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& 4920, 4yajLnis cgpidiuutes| oo INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU YW, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS GAYA KOTA KINABALU, SABAH PROGRAM IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA PERGURUAN DENGAN KEPUIJIAN (PISMP) TEACHING ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE (TESL) JUNE 2019 INTAKE NAME : FATIN HAZWANI BINTI ZAMZUL ZAMAN IC NUMBER : 000531-11-0808 INDEX NUMBER : 2019072340027 GROUP UNIT : PISMP/TESL COURSE CODE : EDUP3043 LECTURER'SNAME =: DRDOREN RUAYAH HERMAN SUBMISSION DATE —: 8 OCTOBER 2020 What is classroom - management? ava ° Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students : a4 Heehheaneae —_ Classroom Rules Example 7 Raise hand when Siow To vol a asking question Sf No food allowed during classroom? T&L ia Be quiet when teacher is talking ia Clean under your table Classroom Rules Lesson Routine Student's Interaction Rewards & ¢ Punishments Housekeeping =I, eR OO & Definition the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others. Behavior refers to a4 actions usually measured by > i commonly accepted f standards i ee Bel! a alll ehaviour tf Classroom Listen to teacher @ = 4 ee friends Pay. aention M fan (.) Fish homework ta ate , Te Keep classroom clean (ENG ay aa & bws cTi a Punclval § Bik Role of teachers in the management of a 7 conducive learning environment df ry oO Lo b x ie ~ SY Ru lle 7 Motivator ee Connector Understanding Facilitator Student-Student Saeco Knowledgeable Teacher- Student Enthusiasm Creative Teacher- Parents Supportive Techniques Mastery @ @ ila la Planner Mediator Curriculum Discipli Teen eee h Bele Model Pproac Inspirati Analyze student pepe oD 0} 5 am net teacher but an awakener —Robert Frost Student Disciplinary eee Problems A types © Disrespect - students speak and act ina disrespectful way to adults and peers © Defiance - students openly refuse to listen to adults or follow directions © Bullying - students consistently intimidate others, often to make themselves feel better © Aggression - students become physically or q verbally violent Jk Suggested Disciplinary 2 Model ie” Canter Assertive iscipline Model (CAD) specify rules of behaviour and consequences for disobeying them and to communicate these rules and consequences clearly. The idea is for the teacher to respond to a student's misbehaviour quickly and appropriately. |° CAD Principles ) °o o @ bri oO IL Techniques twill not tolerate any student stopping me from teaching. | will not tolerate any student reventing another student rom learning. | will not tolerate any student engaging in any behavior that is hot in‘the student's best interest, and the best interest of fellow students. Whenever a student chooses to ehave appropriately, | will immediately recognize and reinforce that behavior. lam an assertive teacher and | am the boss in my classroom. 4 Central Methodsof % “" @ Make the rules very clear; don't be ambiguous. Catch students being "good." Recognize and support students when they behave appropriately. Consistently let students know ‘ou are happy with good behavior be ator © Reward exceptional behavior. Make clear what the consequences are for bad behavior. Follow through with negative consequences for breaking the rules. 1. Maintaining a calm, productive classroom environment 2. Meeting students' needs and assuring that their rights are attended to. 3. Helping the teacher remain calmly and non-stressfully in charge of the classroom aan JL Appropricts Interventions to address problem behaviors in eee classroom PVM a Tree NCTM MKUE MCR Ctl Stories are the perfect device for delivering fresh patterns of hope as well as more specific suggestions for change. Art Therapy Art therapy can be used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and psychological distress. In many cases, it might be used in conjunction with other psychotherapy techniques such as group therapy or cognitive- behavioral therapy. sees

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