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Eating and Feeding Disorders in Early Childhood

Miri Keren

E ating and sleep problems are among the most

common for referral of infants and toddlers to
Brief Historical Considerations

pediatricians and to infant mental health units, Spitz, as early as 1946, observed a link between
including our own (Keren, Feldman, & Tyano, severe food refusal and “anaclitic depression.”
2001). This is not surprising, as eating and Kreisler (1981) introduced the concept of devi-
sleeping are the main daily activities during ant eating behaviors in the first year of life as
the first year of life, and both are dependent on a psychosomatic disorder, like sleep problems,
the interplay between an infant’s characteristics breath-holding spells, and infant colic, thus em-
and a caregiver’s behaviors. phasizing the now well-accepted mind–body
In this chapter, after reviewing some histori- interplay. Later, describing “psychogenic fatal
cal considerations about the concept of eating vomiting,” Kreisler (1999) reminded us of how
and feeding problems in infancy, I emphasize severe an eating disorder in the first year of life
the distinction between eating and feeding pro- can be. Green (1985), drawing on the work of
cesses and problems, then follow with a review Powell, Brasel, and Blizzard (1967), noted a
of the parental risk factors and the role of the special category of reactive attachment disorder
quality of the parent–infant relationship in the of infancy, “psychosocial dwarfism,” character-
development of eating disorders. Regarding ized by growth retardation and mood distur-
the classification of eating disorders in infan- bance associated with a reversible hypopituita-
cy, I describe the similarities and differences, rism and low growth hormone levels. Through
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

as well as the contributions and shortcomings, the 1980s, feeding disturbances were often
of DC:0–3R (Zero to Three, 2005), DC:0–5 conflated with reactive attachment disorder, in-
(Zero to Three, 2016), and DSM-5 (American cluding in DSM-III (American Psychiatric As-
Psychiatric Association, 2013). I then provide sociation, 1980), but it is now clear that although
a clinical description and treatment of each of eating disorders and attachment disorders may
the three main categories—overeating disorder, co-occur, they are distinct disorders.
undereating disorder, and atypical eating dis- Chatoor and Egan (1983), for example, re-
order—with short, illustrative case vignettes. I ported their own observation that a disturbed
end with a section on the different aspects of parent–infant primary caregiving relationship
the evaluation of infants referred for an eating may be the underlying cause of a significant
behavior problem. eating disorder, even in the absence of the ex-

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 393

treme condition of reactive attachment disorder. procedures or conditions. On the other hand,
Both Chatoor, Hirsch, Ganiban, Persinger, and disturbed eating may be observed only in the
Hamburger (1998) in the United States and Kre- context of a specific feeding relationship, as it
isler (1999) in France defined infantile anorex- reflects the disturbed dyadic or family relation-
ia nervosa as clinical feeding disturbances in ship of which the eating problem is only one of
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which a very serious battle around control and its manifestations.

separation–individuation takes place between
an infant and mother, and often leads to forced
feeding. In pediatric textbooks, the traditional Parental Risk Factors
distinction between “organic failure to thrive”
and “nonorganic failure to thrive” led to a di- Maternal eating disturbances, including buli-
chotomous approach that did not fit the clinical mia and anorexia nervosa, are risk factors for
reality. Currently, the most accepted approach all types of eating disorders in infancy. In the
is the multifactorial one that integrates the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Chil-
physical and psychological aspects of normal dren (ALSPAC), women with lifetime eating
and abnormal eating behaviors (Benoit, 2009; disorders have been compared with women
Bryant-Waugh, Markaham, Kreipe, & Walsh, without any lifetime psychiatric disorder (Mi-
2010). cali, Simonoff, Stahl, & Treasure, 2009, 2011).
The authors’ main finding was that lifetime eat-
ing disorder and active eating disorder during
Eating and Feeding Disorders pregnancy increased the risk for infant feeding
difficulties, while maternal distress (depression
Beyond their nutritional aspect, meals are so and/or anxiety) was the main mediating factor.
central in the very young child’s daily life that A controlling parenting style during mealtimes
the quality of the feeding and eating experience and play was observed among mothers with
affects the child’s sense of security and basic eating disorders of all kinds, while their infants
trust, inner sense of self, mastery, autonomy, suffered from eating problems (Cooper, Whel-
and initiative. Metaphorically, we may define an, Woolgar, Morrell, & Murray, 2004; Micali
the optimal value of a meal as the sum of its et al., 2009, 2011; Stein et al., 2001).
calories and its related emotional experience. A longitudinal study of mothers and fathers
The term “feeding” reflects the interaction with binge-eating disorder and their children at
that takes place between the caregiver and the 18 and 36 months of age (Cimino et al., 2016)
infant, whereas “eating” reflects the infant’s showed that the presence of this diagnosis in
autonomous handling of food (e.g., reaching for one or both parents influences the severity of
food, opening the mouth, swallowing). Obvi- maladaptive parent–infant feeding interactions
ously, the younger the child, the more depen- and the children’s emotional–behavioral prob-
dent he or she is on the caregiver’s attitudes lems over time. Sherkow, Kamens, Megyes,
and on the quality of their relationship in the and Loewenthal (2009) observed mother–infant
development of his or her eating patterns. Birch dyads at a therapeutic play nursery for mothers
and Doub (2014) have described the process of with eating disorders and their children, and
infants learning to eat in the first 2 years of life, suggested a developmental pathway, as well as
and have shown how parenting and feeding ap- several mechanisms that help in understanding
proaches may facilitate or impede the child’s the pathogenesis of the intergenerational trans-
development of self-regulation of hunger and mission of eating disorders from mothers to
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

food preferences. For instance, feeding prac- daughters.

