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For January 1 through 9, 1871, see memoranda in back of 1870 diary

Tuesday, January 10, 1871 2 below 0. Very pleasant & cold. See to the mails, store, RR & c & c & chored about home some this P.M. Went to Woonsocket & chored about home some this P.M. Went to Woonsocket & got corn meal & c & c. This eve was a meeting in our rooms, about 30 here. Dea Pond took lead of the meeting Wednesday, January, 11,1871 Pleasant part & cloudy part the day. Cold most the day but warmer towards night & a little sprinkle of rain. Chored about some. Sawed & split some wood side the road this P.M. Choped & trimed out 2 1/2 hs. in the woods by E. Corymans than went to S Ponds swamp to see Jos. Cross. Thursday, January 12, 1871 Pleasant most the day & warm. Seems like spring weather. Helped grind the axe & bill-hook & choped & trimed out in the woods by E. Corymans. Most the day father trimmed out some. Dea. Pond began to chop in the swamp some by E. Corymans. Friday, January 13, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm, like spring. See to the morning mail, than went into the woods by E. Corymans trimming up & chopping most of the day. Father worked with me. Saturday, January 14, 1871 See to Store mail, R.R. & c in A.M. Jos. went to Boston in the Steamboat train from Franklin this P.M. I trimed up & choped in the woods by E. Corymans. It has been very pleasant & very warm all day. This eve have been to meeting at Jos. P. Goulds. It is very muddy but there was a full meeting this eve, 30 or more. Sunday, January 15, 1871 38 Very warm, cloudy & very damp, fog or mist so thick it almost rainy. Been to meeting all day & this eve at Josephs. Rev. J. Merell preached. Monday, January 16, 1871 Stormy, rained most all day. Very warm & is very muddy. Made a little cider. Fixed the Rocking horse. Helped hoop the pork bbls, Fathers & mine, they both leaked. Went the saw mill to look at some lumber. Carried Elvira Whither home & c & c. The 5 1/2 P.M. train did not get here till about 10 this eve. They ran into a large rock in Milville & stove the engine up, so they can run but very slow. They all stayed here & got some pie, cheese & c&c. I fixed the sink drain of J.P Goulds. Tuesday, January 17, 1871 Very Pleasant & cold, windy. Made a pale of cider. Split a little wood. Carted some ashes on to mine hill. Carted up (from back of old barn) a load of old wood boards & c to burn. Have been to meeting at Asa Sargeants this eve.

Wednesday, January 18, 1871 Very pleasant & cold. Helped about the washing. Cut some wood. Carted a little litter from old barn to the horse barn. Carried Mrs. C. Scott home from Mr. Phersons. Been to Jos. Goulds a while this eve. Thursday, January 19, 1871 Cloudy & snowed a very little. Cold. Cut & got in some wood & sawed up some of the logs & c. side the road & c c &c. This eve, cut meet & apples for pies. Emeline went to meeting at Dea. Whitings. They have been putting in a new square tank in the tank house today. Friday, January 20, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Helped grind the axe & billhook then chopped a trimmed out about 8 hr by Corymans. Saturday, January 21, 1871 Snowed a very little in A.M. Pleasant most of P.M. warm. Jos went to Boston & I see to store, mail, switches & c. in A.M. This P.M. worked in the woods by Mr. Coryman.chopping & trimming up. Th is eve have been to meeting at Mr Phersons Mrs A. Gaskill worked here most of the day mending. Sunday, January 22, 1871
Very pleasant but very cold & windy. Snowed a little last night. Staid at home all day & this eve have not been very well. Rev. J. Merrell preached. It wasnt very cold in the morn but has been growing cold all day & this at 8 is but 2 above zero & is windy. Meeting was at P.B. Clarks

Monday, January 23, 1871 7 below 0 Very cold & cloudy. Hasnt been but -2 below zero today. It is snowing this eve but very fine it is so cold. Helped about the washing. Put up 2 bushels apples for Mrs. Gaskill. She is at work for me mending this P.M. Choped & trimed up on the Rockwood lot. Water hasent run up stairs today. Tuesday, January 24, 1871 Snowed a little all day. Very cold, chored about . Carried Mrs.Gaskill home & apples, flour c & c Thawed & drawed the water off from the horse barn. Thawed out our water pipe & c & c. The freight train got set at Bald hill. Wednesday, January 25, 1871 2 below Very pleasant & very cold morn & P.M. Chored about. Sold a stack of plank &143 ft to Allen Newell. Went to mill & got for him. There was a rail broke by Clarks pond & flagged the express freight. Thawed out the water pipes at J.P. Goulds. Hitched on a load of 1000 lbs of our hay for Jos. Grant. Went to the funeral of D. Whiting Cooks baby (15 months old) Went & got Frank Stockbridges children to take the car.

Thursday, January 26, 1871

8 Below Cloudy & very cold. Began to snow about noon & is snowing now at 10 P.M. & very cold. The water pipes frose in today & Dea Ponds & J.P.Goulds burst, 1 place up & 1 downstairs. I worked on them a while. Sorted a few apples, potatoes & c & c. Fixed at Dea Ponds some. Sawed & got him a little wood & some of fathers. Mr A Goss connected the tanks to day & let the water .....

Friday, January 27, 1861

Cloudy A.M. & pleasant P.M. Very cold morn but warmer before noon. Thawed but very little. The cars were late this morn on acct of the snow it is very lite. It has been so cold. I shoveled path & chored about . Fixed the pipes & c at the other house. Jos. sodered a hole in the pipe this P.M. I cut a bit of squash. This eve have been cutting apples for some & mince pies till 11 1/2 P.M.

Saturday, January 28, 1871

6 above Cloudy & cold most of the day but pleasant part of the P.M. See to the store mail RR & c. Went to get some milk at P. Cannerys.. Made some cider, apple sauce, got in & sawed a little wood for Dea Pond. He is most sick or his face troubles him very much. Emeline gave to Asa Sargeants to meeting this eve. House step at Dea Ponds to be made 4 5/12 ft. long & 1 10/12 ft wide & 1 1 ft. wide.

Sunday, January 29, 1871 Snowed till about 2 P.M. & cleared off & cloud up again before night. Cool. Went to meeting in A.M. & this eve at Dea W. Whiting. Rev. J. Merrell preached. We went with the sleigh. Monday, January 30, 1871 26 above Very pleasant most of the day & warm. Helped about the washing . Sawed wood for Dea Pond a while 1/2 or 3 1/2 hour & chored about & this P.M. went to Franklin. Emeline & Alvah went with me & had their picture taken & Marianna went with us after we got back Father went after the Dr. for Mr. P. Ribgys boy. Tuesday, January 31, 1871 34 above Cloudy & thawy. Warm began to rain a little before night went & got a load of poles by E. Corymans. Then father had to cary a man to Wrentham center. I fixed the boys sleds. my knife chored up shop some fixed the stove & c & c. Mr Wm. Sherbon took a hive of bees (49 lbs) to keep on shares for 3 years Wednesday, February 1, 1871
42 Cloudy part & very pleasant part the day & warm very thawy. Jos went to Boston. See to store mail RR & c & c. Helped grind up the axes, bullhook & chored about home. Sold my white oak lumber to Allen Newell 440 ft for $33 for thousand.

Thursday, February 2, 1871 Cloudy part the day & warm & thawy, muddy. Drawed out 1 load with the slead that E. Coryman cut & 2 small load with the wagon. Carried load to Mr. Pherson of 3 ft. Father went with it & picked & stacked up some boards at the mill that blew down. Father went to Wrentham with passenger 2 today, morning & night. Meeting up here this eve. Father bought Mr. Phersons Ladder, 21 ft ($4.20) Friday, February 3, 1871 18 above Very pleasant & very cold all day. Drawed out fathers wood that E. Corymans cut in swamp. Took of it 3 2/12 ft to Mr. Pherson father helped. I carried Frank Stockbridges things from Mr. P. Chases to Asa Sargents shop. Carted 7 8/12 ft wood to Dea. Pond of my dry maple. Saturday February 4, 1891 Very windy & very cold , yet very pleasant aside from the wind this morn about 3 oclock. The store barn door blew in & it blew so hard it shook the house. Father & I got up to fix up the door & shut up the buildings & c & Jos has been to Boston. I see to the store mail RR & c & c. Carried some things to Mrs. Whildon. Fixed the barn door & chored about. Frank Hancock & Geo. E. Frost here this eve.

Sunday, February 5, 1871 10 below Very pleasant & very cold & windy. The coldest yet this year. Went to meeting in A.M. & this eve at F.B. Clark. Rev J. Merrell preached. This eve while we were at meeting, Josephs chimney caught a fire & burned out throwing sparks all around & set the house on fire, so Mr J. Carney came up & father, Mr. Smith & G.E. Frost & they put it out. Monday, February 6, 1871 0 zero Very pleasant & very cold morn. Cold all day but not as cold as yesterday. I chored about some. Carried a load of chestnut board to A.J. Newell & went to Wrentham & got a load of wood for Mr. Geo Metcalf. Split a little wood side the road & c & c. Emeline has gone to meeting this eve at Mr. Phersons. Settled with D.P. Gould this eve. Tuesday, February 7, 1871 6 above Very pleasant & cool . Helped some about the washing. The pipe at D.P. Goulds burst in 2 places. Soldered it & thawed it out. Jos soldered 1 place & I 1 This P.M. went to Woonsocket. Abbie went with me got corn meal & c & c. Elmer got him a new axe to day. Wednesday, February 8, 1871 24 above Cloudy & began to snow about 11 AM & is snowing quite fast this eve. Sawed & got in a little wood & some for father & split & piled up some side the road. Helped Jos get in a lot of flour, Molassas & c & c. Thursday, February 9, 1871 31 Cloudy & warm. Thawed some. Fixed the horse stable loaded a load of wood ( -?- 7 ft that sold to Geo. Metcalf) the cars helped hull some corn & chored about went & got some milk at P. Canneys. Helped Jos fix his -?- of molassas he hove his stove & c & c. cleared out the ice house some. Friday, February 10, 1871 25 Very pleasant cold & windy. Burned out the chimney in the morn. finished clearing out the ice house & we got in about 140 -?- & a lot more drawed J. Canney. J.W. Cook came about 8 3/4 Oclock A.M. & Dennis Sullivan with his horse & staid about 9 1/2 & Dea Whiting a few hrs & G.W. Foster in P.M. & Elmer drove our horse & Jos & I packed. Saturday, February 11, 1871 10 above Very pleasant & cold. Went & got some milk at J. Canneys & Jos. I packed ice most of the day have 145 or 1807 cake packed. This eve have been to meeting down stairs. Sunday, February 12, 1871 18 Snowed all day. Cold driving snow storm this eve. Went to meeting in A.M. Carried the fork this P.M. & went after them. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, February 13, 1871 Very pleasant cold. Thawed a little in the sun. Shoveled paths & some for Dea. Pond & chored about. Sawed a little wood in old chop & c & c this P.M. My hip began to be lame & is very lame this eve.

