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Ed Notes English Medium

Learning styles

It is important to remember that every individual learns differently and thus has a unique learning style.
Every person has one primary learning mode. Once you identify that mode, you can learn to maximize it
and enhance your child’s education.

Types of Learning Styles

a) Visual learners
b) Auditory learners
c) Kinaesthetic learners

(a) Visual learners

Tend to:
1) Learn through seeing
2) Think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images to retain information
3) Enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies
4) Have visual skills which are demonstrated in puzzle building, reading, writing, understanding charts
and graphs, a good sense of direction, sketching, painting, creating visual metaphors and analogies
(perhaps through the visual arts), manipulating images, constructing, fixing, designing practical objects,
and interpreting visual images

(b) Auditory learners

Tend to:
1. Learn through listening
2. Have highly developed auditory skills and are generally good at speaking and presenting
3. Think in words rather than pictures
4. Learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others
have to say
5. Have auditory skills demonstrated in listening, speaking, writing, storytelling, explaining, teaching,
using humor, understanding the syntax and meaning of words, remembering information, arguing their
point of view, and analyzing language usage

(c) Kinesthetic learners

Tend to:
1. Learn through moving, doing and touching
2. Express themselves through movement
3. Have good sense of balance and eye-hand coordination
4. Remember and process information through interacting with the space around them
5. Find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and
6. Have skills demonstrated in physical coordination, athletic ability, hands on experimentation, using
body language, crafts, acting, miming, using their hands to create or build, dancing, and expressing
emotions through the body.

Once students understand their learning styles, they can better adapt to their learning environment.
When your child identifies his or her unique learning style, you can begin to build upon it.
Understanding learning styles is only a first step in maximizing potential and overcoming
learning differences

Hints for Recognizing and Implementing the Three Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Styles
Auditory learners often talk to themselves.
They also may move their lips and read out loud.
They may have difficulty with reading and writing tasks.
They often do better talking to a colleague or a tape recorder and hearing what was said.

Helpful Tips for

(i) Turn notes into pictures, charts, or maps
(ii) Avoid distractions (windows, doorways, etc.)
(iii) Learn the big picture first and then focus on the details
(iv) Make mind and concept maps instead of outlines
(v) Color code parts of new concepts in your notes
(vi) Use flash cards when trying to study vocabulary

(i) Record lectures and then listen to them
(ii) Repeat material out loud and in your own words
(iii) Discuss materials in your study groups
(iv) Read textbooks aloud
(v) Listen to wordless background music while studying

(i) Take study breaks often
(ii) Learn new material while doing something active (e.g., read a textbook while on a treadmill)
(iii) Work while standing
(iv) Try to take classes with instructors who encourage demonstrations and fieldwork.

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