Assignment 2

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The word abortion is not mentioned in the Bible but much in the bible speaks to
the issue.
Abortion is simply defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy
most often performed during the first 28 weeks of the pregnancy.
The following bible verses can be used to speak against the abortion;
• Ex. 20:13 “You shall not murder”.
• Prov.6:17 God hates the hands that shed blood
• Jer. 1:5 God said “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you
were born, I sanctified you, I ordained you as a Prophet to the nation.
• Ps. 127:3 Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the
womb is a reward.
As a faciliator to Afia who is hardly troubled in this accidental situation, I will
advise her to change the mindset of willfully pregnancy termination because she
has no moral right to take this decision.
Afia is a Christian therefore knows the Christian ethics which is based on God’s
revelation and is very absolute as quoted in the commandment that ‘You shall not

I will continue to advise Afia that God hates the hands that shed the innocent
blood as the word of God is prescriptive which shows the Christian what to do at
any moment.
Therefore, I will discuss the deontological meaning of Christian ethics which
elaborate that with regardless of the results, the rules cannot be bonded to suit
the results.
God knows every child before he or she was formed in the mother’s womb and
The financial handicapped starts, the mental stress and the education al vision of
Afia should not allow or persuade her to abort the baby as there is a reason for
every situation before she should meditate on the book of Ps. 127:3.
Every human being was created by our God Almighty and we need to be obedient
to His words. In Ex. 21:22-25.
Medical procedure can be followed to perform abortion only when there is
medical implication with dangerous health condition but in the case of Afia there
is no prof of medical complications and I will boldly communicate to her to keep
the innocent child depending on above bible verses.

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