. FRIDAY, 14

SATURDAY, FEBRAUARY 15, 1868 22 above Pleasant part and cloudy part the day. Windy but thawed some. See to the mails. Jos. been to Boston. Drawed others logs to mill, 5 of them, and went and cut a white oak on the Nancy lot and drawed home a load of the wood from the top. Eddie Rogers here today. I carried Estella and Malvina Scott home and Eddie with them. Meeting here this eve, down stairs. SUNDAY, 16 24 above Pleasant and cool. Thawed a very little. Staid at home in the A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Have been to meeting this eve at Jos. Clarks. 12 above Pleasant part the day, began to snow a little about 3 P.M. Helped about the washing some &c &c. Went to Mahlon Danielses, but he was gone away. Mancy went with me. MONDAY, 17

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1868 22 above Cloudy morn but cleared off, very pleasant but windy and cold, 13 above this eve at 9 oclock. Picked over a few cranburries, bushl, and carried to Woonsocket. Went and got some corn at P.B. Clarks, and carried to mill and some rye. Emeline and Mr. Bowen went with me. This eve, Father and I have killed and picked 3 chickens. WEDNESDAY, 19 18 above Snowed very fast part of A.M., but cleared off. Very pleasant between 10 and 11 Oclock, A.M. thawy. Worked about home in A.M., and in P.M. got the oak, 2 load with oxon, from Nancy lot. Drawed as far as here. Have been to the sewing circle this eve at Frank Hancocks. 18 above Very pleasant and thawy. Went and got Mrs. Gould to work here to day. Sawed the oak log up, shoveled off the hay scales, cut a little wood &c about home. See to the males. Jos. gone to Boston, hasnt got home tonight. We, Abbie, Emeline and Hannah Hancock went to meeting. _?_. THURSDAY, 20

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 21 above Very pleasant and very warm and thawy, but cooler this eve. Worked on the hay scales cleaning snow and ice off & c. Carried 2 oak logs down to mill and drawed home the one the lightning stroke with oxon &c &c. Jos. come home this morn. Father, Mother and Jos. and Abbie went to Franklin to meeting this P.M., and this eve Jos. and Abbie and Mrs. Bowen and Emeline and I went in the vestry. SATURDAY, 22 8 above Very pleasant but very cold and windy. Worked about home. Cut some small wood &c &c. 5 below Very pleasant and very cold, zero at 9 oclock A.M., but 6 above at noon. Have been to meeting all day and this eve to Mancy Danielses. Rev. J. Merrill preached. Elmer is most or quite sick this P.M. and eve. SUNDAY, 23 30 or 40

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1868 2 below Cloudy most of the day and cold. Helped about the washing and chored about home. Carted Mr. Pherson a load of hay 666 lbs. Dr. Bascom carried it with his horse and than had our slead to go after hay for himself. Jos. Cross has got my oxon and slead to draw wood for Mrs. Burr. 11 above Cloudy most the day and cold. Went to the conference of churches at Wrentham. Jos. and Abbie and Emeline went with me. Got there about 10 A.M. and left at 4 P.M. Had a colation at noon in Cooks Hall. Had a very good and full meeting. Heifor has a calf. 14 above Cloudy most of the day and cold or chilly. Chored about home, fixed a place for the calf &c &c. Went to Col. Clarks and got some corn. Carried Mrs. Dean home. Went onto Mancys work lot &c &c. WEDNESDAY, 26 TUESDAY, 25

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1868 16 above Cloudy and thawed a little. Had a snow squall at noon and began to snow again about 4 P.M. and has snowed quite fast. Got in some chips _?_ a sleeper &c. Carried Emeline and Alvah to Uncle Nathans in A.M. and Elmer and I went and took him with them. Mrs. Gould came home with us and went to meeting with us this eve in the church. FRIDAY, 28 27 above Snowed a little most of A.M. and cleared off in P.M. Cool. Cut a mess of squash to stew, packed the remainder of the ice in the ice house. SATURDAY, 29 at 10 this eve 8

SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1868 4 below Very cold morn and very pleasant most all day but cloudy this eve and _?_ cold. Went to meeting in A.M. and this eve at Col. Clarks, carried a load (5 or 6). Staid at home in P.M. Mother and Abbie went to Franklin this P.M. Rev. J.T. Closson preached here. MONDAY, 2 18 above Very driving N.E. snow storm and very cold, as bad or worst storm to be out in this year. Helped about the washing some, looked over my accts. some, in store some and chored about. Wast pipes frose up to thaw out &c &c. Come to _?_. TUESDAY, 3 7 above Snowed a very little this morn, but cleared off. Very pleasant and very cold and windy. Worked on the road breaking them out with oxon, 8 hs. The roads were banked very bad. The Rev. J. Closson here a short time this eve.

above Very pleasant but cold and windy, been growing cold all day. Worked cutting, carting and packing ice most of the day. Jos. helped and Chs. Gilmore part of the day. We drawed it with the horse. This eve Mr. & Mrs. Bowen here and Rev. _?_.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1868 0 zero Very pleasant but very cold and windy. Chored about home, put out the clothes, _?_ off of my tablet into journal and took care of Alvah some. Emeline went to sewing circle to M. Cannys. I went this eve but few there, very bad going. Shoveled off hay _?_. THURSDAY, 5 10 above Very pleasant and warm. Thawed a little. Cold in morn and is this eve. Put a new handle in my axe. Helped saw off a chopping block. Got a lot of ice out of the horse barn. Helped grind 2 axes and chored about. Frank Hancock got a load of small wood with my oxon. I have been to meeting this eve at the meeting house and Emeline, Abbie and Mr & Mrs. Bowen been to Franklin to meeting. 6 above Very pleasant morn but cloudy and windy most of the day. Chored about home some. Went to Woonsocket to mill. FRIDAY, 6

SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1868 40 above Very pleasant and very warm and thawy. Chored about home some, see to the mails. Jos. went to Boston. Carried 2 small horse load of logs (oak) to mill and 1 small horse load from Mancys lot. Split a little wood &c &c. Dea Pond here to breakfast. Frank H. and Harry B. drawed 3 load of small wood with my oxon and slead. SUNDAY, 8 42 above Cloudy part and very pleasant part the day, warm and thawy. Staid at home all day with Alvah. Have been to meeting this eve. Downstairs quite full meeting. Was sick last night and havent been very well to day. MONDAY, 9 Very pleasant and warm and thawy. Chored about home, helped about the washing. Split some of Fathers wood. Went to the saw mill and staid a while. F. Hancock and H. Bowen drawed a load of small wood with my oxon and wagon. Jos. little boy very sick to night. _?_.

TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1868 37 above Very pleasant and warm most of the day but late this eve it is raining. Went to town meeting. Sold my oxon for 190 paid. Mrs. W. Fisher, Nate and M. M. Daniels his mate and settled up with him. Got mony on my _?_ bills &c. J.W. Clark and wife here this eve. WEDNESDAY, 11 35 above Very pleasant and warm. Jos. went to Boston and I drawed away board and got in logs at Crookss mill with his oxon for him. Went at 8 and didnt get home till past 7 this eve. Emeline went to Frank Hancocks this eve. THURSDAY, 12 15 above Very pleasant A.M. Cloudy P.M. and rains some this eve. Thawed some today. Split some wood and moved Fathers from the wagon house to the wood house &c &c. Went to Croakses mill after Jos. to _?_ land. Went to the meeting house and got Mrs. B. Clark after meeting _?_.

FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1868 43 above Stormed a little in the morn but pleasant and very warm most of the day. Drawed in logs and boards away from Crookses mill for Jos. in A.M. from 7 till 2 P.M. Drawed a load of old wood out for me as I came home. Mr. _?_ commenced sawing my box logs to day. Father and Jos. rolled in some and helped this P.M. Broke the horse slead. SATURDAY, 14 Very pleasant and warm. Fixed the horse slead we broke yesterday. Chs. Gilmore helped me 4 hs. in A.M. We rolled in logs this P.M. after I fixed the slead. I drawed away 4 load of my box boards with the horse this eve. Went to F. Hancocks to meeting. Father has carried Mrs. Gould home. I carried 2 passengers to Wrentham and went to Bellingham. Alvah is most sick tonight. SUNDAY, 15 Very pleasant and warm. Staid at home with Alvah in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. Clossol preached. Have been to meeting this eve at Jos. Clarks. Mr. Shepherd took lead of the meeting. Elmer and Alvah are both most _?_.

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1868 Cloudy most of the day and warm. Rained in the night, last night. Helped about the washing some. I rolled in logs an hour or 2 in A.M. and in P.M. drawed in logs and away the boards. Jos. helped 3 hs. and father some, used the horse. TUESDAY, 17 Cloudy and warm, damp. Rained hard in the night. Worked at the mill casting in logs and away boards with the horse all day. Jos. helped 6 hs. He went and got _?_ hill to night with the horse. WEDNESDAY, 18 Rained in the night and has some this A.M. Very warm. Cleared off very pleasant and is cooler this eve. Went to get the Gilmore boys to help me at the mill, but couldnt. I worked there most all day with the horse getting in logs and away boards all short ones. Jos. helped about 5 hs. &c.

THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1868 Very pleasant and cool. The pond is thawed up but this morn it was frose a little. Worked at the mill a little in A.M. and about home. Made a little cider &c &c. This P.M. drawed away boards and in logs with the horse. Jos. helped 2 hs. This eve went to meeting at meeting house (theater train tonight). FRIDAY, 20 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day and windy and cold. Worked at the mill most of the day drawing away boards (and stocking up) and in logs. Jos. helped 5 or 5 hs. Got in quite a lot. SATURDAY, 21 A very blustering snow storm. I think the worst or the most driving we have had this year, but not so cold as some. Chored about, went and see Frank Hancock and to the saw mill and took care of Jos. oxon, he has gone to Boston. The roads are all blocked up. No cars came up from Boston till _?_.

SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1868 Pleasant most of the day but very windy and cold morn. Thawed some. Staid at home all day. Was no meeting. I shoveled some pathes and some in the road as far as the barn. MONDAY, 23 Cloudy morn but cleared off very pleasant and warm. The roads are all banked up. Helped about the washing some. See to the males &c. Jos. went to Boston. I helped put a new bottom in our small rocking chair and in the large chair in the store. TUESDAY, 24 Very pleasant and warm. Chored about home. Put up some shelves in clothes room in the bedroom and in the kitchen closet &c &c. Shoveled a little on the road. They didnt get through till night.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Very pleasant and warm, but the snow doesnt go off very fast. Worked over Accts. with John Gilmore and took his note. They have all gone to Wrentham to live. I went up with Barton Cook and got their stove for him. Cut a little wood &c &c. THURSDAY, 26 Very pleasant and cool. Went to the saw mill to straten up the boards &c the wind had blown down. Got a lot of _?_ ready and carried to Woonsocket. Emeline and I went in P.M. It is very bad wheeling. I got me pants and vest of Jos. Brown. FRIDAY, 27 Pleasant and warm, cool morn. Sawed and split wood part the day. Carried a passenger to S. Hubbards and Abby Daniels to Dea Whitings and back. F. Hancock and Father carried H. Corgill and his goods home. I see to the mails &c. Jos. been to Boston.

SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Chored about home. Went to the funeral of Abigial Clark at 10 Oclock A.M. Rev. Closson attended it. 26 above Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Staid at home in P.M. Rev. Clawson preached this eve. Have been to meeting at Mr. Phersons. 19 above Very white frost this morn. Pleasant and cool. Helped about the washing &c. Drawed away and stuck up boards with the horse 2 or 3 hs. This P.M. carried the Gilmore boys goods to West Wrentham. MONDAY, 30 SUNDAY, 29

TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1868 31 above Very pleasant most of the day and warm. Chored about home. See to the males. Went to Jos. Clarks _? _ &c in A.M. and in P.M. drawed in the remainder of my short logs and away boards and stuck them up. Father helped 2 or 3 hs., drawed with the horse 5 or 6 hs. Jos. been to Boston. 27 above Very pleasant and warm. Worked at the mill drawing away and stacking up boards most of the day. They finished sawing my short or circuts logs and I have got them all stacked up. Drawed them away with the horse. 46 above _?_ Cloudy and warm. Had a shower about 4 P.M. and the wind blew very hard. We were coming home from Franklin when it rained the hardest. Went there to meeting in P.M. I had 2 teeth pulled. THURSDAY, 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1

FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1868 32 above Very pleasant and cool. Chored about home some. Went to Woonsocket to mill, called and see Amanda. Went to Mr. Balkams and paid my note. Came home by (_?_). Mill and called there and to Crookses. Mr. Bowen went with me and C. Scott. Hermon and Mary here this eve. 30 above Very pleasant part and cloudy part the day and cool. Went after Dr. King for Mr. Pherson. Got a cask of shavings. Stoped and collected pew rent and went up to the Pond place and got some things of mine. Went to Mr. Phersons. See to the males &c. Jos. most sick. Emeline is gone to Dea Whitings this eve. SUNDAY, 5 28 above Pleasant but very windy. Snowed 2 or 3 inches deep last night and it blows to day. Is quite cold. Staid at home in A.M. and went to milling in the P.M. Rev. J. Closson preached this eve about 8. Went to the Great Fire of Fosters straw shop &c. SATURDAY, 4

MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1868 20 above Very pleasant and very cold and windy. Chored about home some. Went to town meeting. Gone till most night. TUESDAY, 7 31 above Commenced snowing this morn and snowed fast till about 3 P.M. Then rained quite fast since and is now this eve. Snow is quite dry now but is sloshy, full of water. Helped about the washing some, helped load boats &c &c. Went to Parish meeting this P.M. Was chosen treasurer and collector. 30 above Pleasant most of the day but windy and had 2 snow squalls. Carried mother to Mr. Phersons and I went and had a tooth pulled. M. King pulled it (an eye tooth). Went with the sleigh. It was very good sleighing in morn. This P.M. I drawed out birch wood with the slead and 1 small load home of small. WEDNESDAY, 8

THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1868 20 above Very pleasant and cool and windy. Drawed Mr. Pherson a sled load of 2 ft of my birch wood and cut and sawed it up and drawed home a load of 4 8/12 ft. slabs of Jos. Helped father shoe the horse behind &c &c. Calf went to day. Chilson had it. FRIDAY, 10 24 above Very stormy all day. A driving N.E. snow storm. Snow is 6 or 8 inches or more deep and storming yet. Chored about home some. Carried 2 passengers to Woonsocket. SATURDAY, 11 calf 23 above Pleasant most of the day. Snow is 8 or 10 inches deep. Thawed some to day. Shoveled paths and chored about. See to the males. Pitched on a load of Jos. hay for B. Cook. Jos been to Boston. G.F. Wadsworth came here to night. Emeline been to _?_.

SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1868 42 above Pleasant most of the day and warm. Windy and colder tonight. Begins to freeze some. Have been to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Meeting this eve at Mr. H.M. Bowens. I went and done Mr. Phersons chores to night. MONDAY, 13 18 above Cold and pleasant. Helped Jos. draw and load poasts in A.M. and some in P.M. and then helped saw a little. Drawed the sleepers together on the Pond lot. The 2 _? _ worked cutting and sawing them up and J. Cross helped. This P.M. drawed them with the horse and slead. 17 above Very pleasant and cool. Rains a little this eve. Helped Jos. at the mill get in his short logs and away boards 4 hs. in A.M. and in P.M. cored about home. Cleared up a closett in back room &c &c. Jos. went to Franklin city with the horse. TUESDAY, 14

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1868 47 above Cloudy and warm. Drawed away boards and stuck them up 3 hs. and for Jos. in A.M. Sold a little lumber to R. Stewart &c. Carried a load of (350 lbs. of) hay to J.M. Pherson. This eve went to a fire in Franklin. The old _?_ is burned flat. THURSDAY, 16 58 above Showery A.M. and rained most of P.M. and warm, some thunder and lightening. Got in my 16 long logs and part of Jos. He helped me 3/4 hour and I him 2 or 3. Had the horse sled. This eve carried A.J. Sargeant home. FRIDAY, 17 57 above Pleasant part and cloudy part the day and warm. Helped Jos. load some logs, 2 load and plowed part of M. Bowens garden. Went to Woonsocket. Mr. Bowen, Emeline and Nettie went with me. Called to see Mr. Butman.

SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1868 57 above Pleasant and warm but very windy P.M. Helped Jos. get in his logs 2 hs. or more, the last of them in the P.M. I drawed away my boards (pine) 1469 ft. Helped onload Mr. H. Stockbridge goods &c &c. Carried Mr. Stockbridge and wife to M. Hawses and Hattie to Franks. Meeting down stairs this eve. 33 above Very pleasant but cool and windy. Ground frose some in the morn. Staid at home all day. Was most or quite sick with a cold. Rev. Merrell preached, Rev. J. Merrells father. MONDAY, 20 42 above Stormed all day, rained. Helped some about the washing and chored about some. SUNDAY, 19

TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1868 42 above Cloudy in morn, but pleasant part the day. Made my bees wax and chored about some. See to the males &c &c. Jos. gone to Boston, stays to night. WEDNESDAY, 22 42 above Very pleasant and warm. Helped draw lumber away from the mill 2 hs. for Jos. Chored about some. Arthur Abby worked for me beetling manure &c today. I helped some. Ms. Mahlon Daniels and Mrs. Martha Pond here visiting to day. Jos. been with men from Boston to look of some farms. 47 Very pleasant morn but came up very windy. I had a shower about 4 P.M. and cold got ready and went to Pawtucket and to Providence to see about our lumber. H.M. Bowen went with me. THURSDAY, 23

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1868 28 or 30 above Pleasant but cold and windy. Ground was frose some this morn. I drawed some poles down to send to Blackstone to S. Pond. Got a load of 4 2/12 ft. birch wood. Moved some litter from old barn to horse barn &c &c. SATURDAY, 25 38 above Very stormy most all day. Snowed all A.M. and part of P.M., then turned to rain. Snow is quite deep. Barton Cook came and got a load of our hay clover, 1068 lbs. I have been most sick with a cold and have done but little. Jos. been to Boston. Emeline gone to Dea W. this eve. 38 above Foggy in the morn, but cleared off. Pleasant and cool. The snow thawed off before noon. Staid at home all day with Alvah. I have a very hard cough. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline and Abbie went to Uncle Richardsons to night. M. Sarah Cross came here to night to work. SUNDAY, 26

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1868 32 above Cloudy and rained a little. Helped about the washing some and chored about. Cleared and raked up the weeds &c, some in the garden lot. Went to Hubbards Mill, Newells, G. Ponds and to Mr. John Butmons. TUESDAY, 28 Very pleasant and warm. See to the males. Jos. been to Boston. I went to the saw mill with Mr. Carpenter and sold him our pine plank for $30 _?_. Worked in garden on the strawberries some &c &c. 31 above Very pleasant and cool. Drawed the pine plank from the mill and loaded it on the car 8084 ft., I drawed with the horse and J.W. Cook with Jos. oxon. We commenced at 8 and got through at 4 P.M. We got in 8 small logs of ours, oak. Jos. been to town meeting. WEDNESDAY, 29

THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1868 Cloudy and damp A.M. and very pleasant P.M., warm. Chored about home part of A.M., then carted the lumber (oak) home from the mill, 3 horse load. Than went to Woonsocket. This P.M. to mill. Frank Hancock and Emeline went with me. Jos. been to Boston. FRIDAY, MAY 1 52 above Pleasant morn but cloudy most of A.M. and part of P.M., but cleared off again. Very warm, but cool most the day. Mr. Gilmore Pond trimed trees for me in A.M. I helped some and some at the house. Mrs. Gould helped Emeline clean house this P.M. I got out 3 load of manure and got the brush off the piece by old barn and 1 load of manure on to Mr. Bowens lot and cultivated and furrowed it. 42 above Very stormy most all day. Set out 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 peach and 1 plumb tree on my Fisher place. Helped some about fixing my old sofa. Mr. J.D. Barton commenced fixing it. Chored about some. SATURDAY, 2

SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1868 40 above Pleasant and cool. Went to meeting in A.M. and this eve at Jos. Rev. Merrell preached, Rev. J. Merrells father. MONDAY, 4 32 above Very pleasant and warm most of the day. Frost in the morn. J. Cross worked for me. We got some 4 load of manure on the piece by old barn and plowed it and 1 load by old shop and plowed that. Artemus Bardon helped 1 hs. lead horse & c. Plowed the remainder of Mr. Bowens garden. He helped and helped me some. J. Cross throwed the manure over under horse barn and sawed a little wood. TUESDAY, 5 Very pleasant and warm. Sowed bus wheat on the piece by old barn and sowed bushl _?_ and pk hds grass seed and harrowed and rolled it in &c &c. Harrowed and furrowed Mr. Bowens garden. Caught 5 fish, cut a little wood &c &c.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1868 40 Cloudy and rained a little in the morn, sun shower, but little to day, warm. J. Cross worked for me. We choped on Mancys lot the hard wood. Father brought our dinner to us. Abbie and Emeline went to the conference to Mansfield. Mrs. C. Fisher went with them. Jos went to Boston. 42 Stormy most of the day. In the store some and cleared up the old shop some and cut the old wood &c in there. Jos. went to Boston with F. Hancock to get goods to fill up the store. Sold some hens. FRIDAY, 8 32 Snowed quite fast till about 9 A.M., then rained some. Cleared off before night . In the store some. Chored about. Made some skids for Frank &c &c. Jos. been to Boston. THURSDAY, 7

SATURDAY, MAY, 9, 1868 Pleasant and cool. Drawed 2 hr., H. Stockbridges goods, and helped load them into a car. J. Cross worked for me. He sawed some wood and helped get out manure and spread on the garden and plow it. Artus Bordon helped 1 hour. We onloaded F. Hancocks goods, molasses &c &c. , _?_, 8 bus. small potatoes &c and carried to J. Cross this eve and he and Sarah went with me. Got home about 10 . SUNDAY, 10 Pleasant most the day and cool. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M., and eve. Rev. J. Merrell preached. This eve meeting at Jos. Clarks. Emeline most sick with a cold. Mr. Bowen got the horse to got to Franklin to meeting. MONDAY, 11 Very pleasant and warm. A. Bordon helped me cultivate and furrow 1 hs. Helped some about the washing &c. Fixed the fence some around the pasture and turned the cows out for 1st time this season. In P.M., Mr. G. Pond and A. Clark Jr. trimed trees for me. Father went to Woonsocket. Assesor of taxes here &c &c. Worked about home.

