$ Ramos-Robles Et Al 2018

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The Science of Nature (2018) 105:29



Fruit traits and temporal abundance shape plant-frugivore interaction

networks in a seasonal tropical forest
Michelle Ramos-Robles 1,2 & Wesley Dáttilo 3 & Cecilia Díaz-Castelazo 1 & Ellen Andresen 4

Received: 27 February 2018 / Revised: 17 March 2018 / Accepted: 20 March 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Interactions between fleshy fruited plants and frugivores are crucial for the structuring and functioning of biotic communities,
particularly in tropical forests where both groups are diverse and play different roles in network organization. However, it remains
poorly understood how different groups of frugivore species and fruit traits contribute to network structure. We recorded
interactions among 28 plant species and three groups of frugivores (birds, bats, and non-flying mammals) in a seasonal forest
in Mexico to determine which species contribute more to network structure and evaluate the importance of each species. We also
determined whether fruit abundance, water content, morphology traits, and fruiting phenology are related to network parameters:
the number of interactions, species contribution to nestedness, and species strength. We found that plants did not depend on a
single group of frugivores, but rather on one species of each group: the bird Pitangus sulphuratus, the bat Sturnira parvidens, and
the non-flying mammal Procyon lotor. The abundance, size, and water content of the fruits were significantly related to the
contribution to nestedness, number of interactions, and species strength index of plant species. Tree species and birds contributed
mainly to the nested structure of the network. We show that the structure of plant-frugivore networks in this seasonal forest is non-
random and that fruit traits (i.e., abundance, phenology, size, and water content) are important factors shaping plant-frugivore
networks. Identification of the key species and their traits that maintain the complex structure of species interactions is therefore
fundamental for the integral conservation of tropical forests.

Keywords Frugivorous animals . Network metrics . Nestedness . Phenology . Species strength

Communicated by: Sven Thatje
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
Interactions between plants and frugivorous animals play an
(https://doi.org/10.1007/s00114-018-1556-y) contains supplementary important role in the diversification, structure, and functioning
material, which is available to authorized users. of ecosystems (Traveset and Richardson 2014). In tropical
ecosystems, a high percentage (70–90%) of woody plants
* Michelle Ramos-Robles depend on interactions with animals in order to complete their
ramosrobles.m@gmail.com life cycle (Farwig and Berens 2012). Fleshy fruits are an im-
portant component of the diet of a wide diversity of frugivo-
Red de Interacciones Multitróficas, Instituto de Ecología, A. C., rous animals (Fleming and Kress 2013), and seed dispersal in
Antigua Carretera a Coatepec No. 351, El Haya, 91070 Xalapa, Ver, the majority of fleshy fruited plants takes place through a
variety of animals belonging to different taxa and/or function-
Present address: Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y al groups, which may contribute differently to the final estab-
Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos,
62209 Cuernavaca, Mor, Mexico
lishment of plants (Schupp et al. 2010). For instance, different
groups of frugivores can have a complementary role in the
Red de Ecoetología, Instituto de Ecología, A. C., Xalapa, Antigua
Carretera a Coatepec No. 351, El Haya, 91070 Xalapa, Ver, Mexico
seed dispersal process (e.g., birds and bats; Sarmento et al.
2014), since birds and bats display behavioral differences
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a
and a low dietary overlap (Mello et al. 2011).
Pátzcuaro No.8701, Ex Hacienda de San José de la Huerta, Interspecific interactions form complex assemblages of
58190 Morelia, Mich, Mexico species, which can be represented as interaction networks
29 Page 2 of 11 Sci Nat (2018) 105:29