tices that encourage eating for soothing may Maternal depression and anxiety have been
promote a dysfunctional habit of eating in the consistently associated with feeding difficul-
absence of hunger. ties in young children (Benoit, 2009; Blissett,
Not all eating problems are relational. In- Meyer, & Haycraft, 2007; Chatoor, Hirsch, et
deed, on the one hand, the very young child’s al., 1998; Coulthard, Blissett, & Harris, 2004).
eating disturbance may be a reflection of his Stein and colleagues (2001) have further char-
or her own characteristics, such as constitu- acterized the feeding styles of these mothers as
tional difficulties of state regulation, difficul- nonresponsive (i.e., too controlling, too indul-
ties in making changes and transitions, sensory gent or underinvolved). Noncontingent feeding,
aversions, and reactions to traumatic medical in turn, has been related to under- or overweight

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AN: 1843598 ; Zeanah, Charles H..; Handbook of Infant Mental Health, Fourth Edition
Account: s3579704.main.ehost
394 I V .   P sychopathology

conditions among young children (Micali et al., toms on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
2009). A relatively recent study (Braden et al., Scale. In another study of 219 fathers of infants
2014) has shown that mothers with binge eating ages 1–24 weeks, Cockshaw, Muscat, Obst, and
and depression tend to offer food to soothe their Thorpe (2014) found a link between paternal
child’s negative emotions, which leads the child depressive symptoms and infant feeding dif-
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to develop “emotional eating.” ficulties. Similar findings about the impact of

Parents who have conflicts about control of parent depression and parenting stress on the
their own food intake often adopt controlling young child’s eating behavior (both undereating
child-feeding practices in an attempt to prevent and overeating) have been reported (Hughes,
the child from becoming overweight (Birch Power, Liu, Sharp, & Niklas, 2015). General
& Davison, 2001), instead of promoting their risk factors, such as low parental education,
child’s ability to self-regulate intake. Sonnev- low income, and young maternal age, have been
ille and colleagues (2013) have found a strong found to be relevant both for undereating and
link between parental control and overeating, overeating (Dubois, Farber, Girard, Peterson, &
and food sneaking, hiding, and hoarding. Paren- Tatone-Tokuda, 2007).
tal pressure, control, and restriction over what
how much the child eats increases risk for child
overeating, as well as undereating (Scaglioni, Parent–Infant Relationship Disturbances
Salvioni, & Galimberti, 2008). Maternal sense
of competence has been found to negatively In 1998, Chatoor and colleagues demonstrated
correlate with mother–child conflict and con- an association between feeding disorders and
trol around mealtimes (Aviram, Atzaba-Poria, mother–infant disturbed relationships, with
Pike, Meiri, & Yerushalmi, 2015). control struggles predominant. Mothers of in-
The important role of the father in the young fants with feeding disorder have been shown to
child’s eating behavior has been shown in a rel- exhibit greater negative affect, intrusiveness,
atively recent study (Blissett et al., 2007). More and struggle for control, and they are less in-
recently, Thullen, Majee, and Davis (2016) have clined to physically touch their child than moth-
looked at the father’s involvement and the qual- ers whose infants do not exhibit feeding dif-
ity of coparenting (satisfaction with task distri- ficulties. Infants with feeding disorders have
bution, mutual support, cooperation, agreement been observed to be more withdrawn (Feldman,
on upbringing practices) as they relate to infant Keren, Rosval, & Tyano, 2004). Mothers of in-
eating behaviors. They showed how fathers’ fants with feeding difficulties did not facilitate
participation in feeding is different from that of their child’s attempt to eat autonomously and
mothers, with increased involvement in feeding to explore food, and were more intrusive and
over the first few years requiring an ongoing in a constant struggle for control. In turn, the
negotiation around coparenting related to feed- children had difficulty self-regulating during
ing. meals, and tended to be oppositional (Ammani-
Maternal postpartum depression is well ti, Ambruzzi, Lucarelli, Cimino, & D’Olimpio,
known to affect all domains of parenting nega- 2004). These studies do not make clear a di-
tively (see Murray, Halligan, & Cooper, Chap- rection of effects, that is, whether mothers are
ter 10, this volume). It is less known that a responding to aberrant infant cues or whether
significant percentage of fathers also develop their behaviors are contributing to infant feed-
postpartum depression. Paulson, Dauber, and ing difficulties (or both).
Leiferman (2006) studied more than 5,000 More recently, fathers have been included
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

American families and detected postpartum in studies about feeding disorders, and have
depression among 14% of mothers and 10% of been shown to be less sensitive and more in-
fathers. Mothers who were depressed were ap- trusive, and their children were less responsive
proximately 1.5 times more likely to engage in to them during play and feeding (Atzaba-Poria
less healthy feeding and sleep practices, and et al., 2010). Interestingly, child temperament
both mothers and fathers engaged less positive- was linked to father–child conflict and con-
ly with their child. Similarly, in a general popu- trol around mealtimes, but not to mother–child
lation screening study conducted in Finland conflictual feeding interaction (Aviram et al.,
(Luoma et al., 2013) among 194 families, 21% 2015). Family conflicts around food and control
of fathers and 24% of mothers scored above the are quite common; often one of the parents is
cutoff point for depressive and anxiety symp- him- or herself a picky eater, and the tense at-