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1868 33 above Very pleasant and warm. A. Bardon helped me cultivate and furrow 1 hour. Went after Dr. King for Mrs. Pherson, carried some pipe to the tin shop, got some shavings. Mr. G. Pond worked trimming trees. I helped a little, but my wrist so lame havent done much this P.M. WEDNESDAY, 13 Cloudy and began to rain about 3 P.M. Emeline went to Boston and is going to say tonight. In the office some, got out a little manure and planted the piece by old shop to peas, beans and Sabee potatoes first planted this year. THURSDAY, 14 Stormed some in A.M. and pleasant P.M. and warm. See to the mails. Set out a pear tree &c. Stacked up my long pine boards. M. Barton helped an hour . Emeline came home from Boston. Jos. been to Boston.

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1868 Stormed part the day and _?_. Artemus Bardon helped me plow 2 hs. back of horse barn. Divided some phosphate and carried to Mr. G. Ponds and his scraps &c. Called and see Aunt Patty. Cleared up the shop some. Went and got some passengers at Dennis Sulivens. Dug around 2 pear trees and manured them. SATURDAY, 16 48 above Foggy morn. Pleasant part and stormed a little. Cultivated and furrowed F. Glancocks garden 1 hour. A. Bordon helped and he helped plant some. We got out 3 load of manure and planted 1 bus. Maine potatoes and lot sweet corn, some Japanese mellons and cucumbers in the garden by the house. Set out a few dahlies. SUNDAY, 17 52 Pleasant and warm. Went to meeting here in A.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Was no meeting here this P.M. All went to Franklin, Was 55 taken in to the church there meeting this eve at Mancy Danielses.

MONDAY, MAY 18, 1868 52 Stormy, very and warm. Worked in the old shop most of the day clearing it up and sweeping. Sawed up some old boards &c. Sold B.F. Cook 620 lbs. hay and pitched it. 48 Cloudy and damp morn, and cloudy most of the day. Went to Woonsocket to mill &c. Worked in the garden some. Set out an apple tree &c &c. Abbie went with me. Father went and got a passenger at A.D. Sargeants to night. 48 Cloudy A.M. and began to rain between 2 & 3 and has been very stormy since and is raining hard now at 10 P.M. Seaded a load of birch wood and carried to Mrs. W. Fisher and put in her wood house and went and got a load of sticks &c at the Box mill for Jos. Commenced clearing up the further building and _?_. WEDNESDAY, 20 TUESDAY, 19

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1868 47 Very stormy. Rained most all day. Worked in the atic clearing and picking over papers, letters, &c. 53 Cloudy and cool most of the day, sprinkled a little. Mr. Bowen helped me (or I him) get off brush with the horse 6 hs. and I moved Mr. Peter Rilzs goods for him into Jos. house from the Pond place. Father helped some. 49 Cloudy morn and stormy most all day and is a very driving storm now at 10 oclock this eve. Washed and fixed the circle on the beach wagon which took most of the day. Washing out the yarn. SATURDAY, 23 FRIDAY, 22

SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1868 47 Cloudy and stormy most the day or misty. Rev. J. Merrell preached in A.M. and Rev. S. Freen in P.M. Have been all day but not this eve at 6 oclock meeting. Was at meeting house. Mancy Daniels has got our beach wagon to carry his wife to Dedham. MONDAY, 25 Cloudy most all day and damp. Stormed a little, warm. Mr. Moses worked for me plowing. Tried with the horses, but they went to fast, so we used Jos. oxon from 9 A.M. till 6 P.M. Mr. Bowen drawed off stones with our horse. Mr. S. Beals is here to night. TUESDAY, 26 Stormy in the morn and cloudy all day and warm. Commenced plowing about 10 A.M. with Jos. oxon and plowed till 6 P.M. Mr. H.M. Bowen helped get out stones &c. Jos. went to Boston.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1868 52 Very damp and cloudy morn, but cleared off, very pleasant and warm about 9 or 10 P.M. Got a mess of greens than helped Mr. Bowen get off stones with the horse in the hill back of old barn all day after 7 till 6. He chored for us at noon. J.W. Cook plowed for me with his oxon this P.M. and finished that piece and harrowed some. THURSDAY, 28 52 Foggy and damp morn, but cleared off. Very pleasant and warm. Carted off 4 load of stones from the hill piece (the last) and a few vines &c from back of horse barn. Than got ready and started for Franklin at 10 A.M. to the dedication of the Dean Accad. Only was a very horse number there. Emeline and Abbie, Jos., Mrs. Bowen went with me. Tonight I helped Mr. Bowen with the horse 1 hs. get off brush. 59 Cloudy most of the day and rained some and very fast about 6 P.M. and this eve. H.M. Bowen worked for me. We planted some beans, 141 hills pole, and some peas, potatoes, mellons and squash &c. Mr. Lomar got a load of hay, 2143 lbs. Mr. J. Canney with his horses harrowed the piece on the hill (_?_). FRIDAY, 29

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1868 56 Cloudy all day and stormy most the time. I set out a lot of Dahlias &c. Planted some Winter Squash by mellons, snow ball potatoes &c. Put up some potatoes and Father carried them to Mrs. H. L. Bordon. Mr. Bowen and Artemus Borden worked for me this P.M. Plowed the piece back of horse barn. 62 Very pleasant and warm most the day. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Was a meeting at 5 P.M. at the church and a prayer at the house of E. Moses at 7 P.M. Mr. Festus Moses died last night and is to be carried to Ct. tomorrow. MONDAY, JUNE 1 51 Very pleasant and warm, but rains some this eve. Harrowed and furrowed part of the piece on the Mine hill and planted 2 bus. seedlings potatoes, carted up 2 load of manure and 1 casks Furtiliser and 1 of plaster. Mr. Bowen helped plant &c. SUNDAY, 31

TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1868 51 Very pleasant and warm A.M. Bowen helped plant on the hill. We carted up 3 load of manure and put on plaster and Furtiliser. Planted 4 bus. Potatoes, _?_ and bus. Seedlings. Emeline and Mrs. Bowen went to Woonsocket this P.M. and carried Alvah. Mrs. Gould worked for mother. Father went and got her and carried her home. WEDNESDAY, 3 48 Very pleasant and warm. H.M. Bowen worked planting with me planting on the hill. _?_ potatoes, 4 bus. Large and 2 small. Drawed up 1 load of manure and _?_ plaster and Furtiliser. Bees swarmed and Jos. put them in M. Cooks hive. THURSDAY, 4 Very pleasant, clear and warm. Mr. H. M. Bowen helped plant &c and Arther Alby helped. We finished planting the piece on the hill about 3 P.M. 4 bushl. (about 16 in all ) 1 cask plaster and 2 of furtiliser and 6 load of manure. Drawed down a lot of old bark &c. Harrowed and furrowed the piece back of horse barn and put on 2 load of manure and got a load of gravel for _?_ and this eve _?_.

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1868 42 Pleasant morn but cloudy most of the day and stormed some. H.M. Bowen worked for me. We carted out manure from cow yard and planted most of the piece back of horse barn. 2 bushls. and bush. Jursy mercer potatoes and white beans. A. Alby helped drop and got in some wood &c &c. Father went and got Mrs. Gould and carried her home for Jos. SATURDAY, 6 66 Cloudy most of the day and very windy and very warm. Finished planting the piece back of horse barn to white beans. Planted 1 row of string peas, plowed a little piece side of RR back of shop lot and commenced to plow the uper end of race meadow. Went and cut a load of pea brush. Arthur Alby helped to dry some. Rev. J. Merrell here to tea to night. This eve sold. J. Canny 669 lbs of hay. C.J. Deans hive, bees swarmed to day. SUNDAY, 7 68 Cloudy part and stormy part the day, very warm in morn and cold to night. Have been to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Went and see Mr. Pherson. Went and got Mr. Cannys carriage and Mr. Bowen and wife and Emeline went to the Episten meeting at Franklin tonight.

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1868 52 Cloudy A.M. and pleasant most of P.M. and warm. Carted 12 (or more) load of manure and spread on the piece. Began the pine back of horse barn. Pitched on a load of our hay for Jos Grant, 935 lbs., and chored about some. Father carried a passenger to Wrentham. TUESDAY, 9 56 Cloudy and damp morn, but very pleasant part of the day and warm. Rained hard just before night. Sowed the piece back of horse barn to barly and hay seed beyond the pine. Harrowed (and rolled it in). Harrowed, furrowed, put on 2 loads of manure and planted most the piece side of RR back shop to bus. Sabec potatoes. A. Bardon helped hours, A. Alby some. Stuck up the oak lumber. F. Hancock went to Woonsocket and got a load of meal, 18 bus., with the horse, and Geo. Metcalf has gone to Wrentham to night. WEDNESDAY, 10 Very pleasant and warm. Finished planting the piece by R.R. Went and picked out some lumber for A.G. Pike for our wagon (express) _?_ got Jos. oxon and plowed the lone in race meadow 1 hour. Fixed bee hives. Harrowed and furrowed, cultivated garden back of shop _?_.

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1868 50 Cloudy and began to storm before noon. Very stormy P.M. and cold. Mr. H.M. Bowen worked for me in A.M. We bushed most of the peas by the shop and hoed that garden. Got out 1 load of manure and planted part of the race meadow lane to chilea potatoes and squash. This P.M. fixed the plow, sharped the harrow teeth, fixed the churn crank &c. FRIDAY, 12 51 Stormy most all day. Cold, stormy. Churned. Took the _?_ up and washing and soaked them to smoke and fixed some in the cellar. Hoed the tomatoes and set out some small ones. Planted some cucumbers, cabbages seed &c &c. Hannah Beals here to night. Came in morn. 55 Very pleasant and very warm. Planted the race meadow lane, the remainder of it to Jersy mercers and to squash. H.M. Bowen helped 1 hs. Than I went to Mr. Phersons and harrowed his orchard and furrowed part of it with the horse about 2 hs., and this P.M. C.S. Moses helped plow with his and our horse in the lower side of _?_ hill. Uncle N. helped 1 hour and A. Alby some. SATURDAY, 13

SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. John and Sarah went home. Bees swarmed, put them in Dea Adamses hive. 57 Very pleasant and warm. Arthur Alby helped me in A.M. He took care of the baby some and harrowed the greensord and we furrowed it. I rolled part of it. I got off 2 load of stones. Carried 1 load of manure down there and left it and in P.M. we went and helped get manure out for Mr. Pherson and plant his orchard. TUESDAY, 16 63 Cloudy and rained a little, 2 or 3 times. Pleasant and very warm some of the day. H.H. Bowen and Arthur Alby helped me get out manure, 7 loads, and planted about 3 bus. Potatoes, 11 bus. Colbrook seedlings, Ulmer, 1/8 hus. George L. Davis seedling, 1 bus. Chilea. MONDAY, 15

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1868 67 Cloudy and misty part of A.M. Pleasant P.M. and very warm. H.M. Bowen worked in A.M. and A. Alby all day. We finished planting the lot back of the horse barn by meadow. Carted out 3 load of manure. Planted 2 bus. Chilias, Maine, 1/8 J. mersers and some others and 2 1/4 to beans. 63 Cloudy most of the day and very warm. Went to Franklin to Mrs. Fishers with some wood and to harness shop and box mill and got some shavings &c. This P.M. cleared up the horse barn some. Went and got some bean poles &c &c. Abbie and Emeline went to Woonsocket. Marrianne came out to night. Meeting downstairs this eve. Mr. Fisk and wife here to night. 67 Cloudy till about 10 A.M. than cleared off, very pleasant and warm. Ashed the sweet corn, than cultivated the garden lot and hoed most of it. E.A. Moore helped me 3 hs. hoeing. I washing the beach wagon and cleaned the axles &c. Cleaned out the water casks. FRIDAY, 19 THURSDAY, 18

SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1868 67 Very pleasant and very warm. Got ready and we (Emeline, Alvah and I) started to Ashland about 8 A.M. Called at the meeting house and see Mr. Fisk and at N.W. _?_ and left 1 bus. Potatoes. Mrs. Albert Heaton road home from our house with us. Got here about 11 A.M. SUNDAY, 21 Cloudy and stormy most all day. Cold rain storm. Went to meeting at the Orthodox church in A.M. and at the Methodist at the town hall here in Ashland in P.M. MONDAY, 22 Cloudy and cold. Stormed a little. Staid at Alvahs till after dinner. Left for home about 1 P.M. and called at Holliston and brought Mr. Fisk home with us. Got home about 5 P.M.

TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1868 56 Cloudy A.M. and part of P.M. Warm. Got the mowing machine out and fixed it some and went about 9 and mowed N. Haweses clover piece. Stayed there to dinner. Mowed with his horse, got home about 4 P.M. Broke the lever casting and a bolt. Went and got some bean poles and pea brush. WEDNESDAY, 24 Very pleasant. Went to Boston in the early train and came home at 7 P.M. Got some house paper, glassware &c &c. Called and see Mr. Beals. THURSDAY, 25 Very pleasant and warm in A.M. Drawed sleepers from the pond lot with the horse and Jos. oxon. This P.M. went to Woonsocket. Got some house paper and a load of 22 bus. Meal, 20 bus. for F. Hancock. Mr. Pherson went with me.

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Mr. John Harvey commenced work here to day. He hoed the beans, peas &c in gardens. Mr. Fisk papered the kitchen and bedroom and varnished the beach wagon &c. I helped about some. Washed wagon &c, varnished the baby wagon, cultivated some. Jos. & Abbie been to Boston. SATURDAY, 27 60 Very pleasant and very warm. J. Harvey bushed some peas and he hoed the piece back of horse barn, potatoes and beans. I worked in the shop most of the day fixing the mowing machine &c. Went to Franklin to night. SUNDAY, 28 Very pleasant and cool. Staid at home with Alvah in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached and at 5 this P.M. went to meeting at Mrs. A. Gaskills.

MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1868 55 Very pleasant and warm. Commenced haying some, mowed around the horse barn and back of shop around the sleepers and side of R.R. and mowed for Jos. 1 hs. in his lower orchard and mowed M.M. Danielses clover piece 3 hs. Cultivated the potatoes side of R.R. and J. Jarvey howed them and mowed and raked. 54 Pleasant and warm. Went and got our clothes at Mrs. Rileys. Got ready and cultivated the garden. Mowed the piece I commenced last, hr., right front of old barn, 2 hs, than mowed a piece for Jos in his lower orchard 1 hs. This P.M. got down the horse rake, fixed it and the drag rake and the wagon &c and got up 1 load of hay to horse barn. J. Harvey helped. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Cloudy or hazy and warm. Went and mowed a piece for Chs. P. Dean, 3 hs. John took care of the hay. In P.M. at 2 oclock, I went to meeting held till most 5 P.M. Dr. Hasker and others there to see about their aiding us &c &c. Helped rake up the hay and this eve mowed the _?_. TUESDAY, 30

THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1868 66 Cloudy most of A.M., very warm day, poor hay weather. Helped Father mend 2 of the machine sections and cultivated the race meadow lane. Carried some things to Parker Watkins and went and mowed 1 hs. for Albert Sewell. Got in 3 small loads of hay (horse barn), raked the hay, and this eve went and mowed hour with C. A. Clarks horse. John took care of the hay and mowed some. 70 Very pleasant and very warm. Went and mowed a piece for Albert Newell with P.B. Clarks horse, 1 hs., and for J.B. Clark with our horse 2 hs. Left home about 6 and got back about 12 P.M. Broke a knife section and the rod bent &c &c. John took care of the hay and this P.M. we got it in, 3 load. Helped Jos. get in 1 and he helped us. Emeline, Abbie, Mrs. Bowen and Isabel went to Uncle Nathans to night. SATURDAY, 4 70 Very pleasant all day and very warm. Worked in the shop most of the day fixing the mowing machine . We welded a section and put in a new rod and box &c. At store some &c &c. Jos and Abbie went to the picnic at _?_. FRIDAY, 3

SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1868 76 Very pleasant most of the day and very warm. Had a thunder shower about 6 P.M. Have been to meetng all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. MONDAY, 6 67 Pleasant and cool, not very good hay weather. Mowed the race meadow piece 2 hs. Carried passengers to N.W. Frails. Went and mowed a piece for N. Hawes with his horse 3 hs. Came home and raked and tumbled the hay, 100 or more tumbles, and this eve mowed the race meadow side of R.R. 1 hs. 50 Rain this eve at 9 Oclock. Pleasant most of the day, but poor hay weather and cool. Cultivated 3 rols on mine hill lot than mowed for Jos. 3 hs on his barn lot, and this P.M. fixed machine some and helped turn and rake up the hay. Have more than 100 out not quite dry. John and Father _?_ it to night. Went to B. Cooks _?_. TUESDAY, 7

WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1868 70 Cloudy most all day and warm. John hoed in the garden some and wead the strawberies. Set out some beats &c, and this P.M. hoed on the mine hill lot. We cultivated a few rowes. I mowed 3 hs. for N. Hawes with his horse this P.M. THURSDAY, 9 Cloudy and showery P.M. and some in A.M. and cool. John has been sick all day, not able to work. I chored about home some. Went collecting pew rent. Fixed a knife section. Filled up the vingar some &c &c. D.J. Briggs and folks came down to day. Abbie went to Woonsocket. FRIDAY, 10 60 Cloudy morn but cleared up about 9 , warm and very good hay weather in P.M. I mowed the piece back of Jos. barn 3 hs. Helped open our hay. We didnt open it till 11 A.M. John didnt work till than, but is better. A. Alby helped. We got it all in, 5 load. Father helped some. Have been mowing this eve 1 hs. _?_.

SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1868 68 Very pleasant and very warm. Good hay weather. Finished mowing the piece back of horse barn 1 hs. and mowed Jos. garden piece and stony piece 2 hs. John hoed a little in the garden and trimed out the peas. I mowed and hoed some on mine hill. I helped an hour on more, than we raked and cut in the hay. I mowed 2 load to horse barn. Father and A. Alby helped get it up. Father carried Aunt Hanah home. 75 Very pleasant and very warm, hot. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline and father wer taken into the church this P.M. MONDAY, 13 76 Very pleasant and very warm, hot. Mowed the piece front of old barn beyond the swale and a little piece this side hs. Used N. Haweses horse 1 hs., and mowed the further side of Jos. lower orchard 2 hs. (1 hs. with N.H. horse) raked and tumbled up the hay. John H. hoed a little 1 hs. and trimed out some. Father helped _?_. SUNDAY, 12

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1868 73 Foggy morn, but very pleasant and very warm, hot. But more air than yesterday. I went and mowed a piece for N. Hawes 4 hs., 1 hs. with our horse. John took care of our hay and this P.M. we put in 4 large load in old barn. Father helped. This eve I mowed 1 hour back of old shop. Emeline been to Boston today. WEDNESDAY, 15 73 Very pleasant and very warm. Finished mowing the piece back of shop and the _?_. Carried Miranda _?_ home &c &c, and this P.M. went and mowed a 3 acre lot for Uncle Nathan, 4 hs. and I got Uncle Richardson 1 hs. _?_. THURSDAY, 16 Very warm morn but clouded up and grew cooler, but cleared off about noon. I went and mowed a piece for N. Hawes, 2 hs. with his horse. Came home and cultivated 10 roes on mine hill. This P.M., J. and I opened 2/3 of the hay and got it in the horse barn _?_, 2 load. I mowed the ridge hill piece and some _?_.

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1868 65 Cloudy A.M. or till 9 A.M. than very pleasant and warm. Worked fixing machine &c about home till 9 than went and mowed a piece with Jos.. Mrs. Bardon 2 hs. part with C.A. Clarks horse and this P.M. mowed our pasture back of horse barn and got up 1 load of hay to horse barn. John hoed most and raked this P.M. 59 Very pleasant and cool morn, but very warm most of A.M. Went and mowed a piece for N. Hawes with his horse 4 hs. Hermon was sun stroked. Went up to see him. Than we got in the hay, 3 load. John finished mowing the pasture and than raked and helped get in the hay. Had a man help 3 hs. SUNDAY, 19 70 Pleasant most of the day and very warm. Had a little shower about 5 P.M. Have been to meeting all day. Rev. Hollman preached. Is no P.M. meeting. SATURDAY, 18

MONDAY, JULY 20, 1868 70 Cloudy and stormed some, cool. Set out some cabbage and turnip plants and we, John and I, pulled weeds and fixed for and set out turnip and cabbage plants for Mr. Bowen, 2 or 3 hours. I picked some beans and peas. Ground a nife section. This P.M., hoed most the time on mine hill lot. Father, mother, Jos and Abbie went to the funeral of Louisa Blake at No. Wrentham. Tonight I carried Edie Rogers and wife home. 62 Cloudy most of the day, cool. Cultivated and hoed most of the day on mine hill. Finished it about 4 P.M., than cultivated 3 roes of mine. Denis Sulivan and boy helped 8 hs. John hoed with us and commenced my potatoes. To night I went and mowed a piece for Denis Sulivan with his horse, 3 hs.. WEDNESDAY, 22 63 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Chored about home some. Cultivated my potatoes and beans. Mowed a piece for N. Hawes, 1 hs., with his horse and mowed part of Mr. Phersons school house lot with our horse, 3 hs. Jos. been to Boston _?_. TUESDAY, 21

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1868 68 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Finished mowing the school house piece, hour, and a piece by his (Mr. Phersons) house hour, and mowed a piece for N. Hawes with our horse 3 hs. And this P.M., John and I raked Mr. Phersons hay, 5 hs. in A.M. John hoed my potatoes and beans. Emeline went to Boston with mother. FRIDAY, 24 64 Cloudy all day and damp, foggy, warm. John and I mowed and raked most the day. Mowed the swale side my wood lot and part the one by _?_ pasture and raked into beds. SATURDAY, 25 Very stormy most of A.M., commenced raining into night. Pleasant part and cloudy part of P.M. In A.M. John and I worked in the cellar clearing it up and after churning, and this P.M. John finished hoeing my beans and hoed up the weeds side of R.R. I carried Mr. Saskills stove over . E. went to Mr. Walus with me. I cultivated the potatoes back of horse barn &c.

SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1868 68 Very pleasant and warm. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. Terry of Weymouth preached. MONDAY, 27 52 Pleasant and cool morn. Mowed the swale by _?_ tree, helped John mowed a piece for N. Hawes, 1 hours, with machine. Than Father and I helped John turn ours and we got in one load, than went and got in Mr. Phersons 3 load, John, Father and I, with the horse 3 hs. Took home the machine and raked up our hay, was late. TUESDAY, 28 68 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and very warm. Poor hay weather. John and I mowed part the swale, front of old barn and opened and took care of the hay. Got in 2 load to old barn. Father helped get it in. This eve I mowed the further part of swale back _?_.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1868 60 Pleasant most the day, but poor hay weather. John and I finished mowing the swale front of old barn and some in race meadow. Opened and turned the hay and got in 2 load. Father helped and Frank Hancock loaded and took away 1 load. Emeline went to Boston. 2 bridges were burned last night on R.R. 62 Cloudy most of the day and had a little shower about noon. Very warm sun shine an hour or 2 about 4 P.M. John and I onloaded the load of hay and drawed in a small load, than mowed the further side of race meadow ditch in A.M. and dubbled the hay tumbles this P.M. and raked the grass into beds, than mowed this side the ditch. Father went to Woonsocket and to Franklin and Jos. to Boston. Mrs. Chs. Wadsworth here to tea &c. 68 Pleasant most the day and warm. Jos. mowed the rye and Uncle Nathan came and helped get in hay and rake rye &c &c. John and I mowed some side of R.R. and part of brook meadow. Got in 2 load. Get the horse in to the mud and got the wheels in and had to onload, which hindered a long time. FRIDAY, 31 THURSDAY, 30

SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1868 72 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Had a little rain from showers. John tumbled the rye up, churned, and we opened the hay and got it in, 4 load. He hoed some &c. I went and got Es dress at OWaleses. Father went to Franklin. Jos. to Boston. SUNDAY, 2 72 Pleasant and very warm. Went to meeting in A.M. Rev. J. Merrells father preached. I staid at home in P.M. Emeline and I took tea at M. Bowens. MONDAY, 3 73 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day. Had a little rain from a shower. Chored about home. Set out some turnip plants. Helped shoe the horse. Carried Mary Cook and baggage &c home. Settled with John Harvey.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1868 73 Very stormy most of the day. Water run in the road, the meadows are full. Drawed a load of chips up for Peter Riles. Looked over my papers some. Set out a few turnip plants &c &c. 65 Stormy most of the day and cool. Chored about some. Fixed the horse stable floor. Went to Mr. Tikes and got the wagon body (new express). Jos. been to Boston. I carried a passenger to N.W. Frost. Settled with N. Hawes for mowing &c &c. 63 Cloudy most of the day and cool. Rained a little about 1 P.M. John Butman and boy came and began getting out stones for me for front wall. Emeline, Elmer and I went to Pawtucket to see Bliss and Carpenter. Got $100 of them on acct. THURSDAY, 6 WEDNESDAY, 5

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1868 60 Cloudy most, but pleasant some of the day and cool. Helped on the stones some roll them out. Mr. Butman and Elis drilled and split to day. Began on one in Jos. this P.M. Got 6 load of chips in to the horse barn and 1 into wood house. Father went to see Asa Franklin and got the wheels to _?_. SATURDAY, 8 Cloudy most of the day and warm, rained a little. Emeline and I went to Dorchester to _?_ Frosts. Stoped in Boston a while, was there at _?_ Frosts to dinner. Jos. and Abbie went to Boston. J. Butman and Ellis worked getting out stones till about 3 P.M. SUNDAY, 9 70 Had a very heavy thunder shower last night at 3 or 4 this morn. The heaviest this season and rained a great deel. The meadows are full - most _?_ - after day and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. Rev. J. Merrill preached.

MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1868 60 Very pleasant and warm. Chored about home some. Helped on the stones some. Mr. Butman and Ellis worked on the stones to day splitting and trewing (or jointing). I mowed the wheet this P.M. 62 Cloudy morn but pleasant a few hs. in middle of the day, showery P.M., and tonight carted J.P. Goulds goods, 4 load, to M.M. Danielses. Got in the rye and small load. Jos. and Ellis Butman worked on the stone and Warren after 9 A.M. I helped some. 60 Pleasant most of the day, but had a shower about 5 P.M. I went and mowed the barley on the Bardon place and Father and I raked and drawed it home. Had the shower on it. I pulled part of our peas. We onloaded the rye &c &c. J. Butman worked on the rack and Warren after 9 A.M. WEDNESDAY, 12 TUESDAY, 11

THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1868 50 Very pleasant most of the day. Cold morn, had a little shower about 6 P.M. John, Warren and Ellis Butman worked on the rack. I helped sharp the tools, spread the barley and wheat and got them in. Jos. helped. Father is sick. I mowed a piece of rowen for N. Hawes 1 hs. 55 Very pleasant and warm. Onloaded the wheat. Asa Franklin commenced work for me. We mowed the barley, than we got in chips &c. John, Warren and Ellis Butman worked on the stone in the meadow part of P.M. This eve I carried passengers to W. Wrentham. SATURDAY, 15 65 Very pleasant and warm. John, Ellis and Warren Butman worked on the stone in the meadow. Asa Franklin pulled weeds and mowed some, churned &c &c. I chored about, went and got the stone carriage home and fixed it. Fixed the baby wagon &c &c. Mr. Pherson went to _?_ with the horse and Frank _?_. FRIDAY, 14

SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1868 67 Had a little shower this morn, but very pleasant and cool most the day. I went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home this P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. This eve at 6 went to meeting at Josephs. 48 Very pleasant and cool. Asa Franklin dug all the potatoes by old shop and picked some beans. Than we went and mowed brook meadow, and this P.M. Albert Gage worked for me. Pulled weeds some and we got in the barley and raked and drawed up the hay, 2 loads. I fixed the stone carriage some, and sharped some tools &c &c. TUESDAY, 18 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day, cool. Drawed stones for front wall most the day with the horse. Had several breaks. John, Ellis and Warren Butman worked on the stone and helped load in A.M. on Jos. and P.M. in meadow. Asa Franklin and Albert Gage cut and got in a little wood in morn, than dug a trench for the wall and spread the hay and we got it in to night, 1 load. MONDAY, 17

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1868 70 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day, sprinkled a little. John, Ellis, Warren Butman worked setting the front wall. Asa Franklin, Albert Gage and I carted some gravel, dug out trench, carted stones &c &c. Lowered the water pipe under the wall. Jos. went to Boston, stays to night. 70 Cloudy most of the day and began to rain very hard, about 3 P.M. and till night. John, Ellis and Warren Butman worked on the wall till it began to rain fast. Asa pulled weeds some, split wood some and washed the beach wagon. Helped on the wall some. We drawed 2 load of stones. Emeline and Elmer went to Boston. Father, Abbie and Mrs. Ingreham went to Franklin. FRIDAY, 21 68 Very pleasant most of the day, warm. John, Ellis and Warren Butman worked on the wall and finished to night for $85.62. Asa and I helped some, drawed 3 load stones, filled up around the wall &c &c. Father, Mother, Mrs. Ingraham and Abbie went to Woonsocket. RM Co. _?_ foundation for tank house. THURSDAY, 20

SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1868 50 Very pleasant and warm. Asa churned than we carted the stones that were left from the wall into the lot back of horse barn, than carted dirt from it into the swale front of old barn. Fixed the R.R. Crossing. Jos, Abbie and Nettie and others went to Boston. SUNDAY, 23 54 Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home with Alvah this P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Meeting this eve at 6. Was at N. Hawses this eve. Have been to Mr. Bowens. 52 Very pleasant and warm. Asa cleared the weeds and brush &c off the garden by old shop. Pulled weeds in the beans back of horse barn and this P.M. we carted gravel onto the meadow from side of wall. In A.M. I carried the R.R. pipe along the ditch for them and went to Franklin. Got _?_ &c. To night carried passengers to _?_. MONDAY, 24

TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Mowed a little in garden around the bees &c. Carried Mrs. Goodwin and others to Maryannas and went after them. Got them some lillies &c &c. Asa hoed some in the garden, pulled weeds some and we carted 1 load of gravel and 6 or more load into the hog pen. Father went to Boston. WEDNESDAY, 26 Pleasant and warm. Asa carted the load of chips to Peter Riles and some stuff for K.R. Co. to _?_. Got in a lot of wood for Father &c &c. Emeline and I went to Boston see the Chinese men &c. I went to Mr. Bealses and let my house. 67 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day, warm. Helped Mr. Bowen move his goods into the car &c. Looked over Accts. with him. Cleared up there some. Asa Franklin got in some wood for me and this P.M. for Father and 1 load of dirt to hay pen. He helped Bowen some. THURSDAY, 27

FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1868 40 Very pleasant and warm but cold morn, frost. Asa got 1 load of dirt into hog pen &c, picked up a few apples, mowed some. I mowed race meadow with the horse and some by old barn in orchard. Worked in shop some fixing bars &c &c. Helped rake the rowen. Asa got out some peas &c. 62 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Asa churned, cut some wood, opened the rowen, hoed 2 hs. on Mr. Bowens garden &c. This P.M. we carted gravel on the meadow from the wall and raked the rowen. In A.M. I carried _?_ Scott and goods home and mowed weeds &c. SUNDAY, 30 70 Pleasant and very warm. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Had a very heavy thunder shower about 5 P.M. Rained very hard. SATURDAY, 29

MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1868 68 Very pleasant and warm. Asa cut some wood, wheeled some dirt, opened the rowen. We picked the pickles, turned the rowen, and got it in. Pitched down the barley &c &c. I cleared up at the other house some. Hannah Beals come out this morn and Mrs. Beals to night. Jos. went to Boston. 72 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and very warm. Asa and I onloaded the rowan and than went and got 3 loads of wood and goods upon the hill for Mrs. Beals and the goods from the cars and put in my house for them &c &c. Asa picked up some apples &c &c. 69 Cloudy part and very pleasant part the day and warm. Carted dirt most the day in A.M. Asa and Barton and I carried on to the meadow, and this P.M. Asa and I carted most the time in to the hog pen, and Barton thrashed barley. Emeline went to Boston. WEDNESDAY, 2 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1868 55 Cloudy and hazy most the day and warm. Worked on the road most all day shoveling and carting gravel, taking the hill down this side of the pond. Asa worked with me 10 hs. with my horse, Barton some in the morn. I went and helped Father cary the axles up to Hermons. 60 Cloudy and a little rain in showers. Asa got in a little wood and we worked on the road carting gravel with horse 8 hs. I got 1 load of boards 5 ft. just mine for R.R. _?_ tank house. Jos been to Boston. Father went to Franklin to night. 63 Very rainy morn but cleared off, very pleasant before noon. Asa churned and sawed and cut wood some. We picked the apples in little orchard. I carted a load of boards for K.R. Co. 253 ft. Went up with Asa to see the Pond place. Carried him home to night. Alvah Metcalf came to night. SATURDAY, 5 FRIDAY, 4