(Bascompte and Jordano 2007; Rohr et al. 2014). In general, many frugivorous species; for example, the pulp of fleshy
the structure of plant-frugivore networks shows a nested pat- fruits provides water, lipids, carbohydrates, and
tern, characterized by a few generalist species interacting with micronutrients to the frugivores (Schupp et al. 2010; Galetti
a large subset of species from another guild or trophic level et al. 2011; Blendinger et al. 2016). Specifically, the water
(Bascompte and Jordano 2006). These characteristics confer available in fruit pulp is an important resource for frugivores
great robustness to secondary extinctions and promote the in seasonal habitats (Herrera 1982). There is no doubt regard-
long-term coexistence and persistence of species within an ing the importance of species traits in plant-frugivore interac-
environment (Bastolla et al. 2009; Tylianakis et al. 2010). tions (Dehling et al. 2014, 2016), but it is necessary to evaluate
Species level metrics allow us to identify the functional im- these interactions with multiple groups of frugivores in order
portance of each species (Schleuning et al. 2015). In mutual- to reach comprehensive and unbiased conclusions.
istic networks, a few generalist species contribute significantly In this study, we investigate which frugivorous species are
to the nested pattern and thus exert an important influence on important in terms of maintaining network structure and
the whole system (Guimarães et al. 2011). However, very few which fruit traits are linked to the structure of the plant-
studies have identified the frugivorous species that most con- frugivore networks, by considering the whole community of
tribute to the nested pattern (Vidal et al. 2014). Moreover, frugivores (i.e., birds, bats, and non-flying mammals) in a
some species are more important than others in terms of de- seasonal forest in Mexico. Our main objective was to under-
pendence on their counterparts (i.e., species strength; stand how different species of plants and frugivorous animals
Bascompte and Jordano 2007). Here, we understand species contribute to the network structure and which fruit traits influ-
strength as the importance of the species in terms of an eco- ence the organization of such interactions. We sought to an-
logical function (in this case, frugivory). Therefore, identifi- swer the following specific questions: (i) which group of fru-
cation of species with important ecological functions and that givores contributes most to the nested pattern of the network?
act to maintain network structure is fundamental in terms of (ii) do plant species have a higher dependence on a particular
conservation, particularly in view of the crisis of faunal loss group of frugivores? and (iii) which fruit traits are related to
(i.e., defaunation; sensu Dirzo and Miranda 1991; Ceballos the parameters of the plant-frugivore network? We quantified
et al. 2015) and thus the imminent loss of interactions. the number of fruits removed by each frugivorous species on
Recent studies have addressed the relationships between each fruiting plant and measured fruit abundance, water con-
species traits and their influence on network structure and tent, morphological traits, and fruiting phenology. We studied
functioning of ecosystems (Dehling et al. 2016; Muñoz et al. whether interaction strength varied among different taxa of
2017). Traits such as abundance are determinant in species frugivorous species. Given the functional complementarity
interaction probability, since the most abundant species tend of the frugivorous groups, we hypothesized that certain spe-
to interact more among themselves than with less abundant cies in each guild would play a greater role in the structure of
species (Vázquez et al. 2007; Dáttilo et al. 2014). For exam- the network. We also hypothesized that plant species with
ple, the number of available fruits (i.e., plant crop size) can more temporal abundance and smaller fruits are important to
influence the success of fruit removal and thus seed dispersion network structure, due to the fact that species with long
(Ortiz-Pulido et al. 2006). Another important issue to consider fruiting periods have higher temporal availability and are thus
is that of temporal dynamics, such as the phenological patterns available for consumption by a greater variety of frugivores.
of species that act to modulate interactions between plants and
animals, since not all plant species with a high nutritional
quality are available simultaneously and this may influence Methods
animal foraging decisions (Blendinger et al. 2016).
Plant species morphology (e.g., fruit or seed size) limits the Study system
variety of frugivores that can consume them, since only large-
bodied frugivores have a sufficiently wide gape to ingest large The study was conducted at La Mancha Center for Coastal
seeds and transport them over long distances (Galetti et al. Research (CICOLMA) in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, in a
2013; Donoso et al. 2017). The lack of trait-matching between protected area of seasonal forest on the Gulf of Mexico coast
species affects plant-frugivore interactions and thus plant re- (19°35′ 25 N and 96°22′49 W, 0–50 m a.s.l.). Maximum and
cruitment (Dehling et al. 2016). However, trait-matching seed minimum temperatures are 36 and 16 °C, respectively, with
size studies have focused mainly on plant-bird interactions mean annual temperature ranging from 22 to 26 °C. Mean
(e.g., Dehling et al. 2014, 2016; Muñoz et al. 2017). annual rainfall is between 1200 and 1500 mm (García
Inclusion of other frugivore groups (e.g., mammals) and other 1981). The rainy season occurs between June and
fruit variables, such as abundance or temporal availability, September, while the dry season occurs from December to
would significantly improve our understanding of frugivory. May. Northerly cold fronts are common from November to
In addition, the chemical traits of fruits determine the diet of February and are characterized by lower temperatures, mild
Sci Nat (2018) 105:29 Page 3 of 11 29

