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The bible was indeed important to those who wrote it because it tells us how God used his chosen

people to tell the Good news to the world and what the chosen people face hardships and how they’ve
conquered it with the aid of almighty God.

4. Why is reading the Bible significant to Christians?

• Personally reading bible is very important knowing the truth and learn more about God. Reading
bible has a lot of benefits because the more we read we seldomly commit sins.


The word Bible comes from the Greek word ta’ biblia. It is a plural noun, which means the
Books. When this word was translated into Latin, it became singular, the Bible. The Bible is a collection
of books which is written by/under the influence of God (Divine Author), written by persons chosen by
God (human Author), received and recognized by the Church as a Word of God.

The Bible was written over many centuries by different authors. God inspired the writers in such a way
that their words revealed the divine loving will and plan. Written in the language of the people of the
time, it was intended to be originally understood in the light of their history. The Old Testament was
written in Hebrew with a few parts in Aramaic and was translated into Greek, while the New Testament
was entirely written in Greek, the common language spoken during that time. The biblical truth lies
primarily in the intended meaning of the sacred authors – the saving message God wants to convey. To
have a proper appreciation of the truths in the Bible, one must have a knowledge and understanding of
the various ways truth is communicated. Some examples of the literary forms used are described below:

1. Myths are symbolic, imaginative stories presenting a truth too large and too difficult to state in
exact terms.

2. Legends are imaginative stories with historical base.

3. Epics are lengthy stories told in heroic or exaggerated terms.

4. Elegies are laments f or the dead.

5. Proverbs are prose and poetic statements as maxims for instructions.

6. Legal documents contain laws that govern the common life of a people.
7. Canticles and Psalms are the expressions of faith sentiments in poetic and lyrical language.

8. Oracles of the prophets are solemn words which call people to true faith.

9. Wisdom writings are reflections on great human questions about life, death, love, evil, and

Simple questions to be answered:

 How is it to be read?

1. As a book, it is meant to be read

2. As a Word of God, we must pray

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