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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Explain the meaning of the Bible

2. Identify the division of the Bible

3. Enumerate the different books found in Old and New Testaments

4. Clarify some important questions on why and how to read the Sacred Scripture

5. Practice how to locate and scan the Bible

A fellow first year student who became my friend lives with her aunt who adopted her. She has
stayed with her aunt since she was five years old. She keeps a shoe box, which contains letters and notes
written by her mother, her father, her brothers, and sisters. It also contains pictures sent to her, as well
as notes and small cards that were attached to gifts received on important occasions like Christmas and
her birthday.

As she showed each item to me, she explained why she kept them, laughing and crying
intermittently depending on the item being described. Each item has a story associated with it. I
discovered through these items what life meant to her. These seemingly trivial and worthless pictures
were indeed priceless to her.

They were no longer just simple things, for the story of her life was told through them. I was
able to take a glimpse into the world of my friends and share in her adventure of love and life.

Likewise, the different books of the Bible may seem uninteresting to some of us. But to those
who wrote the books, each event is an adventure of a people and their God. Through the Bible, we shall
be able to enter into these people’s world. Some events narrated may seem strange to us, but they hold
a meaning and significance to those who have gone through them as faith experience.

Guide Questions

1. Why were the “seemingly ordinary and trivial objects” of value to the friend?

• For those person who had the same situation just like the narrator’s friend can relate
and understand, why these so called ordinary and trivial objects are very much valuable
to them because through these things he/she can still feel the presence of their loved
ones, Despite the fact that they’re gone or away.
2. What did you learn about the friend in the story as she described the objects inside the shoe

• I learned that we must learn how to value the things that our loved one gave to us. Even
though it may not be valuable, but it contains of the moments that we have with our
loved ones and we must cherish those moments.

3. Why was the Bible important to those who wrote it? How did the different events acquire their

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