occasional rains, and strong winds (Castillo and Carabias Camera traps We used 14 night vision cameras (LTL Acorn
1982). The CICOLMA covers 83.29 ha and features at least 6210MC), orientated towards fruiting plants and/or sites
eight vegetation types (Travieso-Bello 2000). This environ- where the presence of animal droppings had been previously
mental heterogeneity favors species diversity and thus the di- observed. Each camera was active for a period of 15 to
versity of plant-animal interactions (Martínez et al. 2006). Our 30 days, depending on the activity recorded at each site.
study encompassed four vegetation types: semi-deciduous Total sampling effort (total number of cameras multiplied by
forest, flooded deciduous forest, coastal dunes, and secondary total sampling days; Medellín et al. 2006) was 4240 trap-days.
forest (20 years of age). We identified mammal species with the help of reference
At the study site and in its surroundings, 108 bird species guides (Aranda 2000). We considered a plant-frugivore inter-
have been reported to include fruit in their diet (Ortiz-Pulido action to have occurred when a photo and/or video showed an
et al. 2000), as well as 13 frugivorous bats (Phyllostomidae; animal species feeding on the focal fruits.
Saldaña-Vázquez et al. 2010) and 14 frugivorous non-flying
mammals (NFM), which are the group most affected by hu- Mist nets In each vegetation type, we used six mist nets (12 ×
man disturbance (Morales Mávil and Guzmán 1994). 2.5 m) for capturing birds. The nets were set on 1 day in each
vegetation type at each of the samplings and were active from
dawn to noon and from 16:00 h to sunset (a total of 8 h), with a
Recording interactions between plants and frugivores total sampling effort of 2496 net-hours for the entire study. To
collect fecal samples, we kept each captured bird in a fabric
Between April 2014 and May 2015, we carried out 12 sack with a metal mesh bottom for a period of 30 min (Heleno
samplings, one per month (19 ± 2.6 days per sampling). et al. 2010).
In each sampling, we recorded all interactions between To capture bats, we followed the same mist-netting proto-
plant species bearing fleshy fruits and three groups of col as that employed for the birds, except that the nets were set
frugivores (birds, bats, and NFM). We established one from 20:00 h until 03:00 h, for a total sampling effort of 2184
transect of variable length in each of four vegetation net-hours. We identified species using specialized guides
types, with transect length proportional to the area cov- (Medellín et al. 2008). Under each mist net, we placed a
ered by each vegetation type (semi-deciduous forest, 12 × 1 m plastic sheet on the forest floor to collect defecated
1338 m; flooded deciduous forest, 511 m; coastal dunes, seeds (Galindo-González et al. 2009). Bats that had not defe-
808 m; secondary forest, 1595 m). We did not aim to cated while in the net were placed inside a fabric sack for 10 to
compare these vegetation types, but rather to obtain a 30 min in order to collect the feces.
representative sample of our study site. We used four
sampling methods to register interactions: focal observa- Transects for the collection of NFM scats To locate scats, we
tions (birds), mist net trapping (birds and bats), camera conducted systematic walks along the four transects described
trapping (NFM), and transects for scat collection (NFM). above, as well as intensive searches at open sites, on top of
In all cases, the number of fruits consumed was used as a logs and rocks and at the base of trees (Peredo et al. 2013).
quantitative metric of the intensity or strength of the in- Total sampling effort consisted of 86.5 search hours. Seeds
teraction (sensu Bascompte and Jordano 2007) between a found in scats were dried for 12–24 h and then identified by
frugivorous species and the plant species consumed. consulting existing collections for the study area.
For seed identification (focal observation and fecal sam-
Focal observations During each sampling, we walked the ples), fruits from all plant species were collected along the
length of each transect once, from dawn to 11:00 h and from transects used for focal observations (see above) in order to
16:00 h to sunset (mean effort of 6.8 h ± 0.09 per transect), for develop a reference guide with photographs of ripe fruit and to
a total sampling effort of 531 observation hours. We focused record seed numbers per fruit. We estimated the number of
on species with endozoochorous syndrome, using observation fruits consumed per animal by extrapolating from information
periods of 10–15 min for each species bearing ripe fruits. We about the number of seeds contained in the fruit of each spe-
considered an interaction to have occurred when a bird species cies (M. Ramos-Robles, unpublished data).
was observed feeding on the fruits of a given plant species.
Observations were carried out using binoculars (Bushnell Fruit traits
10X42) and a digital photographic camera Canon
(PowerShot SX50 HS). We identified bird species with the We measured fruit abundance, water content, morphological
help of field guides (Peterson and Chalif 1989; Howell and traits, and fruiting phenology of each fruiting plant species.
Webb 1995) and expert ornithologists. The number of fruits From at least five individuals of each plant species observed in
consumed (i.e., interaction intensity) was quantified directly interaction with frugivores, we randomly collected a total of
during the observations. 30 fruits and recorded the following variables: fresh fruit
