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- Which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life

Physical Fitness

- The ability of our body to respond to many demands of life

HRF - ability to become and stay physically healthy

- Cardiovascular Fitness – ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to muscles
- Muscular Strength – maximum force a muscle can exert against an opposing force
- Muscular endurance – ability to do repeated work over an extent period of time without
- Flexibility – ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint
- Body composition – the ratio of body fat to lean body mass (BMI)

SRF – enhances or focus on the performance in athletics sport events

- Agility – a combination of balance, coordination, speed, strength, and endurance

- Balance – maintenance of equilibrium
- Power – to transfer energy and release maximum force at a fast rate
- Speed – to perform a movement in the shortest amount of time
- Coordination - to use the senses with the body parts to perform motor tasks smoothly
and accurately
- Reaction time – amount of time to respond to a stimulus

Nature of dances


form of art and a way for social costumes, elegant moves, and
interaction music
provides a fun workout for takes centuries to develop
flexibility and cardiovascular

act of moving rhythmically and reflects the customs of the

expressively society

History of Philippine Dances

Primitive era/pre-colonial - Stories and their shamanic rituals, their rites of passage and their
remembered legends and history.

Spanish era - Performed by the priests and priestesses in thanksgiving for a plentiful harvest, a
victorious battle, a prosperous voyage or recovery from sickness.

American colonization – Black influenced music and dances

Classification of Philippine Dances

National Dances – found throughout the island with little or no modification.

Local Dances – found in some locality

Nature of Dancess

A. Occupational Dance - Depict the lifestyle and daily work of the people living in various

B. Religious or Ceremonial Dance -Performed in connection with religious vows and


C. Comic Dance - Depict funny movements for entertainment.

D. Game Dance - Dances that are done with play elements

E. Wedding Dance - Are those dances that are performed during wedding feasts

F. Courtship Dance - Dances that depict the art of courtship

G. Festival Dance - Are those which are suitable for special occasions or social gatherings.

H. War Dance - Dances showing combat or duel but on action phase only.

Elements of Dance

B.A.S.T.E - The human body is living in time and space, and it exhibits some efforts. Thus, all
movements occur in time, through space, and with effort. Since dance entails a lot of
movements, it uses the very same elements, space, time and energy

Bodily Shapes - how the entire body is moulded in space or the configuration of body parts.

Action – any human movement

Space - the area the performers occupy and where they move.

- A. DIRECTION – dance movement can travel in any directions and face any direction
while executing a single movement or several phrases, (forward, side, backward,
diagonal, circular, and so on.)
- B. SIZE – larger or smaller movements and actions.
- C. LEVEL – high, medium or law movement.
- D. FOCUS – performers may change their focus by looking at different actions.

Timing - Performers move with the tempo of an underlying sound, known as beat or pulse.

Energy - The movements here propelled by energy or force.

Six qualities of dance energies

SUSTAINED – movements are done smoothly, continuously, and with the flow and control.

PERCUSSIVE – movements are explosive or sharp in contrast with sustained movements.

VIBRATORY – movements consist of trembling or shaking.

SWINGING – movements trace a curved line or an arc in space.

SUSPENDED – movements are perched in space or hanging on air.

COLLAPSING – movements are released in tension and gradually or abruptly giving into gravity,
letting the body descend to the floor

Optimizing Energy Systems through Dances

Adenosine Triphosphate – Creatine Phosphate

- Stored in our muscles and releases into Three Energy System

Optimizing energy systems

ATP – Provides energy to drive many processes in living cell

Glycolytic system – the breakdown of glucose, contains a series of chemical reactions that are
controlled by enzymes

Oxidative system – aka Krebs Cycle and the critic acid cycle
Energy Systems

Phosphagen system – immediate energy system

Glycogen-lactic system – short term energy system

Aerobic respiration – Long term energy system

Aerobic exercise – any type of cardiovascular conditioning

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