Tuesday, February 14, 1871 A Very driving snow storm most of the day. Cloudy morn & began to snow in A.M. helped about the washing some. Emeline put the clothes out & I brought them in to night & she put them -?- again. Fixed the water pipe at Dea. Ponds & have been looking over my accts some to day. Cars late on acct of the snow. Wednesday, February 15, 1871 Very pleasant & not very cold. Cleared paths some. Carried Melvina Scott home & chored about. Set a pain of glass for Dea. Pond & c & c. Thursday, February 16, 1871 31 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day & warm thawy. Chored about some. Looked over accts with Dea -?- Pond. Picked over a few apples & c & c. This eve have been to meeting at J.W. Phersons Friday, February 17, 1871 25 Very pleasant & warm. Went to Holliston. A sleighing party of 30 of So. Franklin folks & took dinner there. Emeline & I went with H. B. Miller & wife. Didnt start till the rest had gone a while. Father went all round for some one to go to Mrs. Corymans & he had the horse to go to Woonsocket after a nurse but got none. Saturday, February 18, 1871 Very driving rain storm most all day. Thawy & water runs like a brook in the road & fields. Jos. has been to Franklin to see to store & RR & c & c. Carried Susan Sargant home from Mr. E. Corymans. Mrs. Coryman has a boy born yesterday.

Sunday, February 19, 1871 25 Very pleasant & warm most of the day. Thawed some it is very slipery. Have been to meeting all day & this eve at P.B. Clarks. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, February 20, 1871 Very Pleasant & warm. Helped about the washing some. Went & got a load of fathers wood by E. Corymans, some in the pine lot with horse & slead. Than I carried a load with the horse & wagon to S. S. Whittier 4 8/12 ft hardwood. Helped sharp the horses 3 feet or 3 shoes. I nailed them on & finished off. Tuesday, February 21, 1871 22 Pleasant & chilly, cold. Carried a load of oak hardwood to Mrs. S.S. Whittier. Sawed up & cut some wood at the door. Went up to the pine lot & let some to Owen Shields to cut by the house & sold for $1.00 pr thousand & 90 cts a cord. Drawed home a little load of wood from there. Father carried Mrs. Corymans nurse up there this morn & this P.M. Went up there & got Mrs. Cook & carried her home & this eve, now 11 3/4 OClock P.M. I am here at Mr. Corymans. He is crazy now has left the house. He got out of the chamber window about 10 1/2 this eve & run.

Wednesday, February 22, 1871 8 above Very pleasant & cold. Came home from Mr. E. Corymans about 7 this morn. See to the store some & R.R. Jos. & Hermon went to hunt up Mr. Coryman & they saw him on the R.R. but didnt get him home. Carried Charlett Briggs to Mrs. Geo. Deans & this P.M. went to Woonsocket. Emeline & Marianne went with me. Mr. E. Coryman came home with me. I found him at Woonsocket. He staid here a while & started towards home but turned off the clear out again, but found him again by the ledge & got him to the store. Staid all night at Josephs. Owen Shield commenced cutting the pines this A.M. Thursday, February 23, 1871 4 above Very pleasant & cold. Went & got Dr. King to examine Mr. E. Coryman to get papers to cary him to the Asilam. Jos. & Herman went up with him. See to store R.R. & etc. Carried a load of 3 ft wood to Mrs. Cory Coryman & drawed out 2 load of poles. Got the barrow home & c. Went & did Mr. Phersons chores. Went & see Dennis Sullivan to borrow a cider Bbl. Friday, February 24, 1871 37 Cloudy & warm thaw. See to the R.R. store & c & cut & sawed a little wood in the A.M. Jos at Boston this P.M. Put up a cask 39 gal of cider & 3 bus apples & carried to Woonsocket & a lot of eggs for Jos which which I had to brush the sawdust off which took 1 hour or more. Saturday, February 25, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Very muddy. See to the store R.R. & c. Jos. went to Worcester & cut a little wood & chored about. Soldered the pipe at D.B. Goulds. Went up to Mrs. E. Corymans & carried Emeline & Marianna. Sunday, February 26, 1871 Cloudy & rained a little. Very warm. Went to meeting in P.M. Staid at home in P.M. Went to meeting down stairs this eve. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Melvina Scott & Sara Gaskill here tonight.

Monday, February 27, 1871 Cloudy & rained a little most of A.M. & some in P.M. but cleared off before night. Very muddy but is growing colder tonight. Father, Mother, & Joseph went to Milton to the funeral of Mr. May Reed. I see to the store mail R.R. & c & c. Went to Jos. Clarks & got a bill changed & recd 25 on Chs Ginley note. Tuesday, February 28, 1871 25 Very pleasant & cold. Thawed some. See to Store R.R. & c. Jos. at Franklin. Sawed & little wood & c. Went up to the pine lot & to see the new steam saw mill & home by Crocuses saw mill. Father & mother have not come home yet from Milton. I carried a bushel of apples to Mrs. Whiter to night. Meeting this eve at Josephs. Sold 3 of Elder Batons to G.W. Foster. Wednesday, March 1, 1871 36 Squally AM rain snow & c. Pleasant PM warm. Got ready for & went into the pine lot & measured off some & carried load of logs to mill in AM & 3 in PM with the horse. Peter Riley helped Owen Shield saw part the day. Thursday, March 2, 1871 Cloudy AM pleasant PM warm. Carted 5 loads of logs to Crookses mill & small load of wood home. Owen Shield & Peter Riley sawed up the logs. Elmer was there all day. We carried our dinner. Emeline & Melvina went to the meeting this eve at F. Hancocks. She has been here to day & is to night. Jos. went to Franklin after Abbie this eve with the horse.

Friday, March 3, 1871 45 Cloudy & began to rain about noon or 1 PM warm. Drawed 8 load of logs to Crooks mill 2 in AM & 1 in PM. Got very wet coming home. Owen Sheilds & Peter Riley worked there till the rain drove them off Saturday, March 4, 1871 35 Cloudy most the day pleasant a while. Windy had a little snow squall towards night is growing colder. Father helped me roll the logs at Crookses mill in morn. Joseph went to Boston. See to store some & RR this PM fixed the road in the woods & trimmed out the road in woods some & got some the logs together & c & c. Owen Shields & Peter Riley worked in the woods sawing & chopping. Sunday, March 5, 1871 28 Very Pleasant & warm but froze a little last night. Went to meeting in AM & this eve at Benj. Foster. Rev. J. Merrell preached Monday, March 6, 1871 33 Cloudy & rained in PM warm. Helped about the washing some. See to the mail store RR & c & went to Franklin on the freight engine at 11 AM went to town meeting came home -?- on the RR got home about 4 1/2 PM.

Tuesday, March 7. 1871 31 Very pleasant & warm. Cool morn & eve. Helped fix the sawdust in the ice house some. Went to J. W. Clarks & got my saw fixed & went up & see Aunt Susan. She is no better but slowly failing. Picked over a few of my apples 2 bushls & went to Woonsocket in P.M. Emeline & Melaina Scott went with me. Very muddy going. Got 4 Bus meal & 1 of corn. Wednesday, March 8, 1871 31 Cloudy part & very pleasant part the day. Warm, cloudy this eve. Drawed & stocked up the lumber at Crookses mill 3430 ft. Came home through the woods & got a small load of old pine wood & c & c. Carried some flour to Mr. Phersons & this eve have been there to the meeting. Saw flashes, looked like lightning & report like a cannon in the direction of Woonsocket & heard shells. Thursday, March 9, 1871 Rained a little in the morn & cloudy most the day but very pleasant before night. Went up to the pine lot & brought home a load of old wood. Father went up to see about the chopping & was quite sick before he could get home, has been ever since but is better a little this eve. There has been a meeting up here this eve. This PM. I carted 3 load of Mrs. Corymans wood up for her & c& c.

Friday, March 10, 1871 Pleasant most of AM but began to rain about noon & cleared off again about 4 PM. Very Pleasant, warm. Fathers much better to day & this eve. I chored about home till 9 1/4 then went to Mrs. Corymans with some apples & c &

c. Then chopped there in the swamp till noon. This PM have worked about home. Cut squash this eve. Jos. went to Franklin in morn. This eve Emeline been to F. Hancocks. Saturday, March 11, 1871 Very pleasant most of AM & warm. Began to rain about PM & stormy rest of PM. Drawed 3 load of logs to Crookses mill with the horse. Chored about home some & c. Jos. Been to Boston. Tuesday, March 12, 1871 Rained in morn. Cleared off before meeting & began to rain very hard again this eve about 7 1/4 & continues to now. Went to meeting in AM. Rev. Mandell preached. Meeting this eve was at J. Carneys. It rained so hard when meeting was done Jos. went after them with the horse. Monday, March 13, 1871 Very pleasant AM & a little hazy PM warm. Carted 6 load of logs to Crookses mill with the horse. Owen Sheild & Peter Riley choped & sawed off the logs. Have got it most cut. I chored about home in morn till 8 1/4 PM & was late home PM. Tuesday, March 14, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Father carried Mrs. Scott home & some things toMrs. Whelden then I carted 5 load logs to Crookses mill. Elmer & Chs. Hancock went with me. Owen Shield & Peter Riley finished cutting there on the pine lot this noon & this PM they began on chopping fathers wood in swamp by Mrs. Corymans. Mrs Gaskill here to night. Wednesday, March 15, 1871 Cloudy & warm. Began to rain about 4 1/2 PM & is raining this eve at 10 OClock. Father went to Wrentham & got a passenger in the morn than carted a load of 3 8/12 ft wood to Mr. Pherson. I chopped in the swamp by Mrs. E. Corymans & Owen Shield & Peter Riley chop there. Elmer & Chs. Hancock there.. Mrs Gaskill is at work here. Thursday, March 16, 1871 Cloudy most all day. Warm, rained in the morn. Chopped in the swamp by E. Corymans. Owen Shield & Peter Riley choped there & Elmer & Chs. Hancock. Emeline went to meeting this eve at Mancy Daniels. Darwin Cook sawed 6 ft wood for me to day. Friday, March 17, 1871 Cloudy & warm in AM. Rolled in logs at Crookses mill. Father helped looked over deed with S. Blake, he was here at noon. Pitched on a load of our hay for Jos. Grant than went into the pine lot & drawed 2 load of loggs to mill with the horse. Aunt Susan Clark died this A.M. Saturday, March 18, 1871 Cloudy & warm. Rained a little about noon. Drawed 5 load of logs to Crookses mill with the horse. Elmer & Chs. Hancock been with me. Joseph been to Boston. Sunday, March 19, 1871

Very pleasant & warm like spring. Went to meeting in AM. A sea captain that had crossed the Atlantic Ocean 82 times preached. This PM at 1 OClock went to the funeral of Aunt Susan Clark. We went to the grave. Rev. J. Merrell attended the funeral. This eve have been to N. Hawses to meeting. Herbert Sayles here the eve. Saw a large flock of wild geese this morn, the first this season. The pipe at horse barn has got thawed out so it was running this morn. Monday, March 20, 1871 Pleasant & cooler. Drawed 6 loads of logs to Crookses mill with the horse. Elmer went with me. Drawed 1 load of boards away from the mill. J. Grants team got a load of our hay. Jos. & father pitched it on. See a large flock of Geese go over the 2d this season. Tuesday, March 21, 1871 Very rainy most all day. Began to rain in the night but this eve has cleared off very pleasant & is cooler now at 10 PM. Chored about home some. Went to Crookses mill & moved out a few of the boards & c & c. Fixed a saw for Elmer. Made a little cider & c & c. Wednesday, March 22, 1871 Very pleasant but very windy & cool. Drawed 1 load of short logs to Crookses mill & drawed away & stack up the boards about 1 thousand ft. Elmer went with me. Jos. been to Boston. Thursday, March 23, 1871 Cloudy morn & began to rain a little but cleared off. Pleasant most of the day. Clouded up again before night but is pleasant this eve. Went to Woonsocket & got 6 bushels meal & c of corn & c & c. Gave my -?- to Chris Briggs for 75. Frank Stockbridges little girl Addie was brought up at 5 OClock to night by express & I carried her to west Wrentham grave yard where she is now buried, he had no funeral. Friday, March 24, 1871 Very windy cold pleasant. Went & got a load of goods. This is for John Thurston & about 10 OClock went into the woods & drawed 5 load of logs to Crookses mill. Father helped load 2 load. Saturday, March 25, 1871 Clear but very windy & cold. Carted 5 load of logs to Crookses mill. Father helped load 2 load. F. Hancock here this eve. Sunday, March 26, 1871 Very pleasant & cold windy. Went to meeting in AM. Rev. Jos. Merrell preached meeting this eve at H.B. Millers. Emeline has gone. Monday, March 27, 1871 Snowed in the night & has snowed & rained most all day. Went to Crookses mill in morn but didnt roll in the logs. Came home & made a little cider. Picked over a few apples & a few potatoes & c & c. This eve have been to Asa Sargeants & paid $59 on the Societys note ( $50- & intrest). Went in & staid a while at Geo. F. Ws.. Tuesday, March 28, 1871 Pleasant & cool thawed some. Drawed 1 load ( of 2 logs headding ) with the slead . Front sledding horse is very lame coming home. Rolled in the logs. Father helped in AM & I rolled in the 5 ft. ones this PM.