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 395

mosphere impacts on the young child’s eating ing behaviors and social problems. There were
behavior (Davies et al., 2006). significant correlations between the children’s
eating problems and their emotional difficul-
ties, and their mothers’ increased emotional
Approaches to Classification in Early Childhood distress and disturbed eating attitudes. Very re-
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cently, this team (Lucarelli, Ammaniti, Porreca,

Recent attempts to classify feeding and eat- & Simonelli, 2017) also showed that families of
ing disorders in young children have varied infants with infantile anorexia have difficul-
widely, from those proposing many different ties in expressing and sharing pleasure, and in
types of disorders to those that lump disparate structuring a predictable and flexible context.
types together by emphasizing common fea- Their infants showed little autonomy and had
tures. Though other classifications have been difficulty in being actively engaged and tuned
proposed, I am limiting this brief discussion to with parents.
three that have been or potentially will be espe- The DC:0–3R (Zero to Three, 2005) classi-
cially important within infant mental health— fication has been criticized for several reasons.
DC:0–3R (Zero to Three, 2005), DSM-5 (APA, Davies and colleagues (2006) criticized the lim-
2013), and DC:0–5 (Zero to Three, 2016). I con- ited inclusion of infant–parent relational distur-
sider these different conceptualizations briefly, bances in the conceptualization. Bryant-Waugh
indicating their similarities, differences, contri- and colleagues (2010) noted limited research
butions, and shortcomings wherever possible. and validation of the specific disorders. A large-
scale survey (800+ respondents from five con-
tinents) conducted by Zero to Three and World
Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH)
This system, derived from a conceptualization in 2013 revealed that numerous clinicians were
developed by Chatoor (2002), is an etiology- concerned about the overlap of several catego-
based classification of six subtypes of eating ries in the conceptualization, a criticism also
disorders in the first 3 years of life, designated noted by Bryant-Waugh and colleagues. For ex-
“feeding behavior disorders”: (1) feeding disor- ample, they reported that posttraumatic feeding,
der of state regulation; (2) feeding disorder of feeding disorder associated with a medical ill-
caregiver–infant reciprocity; (3) infantile an- ness, and parent–child relationship disturbance
orexia; (4) sensory food aversion; (5) feeding often co-occur and may manifest as a general
disorder associated with concurrent medical refusal to eat and poor interest in food, as ob-
condition; and (6) posttraumatic feeding disor- served in the infantile anorexia study. Also, the
der. In all six subtypes, failure to gain appro- general term “feeding behavior disorders” may
priate weight is one of the required diagnostic imply that all the types of eating problems in
criteria. the first years of life are essentially relational,
This approach was adopted with modifica- which is obviously not true for all cases (e.g.,
tion in the Research Diagnostic Criteria—Pre- infants with sensory aversions or regulatory
school Age (American Academy of Child and difficulties).
Adolescent Psychiatry, 2002) and later adopted The use of the term “behavior” may rein-
with further modification in the Diagnostic force the dichotomous and outdated distinction
Classification of Mental Health and Develop- between organic and nonorganic eating disor-
mental Disorders of Infancy and Early Child- ders (Reilly, Skuse, Wolke, & Stevenson, 1999).
hood—Revised (DC:0–3R; Zero to Three, The obligatory criteria “failure to gain weight,”
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

2005). Nevertheless, since the introduction of “growth deficiency,” “nutritional deficiencies,”

the DC:0–3R classification in 2005, there have or “delay of oral development” did not include
been few validating investigations from other young children with problematic eating patterns
clinical groups or settings (see Bryant-Waugh who do not exhibit these specific features. For
et al., 2010). example, picky eaters who receive multivitamin
One exception is a longitudinal study by Am- supplements, 2-years-olds fed with several bot-
maniti and his colleagues (2012), who focused tles a day or even breast-fed, and young children
on infantile anorexia and showed that infants with parenteral feeding are exhibiting clinical
with this diagnosis in early childhood later de- significant eating problems (Bryant-Waugh et
veloped ongoing eating problems, anxiety/de- al., 2010; Steinberg, 2007). Hence, this criti-
pression and withdrawal, as well as rule-break- cism is that impairment criteria should not be

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396 I V .   P sychopathology

based on weight or nutritional deficiencies, but observable eating behaviors: overeating disor-
more on the impact of the eating problem on the der, undereating disorder, and atypical eating
child’s physical and social–emotional develop- disorders.
ment, and/or on the family overall functioning.
“Feeding disorder of caregiver–infant reci-
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procity” is confusing because, on the one hand, Overeating Disorder