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weight (g), dry fruit weight (g), fruit diameter (mm), fruit Based on the plant-frugivore interactions recorded, we built
length (mm), seed diameter (mm), fruit water content (%), an adjacency matrix A, in which aij = number of fruits of plant
and life form (i.e., tree, shrub, or liana). species (j) consumed by frugivore species (i) such that aij = 0
During each sampling, we estimated fruit abundance and when no interaction between species j and i was recorded. We
also made observations along the same transects (see above), then calculated different metrics (number of interactions,
but defining a fixed width of 8 m, for a total sampled area of nested contribution, and species strength) to describe the
1.7 ha. To estimate fruit abundance (F), we used a mature fruit structure of the plant-frugivore network.
abundance index (Saracco et al. 2004) in which one of the In order to identify non-random interaction patterns, we
following categories was assigned to each fruiting individual: estimated nestedness using the NODF metric (Almeida-Neto
1 = 1–10 fruits, 2 = 11–100 fruits, 3 = 101–1000 fruits, 4 = et al. 2008) in the software program ANINHADO (Guimarães
1001–10,000 fruits, and 5 = > 10,000 fruits. We then calculat- and Guimarães 2006). NODF values for the whole network
ed the mean values of these categories. The number of fruiting ranged from 0 (non-nested) to 100 (perfectly nested). To ver-
individuals of each species (I) was estimated as the total num- ify the significance of nestedness, we tested the empirical
ber of individuals fruiting per sampling. To reduce bias, esti- values against null distributions of these values. In this case,
mations of visual abundance were conducted by the same we computed 1000 simulated networks generated by the Null
observer. Model II (Bascompte et al. 2003). In this null model, the
In addition to evaluating the fruiting phenology for each probability of occurrence of an interaction is proportional to
plant species, we calculated the relative fruiting duration (D), the number of interactions of both animal and plant species
as the proportion of samples with mature fruits for each spe- (interaction richness).
cies, relative to the total number of samplings. Finally, by Since our network was significantly nested (see
combining these basic variables (F, I, and D), we calculated BResults^ section), we explored the relative contributions
the following fruiting indices that consider the abundance and of plants, birds, bats, and NFM to the nested pattern of the
fruiting phenology of each plant species: network. We estimated the extent of nested contribution
(Nc), in which the interactions of plant or animal species
& Index ID: the number of fruiting individuals (I) multiplied increase or decrease the overall network nestedness, and
by the relative duration of fructification (D). compared this to our random expectations, following
& Index FD: the mean fruit abundance category (F) multi- Saavedra et al. (2011). Positive values of cni indicate a
plied by the relative duration of fructification (D). greater contribution of species i to the nested structure
& Index FDI: the mean fruit abundance category (F) multi- than would be expected by chance.
plied by the relative duration of fructification (D) and the For each pair of interacting plant and animal species,
number of fruiting individuals (I). there are two estimates of mutual dependence (defined
& Index Frel: for each sampling, the number of fruits of each in two adjacency matrices P and A): the dependence
species was divided by the total number of fruits of all dPij of plant species i on animal species j (i.e., the
species. The overall average was then calculated for each fraction of all animal visits accounted for by this partic-
plant considering all samplings. ular animal species) and the dependence dAji of animal
species j on plant species i (i.e., the fraction of all visits
by this animal species to this particular plant species;
Bascompte et al. 2006). The dependence value of a spe-
Data analyses cies has a maximum of 1 if it relies only on a single
partner. Based on these dependences, we estimated spe-
Data pertaining to the four types of vegetation were cies strength, which is the sum of dependencies of each
pooled and considered as a single functional unit since species across all of its partners (counterpart); species
the animals move freely among them (Ortiz-Pulido et al. strength quantifies the importance of a given species to
2000). In order to evaluate sampling completeness, we the assemblage of species in the other trophic level with
generated nonparametric species richness estimators which it interacts. We calculated species strength for the
(Chao1, Jack1, Jack2, Bootstrap) to determine the ap- animals to determine if a particular animal species or
proximate total number of frugivores and interactions. group (birds, bats, and NFM) interacts more with the
An average of the four estimators was used as a measure plants. We also calculated this index for plants, in order
of the Btrue^ species richness (Posa and Sodhi 2006), to assess whether the species strength of a plant species
sinc e no sing le m etho d is cons id ered the best is associated with fruit traits (abundance, water content,
(Chiarucci et al. 2003). All estimates were calculated morphological traits, and fruiting phenology). Network
using the function Bspecpool^ of the Bvegan^ package metrics were computed with the bipartite package
(version 1.15-2, J. Oksanen). (Dormann et al. 2009).
Sci Nat (2018) 105:29 Page 5 of 11 29

