Orpheus Corebook 16

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ae raduation, ina Financial, internships, and lefe with an MBA in finance. After Lehto worked as a financial advisor with Mor high-profile investment bank; his ist NDE was atthe hands of a bank client, who, hit bard b responded with a shooting spree in the investment office. The incident left Lehto and three staff members critically wounded, and two others dead. The alling tock marker also cost Leha his jobs; his second NDE was sel-initiated. The requisite battery of psychological tests for potentially suicidal recruits suggested Lehto’s attempted suicide temporary depression, and he was cleared for fil a stock market cortectio ras the result of a situational and duties at the completion of his taining Lehto'stenure with Orpheus Group wastinremarkable until six monthsago, He progressed through pay grades and cleara at the expected rate, and achieved bonuses for meeting organi zational goalsin several quarters. SixmonthsagoLehto'serucible hada violentencounter with an Enigma-classentity,resultingin sin the line of duty (see attached files: Raker, NevajandRanum, Allan). OmpheusreassignedLehtoand the deaths of rwo age the other wo survivors. In the past four months, Lehto filed referrals for three posible Retrieval missions, aceruing the standard referral fee. When questioned about these referrals during the biannual departmental alt, Leto became evasive; he did not return t0 work the next day, and has not been seen since by Orpheus personnel. The initial investigation by agents Zeledon. andl Masterson indicate Lehto was familiar with the three deceased individuals throu thathe made outside inquiries into the prior to the deaths ofthe deceased, and that Lehto initiated the contact following the deaths of each individual. Medical ac aquired the coroners records in each case and determined that shostly force cannot be ruled out a cause of death. Important Note: It is very posible thar Lehto was not involved in any foul play. He may have predicted these events, kepthis foreknowledge to imselfand acted in the aftermath for his own benefit. Tis ia violation of Orpheus ethical protocols halessseriousoffense than homicide ormunder-for ite). afverthe departmental auditsu peripheral taff psychologists theorize thatthe Enigm encounter brought Lehto's mental instability back to the fore (both events [the first NDE at Morgana Financial and his Er Violent, both took the lives of co-workers) this time his ages sion may be directed outward. They caution that Lehto may become self-destructive when comered a-class mission] occurred on the jab, both were extremely Because Lehto has an alii within Orpheus when two of the three victims ced (confirmed by both Orpheus staff and security tly involved. The -lass ghosts in Lehto's official case-oad were cameras), he smst have accomplices if he ic Echo- and Mi investgatedanedlearedorareconfimed destoyedbyore Orpheus pesonne. Lebo has the resources and tining 9 rescue and influence any numberof ghosts, however proceed with caution. MISSION FRRAMETERS athew Lehto. Observe target for a all for further investigation. Agents Stage One: Locat period of 24 hours a contacts, human and gl should follow and immediately neutralize any Shadow-cass contacts once the target moves on, following standard protocols + establishing his location. Ree for calling in backup. If opposition proves hostile against agents or byscanders, move immediately to Stage Two Stage Two: Bring Mathew Lehto to Orpheus HQ. Any non livingaccomplices who interfere with the removal ae tobe fumigated immediately. Youare tocaptureandl detain any lvi accomplices Stage Three: Investigate all contacts in the 24-hour win dow for possible involvement. Its vital you adhere to proper protocol when investigating human contacts; Orpheus will turn overall relevant information to the appropriate local or federal law enforcement agencies after review by Legal. Any Echo or Mirage-class Red contacts are to be fumigated. Capcure and bring Echo- and Mirage-class Green contacts to HQ for further interrogation ifthe agents suspect their involvement. InTeL Mathew Lehto is a skimmer. This makes him a highly mobile and energetic projector. Agents should expect him tobe in good health and operating a full peak unless they witness an Banshee, and received Orpheus raining in the following Hor rors: Forebode, Wail. The members of his previous crucible witnessed his use ofthe Unearthly Repese Horror; he may have transfer or Horror manifestation. Lehto is classified as a developed additional abilities on personal time. Mathew Lehto was last seen by local law enforcement dis patched to investigate a missing persons report fled by concem friends. Lehto spoke with the oficers, and the missing persons bulletin ino longer in efet(se attache fle fl police report) The abilities of any potential ghost accomplices are un known. Agentsshould consideraccompliceshostile, bt they are not fumigation targets until they become aggressive, or are observed to be Shadow-class, aa HAL class Green (Projector); Mirage- class Red (Ghosts); Shadow-class Red (Spectres) AOOITIONAL INFORMATION Mathew Lehto has one surviving parent, his mother (Alisa, nd wo siblings (Dehorah, 23,and Alexander, 32). He has not ‘contacted any family member for approximately ive years. He made generous donations to his alma mater ard attended many alumni functions he may returs tothe university or the surroundin times of res, This matter must be ke; Ina worst-case scenario, deaths of three individuals, the where Lebo s responsible current legal system is completely incapable of prosecuting him efictively. Any ater o do 50 wou be cssous or the legal system and highly inconvenient for Orpheus Group. Thesearchand rescue contractstefened by Lehtoarestillopen. Fie becomes imposible to track Lehto dow, you may need tore investigate the three deaths, tack down any accomplices and ind Lehtothrough Ifthisapproachbecomesnecessaryitisvitalthe rr than SOP fora 539, 0578, 70634) hem families noe be notified that this is anything o searchandlrescue (see attached