it implies the presence of a parent–infant rela-
tionship disorder; on the other hand, if a rela- Parents’ awareness of the potentially pathologi-
tionship disorder is present, the disorder is ex- cal significance of overeating in infancy is less
cluded. Also, the term “infantile anorexia” is than that for undereating disorders, and most
misleading because it may imply that this is an eating-related referrals of infants to pediatri-
early form of the classic anorexia nervosa ob- cians are for undereating. In fact, there are few
served in adolescence, although no longitudinal data about overeating behaviors among infants
data support continuity between these two dis- and toddlers (despite rising concern about obe-
orders. The typical conflict over control and au- sity among school-age children). To date, the
tonomy seen in these cases labeled as “infantile prevalence of overeating in infants is unknown.
anorexia” seem to suggest symptoms of a par- Still, clinical observations suggest that some
ent–infant relationship disorder. toddlers express verbally a preoccupation with
food at the expense of other developmentally ap-
propriate activities. These toddlers may actively
search for food and become very distressed at
In part because of some of the critiques of efforts to redirect them. Hence, this is a clinical
DC:0–3R’s classification, DSM-5 authors de- condition that warrants diagnosis, treatment,
cided to “lump” disparate disorders together in and collection of data for better understanding.
a single avoidant/restrictive food intake disor- In clinical settings, overt preoccupation with
der (ARFID) that covers infants through adults. food and active searching for it is rarely seen
As such, it emphasizes commonalities across before age 2 years because autonomy, verbal
developmental periods, with core features of skills, and motor skills are required to search for
eating/feeding disturbance not accounted for the food. In contrast, overfeeding is quite com-
by food unavailability, cultural norms, or other mon under age 2 years, and especially during
eating disorders that involves weight loss, nutri- the first year of life, often as a result of the care-
tional deficiency, dependence on a feeding tube, giver’s use of food as soother and/or attribution
or dietary supplements (American Psychiatric of hunger in response to the infant’s crying. If
Association, 2013). overfeeding occurs only with one primary care-
Because it is a relatively new diagnostic en- giver, a diagnosis of relationship-specific disor-
tity, few studies are available that permit an as- der of early childhood, with manifestations of
sessment of the validity of the criteria of ARFID. overeating, is appropriate.
Nevertheless, the disorder has the advantage of
not requiring inferences about etiology, as the
Risk Factors
DC:0–3R does, and it focuses on behaviors that
are relatively easy to observe. Virtually all of There is evidence of a strong genetic compo-
the six disorders in DC:0–3R would be best cap- nent in the regulation of appetite and food
tured by ARFID in DSM-5. The obvious down- preferences (sweet and salty vs. bitter and sour
side to such an all-encompassing definition is tastes) during the early years (Scaglioni, Ar-
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

that variable phenotypes may exist within the rizza, Vecchi, & Tedeschi, 2011). Still, parents
broad criteria. and caregivers play a crucial role in modeling
children’s eating behaviors (Birch et al., 2001;
Birch & Doub, 2014). Chronic misreading of
infant feeding cues, such as feeding when the
The overarching changes that were made in infant is not hungry, has been shown to con-
DC:0–5 classification, as well as the specific tribute to the development of overweight by im-
changes in the category of eating disorders, pairing the infant’s response to internal states
have been described in detail elsewhere (see of hunger and satiation. Caregivers who exert
Keren, 2016). DC:0–5 defines three main cat- excessive control over what and how much
egories of eating disorders, based on the child’s children eat contribute to childhood excessive

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 397

weight gain and obesity. Control comes in three velopment in Quebec (Dubois et al., 2007) per-
forms: restriction of food to prevent overweight formed on 1,498 children revealed that overeat-
(especially common among parents who have ers at the age of 2.5 years were six times more
problems controlling their own food intake), likely to be overweight at 4.5 years. Hence, it is
pressure to eat more food, and pressure to eat important to diagnose and to treat the disorder
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“healthy food” (Scaglioni et al., 2011). as early as possible.

Caregiver instrumental feeding, restriction,
emotional feeding (i.e., using food to help the
child regulate emotions), encouraging the child Treatment
to eat and using food as a reward, weight-based To date, there are no specific guidelines for
restriction, and fat restriction have been asso- the treatment of overeating disorder in infancy
ciated prospectively with the development of and early childhood. However, treatment must
emotional eating, snacking behavior, and over- be based on the diagnosis and on the identified
eating (Rodgers et al., 2013). In an interesting contributing factors in either the infant, the par-
study, Bergmeier, Skouteris, Horwood, Hooley, ent, or their relationship. Providing psychoedu-
and Richardson (2014) looked at the contribu- cation to parents on the importance of setting
tion of the child’s characteristics, such as tem- limits with the child, having fixed meal sched-
perament, to maternal feeding practices and ules, modeling their own eating habits, and
found a significant correlation between difficult providing adequate playful activities between
temperament and maternal feeding practices. meals is always the first therapeutic step. In
cases in which the overeating is a manifestation
Diagnosis of a relationship-specific disorder, the main
focus of the treatment will be the relationship
The disorder is present when infants/young rather than the child’s overeating behavior (Es-
children exhibit a pattern of overeating or at- cobar et al., 2014). In complex cases with paren-
tempting to overeat. They seem preoccupied by tal psychopathology and problematic feeding
food and engage in food seeking or talk exces- styles, the treatment may be lengthy because of
sively about food even though there is no food the need to work through parental projections
scarcity. Finally, the food preoccupation is as- and negative attributions. In contrast, whenever
sociated with distress or impaired functioning. there is no specific risk factor, psychoeducation
and dietary guidance usually lead to improve-
Course and Prognosis ment. Helping parents find nonfood alternatives
to occupy their infants’/toddlers’ time and en-
No controlled longitudinal study of infants with ergy, such as toys, books, and music, has been
clinically significant overeating behaviors has found helpful (Kong et al., 2016). Universal pre-
yet been reported. Any link between overeat- ventive interventions at well-baby clinics may
ing in infancy and binge eating or bulimia ner- be beneficial, as has been shown by Paul and
vosa later has not been supported by research. A colleagues (2014).
very recent publication of a 30-year prospective
study (Nicolls, Statham, Costa, Micali, & Viner,
2016) reported lack of correlation between CLINICAL VIGNETTE
childhood eating behaviors and obesity with the A 2½-year-old boy persistently asked for food,
development of bulimia and compulsive eating at home and at kindergarten, and ate significant-
in adulthood. Furthermore, a prospective birth ly more than his peers. He was slightly over-
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