In addition, to determine the position of the plant and fru- We found that the mutualistic network was significantly
givore species in the network, a central core-periphery analy- nested (observed matrix, NODF = 38.81; simulated matrices,
sis was conducted using the equation NODF = 22.96 ± 1.92; P < 0.05). The species that most con-
  tributed to the nestedness were the trees Bursera simaruba
k i −k mean
Gc ¼ and Ficus obtusifolia and the bird Pitangus sulphuratus
σk (Fig. 2). Similarly, the plants contributed more to the nested
pattern among trophic levels. We also found that five plant
where ki is the average number of links of frugivore species i, species and 14 frugivorous species presented negative values
kmean is the average number of links for all frugivore species in that decreased the nested pattern (i.e., specialized or idiosyn-
the network, and σk is the standard deviation of the number of cratic interactions), for example, the bat species Carollia
links for all frugivore species in the network (Dáttilo et al. perspicillata with Piper sp., or the interactions of opportunis-
2013). In this analysis, species with values of Gc > 1 present tic species, such as the bird Quiscalus mexicanus interacting
a large number of interactions (or links) and constitute the with Chrysobalanus icaco (supplementary Table S2).
central core of highly connected species. Conversely, values The central core-periphery analysis showed that only four
of Gc < 1 denoted species with a small number of interactions plant species were part of the central core network:
or links, which constitute the network periphery. B. simaruba, F. obtusifolia, Ficus cotinifolia, and Nectandra
We measured a total of 10 fruit variables (supplementary salicifolia (supplementary Table S2). In the case of the frugi-
Table S1). However, these variables were highly correlated vores, only birds formed part of the core and nine species in
and eliminated from the analyses. The criterion by which to particular: Dumetella carolinensis, Megarynchus pitangua,
decide which variables were to be eliminated was the variance Melanerpes aurifrons, Myiozetetes similis, Ortalis vetula,
inflation factor (VIF < 3; Zuur et al. 2010), which estimates to Pitangus sulphuratus, Tangara abbas, Tityra semifasciata,
what extent the variance of the estimated regression coeffi- and Turdus grayi (supplementary Table S2). In general, the
cients has increased, in comparison to a context in which species strength of animal groups showed low mean values
prediction variables are not linearly related. For subsequent (< 1). However, there were species with high values (1.8–3) in
analyses, we used fruit length, seed width, water content, the each of the groups: the bird species P. sulphuratus,
number of fruiting individuals (I), and the index FD. Patagioenas flavirostris, Tyrannus tyrannus, and
We tested whether the network metrics (response variables: D. carolinensis (the last two are migratory); the bat Artibeus
number of interactions, Nc, and species strength) calculated jamaicensis; and the raccoon (NFM) Procyon lotor (Fig. 3,
for plant species were related to plant traits (predictor vari- supplementary Table S2). On the other hand, the plants that
ables: fruit length, seed diameter, water content, number of showed the highest species strength values (1.7–8) were the
fruiting individuals (I), and index FD) using generalized linear trees B. simaruba and F. obtusifolia (supplementary Table S2).
models (GLM). We began with a full model, then constructed Regarding the fruit traits, we found that the shrub
various models with different combinations of explanatory C. icaco and the mistletoe Phoradendron quadrangulare
variables, with the final model selected according to the low- were those with the longest (27.7 mm) and shortest
est AICc (Akaike’s information criterion) value, where the (4.5 mm) fruit lengths, respectively; C. icaco and
ΔAICc value < 2 between models. For the models, a F. cotinifolia presented the highest (16.6 mm) and lowest
Gaussian type error distribution was used (Zuur et al. 2009) (0.7 mm) seed diameters, respectively, while Chiococca
with the packages MASS Survey, Design and AER. All sta- alba and B. simaruba presented the highest (92%) and low-
tistical analyses were carried out using R version 3.3.0 (R est (27%) fruit water content values, respectively (supple-
Core Team 2014, http://www.r-project.org). mentary Table S1). Chiococca alba presented the highest
number of fruiting individuals (92; supplementary
Table S1). When analyzing network parameters in terms
of the relationship between response variables obtained for
Results the plants (species strength, number of interactions, and
nestedness contribution) and predictor variables (fruit
A total of 3156 interactions were recorded between 28 traits), we found that species strength had a negative rela-
plant species (18 families) and 58 frugivorous species tionship with fruit length and with water content, but a pos-
(22 families). Of the total number of interactions ob- itive relationship with fruit abundance (index FD; Table 1).
served, 81% involved birds (18 families), 12% bats (1 With respect to the number of interactions and nestedness
family), and 7% were non-flying mammals (3 families; contribution, these metrics showed higher values for species
Fig. 1, supplementary Table S2). The average of estima- with smaller fruits and lower water content. Finally, the
tors indicated that we recorded 74% of the frugivorous species that showed the highest values of index FD contrib-
species and 59% of the plant-frugivore interactions. uted most to the nested network pattern (Table 1).
29 Page 6 of 11 Sci Nat (2018) 105:29

