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Learning a language is a conscious process, involving primarily the explicitly expressed use and

assimilation of rules, language elements. Therefore, the concept of “learning a language” is broader
than the concept of “mastering a language”. The process of mastering the language can be
considered as «unintentional”, not under the direct control. Of course, you can learn the native
language, which the child already speaks practically. Learning a language has the ultimate goal of
mastering the language, that is, the student must master the speech skills at a certain level,
arbitrarily high.

Methodology is a science that explores the goals, content, methods and means of teaching, as well
as ways of teaching and educating by means(s).
1. definition of the subject(s)
2. definition of the purpose and objectives of training
3. selection of training content
4. study of the teacher's activity
5. development of methods, techniques and forms of work, the use of various training tools
6. research of students' activities

Address student expectations
Make clear to your students your approach to language learning and provide a rationale. Students’
initial expectations for your course may be based on previous language learning experiences that
differ significantly from the one that you will provide.
Create a positive learning environment
Research suggests that a key factor in effective language teaching is the creation of a comfortable
classroom atmosphere. Some ways to do this include:
Assure students at the beginning of the course that it is normal to make errors and that they need
not be afraid to respond in class.
Provide plenty of positive feedback. Even when responses are incorrect, look for ways to
comment positively before correcting.
Correct selectively and carefully so as not to intimidate students.
Use pair work, group work and quick writing tasks to provide students with “thinking time”
before conducting large-group activities.
Arrange for students to meet with you during your office hours for short, individual conferences.
Some students find this one-to-one situation less stressful than speaking in front of a group. Such
meetings can also increase student-instructor rapport, which, in turn, may increase students’ comfort
with participating in class.
Encourage equal participation by all students, so more-advanced students don’t intimidate weaker
Find a balance among modeling, explaining and practice
Some modeling and grammar explanations are always necessary, but students will only master new
material through practicing it intensively. Maintaining an appropriate balance of modeling,
explanation and practice in your classes will contribute significantly to the effectiveness of your

The Direct Method

In this method, the teaching is done entirely in the language being learned. The learner is not
allowed to use his or her original language. Grammar rules are avoided and there is an emphasis
on good pronunciation.
In this method, learning is largely by translation to and from the target language. Grammar rules
are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary learned by heart. There is little or no emphasis
placed on developing oral ability. This method is most commonly used in secondary education.
The theory behind this method is that learning a language means acquiring habits. There is much
practice of dialogues in every situation. New language is first heard and extensively drilled
before being seen in its written form. 
The Structural Approach
This method sees language as a complex of grammatical rules which are to be learned one at a
time in a set order. So for example the verb “to be” is introduced and practiced before the present
continuous tense which uses “to be” as an auxiliary. This method of learning is common in
language learning apps.
Total Physical Response (TPR)
TPR works by having the learner respond to simple commands such as “Stand up”, “Close your
book”, “Go to the window and open it.” The method stresses the importance of aural
comprehension and the importance of kinesthetic learning. 
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
The focus of this method is to enable the learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in
the various situations she would be likely to find herself in. The content of CLT courses are
functions such as inviting, suggesting, complaining, or notions such as the expression of time,
quantity, location. Much like The Structural Approach, this method is commonly used in
language learning apps.
Task-based language learning
The focus of the teaching is on the completion of a task which in itself is interesting to the
learners. Learners use the language they already have to complete the task and there is little
correction of errors. The aim here is to highlight the importance of learning the language by
making it vital to task completion.
The Natural Approach
This approach, propounded by Professor S. Krashen, stresses the similarities between learning
the first and second languages. There is no correction of mistakes. Learning takes place by the
students being exposed to language that is comprehensible or made comprehensible to them.

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