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A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
Ilocos Norte National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Invest & Immersions

Kyla Chyna A. Domingo
Andrey Neil M. Camacho
Caleen R. Castillo
Kiarrha Carmela C. Cariňo
Vhanity Joi B. Cimatu
Kiean Zanrei P. Cabanera
Grade 12 – STEM Salcedo

S.Y. 2020 – 2021



submitted by Domingo, Kyla Chyna A., Camacho, Andrey Neil M., Castillo, Caleen
R., Cariňo, Kiarrha Carmela C., Cimatu, Vhanity Joi B., Cabanera, Kiean Zanrei
P. is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval of ORAL EXAMINATION.


Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Inquiries, Invest & Immersions of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics Strand (STEM).

Date: ______________


Assistant School Principal II


The researchers wholeheartedly dedicate this piece of work:

To their parents/family who served as an inspiration to the researchers and who

gave their never-ending love, care, and support in the completion of the work.

To their classmates and friends who gave their moral support and words of


To their Research teachers who generously shared their knowledge and patiently

guided them throughout the preparation and finalization of their research study;

And lastly, to the Almighty Father who gave them the wisdom, understanding,

strength, determination, and perseverance to accomplish their responsibilities as

researchers. It is through Him that all things are possible.








The researchers would like to acknowledge the support and guidance of

wonderful people in the researcher‘s life who helped in making this study possible. The

researcher, therefore, would like to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the following


To Mr. JM Lumabao, for his unending support, guidance, valuable

suggestions and assistance, and suggestions for the improvement of this paper;

To Ms. Preciousa Ramos, for sharing her expertise and guidance;

To the family of the researchers, for their unconditional love, inspiration, and

moral support;

To the members of the panel, who shared their ideas and offered guidance and

support throughout the completion of the paper.

To all the respondents, for their cooperation and support towards the success of

the study;

To Salcedo Family, who lovingly showed their support and for motivating the


Above all, to Almighty God, for giving the researchers the wisdom, strength,

and patience for their study.

To God be all the glory


Domingo, Kyla Chyna A., Camacho, Andrey Neil M., Castillo, Caleen R., Cariňo,
Kiarrha Carmela C., Cimatu, Vhanity Joi B., Cabanera, Kiean Zanrei P.

Ilocos Norte National High School, Laoag City, Philippines


Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions


This study was conducted to determine and analyze the effects of digitized

modular learning to the learning progress of students. Specifically, the study looked into

the perceptions of students on digitized modular learning compared to the traditional

classroom learning, its effects on their academic performance, learning capability, the

challenges they have encountered and how it affects their learning progress, and how

they overcome it with the help of family, teachers, and peers/ friends.

This study employed the phenomenological research design and used purposive

sampling to select 30 students as the respondents of the study who answered the

questionnaire virtually. Based on the thematic analysis and results discussed supported

by related literature, it was revealed that majority of the students think that classroom

learning is more effective than digitized modular learning but it is possible for them to

learn effectively in digitized modular learning as in face-to-face classes. They claim that
digitized modular learning discourages them to learn, gives less motivation to study and

low academic performance. They also claim that it widens their understanding in their

given task through the use of internet and different searching platform. The most

common challenges students have encountered are lack of motivation, stress, slow

internet connection, and tons of works which slows down their learning progress.

Although it is possible that these challenges can also help the students’ progress in their

learning ability which vary depending on the severity of the effects they have

encountered. Furthermore, their family, teachers, peers/friends help them overcome

these challenges through motivation, guidance, and support.

With these conclusions, researchers recommend a similar study in other grade

levels and modalities. Future researchers can conduct interviews, add more variability,

equal gender and strand distribution, and further studies on how to improve digitized

Keywords: Digitized Modular Learning, Perceptions, Effects, Learning Progress,

Academic Performance, Widening of Understanding, Challenges


Title Page










Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 5


Related Legal Bases 8
Related Studies & Literature 12
Modular Distance Learning 12
Rise of Digitized Modular Learning during the COVID-19 13
Advantages of Digitized Modular Learning 15
Problems Associated with Digitized Modular Learning 17
Solutions for the Problems of Online Learning 19


Research Design 22
Data Gathering Procedure 22
General Procedure 22
Sampling Procedure 23
Participants of the study 23
Data Gathering Instrument 24
Data Analysis 24



Summary 51
Findings 52
Conclusion 55
Recommendations 56


Table Page

1. Effects of digitized modular learning to the learning 70

progress of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte
National High School

2. Effects of digitized modular learning to the 73

academic performance of Grade 12 students at
Ilocos Norte National High School 

3. The perception of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte 76

National High School on digitized modular learning
compared to classroom learning

4. The possibility of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte 77

National High School to learn as just effectively in
digitized modular learning as in face-to-face classes

5. Digitized modular learning in widening the 78

understanding of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte
National High School in their given tasks

6. Challenges Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte 79

National High School encountered with digitized
modular learning, its effects to their learning
progress, and its possibility to help them progress in
their learning ability

7. Overcoming the challenges of digitized modular 82

learning encountered by Grade 12 students at Ilocos
Norte National High School with the help of
family, teachers, and peers or friends

Appendix Page

A. Letter to the Assistant Principal 64

B. Letter to the Respondents 66

C. Survey Questionnaire 67

D. Raw Data 70


This chapter includes the background, research questions, significance, limitations

and definition of terms of the current study: The Effects of Digitized Modular Learning

Amidst a Pandemic in the Learning Progress of Grade 12 Students at Ilocos Norte

National High School.

Background of the study

Distance learning is a teaching method in which teachers and students do not

meet in the classroom, but are taught through the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc. In short,

distance learning occurs when the learner is separated from the teacher and peers, which

means that the learner learns from a distance, and there is no face-to-face course with

the teacher or other learners. There are several types of distance learning that were

implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of which is the modular distance


Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses self-learning modules

(SLM) based on DepEd's most essential learning competencies (MELCS). These

modules contain parts related to motivation and assessment, and can serve as a

comprehensive guide for teachers and students to acquire the required abilities.

Moreover, Modular Distance Learning has individualized instructions; it allows

students or learners to use self-learning modules provided in printed or digital format.

Usually, these materials are provided by the teacher. The teacher takes the responsibility

of monitoring the progress of the learners. According to data collected through DepEd’s

National Learner Enrolment and Survey Forms (LESFs), 8.8 million of the 22.2 million

students (39.6% of total enrollment) chose modular distance learning in the next

academic year. At the same time, 3.9 million people (17.6%) were partial blended

learning (a combination of different forms), 3.8 million people (17.1%) prefer online

learning, and 1.4 million or 900,000 students prefer TV or radio training courses.

The outbreak of COVID-19 led educators to change the mode of learning of

students; it had caused schools, colleges and universities to shut down for an indefinite

time. World Economic Forum stated that while countries are at different points in their

COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2 billion children

in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic The pandemic has

created the largest educational barrier in human history. The closure of schools,

institutions and other educational institutions affects more than 94% of students

worldwide (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). For almost two pandemic months, most countries

around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions to contain the spread

of the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce infections (UNESCO, 2020). This closure has

affected more than 1.2 billion learners worldwide with more than 28 million learners in

the Philippines (UNESCO, 2020). Responses like community lockdown and community

quarantine of several countries have led students and teachers to study and work from

home which led to the delivery of online learning platforms (Crawford et al., 2020).

However, the implementation of online learning posed different risks, problems and

challenges to both the teachers and students, especially in the higher education

institutions(HEIs)(Bao, 2020).In response to these situations, educational leaders

decided to adopt the new normal in education.. The new normal in education and

strengthening educational planning and health is a concern to provide quality, inclusive

and accessible education for every student. Hence, this has been developed in order to

provide a clear lens of the new normal in education.

Modular learning is the most common modality used by students during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this study addresses the effects of digitized modular

learning on the learning progress of students, especially in this time of COVID-19

pandemic. This includes the aim to determine the effects on the academic performance

of students, their learning capability, and how it will widen their understanding of their

given tasks in order to derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies.

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effects of digitized modular

learning amidst a pandemic in the learning progress of grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte

National High School, it answered the following:

1. The effects of digitized modular learning to the progress of the

learning capability of students.

2. The effects of digitized modular learning to the academic performance

of students.

3. The use of digitized modular learning as an alternative to the standard

learning effective.

4. Digitized modular learning will help students widen their

understanding in their given tasks.

5. The challenges of digitized modular learning and how they overcome


6. The effects of the challenges of digitized modular learning on the

learning progress of students.

Significance of the Study

The study will focus on explaining the learning progress of grade 12 students

amidst a pandemic. Moreover, the results will be beneficial to the following:

Students will have awareness of the importance of learning, time management,

multi-tasking, and diverse learning skills needed to accomplish the target learning

outcome of each lesson.

Teachers will be provided information to be prepared for the effects of a

pandemic on the education systems.

Family members will be able to determine the difficulties of learning and

teaching a learner.

The community will have insights into the result of the study and will make

them help the students by creating peer teaching groups, tutorials, or seminars.