Wednesday, March 29, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Drawed small load of logs to mill & drawed away -?- stacks up 4, 7, 5, 6 ft boards. Elmer went & helped with E. Hubbard most the day. Thursday, March 30, 1871 Cloudy & cool, had a little sprinkle of rain. Ground the axe & bill hook. Went into the pine lot & trimmed out 2 pines that blew down & Jos. helped me 2 hrs. Saw them up. Drawed home a load of small or old wood.

Friday, March 31, 1871 Very pleasant but cool. Split the 6 ft of wood & carried to Mrs. Fisher. See to the store mail RR & c & c. Got some waterproof cloth for Emeline at Franklin. Found a Bbl of vinegar leaked out. This eve Geo. F. & his brother W. & Isabel here a while. I went to G. Hancocks a while. Saturday, April 1, 1871] Snow this eve. Cloudy & cold or (cool). Chored about home some. Loaded a load of wood & carried to Mrs. Fisher & took up my old -?- & gave her a new one for $550. Meeting up here this eve, very few out. Rev. J. Merrell here to Tea. It snowed some this eve. Alvah went to Franklin with me today. Sunday, April 2, 1871 Driving snow storm in AM. Cleared off in PM. Staid at home or carried the folks to meeting in AM & went after them at 2 1/2 PM. Rev. J. Merrell preached this eve. I have been to J.W. Clarks to meeting. Monday, April 3, 1871 Pleasant most of the day & warm. Helped some about the washing. At store & RR some. Jos. went & got a load of hay with the horse at D. Adams place & this PM, he has been to town meeting. I made a little cider fixed a draw under the shop bench. Picked over a few apples & c & c. Emeline went out with a subscription paper this PM & eve. Tuesday, April 4, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Chored about home. Pulled & cut up the bean poles. Cleared up some in old shop. Went to parish meeting. Wednesday, April 5, 1871 Very windy & clear, cold to night. Carted 6 load of logs to Crookses mill. 1 load for 5/8 & 5 load for headding. Father helped load the heading logs. This eve carted a load of 5 8/12 ft fathers hard wood to Thurs. Whittiers. Thursday, April 6, 1871

Frost, very pleasant cold morn. Chored about home. Went up in the woods with father & over to Mrs. Corymans. See to the mails & c & c. Jos. has had the sick headache. He in the morn carried a Bbl of flour & c. to Mrs. Whittiers. Friday, April 7, 1871 Very pleasant most of the day & warm. Drawed 6 load of logs to Crookses mill. Father helped load 3 load PM & we rolled 2 load that was there on to the Slead. Have been carting on to the sleads all day. Have got the 7 1/2 ft ones all drawed & most all the 6 1/2 ft ones.

Saturday, April 8, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Went to Mrs. Whittiers in morn, tell her about going to the court & got excused. Went & got some milk at J. Connerys. Drawed 5 load of logs to Crookses mill, the last that Owen Shields & Peter Riley cut. Alvan Fullett helped me load 3 load in PM.Tthis eve, I drawed a load of hay for Jos. from E. Corymans. *The cars on the morning train at 10 OClock ran off the track at Reedville & turned clear-over. GFW & J.W. Clark were among the injured. Some Killed. *See related newspaper article next page Sunday, April 9, 1871 Pleasant part & cloudy part the day & cool. Went to meeting all day & this eve. Down stairs Rev. J. Merrell preached in morn. Jos. & I went to see Jos. Clark & G.F. Wadsworth. Monday, April 10, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Helped some about the washing. Sowed some lettuce & chored about home. Father & mother went to Franklin & carried Mrs. Coryman. This PM carted 1 load of logs, pitch pine, to Crookses mill & rolled in the heading logs father helped this eve. Fixed a place for cows & let them loose. Ed Reed came out here to night Thursday, April 11, 1871 Calf Cloudy most the day cool. Drawed 1 load of logs that I cut & drawed the box stuff away from the mill & 1 load home that I cut. Wednesday, April 12, 1871 Calf Cloudy most all day & cool. Chored about home in morn. Went to the mill Crookses & stacked up the last of my box lumber. Got home about 4 1/2 PM. An engine at 5 1/2 to night run into the hand car & stove it to pieces. It was the hay train going back. Was down by the Ice house. Thursday, April 13, 1871 Cloudy & rained a little. Burned some brush & c by the pond. Cleared the vines & c off the piece there. Went up to Mrs. Corymans & got her bed to cary to Woonsocket. Picked over & carried 2 bushels apples & 1 load of potatoes, Early rose, got 6 bus meal & 2 of corn & c & c. Emeline, Elmer & Alvah went with me. Friday, April 14, 1871

Very pleasant & warm, cool morn. Loaded a load of 9 of my old sleepers or logs & carried to Crookses mill & brought home a load of my pine back this PM have been clearing the old vines brush & c off the garden piece & burned part of them.

Saturday, April 15, 1871 Pleasant part the day & cloudy part. Burned some brush & c in the garden & chored up some there. Plowed the corner by the pond & some in the garden piece. At store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Sunday, April 16, 1871 Cloudy & cool. Went to meeting all day & this eve at P.B. Clarks. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Ed Reed here at noon. Monday, April 17, 1871 Cloudy most the day, rained a little. Chored about home took up the -?-. Went to the auction of R.O. Cook. Burrowed & Furrowed the piece in corner by the porch. Tuesday, April 18, 1871 Pleasant & cool. Helped some about the washing. Cleared out & moved an old large cupboard. Pitched over the straw. Carted & laid out 1 load of manure & c & c. Wednesday, April 19, 1871 Cloudy & cool. See to the store mail RR & c. Jos gone to Walpole to conference & to night has gone to Ashland. Richardson Johnson came here today. I carted & laid out 3 load of manure. Planted most 1/2 bushl early rose potatoes & c & c. This eve have been to the parish meeting. Thursday, April 20, 1871 Stormy part the day. Rained hard. See to the mail store RR & c. Planted a few peas & c & c. Went to Mr. Phersons with Richard Johnson & we went to Frankin in PM. get the harness fixed & c & this eve, I carried A. Darlings fish over for him. Get maple sawed from 3-3 1/2 -4-4 & 6 inch oak 4 8/12 long 4 inches wide & 4-5-6 Geo. R. Stewart. Friday, April 21, 1871 Rain this eve. Very pleasant & very warm. N. Hawes with his horses plowed the piece back of old shop & a little in the garden 7 3/4 hrs. I moved some of the fence, carted off lot of old posts, heeped the old up & helped him some. Father carried Richardson Johnson to Lime Rock & left him to get a job coopering. Have had a thunder shower this eve quite heavy rains a little now at 10 PM. Saturday, April 22, 1871 Cloudy part the day & damp, warm. See to mail store RR & c. Jos. at Boston. Cleared up in door yard some. Got a mess of dandelion greens, beetled the manure in the young orchard & c & c. Father carried passenger to Wrentham on back 3 times & carried Mrs. Gould to Uncle Nathans. Sunday, April 23, 1871

Windy & cool. Staid at home in AM & went to meeting in PM. Rev. J. Merrell preached. I have a bad cough.

Monday, April 24, 1871 Very pleasant but windy & cool. Picked over some apples & carried 3 bushels to Woonsocket. Abbie & Abbiella Briggs went with me then went to the funeral of Horace Brigges wife. Chored about some after. I got home. This eve went to the Glass or Crystal wedding of Jos. W. Clark. Got home about 1 1/2. Tuesday, April 25, 1871 Very pleasant but windy, cool. Chored about some. See to store mail & c. Jos. been to Woonsocket & Franklin. I went to see Mancy Daniels but he was gone. Raked up some chips & c. Plowed some of the garden & c & c. Emma Long here this morn. Wednesday, April 26, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Fixed a bed for & set out some sage. Went & cut some birches for fan brush. Planted some beans, cucumbers, mellons & squash. Helped load a few of Mrs. Corymans goods. She has moved to No. 31 Randall St. Prov., RI, went in the cars tonight. Mrs. Gaskill at work here to day. Thursday, April 27, 1871 Cloudy & cool, began to rain about 4 PM. Planted a Pk or more Early rose potatoes, some sweet corn, peas, squashes & c. Turned the weeds by brook meadow. Friday, April 28, 1871 Stormy most all day cold storm. Chored about some. Cleared up old shop some. Helped father set toe tire on the cart wheel. Mended chain & c. Father went to Wrentham with a passenger. Saturday, April 29, 1871 Cloudy morn but cleared off very pleasant about 9 1/2 AM. I throwed over manure in cow yard part the day. Carried some things to Mr. S.S. Whittier. Bought a lot of manure of M.M. Daniels for $10.00 Drawed 1 load of it for Dea Ponds garden. Jos. been to Franklin this PM. Sunday, April 30, 1871 Cloudy part the day & pleasant, part warm. Went to meeting in AM & staid at home in PM & eve. The meeting this eve was at Josephs. Rev. Farnum preached. Monday, May 1, 1871 Very pleasant most the day & warm. Helped about the washing some. See to store & RR. Jos at Boston & this eve, he went to Uncle Nathans with the horse. Fixed the fence around the pasture. Cut the asparagrass for 1st time this season. Worked on horse cart fixing it a while.