cohort study (Munkholm et al., 2016) has shown weight, with normal development; his affect
that overeating at ages 5–7 years was associated was sober, and he preferred staying close to his
with restrained eating in preadolescence. These father rather than playing during his assessment
findings do not support continuity of diagnosed in the clinic. He had been a fussy baby, and he
eating disorders in early childhood into adoles- was given the bottle as a soother. Daily separa-
cence/young adulthood. tions were hard on him, as was falling asleep at
Still, there are significant long-term conse- night. His mother typically put him to bed, and
quences of overeating in early childhood, in- he protested vigorously if she tried to leave his
cluding obesity, lack of participation in age-ap- side when he was awake. He was described as
propriate social activities, and ultimately, peer oppositional with his mother only. His mother
rejection. The Longitudinal Study of Child De- had a history of depression and anxiety that was

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Account: s3579704.main.ehost
398 I V .   P sychopathology

exacerbated after he was born. The level of par- failure to taste new textures, are common as-
enting distress for both parents was high. sociated features.
This child met criteria for several DC:0–5 Picky eating is often not associated with poor
disorders, including (1) overeating disorder weight gain, but tension and distress are very
(persistently asking for food, at home and at common among the parents of these children.
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kindergarten, and eating significantly more than Attempts at either praising or criticizing do
his peers), and (2) relationship-specific disorder not have any effect on the child. Some of these
of early childhood (mother) with oppositional children exhibit aversion to specific smells, tex-
and sleep symptoms. The recommended treat- tures, and tastes, and may seem to have some
ment for this child included triadic and dyadic kind of sensory aversion, combined with a be-
sessions, in addition to the mother’s referral for havioral component. Selective picky eating may
individual treatment. start in the second half of the first year. Some
infants start being selective at around age 9
months, at the transition to solids; others have a
Undereating Disorder history of refusal to wean from breast feeding.
However, selective eating may start at any age.
The common reasons for referral of infants If there is an accompanying physical illness, it
with undereating include delay or lack of eating is important to make sure that the undereating
skills; difficulty with fluids or with foodstuffs; pattern is not fully explained by it or by a medi-
reluctance or refusal to eat based on taste, tex- cation side effect.
ture, temperature, or any other sensory factors;
lack of interest in food/poor appetite; slow eat-
ing; and fear of shocking and selective eating Comorbid Diagnoses
(Bryant-Waugh et al., 2010). Estimates are that Comorbid medical diagnoses are often relevant
25% to 40% of infants and toddlers are referred in the most complex cases in which both physi-
by their caregivers because of feeding problems cal and emotional/behavioral factors interact.
(McDermott et al., 2008). Severe refusal to eat These should be recorded on Axis III of the
is diagnosed in 3–10% of children but only DC:0–5 classification. The most common medi-
1–2% of them have a severe, long-lasting eating cal diagnoses include milk allergy; esophagitis,
disorder (Manikam & Perman, 2000). Among due to structural abnormalities that affect the
subgroups of the general population, such as gastrointestinal system; neurodevelopmental
children with developmental disabilities, in- disabilities; oral hypersensitivity and oral–
cluding autism, these figures may be different; motor dysfunction; systemic chronic illnesses,
in our clinical experience, severe undereating such as cardiac, kidney diseases, cystic fibrosis;
problems are quite frequent and more complex, and chronic pain due to various conditions.
in that they involve a complex transactional Based on the general principles of the DC:
model with dysfunction in sensory, cognitive, 0–5, a diagnosis of relationship-specific disor-
and emotional responses (de Moor, Didden, & der with one caregiver may co-occur with the
Korzilius, 2007; Keen, 2008). diagnosis of undereating disorder, if the infant
exhibits symptomatic behaviors (other than ab-
Diagnosis normal eating) and the other symptoms are lim-
ited to one relational context.
A diagnosis of undereating disorder is made
when young children consistently eat less than
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

expected for their age and exhibit maladap- Differential Diagnosis

tive eating behaviors. Loss of weight or failure Undereating may be a symptom of adjustment
to gain weight is not a criterion because some reaction, depression, posttraumatic stress disor-
infants have pathological patterns of eating der, or reactive attachment disorder, rather than
but maintain their weight. For instance, infants a diagnosis in itself; therefore, these diagnoses
may refuse the transition to solids but drink must be ruled out, based on the child’s history
milk without weight loss. Prolonged mealtimes, and symptoms. A diagnosis of relationship-
stressful mealtimes, lack of appropriate autono- specific disorder of early childhood should be
mous feeding, nocturnal eating (after 1 year of made instead of undereating disorder whenever
age), prolonged breast or bottle feeding, and the eating problem is observed only in the con-