Future Researchers will have a basis and guide for their future studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the effects of digitized modular learning amidst a pandemic in

the learning progress of grade 12 Students. This study is also delimited to grade 12

students who chose digitized modular learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

study also briefly determines the use of digitized modular learning as an alternative to

the standard learning as well as with the effect of digitized modular learning to the

academic performance of students and how it widens their understanding in their given


Definition of Terms

For a clearer and better understanding of the study the following terms were


Asynchronous Class. Allows to take online courses on your own schedule.

COVID-19. A disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

Digitized Module. Printed A&E modules that have been converted into digital

format, and can be accessed through computers, tablets, smart phones, and other digital


Distance Learning. A method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or

classes are conducted by correspondence or over the internet, without the student's

needing to attend a school

Learning Modality. The sensory channels or pathways through which

individuals give, receive, and store information.

Lockdown. The imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction,

and access to public spaces

Modular Learning. A form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning

Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided

by DepEd.

Online Learning. A form of distance education in which a course or program is

intentionally designed in advance to be delivered fully online.

Online Media. Communication technologies that use the Internet or the World

Wide Web to present or exchange information.

Pandemic.  An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area

(such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion

of the population

Printed Module. Refers to learning packets (work sheets, activity sheets, self-

learning materials).

Quarantine. A restriction on the movement of people, animals and goods which

is intended to prevent the spread of disease.

Synchronous class. Online or distance education that happens in real time,

often with a set class schedule and required login times



For purposes of understanding and insights about the aspects of the study or

research. This chapter presents a discussion of relevant concepts drawn from literature

and studies that have bearing on the present study which provide the theoretical basis of

the study.

Related Legal Bases

The DepEd Order No. 018, s. 2020 also known as “The Policy Guidelines for

the Provision of Learning Resources in the Implementation of the Basic Education

Learning Continuity Plan” establishes the guidelines that will enable DepEd to

provide learning resources in the implementation of BE-LCP. It also establishes the

guidelines on the release, utilization, and liquidation of support fuds for the printing and

delivery of self-learning modules and other learning resources. Guidelines include:

a) The ready-to-print digital copies of the SLMs can be downloaded from

the Microsoft Teams folder “Ready-to-Print SLMs”.

b) Unauthorized printing, uploading, and conducting activities involving

sharing of digital files other than the intended purpose is strictly


c) The print run shall be set based on the quantity needed and deliver these

immediately to schools.

d) The SDOs are given the flexibility to determine technical specifications

on the procurement or in-house/by administration production of printing

and delivery of SLMs.

The 1987 Constitution states in Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2:

Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality

education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education

accessible to all.

Section 2. The State shall:

(1) Establish, maintain, and support a complete adequate and integrated system

of education relevant to the needs of the people and society;

(2) Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary

and high school levels.

The Executive Order No. 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987, Chapter

9, Section 32 states that Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees

must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with the utmost

responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead

modest lives. This includes educators. (Retrieved from


The Republic Act No. 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act of

2001 Section 2 declares the policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all

citizens to quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all by

providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the elementary level

and free education in the high school level (Retrieved from

The Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

declares the policy that the State that every graduate of basic education shall be an

empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound

educational principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning

throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to

coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage

in autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to

transform others and one’s self (Retrieved from

The objective of the study is in congruence with the stated legal basis, in which

it is mandated to protect and promote the right to access to quality basic education even

amidst a pandemic in order to not delay their learning progress. Accordingly, it is

legally tasked to provide a learner-centered, inclusive, responsive, relevant, and

contextualized K to 12 basic education.

The DepEd Order No. (DO) 21, s. 2019 or the Policy Guidelines on the K to

12 Basic Education Program introduces programs and projects that aim to expand and

improve the delivery of basic education in the country. It seeks to provide the Filipino

learners with the necessary skills and competence to prepare them to take on the

challenges of the 21st Century (Retrieved from

This is in accordance to the legal mandates of DepEd that protects and promotes

the right to access of quality basic education. It sets forth the Flexible Learning Options

(FLOs), which includes alternative delivery modes and its corresponding learning

resources that are responsive to the need, context, circumstances, and diversity of


Similar to the study, it aims to ensure that students have access to basic

education amidst a pandemic that is as effective as the traditional face-to-face classes in

terms of their learning progress and is flexible enough for students to manage their time

between studying and doing responsibilities at home. The study will take focus on the

effects of digitized modular learning amidst a pandemic in the learning progress of

Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School. The researchers will determine

its effect on their learning progress, academic performance, and how it widens their

understanding on their given tasks.

Related Studies & Literature

Modular Distance Learning

Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the

Philippines, this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because

according to a survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), learning

through printed and digital modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning

method of parents with children who are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, 2020).

This is also in consideration of the learners in rural areas where internet is not

accessible for online learning. It involves individualized instruction that allows learners

to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy,

whichever is applicable in the context of the learner, and other learning resources like

Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides and other study materials.

Learners access electronic copies of learning materials on a computer, tablet PC, or

smartphone. CDs, DVDs, USB storage and computer-based applications can all be used

to deliver e-learning materials, including offline E-books (Llego, n.d.). The teacher

takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners may ask

assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant messaging

among others. Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners needing

remediation or assistance (Llego, n.d.). Printed Modules will be delivered to students,

parents or guardians by the teachers or through the Local Government Officials. Since

education is no longer held within the school, parents serve as partners of teachers in

education. Parents play a vital role as home facilitators. Their primary role in modular

learning is to establish a connection and guide the child. (FlipScience, 2020).

Rise of Digitized Modular Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

As teachers and students are eager for the opening of schools, this crisis caused

some elements of the classroom to change. According to the article entitled “Reshaping

learning” written by A. Gupta & V.Gupta (2020), the first is the increasing use of

technology. During the pandemic, the government used electronic means to ensure the

continuity of student learning. The other is the increasing use of online tools and

technologies to enhance the learning experience. You can download great content for

free on the Internet for your use in the classroom. The course can then become a forum

for debate, discussion and deepening of interdisciplinary knowledge, collaboration and

experiential learning. The personalization of training has also changed. Each student has

a different learning progress. Some may require more time, and some may require more

material to achieve the same result. Another change is to make learning fair, convenient,

lifelong and affordable. Many people sign up during lockdown because they don’t have

to travel or need to be in school, which democratizes learning and makes it convenient

(As cited in the article of A. Gupta & V.Gupta, 2020).

Moreover, according to the study entitled “The Shift to Digital Education”

conducted by Revenaugh, Ark, & Slusser (2016), the sudden shift from face-to-face

learning to digital learning is changing the world, connecting billions of young people

to the creative economy, and improving working conditions and career opportunities for

educators. The shift from print education to digital education is changing formal

education and expanding access to learning opportunities worldwide. Digital learning is

more than just having enough equipment or replacing teachers with technology. Digital

learning is personalization and customization. It is about accessing outcomes and

achievement data that supports personal learning (As cited in the study of Revenaugh,

Ark, & Slusser, 2016).

Similarly, based on the article entitled “What is Digital Learning?” written by

the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement [GOSA], digital learning is technology-

based learning that enables learners to control time, place, path, and/or pace. Courses

are no longer limited to one school day or one academic year. The Internet and a wide

of Internet access devices have enabled students the ability to learn anytime and

anywhere. Learning is also no longer restricted to the pedagogy used by the teacher

(“Blended Learning”, n. d.). Interactive and adaptable software allows students to study

in their own style, making learning more personalized and interesting (GOSA, n. d.).

New learning technologies provide real-time data that gives teachers the information

they need to adjust instruction to meet the unique needs of each student. Furthermore,

learning is no longer restricted to the pace of an entire classroom of students. Interactive

and adaptable software allows learners to study at their own pace and spend more or

less time in classes or subjects in order to achieve the same level of learning (GOSA, n.


In interaction to that, digital learning requires a combination of technology,

digital content and learning, so technology is a content delivery mechanism (GOSA, n.

d.). It facilitates how students receive content. It includes Internet access and hardware,

which can be any Internet access device. Where digital content is the high-quality

academic material that is delivered through technology. This is what students learn,

ranging from interesting, interactive and adaptable new software to classic literature,

video lectures and games (GOSA, n. d.).

Advantages of Digitized Modular Learning

Digital learning is increasingly replacing traditional teaching methods. Classes

change quickly, so it’s best to forget the methods you might remember in school and

consider new teaching and learning methods based on digital learning tools and

technologies. Based on the article entitled “Benefits of Digital Learning Over

Traditional Methods” written by Panworld Education, integrating digital learning into

the classroom can range from simply using a tablet instead of paper to using complex

programs and software instead of pencils. This may include the use of websites,

services, programs, teaching aids and technologies, such as tutorials designed for home

use. Social media and communication platforms can also be used to create and manage

tasks and digital agendas. Regardless of the degree of technical integration. In the

classroom, digital learning plays a vital role in education by empowering learners,

increasing their interest in learning and broadening their horizons (Panworld Education,


According also to Panworld Education (2017b), “Students using digital learning

tools and technology become more engaged in the process and more interested in

growing their knowledge base, they may not even realize that they’re actively learning

since they’re learning through engaging methods such as peer education, teamwork,

problem-solving, reverse teaching, concept maps, gamification, staging, role-playing,

and storytelling”. In addition to that, based on the study entitled “Mobile Learning for

Education: Benefits and Challenges” conducted by Mehdipour & Zerehkafi (2013),

with access to so much content anytime and anywhere, there are plenty of opportunities

for formal and informal learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Laptops,

mobile tablets, iPod touch and iPad have become very popular mobile learning devices

due to their cost and app availability. They are used to collect student answers, read e-

books and websites, record reflections, collect and analyze data, and so on (Mehidour &

Zerehkafi, 2013, p. 99).