Dea Pond cut off boggs in meadow 4 hs this PM. Tuesday, May 2, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Planted a little by old shop. Drawed 3 load of manure from Mary Danielses. Staid at store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Father carried off a passenger & went to Uncle Nathans & got mother to night. I made a little cider. Wednesday, May 3, 1871 Cloudy most the day. Began to storm a little before night finished plowing the garden by old shop up set a hive of bees. Spaded up some in the garden by grape vines, Rose bushes & c. Went & got 2 load of manure at Mancy Danielses, the last of it. In store some. Jos. carried Lewis Pond to poor house to live. Thursday, May 4, 1871 Stormy all day, cold NE storm. Rained very hard part the day by showers. Chored about some. Cleared up some in the attic. Carried a passenger to R. G. Metcalfs, Wrentham. Friday, May 5, 1871 Very stormy all day & hasent cleared off yet at 11 OClock this eve. Cleared up some more in the attic. Settled accts with Levi Blake. Cleared up some in horse barn & c & c. This eve cut apples for first sauce. Father carried Levi to Sabin Hubbards. Rained very hard most all of last night & has to day. Saturday, May 6, 1871 Cloudy & stormed some, had a very hard shower this eve about 9 1/4 & is raining now at 10 1/4. Cleared up some in horse barn. Set out a lot of onions. Went & got a load of pea brush. Carried some things to Mrs. Wheldan & got the harrow from Mr. Newells. Allen made new wood to it. Sawed off some logs side the road. In store some. Jos. been to Woonsocket. Emeline & Abbie went to meeting at Dea. Whiting & were out in the shower. Sunday, May 7, 1871 Cloudy most of the day, wet a little but has cleared off very pleasant before night & cool. Have been to meeting all day & this eve at Mr. E. -?-. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Albert J. Newell was baptized & taken into the church this PM. Monday, May 8, 1871 Very pleasant but very windy & cold. Helped some about the washing. Worked in the garden some. Carted 4 load of manure in the piece by race meadow & carted of 1 load of stones & c & c. Father carried Melvira Scott to Bellingham. Jos. went down there to her house after her. Carried passenger to Rockvill. This eve Emeline, I & lot of others went to Mrs. Wheldons & carried a lot of things as a donation. Tuesday, May 9, 1871 Very pleasant & cool most the day but cloudy part of PM. Carried a load of logs to Crookses mill & got in the ones that were there. Drawed a load of 15 posts to F. E. Hancock from Baldhill lot for Joseph. Picked over my apples & carried 5 3/8 bushel to Woonsocket. Emeline & Alvah went with me. Sold Dea Whitting 315 lbs hay this morn & helped him get it.

Wednesday, May 10, 1871 Very pleasant part the day, but showers in PM. Spread the manure on the piece by Race meadow & plowed it. Worked on the road 2 3/4 hrs. raking off stones & c. Pitched a load of hay. Mrs. Mullen out here for Jos. Grant 698 lbs. Father sharped the harrow teeth. I helped some & to put it together. Thursday, May 11, 1871 34 Very pleasant most of the day, Cold morn. Ground was froze & the upper end of the pond was froze, white frost. Plowed some in the garden lot. Harrowed, furrowed, manured & planted most of the lot by race meadow to branching sweet corn. Pitched a load of our hay for Jos. Grant 1041 lbs. & gave him the bills. Bought 22 1/2 lbs. beef. Friday, May 12, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Plowed the remainder of the garden & by Jos. Goulds & Dea Ponds. Finished planting the piece by race meadow. Early rose potatoes, a few & some onions & beets. Sowed the seed with Uncle Nathans sower. Father went & got it & Uncle N. & carried them back. I went & helped Geo.Crooks. Sold my old logs 2 load. Burned the weeds & c by brook meadow. Pitched a load of hay 167.2 lbs for Mr. Hubbard. Saturday, May 13, 1871 Very pleasant & warm, cool & windy to night. Havent felt very well to day. See to mail RR & c. Jos at Boston. Carted the stones of the piece by brook meadow, 5 load , & plowed part of it. Set out a few Dahlies & c & c. Father carried Nelson Hawes & 3 lbs. & box home for him. This eve have been to parish meeting have decided to comence work on the house the 22 of May. Sunday, May 14, 1871 Very pleasant but very windy & cold. Been to meeting all day. Rev. John Merrell preached meeting up here this eve at 7 1/4. Monday, May 15, 1871 Pleasant but very windy, cool. Beetled manure 2 hs. front of old barn. Helped some about the washing. Trimmed trees some, drawed 2 load of chips to Mrs. S.S. Whitier. Plowed 2 hs. on the piece by Brook meadow & c & c. Peter Riley had the horse 4 - hs. to draw manure. Tuesday, May 16, 1871 Very pleasant & warm but windy. Finished plowing the piece by Brook Meadow. Carted 2 load of chips to S.S Whitier & turned the rest the chips, dry some greens & c & c. Father went & got Aunt Patty & carried her home. This eve have been to hear Mancy Daniels lecture on Temporence at the church. Chamber carpet - 4 yds 46 inches long 4 yds 22 inches wide Wednesday, May 17, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Harrowed most the garden lot by the house & furrowed it & planted 1/2 bus early rose potatoes. Laid out 3 load of manure there. Went in the woods & got cut bean poles. Carried 80 & some brushes to F.E. Hancock. Father helped get them. Frank Merrell went with us & rode horse to furrow. Thursday, May 18, 1871

Very pleasant & warm. Went & cut a load of bean poles. Father helped & carted a load of chips to Mrs. Frost & a load to A.J. Newell. Harrowed some back of old shop. Stuck part the bean poles. Friday, May 19, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Took up the carpet. Sharped some bean poles. Harrowed some back of old shop. Carted a load of chips to F. Boscom & 2 load to A.J. Newell. Went & got a load of pea brush. Carted some to Asa Sargeant & to G.H. Wadsworth & 225 bean poles this eve. Set a hen on 11 ducks eggs Saturday, May 20, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Loaded a load of chips, have got them all off. Plowed the piece where they were & carted on 8 load of manure & horse hoed it in & harrowed the piece. Chs. Hancock rode horse some & Elmer some. Stuck the bean poles 211 & planted the beans & c & c. Emeline & Marianna went to Franklin. Sunday, May 2, 1871 Very pleasant & warm & dry, very dusty. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. S.S. Conart at the church this eve at 6 OClock. Monday, May 22, 1871 Shower this eve. Very pleasant & very warm. Harrowed part the piece back of old shop & laid out 7 load of manure & planted 2 1/2 & 1/2 bushels of Early rose potatoes & some squash with them & 3 papers of branch field corn. Dea Pond helped 8 hs. Elmer droped some potatoes this PM. I carted a load of chips to A.J. Newell this PM. Had a thunder shower this eve at 9 1/2 began to rain. Tuesday, May 23, 1871 Very pleasant, cool wind. Furrowed about the remainder of the piece back of old shop & planted some (1 bus). Laid out 2 load of manure. Helped Jos. furrow his stoney piece & c & c. Father carried passengers to Woonsocket to night. I havent felt very well to day. Wednesday, May 24, 1871 Very pleasant, warm, cool wind. Potatoes planted some, 1 bus late rose back of old shop laid out 3 load of manure. See to the store RR & c. Jos. been to Woonsocket. Father went to Franklin & carried a passenger here to day. I havent been very will today. Thursday, May 25, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Drawed & laid out 7 loads of manure back of old shop. Dea Pond helped 10 hs. Planted 1 bus early rose & 4 of Chilias & squashes with them. Carted 3 load manure in heeps to spread on the piece by brook meadow this eve. Set out the tomato plants.

Friday, May 26, 1871

Very pleasant most the day & very warm. Cloudy & sprinkled a little about 11 AM. Carted 3 load into heeps to spread on the piece by Brook Meadow & 1 load left down there to lay out. Carted off a few stones. Harrowed it over & furrowed part of it. Elmer helped. Jos. had the horse to cart out manure part the day about 4 hr. I worked in the garden some.

Saturday, May 27, 1871

Very pleasant & warm. Dea Pond worked for me 12 hs. carting manure & planting. Carted 8 loads & laid out & finished furrowing & planted 4 papers branch, popcorn & 3 1/2 bushels chilias & 1/2 of Bangor white potatoes & lot squashes with them. Elmer helped some. Bees swarmed, I cleaned a hive & hived them. Father helped. 1 stung me & made me sick a while. Sunday, May 28, 1871 Pleasant & cool. No meeting here in So.Franklin to day on acct of fixing the meeting house. We went to Franklin to meeting at the Baptist in AM & Orthodox in PM. Rev. Rounds preached at both places. We went in at Mrs. H. Richardsons & at the cemetary at noon. Meeting downstairs this eve. Monday, May 29, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Planted 1 bushel of Bangor whites potatoes & 1/2 of chilies. Laid out 2 load of manure & chored about some. The calves went to day for $30- & we bought one of Mancy Daniels for $2. Tuesday, May 30, 1871
Very warm & pleasant. Finished planting the piece by Brook Meadow. 1st white beans, mellons, squashes, 1/2 bus chilia potatoes. Helped some about the washing. Cleared out the privy. Helped Dea Pond some about moving. Carted 1 load of wood up for him. He has moved up on to his old place. O. Wales moved him. I helped J. Gould move some of his things down stairs. He is going to have the whole house for $28 pr qtr. This eve went & paid Hannah Hancock the Sewing Society note.

Wednesday, May 31, 1871

72 Cloudy & very warm morn. Showers & cooler before night. Planted the piece side of J.T. Goulds house. Fixed the windows there some. Put in 6 new springs. At store & RR some. Jos. been to Boston.

Thursday, June 1, 1871 Cloudy morn but very pleasant most of the day warm. Chored about some. Planted a few beans. Early Fegel bean. Fixed a knob on the door at Jos. Goulds & cleared out the L Chimney this PM. Have been to Woonsocket, got corn meal & c & c, a carpet for chamber.
meal was 1.70 1.64 1.41 corn .90

Friday, June 2, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Cultivated or horse hoed the garden by the pond & laid out 2 load of manure on garden by the house & planted 1/2 bus early rose potatoes, some sweet corn, some summer squash & cucumbers & c. Helped Emeline put down the straw carpet in chamber. Bees swarmed & after we hived them in 2 or 3 hs another swarm came out & went in with them. Saturday, June 3, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. hot. Hoed & planted a little. Made a little cider. Uncle Richardson made cider here. I helped him some at store & RR to day. Conciderable RR men here & gor 5 car load of sleepers. To day bees swarmed. Jos been to Boston. Sunday, June 4, 1871 72 Very pleasant & very warm but had a thunder shower in PM about 4. Emeline, Elmer, Alvah & I went to Ashland. Got there about noon & came home in eve after the shower. Got home about 10. Found them all well there. Took tea at Alvahs.

Monday, June 5, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Helped about the washing some at store & RR some. Bushed the peas. Fixed some side boards on the cart & c & c. Tuesday, June 6, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Dea Pond worked for me to day hoeing & c. He hoed the peas & c & the piece by race meadow. Carted the logs that cut off into a heap. Cultivated & furrowed part the garden by the house. Got in 1 load of manure & planted a few potatoes & some sweet corn for fodder. Wednesday, June 7, 1871 Cloudy most of the day & began to storm about 7 PM & is raining now at 9 1/2 PM. I Carted some beans, peas, fodder corn, mellons, cucumbers & c in the garden by the house. Laid out 2 load of manure to plant on. Father carried off a passenger to Wrentham. Jos. went to Wm -?- & got Bbl flour & c. Ella drawed Jos. Molasses on to the floor, about a Bbl. Thursday, June 8, 1871 Cloudy most of the day & warm. Hoed some in the garden & planted a few peas & cucumbers. Put up a cask of 39 gals vinegar. I sold to Mr. Knapp. Churned (1st time this season) this morn. Friday, June 9, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Cleaned out & moved the stove in back room. Carried in ice, cultivated part the garden & hoed it, planted part the pole beans over, planted a few more mellons & a little more fodder corn, some tall peas back of old shop this eve. Carted a load of the calf manure into the hog pen. Some litter to horse barn & c & c. Jos. cultivated some of his to day, father helped him.

