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Seven Ancient wonders of the world

Temple of Artemis

Statue of Zeus

Great pyramid



Colossus of Rhode

Hanging Gardens

It was an important ceremonial center of mesoamerica

It is a wonderful architectonic structure

It is a beautiful pyramid

It was a temple dedicated to god Kukulcan

It is one of the most historical place in Mexico

Many people of all parts of the world come to visit it and to know other wonderful places of

4 wonder moderns

Statue of liberty, USA

Chichen Itza, Mexico

Machu Picchu, Peru

Taj Mahal, India

Chichen Itza

It is in Mexico

There are many great pyramids

It was belong to teotihuacan culture

Machu Picchu

It is in Peru

It is on the top of the Andes Mountains

It was belong to the Inca culture


Both was ancient cities

Both are in America

Both are wonderful architectonic structures

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