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La Salle University

CollegeofArts and Sciences

Ozamiz City

ADetailed Lesson Plan in

Place of Articulation intheUpper Secondary

Quisha Louise


Cherry Lyn Sanipa

SubmittedtoMa’am Cathy W.


October 15, 2022

I. At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Identified different consonants based on place of articulation;

2. Delivered a dialogue illustrating different consonants under place of


3. Reflected on the importance of pronouncing and using words correctly.

II. Subject Matter: Intonation

A. Reference: Phonology and Phonetics by Michael Dobrovolshy

B. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, word cards

III. Procedure: 5Es

Teacher's activity Student's Activity


Good morning, class. Good morning, ma’am.

Before we will start with our lesson for

today, please arrange the chairs and pick

up the pieces of paper under your chairs.

Let us all stand for our prayer to be led by Lasallian Prayer.

Mr. Faburada.
Since this is our first time teaching this

class, we will be introducing ourselves.

I am Miss Sanipa.

I am Miss Adamas.

And we will be your teachers for this

subject for the rest of the semester. I want

you to remember the rules that we have.

R-L-R-P. Respect-Listen-Respond-


Am I clear? Yes, ma’am. Loud and clear.

A. Engagement

Can you still recall the topic that was Ma’am, we discussedvoiced and voiceless

discussed last meeting? Anyone from the topic.


Can you tell me what's the difference Ma’am, voiced is part of the voicing

between voice and voiceless? which sounds are those produced when

the vocal cords are together and vibrate as

air passes through while voiceless are

sounds that are produced with the vocal

cords so that air flows freely through the


Very good. Can you give me examples of Rope, robe – fine, vine – seal, zeal.

voiced and voiceless?

Class, I commend you for learning and

listening well.

B. Motivation

Before we proceed with our lesson for

today, let’s sing the song “Reach for the


What have you observed in the lyrics? There are italics words being underlined

and most of them are consonant sounds.

What else? The underlined words have something to

do with our lips and its position especially

the placement of our tongues.

Exactly. Thank you, class. Your energy Thank you, ma’am.

and enthusiasmare commendable. Take

your seat and please down.

Statement of Aim

Now, I want you to listen carefully and

pay attention to details. I want you to

participate in our discussion and activities

today because at the end of the discussion,

you must have: identified different

consonants based on place of articulation;

Delivered a speech and dialogue

illustrating different consonants under

place of articulation; reflected on the

importance of pronouncing and using

words correctly.


Today, we will be having an activity.

Activity Title: Tongue Twister Speech.

Class will be divided into 2 groups and

will pick numbers with a speech written in

the card. The other group will identify the

twister words and the location of

articulation. The group with the highest

points gains advancement for the next


Guide Questions:

1.Define what is place of articulation.

2. Identified the different consonants

based on the place of articulation.

3. What is importance of pronouncing and

using words correctly.

*Tongue Twister Speech List*

1. I pick a pear with my peer in the


2. You thank this thin thread.

3. I tap the tip of her toe on top.

4. She shows Sheldon sharp


5. I call King Kristof coward.

What did you observe in the tongue It is difficult to articulate when you utter it

twister? fast.

Can you name the primary articulation Ma’am, it’s the tongue.

Can you identify the location of 1. Lips. 2. Tip of tongue between teeth. 3.

articulation in examples 1-5? Raising tongue in the alveolar ridge. 4.

Raising front part of the tongue to the

palette. 5. Raising the back of the tongue

to the sol palate.


Based on the activity, what do you think Articulation, ma’am.

will be the topic for our lesson today?

It could be. Any other answer from the Our lesson, ma’am, is about places of

class? articulation.

Very good.

In your understanding, what is placeof These are the points at which the air

articulation? stream can be modified to produce a

different sound.

Good job. Well done.

Did you know the consonants greatly

affect our articulation? The reason is

because every consonant sounds have

different places of articulation.

Okay, class, here's the twist. I will be

providing you the base information and

you will define the place of articulation

based on your understanding.

Am I clear? Yes, ma’am.

What is bilabials known for? These are the consonant sound /p/, /b/,

and /m/ are produced by bringing the lips

together. Just like in the sentence, “Please

bring my pen.”

Can you give me your own definition of This consonant sound is any sound with

bilabials. closure or near closure of the lips are said

to be labials but if it involves both lips that

are tormented, it is called bilabials.

Very good. Please take your seat.

Let’s proceed to the next place of

articulation which is labiodentals.

What is Labiodentals known for? Labiodentals are any sound produced by

touching the bottom lip to the upper teeth. .

Example sounds are /f/ and /j/.

Examples of this would be:

1. I found five fresh fish.

2. Vince vacate the vicinity.

Very good. You any take your seat.

Third place of articulation is interdentals.

Inter is a prefix which means between.

Dentals is relating to our teeth. An

example of this sound is the “th” sound.

How will you define this place of Interdentals are sounds produced by

articulation? putting the tip of the tongue between the

teeth. Example: she thought that this thing

is ordinary. The “th” sound are thought,

that, this, and thing.

Thank you for your response.