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1868 55 Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and this eve down stairs. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Staid at home this P.M. Alvah went home. MONDAY, 7 67 All kinds of weather. Wet most of the day. Rained and hailed very fast about 5 P.M., than cleared off. I havent done much to day. Have been most sick with a cold &c. Picked a few apples, dug some potatoes. Watched the cows &c. Asa came this eve. TUESDAY, 8 58 Very pleasant and warm. Asa picked up apples in A.M. front of old barn and this P.M. he finished thrashing the barley. Have done but little. Picked a few apples, got some cider berries, went to J. Canny to see about a _?_ in morning. Sick with cold _?_.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1868 55 Cloudy most of the day. In A.M. I went to carried some wheels to K. Stewart and some Elderberries to J. Ponds. Got watches fixed. Uncle Nathan went with me. Asa picked a few apples, pulled some beans, dug some potatoes &c. This P.M. we pitched up the straw and we mowed the barley, 2 bushels and he cut some wood &c. THURSDAY, 10 Stormy most of the day and warm. Asa cleared up the cellar some and split some of Fathers dry wood and sawed and split some of mine. I helped fix the open wagon shalves &c &c. Went to Franklin this eve. FRIDAY, 11 78 Cloudy most all day and damp, very warm. Asa cut wood in A.M. and worked digging up an old tree stump and looking up the cows. In P.M. we looked all about the woods and at last found them at the Ruben Cook place. Was looking 2 hs. for cows.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1868 Cloudy, stormed some, warm. Asa finished digging up the old tree stump and partley filled the hole and pulled weeds in the garden and dug 1 bus. potatoes and we fixed the fence side my Whiting lot. SUNDAY, 13 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emma Wadsworth came here this P.M. MONDAY, 14 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day and very windy and cool. Asa dug a few potatoes, pulled a few weeds and thrashed the rye. I chored around some and this P.M. went to Franklin. Emma, Marianna and Emeline went with me and I went and got 22 _?_.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1868 Very pleasant and cool. Asa got the wheet down and thrashed part of it and sawed a little wood. Father and Mother have been to Ashland with Uncle N. and Mrs. Gould. I chored about some this P.M., carried Emma Leary, Marianne Gould up to Hermons, and went to ride. Hannah Beals and Emeline and Alvah went with us to Wrentham. 58 Cloudy and rained some, but pleasant part the day. Asa sawed and split wood most the day (has gone home to night). Emeline went to Boston (Walpole). I took care baby some, helped fix fence, got out lot cider bbls &c &c. 41 Very pleasant and cold. Asa helped pick over some apples. Cut the stalks, turned the beans and we pulled a lot of the remainder of my lot and he pulled Mr. Bowens 1 hs., than we raked cranberries. I went to Franklin and got our wheels and carried to Hermons. Emeline went with _?_. THURSDAY,17 WEDNESDAY, 16

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1868 31 Very pleasant and cold, hard frost last night. Asa raked cranberries, picked the Porters, covered the Syacashes &c &c. I went to the Cattle Fare at Dedham, have been most sick all day. 34 Very pleasant, cool morn. Asa thrashed the remainder of the wheat. I chored about some, helped hoop some of my cider Bbls. Went and got some poles, went and got the winowing mill &c &c. SUNDAY, 20 52 Cloudy most of the day and began to storm before night and rained hard late to night. Have been at home to day, but went to Mr. Phersons, he is sick. I took a dose of pills to night. Rev. J. Merrell preached. SATURDAY, 19

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1868 49 Very pleasant and cool and windy. Carted the rye and wheet straw to the horse barn and winnowed the rye 1 bushl and some of the wheat. Asa helped and this P.M. J. Cross worked for me. They picked the squashes, pulled the pole beans, dug some potatoes &c. I went to Woonsocket. Mother, Emeline and Alvah went with me. Emeline fell downstairs this morn. TUESDAY, 22 34 Very pleasant most of the day but cloudy toward night. Asa and I winnowed the wheat and I carried the mill house and chored for Mr. Pherson some. Went and got the wheels and carried to Franklin with the wagon body &c. Went and got passengers. Wheeled up lot chips or blocks &c. Helped get up the beans &c &c. Asa and J. Cross dug potatoes most the day back of horse barn. This eve went to Dea Whitings with Ed and his wife. WEDNESDAY, 23 Stormy or misty most all day and warm. Asa and I sorted a few potatoes and put in the cellar (snow balls). He cut wood most of the day. I chored about some, carried Eddie and wife to Mr. Phersons and Uncle Richardsons. Emeline is quite sick to day since 9 A.M. Alvah fell and hurt him.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1868 Pleasant part the day and cool. Asa and I worked on the road, Asa 7 hs.,, and I 6 and horse 6 hs = 190 hs. We sorted a few potatoes. Emeline has not set up any to day, but feels rather better. F. Hancock went to Jos. Walkins with the horse. FRIDAY, 25 Stormy or misty all day. Asa cleared up the horse barn some, helped me draw off some vinegar &c &c. I carried the children to school, chored about house some, went up to Franklin and got our new wagon. Carried Marianna home. She worked her to day. SATURDAY, 26 Pleasant and warm most the day, rained a little to night. Asa and I cleared the chaff out of barn floor and onloaded the beans and picked up a load of apples and I went to mill with them, 36 bushels. Asa went home this P.M.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1868 52 Stormy all day. Have been at home all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. His wife and 2 children were there, came out with him . Was but very few out to meeting, it was so stormy. 52 Pleasant and warm. Picked and picked over 4 bushls of apples and put with Jos. 15 bus. and carried to Grants mill and waited and brought home a load of cider 43 gals. for Jos. and 88 for me. Than I helped Father hoop some bbls &c., got the cider down cellar, carried Marianna some apples to dry and peared some. Asa came this eve. 46 Very pleasant and warm. Sorted and got down potatoes, then we, Asa and I, picked the apples back of old shop all in that but of the tree front of old barn. I wheeled up some chips &c from tank house &c &c. Asa and I worked on the Bowens beans &c 1 hour. Picked a lot _?_. TUESDAY, 29 MONDAY, 28

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1868 36 Very pleasant and cool and windy. Asa picked apples most of the day front of old barn, side the road. I helped some and chored about. Got in Mr. Bowens beans &c &c. Father, Abbie, Mrs. Beals and Ms. Glencock went to Milford fair. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 Cloudy and stormed a little. Asa commenced to pick a few apples, but they came after him at 8 to go home. Mrs. Job Greene is dead, his wifes mother. I went to Hermons and got our wheels and Father and I riveted the fellies and I took up our carpet &c. Carried Mother to Mr. Phersons. FRIDAY, 2 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and warm. Have been hooping cider casks most of the day. Helped put the carpet down &c &c. Marianna worked here part the day. Father carried a load of apples to mill for Jos. and brought home my cider.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1868 41 Stormy most of A.M. and pleasant P.M. Hooped or finished hooping cider casks. Helped fix some irons for R.R. tank spout. Went and got the Express wagon and carried to Franklin to be painted. Got some shavings. Father carried a passenger to Diamond Hill. J. Harvey come this eve. 34 Very pleasant, white frost last night, warm day. Have been to the funeral of Mrs. Job Greene at Sheldonville Church. Jos. Mother and Aunt Patty went with me. MONDAY, 5 Cloudy part, some rain and pleasant part the day, warm. Started to get a load of apples at O Sayleses, but he was gone. I went and got the apples (12 baskets at the Bardon place and carried to mill this P.M. and brought home 2 casks of cider for Jos. and 2 for E. Moses. John Harvey worked for me. Dug the remainder of the potatoes back of horse barn and _?_. SUNDAY, 4

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Chored about some. Went to O Sayleses and got a load of (32 bus) apples and carried to the cider mill and went there coming home and got 16 bus more and drawed home. Than picked over a few apples &c &c. John Harvey dug the potatoes by R.R. and picked a few apples. Father carried _?_ goods _?_ to night. S. Heatons house was burned this morn at 12 (_?_). WEDNESDAY, 7 34 Very pleasant and warm. Asa and John Harvey dug the potatoes in Race meadow lot and picked some apples and helped me part and get down the potatoes &c &c. Father and Mother went to No. Wrentham and Father carried off some passengers. Mrs. Carver came here to night. THURSDAY, 8 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day and rained some, stormed this eve. Asa and John picked apples most all day in Race meadow and orchard. I carried a load of apples to mill and brought home a load of cider. Sorted some apples and helped pick some &c &c.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1868 Very pleasant and cool. Chored about some. Went to Franklin to paint shop. Jos., Emeline and Hannah B. went with me. Picked some apples and went and got a load of cider. Elmer went with me. John Harvey and Asa dug Mr. Bowens potatoes and than picked apples 4 hs. SATURDAY, 10 35 Very pleasant and warm. John Harvey picked apples most the day, he churned. Asa picked apples some and thrashed the beans or most of them. I sorted apples some, got my beans, potatoes down in cellar and Asa thrashed his beans 2 hs. and got my cider down cellar &c &c. J. Lower brought us 2 pigs. 44 Cloudy and looked like rain part the day and pleasant part and warm. Have been to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline went all day. SUNDAY, 11

MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1868 45 Very pleasant and warm. We, John and I, cleared out the gravel &c from the cellar of my Wright house. Sorted some apples &c this P.M. John dug potatoes on the hill by the woods and I went to Wooncocket to mill and carried some 205 lb. Squashes to R.O. Cook. TUESDAY, 13 Very pleasant and warm. Asa and John dug potatoes on mine hill and sorted them. Sorted some apples and chored about home on various things. This eve, carried a passenger to Diamond hill. WEDNESDAY, 14 42 Cloudy, rained a little, warm. Asa and John dug potatoes on mine hill. I sorted some apples, cleared out some bulbs and chored about home. Got some potatoes down cellar &c. Jos. went to Boston. Abbie and Elmera Briggs went to Woonsocket with the horse.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1868 Cloudy and damp, but not much rain. Sorted and got the potatoes down collar. Helped load a car of posts 2 hs. and Asa helped (and Jos.). Asa and John dug potaotes on the hill. I sorted some apples &c &c. Jos. went to cider mill with the horse. Father went to Boston. FRIDAY, 16 Very pleasant and warm. Got some potatoes down cellar. Chored around some. Dug some potaotes with Asa and John. They dug all day on mine hill. 1st snow Commenced to rain about 8 A.M. and turned to snow and snowed fast most of A.M. Cleared off about noon, very cold and windy. Asa went home and this P.M. John dug potaotes on the hill. I carried off 2 passengers to G. Ponds. Sorted and got down potatoes. Got in squashes &c &c. SATURDAY, 17

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1868 23 Very pleasant and very cold. Froze quite hard last night. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrells father preached. Meeting down stairs this eve. 40 Cloudy part of A.M. and stormy P.M., rain. Carried our washing to Mrs. Youngs. Called for our wagon, it wasnt done. Sorted a few potatoes and carried down cellar. Commenced fixing a potatoe bin. Weighted part the bus., took up 1 hive, went to G. Ponds and got 2 passengers to night. R. Smith downstairs. TUESDAY, 20 35 Very pleasant and cool. Made a little cider. Sorted and cleared up a few apples, cut some squash to stew &c &c. P.M., dug a few of my potatoes, loaded 6 load of 905 lbs of our hay for Jos. Grants. Frank Hancock drawed 3 load of wood with the horse and Estalla _?_ for Abbie. Went to Franklin (_?_). MONDAY, 19

