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1. In no more than three (3) sentences, answer the following question.

A. A coalition of church-affiliated religious movements came together to oppose the bill's Senate
passage. The Catholic Action of the Philippines, the Knights of Columbus, the Congregation of
the Mission, and the Catholic Teachers Guild were among of the organizations that were most
vocal in their opposition to the Rizal Bill. The Catholic Church asked its members to contact
lawmakers in writing to express their opposition to the measure. Catholic organizations held
symposiums to discuss the reasons it shouldn't become legislation.
B. The Rizal Law, also known as Republic Act No. 1425, requires all Philippine educational
institutions to offer José Rizal-related courses. An Act to Include in the Curriculum of All Public
and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose
Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing
and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes is the full name of the law.
C. In any case, the Christian church strongly objected to the Rizal law's application to the anti-
clerical topics that were pertinent in Rizal's works Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

2. In no more than three (3) sentences answer the following questions

A. According to the letters that Dr. Rizal wrote, his view of God can be distilled into. First of all, he
was a devout Christian. Second, he thought Plus Supra was the name of God. Last but not least,
he thought that God was the source of nature and that nature was God's manifestation. Regarding
the first idea, Dr. Rizal made it clear that he thought God existed. He was certain that there must
be a supernatural force in charge of all of creation. 
B. The first to recommit youth to the ideas of liberty and nationalism for which our heroes lived and
died. The second is to honor our national hero for devoted his life to shaping the Filipino
character. The final one to receive an invigorating supply of patriotism from studying Rizal's life,
deeds, and writings.
C. Recognize the significance of Rizal's principles and teachings in respect to current societal events
and situations. Encourage the use of such ideals in solving contemporary society and personal
challenges and issues. And to gain a better appreciation and understanding of all Rizal fought and
died for.
3. Why did Rizal consider Cervantes "the best writer of art and virtue" in his literary piece, "The
Council of the Gods (El Consejo del los Dioses)?" Justify your answer in no more than three (3)

- Rizal submitted an allegorical drama entitled El Consejo de los Dioses (The Council of Gods).
Rizal's book received the first prize because of its literary excellence, according to the judges,
who were all Spaniards. It was a Spanish-language drama that was originally published in Manila
in 1880 by the Liseo Artistico Literario de Manila, and then again in 1883 by the La Solidaridad.
4. What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal's literary works in their quest for national
identity? Justify your answer in no more than three (3) sentences.
- Rizal's writings are reflections and representations of our culture and history. As Filipinos
struggle and seek to other nations in search of self-discovery, Rizal has provided guidance and
shown them what is vital. Filipinos must band together and work together to defeat the shared
adversary, as demonstrated in the struggle with the Spaniards.

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