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jenis_pakan BY ulangan perlakuan
  /POSTHOC=ulangan perlakuan(DUNCAN LSD)

  /DESIGN=ulangan perlakuan.

Univariate Analysis of Variance


Output Created 04-May-2022 23:28:23


Input Active Dataset DataSet1

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data File 16

Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as

Cases Used Statistics are based on all cases with valid

data for all variables in the model.

Syntax UNIANOVA jenis_pakan BY ulangan

    /POSTHOC=ulangan perlakuan(DUNCAN
    /DESIGN=ulangan perlakuan.

Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.031

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.033


Between-Subjects Factors

ulangan K1 4
K2 4

K3 4

K4 4

perlakuan A0 4

A1 4

A2 4

A3 4

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable:jenis_pakan

ulangan n Mean Std. Deviation N

K1 A0 7.9000 . 1

A1 9.7000 . 1

A2 8.8000 . 1

A3 8.9300 . 1

Total 8.8325 .73772 4

K2 A0 8.0300 . 1

A1 9.8000 . 1

A2 8.8000 . 1

A3 8.8000 . 1

Total 8.8575 .72564 4

K3 A0 7.9000 . 1

A1 9.8000 . 1

A2 8.7000 . 1

A3 8.8300 . 1

Total 8.8075 .77903 4

K4 A0 7.9000 . 1

A1 9.8000 . 1

A2 8.8000 . 1

A3 8.7000 . 1

Total 8.8000 .77889 4

Total A0 7.9325 .06500 4

A1 9.7750 .05000 4
A2 8.7750 .05000 4

A3 8.8150 .09469 4

Total 8.8244 .67632 16

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:jenis_pakan

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 6.815a 6 1.136 220.276 .000

Intercept 1245.914 1 1245.914 2.416E5 .000

ulangan .008 3 .003 .528 .674

perlakuan 6.807 3 2.269 440.024 .000

Error .046 9 .005

Total 1252.775 16

Corrected Total 6.861 15

a. R Squared = .993 (Adjusted R Squared = .989)

Post Hoc Tests


Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable:jenis_pakan

95% Confidence Interval

(I) (J) Mean Difference (I-
ulangan ulangan J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

LSD K1 K2 -.0250 .05078 .634 -.1399 .0899

K3 .0250 .05078 .634 -.0899 .1399

K4 .0325 .05078 .538 -.0824 .1474

K2 K1 .0250 .05078 .634 -.0899 .1399

K3 .0500 .05078 .350 -.0649 .1649

K4 .0575 .05078 .287 -.0574 .1724

K3 K1 -.0250 .05078 .634 -.1399 .0899

K2 -.0500 .05078 .350 -.1649 .0649

K4 .0075 .05078 .886 -.1074 .1224

K4 K1 -.0325 .05078 .538 -.1474 .0824

K2 -.0575 .05078 .287 -.1724 .0574

K3 -.0075 .05078 .886 -.1224 .1074

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .005.

Homogeneous Subsets



ulangan N 1

Duncana K4 4 8.8000

K3 4 8.8075

K1 4 8.8325

K2 4 8.8575

Sig. .316

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .005.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 4.000.


Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable:jenis_pakan

(I) (J) 95% Confidence Interval

perlakua perlakua Mean Difference (I-
n n J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

LSD A0 A1 -1.8425* .05078 .000 -1.9574 -1.7276

A2 -.8425* .05078 .000 -.9574 -.7276

A3 -.8825* .05078 .000 -.9974 -.7676

A1 A0 1.8425* .05078 .000 1.7276 1.9574

A2 1.0000* .05078 .000 .8851 1.1149

A3 .9600* .05078 .000 .8451 1.0749

A2 A0 .8425* .05078 .000 .7276 .9574

A1 -1.0000* .05078 .000 -1.1149 -.8851

A3 -.0400 .05078 .451 -.1549 .0749

A3 A0 .8825* .05078 .000 .7676 .9974

A1 -.9600* .05078 .000 -1.0749 -.8451

A2 .0400 .05078 .451 -.0749 .1549

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .005.

*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets


n N 1 2 3

Duncana A0 4 7.9325

A2 4 8.7750

A3 4 8.8150

A1 4 9.7750

Sig. 1.000 .451 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .005.

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 4.000.

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