Furthermore, since digital learning is more interactive and memorable than

lengthy textbooks or one-sided lectures, compared with traditional teaching methods, it

provides a better background, perspective and participation in activities, so that learners

can better interact with the learning materials. It usually provides a more interesting and

attractive way to absorb information. This is reflected in your retention rate and test

results. In addition, if students can track their progress, it can increase motivation and

sense of responsibility.

Similarly, in the study entitled “Benefits of Digital Learning Application at

Universities” conducted by Vasylyshyna (2020), it is stated that the use of information

technology promotes and improves the learning process, activates and stimulates

students' intellectual activities, and enables them to diversify and improve efficiency.

According to Ark (2015), learning tools and technologies such as social learning

platforms enable teachers to easily create and manage groups. Switching to digital

learning can bring the benefits of tutoring closer and give teachers more time to meet

individual needs and the needs of small groups. The ability to customize the learning

sequence for each student makes learning more effective by narrowing the learning gap

and accelerating progress earlier. Dynamic groupings, seminars, and project-based

learning can add many collaborative learning opportunities to existing education models

(Panworld Education, 2017c). In addition to that, teachers and parents can also

stimulate children's interest in learning through interactive activities, because

gamification makes the learning process more enjoyable and interesting. Parents can

also explore interactive learning activities with their children, which can be used as an

extension of what they have learned. In their digital learning tools and technology,

provide children with entertainment and many benefits in the development of children's

well-being. Everyone benefits from the digitalization of learning (Panworld Education,


Problems Associated with Digitized Modular Learning

While digital programs have significant strengths and offer unprecedented

accessibility to quality education, there are weaknesses inherent in the use of this

medium. Schools are experiencing uncharted territory when it comes to their education:

transitioning from in-person classroom and campus experiences to virtual ones. With a

global pandemic affecting students of all grades, at times the situation can feel difficult

to navigate. As more schools move towards virtual learning, there can be some growing

pains students are feeling as the world adjusts.

According to the study entitled “The Philippine Higher Education Sector in the

Time of COVID-19” conducted by Joaquin, Biana & Dacela (2020), it is argued that

access to the internet connection and learning devices continued to be a privilege up to

this day, placing those with poor internet access at a disadvantage when it comes to

online classes. Statistics shows that 45% of Filipino citizens (46 million) and 74%

(34,500) of public schools do not have access to the internet (Jones, 2019).

Furthermore, “adding more workload for the students increases their burden and

contradicts the purpose of the lockdown, which is to help their families prepare and

adjust to the situation at hand.” (As cited in the study of Joaquin, Biana & Dacela,

2020). Finally, there is an issue about the “lack of environments conducive to learning

at home and the effectiveness of the online lectures” (Bagayas, 2020).

Baticulon et al. (2020) stated that the most frequently encountered barrier were

difficulty adjusting learning styles, having to perform responsibilities at home, and poor

communication between educators and learners for educators in which dynamic courses

of the highest quality can be developed (p. 8). Several factors are also needed to be

considered before venturing to digitize modular learning. The more obvious issues are

internet speed, cost of materials, and mode of delivery (As cited in the study of Joaquin,

Biana & Dacela et al., 2020). Moreover, for many students, one of the biggest

challenges of digitized modular learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for

long periods of time. Students are more likely get distracted with social media or other

sites (Gautam, 2020a). There would also be less interaction between learners and

educators which often results in a sense of isolation for students (Gautam, 2020b).

Solutions for the Problems of Online Learning

The sudden shift to digital learning has turned education on its head, and in

many cases, it’s the students who are having the toughest time. Whether it’s staying

focused while studying at home or a lack of internet access and reliable devices, the

move to digital learning has been filled with challenges, and students and families are

looking for solutions. Luckily, people have come up with innovative ways to clear the

hurdles associated with digital school.

There are different solutions to the challenges of online learning. Based on the

study entitled “Overcoming the Challenges of Online Learning during COVID-19”

stated that one of the biggest challenges is the limited access to internet. Possible

solution for this problem is, Free & Low-Cost Internet Assistance. Through this,

students can have access to free internet from businesses, public libraries and schools

while maintaining social distancing. If accessing the internet is difficult, another option

includes working with teachers to have downloadable slideshows, videos, assignments,

and maybe even exams. In this way, students can access it without needing a continuous

connection to the internet. When it comes to work and education, a tablet is a cheaper

alternative for students who don’t own a computer. If a computer or tablet is not a

feasible option, school districts and colleges can look to educators who are printing

packets with instructional materials for students who don’t have computers or access to


The digital divide is most commonly defined as the gap between those students

who have, do not have, and know how to use the internet and the information

technologies that are also currently transforming education (Bernard, 2011; Hall, 2013).

Implementing a learning environment that involves collaboration can be a solution to

this challenge. Providing learners with the opportunity to collaborate, share, and create

will increase the learner’s use of various technologies, enhance their e-learning

experience, and support self-directed and ongoing learning (Clark & Mayer, 2011; Li &

Irby, 2008).

According to Martin (2009), there is a lack of teacher presence, face-to-face

interaction, and tech support in today’s environment. On the other hand learners new to

an online learning environment typically lack the level of metacognition awareness,

time management skills, and self-directed learning needed to be successful (Martin,

2009a). To promote student motivation the primary role falls to the teacher to anticipate

and prevent motivational challenges unique to e-learning. One way this can be done is

by increasing face-to-face interactions through a variety of technological modes

(Martin, 2009b). To also help alleviate student anxiety e-mentors should provide

various and alternative ways of interacting and communicate through the use of such

applications like Skype, chat forums, or discussion boards. Furthermore, insufficient

time spent on course development and design can also be a huge contributing factor to

poorly develop digital learning experiences and a major challenge for e-learning

instructors. According to Archambault (2010), it is important to consider the time spent

on designing and implementing a lesson design online. One way to overcome the

challenge of time developing an online course is a collaboration between instructors

within their professional communities. Collaborating with other instructors should be

spent sharing, developing, and creating (Terry & Leppa, 2009; Hastie et al., 2010).

It was concluded in the study entitled “E-Learning: Challenges and Solutions”

by Higley (2014) that with the proper supports from instructors, learners can be

successful within these e-learning environments. Another study entitled “Issues and

Challenges for Teaching Successful Online Courses in Higher Education: A Literature

Review”, by Kebritchi et al. (2017) concluded that higher education institutions need to

provide professional development for instructors, trainings for learners, and technical

support for the content development and delivery of online courses to address the

challenges in online education and enhance the effectiveness of online teaching and

learning. They play a central role in enhancing the quality of online education by

providing support for instructors, learners, and content development. A number of

studies suggested the importance of the support of educational institutions to actively

improve the quality of online education (Lion & Stark, 2010; Prestera & Moller, 2001).



This chapter presented and discussed the research design, data gathering

procedures, data gathering instrument and data analysis used in the study.

Research Design

In this study, researchers used a phenomenological research design to identify

and analyze the learning progress of Grade 12 students of Ilocos Norte National High

School (INNHS) as they go through digital modular distance learning during the

COVID-19 pandemic especially on how it affects their academic performance. In this

way, the researchers have been able to determine how students experience the inevitable

events in their life. This helps to understand the effects to the learning progress,

academic performance of Grade 12 students and their understanding on their given

tasks, provide information and explain its impact, so that they can develop strategies to

improve the student’s learning progress as they go through the pandemic.

Data Gathering Procedure

General Procedure

The researchers wrote the letter of approval to request permission to administer

the questionnaires online to the selected Grade 12 students of Ilocos Norte National

High School and letter to respondents to request permission from the chosen

respondents to participate in answering the online questionnaire. The researchers used

Google Forms in order to distribute the questionnaires which were accessed and

answered by the respondents virtually. The answered questionnaires were retrieved

online after the respondents were given five days of time. The method used to collect

the data was the thematic analysis method. Responses were read through to identify

common themes, topics, ideas and patterns.

Sampling Procedure

Purposive non-probability sampling was used in this study which is the

intentional selection of informants based on their chosen modality during the COVID-

19 distance learning, in this case the respondents would be students who chose digitized

modular learning. This type of non-probability sampling is selected as a sampling

method for selecting informants based on their specific knowledge and/or experience in

digitized modular learning. The sample of the study was taken from the population of

Grade 12 students who choose online learning modality wherein 30 students were taken

and 10 were subjected to member checking.

Participants of the Study

There were 30 students from the population of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte

National High School who were chosen as respondents of the study. 10 out of 30

students were subjected to member checking to verify their responses from the

questionnaire. The selected respondents came from different strands of Grade 12 in

Ilocos Norte National High School that chose digitized modular learning.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used questionnaire as the main instrument needed in gathering

the data presented in the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data for this study.