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 399

text of the relationship with one specific care- eating disorder (Chatoor, 2009; Kerzner et al.,
giver. 2015; Luiselli, 2000; Silverman, 2015). The
basic principle is to have the parents determine
Course and Prognosis “what, when, and where” the infant eats, and to
have the infant decide “how much” to eat. This
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Despite lack of continuity in categorical disor- seems straightforward, but it is often is difficult
ders, there is some degree of continuity between to implement. Challenges increase when par-
eating problems in infancy and in older ages. ents have their own issues about trust, autono-
McDermott and colleagues (2010) have found my, and control, or when infants do not provide
that around 40% of the irregular eaters at age clear cues about their needs. When undereating
5 years were still irregular eaters at 14 years. behavior reflects a significant relationship dis-
Independent contributions included the chil- order, the main focus of treatment needs to be
dren’s own capacity to regulate their sleep and the relationship and not necessarily the feeding.
mood, as well as maternal anxiety and negative Medications for undereating disorder in infancy
feelings toward the child during the early years. are very rarely administered, except in cases
Hemmi, Wolke, & Schneider (2011) showed of trauma to the oropharynx or esophagus, in
that infants with crying, sleeping, and/or feed- which the infant’s anticipatory anxiety before
ing problems have more behavioral problems as each meal leads to full food refusal and does
children than controls, especially in multiprob- not improve with desensitization techniques.
lem families. Administration of fluoxetine (0.3 mg/kg per
Picky eating often improves spontaneously day) to 2-year-old twins with food refusal that
over time, especially when parents stop react- had developed after several invasive gastroin-
ing to the child’s eating behavior, but some chil- testinal procedures was reported (Celik, Diler,
dren remain picky eaters into adulthood. Still, Tahiroglu, & Avci, 2007) as a successful inter-
in a recent longitudinal study of 1,327 children vention that led to significant decrease in the
from the Copenhagen Child Cohort 2000 (Mi- twins’ fear and anxiety, and improvement in
cali, Rask, Olsen, & Skovgaard, 2016), those their eating behavior.
children who were very picky or slow and poor The duration of these treatments is extremely
eaters in infancy, who came from non-Danish variable, depending especially on the parents’
parents, and whose mothers suffered from a capacity for self-reflection and change. Un-
psychiatric diagnosis, persisted in being picky
surprisingly, parental psychopathology makes
and poor eaters at 5–7 years of age.
these treatments much more complex and
The treatment plan should be based on the CLINICAL VIGNETTE
identified biological and/or psychological con-
A 3½-year-old girl was referred for evaluation
tributors in the infant, the parent, and/or the
of the timing of an eventual weaning of naso-
relationship. A multidisciplinary team can tai- gastric tube (NG) feeding; the tube had been in
lor psychoeducational, behavioral, and/or psy- place since she was 4 months old, following an
chotherapeutic interventions for the infant and unexplained lack of thriving. She was born pre-
family. maturely at 33 weeks’ gestation and had a very
Treatment outcome studies are sparse (Mc- significant developmental delay. Her mother
Grath Davis, Schurle Bruce, Mangiaracina, stayed at home for 2 years and gave up her own
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

Shulz, & Hyman, 2009), although a variety professional career to care for her daughter. The
of approaches have been reported. Behavioral child entered child care at age 2 years, and up to
management (e.g., regular mealtimes, no be- the referral time, she had exhibited strong sepa-
tween-meals snacks or drinks, no use of praise ration anxiety when away from her mother. A
nor criticism), parental psychoeducation about miniseparation between the girl and each of her
the infant’s needs for autonomy, control and parents revealed a resistant attachment behavior
mastery, and parent–infant interactive guid- with her mother but secure attachment. Accord-
ance aimed at improving the caregiver feeding ing to DC:0–5, the young child met criteria for
styles (e.g., controlling or indulgent) are the two comorbid disorders: undereating disorder
most commonly reviewed approach for under- (with chronic NG tube feeding) and relation-

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400 I V .   P sychopathology

ship-specific disorder of early childhood with nosed following intestinal obstruction and/or
separation anxiety symptoms with her mother. perforation, infections such as toxoplasmosis
On Axis III, the child’s failure to thrive and lan- and toxocariasis following ingestion of feces or
guage delay would be noted. dirt, and lead poisoning from ingestion of dirt
or wood chips with lead paint. Pica predisposes
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to iron deficient anemia, which in turn is asso-

