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Ulasan/Komen/Maklum Balas Pemeriksa/Pensyarah :

Tanda Tangan Pemeriksa/Pensyarah : Tarikh :

Pengesahan Pelajar

Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuki dan

Tanda tangan Pelajar : RAHIM Tarikh :


According to Cambridge English Dictionary, classroom can be defined as a room in a

school or college where groups of students are taught. Meanwhile on the other hand,

management, as what defined by Merriam Webster refers to the act or skill of controlling and

making decisions about something. As a whole, the phrase ‘classroom management’ can be

defined as the act and skill of controlling a group of students in an authorised space. In a

classroom, there will always be some issues or problems that happen during the teaching and

learning session. Therefore, in this academic writing, I will be addressing a few disciplinary

problems that often occur in a class of primary school which are defiance, misbehavior,

aggression and carelessness. Later on, by paying attention to the theories I have learnt for this

semester, a few disciplines management model will be taken as guideline to overcome and fix

the problems. The models are Thomas Gordon Classroom Management Model, The Kounin

Model and also the Assertive Discipline Model. My writing will be based on the Digital Learning

Object (DLO) that I have made using Microsoft PowerPoint.


In managing a classroom, teachers, no matter young or old will be facing a few problems

while handling the students. The problems can be varying, taking into account of in what age

range the group of students is in. However, the common problem that is always be addressed

by the educators is mostly regarding disciplinary issues. Scholars had utterly agreed that the

teacher trainees involved implemented research proposals aimed at problems dealing with

discipline-related issues, which were intervened on a cyclical basis (Kemmis & McTaggart,
1995). This had clearly shown that disciplinary problems had taken a toll in classroom

management from the very long time already.

First and foremost, I will be focusing on the first problem that always occurs in a

classroom, defiance. Defiance, according to Merriam Webster, is the disposition to resist or the

willingness to contend or fight. Regarding this issue, it is written and lavishly in articles all over

the internet on how lots of students tend to behave on the act of defiance in class. These kinds

of students had always been testing the teachers’ limit as they always refuse to follow order and

cause unwanted chaos in class. There are a few reasons on why this behavior occurs in class.

One of the reasons is that the rules of the class do not comply with the students’ motives or

wants in variability (Way, 2011). The defiance of the student is the way of how the students

react to their anger in not being able to satisfy their needs or wants in the class. In regard of this

reason, teachers shall pay attention on which and what parts of the class that the students tend

to be defiant.

Another reason of the students being defiant is that students might not know how to ask

for help about a few things. For instance, students might defy teacher’s order about a certain

work because they find it hard to digest on how to do a difficult and complicated assignment.

Therefore, they tend to get mad at the teacher and as a result, refusing to obey the teacher’s


Next disciplinary issue that always happens in class is students misbehaving during the

teaching and learning session. These kinds of students always find their way to cause pain in

their teacher’s neck by doing impolite things such as disturbing their friends throughout the

lesson, bullying or not completing their homework. Researches had found that this kind of

behavior can be caused by a lot of factors, such as pressuring things from home or from
surrounding. Students who misbehave can act likewise as a sense of coping to their problems

outside of classroom. Hence, by doing so, they can distract their mind away from the problems

they are facing. Apart from that, this misbehavior can cause a much serious problem later on as

researchers have reported that specific disruptive classroom behaviors are directly connected to

poorer academic achievement and dropout (Finn et al., 2008). Therefore, as the one who is in

control of the class, teacher should be able to address what reasons that trigger the students to

act the way they did.

Moving on to the next point, another common discipline problem that students be

inclined to do is being aggressive. Some people might not believe on how aggressive some

students can be in a class with a teacher. However, according to scholars; Owens, Shute and

Slee in 2000 had concluded that the act of aggressiveness can happen because of several

reasons. Students who act aggressively in class usually hope for a reaction from their teachers

as they want to grab the attention. Their main and core aim of being aggressive is to stray away

their teachers’ attention from the class and focusing it only to them. Other than that, being

aggressive also satisfy their want in being the dominant ones in the class. Those kinds of

students are believed to act as one because they lack of attention outside the classroom.