The draft questionnaire was created based on the researcher's reading, previous

research, and published and unpublished abstracts related to the research study. Open-

ended questions will be asked to the respondents which are free-form survey questions,

allowing them to answer in open text format. In this format, they can answer based on

their knowledge, experience, and understanding.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis was used in data analysis to analyze more the data gathered

from responses of the respondents that answers, “Effects of Digitized Modular Learning

Amidst a Pandemic in the Learning Progress of Grade 12 Students”. Through thematic

analysis, the data gathered are examined closely to identify the common themes-topics

within the gathered qualitative data, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up. This is

also a useful technique because it can look for patterns that are not bound by any

constraints in the responses of participants, so that researchers have a detailed

understanding of the collected data. Furthermore, thematic analysis was employed to

examine and analyze the responses on the effects of digitized modular learning on the

learning progress and academic performance of students amidst the pandemic, their

perception on digitized modular learning, its challenges and how it widens their

understanding in their given tasks



This chapter presents the results and discussions about the data gathered in

identifying the effects of digitized modular learning amidst a pandemic to the learning

progress of grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School.

Table 1: Effects of digitized modular learning to the learning progress of Grade 12

students at Ilocos Norte National High School.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What are the effects of The effects of digitized 1. Discourages learning

digitized modular learning modular learning to the
on your learning learning progress of Grade 2. Learning is harder for
students in digitized
progress? 12 students at Ilocos Norte modular learning
National High School
3. Doesn't fully enhance
learning progress

4. Hinders students
from learning all
principles. It has
proven itself that
compliance to
passing required
school works on time
is more important
than to actually study
the concepts that
matter in a certain

5. Doesn’t understand
the lesson, they need
to read the module
again and it greatly
slows down their
learning process.

6. Can’t keep up with

the lesson. They are
forced to learn
everything on their
own. Synchronous
classes isn’t enough
to process all the
lessons discussed in
the module.

7. Verbal and visual

learners are at a
disadvantage of

8. Only learned bits of

the lessons discussed
in a module, unlike in
traditional education

9. Slower pacing for

10. Causes crams, stress,

procrastination, and

11. Affects mental health

12. Made learning easier

13. Enhanced learning

skills like self-study,
allows students to
learn at their own

14. Have more study

time that can lead to
better understanding
and performance.

15. Acquire a lot of

knowledge however
it takes a lot of time
to study

16. There isn’t any

pressure on time
management so time
can be maximized or
used effectively.

17. Less stress and

enhances our instinct
to prioritize and
proper time


18. This way of learning

made me feel the
struggle to learn, but
it really helps me
understand lessons on
my own.

19. Digitized modular

learning allowed
students to have a
more convenient
form of learning
during the pandemic.

20. Helped students

understand various
concept more clearly
than any other

21. Learned enhanced

new skills such as
coding, analytical
and editing skills

Table 1 shows the different effects of digitized modular learning to the learning

progress of students. Based from the collected data from the 30 grade 12 students of

Ilocos Norte National High School, the effects of digitized modular learning on their

learning progress gathered a majority of negative feedbacks and some positive

feedbacks. Majority of the group discussed that digitized modular learning discourages

them to learn, learning became harder and doesn’t fully enhance the learning progress

of a student. To further have an idea on the effect of digitized modular learning,

selected respondents responded that, digitized modular learning hinders them from

learning all the fundamental principles, it has proven itself that compliance to passing

required school works on time is more important that to actually study the concepts that

matter in a certain subject. With the given mode of learning, students can’t keep up with

the lesson given, the modules and the discussions of teachers were not enough to satisfy

my eagerness to learn. Few of the respondents had positive feedbacks on digitized

modular learning, according from a respondent, “It made learning easier, enhanced

learning skills like self-study, allows me to learn at my own pace.” Students even had

more time to study that can lead to better understanding and performance that will let

them acquire a lot of knowledge however it takes a lot of time to study. Based from the

data gathered, negative effects of having digitized modular learning out-numbered the

its positive effects, it implies that digitized modular learning is not helping students

widen their understanding in their given tasks, and the academic performance of

students are failing due to the effects of digitized modular learning.

This can be related with the study of Joaquin, Biana & Dacela (2020) entitled

“The Philippine Higher Education Sector in the Time of COVID-19” wherein it stated

that adding more workload for the students increases their burden which then

discourages learning. There had also been an issue in the effectiveness of the online


However, a few students also said that digitized modular learning has improved

their learning progress which is similar to the article of Panworld Education entitled

“Benefits of Digital Learning Over Traditional Methods” wherein it states that “students

using digital learning tools and technology become more engaged in the process and

more interested in growing their knowledge base, they may not even realize that they’re

actively learning since they’re learning through engaging methods such as peer

education, teamwork, problem-solving, reverse teaching, concept maps, gamification,

staging, role-playing, and storytelling”.

Table 2: Effects of digitized modular learning to the academic performance of

Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What are the effects of The effects of digitized 1. It’s too draining.
digitized modular learning modular learning to the
on your academic academic performance of 2. Significantly
contributed to the
performance? Grade 12 students at Ilocos gradual decrease of
Norte National High learning capacity.

3. Difficult to absorb
the essential topics
with very minimum
guidance from

4. Diminished grades
and performance

5. The information in
the module is lacking
which is quite


6. Made students lazy

and unmotivated.

7. Causes students to
work harder when it
comes to academic
works as they are
required to finish
tons of modules in
only a given amount
of time.

8. Increase workload,
hinder performance
but there is no
differences in

9. Average

10. Completely changed

studying habits.

11. That it slowed me

down a little because
I was new to this
method of learning

12. Had a lot to learn a

lot of technical things
in order to keep up
with classes.

13. Just answered the

modules with the
help of google and
chased deadlines, and
luckily resulted to
high marks in the
first semester.

14. It made it easier to

attain a better
however, lessened
the lessons learnt

15. Effects to academic

performance aren't
bad at all and made
marks become
moderately higher.

16. Created better study

habits but due to a lot
of workloads given, it
has made them cram

17. Learned a lot from

digitized modular
learning and is much
more effective as any
other modalities.

18. Not sure if it has

increased their
performance but
students do know that
they learned a lot
from the pdf modules

19. Gives sufficient
knowledge enough
for their learning

20. Still had good grades

even though they had
a hard time learning
on their own.

21. Access mobility

22. Improves
technological skills

Table 2 shows that different effects of digitized modular learning to the

academic performance of students. Based on the data gathered from the 30 grade 12

students of INNHS answering the question, “what are the effects of digitized modular

learning on your academic performance?” it resulted different feedbacks but leading

into one conclusion, majority of the group interpret the effects of digitized modular

learning in their academic performance as draining, gradual decrease of learning

capacity, difficulty to absorb essential topics with very minimum guidance from

teachers, and lower grades due to loss of focus in studying. There are personal

statements that were deeply explained by chosen respondents, the effects of digitized

modular learning from one of the respondents stated that, “I just answered the modules

with the help of google and chased deadlines, and luckily I had high marks”, having a

high mark doesn’t mean boosting your academic performance and advance your

learning progress, added by the respondent. In general, their responses led to less

motivation and low performance. In the bright side there are students who answered

positive feedbacks in having digitized modular learning in their academic performances,

having a better study habit and improving their technological skills. As stated of one of

the respondents. “I am not quite sure if my grades are high because of not participating

in online classes but I do know that I learned a lot from the pdf modules itself”.

A previous study conducted by Alhumaid (2019) entitled “Four Ways

Technology Has Negatively Changed Education” mentioned that the use of technology

in technology has deteriorated students’ competences of reading and writing,

dehumanize educational environments, distort social interactions between teachers and

students and isolates individuals which is similar to the most common findings of the


On the other hand, it contradicts the study of Vasylyshyna (2020) entitled

“Benefits of Digital Learning Application at Universities” wherein it stated that the use

of information technology promotes and improves the learning process, activates and

stimulates students' intellectual activities, and enables them to diversify and improve


Table 3: The perception of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School
on digitized modular learning compared to classroom learning.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What is your perception of The perception of Grade 1. Classroom learning is
more effective than
digitized modular learning 12 Students at Ilocos Norte
digitized modular
compared to classroom National High School on learning
a) Students learn
learning? digitized modular learning
compared to classroom b) Students have
better focus
c) The flow of study
is continuous and
there is progress

2. Digitized modular
learning is more
effective than
classroom learning

a) It is quite easier

b) Less chaotic

c) Learning in
modules and
sources are
convenient to use

Based on the data found in table 3, the grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte

National High School have different perceptions on digitized modular learning

compared to classroom learning. As indicated in table 3, students have their own

opinions in digitized modular learning. A lot of them are saying that classroom learning

is more effective than digitized modular learning because students learn more, students

have better focus, and the flow of study is continuous and there is progress. The other

students answered that digitized modular learning is more effective than classroom

learning because it is quite easier, it is less chaotic, and learning through modules and

sources are convenient to use; they have the least number of responses.

Similar findings were showed in the study entitled “Comparative analysis of

learning outcomes in face-to-face foreign language classes vs. language lab and online”

conducted by Salcedo (2010) wherein it stated that traditional classroom teaching

provides real-time face-to-face instruction and sparks innovative questions. It also

allows for immediate teacher response and more flexible content delivery. Online

instruction dampens the learning process because students must limit their questions to

blurbs, then grant the teacher and fellow classmate time to respond.

