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Academic Text – is a reading material that based in facts and solid basis.

lid basis. Therefore, it is Academic Writing – is linear which means it

provides information which includes concepts generally formal, objective (impersonal) and has one central point or theme with every
and theories that are related to the specific technical. part contributing to the main line of the
discipline. argument.
Literary Analysis – it examines, evaluates, and
Academic Structures make an argument about a literary work, it Complexity – is relatively more complex than
also goes beyond mere summarization. spoken language, it lexically denser and it has
 Introduction’
a more varied vocabulary. It uses noun-based
 Body Research Paper – it uses outside information
phrases than verb-based phrases.
 Conclusion to support a thesis or to make an argument, it
is written in all disciplines and may be Formality – this means that in an essay you
Purposes of reading an Academic Text evaluates, analytical or critical in nature. should avoid colloquial words and
 To locate main idea. expressions.
Dissertation – is a document submitted at the
 To scan for information. conclusion of a Ph.D program, it is also a book Precision – facts and figure are given precisely.
 To identify gaps in existing studies. length summarization of doctoral candidate’s
 To connect ideas to existing ones. Objectivity – is in general objective rather
 To gain pieces of information. than personal, it means that the main
 To deeply understand an existing idea. Academic papers may be done as a part of a emphasis should be on the information that
class, in a program of study, or for publication you want to give and arguments you want to
Common Styles in writing Academic Text in an academic journal or scholarly book of make.
- State critical issues and questions. articles around theme, by diff. authors.
Explicitness – is explicit about the
- Provide facts and evidence from Structure – is an important feature of relationships into the text and making it clear
credible sources. academic writing. It enables the reader to to the reader how the various parts of the text
- Use precise and accurate words while follow the argument and navigate the text. are related.
avoiding jargon.
- Take an objection point of view. Accuracy – it uses vocabulary accurately and
- List references. have words with narrow specific meanings. It
Highfalutin – words with deep meaning/highly
- Use cautious language. distinguishes clearly between "phonetics" and
Academic paper – defined as critical, FEATURES OF ACADEMIC WRITING
objective, specialized texts written by experts Hedging – in academic writing is known by
in a given field using formal language, it is also linguists as a "hedge" or "not clear", it is also
recognized that academic writing is the  Organization Critique writing employs a formal, academic
concept of "cautious language" or known as  Capitalization writing style and has a clear structure, that be;
"hedging".  Spelling
- Introduction
 Abbreviation
Responsibility – must be able to provide - body - includes a summary of the
 Contraction
evidence and justification for any claims you work and detailed evaluation.
 Acronyms
make, you are also responsible for - conclusion
demonstrating an understanding of any  Punctuations
 Language Use The purpose of the evaluation is to gauge the
source texts you use.
usefulness or impact of a work in a particular
Organisation – academic writing is well IMRAD - Intro - Method - Results - Analysis field.
organised. It flows easily from one section to and Discussion.
Why do we write critique?
the next in a logical fashion. Once you have What is a Critique?
decided on the genre, the structure is easily – it will help you to enhance your knowledge
determined. – is a paper that gives a critical assessment of of the work's subject area and it will also
a book or article, it is also a systematic provide you understanding of the works
Planning – academic writing is well planned. It analysis of a piece of literature that discusses purpose, intended audience, development of
usually takes place after research and its validity and evaluates its worth. argument, structure of evidence or creative
evaluation, according to a specific purpose
– its main purpose is not informational but style.
and plan.
analytical and persuave and it briefly How do you write a critique?
summarizes and critically evaluates a work or
concept. It is important to have a through
Types of a Text
understanding of the work that will be
1. Formal Writing - objective are It can be used to carefully analyze a variety of critiqued.
existing, impersonal/technical, formal works such as;
structure, non-fiction, research based Creative works - novels, exhibits, films, images
ideas. and poetry. - study the work under discussion
2. Informal Writing - subjective, fiction - make note on the key parts of the
or make believed and the imaginative Research - monograph, journal articles, work.
of the writer. systematic reviews, theories.

Proper Mechanics Media - news reports, feature articles.

- develop an understanding of the main and historical and social circumstances of of neurosis" and it is popularized by Sigmund
argument or purposes being times. Frend.
expressed in the work.
5. Marxism - views literary works as 10. Sociological Approach - it viewed as the
reflections of the social institutions from expression of man within a given social
Literary Criticism - practice of interpreting and which they originate, it believed that literary situation which is reduced to discussion on
writing about literature as the latter, in turn, text are a reflection of the economic base and economic.
strives to make sense of the world. emphasizes persons of the lower class and
11. Media Criticism - is the act of closely
their constant oppression by the upper class.
examining and judging media when we
6. Formalist Criticism - it emphasizes the work examines the media stories, we often find
Various Approaches to Literary Criticism
as an independent creation or something to instances of media bias.
1. Reader's Response Criticism - this judge be studied in itself, it also emphasizes on the
Media bias is the perception that the media is
according to how the reader perceives it and form of the work, construction, relationship
reporting the news in partial or prejudiced
ignores both the author and the text's between parts, point of view and the function
contents, confining analysis to the reader's of rhymes.
experience when reading a particular work.
7. Cultural Approach - one of the principal
manifestation and vehicles of a nations, races,
culture and traditions, it is the richest way to
2. Structuralism - it focuses on form, structure, arrive at the culture of people and one of the
organization, word choice and multiple most pleasurable ways of appreciating the
languages. it analyze, interpret features of a literature of the people.
8. Moral and Humanistic Approach - nature of
3. Feminism - is a literary analysis that arises man is central to literature, it requires that
from the viewpoint of feminism, it also the piece presents MAN AS ESSENTIAL
examines how work of literature embody RATIONAL, that is endowed with intellect and
patriarchal attitudes. free will; on that the piece does not
4. Historicism - it is in the light of historical misinterpret the true nature of man.
evidence or based on the context in which a 9. Psychological Approach - consider literature
work was written, it includes the author's life as expression of "personality" of "inner drive

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