files Misions#0 mssion#0o770 mssion TYP = INTELLIGENce GATHERING /POSSISLE RETRIEVAL ORFUMGATION Investigate ings at a Local “goth” club. Location Name: Chains Nightelub SA CHGEROUND ‘Chainshas undergone several nameand stylechangessince ‘opening in 1987. Most recently (late last year), it changed from “Quickies” to "Chains” and adopted a “goth’ feel. The club has a reputation for being an easy place to purchase drugs, including marijuana, ecstasy and pigment. The club is open six nights a week (closed Mondays) and sees its largest crowds on Thursdays (college ID night) and Saturdays Within che last six months, the club has become famous 3s the occasional hangout of shock-rock star Jayne Jonestown (late 20s). He arrives on nights when the club is particularly crowded (rumor hasithe sends"spotters" tocheck theclub for undercover police and reporters before arriving, since he is @ habitual drug twseraccordingrounconfirmed reports) ancl showsup shortly after midnight. He fist frequented the club six months ago. Since then, many regulars reported seeing “ghosts” in the club, These rip rothree incidentsinvolviny ons range from smoky, indistinct images of people dane: sual physical contact (the most dramatic of which involved glassof vodka that floatedofiatable and emptied itself onto the floor). You probably already heard about these occurrences; they received fairly extensive media coverage of late (though most of it has been derisive and dismissive), Jonestown, hovwever, is evidently a believer and wishes uncover the truth. He hired Orpheus to determine the 2 with the club’ fall sanction (Chains isa very small club and, by law hokds only 250 people. Onabusy night, the waitto erin can exceed three hours, Onnights when Jonestown artives, the wait is often more than six. The doorman admits people on the basis of looks, so we recommend dressing the par (see photos). You might aso be able to bypass the line by paying of the doorman (Orpheus will, of course, reimburse expenses see Accounting). Of course, shoukdyoutenteras ghosts you need not worry about crowd or lines. Jonestown promised t be present on any night we c ‘but pleae remember, he is a celebrity andistherefore “on camera” whenever in public. To wi, recall that he afiects a dak, “gothic” persona and makes frequent references to Satanism and drinking blood. Don’t berated by this performance; Jonestown is simply a (debatably) talented performer, nothing more. He is, however, able to extend aid in the form of ensuring the police ae not present (he cannot actually keep them ‘at but does know when undercoverperonnelarepresent), andthe clubhasa'no-media’ policy unless wamedinadvance,soyoushould be able to work relatively unmolested. Remember, though, that ‘manyof Chains patronsreportedbeingabletoseeghestsandwehave noidea how many of these sightings are geruine, how many are drug induced and how many aresimple les. Likewise, while the manage- ment doesnt mesa in knowingly, the presence of a celebrity all bur guarantees the attention of papa. Use caution, especialy when movingas spooks, MISSIONPRRAMETERS The club reports no hostile entities but our client dows express interest in cleringany ghosts found atthe chib Hehasnot made his reasons clar (and we, of course, did noc ask; they are his business). ‘Assess any ghests you find for threat and then, if posible, remove them fom the premises. Anyone going in sold should look the part ofaclub-goer we donor want any mediaexposurehere because ofthe significant drug trafic at Cains, Also thismisson presents good opportunity totest the effects of mind-altering substances on a normal person's ability to perceive hess. While in the club, attempt to subely manifest t someone tundertheinfluenceofacrug ideally, one that youean recognize) and recor theiresponses. Thisshouilprovide valuable information that might help usin similar ess. Pigment, particular, which has only recentiybecom widely popular isan unknown quantity wit rears toghest perception, and itisin wide stribution arChains. possible, purchase asmall amouncof the dagso that we might analyze itand iestitater (bur be exmemay carefil — legal fes are expensive). INTEL The “Chains Ghost” seems to be more than one entity and dloes not appear tobe hostile or dangerous. As in the past, however, just because a ghost isn’t dangerous to |humansdoesn’t mean it can’t be-Jonestown, in particular, seems tw feel that the ghost (or ghosts) have some grudge against him, but has heretofore been elusive about why. Any connection between him and the elub’s past would be helpful, but th changes! hands and names so often that tracing its history is dificult, Jonestown claims to have “discovered” the club while om his last rour and it has since become a once-a-month haunt (pardon the pun) for him, He hasan almost constant crowd of stoupies, but never travels with a bodyguand The club employs ten peopl, excluding the managerfowner, | Ahmed Osman. Ofthose, most are new employees tumoverishigh, though we have not determined why, aparcffom the constant threat ofDEA raids) Theemployee with thelongesttenureisthe bartender, “Mark Chandler. Chandler has arrests for serving drinks to minors, drug rafickingand possesion, and statutory rape (evidently inva inga seventeen-yearold gil who entered the club with her older sister’ ID), but has never been convieted. Chandler is a close acquaintanceofJonestown, and iswllingtohelp withany interviews or investigations you wish to pursue. He knows most ofthe regular * H at aes eer as a2) oes aes if you could die and return to your body, to live again? What if you could remain among the living long after your body crumbled to dust? What if sciendé had rendered death a mere inconvenience? = >, The door between this world and the next has been thrown open. The souls of the deceased haven’t passed, they're among us, and now the living walk among the §dead. Mankind has learned to look into the void"/of the afterlife... but does it stare back? — | | ae J If death is no longer an cio ict Rta CN = ae Some laws should never be broken. fa

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