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1868 Cloudy A.M. and began to rain about 2 P.M. and is raining yet. Asa came this morn. We dug potaotes in A.M. (on my lot) in P.M. We loaded posts 1 plus hs. of J. Gowers, dug a few potatoes and fixed a bin in the collar. Father, Mother and Mr. Pherson and wife went to Conference at Franklin. THURSDAY, 22 Cloudy and damp, rains this eve. We, Asa and I, dug potatoes most the day and sorted and got down collar 9 bushl. of my. This eve, carried Eugene Hawes home and fixed a _?_ for coal for Mr. Beals in the cellar. FRIDAY, 23 2nd snow Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and cool. Snowed in the night. Asa dug potatoes all day. Finished my lot in A.M. and dug on the hill this P.M. I helped Jos. get Mr. Bealses coal in 1 + hs. with horse, than dug potatoes till 3 P.M. Than sorted and got down my Chileas, 9 or 10 bushl and 2 of small. Went and got the clothes at Mrs. Youngs and got our new Express wagon &c.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1868 18 Very pleasant and very cold morn. Froze hard last night. Asa churned, cut a little wood and dug potatoes after 10 A.M. I sorted and got down some potatoes, fixed some bbls, got the squashes into the cellar, helped about the hay scales &c &c. J. Hogg worked this P.M. fixing them. 32 Very pleasant and warm. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached. The cows got out to day and I have been to O. Gardners, Crookses, Moors, Waleses and all around after them to night but havent found them. MONDAY, 26 Cloudy and damp morn and pleasant part the day, warm. Got the cows this morn. Dug potatoes and we have finished digging potatoes to night. Asa helped. Emeline went to Boston and Marianna took care of Alvah. SUNDAY, 25

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1868 Very pleasant A.M., part of P.M. and warm. Helped fix the hay scales. J. Joag worked in A.M. fixing them. Asa sorted potaotes in A.M. and thrashed some _?_ &c in P.M. and I went to Woonsocket. Carried a few squashes. Marianna and Mrs. Beals went with me. Went with new Express wagon. And the spring shackle broke. WEDNESDAY, 28 Cloudy and rained some, pleasant part the day and warm. Worked on the hay scales most of the day. Cleared up some leaves, poor potatoes and about door yard &c &c. Jos. went to Boston to stay to night. Father cut his foot to day. Mrs. Beals here this eve. Frank Hawses carried a load to sewing circle. 32 Very pleasant and cool. Winnowed a few beans, pulled the beets and turnips and got them into horse barn and chored about. Pulled Mr. Bowens beets and turnips and got them in. Sold the _?_ to D.J. Briggs, 35 lbs or + Bushl. THURSDAY, 29

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1868 25 Very pleasant and cool. Asa came this morn, cut off the turnip and beet tops and carried them down cellar &c. Trimmed out and burned the brush by Mr. Bealses and we got him the pole beans this eve. Asa got a load of chips for Mrs. Beals with the horse, 4 hs. SATURDAY, 31 22 Cloudy most all day and cool. Asa and I thrashed the pole beans and got up the sweet corn. Cleared up the wood pile some, got in some, got a load of old fence stuff from R.R. Worked on hay scales an hour or 2. Carted some cider apples to Jos. building. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 58 or 68 Very driving south rain storm most all day, wind blew very hard in A.M. and till 2 P.M. Warm. Went to meeting all day and carried a large load. Rev. J. Merrell preached.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1868 34 Cold storm, rain and snow all day (most). Chored about. Sorted some apples. Worked the butter, went up and helped Hermon a while trim off the bolts on Hubbards wagon. 31 Snowed some in A.M. Asa came. He husked the sweet corn and sawed some wood &c. I went to town meeting. Mother went to Uncle Nathans. 28 Very pleasant and warm, but cool morn. Asa cut and split some wood. Helped me tore down the old shead at cow yard and he wheeled off the brush from young orchard, picked up a few apples &c . Father carried Mrs. G. Briggs and folks to Woonsocket and this P.M. Emeline and Hannah _?_ went _?_. WEDNESDAY, 4 TUESDAY, 3

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1868 Cloudy and stormed some. Asa helped grind the axes and throwed the manure over in the cow yard from under the shead. Pitched the husks and bean vines up, drawed 1 load of lumber from mill. Made a little cider. Went in morn and got Mrs. Gould to work here to day. FRIDAY, 6 Very pleasant but very windy and cool. Chored about home till 9 than Asa and I went and finished the chopping for Mancy Daniels. Got home about 4 P.M. This eve, got in the cabbages and carried Mrs. Gould home and went and got part of the washing. SATURDAY, 7 Very pleasant and cool. Asa cut some wood in morn than carted the manure out of the cows yard. I helped some and picked up some apples and chored about. Rev. J. Merrell stops with us till Monday.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1868 32 Cloudy and very little rain. Cool or chilly air. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Meeting this eve down stairs. MONDAY, 9 41 Stormy A.M. and very pleasant part and cloudy part of P.M. and warm. Chored about house some. Put down the atic carpet, fixed some at the other house. Carried the washing to Mrs. Youngs, went to paring and harness shop and got some shavings &c &c. Abbie and Hannah Beals went with me this eve. Father carried a passenger to Diamond Hill. TUESDAY, 10 43 Stormy or mist all day. Ground a few apples (7 bushls or more). Fixed the pig pen and throwed dirt in and chored about.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1868 49 Stormy most all day. Rained fast part the time and misty part. I _?_ the hoops to cider bbl. and made cider most of the day and this eve. Jos. been to Boston. TUESDAY, 12 28 Very pleasant but very windy and cool. Worked on the cider and apples most the day and this eve. Father carried a load to the sewing circle and this eve Emeline went. They had an oyster supper. 23 Very pleasant and cool. Made cider most of the day. Got my apples down cellar. Sold bbl. and carried to Peter Rily. Carried Mrs. Frank Stockbridge home to night. FRIDAY, 13

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1868 25 Very pleasant and cool. Get ready for and helped Albert Newell kill our hogs in A.M., 305 and 345 lbs. This P.M. went to Woonsocket. Emeline and Hannah Beals went with me. 28 Very pleasant and cool. Been to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline went this eve to Dea Whitings to meeting. 27 Very pleasant and cool. Cut up and salted the hog and helped father about his some. Frank Hancock carried our washing to Mrs. Young and got the other &c &c. MONDAY, 16 SUNDAY, 15

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1868 26 Pleasant part, but cloudy most the day and cool. Chored about some. Got in some wood to woodhouse. Got Fathers apples down cellar. Chored up horse barn some &c &c. This eve went to Woonsocket to hear Gen. Kilpatrick lecture. Jos and Hannah Beals and Emeline went with me. 34 Commenced snowing in the night and has rained all day. Carried the children to school and went after them. Called to Mr. Phersons and to J.P. Goulds. Churned. Made some cider and chored about. THURSDAY, 19 33 Damp in A.M. and cleared off in P.M. Not very cold. Made some cider. Helped fix the _?_ tub &c &c. Carried a passenger to G. Ponds. Cut pie meat and apple to night. WEDNESDAY, 18

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1868 24 Pleasant and quite warm. Cut my sausage meet. Made a little cide. Helped load a car of posts for Jos., 2 hs. Drawed a stick from the woods for a shead to old barn &c &c. Filled the sausages this eve and pickled the hams. SATURDAY, 21 Cloudy and cold or chilly. John Hoad worked hard fixing a shead at old barn. We helped put the pigs in the old pen this morn, and this eve have been and got the clothes to Mrs. Youngs. Jos. been to Boston. SUNDAY, 22 32 Cloudy and cold or chilly. Been to meeting all day and this eve to M. Danielses. Rev. J. Merrell preached.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1868 24 Very pleasant and warm. Helped about the washing some. Emeline washed to day, the first this fall. Covered the wall at old barn and fixed or made a pare of bars to the cow yard &c &c. Geo. F. Wadsworth here this eve. TUESDAY, 24 39 Very pleasant and warm. Worked on the shead some, boarded up the back and hung gate and cleared up front of old shop. Got the chips in from there and &c &c. Painted the water cask at Mr. Bealses. A.A. Rus here collecting taxes to day. WEDNESDAY, 25 Very pleasant and warm. Helped Jos. load a car of his posts 1 hs. and cleared up under his building and banked up around the barn some. Went up with Jos. ox wagon and got a stick for shead &c &c. This eve carried a trunk to Mrs Gaskills and a passenger to West Wrentham.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1868 41 Thanksgiving Very stormy all day, rained hard most the day, but warm. Uncle Nathan, Aunt Patty, and Herman and his family, and Joseph and his, were here to Fathers to day and F. F. Wadsworth this eve and Marianna and Jos. Gould. It cleared of about 9 this eve, colder. 32 Very pleasant but windy and cool. Chored about some and cut squash &c &c. Worked on the shead most of the day. Fixed the front and some of the roof. Jos. been counting posts on R.R. to day with J. Gower. Meeting at Jos. this eve. 24 Very pleasant most of the day and quite warm. Worked on the shead part the day. Covered it and fixed the fence some. Sold a load of 935 lbs. hay to Jos. Grant and loaded it (10.75). This eve, got in my wood. Filled the woodhouse most full. SATURDAY, 28 FRIDAY, 27

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1868 Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Sanford preached. After meeting went to Ashland. Abbie went with me. We found John quite sick. Got there about 7 in the eve. MONDAY, 30 Cloudy and snowed a very little, warm. Staid at Johns last night. Went to Alvahs a while and started for home at noon. Got home about 3 P.M. Worked on the cow yard fence some &c. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Stormed most of the day. Snow, cold to night, 21 above. Churned most of the day, but didnt get butter and helped some about moving the car house to the tank house. Uncle Nathan came this P.M. and is here or down stairs to night.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1868 20 Very pleasant and cold. Chored about most of A.M. Carried a passenger to J.P. Watkins. Done Jos. chores, he is most sick. Carried the folks to the sewing circle and went after them and went this eve. Had oysters. Drawed some dirt &c 3 or 4 load from under Jos. building and put under the barn. 10 Very pleasant and cold. Chored about most of A.M. and cleared up and in old shop in P.M. Emeline went to Boston. Melvina Scott here to day. Emeline didnt come home to night. FRIDAY, 4 17 Cloudy most of the day and cold. Chored about till 11 A.M. cutting squash &c &c. Than carted dirt from old shop, 4 load, into hay pen and 6 or more in to cow yard. Carted some stones out of cow yard, put the roll and cart into old shop. Emeline came home from Boston this morn. THURSDAY, 3

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1868 26 Stormed most all day, a driving snow storm. Snow 6 or 7 in deep. Worked out most of A.M. Carted some apple tree wood from _?_ and the bean poles in &c &c. Sorted a few potatoes, carried a passenger to W. Wrentham. SUNDAY, 6 Cloudy most of the day and cool. Went to meeting in A.M. and this eve at Jos. Clarks. _?_ in the sleigh. Is quite good sleighing. Rev. J. Merrell preached. MONDAY, 7 Cloudy A.M. and a driving snow storm this P.M. which turned to rain before night. I carried the children to school and went and got them and Mr. Rileys. Carried a box for J. P. Gould to Clarks shop. Went to M.M. _?_. Carried Mothers clothes to Mrs. Young to wash. H Beals went with me. Lewis Hill came and bought our lumber for $14 delivered.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1868 36 Pleasant part and cloudy part the day, warm. Chored about. Went and paid J. Connerys _?_ bill. Helped shoe the horse. We sharped and _?_ new _?_. Carried the bean poles up stairs in horse barn. Fixed Jos. barn door &c &c &c. This eve Alvah broke a lamp and it made a large fire in the kitchen. 22 Pleasant but very cold and windy. Chored about some. Went to the Auction of G.W. Nasons and to see A.A. _?_ &c &c. Got home about 4 P.M. 10 Very pleasant and cold. Throwed over the manure under old barn. Got the cider down cellar and some apples in for Jos. Stewarts man came and got some lumber. Uncle Nathan came and got the old covered wagon and harness &c. THURSDAY, 10 WEDNESDAY, 9

