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Jan / May / Sept 202__ September 2022
Student’s Name LIM SHU YI
Student’s ID No: 041220433
Course Code MPU3412/02
Class Code 4CCU4
Assignment No: 2
No. of pages of this 5
Assignment (including this
Tutor’s Name MR. ONG LOCK TONG
Course Lead’s Name MS. CH’NG PING PING
T-DF Assignment Declaration Form (7/2022 / version #005)


Reflecting on past experiences is an important ability for all professionals to recognize our

strengths and weaknesses, which can lead to better communication skills, conflict resolution

and improved performance in the future. The most useful reflections are thoughtful and

analytical of past thoughts and actions. Reflection gives our brains a chance to pause in the

chaos, to really sort through and think about our observations and experiences, and to explain

our past and give new meaning to the future. I will share the how the beach cleaning affected

my personal life and challenge and reflective it in this assignment.

Throughout this project, we have decided to visit the pantai bayan mutiara for beach

cleaning project. However, I work up with another 9 members, we name the project as Beach

Cleaning. Actually, I’m the late registration student in this semester. During second meeting

through Microsoft Team, I been chosen as presenter for the tutorial 3. In the meeting we also

decided to conduct a beach cleaning activity. The objective of this activities is to raise

awareness of organizing a beach clean-up is that it brings people face-to-face with the reality

of plastics pollution.

Learning experience

Throughout this project, I have realized that everyone has the responsibility to take care

of the environment and learn how to save the earth. Even though, we cannot do hundred

percent that to save the world, but we can try our best that do what we can do for the earth. I

have experienced that past few weeks ago have a Nine Emperor Gods Festival when the

prayer began the believer will stay at the beach for the prayer. The believer will buy their
own prayer stuff for praying and they did not realize that stuff will cause became trash and

dirt for the ocean. This is not the main issue to create trash and dirt for the ocean, the main

issue is the society are not alert that this will destroy our earth. That’s why we have 3R to let

us practice to love and save the earth. 3R Initiative aims to promote the "3Rs" (reduce, reuse

and recycle) globally so as to build a sound-material-cycle society through the effective use

of resources and materials.


This is the first time that work with my team member throughout this beach cleaning

project. First of all, the most important thing is I am here to support and responsibility to help

through for this project. I am approaching to my team member and ask them what is the task

for me about the project, although I am not good at communicating, but I will step out my

first step to communicate with my team member to let our project can move smoothly.

However, we did have a small briefing regarding our project that how we going to start.

Describe the initial position or starting point

During the day of activity, there has some member that could not attend the activity

due to working issue, the time issue and others. So, we decided to clean up the beach and go

ahead with the limited members to work with it. After the short briefing, we put on our

gloves and bring along the garbage bag to more convenient to collect the trash in the ocean.

Regarding the weather influences, we decided to shorten our time and finished it early. After

finishing cleaning, we have sorted out the item that can be recycled and cannot be recycled.

We will pass it to one of our team members for the item cause her family is doing a recycle

business and she can help us out for the recycle item.
Describe the experiences and the effect(s) on the initial position

Based on my experience on, the initial position is followed to the flow. In the project,

we cannot guarantee that is 100% follow accordingly to the plan due to we have been facing

the various difficulties. However, when other team member unable to attend due to the

difficulties reason is sound sad but our team leader will cheer us up and rearrange our task for

the activities. In the fact, our team member is quite cooperating and try to manage finish our

activity no matter we are lack of manpower, we are trying our best to hit our expectation

result. In addition, we have collected 3 big black bags of rubbish from the ocean and almost

of all it is plastic bag and plastic bottle and cigarette but. Imagine the sea animal stuck with

the plastic bag or ate plastic bag, how they can survive in the ocean in this such environment.

Lastly, if we are unable to protect the environment, who going to protect with it.

Summarize the present position

Regarding the present position that I be, I am one of the members for the project

activities. However, I am only a one of the team members, after the short briefing, I collect

with our team leader for the garbage bag and glove for starting my day to clean up the

beaches. In addition, our team leader distributes us to 2 people in a group for collecting the

garbage. I and mahfauzah when to another side of beach for collecting, I am not good to

communicate, and I still need to step out from my comfort zone to communicate with my

team member. Besides that, this is also a good way that I can know more friend. When I am

collecting the garbage, I feel that the people did not have the concept that the garbage cannot

throw everywhere because I still saw people that just simply throw the rubbish in the beach

during, we are collecting the garbage. To prevent the issue causes, we still inform to the

people to throw the rubbish to the bin instead of easy their self to anywhere. It is everyone's
responsibility to protect the environment. We should not destroy our beautiful and clean

world for temporary convenience.

Outline how the experiences have influenced your outlook for the future

Experiences that I pacificating in this project, I am enjoy with it and I make some new

friends. Besides that, some group member still wanted to continue the beach cleaning one in a

while and I am not sure that we can still will together to do such meaningful activity. In

addition, protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. We should not destroy our

beautiful and clean world for temporary convenience. I plan to take my colleagues, friends

and family to the seaside for a beach cleaning activity, and teach my nieces that

environmental protection must start from small things, even a careless action may lead to the

loss of some lives.


The beach cleaning project does train my communication skill and my team work. Thus, I

hope that this activity can stir awareness and educate the local community to maintain and

sustain a clean and healthy environment by avoid littering the beach side. In addition, I have

also learned that everyone has the responsibility to keep the environment and beach side

clean from any pollution and maintain a good environment. Cleanliness gives a fresh and

good look to our surroundings and gives rise to a good character by keeping body, mind, and

soul clean and peaceful. Good teamwork is the most important factor to make the thing goes

smoothly. Lastly. I felt that it is really a meaningful experience not because it was required

and part of MPU3412: Co-curriculum paper but it warms my heart from doing community


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