Saturday, June 10, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Got ready & walked to Franklin & took the steamboat train for Boston & Emeline came in on the 9 AM train & we came out on the steamboat train at night & father met us at Franklin. We bought a chamber set & 4 parlor chairs & c & c. Sunday, June 11, 1871 Cloudy most all day. Warm, rained a little by showers after 4 PM or 3 1/2. Went to meeting at 3 1/2 PM at Jos. P. Goulds. No other meeting here today. Father is sick this PM. Monday, June 12, 1871 Stormy most of the day. Cleared off to night. Made a little cider, made a new piece to set the press of the cider mill. Cultivated for John Cavanaugh 1/2 hour or more. At store & RR some Jos. at Franklin. Father some better. Tuesday, June 13, 1871

Pleasant part the day & cloudy part & very windy about 6 PM & after had hard showers. I helped J. Cavanngh 1 hour culeivate potatoes. Fixed moving machine. Fixed up for a drill bench. Since 5 PM mowed with machine 2 1/2 hs. N. Haweses clover piece his horse. Wednesday, June 14, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Cultivated or horse hoed part the piece back old shop. A.J. Newell hoed for me there most the day. I hoed some at store & RR. Jos. at Boston. Father & mother & Abbie at Woonsocket to night. Horse hoed for J. Cavanough 3/4 hs & 3/4 hs for Peter Riley. Thursday, June 15, 1871 Stormy part the day. Went to Franklin & got a plumber to come & fix the pipe & c at J.P. Goulds. Helped him some & carried him home again & this PM. Put up 4 bushels potatoes & carried to Woonsocket. Emeline & Annie. Whiting went with me to get chairs for the church. I got meal & c & c. Friday, June 16, 1871 Pleasant part & showers part the day. Rained very fast a while. Carried Emeline to the meeting house to help clean up the floor & c. I staid a while & helped move some the lumber & c. Went to Mr. Phersons, fixed a shelf under the water faucet at J.P.G. & connected a door stop & c & c. Fixed & rolled up the mats that came with the chamber set. Saturday, June 17, 1871 Pleasant & cool. Horse hoed the piece by brook meadow & A.J. Newell & Reda helped hoe it. I was at store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Sunday, June 18, 1871 Very stormy most all day, cold rainy. Went to meeting all day at P.B. Clarks. Rev. Farnum preached. Went with the horse this PM. Was but few out.

Monday, June 19, 1871 Cloudy & stormed a little most the day. Cleared off before night. Helped some about the washing & chored about. Sowed the ashes on Mine hill the tub that was there. Made a new step at J.P. Goulds. L. door. Made a little cider. Went to Dea Whitings, Asa Sargeants, J. Clarks shop & c. Tuesday, June 20, 1871 Pleasant most all day & warm. Thunder shower came up & began to rain about 6 PM & is raining fast now at 9 1 1/2 & has been most the time since 6. At store & RR. Jos. been to Franklin & Wrentham with horse at or about court. Worked on strawberry bed some, in garden some. Helped about washing some & c & c. Emeline went to aunt Patties. Father went to Wrentham. Cleaned the cellar some this eve. Wednesday, June 21, 1871 Very pleasant & cool Cleared out the cellar. Weed part the strawberry bed. Went up to the pine lot & got a few strawberries & the saw axe bar & c & a load of wood. Went to Mrs. Wheldans with flour, potatoes & c & to the meeting house to measure for a carpet & c & c. This eve went to Dea Whiting with the red cow.

Thursday, June 22, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Father churned. I horse hoed further side the piece back of old shop & A.P. Newell & I hoed it, the corn & below it. I weed the strawberries, 1 hour to night. Jos. had the horse part of AM. Aunt Patty here to day. Friday, June 23, 1871 Pleasant & cool. Worked on the strawberry bed weeding & hoeing an hour or 2 in morn, than sprouted & put up 4 bus potatoes & went to Woonsocket. Went & see John Hoag. Emeline went with me, we got 56 yds of carpet & oil cloth & 6 chairs for the church. Got 4 bushls meal & 2 of corn & c & c. Saturday, June 24, 1871 Stormy all day, cool. John & Sarah & their children here. I have been to the chuch most all day helping fix & put down the carpet & the oil cloth & c. Sunday, June 25, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. John & Sarah started for home this morn. I have been to meeting all day at the church & this eve at P.B. Clarks. Rev. J. Merrell preached. First time had meeting in church since began to repair. It is not completed yet. Monday, June 26, 1871 Very pleasant cool morn but very warm most the day. Helped some about the washing. Picked some cherries for sauce. Went & got Sarah Gaskils sewing machine. Called & see Hermons hogs, potatos. & c & c. Worked weeding the strawberry bed 3 or 4 hs. Horse hoed the garden by the pond & some back of old shop & my beans & by J.P. Goulds & hoed them. This eve set out some turnip plants. Tuesday, June 27, 1871 Very pleasant AM & very warm but cloudy part of PM. Very pleasant this eve. Worked fixing the mowing machine in AM. This PM horse hoed the piece (1 in a row ) by brook meadow to put on some ashes & furtilizer. Horse hoed the piece by race meadow & c & c. Wednesday, June 28, 1871 Pleasant morn but clouded up & began to rain about 3 PM, very hard shower. Hoed some in the garden & . Thursday, June 29, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Got a lot of lillies. Went & got lot of Pea brush at Bald hill. Went & got a load of lumber at Crookses mill. S. Beals with me. Looked at Phersons pines & c & c. Friday, June 30, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Churned, clearaed a place for & moved the grind stone. Mowed side the road horse hoed the garden by the house. Hoed some & c & c. S. Beals left here this morn, Sarah Gaskill has been at work here 3 days past. Saturday, July 1, 1871

Very pleasant & warm but cool morn & eve. Dea Pond hoed for me 4 1/2 hs. I horse hoed part the piece by brook meadow. Than moved Franklin Stockbridges goods from A.P. Seargants shop to J.M. Phersons & this PM, went to town meeting. Sunday, July 2, 1871 Cloudy most of the day & warm. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Meeting this eve at G.F.W. Emeline has gone.

Monday, July 3, 1871 Cloudy morn but very warm & pleasant most the day. Helped about the washing. Hoed some in the garden & bushed some of the peas & c & this PM Dea Pond worked for me. We horse hoed the piece by brook meadow & hoed part of it. Paul Pickering took dinner with me. Tuesday, July 4, 1871 Cloudy most of the day & warm. Chored about some. Washed the carriage. Emeline, Elmer & Alvah went to Georges park. Marianna went with us. Had a clam dinner. Got home this eve about 8 OClock. Jos. went to Dea Whiting with our yellow corn.

Wednesday, July 5, 1871 Pleasant & warm. Mowed a little side the RR. The RR men fixed the crossing lock of old shop so can go across. Mowed the piece top mine hill with the machine & this PM, the orchard piece by old barn. Raked the hill piece & part the orchard. F. Stockbridge worked for me on exchange & hoed the remainder of brook meadow lot & some in garden & helped rake. Dea Pond helped after 9 3/4 AM. He mowed & raked. Thursday, July 6, 1871 Very pleasant & warm, good hay weather. Cultivated (or horse hoed) part the piece back of shop & mowed a piece by garden by horse barn with machine. Dea Pond came about 7 1/2 AM & trimed out some & spread the hay & helped turn & rake it. F. Stockbridge hoed most the day in garden by house. Got in a small load of hay this eve. Father, mother, Abbie & Nettie went to Milford to Barnum show. Friday, July 7, 1871 Windy, pleasant most of the day but had a shower last night & a few drops from one this noon. Good hay weather. Mowed the piece front of old barn by road with machine, a rod broke. F. Stockbridge hoed some & helped open turn & get in & c. Dea Pond mowed & c at Bellingham. Got in a load of hay & 1 of Sarrell. Saturday, July 8, 1871 Very pleasant & warm but windy. Very good hay weather. Ground up the points to the machine & c &. Mowed race meadow lot by the pasture. F. Stockbridge hoed & helped spread turn, get in & rake up the hay, got in 2 load. Sunday, July 9, 1871

Very pleasant & very warm. Looks a little like showers this eve but have none yet. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Joseph Merrell preached. I came home by Geo. Fs this PM, he is better. Meeting this eve at J.W. Phersons, I didnt go. Monday, July 10, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Good hay weather. Had a little shower in night. Was a very hot night. Mowed the piece back of horse barn, had 2 sections break there & mowed for N. Hawes 5 hs & broke 4 sections. Mowed there till most 9 this eve. F.Stockbridge worked here, hoeed some & took care of the hay. We got in 2 load to old barn from Race meadow. Father helped mend the machine sections & get in the hay. Tuesday, July 11, 1871 Pleasant part & cloudy part. Rained a little about 7 PM. Went the Dea Whitings pasture with the red cow in morn. Worked fixing the mowing machine sections & went & mowed a few minutes 1/4 hour for N. Hawes & broke a section. Came home & have been fixing them most the day. Got in 1 load of hay from back of horse barn & put on the scarfold. F. Stockbridge hoed in garden & back of old shop & took care of the hay. Wednesday, July 12, 1871 Cloudy morn & very warm but cleared off before noon. Very pleasant. Worked on the machine sections a while & went to N. Hawses & Sullivans & got some turnip & cabbage plants & hoed some in garden & c & c. About 3 1/2 PM, went & finished mowing N. Haweses lot, 3 hs. Broke 1 section. F.Stockbridge hoed most the day. Went to Dea Whitings with the speckled Heifor Dory. Thursday, July 13, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Very good hay weather. Mowed the piece front of old barn beyond the swale & part of the swale. F. Stockbridge mowed. To day we mowed some in swale. This PM didnt get raked up till late to night. Put a brace back of the sharves on the machine. Friday, July 14, 1871 Very pleasant AM. Cloudy most of PM. Sprinkled a very little about 2 1/2 but cleared off before night. Mowed the piece beyond swale back of old shop & the swale by -?- tree. F. Stockbridge helped. We got 2 load into horse barn & 1 into old barn. Elmer has had the toothache. Alvah got stung. Saturday, July 15, 1871 Very warm & pleasant AM. Looked like showers in PM but had none. Mowed with machine by row of trees back horse barn & new lade & by Dea Whitings land. F. Stockbridge trimed out & raked some in AM & opened the hay. We got in 1 load to old barn. Sunday, July 16, 1871 Pleasant & warm. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J.P. Merrell preached. No meeting this PM. Monday, July 17, 1871 Pleasant & warm. Good hay weather, some wind. Had a little shower. Shower about 6 1/4 PM. Mowed in race meadow lot side the RR & in meadow. Got in the hay 3 small load to horse barn. F. Stockbridge helped, he helped Jos. get in 2 load & Jos. Helped rake ours up. This eve I mowed some in the swale part of old barn. Father carried a passenger to Franklin to night.

Tuesday, July 18, 1871 Very pleasant & warm but windy. Mowed the swale front of old barn & north side of race meadow ditch all mowed & raked. Got in 2 small load for old barn from Race meadow. F. Stockbridge helped mowed most an hour this eve next to Canneys, back of old shop, with machine. Wednesday, July 19, 1871 Cloudy most all day. Cool, looks like a storm. Mowed the piece back of old shop by Cannerys & got the hay 3 small load in AM & salted it. Raked the piece back shop & mowed the pasture piece by brook meadow with machine tonight. F. Stockbridge helped. Thursday, July 20, 1871 Cloudy & sprinkled a little but cleared off before night. I mowed or trimed out the pasture piece. Hoed some in garden. Mowed the remainder of race meadow & some in RR. Raked the pasture piece. Meeting here this eve.