Fig. 1 Plant-frugivore interaction network at the La Mancha Coastal the generalist central core of the network. The names of species are coded
Research Center (CICOLMA). Nodes represent plants, birds, bats, and as follows: plants (Pl), birds (B), bats (Ba), and non-flying mammals
non-flying mammals. The width of links and nodes corresponds to the (NFM). See supplementary material S2 for full species names
intensity of the interaction. Black circles indicate species that are part of

Discussion many frugivorous species in the neotropics (e.g., Janzen

1979; Fleming and Kress 2013; Almazán-Núñez et al. 2015).
One of the main contributions of this study was identification Recent studies have highlighted that only a few species
of the fruit traits (abundance, size, water content, and phenol- tend to contribute strongly to the nested network pattern and
ogy) that shape plant-frugivore interactions in a seasonal for- that these may play an important role in the long-term conser-
est in Mexico. Frugivory was higher in plant species with vation of interactions (Rohr et al. 2014; Pawar 2014). Another
small (< 14 mm), low water content fruits and long temporal important characteristic of these plant species is the individual
abundance (index FD). In addition, unlike most studies of asynchronous fruiting (Scott and Martin 1984) and this may
plant-frugivore networks, we included the three main groups guarantee food availability almost all year round, in contrast to
of frugivores present in the tropical ecosystems (i.e., birds, those species with synchronic fructification (Janzen 1979).
bats, and NFM). In general, we found that our plant- Other studies of plant-frugivore networks have reported that
frugivore network exhibited a nested pattern of species inter- plant species with long fructification periods play an impor-
actions. In this study, birds and plants contributed more to the tant role in network structuring (Donatti et al., 2011; Vidal
nestedness than bats and NFM. This is to be expected, con- et al. 2014). Bursera and Ficus trees are considered Bkeystone
sidering that birds constitute the most abundant and diverse resources,^ since they have a strong positive effect on ani-
group in the frugivorous community in our study area mals, maintaining high abundances at the population level,
(Ramos-Robles et al. 2016). as well as high diversity and community structure and ecosys-
Our results show that three tree species with small seeds tem functioning (Terborgh 1986; Diaz-Martin et al. 2014).
(e.g., Bursera simaruba, Ficus obtusifolia, and F. cotinifolia) Species abundance and animal behavior are important traits
were important to the structure and contributed substantially to related to network structure (Vázquez et al. 2009; Dáttilo et al.
the nested pattern of the network (e.g., Vidal et al. 2014). These 2013). In our study, we found that abundant bird species and
species attract a great variety of frugivores from different guilds habitat generalists (e.g., Pitangus sulphuratus and
with the capacity to consume large amounts of fruit (David Megarynchus pitangua; Ortiz-Pulido et al. 2000) contributed
et al. 2015; Muñoz et al. 2017). Several studies have shown strongly to the nested pattern. Moreover, these bird species
the importance of these plant genera for the maintenance of exhibited territorial behavior (e.g., they were competitively
Sci Nat (2018) 105:29 Page 7 of 11 29