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1868 8 Cloudy most of the day and cold. Chored about some. Went and got Mr. Fosters _?_ mill and winnowed the brans and cleared them up &c. F. Hancock went to Woonsocket with the horse and got 30 bushl meal, and this eve I carried Mrs. Gould to Uncle Nathans and got mothers washing from Mrs. Young. Got a box for _?_. SATURDAY, 12 13 Very pleasant but windy and cold. Cleared up the horse barn, but up some wood &c there. Winnowed a few cranburries and carried the mill home to B. Fosters. This eve, carried a passenger to West Wrentham (to P.P. Cooks). Emeline gone to Ashland and Boston. 14 above Very pleasant and cold. Staid at home in A.M. and went to meeting in P.M. and eve at M.M. Daniels. Rev. J. Merrell preached. SUNDAY, 13

MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1868 17 Cloudy and cool. Chored about some and about 10 A.M. commenced drawing out the logs from the Pond lot. Drawed all but 2 as far as Jos. house and 3 down here with the horse. Father helped (5 hs. or some). Emeline came home from Ashland and got $_?_ of John for me to give note for. TUESDAY, 15 Very pleasant and cool. Carted 1 load of boards (7 ft. 2) to Mr. L. Hill with the horse. Went and see Mahlon Daniels, called at Dea Ponds, Uncle Nathans and A.J. Newells and went to see some lumber in mill yard. This eve carried A.D. Sargeant home. WEDNESDAY, 16 Cloudy and cool and late this eve is snowing a little. Chored about some. Helped about the washing some &c &c. Lewis Chilson killed the heifor this A.M. I cleared up after it. Carried a load to P.B. Clarks to the sewing circle. Wrote to John &c &c. Went to sewing circle this eve and carried and cut a load.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1868 28 Mist in the morn but cleared off about 2 P.M. Thawed a little. Carted a load of boards to Lewis Hill with the horse. Drawed home a load of (old) maple plank from the saw mill. Weighed and cut down the heifor, 687 lbs. Carried a box to J. Clarks shop for J. Gould. 35 Pleasant, warm morn, but grew cold and windy. Went and loaded a load of boards and started for L. Hills and found the iron on shaft broke, so came home and had them fixed and didnt get started till 12 P.M. Brought home some shavings. Frank Hannah here this eve. SATURDAY, 19 6 above Very pleasant and cold. Carted a load of lumber to Lewis Hills with the horse. Brought home from the saw mill a load of old maple plank. John and Sarah and Frankie came here to day to stay till Monday. Hermon and Mary here this eve. FRIDAY, 18

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1868 20 above Began to snow about 9 A.M., turned to rain in P.M. Staid at home all day. John and Sarah are at Jos. to day. Frankie is sick with his cold to day. Jos. went and milked this morn. Mr. S.G. Beals here this eve. 35 guess Very pleasant and warm. Thawy. Went and got some _?_ of Mancy Danielses for Frankie, he is sick. Helped sharp the horse and ring the clothes, and went to L. Hills with a load of boards. Got some shavings. Frank carried some things off with the horse. Jos. took care of his cows to day and went to A&S Auction. TUESDAY, 22 29 Very pleasant and warm. Chored about some. Father carried his clothes to Mrs. Young to wash than I loaded a load of boards and carried to Lewis Hills with the horse. Got a few shavings. Cut out my beef and salted part of it. MONDAY, 21

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1868 Cloudy morn and snowed part the day. Cleared off about 3 P.M. Drawed the boards away from the mill, the chestnut from Pond lot. Father helped 1 12/ hs. with the horse. Father went and got his clothes, carried some meat to Uncle Nathan and this P.M. F. Hancock and I went to Woonsocket. I carried 2 bbls apples and 3 bus. potatoes and brought home a load of meal. THURSDAY, 24 Very pleasant and cold. Emeline and I went to Boston in the 6 A.M. train and came home at 7 P.M. Was a great many in the city getting Christmas preasants &c. FRIDAY, 25 1 above Very pleasant and cold, very. Chored about. Went to S. Hills with a load of boards. Fixed the water cask at Mr. Bealses &c &c. In eve went to Jos. Clarks to the Christmas tree and carried a load of 11 and had oysters and clam chowder &c &c.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1868 10 Very pleasant and cold. Went and got a box for Jos. Gould. Chored about home some. Went to Lewis Hills with a load of boards. Came home through Franklin and got a cask for Fathers beef and drawed some lumber from Hubbards Mill to A.J. Newells this eve. Put the brine to my beef &c &c. B.F. Cook brought the steers we bought for 50. SUNDAY, 27 2 below Pleasant morn but cloudy most of the day and snowed a very little this eve. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. and went this eve and carried a load to S. Hubbards to meeting. Rev. J. Merrell preached. MONDAY, 28 24 above Very pleasant and warm. Chored about home some. Helped about the washing some. We sharped the horse behind. Went to Le. Hills with a load of lumber and loaded another to carz tomorrow.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1868 15 above Cloudy most the day and thawed some in P.M. and began to rain a little bout 4 P.M. Pleasant this eve. Carted 2 load of boards to Le. Hill with the horse and brought home the buggy I bought off Mahlon Daniels for $20. Jos. Grant got a load of 855 lbs. hay. Jos worked part the day on _?_. 24 Cloudy most all day and cool. Worked on the pine lot most of the day 8 hs. sawing, trimming and loading. B.H. Cook drawed 5 load logs to mill (3 of short and 2 of long). J. Cross helped saw &c. Carried passengers to West Wrentham in morn, and father carried some to night. THURSDAY, 31 28 Cloudy part and pleasant part the day and cool. Worked on the pine lot most all day sawing &c. B.H. Cook drawed 4 load of long logs and 1 of short. Jos. and Jos. Cross helped. S. Hubbard failed. WEDNESDAY, 30

FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1869 Very driving snow storm all day and is this eve, cold. Went and helped load a load of logs and got the rest together. B.F. Cook drawed 1 load short logs. Jos. and Jos. Cross helped an hour or 2. Fixed the bed, went to H.C. Pecks and to Hermons and went to Wrentham after passengers. SATURDAY, 2 Cloudy and cold. Chored about, shoveled paths, cleared out ice &c from tub at old barn and made new tubes for it. Helped fix the sleigh, took care of Jos. cow &c &c. Jos. been to Boston. G. F. Wadsworth here this eve. SUNDAY, 3 25 Very pleasant and warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and this eve down stairs. Rev. J. Merrell preached.

MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1869 32 Cloudy and damp, foggy and stormed a little, warm. Chored about, helped some about the washing, hooped a cask for vinegar and filled it &c. Rolled in the logs at the mill. Jos. Cross worked on the pine lot a while. 40 Cloudy and foggy most of the day and warm. Chored about home some. Commenced fixing my ox slead putting in new bearors &c. Emeline went to Woonsocket with Frank Hancock with our horse. This eve has gone to Dea Whitings to reherse. Father been to H.C. Becks to see oxon. WEDNESDAY, 6 Pleasant and cool. Chored about and worked on the slead in A.M. and in P.M. Jos and I went into the pine lot and sawed till 4 P.M. J. Cross worked there chopping, sawing &c. Father carried a passenger to Diamond hill. Emeline and I (and others) been to meeting house about _?_. TUESDAY, 5

THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1869 25 Very pleasant and warm. Helped sharp the horse forward than went up to the pine lot to work. Jos. went with me and we staid from 9 till 4 P.M. Sawed and trimmed. Jos. Cross was there. I went and got some boxes &c to A.J. Newells to night and have been to Dea Whitings to meeting this eve. 38 Very pleasant and very warm. Worked about home on the slead some, hay scales some &c &c. Went and see Amos F. Woodwards cattle. This eve, Emeline has gone to the singing school. SATURDAY, 9 34 Cloudy most of the day and warm. Worked on the slead some and chored about. Went and bought E.S. Moses oxon for $212, they weighed 2610 lbs with the yoak. Brought my ox wagon home. Emeline has been to Walpole to Mrs. Ponds to day. FRIDAY, 8

SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1869 43 Very pleasant and very warm. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. and eve. Rev. Harding preached. Wrote to H.L. Bowen. MONDAY, 11 Cloudy most of the day and hailed a very little, began to rain about 6 P.M. Cool. Drawed 3 load of logs to mill and 1 down here with my oxon and B.F. Cook with his. Drawed 3 load to mill, all long logs, and Jos. sawed up this P.M. 32. 33 Rained very hard last night and snowed this morn and most of A.M., but little snow fell. I finished my ox slead and chored about. Drawed some hay from old barn to horse barn for litter. Went up to Hermons this eve with Harriet Richardson. Sarah Fallett here this eve. TUESDAY, 12

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1869 24 Very pleasant and warm. Drawed 1 load of logs to mill from here and 3 from pine lot, and B.H. Cook drawed 3 load to mill 7 hs. from 8 till 1. J. Cross choped and sawed, and Jos. from 10 till 4 or 5 hs. plus. 26 Very pleasant and mild. Went up to H.B. Millers and got a ox shoe set, than carted boards away from the mill (long boards) with my oxon, 6 hs. Jos. helped 2 hs., and Father some. Loaded part of a load of box boards to carry to Le. Hills. B.F. Cook worked in the woods with Jos. Cross. I settled with H.B. Miller this eve. FRIDAY, 15 Cloudy but thawed some. I went to Le. Hills with a load of boards (5 ft.) went with oxon. Got home about 6 P.M. and left at 1 A.M. B.F. Cook worked in the woods with J. Cross and Jos. went up about 10 A.M. till 3 P.M. Emeline gone to the sing this eve. THURSDAY, 14

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1869 Very pleasant and cool, but thawed some. Drawed logs to mill with oxon 8 hs., 2 load, and B.H. Cook, 8 hs. with his oxon, 2 load, all long. J. Cross choped and trimed. Jos. went to Boston. Emeline gone to sing this eve. The teacher stays here to night. SUNDAY, 17 Pleasant and cool but thawed some, cloudy. _?_. Went to meeting in A.M. and staid at home in P.M. Rev. J. Merrell preached _?_ this eve and _?_. MONDAY, 18 Cloudy and snowed a little. Loaded a load of boards and carted to Le. Hills with oxon, last of the 5 ft. boards and some 6 ft. ones. Father helped load them. This eve helped get in the slabs at the meeting house. Uncle Nathan down stairs. Father made him a _?_.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 Very pleasant and cold. Went to Le. Hills with a horse load of boards. Got home about 3 P.M. and carted away lumber from saw mill with oxon 2 hs. Jos helped, than I part loaded the ox wagon with hay for Le. Hill. Emeline been to sewing circle. 20 Cloudy part the day and most snowed or a very little and pleasant part, cold. Went to Le. Hills with a ox load of boards. Father, Mother, been to Uncle Nathan and Richardsons. Mrs. Beals _?_ need moveing. Got most of the goods loaded in a car. Have been there this eve. George Wadsworth was married to Isabel Miller. THURSDAY, 21 Pleasant and cold. About home in morn, than carted our boards away from the mill with oxon 3 hs. Jos. helped, than went to Le. Hills with a load with the horse this P.M. Mrs. Beals here this eve. On Page 7 to find 22d day. WEDNESDAY, 20

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