Atypical Eating Disorders ciated with pica.
Treatment of pica depends on the specific
Studies of atypical eating behaviors in in- associated features that have been determined
fancy, such as pica, rumination, hoarding, and in the evaluation process of each case. Specific
pouching, are scarce, and additional research is treatments vary from strictly behavioral to rela-
needed. Their respective prevalence is unclear. tionship-focused approaches.
Bryant-Waugh and colleagues (2010) raised the
question of possible obsessive and compulsive
features of pica and rumination, and accord- Rumination
ingly, whether they should be classified as a Rumination is defined as the repeated regurgi-
form of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). tation of food following feeding or eating. The
Both pica and rumination disorder may occur in Rome III diagnostic criteria (Rasquin et al.,
association with mental retardation and autism 2006) differ from DSM-5 criteria, as the latter
spectrum disorder, and they are designated as requires a minimum duration of 3 months rather
independent diagnoses only if severe enough than 1 month, an onset of 3–8 months, a lack of
(Bryant-Waugh & Piepenstock, 2008; O’Brien, distress in the infant, together with poor inter-
Bruce, & Camilleri, 1995). action with others, and its absence during sleep.
It is a rare but serious condition, with a typi-
Pica cal presentation: The ruminating infant often
arches its back with its head held back, while
Pica is defined as persistent eating of nonfood making sucking movements with the tongue,
substances, such as earth, chalk, paper, soap, and seems to be engaged in a self-soothing or
cloth, string, wool, soil, paint, gum, hair, ice, self-stimulating activity. Between meals, the
clay, starch, metal or plastic objects, or feces. infant may be hungry and irritable. Weight loss
Pica usually does not involve general aversion and failure to gain weight are common, up to
to food; neither is it necessarily accompanied the point of malnutrition, especially when the
by failure to thrive. Iron and zinc deficiencies regurgitation follows every meal (O’Brien et
have been reported in some cases. Before the al., 1995). Rumination can be observed across
age of 2 years, mouthing of objects with occa- all the age range, from the first year of life to
sional ingestion is part of normal development; adulthood (Malcolm, Thumshirn, Camilleri, &
therefore, caution is warranted about making Williams, 1997).
a diagnosis of pica in children less than 24 Identified contributing factors to the appear-
months of age (indeed, ICD-10 diagnostic crite- ance of rumination in infancy include neglect,
ria for pica specify a minimum age of 2 years). lack of stimulation, and severely disordered
Pica can occur in otherwise normally devel- parent–infant relationship, though in some
oped young children, although the phenomenon cases the etiology cannot be determined.
is more common in children with diagnoses of Differential diagnosis includes gastroesoph-
intellectual disability, autism, childhood-onset ageal reflux, vomiting, pyloric stenosis, hiatal
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

schizophrenia, and Kleine–Levin syndrome. hernia, and Sandifer syndrome. These need to
Some cases of pica are linked with neglect or be ruled out before the diagnosis of rumination
lack of parental supervision. In these cases, pica is made.
may be considered as a symptom of a parent– The course of rumination disorder varies
infant relationship disorder. Pica may be asso- from being self-limited to becoming protracted
ciated with trichotillomania (hair pulling and and potentially fatal (due to malnutrition). As
swallowing) and skin-picking disorder (Bryant- for pica, if rumination is one of the symptoms
Waugh & Piepenstock, 2008). of parent–infant relationship disorder, diagno-
The course of pica is variable. It may be self- sis of rumination on Axis I in DC:0–5 is noted
limited or become protracted and lead to medi- only if severe and warrants a special nutritive
cal emergencies. Some cases of pica are diag- treatment.

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 401

Hoarding feeding, pain management, oral–motor difficul-

ties, and behavioral patterns of both child and
Hoarding is described as storing food in un-
parent (Edwards et al., 2016). Clinical, multi-
usual places (e.g., under a pillow, in a closet, in
disciplinary monitoring of hunger provocation
a desk). Finding food in unusual places is in-
by decreasing the amount of the tube feeds has
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dicative of the diagnosis. The disorder has not been shown to be an effective approach (Benoit,
been described in children less than 2 years old. Wang, & Zlotkin, 2000); Hartdorff et al., 2015).
The child may be overweight or underweight, Though weaning treatment can be done in an
depending on what he or she does with the hid- outpatient setting, an inpatient setting may be
den food. Food hoarding requires ruling out recommended, as it enables a relatively short
hunger, neglect, and maltreatment (Sonneville (e.g., 3 weeks) intensive multidisciplinary inter-
et al., 2013). vention. Therapeutic gains of such a model have
been reported to persist 1 year postdischarge
Pouching (Brown et al., 2014).
Pouching relates to the child holding food in his
or her mouth for long periods of time without Clinical Assessment of Eating/Feeding Disorders
swallowing it. There are no published cases of in Young Children
pouching food in children less than 2 years old,
yet, occasionally I see this behavior in failure The goals of assessing young children with eat-
to thrive clinics, especially among infants who ing problems are to determine appropriate di-
have been tube fed and are being weaned, as agnoses and to identify the specific factors that
well as among toddlers who have experienced have led to the development of the disorder. This
forced feeding and/or traumatic medical proce- formulation aids in planning and implementing
dures. Dental caries are often an associated sign appropriate treatment.
in cases in which pouching happens on a daily Regardless of the types and causes of eating
basis and for several hours (Bhargav, Hedge, disorders, history taking must address several
Chandra, Gaviappa, & Shetty, 2014). There are key elements (Birch & Davison, 2001): How
no available data on risk and prognostic fea- does the problem manifest? Is the child suffer-
tures of pouching during infancy. Obviously, ing from any medical disease? Have the child’s
ruling out any medical condition that prevents weight, nutritional status, and development been
the child from swallowing is warranted before a affected? What is the atmosphere during meals?
diagnosis of pouching is made. Is the family under stress? Are daily routines
disrupted because of the struggles over eating?
Does the child have a concurrent sleep problem,
Tube-Fed Infants since sleep and eating problems often co-occur
and exacerbate one another? Answers to these
Tube feeding is commonly used in nutrition questions help the clinician assess the degree of
for infants while they are treated for systemic impairment in the child and/or the family.
disease, congenital malformations, or men- Self-report measures completed by parents
tal retardation (Hartdorff et al., 2015). Those are available to assess maternal feeding behav-
young children who have had prolonged peri- iors, including the Child Feeding Questionnaire
ods of tube feeds (NG tube feeding or percu- (Birch et al., 2001) for monitoring and restric-
taneous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG]), often tion of food intake and controlling behavior, the
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