Table 4: The possibility of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School
to learn as just effectively in digitized modular learning as in face-to-face classes
Domain Core Idea Categories

Is it possible for you to The possibility of Grade 1. Possible

learn as just effectively in 12 students at Ilocos Norte 2. No
digitized modular learning National High School to 3. Yes
as in face-to-face classes? learn as just effectively in
digitized modular learning
as in face-to-face classes.

The grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School have different

answers on whether it is possible to learn as just effectively in digitized modular

learning as in face-to-face classes. As indicated in table 4, most of the students said that

it is possible. A lot of them said no. Meanwhile, some students said yes; they have the

least number of responses.

Similar to the study of Herman & Banister (2007) entitled “Face-to-Face or

face-to-screen? Undergraduates' opinions and test performance in classroom vs. online

learning”, it stated that online learning platform proved effective in translating

information where tested students successfully achieved learning outcomes comparable

to students taking the F2F course which means there is a possibility that students who

learn online can effectively learn as in students who opt for face-to-face classes.

Table 5: Digitized modular learning in widening the understanding of Grade 12

students at Ilocos Norte National High School in their given tasks.
Domain Core Idea Categories

How does digitized Ways on how digitized 1. By using google,

which is an open
modular learning help modular learning help in
source to find other
widen your widening the information.
understanding of your understanding of Grade 2. Having an easier
given tasks? 12 students at Ilocos access on the internet.
Norte National High 3. Reading the
School in their given complicated task on
their own.
4. Opening their mind to
possibilities and
opportunities that can
help them become a
better student despite
the pandemic.

5. Enabling to research
more on the internet
due to the insufficient

information on the

6. Read and forget

7. The pdf files gives

them an idea and it's
up to them if you
didn't understand the
concept, they could
use their time to
google it up or watch
youtube about it. It
enhances their brain to
critically think how to
suffice your
knowledge and
understand the tasks.

Table 5 shows the different ways digitized modular learning widen the

understanding of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School in their given

tasks. Based from the collected data from the 30 grade 12 students of INNHS, most of

the group answered that digitized modular learning help widen their understanding of

their given tasks through internet which gives them more information about their

lessons and provide better understanding for the task. Digitized modular learning has

helped them expand their grasp of certain activities by obliging them to study all of

them separately. It taught them the ability to specifying the time they spent in the study,

discovering a lot of references (such books, channels etc.). Pdf files and searching

through google enhances the brain to critically think how to suffice your knowledge and

understand the tasks. A few of them says that their comprehension of the specified

duties sometimes doesn't expand. To understand the stuff that is not properly stated in

the model, they have to go for youtube videos. Based from the data gathered, students

use internet and videos to help widen their understanding on their given task.

This is similar to the article of Panworld Education entitled “Benefits of Digital

Learning Over Traditional Methods” wherein it states that digital learning plays a vital

role in education by empowering learners, increasing their interest in learning and

broadening their horizons”.

Table 6: Challenges Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School

encountered with digitized modular learning, its effects to their learning progress,
and its possibility to help them progress in their learning ability.
Domain Core Idea Categories

6.1 What are the Challenges Grade 12 1. Unstable internet

challenges you have students at Ilocos Norte
misinterpretation, and
encountered with digitized National High School have misunderstandings.
modular learning? encountered with digitized 2. Lack of feedbacks
modular learning received from
teachers after
submitting the
required tasks.

3. Lack of motivation

4. Sleeping late at night

which unable
students to attend
sync classes on time.

5. Very slow internet

connection and lack
of assisstance for
hard lessons

6. Slow internet

disruption of
electricity, household
chores and stress

7. Physical, mental, and

emotional health

8. The lack of
informations and
limited examples of
some lessons.

9. Loss of interest,
battling with

10. Not being able to

understand the
lessons well because
of the lack of
explanation in the
modules. Also,
spending too much
time on those gave
me a lot of stress,
insufficient sleep,
headache etc.

11. Less guidance. I can't

keep in touch with
my classmates
because i wasn't able
to join the zoom
meetings. I am
behind but the good
thing is that i had
more time
understanding the
roots of various

6.2 What were the effects Effects of the challenges 1. The learning progress
became slower.
of these challenges on to the learning progress of

your learning progress? the Grade 12 Students at 2. Affects the learning
progress negatively
Ilocos Norte National
in a way that more
High School piled up requirements
and not satisfied with
works and essay

3. Bad learning habits

and bad performance

4. Not learning things

as much as before

5. Losing interest in
joining classes

6. Tend to lose focus

and get depressed
when I do not
understand the

7. Stress, exhaustion
and gives mental

8. Cramming, unhealthy
lifestyle, mental
health problems and

9. Can give both

positive and negative
effects as they can be
stressful but at the
same time can give a
reason to motivate
and build self

6.3 Will these challenges The possibility of these 1. Yes because it can be
a motivation to strive
help the students' progress challenges to help Grade
harder and serves as a
12 Students at Ilocos Norte lesson from the
challenges that have

in their learning ability? National High School been encountered and
for future purposes.
progress in their learning
ability. 2. No because they are
external problems
that need practical
solutions which are
currently unavailable.

3. Probably/maybe. It
may open more
options and
experience in the

Table 6 shows the challenges Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High

School has encountered, its effect on their learning progress, and the possibility of these

challenges to help them progress in their learning ability.

In domain 6.1, the challenges that the students have encountered with digitized

modular learning are lack of motivation, stress, slow internet connection, and tons of

works. The lack of information and limited examples of some lessons. Challenges in

self-study. Can't control the time due to many workloads in the house rather than

studying. Personal declarations have been extensively discussed by the selected

respondents, One of them stated that “Having problems with internet connection when

I'm answering and when having synchronous classes. Not everything is explained in the

module so i had to watch youtube videos on how to solve certain problems and learn

from the videos that are not in the module. Time management (chores, modules, taking

breaks).At first, I struggle to follow and learn because I' am not used to this way of

learning. It is hard to comprehend all of the lessons, especially when the content of the

modules given were confusing and incomprehensible, this consumes a lot of time to

understand which could have been allotted to finish the tasks on other subjects.” The

most common issue that that concerns the students is academic procrastination,

concentration difficulties, unstable connection and mental health issues.

A study of Joaquin, Biana & Dacela (2020) entitled “The Philippine Higher

Education Sector in the Time of COVID-19” also shows similar results. It states that

internet connection is a privilege putting those with poos internet connection at

disadvantage. Furthermore, adding more workload for the students increases their


Domain 6.2 shows the different effects of these challenges on the students'

learning progress and if these challenges will help them progress in their learning

ability. Most of the students make the learning progress of students slower. The second

is affects their learning progress negatively in a way that more requirements will not be

passed on time and not satisfied with works and essays. Another is bad learning habits,

bad performance, and also not learning things. They also stated that they lost interest in

joining classes. The fifth group of students answered that they tend to lose focus and get

depressed when they do not understand the lesson. Furthermore, students are stress,

exhausted, and also experience mental anxiety. Additionally, the answers of the students

led to unhealthy lifestyles, cramming, mental health problems and they are also

unmotivated in learning. Lastly, students also answered that these problems can give

both positive and negative effects as they can be stressful but at the same time can give

a reason to motivate and build self educationally.

This is similar to the study of Umali (2018) entitled “Effects of Lack of Internet

Access in the Academic Performance of STEM Students”. It states that poor internet

connection lessens students’ inquisitive thinking to learn something new and cannot

search for relevant ideas when making activities this results to a slower learning


Domain 6.3 revealed that most students said that there is a possibility that these

challenges will help them progress in their learning ability by serving as a motivation to

strive harder. Others said that there is no possibility that it will help them in their

learning progress for the reason that they are external problems that need practical

solutions which are currently unavailable. A least number of students responded maybe

since it may open more options and experience in the future.

This can be related to the article written by McNulty (n. d.) entitled “5

Motivational Challenges in the Classroom” wherein it stated that overcoming

motivational challenges can be related to self-efficacy and control. These challenges

allows students to have self-regulation strategies such as time management,

organizational skills, and self-motivation. Students also learn to adjust to the difficulty

of learning tasks so that they have a realistic chance to master them.

Table 7: Overcoming the challenges of digitized modular learning encountered by

Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School with the help of family,
teachers, and peers or friends.
Domain Core Idea Categories

7.1 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 1. Motivation and
diverting tiredness
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
with them that will
challenges of digitized National High School turn into
modular learning with overcome the challenges
the help of your family? of digitized modular 2. Spend time together
during free together
learning with the help of and help distress.
their family.
3. Guidance from family
by giving advices and
reminding them to take
a rest.

4. Providing the things

they need to study

5. Showing how much

they care for and make
them feel they're
always there for them.

6. Forcing them to do
schoolwork via
confiscating any
possible cause of
distractions; phone

7.2 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 1. They provided

information when at
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
times students could
challenges of digitized National High School not understand
instructions or lessons.
modular learning with overcome the challenges
the help of your of digitized modular 2. Checking or reading
their works, and
teachers? learning with the help of adding comments and
their teachers. motivations about their

3. Constantly setting
reminders for lacking.

4. Answering inquiries
regarding their
subjects and they were
more than willing to
help me in the best
way they

5. Lessening the
activities to answer.

7.3 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 1. Studying together

through different social
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
networking sites
challenges of digitized National High School
2. Being there for each
modular learning with overcome the challenges other
the help of your peers of digitized modular
3. Answering their
or friends? learning with the help of questions about certain
their peers or friends. topics

4. Sharing what they have

learned and details
about the lessons

5. Encouraging and
motivating each other

6. Spending time together

to destress

7. Giving them reminders

and making sure
they’re not burned out

8. Made them do more


Table 7 shows ways on how the Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High

School overcome the challenges on digitized modular learning with the help of their

family, teachers, and peers or friends.

