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COMT Val158Met Polymorphism, Cardiometabolic Risk,

and Nadir CD4 Synergistically Increase Risk of
Neurocognitive Impairment in Men Living With HIV
Rowan Saloner, BS,a,b Maria J. Marquine, PhD,b Erin E. Sundermann, PhD,b Suzi Hong, PhD,b
John Allen McCutchan, MD,c Ronald J. Ellis, MD, PhD,d Robert K. Heaton, PhD,b Igor Grant, MD,b and
Mariana Cherner, PhDb

Received for publication February 1, 2019; accepted April 8, 2019. Objective: The Val allele of the Val158Met single-nucleotide
From the aSan Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, San polymorphism of the catechol-o-methyltransferase gene (COMT)
Diego State University/University of California, San Diego, CA; bDepart-
ment of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, CA; and results in faster metabolism and reduced bioavailability of
Departments of cMedicine; and dNeurosciences, University of California, dopamine (DA). Among persons living with HIV, Val carriers
San Diego, La Jolla, CA. display neurocognitive deficits relative to Met carriers, pre-
Supported by the NIDA-funded Translational Methamphetamine AIDS sumably due to exacerbation of HIV-related depletion of DA.
Research Center (TMARC) award P50DA026306 (PI: I.G.), NIDA
award R01DA026334 (PI: M.C.), and the CNS HIV Anti-Retroviral
COMT may also impact neurocognition by modulating cardio-
Therapy Effects Research (CHARTER) study awards N01MH22005, metabolic function, which is often dysregulated among persons
HHSN271201000036C, and HHSN271201000030C. R.S. is sup- living with HIV. We examined the interaction of COMT,
ported by NIAAA award T32AA013525, and M.J.M. is supported cardiometabolic risk, and nadir CD4 on neurocognitive impair-
by NIMH award K23MH105297. The CNS HIV Anti-Retroviral ment (NCI) among HIV+ men.
Therapy Effects Research was supported by awards N01 MH22005,
HHSN271201000036C, and HHSN271201000030C from the
National Institutes of Health. The CNS HIV Anti-Retroviral Therapy Methods: Three hundred twenty-nine HIV+ men underwent
Effects Research (CHARTER) group is affiliated with Johns Hopkins COMT genotyping and neurocognitive and neuromedical assess-
University; the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; University ments. Cohort-standardized z scores for body mass index, systolic
of California, San Diego; University of Texas, Galveston; University blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein
of Washington, Seattle; Washington University, St. Louis; and is
headquartered at the University of California, San Diego, and cholesterol were averaged to derive a cardiometabolic risk score
includes: Director: Igor Grant, MD; Co-Directors: Scott L. Letendre, (CMRS). NCI was defined as demographically adjusted global
MD, Ronald J. Ellis, MD, PhD, and Thomas D. Marcotte, PhD; Center deficit score of $0.5. Logistic regression modeled NCI as a function
Manager: Donald Franklin, Jr; Neuromedical Component: Ronald of COMT, CMRS, and their interaction, covarying for estimated
J. Ellis, MD, PhD (P.I.) and J. Allen McCutchan, MD; Laboratory and
Virology Component: Scott Letendre, MD (Co-P.I.) and Davey M.
premorbid function, race/ethnicity, and HIV-specific characteristics.
Smith, MD (Co-P.I.); Neurobehavioral Component: R.K.H. (P.I.), Follow-up analysis included the 3-way interaction of COMT,
J. Hampton Atkinson, MD, and Matthew Dawson; Imaging Compo- CMRS, and nadir CD4.
nent: Christine Fennema-Notestine, PhD (P.I.), Michael J Taylor,
PhD, and Rebecca Theilmann, PhD; Data Management Component: Results: Genotypes were 81 (24.6%) Met/Met, 147 (44.7%) Val/
Anthony C. Gamst, PhD (P.I.) and Clint Cushman; Statistics
Component: Ian Abramson, PhD (P.I.) and Florin Vaida, PhD; Johns
Met, and 101 (30.7%) Val/Val. COMT interacted with CMRS (P =
Hopkins University Site: Ned Sacktor (P.I.) and Vincent Rogalski; 0.02) such that higher CMRS increased risk of NCI among Val/Val
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Site: Susan Morgello, MD [odds ratio (OR) = 2.13, P , 0.01], but not Val/Met (OR = 0.93, P
(Co-P.I.) and David Simpson, MD (Co-P.I.), Letty Mintz, N.P.; . 0.05) or Met/Met (OR = 0.92, P . 0.05) carriers. Among Val/Val,
University of California, San Diego Site: J. Allen McCutchan, MD nadir CD4 moderated the effect of CMRS (P , 0.01) such that
(P.I.); University of Washington, Seattle Site: Ann Collier, MD (Co-
P.I.), Christina Marra, MD (Co-P.I.), and Sher Storey, PA-C.; higher CMRS increased likelihood of NCI only when nadir
University of Texas, Galveston Site: Benjamin Gelman, MD, PhD CD4 ,180.
(P.I.), Eleanor Head, R.N., B.S.N.; and Washington University, St.
Louis Site: David Clifford, MD (P.I.), Muhammad Al-Lozi, MD, and Discussion: Results suggest a tripartite model by which geneti-
Mengesha Teshome, MD.
Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual
cally driven low DA reserve, cardiometabolic dysfunction, and
Conference; February 21, 2019; New York, NY. historical immunosuppression synergistically enhance risk of NCI
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. among HIV+ men, possibly due to neuroinflammation and
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect oxidative stress.
the official policy or position of the United States Government.
Correspondence to: Rowan Saloner, BS, SDSU/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral
Program in Clinical Psychology, University of California, San Diego,
Key Words: neuroAIDS, catechol-o-methyltransferase, HIV-
HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program, 220 Dickinson Street, Suite B, associated neurocognitive disorders, metabolic syndrome, dopamine,
Mail Code 8231, San Diego, CA 92103-8231 (e-mail: rsaloner@ucsd. immunosuppression
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. (J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2019;81:e148–e157)

e148 | J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019 HIV, COMT, and Neurocognitive Impairment