Friday, July 21, 1871 Pleasant part & cloudy part the day. Not the best of hay weather, but we mowed Brook meadow. Took about 4 hs. We got in the hay, 3 small load, 1 from Race meadow & RR. F. Stockbridge worked & Jos. helped get the hay in 3 hs. F.S. & I raked the meadow, took 2 1/4 hs. Levi Blake & wife visiting down stairs tonight. Saturday, July 22, 1871 Cloudy & sprinkled a little in morn but pleasant part the day, not very warm. F. Stockbridge pulled weeds by old shop & hoed some & we took care the hay & got it in 1 load in morn & 2 in PM. From brook meadow the last of our haying, carted 2 load of dirt & weeds to hay pen. Hoed the branch field corn. Alvah & wife & twins & Norah came to night. Sunday, July 23, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Been to meeting all day. Rev. Joseph Merrell preached. Concert at 6 1/2 to night. Monday, July 24, 1871 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Chored about. Got ready & went to Woonsocket. Alvah Metcalf went with me & Emeline,Harriet & the twins & Norah & Nettie went with his train. I got me a linnen suit & some corn & meal & c & c. Tuesday, July 25, 1871 Cloudy & stormed some most of PM cold to night. Alvah & family went home this morn. I fixed the gate to the other house. Went & got 1 lb horse nails at H.B. Millers & c & c. Jos. had horse to go to Mrs. Wheldens. Wednesday, July 26, 1871

Cloudy & stormed part the day. N.E. Storm. Helped some about the washing. Set out some cabbage plants. Father went to uncle Nathans & got them. At store & RR some. Jos. Went to Franklin. He had horse to horse hoe. I sowed some flat turnips by race meadow. Thursday, July 27, 1871 Pleasant part & cloudy part the day & sprinkled a little. I hoed & pulled weeds in garden & c most the day. Father carried a passenger to Franklin. Friday, July 28, 1871 Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Pulled some weeds in garden by old shop. I fixed the fence post & c at J. P. Goulds. Went to the meeting house & helped fix the curtain & c & c. Was there about 3 hs. AM here at J. P. Goulds to stay to night, he has gone to the shore

Saturday, July 29, 1871 Cloudy & had several showers, warm. Pulled some weeds in garden & went & got the horse hoe harrow & plows up at the other house. Horse hoed the place for turnips & c. Went to B.F. Cooks & got some plants & set out a lot. At store some. Jos. at Franklin. Sunday, July 30, 1871 Cloudy & stormed part the day by showers, warm. Been to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. The cows went out last night in garden but did but little damage. Monday, July 31, 1871 Showery, warm. Set out some strawberry, tomato plants. Helped some about the washing. White washed our kitchen, bedroom & atic & Jos. Goulds kitchen & sitting room. Tuesday, August 1, 1871 Pleasant most the day, warm. Horse hoed & plowed some front the bees by old shop. Hoed my beans & c. by J. P. Goulds & set out some turnips there. Hoed some in garden, pulled a few weeds by brook meadow. Helped Jos. get in his rye 1 load & c & c. Sent $15- to father Metcalf in a letter. Wednesday, August 2, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Wrote a line to father Metcalf & sent him $13.50. Dug & carried 4 bushels potatoes to Woonsocket. Got some meal, paper & c & c. Got in a load of oats for J. Cavanough this eve. Thursday, August 3, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Went to N. Hawes in morn. Came home & got ready, ground the nife sections & went at 9 & mowed N. Hawses clover piece 2 3/4 & with our horse. This PM went up to pine lot & about the woods & got a few black berries. White washed G.P. Goulds sitting room. At store some & c & c. Friday, August 4, 1871

Very pleasant & very warm AM. Shower about 3 PM & rained till most night. Churned. Went & got a load of pine 5 9/12 ft from pine lot for Peter Riley in AM & this PM. Hoed some in garden & c & whitewashed the cellar way. J.P. Gould cleared out the carvers shop to night.

Saturday, August 5, 1871 Showers AM & pleasant most PM had a hard shower about 6 PM & has cleared off again. Cleaned some paint & varnish brushes. Varnished J.P. Goulds sitting room. Helped father shoe the horse forward. Went to Jos. Clarks shop & c & c.

Sunday, August 6, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting in AM & staid at home in PM. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Adelbert Metcalf & Stella Wyman came here about 1 1/2 PM & went home about 6 1/2 or 7 PM. Monday, August 7, 1871 Very warm looked like showers last of PM but had none. Mixed some paint & painted the small atic chamber & c &c. To night went & got a few blackberries & horse hoed some by the bees by old shop. Father carried a passenger to R. Metcalf , Wrentham. Tuesday, August 8, 1871 Shower about 4 AM & cloudy most the day but little rain, very warm. Went & got Mrs. Chase. She papered J.P. Goulds sitting room. I helped some. Carted some mud under old barn from race meadow. Jos. went with horse to Mrs. Wheldons. Wednesday, August 9, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Father went & got Mrs. Wheldon to, from & c for us. Emeline sick. I mixed some paint but didnt use it. Pulled the peas & got them in, hoed about the bees this eve & c & c. Father carried passengers to M.D. Hawses, Wrentham. Thursday, August 10, 1871 Very pleasant, comfortable weather. Chored about house some. Emeline sick but some better. About house, at store & RR some. Jos. at Worcester. Raked over the piece by bees & this eve sowed it to turnips & raked them in. Dug the potatoes in garden by the pond. Mowed the weeds & by pond side, plowed land. Father carried off some passengers. Friday, August 11, 1871 Very pleasant, warm. Chored about house some. Trimmed out the old pea brush & some. Jos. been to West Wrentham. -?- & all his folks with the horse. Melvina Scott here to night. Saturday, August 12, 1871

Very pleasant & very warm but had a shower about 7 1/2 PM. Cleared the weeds & c off the piece or garden by the pond & horse hoed it over for turnips due a few potatoes & put up 4 bushel & carried to Woonsocket. Alvah went with me, was up there when shower came but didnt get much wet. Was at store & RR some. Jos. to Boston. Sunday, August 13, 1871 Very pleasant & cooler. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Knowlton preached. Jos. ,at 5 PM, went to the white schoolhouse to meeting with the horse & carried a load.

Monday, August 14, 1871 Very cloudy morn but pleasant & warm most the day. Chored about, dug a few potatoes for Mrs. Scott. Jos. with the horse carried some things down there. I cleaned ou the -?- jug mixed some pink paint & painted the atic chamber over our bedroom & c & c. Father went to Franklin with Mr. Thurston & carried passenger to S. Hubbards. Cars late. Express freight weighted here for Morgans train. Tuesday, August 15, 1871 Cloudy most the day & very warm. Mrs. Chase papered our bedroom & part the one over it. Mrs. Wheldon washed & ironed for us. Father went & got her & carried her home. I helped them some & c & c. Sowed turnips on the garden by the pond & raked them in. Wednesday, August 16, 1871 Rained very hard about 7 AM & cloudy most of the day & very warm. Went & got Mrs. Chase & was out in the shower. She finished papering the atic & papered some for mother. I helped her some & chored about home. Father carried off passengers & carried Miss Mary Ingraham to Uncle Nathans. Thursday, August 17, 1871 Pleasant & warm. Fixed 3 pails. Bale & hooped, Hooped & painted a cask for pickles. Picked a lot of pickles at store & RR some & c & c. The Coryman heifor calved to day, jersey calf. Jos. had the horse to horse hoe a little. Friday, August 18, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Cool night. Cleared a lot of old potatoes out of the cellar. Carted 7 or 8 load of mud from race meadow to cow yard in AM. This PM cut up part of the fodder corn. At store & RR some. Jos. & Abbie & others went to Franklin with the horse. Saturday, August 19, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Hoed a little. See to store RR & c. Jos. at Boston. Went to meeting house & tacked on the curtain & carpets Went to the pine lot & got some blackberries. Sunday, August 20, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Sanford preached this eve at 5. Went to a concert at the schoolhouse beyond Harvy Grants. Carried a load 8 of us.

Monday, August 21, 1871 Cloudy most all day & this eve. Rained some in AM. Helped some about the washing. Went to Dea Whiting pasture with the kid cow. Hooped a pail, dug a few potatoes & c & c. This PM helped father get out some wood from swamp. He came down with it. I went & got some blackberries & c. Plowed a little piece for a strawberry bed for Jos. P. Gould & F. Stockbridge has commenced setting out the strawberry plants. Tuesday, August 22, 1871 Cloudy part the day, cool. Helped some the clothes & c & c & at 9 went berrying. Picked swamp berries in Rockwood lot in A.M. & in P.M. till about 4. Was after blackberries. Wednesday, August 23, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Went to Uncle Nathans with Father & Mother. They went to Ashland with him. Worked about home some. Thrashed the peas winnowed or cleaned them. At the store some. Went & got Mrs.Edwin Wadsworth to come to Abbies. She is here tonight. Emeline & the boys have been to Boston today. I carried passenger to Wrentham to D. Hawes place. Borrowed $30. of Mrs. L. Gould. Thursday, August 24, 1871 Rained hard this morn & in night but not since 8 AM. Very warm. Chored about home, picked some grapes, cucumbers & c & c. Mrs. E. Wadsworth went home this morn. Friday, August 25, 1871 Cloudy most of the day & this eve it is raining, very warm. Carried Elmira Briggs & family to Woonsocket & to The D. Brigges place. Emma went with me. I got some corn & meal & c & c. Saturday, August 26, 1871 Stormy most of the day. warm. Fixed for the pigs a trench & went up to Hermons & got 2 pigs for $10. We have got them under old barn. Cut some peaches, sorted the small potatoes & put in the cellar, 4 or 5 hs. See to store cars or RR & c & c. Jos. went to Boston. Father carried off 2 passengers to West Wrentham to Wilson Metcalfs. Sunday, August 27, 1871 Pleasant & very warm but windy. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Harding preached. Monday, August 28, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Helped some about the washing. Got ready & started for Ashland about 8 1/2 AM. Elmer went with me. Got there about 12 1/2 PM. Took dinner at Johns, then went up to Alvahs about the mill most the PM till Alvah & I went up after his horse. Started for home about 6 PM with his red horse & led ours behind. Got home about 10 1/4 this eve. Tuesday, August 29, 1871

Rained in the night & most of AM but little this PM Warm. Chored about, divided pairs, sorted apples, helped shoe the horse. Went up to Hermans & got the new horses. -?- cut or burned out, he is 6 years old. Washed & hung 1 set of blinds on the kitchen window. Jos. this eve with horse, carried things to Mrs. Scotts. Wednesday, August 30, 1871 Showery all day, warm. A vice on the bench in work shop went & got a passenger. See to store & RR. Jos. at Boston. Chored about house some, picked pickles & c & c. John & Frankie here to dinner. Went home about 4 PM. Thursday, August 31, 1871 Very pleasant, warm. Went & got 2 passengers. Hung the blind on bedroom window. Went to the pine lot & got 1/2 cord pine wood & carried to Mrs. Whittier at store some. Jos. went & got him a load of pine wood with the horse. Picked more than a bushel tomatoes. Friday, September 1, 1871 Very pleasant & warm, cool night. Helped churn. Pulled my beans & dug potatoes, 1 1/2 busls by Jos. Goulds. Helped some about tomato catsup. Saturday, September 2, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store & RR. Jos. at Boston. Helped about the pear preserve, caned it & bottled up the catsup & c & c. Went to G. Fishes with a trunk in eve. Father went to Woonsocket with Abbie. Sunday, September 3, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting all day. Rev. Elexers Ide preached. Mother & Abbie went to Franklin in PM with old horse. Monday, September 4, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Helped out the washing some. Mowed some weeds at store & RR some. Jos. grafing & c. Helped pear & put up 1/2 a crate of peaches & c & c. Tuesday, September 5, 1871 Very pleasant & very warm. Put up a cask of 28 gals vinegar. Sent to Wm. Darling. Dug a few potatoes in garden. Helped shoe the new horse foward. At store & RR. Jos. at J.W. Clarks shop at work heading picker teeth. Gave J.P. Gould a lease of the house & c this eve.