Household problems might be playing a huge role in causing a student – child to throw tantrums

as it can be an inner stress towards them. As a result, they let out their wrath and anger at

school towards their peers and teachers.

Nailing on the last point, the last disciplinary problem that teachers always tend to face in

a class is the carelessness of the students. According to a journal that goes by the title of “The

Relationship between Carelessness and Affect in a Cognitive Tutor”, carelessness can include

certain behavior or situations such as students make mistakes performing a task they already

know. The research from the same journal had also proven that students who usually are

careless are always the one who overconfident and impulsive. This might happen as they are
thinking that the exercises or the tasks, they are doing can be completed with the help of muscle

memory. On the other hand, students who have lower learning also tend to make mistake made

by the high learning students. However, this is caused not by the carelessness but instead, by

the lack of knowledge. Back to the topic, students who are being careless are also considered

as someone who causes discipline problem since they prefer not to acknowledge teacher’s

guidance after they think they manage to complete any assignments assigned to them.


By analyzing the problems that have been addressed in the above paragraphs, I had

come to a solution on how the teachers can manage the classrooms way better. The models

that will be used are all fall under the disciplinary management models.

The first model that can be used is the Thomas Gordon classroom management. In this

model, Gordon focused on four (4) main means on managing the class. The ways are the

behavior window, active listening, I-message and no-lose conflict resolution. In my opinion, this

model fits well with one of the issues of discipline problems addressed in paragraphs above.

The issue that I find can fit to be fixed by this model are the defiance. This issue can be solved

using this model in term of active listening done by the teachers. For example, as what has

been elaborated just now, the defiance happens because students tend to feel stressed over a

difficult task or assignment. Therefore, as a good teacher, they should be an active listener and

ponder over what the problems do the students are facing at the time they are being defiant.

Next, I found that the Kounin Model fits well with the problems of misbehavior and

carelessness. This is because in the Kounin Model, there is a point in which they focus on the

“with-it-ness”, where the students should know that teachers are alert and aware at all things.

Therefore, when they misbehave, teachers will be giving signs to them such as standing at the
center of the class and lock eyes with the one who misbehave, or going closer to the

misbehaving student to make sure they know that the teachers acknowledge them misbehaving

right at the moment. For the purpose of preventing carelessness, the Kounin Model guides the

teacher with the point of “group focus”. This way, the higher learning student can prevent

themselves from creating the same mistakes over and over again as they need to be the small

tutor for their lower learning peers in the same group they are assigned with.

Lastly, the model that suits aggressiveness issue is the Assertive Model by Lee and

Molinda Carter. This model focuses on the teacher being the one in dominance as they have

the right to order the students to do what they want. Sometimes, students who are being

aggressive cannot be controlled at all no matter how the teachers try to reach out to them and

listen to their problems. Therefore, in order to prevent from being overly aggressive, teachers

can practice assertive discipline on them, in which the teachers have the right to punish them if

they are being more aggressive in the future.


In conclusion, the issues and problems that have been addressed are only a part of the

problems the teachers should take over in managing a classroom. Teachers should know which

model and techniques to be used in order to build an effective and innovative classroom


 What is the Kounin Model? (2018, June 14). Edupedia.

 D. (2013, March 9). Model disiplin asertif canter. SlideShare.

 Sosnowski, J. (2017, September 26). How to Apply Thomas Gordon Model of

Classroom Management to the Classroom. Classroom.

 San Pedro M.O.C.Z., Rodrigo M.M.T., Baker R.S.J.. (2011) The Relationship between

Carelessness and Affect in a Cognitive Tutor. In: D’Mello S., Graesser A., Schuller B.,

Martin JC. (eds) Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. ACII 2011. Lecture

Notes in Computer Science, vol 6974. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 Aelterman, N. (2018). Defiance of classroom rules. Correlates of Students’

Internalization and Defiance of Classroom Rules: A Self‐determination Theory

Perspective, 3–5.’_interna


 When Children Are Defiant. (2016, November 29). Responsive Classroom.

 Parrish, N. (2018, October 4). Addressing Persistent Defiance. Edutopia.

 C.P.R. (2014). Classroom Management in Schools. Journal of NELTA Surkhet,

4(December, 2014), 48–56.

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