In domain 7.1, based on the data gathered from the Grade 12 students of INNHS

answering the question, “How to overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning

with the help of a family ?” it resulted different feedbacks but leading into one

conclusion, majority of the group interpret how to overcome the challenges of digitized

modular learning with the help of a family by motivating them and diverting their

tiredness with them that will turn into refreshment/relaxation that somehow makes

students overcome hard circumstances. There are personal statements that were deeply

explained by chosen respondents, how to overcome challenges of digitized modular

learning with the help of a family from one of the respondents stated that “I don’t have

my family on my side but I’m overcoming my challenges with some music and playing

games.”, In general, their responses led to a lot of motivations and support to help them

distress and surpass challenges. Almost all of their responses are answered with positive

feedbacks in overcoming challenges of digitized modular learning with the help of a


This also goes with the study entitled “Parental Involvement as an Important

Factor for Successful Education” conducted by Đurišić & Bunijevac (2017) wherein the

involvement of parents in the education of their children makes educational experience

more positive. Increased parental involvement had been shown to result in increased

student success, enhanced parent and teacher satisfaction, and improved school climate.

In domain 7.2, based on the data gathered from the Grade 12 students of INNHS

answering the question, “How to overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning

with the help of teachers ?” it resulted different feedbacks but leading into one

conclusion, majority of the group interpret how to overcome the challenges of digitized

modular learning with the help of teachers by helping them and guiding them in

answering their students’ inquiries regarding their subjects and they were more than

willing to help their students in the best way they can even though they are quite busy

as well. There are personal statements that were deeply explained by chosen

respondents, how to overcome challenges of digitized modular learning with the help of

teachers from one of the respondents stated that “Knowing that they're checking or

reading my works, it's already enough because some teachers doesn't care about

anything. I'm grateful for those who'll reply comments and motivations about our

work.”, In general, their responses led to a lot encouragement and enlightenment to

finish their outputs. Overall, their responses are answered with positive feedbacks in

overcoming challenges of digitized modular learning with the help of teachers.

This relates to the review of Kebritchi et al. (2017) entitled “Issues and

Challenges for Teaching Successful Online Courses in Higher Education: A Literature

Review” which states that educators play a central role in enhancing the quality of

online education by providing support for instructors, learners, and content


In domain 7.3, it revealed the different ways Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte

National High School overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning with the

help if their friends or peers. Majority of the respondents said that they study together

through different social networking sites which gives them more energy to finish their

tasks. Following this is by being there for each other. They serve as their support system

during stressful moments. They also answer their questions if ever there are parts of

their modules that they couldn’t understand which then also leads to sharing what they

have learned and details about the lessons. Some students also said that they encourage

and motivate each other in order to overcome the challenges of digitized modular

learning. They also find the time to destress together through any forms of activities or

by just merely having fun. They would also remind each other about their outputs and

keep track of their progress but making sure that they don’t neglect their health. A least

number of students also mentioned that their friends or peers makes them procrastinate

more. Base on the data gathered, friends or peers has a positive impact in overcoming

the challenges of digitized modular learning.

This can be related to the study of Räisänen, Postareff & Lindblom-Ylänne

(2020) entitled “Students’ experiences of study-related exhaustion, regulation of

learning, peer learning and peer support during university studies” wherein it states that

most students relied on peer support because of self-regulation problems. However like

the least amounts of students who stated that peers or friends made them procrastinate,

it also mentioned in the study that not all students used other students’ support despite

of problems in studying.



This chapter summarizes the problem, methodology and salient findings of the

study. It also presents the conclusions drawn and the recommendations forwarded based

on the findings.


Modular learning is the most common modality used by students during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this study addresses the effects of digitized modular

learning on the learning progress of students, especially in this time of COVID-19


The research study aims to determine the effects on the academic performance

of students, their learning capability, how it will widen their understanding of their

given tasks, the challenges they encountered and how it affects their learning progress,

and how they overcome it with the help of their family, teachers, and peers in order to

derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies.

The researchers used questionnaire as the main instrument needed in gathering

the data, an open-ended questionnaire containing 11 questions which were virtually

distributed to 30 respondents through google form as well as virtually retrieved by the

researchers from the selected respondents.

There were 30 students from the population of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte

National High School who were chosen as respondents of the study. The selected

respondents came from different strands of Grade 12 in Ilocos Norte National High

School that chose digitized modular learning. Ten of them were subjected to member

checking to further validate their responses.

The gathered data were analyzed using thematic analysis and the results were

organized through tables, discussed and supported by related literature and studies.


The following are the salient findings of the study:

Effects on learning progress. Most of the students said that digitized modular

learning digitized modular learning discourages them to learn. They claimed that

learning became harder and doesn’t fully enhance their learning progress. Few of them

had positive feedbacks saying that they had more time to study which lead them to

better understanding and performance that will let them acquire a lot of knowledge

however they claimed that it takes a lot of time to study with digitized modular learning.

Effects on academic performance. Most of the students interpret the effects of

digitized modular learning in their academic performance as draining, gradual decrease

of learning capacity, difficulty to absorb essential topics with very minimum guidance

from teachers, and lower grades due to loss of focus in studying. A few said positive

feedbacks claiming having a better study habit and improving their technological skills.

Perception. Majority of the students claimed that classroom learning is more

effective than digitized modular learning because they learn more, have better focus,

and the flow of study is continuous and there is progress. The least number of students

said that digitized modular learning is more effective than classroom learning because it

is quite easier, it is less chaotic, and learning through modules and sources are

convenient to use.

Possibility to learn as just effectively in digitized modular learning as in

face-to-face classes. Majority of the students said that there is a possibility that they

could learn as just effectively in digitized modular learning as in face-to-face classes.

Widening understanding in given tasks. Most students answered that digitized

modular learning help widen their understanding of their given tasks through internet

which gives them more information about their lessons and provide better

understanding for the task. A few of them says that their comprehension of the specified

duties sometimes doesn't expand.

Encountered challenges. The most common challenge of digitized modular

learning that were encountered by the student is unstable internet connection,

misinterpretation, and misunderstandings. The second most encountered challenge is

lack of feedbacks received from teachers after submitting the required tasks

Effects of encountered challenges on learning progress. Majority of the

students claimed that these challenges made their learning progress slower. The second

most mentioned response is that it affects their learning progress negatively in a way

that more requirements will not be passed on time and not satisfied with works and


Possibility of the encountered challenges to help progress in learning. Most

students said that there is a possibility that these challenges will help them progress in

their learning ability by serving as a motivation to strive harder.

Role of family in overcoming challenges. Family members can help students

overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning. Majority of the respondents said

that their family motivate them and divert their tiredness with them that will turn into

refreshment/relaxation that somehow makes them overcome hard circumstances.

Role of teachers in overcoming challenges. Teachers can also help students

overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning. Majority of the respondents

claimed that teachers help and guide them in answering their inquiries regarding their

subjects and they were more than willing to help them in the best way they can even

though they are quite busy as well.

Role of peers or friends in overcoming challenges. Students’ peers or friends

can help them overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning. Most of the

students study with their peers/friends through different social networking sites which

gives them more energy to finish their tasks. The second most mentioned response is

that by being there for each other, serving as their support system during stressful



Subsequent to the significant findings of the study, it is therefore concluded that:

The effects of digitized modular learning to the learning progress of the students

vary depending on their approach to the new mode of learning. Majority of the students

experienced poor learning progress for it hinders them from learning all the

fundamental principles. Meanwhile, digitized modular learning helped some students

boost their learning progress.

The major effect of digitized modular learning on the academic performance of

students gave them less motivation to study and low academic performance. These

include the gradual decrease of learning capacity, difficulty to absorb essential topics

with very minimum guidance from teachers, and lower grades due to loss of focus in


Classroom learning or the traditional mode of learning is more effective and

better than digitized modular learning.

The use of digitized modular learning can be as effective as face-to-face classes

in learning.

The use of “Google”, different searching platforms, and watching educational

videos in the internet, helps students understand more about the topic helped students

widen their understanding to the given tasks.

The challenges that the students encountered with digitized modular learning are

lack of motivation, stress, slow internet connection, and tons of works.

The effect of the challenges that students encountered with digitized modular

learning is that it slows down their learning progress and it affects them negatively.

The possibility that these challenges will help the students’ progress in their

learning ability vary depending on the severity of the effects they have encountered.

Grade 12 students of INNHS overcome the different challenges of digitized

modular learning with the help of their family, they serve as their motivation, teachers,

by guiding them in answering and completing their given tasks, and peers or friends, by

helping and supporting one another.


Based on the conclusions drawn from the study, the following are hereby


1. Similar studies can be conducted involving a different grade level. 

2. Future researchers may conduct an interview because the researchers weren’t

able to meet the respondents in person due to the circumstance during this

research was conducted.