Wednesday, September 6, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Went to Franklin & sold lumber to E. Metcalf for $15- -?- mill measure. Put up 1 bushel apples & carried to Milford. Carried Emeline & Alvah there to take the cars for Ashland a 4:25 PM. Got 4 bushels meal.

Thursday, September 7, 1871 Very pleasant & warm, cool to night. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Picked the pickles & tomatoes. Cut part the fodder corn. Mowed little by the cow yard. Went & got N. Haweses ox bows at Mr. C. Tingleys Friday, September 8, 1871 Very pleasant. At store & RR some. Churned. Fixed my old copper pump & chored about some & got ready & started for Ashland at 4 1/4 PM. Alvah went with me. Took back the new horse, got there about 8 in eve. Saturday, September 9, 1871 Very pleasant & warm, but cold night. Last night quite hard frost. Staid at Alvahs. Went to Johns a while this morn & to depot with him & got 30 bushels of oats & went up to Alvahs & he carried us to ride around in the semetary. Started for home about 3 PM. Got home about 7 in eve. Bought a old harness 4.00 & 2 prs blinds 1.00 & Sunday, September 10, 1871 Very pleasant & cool, warm sun. Went to the funeral of L. Whites child & went to meeting in AM. Rev. Farnum preached. Meeting down stairs this eve at 7 PM. Monday, September 11, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Helped about the washing. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Mowed some with machine, part the orchard by old barn & some in race meadow by hand. Got up a load of squashed & covered up a lot. Tuesday, September 12, 1871 Pleasant & warm, cool night but no frost. Chored about. Picked some beans & c & c. Pulled the white beans by brook meadow. Opened or spread & turned the rowen & raked it up to night, Father helped some. Emeline, Alvah & I went & got some grapes this PM, 3 hs in pine lot & beyond. Father carried off a passenger to Wrentham to night. Wednesday, September 13, 1871 Cloudy & began to storm about 10 1/2 AM. Got up the beans, some weeds & load of rowen & the corn fodder in the horse barn & c & c. Went & helped Jos. at J.W. Clarks. I was at store & RR some. Picked the pickles & some grapes back old shop & the tomatoes & c & c.

Thursday, September 14, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Carried the fodder corn to old barn. Spread the Rowen, dug a few bus potatoes, drawed up a load of squashes & fixed a place to put them. Covered up the rest & the tomatoes, pulled a lot of them & c & c. At store & RR some. Jos. raking cranberries. Father went after him to night. Emeline been to meeting this eve at Mr. Phersons.

Friday, September 15, 1871 Cloudy most the day. Began to storm about 3 1/2 PM. Some frost last night. Picked the grapes back old shop & some in lower orchard lot. Got in the remainder of the rowen & corn fodder. Dug potatoes & c & c. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clark. Went & got Abbie & Emeline at Dea Ponds. Saturday, September 16, 1871 Cloudy & rained hard last night but not to day. Cool. Dug & put up 3 busls potatoes & carried to Woonsocket. Got corn & meal & c & c. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Sunday, September 17, 1871 Cloudy part the day & cool. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline went this eve. Meeting was at Asa Sargents at 6 3/4 PM. Monday, September 18, 1871 Very pleasant & cool morn & night. Dug 2 bus potatoes pulled part the beans. Picked 2 bus green tomatoes. Picked a load of squashes. Helped about the washing some. At store some. Jos. at his meadow raking cranberries. Sold & put up 15 gals vinegar to L -?-. Mr. Walker. ( at E.L. Moses) died this morn. Tuesday, September 19, 1871 Cloudy most of the day. Chored about home. Went to Jos. meadow & picked a few grapes & cranberries & this PM went & got a load of pine wood, 5 ft for Peter Riley. Jos. at J.W. Clarks to day. Mr. E Coryman & wife came to night. Wednesday, September 20, 1871 Cloudy & cool. Dug potatoes most of the day, early rose, back old shop. A.J. Newell helped 7 1/2 hs & Dea Pond 3 hs. Emeline went to the funeral of Mr. Walker at E.L. Moses Thursday, September 21, 1871 Very pleasant. cool. Cut up the corn back of old shop. Fixed the fence & let the cow into race meadow. Fixed the fence between J. Cannerys & ours by brook meadow. Raked some cranberries.

Friday, September 22, 1871 Very pleasant & was a very hard frost. This morn helped churn, see to squashes & c. Dug potatoes part the day. Dea Pond helped 6 3/4 hs. Helped fix the beech wagon, the circle & c. Got up a load of squashes. Jos. at cattle fare a Reedville. Emeline & Marianna went to Franklin this PM.

Saturday, September 23, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Dug potatoes most of the day. Dea Pond helped 7 hs. Finished digging the early rose potatoes. Father carried off a passenger. Sunday, September 24, 1871

Very pleasant & warm. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, September 25, 1871 Very pleasant & warm like summer. Helped some about the washing. Sorted & put up 10 porter apples. Thrashed out the white & the fye beans & a few red ones & c & c. Mother & Abbie went to Franklin. Father carried off 2 passengers to R.G. Metcalfs. Tuesday, September 26, 1871 Cloudy & foggy morn with little rain. Pleasant a while than clouded up again & has rained hard this eve. Mowed weeds by brook meadow in potatoes. Cut & shucked the sweet corn in the garden piece, pulled some beans & c & c. Wednesday, September 27, 1871 Cloudy part the day but pleasant most the day, cool. Went to Woonsocket with 10 bus potatoes. Got some corn & meal. Dea Pond dug potatoes for me 8 hs back old shop. I came home by Wm. Sherbons & got the money owed bill for Joseph, he has been to Boston. Alvah went to Woonsocket with me. Thursday, September 28, 1871 Very pleasant, cool. At store & RR some (Jos. at J.W. Clarks at Franklin) Sorted a few potatoes & carried some into the cellar. Cut up the pop corn & c & c. Emeline went to Boston & Mr. Geo. H. Frost.

Friday, September 29, 1871 Pleasant most of the day but rained a little from 3 1/2 till 4 1/2 PM. Clear this eve. At store & RR some in AM. Jos. at J.W.C. Sorted & put up some potatoes, tomatoes, squashes & went to Woonsocket this PM, Got some meal & c. Emeline staid at C.H. Goulds. Last night went out to Mr. Auburne to day & home to night. Saturday, September 30, 1871 Very pleasant & cold. Churned. Helped move the buildings at J.P. Goulds. Went to see the land of P.S. Bates. Drawed up & shucked the pop corn. Picked some tomatoes at store & RR. Jos. at J.W. Clarks.

Sunday, October 1, 1871 Pleasant & very hard frost last night. Cloudy & warmer this eve. Been to meeting all day & this eve at B. Fosters. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Went up as far as Bald hill after meeting. Monday, October 2, 1871 Cloudy most of the day, warm. Helped some about the washing. Sorted & got down a few potatoes. Fixed bin for them. Picked a few apples this PM. Dug potatoes back of old shop. Dea Pond worked for me 4 1/2 hs. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks.

Tuesday, October 3, 1871 Cloudy & warm. Began to rain a little about 3 1/4 PM. Dea Pond helped me dig & sort potatoes 6 hs. Finished digging the chilias back of old. Dug 8 bushls of J. Whites by brook meadow. Picked a few apples at store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Wednesday, October 4, 1871 Pleasant & warm. Dug potatoes part of AM. Dea Pond helped 31/2 hs on brook meadow lot. At store & RR some this PM. Went & showed J.W. Cook the lumber to cart at Crookses mill & looked it over, counted the cornses & c. Fixed a platform for the pigs. Sorted & got down potatoes this eve. Thursday, October 5, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store & RR. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Father & mother at Providence, Went with Uncle Nathan. I picked a few apples & chored about. Martha Pond here to day. This eve I sorted & got potatoes down cellar. Engaged or sold to be delivered to Thom. Mc Leaughlin 14 bushels. Friday, October 6, 1871 Storm most all day & warm. Churned, sorted a few potatoes & carried down cellar at store some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. This PM went to Franklin, sent a money order to J.C. Hammond. Settled with H. Bennies. Got the harness fixed or left to mend. Carried 1 bus potatoes to Ths. McLaughlin & c & c. Saturday, October 7, 1871 Cloudy & stormed some in AM warm. At store & RR. Jos. at Boston. Winnowed the beans, put up some potatoes for Mrs. Scott & I moved 2 bus & c & c, father carried them down there. This PM Dea Pond helped me dig potatoes 4 hs by brook meadow. Took up a hive of bees this eve.

Sunday, October 8, 1871 Pleasant & cool went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached in AM & L. Keene in PM. Emeline went this eve at P.B. Clarks.

Monday, October 9, 1871 Very pleasant, warm, windy. Helped some about the washing went & rolled 2 pieces for E.S. Moses. Sorted & got down a few potatoes this PM. Carted 5 load of fathers hardwood to John Cavanough. Tuesday, October 10, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Got in some corn fodder. Picked apples & see to the store & RR most the day. Jos at J.W. Clarks shop to work. Father drawed 1 load of wood to J. Cavnanough & c & c &c. Wednesday, October 11, 1871

Stormy most the day, warm. See to store & RR Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Sorted & carried into the cellar the potatoes that were in the horse barn, the early rose. Finished this eve about 9 oclock. Thursday, October 12, 1871 Stormy AM rained very hard all last night water is very high in brook to day. Cleared off this PM. In AM sorted a few potatoes in cellar & moved them & c & c. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks this PM. Dea Pond helped me dig potatoes 3 hs by brook meadow. Emeline been to meeting this eve. Friday, October 13, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Churned picked the apples over the old barn shed. See to store & RR some. Jos. at Boston. Went to saw mill to look at some lumber. Dug potatoes by brook meadow. Dea Pond helped 4 hs & J. Cavanough helped 2 hs. Saturday, October 14, 1871 Pleasant & warm, windy. Went to Crookes mill & to Geo Crookses to see about the lumber & c. Got in the sweet corn & the corn back of old shop & c & c. Put up 13 bs potatoes for Thos. Mclaughlin & 10 bus for M.M. Daniels & carried some down cellar worked this eve till late. Sunday, October 15, 1871 Very windy, warm & pleasant. Went to meeting in AM & this eve at Mancy Daniels. Rev. J. Merrell preached. I staid at home in PM.

