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Ignacio, Marc Jericho M.

BT 202 Purposive Communication 2

1. Define communication.

- The act of transferring information from one place, person, or group to

another is known as communication. A sender, a message, and a receiver
are all involved in every communication. These factors include our
emotions, cultural context, communication medium, and even geographic

2. Is it possible to exist without communicating with others, based on the

definition that you gave?

- No, living without communication is impossible. Communication is what

binds and connects us as social beings, forming families, communities, and
civilizations. It is the means by which we can comprehend ourselves and
the world around us.

3. Think of a concrete/tangible representation of “communication.” Why did

you choose it?
- The tangible thing that I choose to represent the communication is our
window. I chose it because I always beside in our window since our sofa is
there, and I look out in the window mostly and most of the time there is
always passerby that will look in our window. I always have a communication
with them by a short wave of the hand or a peace sign. Good communication
skills are beneficial in all aspects of life, from work to personal life and
everything in between. To allow others and yourself to understand
information more accurately and quickly, good communication skills are

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