3. Further studies on how to improved digitized learning can be conducted to

promote better learning.

4. Similar studies should add more of its variability for better accuracy and

precision of results.

5. Similar studies should be conducted with other learning modality.

6. Similar studies should be conducted with equal gender distribution since the

researchers weren’t able to reach their desired number of respondents each

gender due to digital boundaries.

7. Similar studies should be conducted with equal strand distribution since the

researchers weren’t able to reach their desired number of respondents each

strand due to digital boundaries.


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Region I


Assistant Principal II
Ilocos Norte National High School
Senior High School


Warm Greetings!

We are the Grade 12 STEM students currently conducting our research in our subject
Inquiries, Invest & Immersions titled “The Effects of Digitized Modular Learning
Amidst a Pandemic in the Learning Progress of Grade 12 Students at Ilocos Norte
National High School”. Our respondents are the SHS Grade 12 students of Ilocos
Norte National High School. This study aims to determine the effects of digitized
modular learning to the learning progress and academic performance of Grade 12
students at Ilocos Norte National High School amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in order
to determine its effect on their academic performance and how it widens their
understanding in their given tasks.

Therefore, may we humbly request permission to conduct an online survey of the
selected Grade 12 students in this semester of the school year 2020-2021. The
respondents will answer the questionnaire at their most convenient time.

We assure you that whatever data will be gathered will be used for the research
purposes only.

We hope for your favorable approval to this request. Thank very much and God bless.

Respectfully yours.





Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions

Teacher, Inquiries, Invest & Immersions

Assistant Principal II



Region I

Dear fellow students,

Warm greetings!

We are students of Ilocos Norte National High School STEM – Salcedo who are
presently conducting a research titled “The Effects of Digitized Modular Learning
Amidst a Pandemic in the Learning Progress of Grade 12 Students at Ilocos Norte
National High School.” in partial fulfillment of the requirements in our subject
Inquiries, Invest & Immersions to answer the imposed problems on the effects of
digitized modular learning to the learning progress of grade 12 STEM students of
INNHS amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

We were informed by your advisor that you chose digitized module as your
modality for the distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and we would like to
know your experience and perceptions on your chosen modality. In this connection,
may we earnestly request for your patience and cooperation in accomplishing the

attached questionnaire. Please do help us out by answering the questionnaire. Rest
assured that you will remain anonymous and your answers will be treated with utmost
confidentiality so that your personal safety is ensured.

Thank you very much for your response. God bless and stay safe!




1. What are the effects of digitized modular learning to your learning progress?


2. What are the effects of digitized modular learning to your academic



3. What is your perception on digitized modular learning compared to classroom



4. Is it possible for you to learn as just effectively in digitized modular learning as

in face-to-face classes?


5. How does digitized modular learning help widen your understanding in your

given tasks?


6. What are the challenges you have encountered with digitized modular learning?


7. What were the effects of these challenges to your learning progress?


8. Will this challenges help you progress in your learning ability?


9. How did you overcome the challenges of digitized modular learning with the

help of your:

a) Family?


b) Teachers?


c) Peers or Friends?




Table 1: Effects of digitized modular learning to the learning progress of Grade 12

students at Ilocos Norte National High School.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What are the effects of The effects of digitized 1. Discourages learning

digitized modular learning modular learning to the
on your learning learning progress of Grade 2. Learning is harder for
students in digitized
progress? 12 students at Ilocos Norte modular learning
National High School
3. Doesn't fully enhance
learning progress

4. Hinders students
from learning all
principles. It has

proven itself that
compliance to
passing required
school works on time
is more important
than to actually study
the concepts that
matter in a certain

5. Doesn’t understand
the lesson, they need
to read the module
again and it greatly
slows down their
learning process.

6. Can’t keep up with

the lesson. They are
forced to learn
everything on their
own. Synchronous
classes isn’t enough
to process all the
lessons discussed in
the module.

7. Verbal and visual

learners are at a
disadvantage of

8. Only learned bits of

the lessons discussed
in a module, unlike in
traditional education

9. Slower pacing for


10. Causes crams, stress,
procrastination, and

11. Affects mental health

12. Made learning easier

13. Enhanced learning

skills like self-study,
allows students to
learn at their own

14. Have more study

time that can lead to
better understanding
and performance.

15. Acquire a lot of

knowledge however
it takes a lot of time
to study

16. There isn’t any

pressure on time
management so time
can be maximized or
used effectively.

17. Less stress and

enhances our instinct
to prioritize and
proper time

18. This way of learning

made me feel the
struggle to learn, but
it really helps me
understand lessons on
my own.

19. Digitized modular

learning allowed
students to have a
more convenient
form of learning
during the pandemic.

20. Helped students

understand various
concept more clearly
than any other

21. Learned enhanced

new skills such as
coding, analytical
and editing skills

Table 2: Effects of digitized modular learning to the academic performance of

Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What are the effects of The effects of digitized 1. It’s too draining.
digitized modular learning modular learning to the
on your academic academic performance of 2. Significantly
contributed to the
performance? Grade 12 students at Ilocos gradual decrease of
Norte National High learning capacity.

3. Difficult to absorb
the essential topics

with very minimum
guidance from

4. Diminished grades
and performance

5. The information in
the module is lacking
which is quite

6. Made students lazy

and unmotivated.

7. Causes students to
work harder when it
comes to academic
works as they are
required to finish
tons of modules in
only a given amount
of time.

8. Increase workload,
hinder performance
but there is no
differences in

9. Average

10. Completely changed

studying habits.

11. That it slowed me

down a little because
I was new to this
method of learning

12. Had a lot to learn a

lot of technical things
in order to keep up
with classes.

13. Just answered the

modules with the
help of google and
chased deadlines, and
luckily resulted to
high marks in the
first semester.

14. It made it easier to

attain a better
however, lessened
the lessons learnt

15. Effects to academic

performance aren't
bad at all and made
marks become
moderately higher.

16. Created better study

habits but due to a lot
of workloads given, it
has made them cram

17. Learned a lot from

digitized modular
learning and is much
more effective as any

other modalities.

18. Not sure if it has

increased their
performance but
students do know that
they learned a lot
from the pdf modules

19. Gives sufficient

knowledge enough
for their learning

20. Still had good grades

even though they had
a hard time learning
on their own.

21. Access mobility

22. Improves
technological skills

Table 3: The perception of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School
on digitized modular learning compared to classroom learning.
Domain Core Idea Categories

What is your perception of The perception of Grade 3. Classroom learning is
more effective than
digitized modular learning 12 Students at Ilocos Norte
digitized modular
compared to classroom National High School on learning
d) Students learn
learning? digitized modular learning
compared to classroom e) Students have
better focus
f) The flow of study
is continuous and
there is progress

4. Digitized modular
learning is more
effective than
classroom learning

d) It is quite easier

e) Less chaotic

f) Learning in
modules and
sources are
convenient to use

Table 4: The possibility of Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School
to learn as just effectively in digitized modular learning as in face-to-face classes
Domain Core Idea Categories

Is it possible for you to The possibility of Grade 1. Possible

learn as just effectively in 12 students at Ilocos Norte 2. No
digitized modular learning National High School to 3. Yes
as in face-to-face classes? learn as just effectively in
digitized modular learning
as in face-to-face classes.

Table 5: Digitized modular learning in widening the understanding of Grade 12
students at Ilocos Norte National High School in their given tasks.
Domain Core Idea Categories

How does digitized Ways on how digitized 1. By using google,

which is an open
modular learning help modular learning help in
source to find other
widen your widening the information.
understanding of your understanding of Grade 2. Having an easier
given tasks? 12 students at Ilocos access on the internet.
Norte National High 3. Reading the
School in their given complicated task on
their own.
4. Opening their mind to
possibilities and
opportunities that can
help them become a
better student despite
the pandemic.

5. Enabling to research
more on the internet
due to the insufficient
information on the

6. Read and forget

7. The pdf files gives

them an idea and it's
up to them if you
didn't understand the
concept, they could
use their time to
google it up or watch
youtube about it. It
enhances their brain to
critically think how to
suffice your
knowledge and
understand the tasks.

Table 6: Challenges Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School
encountered with digitized modular learning, its effects to their learning progress,
and its possibility to help them progress in their learning ability.
Domain Core Idea Categories

6.1 What are the Challenges Grade 12 12. Unstable internet

challenges you have students at Ilocos Norte
misinterpretation, and
encountered with digitized National High School have misunderstandings.
modular learning? encountered with digitized 13. Lack of feedbacks
modular learning received from
teachers after
submitting the
required tasks.

14. Lack of motivation

15. Sleeping late at night

which unable
students to attend
sync classes on time.

16. Very slow internet

connection and lack
of assisstance for
hard lessons

17. Slow internet

disruption of
electricity, household
chores and stress

18. Physical, mental, and

emotional health

19. The lack of

informations and
limited examples of
some lessons.

20. Loss of interest,

battling with

21. Not being able to
understand the
lessons well because
of the lack of
explanation in the
modules. Also,
spending too much
time on those gave
me a lot of stress,
insufficient sleep,
headache etc.