Monday, October 16, 1871 Cloudy AM & rained a little. Pleasant PM helped some about the washing. Went to Crookes mill. J. Cavanough dug the last of our potatoes, 6 bushels, late rose. I picked them up. This PM went to Franklin, carried 13 bus potatoes & c & c. Emeline & Alvah went with me. At store & RR some. Jos. at shop. Tuesday, October 17, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Wrote a line to Father Metcalf this morn. Throwed over the manure in pig pen. Carted 4 load of dirt or mud there from race meadow. Pulled the beets & got in the sweet corn. At store & RR some. Jos. at J.W. Clarks. Wednesday, October 18, 1871 Cloudy morn. Cleared off pleasant & clouded up again & had a little rain in PM & has cleared off this eve. Carried mother & Emeline to Uncle Nathans to go to conference at Medfield with him. I went to Franklin & got $200 in money & checks from E.S. Metcalf for lumber. At store & RR some. Jos. at shop. Sorted & got down the last of our potatoes. Father went to West Wrentham & got the farm wagon wheel & we set the tire on it. Sold some squashes & c & c. Thursday, October 19, 1871 Windy & cool. Churned. Helped father draw some wood to Peter Riley. In AM, pulled & got in some turnips. Got in lot of the squashes. Got in the corn fodder by race meadow & c & c, at store & RR some. Jos. at shop.

Friday, October 20, 1871 Very windy & cold. Went to Woonsocket. Got some corn meal & c & c. Carried some squashes, tomatoes & c. Emeline went there with Uncle Nathan. At store & RR some. Jos. at shop. Father carried passenger to Wrentham. Saturday, October 21, 1871 Very cold morn, windy. Fixed J.P. Goulds stove pipe & c & brought home ours. Got in the branching corn & c & c. Throwed lot mud in to pig pen. Fixed circle on beach wagon. Hung 1 set of blinds. At store & RR, Jos. at shop. Sunday, October 22, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Staid at home in AM. Went to meeting in PM & evening at J.P. Goulds. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, October 23, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Helped some about the washing. At store & RR some. Pulled the piece back old shop. Husked some sweet corn. Trashed some beans, burned the weeds by brook meadow & c & c. Jos. at shop.

Tuesday, October 24, 1871 Cloudy most the day & warm. Sprinkled a little. Went to Franklin to see E. Metcalf & got 100. on acct of lumber. Got in the pop corn, pole beans & c. At store & RR Jos. at shop. Mother went to Aunt Pattis & father went as bearer to the funeral of Mrs. Newell. Wednesday, October 25, 1871 Cloudy most of the day, warm sprinkled a little. Cut up & got in a little wood. Picked & carted off the stones on the piece by brook meadow. Pulled a few turnips. Carted some potatoes to hog & pig pens. At store & RR. Jos. at Boston. Helped fix the carriage shaft, it broke off. Sewing circle here this afternoon & eve. Thursday, October 26, 1871 Foggy & damp all day, warm. At store & RR 4 or 5 hs. Jos. at shop. Fixed this hog pens some. Went & got our harrow from S. Hubbards & some lumber from Crooks Mill, paid his saw bill. Friday, October 27, 1871 Stormy most all day. Rained very hard part the day, warm. Cleared off tonight. Churned. Picked some tomatoes. Got out the cucumber seeds. Helped father grind up an old axe. Husked some pop corn. At store & RR some. Jos. at shop. Saturday, October 28, 1871

Very pleasant morn. Clouded up & rained hard before noon & cleared off, very pleasant again before night. Father went to Boston. Jos. at shop in AM & at Franklin in PM. I chored about, See to the store & RR. Cleared up the horse barn some. Got in some squashes & c. G. Metcalf had the horse to get to W. Wrentham. Sunday, October 29, 1871 Very pleasant, cool & windy. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Emeline has gone this eve to N. Hawses to meeting at 6 1/2. Monday, October 30, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Helped some about the washing. Husked most of the pop corn. Pulled & got in the turnip by race meadow, 2 bus & c & c. Jos. P. Gould had his pig killed this PM. Weighed 336 lbs. At store some. Jos. at shop. Tuesday, October 31, 1871 Pleasant & warm. See to store & RR. Most the day thrashed the toll peas. Got out some stone by brook meadow. This eve went to a tea party or fair at the Baptist chapel. Franklin.

Wednesday, November 1, 1871 Stormy most the day. Warm, very pleasant this eve & cooler. At store & RR some, Jos. at shop. Pickled down J.P. Goulds hams & c for him. Cleared up in horse barn. Chamber & weighed out 130 lbs hay for F.E. Hancock. Thursday, November 2, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Fixed a scaffold for the husks & Dea Pond. Pitched them up so to thrash Jos. rye. I went to Woonsocket, got meal & c & c. Carried Leiddia Cudworth to Aunt Pattis. Pulled the turnips by old shop. Meeting downstair this eve. Friday, November 3, 1871 Very pleasant & cool. Churned. Went to Franklin got some cloth & c. Called to see E. Metcalf but got no money of him. Called to see Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Gaskill & Leidda Cudworth went with me & back. Sold 2 bus turnips to J. Bates, pulled a few at store & RR -?- Jos. at shop. Saturday, November 4, 1871 Very pleasant & cold. frost hard last night. Chored about, see to store & RR. Pulled the Webster turnips & got them in & some of the flat & a few cabbage & c & c. Abbie & Emma Long went to Franklin & about with the horse. Jos. at shop. Sunday, November 5, 1871 Very pleasant & cold. Went to meeting all day & this eve at H.B. Millers. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, November 6, 1871

Very pleasant but very cold and windy. Helped about the washing some & chored about. Cut & got in some turnips. Helped shoe the horse & made some rings for blind this PM drawed six ft wood to Dea Pond & drawed home a load of small for father, he helped. Jos. had the horse to draw down some of his turnips & c. Tuesday, November 7, 1871 Very pleasant & cold & windy. Cut some wood & c & c went to town meeting. Went & got $25- of Metcalf towards lumber. Herman here this eve. Wednesday, November 8, 1871 Very pleasant but cold & windy. Chored about some at store & RR. Jos. at shop. Pressed out a pail of cider & c & c. This PM went to Woonsocket, called or went by Mr. John Hoags but he was at Bellingham at work. Got the oysters for sewing circle 3 qts & got some meal, cloth & c.

Thursday, November 9, 1871 Very pleasant & a little warmer. Sorted a few apples & made a little cider. See to store & RR. Jos. at shop.

Picture of Diary page November 8 & 9 is duplicated, see type on previous page

Friday, November 10,1871 Stormy most of the day, snow, hail & rain. At store & RR. Jos. at shop. Churned last time. Cleared up some in old barn, put in the roll, fixed the stables some & c & c. Saturday, November 11, 1871 Cloudy AM & pleasant PM but windy. Ground covered with snow this morn but most all gone before night. At store & RR. Pulled & got in 2 load of turnip. Went to Mr. Chases & got some cider apples & beans. Sunday, November 12, 1871 Very pleasant but very windy & cold. Went to meeting all day. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Mr H.M. Bowenswent with us, is here to night. Monday, November 13, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store & RR. Have taken the store for a year. Sorted & got down the apples & cleared up. Got ready hog this PM.

Settled with H.M. Bowen, took his crate. Tuesday, November 14, 1871 Pleasant & cool. Cloudy most the day. Is rainy now at 11 PM. Chored about some. Helped weigh, take down & cut up my half the hog, 446 lbs. At store most the day & this eve, washed the doors & c. Pulled a load of turnip this eve. Took acct of some of the store goods this eve. Wednesday, November 15, 1871 Very stormy driving rain. Got up at 2 1/2 OClock AM & got ready & walked to Franklin to take the steamboat train but it didnt come till about 8 OClock, than we had to wait at Walpole till 9 1/4. Got to Boston about 10 AM. Went to Slocombs & got 2 hats of S. Beals, than went & bought a lot of groceries, apples & c & c.

Thursday, November 16, 1871 Stormy most of the day & stormy this eve. Have been at the store most of the day. Cleared the show case & c. Had 8 Bbls apples, 1 potatoes, 1 pears & -?- & c came to day. Father cut of the turnips tops or some of them. Friday, November 17, 1871 Cleared off about 8 AM. Very pleasant & warm. At store most the day. Saturday, November 18, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store most the day & eve till 11 OClock. Cleaned up some in back store & got in the molasses. Father cut my sausage meet. Sunday, November 19, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. Staid at home in AM & eve. Went in PM, Rev. Farnum preached. Wrote to J.C. Metcalf this eve. Monday, November 20, 1871 Cloudy & stormed part the day, warm. At store most the day. Tuesday, November 21, 1871 Very pleasant & warm. At store.

Carried A.D. Sargeant 1 Bbl flour, 1 flour, 1 Apples & c & c. Went to Bellingham. Grist mill & got some meal & corn & c. Wednesday, November 22, 1871 Ground covered with snow & snowy fast in morn but cleared off about 10 AM & snow most gone now. At store & have made some cider & c. Set some glass & c. Thursday, November 23, 1871 Very pleasant & cool, windy. Albert Newell killed our hog, it weighed 380 lbs -?-.

Friday, November 24, 1871 Stormy part the day. At store. A.H. Russagne collected taxes here to day. Saturday, November 25, 1871 Very pleasant, warm. Cut out & salted the pork. Went to Mrs. Chases. Called at Mr. Phersons. At store most the day. Sunday, November 26, 1871 Cloudy most the day, stormed a little. Went to meeting in PM & this eve down stairs, Rev. Merrell preached. Monday, November 27, 1871 Cloudy most the day with little rain. Very pleasant this eve. At store most the day. Tuesday, November 28, 1871

Wednesday, November 29, 1871 Very pleasant & very cold. Thursday, November 30, 1871 5 above. Thanksgiving. Very pleasant but very cold & windy. Carried 1/2 Bbl. flour to Stilman Cook. Carried 2 passenger to R.G. Metcalfs. See to store & the chores & c & c. Friday, December 1, 1871

Very pleasant & cold. At store & RR in AM. Went to Woonsocket & got a load of 19 bushels, grain & C.Abbiella Briggs rode up home with me.

Saturday, December 2, 1871 Very pleasant & cold. Walked to Franklin & took the steamboat train for Boston, got to Boston about 6 AM. Bought a few things at auction & some flour & c & c. Went & see Mr. Parker, he gave me a pas out & we came home on the steam boat train. Emeline & Elmer came to Franklin after me. Sunday, December 3, 1871 Very pleasant & a little warmer but cold yet. Went to meeting all day & Emeline went this eve. Rev. J. Merrell preached. Monday, December 4 , 1871

Tuesday, December 5, 1871 Very pleasant but very windy & cold. About home at store & helped shoe the horse. Bought a new (old horse) & wagon this eve of Mr. Combs for 30.

Wednesday, December 6, 1871 Very pleasant & very cold & windy. About home & store in AM. This PM went to Franklin. Ordered a book for the scales & some bill heads & c & c. Went to sewing circle a few minutes this eve. Emeline is at Jos. Goulds. Irven is just alive. Thursday, December 7, 1871

No entries from December 7 through December 30.

Saturday, December 30, 1871 Sunday, December 31, 1871 Cool & misty most the day. Freezes as it comes on the snow & trees, is but little snow. Have been to meeting all day. Emeline went this eve. Rev. J. Merrell preached.

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