On the other hand, we identified an idiosyncratic interac-

tion between two species, which only interact with each other
(Guimarães and Guimarães 2006) and thus decrease the
nested pattern of a network (Atmar and Patterson 1993).
This interaction occurred between the shrub Chrysobalanus
icaco (Chrysobalanaceae) and the opportunistic bird
Quiscalus mexicanus; this shrub species is characterized by
large fruits and seeds, while the bird species is adapted to
disturbed and urbanized environments (Christensen 2000).
This is important since, according to our data, bigger fruits
imply fewer interactions and are less frequently consumed by
the frugivorous community (e.g., Muñoz et al. 2017). In ad-
dition, we recorded a specialized interaction between the
Seba’s short-tailed bat (Carollia perspicillata) and plants of
the genus Piper. This bat species has been previously recog-
nized as a Piper specialist disperser (Fleming 1988; Thies
et al. 1998). In this context, it is important to determine wheth-
er a frugivore species could replace the seed dispersal service
of plants that have lost their local dispersers. We therefore
consider that the identification of idiosyncratic and specialized
interactions can have important implication in terms of the
conservation and management of tropical forest.
In general, none of the three groups of frugivores presented
a particularly strong relationship (species strength) with
plants, since certain species in each group had a high value
of species strength, e.g., the resident bird P. sulphuratus and
Fig. 2 Contribution of plant and frugivore species to the nested structure the two migratory birds Tyrannus tyrannus and Dumetella
of the network at the La Mancha Coastal Research Center (CICOLMA). a
Species are organized in decreasing order according to their contribution carolinensis, the bat Sturnira parvidens, and the NFM
to nested structure (supplementary material S2). b Contribution to Procyon lotor. These frugivore species may have implications
nestedness by taxonomic group of the species that integrate the plant- for the survival of the plant species with which they interact,
frugivore mutualistic network. Values for individual species (circles), given their abundance and behavior. For example, the great
the median (central line), and extreme values (bars) are presented
kiskadee (P. sulphuratus) uses different types of vegetation in
the landscape, promoting connectivity among fragments and
superior and/or aggressive; M. Ramos-Robles, personal ob- facilitating the gene flow of plant species (Ortiz-Pulido et al.
servations), being more central in the network structure. 2000; Díaz Vélez et al. 2015). Moreover, migratory birds are

Fig. 3 Species strength of

frugivores in plant-frugivore
interactions at the La Mancha
Coastal Research Center
(CICOLMA). Values for
individual species (circles), the
median (central line), and extreme
values (bars) are presented
29 Page 8 of 11 Sci Nat (2018) 105:29

Table 1 Effects of network metrics of plant traits of 28 fleshy fruited plant species from the plant-frugivore network. We report estimates from
plant species in CICOLMA. Network metrics: number of interactions, the single best model, as well as the standard error (S.E.). *P < 0.05;
species strength, and contribution to nestedness were estimated for each **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ns, no significant effects

Predictor Number of interactions Species strength Nested contribution

Estimate S.E. t P Estimate S.E. t P Estimate S.E. t P

Intercept 25.00 5.56 4.49 *** 5.47 2.67 2.04 ns 3.93 0.94 4.15 ***
Fruit length (mm) − 0.50 0.12 − 4.00 *** − 0.16 0.06 − 2.71 * − 0.09 0.02 − 4.52 ***
Seed width (mm) 0.49 0.36 1.36 ns 0.290 0.17 1.68 ns 0.04 0.06 0.65 ns
Water content (%) − 0.25 0.06 − 3.95 *** − 0.08 0.03 − 2.76 * − 0.04 0.01 − 3.71 **
Individual fruiting 0.08 0.05 1.37 ns 0.01 0.02 0.65 ns 0.01 0.01 1.66 ns
Index FD1 3.37 1.71 1.97 ns 2.99 0.82 3.63 ** 0.86 0.29 2.97 **
Considers fruit abundance and the duration of fructification throughout the sampling year

