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Mark 0 out of 1
During expiration, the frog closes the glottis and mouth, and the nostrils remain open.
Select one:

Question 2

Mark 0 out of 1
co rp o s a a d
The    serves as storage of reserve food which is specially used during the breeding
season and unfavorable environmental conditions. Fat body

Question 3

Mark 1 out of 1
cuta ne ous re s pira
The Answer  is a form of respiration in which gas exchange occurs across the skin
or outer integument of the frog rather than the lungs. Cutaneous respiration

Question 4

Mark 2 out of 2
The brain and spinal cord are enclosed by two membranes or meninges, an outer duramater , and
inner piamater .

Question 5

Mark 0 out of 1
s p na l co rd
The Answer  is a long, somewhat cylindrical body with two enlargements and a
tapering posterior end. It extends from the myelencephalon to the neural canal of the urostyle.
Spinal cord

Question 6

Mark 1 out of 1
Before expiration, when lungs are filled with air, the glottis closes and the air is kept in the lungs
for a short time.

Select one:

Question 7

Mark 1 out of 1
o p tic chia s ma
The Answer  is formed by the crossing of fibers of the optic nerves which arise from the
ventrolateral sides of the diencephalon. Optic chiasma

Question 8

Marked out of 3
Enumerate the 3 parts found in the forebrain.

Olfactory lobes



Question 9

Marked out of 5

Explain what will happen to the following during inspiration and expiration.

1. nostrils

2. buccal floor

3. glottis 

In inspiration, the nostrils while the mouth and the glottis are closed. The buccal floor are lowered by
means of the contraction of the sternohyal muscles, then air enters the buccal cavity through the
external nares. Then the nostrils close while the glottis opens. The petrohyal muscles contract to lift
the buccal floor and the hyoid apparatus, forcing the air to enter the lungs through the glottis.

In expiration, after the air is stored in the lungs while the glottis is closed for a period of time, the
glottis then opens and the air is forced to the buccal cavity by the contraction of the abdominal
muscles and lungs, as well as the lowering of the buccal floor. Then the glottis closes, the buccal floor
is raised again, and the external nares are open, forcing the air out through the external nares.

Question 10

Mark 1 out of 1
The testis which lies ventral to the kidney is suspended from the dorsal body wall by its
me s o rchium
mesentery, called the Answer mesorchium

Question 11

Mark 1 out of 1
The lobulated, saccular ovary which lies ventral to the kidney is suspended from the dorsal body
me s o va rium
wall by its mesentery, called the Answer . mesovarium

Question 12

Marked out of 3
Enumerate the 3 main parts of the frog's brain.




Question 13

Mark 0 out of 1

Generally, any membranous structure that is richly supplied with blood vessels, always moist,
and in constant contact with a medium containing oxygen can be utilized for respiration.
Select one:

Question 14

Mark 1 out of 1
The lungs are not only the organs of respiration but are also hydrostatic organs as they enable
frogs to float in water when they are inflated. 

Select one:

Question 15

Marked out of 2
List at least organs present in the Male Reproductive System but absent in the Female
Reproductive System

vas deferens


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