develop refusal to try any oral feeding, even Preschooler Feeding Questionnaire (Baughcum
though they no longer require tube feeding. et al., 2001) for putting pressure or prompting
Contributing factors to this complication in- the child to eat, the Parent Feeding Style Ques-
clude age at which oral feeding starts, medical tionnaire (Wardle, Sanderson, Guthrie, Rapo-
complications, exposure to taste and textures port, & Plomin, 2002) for assessing instrumen-
during sensitive periods, aversive experiences, tal (i.e., using food for reward) and emotional
and ways of giving tube feeds (Mason, Harris, feeding (i.e., using food to regulate children’s
& Blissett, 2005). Weaning from the tube then negative emotions). The Control Over Eating
becomes a challenging task that requires a mul- Questionnaire (Ogden, Reynolds, & Smith,
tidisciplinary team to work through issues of 2006) examines covert and overt forms of pa-
feeding schedules, sensory implications of tube rental control, and the Comprehensive Feeding

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402 I V .   P sychopathology

Practices Questionnaire (Musher-Eizenman & is used to convey to the parents playfulness and
Holub, 2007) assesses parents’ restriction of enjoyment, in contrast with the threatening per-
high-sugar and high-fat foods, as well as the use ception of the hospital. Parents are instructed in
of food for reward. advance to bring their infant after an overnight
Because parent-report questionnaires are fast (in order to have the hunger drive activat-
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subject to bias, direct observation of both the ed).

child’s eating behavior and the parent–child One parent sits close to the infant at the pic-
interaction is necessary for the assessment of nic table, together with two other parent–infant
any type of eating/feeding problem (Bergmeier, dyads and the multidisciplinary team (occu-
Skouteris, & Hetherington, 2015). Contingen- pational therapist, dietitian, child psychologist
cy, reciprocity, mutual enjoyment, absence of and/or psychiatrist, nurse, pediatrician), and
control, struggle, and bargaining are the main the other parent sits in the rear (parents decide
manifestations of optimal feeding interac- which of them sits close to the child). The food
tions (Chatoor, Loeffler, McGee, & Menvielle, is placed at the middle of the table, within the
1998). A classification of feeding styles has infants’ reach but not on their plates. The parent
been proposed recently (Kerzner et al., 2015) is instructed to let the infant do whatever he or
and includes responsive (the parent divides re- she wishes, is given a plate of his or her own,
sponsibilities; the parent’s responsibilities are and is encouraged to eat, too. So does the team.
to determine what, when, where to eat, and This paradigm allows us to observe both
lets the child determine how much), control- eating and feeding interaction. We assess the
ling (the parent ignores the child’s hunger cues infant’s cognitive, emotional, and motor–oral
and may use inappropriate coercive and reward skills, the extent of his or her autonomous ex-
practices), indulgent (the parent feeds the child ploratory, imitation, and eating behavior, as
whenever and whatever the child asks for), or well as the parent’s perception of the infant’s
neglectful (the parent ignores the child’s physi- eating capacities and tolerance for letting the
cal and emotional needs). Kerzner and col- child lead. When the infant is only breast- or
leagues (2015) suggest that pediatricians can bottle-fed, the infant’s motor–oral skills and
readily differentiate feeding styles by asking self-regulation are observed during the feeding
three questions: How anxious are you about interaction, as well as the parent’s feeding be-
your child’s eating? How would you describe havior. In this setting, we often encounter par-
what happens during mealtime? What do you ents who want to feed their child according to
do when your child won’t eat? Responses from their own perceptions of what and how much
neglectful parents are vague; controlling par- their child should eat, though the infant wants
ents describe pressuring/forcing their child to to eat by him- or herself. This direct and mul-
eat; indulgent parents describe pleading, beg- tidisciplinary observation becomes the basis
ging, and preparing special foods. Responsive for planning the intervention; quite often, the
feeders follow the concept of a division of re- “picnic” is therapeutic in itself: the child, being
sponsibility: The parent determines where, hungry and not pressed by the parent to eat, eats
when, and what the child is fed; the child de- autonomously, to the parents’ great surprise.
termines how much to eat. Responsive feeders This context of direct observation is also useful
guide the child’s eating instead of controlling it. to elicit spontaneous parental statements/beliefs
They set limits, model appropriate eating, talk about feeding practices, and attributions to their
positively about food, and respond to the child’s child’s behaviors.
feeding signals. Identification of the child’s and parents’
Copyright @ 2019. The Guilford Press.

The young child’s eating behavior should be physical and emotional risk factors for the de-
assessed in terms of motor and developmental velopment of eating disorders is essential for
skills, as well as self-feeding skills and willing- treatment planning. More specifically, parental
ness to try a variety of foods. Hence, an inter- psychopathology and especially eating disor-
disciplinary team for both assessment and treat- ders must be assessed, as well as the child’s sen-
ment is recommended (Silverman, 2010). sory processing, oral–motor skills, and temper-
At the Schneider Hospital for Sick Children ament. Needless to say, a full medical workup
(Tel Aviv), we have developed a multidisci- needs to be done in every case, as psychological
plinary “breakfast picnic” assessment for chil- causes for eating disorder do not exclude physi-
dren ages 9 months–4 years. The term “picnic” cal causes, and vice versa.

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 23.  Eating and Feeding Disorders 403

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