less susceptible to disturbances and use abundant resources, have long and asynchronous fruiting patterns (Carlo et al.
rarely used by resident birds, found in patches and open sites 2007) and can contribute to the diet of migratory birds (e.g.,
(Mulwa et al. 2013). This could have an effect on seed dis- Bursera, Nectandra; Ramos-Robles et al. 2016). In contrast,
persal (Jordano 1987), as has already been reported in the watery fruits (i.e., high in carbohydrates; Levey et al. 1994)
study site (Ramos-Robles et al. 2016). have a short and synchronous fruiting period (e.g., Psychotria
Among the bat species, one of the most important seed erythrocarpa, Vitis bourgaeana), and their short temporal
dispersers is the northern yellow-shouldered bat (Sturnira availability could make them less important to the community
parvidens), which has been reported as an abundant and ef- of frugivores. However, these results must be viewed with
fective seed disperser (Mello et al. 2008). This bat species is caution since we only measured fruit water content.
important for the dispersion of the plant species on which it Furthermore, it is possible that the plants with larger seeds at
feeds and thus for the conservation and regeneration of eco- our study site might be experiencing deficient seed dispersal
systems (Mello et al. 2015). Likewise, the medium-sized op- as a result of mammal defaunation. In the future, this could
portunistic raccoon (P. lotor) has been reported as being high- lead to homogenization of plants that produce small fruits and
ly frugivorous and a disperser of the seeds of several plant have a negative impact on the recruitment of other plant spe-
species (Cypher and Cypher 1999). We therefore infer that, cies (e.g., with large fruits; Galetti et al. 2013).
given the scarcity of medium and large frugivores in our study In this seasonal forest, we found plant species with two
region, the raccoon is replacing the function of these species in contrasting fruiting displays (1) Bmassive fruiting,^ plants that
disturbed (or defaunated) tropical forests. However, more re- are attractive to frugivores and consumed in relatively short
search is needed to determine whether this process is occur- and discrete periods (e.g., Dendropanax arboreus), and (2)
ring, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the raccoon as a Basynchronous fruiting,^ plants that are constantly consumed
seed disperser. This is very important at the ecosystem level, by frugivores, since their fruits are almost constantly available
since larger frugivores consume a higher quantity of fruits and (e.g., Ficus spp.). Our study has shown that the plant species
disperse their seeds at greater distances, which could favor with greater fruit abundance had stronger interactions with
meta-community dynamics (Donatti et al. 2011; Vidal et al. frugivores (i.e., higher values of species strength), since they
2013). Our results suggest that the animal species that appear presented longer fruiting periods and/or larger fruit crops.
to be important for plants, due to their high species strength Most plant-frugivore studies have analyzed individual metrics
values, could favor the dispersal of seeds of the species they related to fruit availability, such as fruit abundance or plant
feed on (Ruggera et al. 2016; Palacio et al. 2016). In other richness (Chama et al. 2013; García et al. 2014), without con-
studies, it has been shown that the morphological traits of sidering that animals respond differently to various fruiting
frugivore species are related to the network parameters strategies.
(Dehling et al. 2016). We have not considered these variables We recommend the use of resource availability estimators
in this study; however, we believe that when considering sev- that combine several fruit traits since a single variable (e.g.,
eral frugivore groups, other characteristics such as body size number of fruits or individuals, or the richness of species) may
may have greater relevance than gape width as previously incur bias and cannot explain the network patterns. In this
reported (Donatti et al. 2011). case, results from such networks may only lead to partial
Our results have shown that small, dry fruits are important rather than comprehensive conclusions. Tropical forests have
to the frugivorous community in a seasonal forest in Mexico. a great diversity of species and we therefore used four com-
In particular, dry fruits (i.e., rich in lipids; Stapanian 1982) plementary methods for recording interactions between the
Sci Nat (2018) 105:29 Page 9 of 11 29

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version of this manuscript. Thanks also go to Enrique Romero for his help Performance of nonparametric species richness estimators in a high
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working at Centro de Investigaciones Costeras, La Mancha. Christensen AF (2000) The fifteenth-and twentieth-century colonization
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grants and institutions: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (grant 1046/j.1365-2699.2000.00190.x
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