22. Less guidance. I can't

keep in touch with
my classmates
because i wasn't able
to join the zoom
meetings. I am
behind but the good
thing is that i had
more time
understanding the
roots of various

6.2 What were the effects Effects of the challenges 10. The learning progress
became slower.
of these challenges on to the learning progress of
your learning progress? the Grade 12 Students at 11. Affects the learning
progress negatively
Ilocos Norte National in a way that more
High School piled up requirements
and not satisfied with
works and essay

12. Bad learning habits

and bad performance

13. Not learning things

as much as before

14. Losing interest in

joining classes

15. Tend to lose focus
and get depressed
when I do not
understand the

16. Stress, exhaustion

and gives mental

17. Cramming, unhealthy

lifestyle, mental
health problems and

18. Can give both

positive and negative
effects as they can be
stressful but at the
same time can give a
reason to motivate
and build self

6.3 Will these challenges The possibility of these 4. Yes because it can be
a motivation to strive
help the students' progress challenges to help Grade
harder and serves as a
in their learning ability? 12 Students at Ilocos Norte lesson from the
challenges that have
National High School
been encountered and
progress in their learning for future purposes.
ability. 5. No because they are
external problems
that need practical
solutions which are
currently unavailable.

6. Probably/maybe. It
may open more
options and
experience in the

Table 7: Overcoming the challenges of digitized modular learning encountered by
Grade 12 students at Ilocos Norte National High School with the help of family,
teachers, and peers or friends.
Domain Core Idea Categories

7.1 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 7. Motivation and

diverting tiredness
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
with them that will
challenges of digitized National High School turn into
modular learning with overcome the challenges
the help of your family? of digitized modular 8. Spend time together
during free together
learning with the help of and help distress.
their family.
9. Guidance from family
by giving advices and
reminding them to take
a rest.

10. Providing the things

they need to study

11. Showing how much

they care for and make
them feel they're
always there for them.

12. Forcing them to do

schoolwork via
confiscating any
possible cause of
distractions; phone

7.2 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 6. They provided

information when at
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
times students could
challenges of digitized National High School not understand
instructions or lessons.
modular learning with overcome the challenges
the help of your of digitized modular 7. Checking or reading
their works, and

teachers? learning with the help of adding comments and
motivations about their
their teachers.

8. Constantly setting
reminders for lacking.

9. Answering inquiries
regarding their
subjects and they were
more than willing to
help me in the best
way they

10. Lessening the

activities to answer.

7.3 How did you Ways on how Grade 12 9. Studying together

through different social
overcome the students at Ilocos Norte
networking sites
challenges of digitized National High School
10. Being there for each
modular learning with overcome the challenges other
the help of your peers of digitized modular
11. Answering their
or friends? learning with the help of questions about certain
their peers or friends. topics

12. Sharing what they have

learned and details
about the lessons

13. Encouraging and

motivating each other

14. Spending time together

to destress

15. Giving them reminders

and making sure
they’re not burned out

16. Made them do more



Personal Data

Name : Kyla Chyna A. Domingo

Sex : Female

Address : Brgy. 32- B Lapaz, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

Birthplace : St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Pentecost

Father’s Name : PLT. Nilo P. Domingo

Occupation : Police Officer

Mother’s Name : Prima A. Domingo

Occupation : Housewife

Email Address :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and

Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag


2019 - 2021

Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Special Science Class

With Honors

Brgy. 3 Hernando Street 2900 Laoag City,


SY. 2018-2019

Elementary School : Eulalio F. Siazon Memorial Elementary School


Brgy. 33-B Lapaz, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

SY. 2014-2015

Awards and Recognitions Received

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

With High Honors

Champion place, Gymnastics

2nd place, Sabayang Pagbigkas

S. Y. 2018- 2019

With Honors

Participant, El Filibusterismo Musical Play

2nd Place, Federigo’s Falcon Musical Play

3rd Place, Hip-Hop Competition

Participant, Ang Kuwintas Musical Play

Participant, El Filibusterismo Musical Play

S.Y. 2017 – 2018

With Honors

Champion, Noli Me Tangere

Champion, Sabayang Pagbigkas

S.Y. 2016 – 2017

With Honors

3rd Place, Florante at Laura Sabayang Pagbigkas

S.Y. 2015 – 2016

3rd Place, Ibong Adarna


Personal Data

Name : Andrey Neil M. Camacho

Gender : Male

Age : 18

Address : Barangay 15, Bacarra Ilocos Norte

Date of Birth : January 29, 2003

Place of Birth : Batac City, Ilocos Norte

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s name : Tyrone Amiel C. Camacho

Occupation : Self-Employed

Mother’s name : Neslyn H. Macalipis-Camacho

Occupation : Self-Employed

E-mail :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School


Bgy 3 Ablan Ave, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering (STE)

Special Science Class (SSC)

Bgy 3 Ablan Ave, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


With High Honors

Elementary : The Riverdeep Academy

Barangay 28, National Highway, Cabusligan, Bacarra

2008- 2015

Third-Honorable Mention


Personal Data

Name : Caleen Ramos Castillo

Sex : Female

Address : Brgy. Medina, Dingras, Ilocos Norte

Birthplace : Batac City

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Father’s Name : Excelsior Chan Castillo

Occupation : Self-Employed

Mother’s Name : Anneline Ramos Castillo

Occupation : Self-Employed

Email Address :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and

Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag


2019 - 2021

Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Special Science Class

With High Honors

Brgy. 4, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag



Elementary School : Dingras West Central Elementary School


Brgy. Madamba, Dingras, Ilocos Norte


Officer ship and Membership

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Homeroom Officer - Treasurer

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Homeroom Officer - Treasurer

S.Y. 2018-2019

Homeroom Officer – Sub. Secretary

Awards and Recognitions Received

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Champion, UP Namnama Sabayang Pagbigkas Regional Level

Champion, Buwan ng Wika Sabayang Pagbigkas Division Level

Champion, Gymnastics

2nd Place, Sabayang Pagbigkas

S.Y. 2018-2019

Champion, HipHop Dance Competition

Champion, English Musical Play

2nd Placer, El Filibusterismo Musical Play

2nd Placer, Filipino Musical Play

Best in Music

Best Actress in English Musical Play


Personal Data

Name : Kiarrha Carmella

Gender : Female

Age : 18

Address : Barangay 3 Loing, Piddig Ilcoos Norte

Date of Birth : August 26, 2002

Place of Birth : Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

Nationality : Filipino

Father’s name : N/A

Occupation : N/A

Mother’s name : Arianne Dulce Cariño

Occupation : Physical Therapist

E-mail :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School


Bgy 3 Ablan Ave, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering (STE)

Special Science Class (SSC)

Bgy 3 Ablan Ave, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


With High Honors

Elementary : Boyboy Elementary School

Barangay 22 Boyboy, Piddig Ilocos Norte




Personal Data

Name : Vhanity Joi B. Cimatu

Sex : Female

Address : Barangay Dampig, Pagudpud ,Ilocos Norte

Birthplace : Casilagan, Mangatarem, Pangasinan

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Father’s Name : Richard G. Cimatu

Occupation : Carpenter

Mother’s Name : Goria B. Cimatu

Occupation : OFW

Email Address :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and


Brgy. 3, Gov. Roque B. Ablan Avenue, Laoag


2019 - 2021

Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Special Science Class

With Honors

Brgy. 4 Ablan Ave., Laoag City


Bangui National High School

Special Science Curriulum

Bangui, Ilocos Norte


Elementary : Dampig Elementary School

Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

Second Honorable Mention

SY 2009-2015

Awards and Recognitions Received

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

With Honors, Grade 11 Recognition

1st Place, Gymnastics

2nd Place, Wikang Katutubo: Tungo sa Isang Bansang Pilipino Sabayang


S.Y. 2018 – 2019

With Honors, Grade 10 Recognition

Participant, El Filibusterismo Musical Play

3rd Place, Hip-Hop Competition

2nd Place, Federigo’s Falcon Musical Play

S.Y. 2017 – 2018

With Honors, Grade 9 Recognition

S.Y. 2016 – 2017

With Honors, Grade 8 Recognition


Personal Data

Name : Kiean Zanrei P.


Sex : Male

Address : Brgy. 9 Bayog,Burgos

Birth Date : August 27, 2003

Birth Place : Burgos

Citizenship : Filipino

Religious Affiliation : Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI)

Father’s Name : Nassel L. Cabanera

Occupation : Engineer

Mother’s Name : Catherine Leizel P. Cabanera

Occupation : Housewife

Email Address :

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and


Brgy. 4 Ablan Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


Junior High School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Basic Education Curriculum

Program- Regular

With Honors

Brgy. 4 Ablan Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

S.Y. 2015-2019

Elementary : Bayog Elementary School


Bayog, Burgos, Ilocos Norte

S.Y. 2009-2015

Officership & Membership in Association/Organization

S. Y. 2018 - 2021

Class Organization Athletic Manager

Peer Facilitators Club - Member

S. Y. 2019- 2020

Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) - Member

Technical Livelihood Education - Vice President

Awards and Recognition Received

S. Y. 2018-2019

With Honors

Rambak 1st Runner Up

Avant Garde Winner

Hiphop Champion

Leadership Award

S. Y. 2016-2017

With Honors

Sci-Damath Winner

S. Y. 2015-2016

With Honors


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