Fourth is alveolar. These are sounds

produced by raising the tongue to the

alveolar ridge in some way. Examples of

this are the sounds /t/, /d/, /n/, /s/, /z/, /l/

and /r/.

Let’s start with the sound /t/, /d/, and /n/. [ t, d, n] are sounds that are produced by

How will you describe its sound the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar

production?. ridge. Example is the sentence, next travel


What about the sound [s, z] This sounds are producedwith the sides of

the front of the tongue raised but the tip

lowered to allow air to escape.

Example sentence is

Zion sees several zebras.

Can you describe the sound production of The tongue tip is raised while the rest of

the sound /l/ the tongue remains down so air can escape

over the side of the tongue. Example: Let

Liam learn his lesson.

Lyn, let’s leave London.

Thank you for your participation.

Last one is the sound /r/.

Who can give me a definition on its sound The sound is produced by the tip of the

being produced? tongue that is curled back behind the

alveolar ridge. Example: Rex ride a Royce


Regina received a Rolex.

Very good performance!

Now let’s proceed to palatals.

What are palatal known for?

Who can give me example of sounds Palatals are known for the sound produced

under palatals . by raising the front part of the tongue to

the palate.

These are the sounds that has /sh/, /z/, /ch/

and /dg/ sound

The sounds of the word show, measure,

chip, and judge.

Second to the last part of the place of

articulation is Velars.

What are Velars? Velars sound is produced by raising the

Who can give me example words with back of the tongue to the sol palate or

/k/ /g/ and /ng/ sound? velum. Examples are the sound of /k/, /g/

and /ng/.

K-Kurt, G-got G-grace C-crying

Thank you, you may now take your seat.

The last place of articulation is Glottals. These are the sounds produced by

Does anyone of you knows what Glottals restricting the airflow through the open

are? glottals.

Ma’am, I think I can give an example to

Who among you can produce an example? this. Example: I have a hairy horse.

Better and bottle

Okay. Can you give me another example?

Very good.


Okay, ma’am.

I'll be stating the place of articulation and

you will elaborate it’s definition.

These are sounds produced by touching

Let’s startlabiodentals. the bottom lip to the upper teeth.

It is produced by bringing the lips

Correct. What about bilabials? together.

It is produced by bringing the tongue to

What about alveolars? the alveolar ridge.

These are sounds produced by raising the

How about palatals? front part of the tongue to the palate.

It is produced by putting the top of the

Last will be interdentals. tongue between the teeth.

Very good, class. I am loving the energy Paul, bought, macaroons,

you have today. flower, violet


Since we are done with our discussion, I lets, time, dance, some, now

want you to participate in this game called keep, gift

“Complete Me.” I will provide a sound here

and you will create a word out of it and

use it in a dialogue. Dialogue formation activity

1. p-b-m Paul, have you bought some macaroons

2. f-v for dessert tonight?

3. th Yes. I also have violet flowers here.

4. t-d-s-n-l Keep this gift now.

5. k-g Let’s dance, this time.

6. h

Values Integration

It gives us clarity and accuracy when we

What is the importance of pronouncing talk to other people. If you know how to

and using words correctly? pronounce and use the word with proper

intonation, you will be understood and

help you to be articulate.

It enables us to produce sounds, words,

Why do you think articulation is important and sentences that are clear and can be
in speech? easily understood and interpreted by

others so that we can express and engage

in a conversation very well.

It can cause disadvantages, especially in

What will be its effect if we failed to our society because if you failed, you will

apply proper pronunciation and have a problem decoding, reacting, and

articulation? spelling a word correctly.

We must always keep it in our minds that

the use of proper pronunciation and

articulation will always be beneficial in

our daily life.


Underline the first consonant sounds for

each word given and identify its place of

articulation. 1. Government- Velars

1. Government 2. Favorite- Labiodentals

2. Favorite 3. Makeover-Bilabials

3. Makeover 4.Baseball-Bilabials

4.Baseball 5. Produce-Bilabials

5. Produce 6. Refuse-Alveolar

6. Refuse 7. Show-Palatals
7. Show 8. Church-Palatals

8. Church 9. Those-Interdentals

9. Those 10. Think-Interdentals

10. Think

Evaluation Quiz

Modified TRUE or FALSE.

Identify if the following statement is

TRUE or FALSE. If the statement is

FALSE underline the wrong word and

provide the correct answer.

1. The consonant sound /p/ /b/ and /m/ are FALSE-Bilabials


2. Labiodentals are any sound produce by TRUE.

touching the bottom lip to the upper teeth.

3. An example of an Alveolar sound is the FALSE- Interdentals

“th” sound

4. /t/ /s/ and /r/ are examples of bilabial FALSE- Alveolars


5. Palatals are known for the sound TRUE.

produced by raising the front part of the

tongue to the palate.

6. /k/ /g/ and /ng/ are examples of glottal

sounds. FALSE- Velars

7. Glottals are produced by restricting


8. The tongue is an important organ use in TRUE.


9. Interdentals are the sounds produced by

placing the tip of the tongue between the TRUE


10. Alveolars are produced by the tip of

the tongue that is curled back behind the

alveolar ridge.

IV. Assignment

Read and study in advance about the topic speech sound.

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