INTRODUCTION Some literature suggests that COMT also operates

Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) prolongs within cardiometabolic pathways. COMT catalyzes the
life expectancies for persons living with HIV (PLWH); methylation of catechol estrogens into 2-methoxyestradiol,30
however, neurocognitive impairment (NCI) remains highly which reduces risk of diabetes, hypertension, and
prevalent.1,2 It is important to identify discrete neuropatho- obesity.31–34 However, COMT activity produces a precursor
logical mechanisms that predict NCI in PLWH given that to homocysteine, which may increase risk of cardiovascular
NCI can translate to negative and costly everyday functioning disease, and Val carriers have significantly higher blood
outcomes, including unemployment and poor cART adher- levels of total homocysteine than Met homozygotes.35–37
ence.3,4 However, identifying these mechanisms has proven Furthermore, lower central DA tone has been linked to
challenging5–7 because PLWH are a heterogeneous group obesity and markers of metabolic syndrome, and DA receptor
whose neurocognition may be directly impacted by HIV but neurotransmission is reduced in obese humans and
also by comorbidities and genetic predispositions that animals.38–40 Although greater COMT activity associated
enhance vulnerability to neural injury.6,8,9 with the Val allele may protect against cardiometabolic
PLWH are at greater risk of cardiometabolic compli- disorders through increased production of 2-
cations (ie, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and obe- methoxyestradiol, reduced COMT activity associated with
sity), possibly due to HIV-related accelerated biological aging the Met allele may also confer protection against cardiome-
and iatrogenic consequences of cART.10,11 Cardiometabolic tabolic disorders by enhancing the DA tone and limiting the
risk contributes to NCI by triggering an array of neuro- accumulation of homocysteine. Although the influence of
compromising processes, including increased blood–brain COMT on cardiometabolic health is complex, these mecha-
barrier permeability, chronic inflammation, and endothelial nisms suggest that COMT may serve a multifactorial role in
dysfunction.12–16 Furthermore, cardiometabolic risk factors the neuropathogenesis of HIV-related NCI through the
predict imaging biomarkers of white matter and neurochem- modulation of cardiometabolic risk and DA bioavailability.
Our first aim is to examine the independent and interactive
ical abnormalities among PLWH.17,18 Although car-
effects of COMT and cardiometabolic risk on NCI. Given the
diometabolic risk factors increase risk of NCI in successfully
putative neuroprotective effect of the Met allele in PLWH, we
treated PLWH, they are neither necessary nor sufficient to
hypothesize that Val/Val carriers with high cardiometabolic risk
predict NCI. Thus, susceptibility to the contribution of car-
will have higher rates of NCI compared with others because they
diometabolic risks may be moderated by individual differ-
are most vulnerable to the deleterious impact of cardiometabolic
ences in resilience against HIV-related central nervous system risk factors on the brain. Because NCI has been more reliably
(CNS) dysfunction. linked to nadir versus current CD4 count in the cART era,1,41–43
One factor that could partially explain NCI among we will also examine the role of nadir CD4 in the conditional
PLWH is dopamine (DA) bioavailability. HIV results in relationships between COMT, cardiometabolic risk, and NCI.
exposure to neurotoxic proteins Tat and gp120 that damage We hypothesize that lower nadir CD4 counts will increase
frontostriatal regions rich in DA.19,20 Postmortem studies likelihood of NCI, regardless of COMT and cardiometabolic
demonstrate decreased frontostriatal concentrations of DA risk, but will make a larger contribution to NCI in Val/Val
and downregulated gene expression of DA receptors in HIV- carriers with high cardiometabolic risk.
infected versus HIV-uninfected persons, and that dysregula-
tion of DA pathways relates to greater HIV disease severity
(eg, HIV RNA level and nadir CD4) and neurocognitive
deficits among PLWH.21–25 METHODS
The erosion of DA homeostasis in PLWH has prompted Participants and Procedure
research on catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT),6 a func- Participants were 329 HIV+ men who underwent
tionally diverse enzyme responsible for metabolism of DA, COMT genotyping through NIH-funded research studies
particularly in the prefrontal cortex. Neurons exposed to coordinated by the HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program
macrophage-propagated HIV show increased mRNA expres- (HNRP) at the University of California, San Diego. Of the
sion of COMT and decreased expression of neuronal and 329 participants, 76 were enrolled in the Translational
synaptic proteins, suggesting that higher levels of COMT in Methamphetamine AIDS Research Center, a NIDA-funded
HIV may contribute to DA and neurocognitive dysfunction. HNRP cohort study focusing on the CNS effects of HIV and
In further support of this theory, treatment of HIV-exposed methamphetamine. The other 253 participants were enrolled
neurons with a COMT inhibitor, tolcapone, effectively in the CNS HIV Anti-Retroviral Therapy Effects Research
reduced COMT expression and restored neuronal and synap- (CHARTER) study. All studies were approved by local
tic integrity.26 The Val158Met (rs4680) single-nucleotide Human Subjects Protection Committees, and all participants
polymorphism (SNP) of the COMT gene encodes differential provided written informed consent. Exclusion criteria were
levels of COMT enzymatic activity, with the Met allele as follows: (1) diagnosis of psychotic or mood disorder with
resulting in 40% less activity, and therefore greater DA psychotic features, and neurological or medical condition
bioavailability, than the Val allele.27 The Met allele has been that may impair neurocognitive functioning, such as
linked to enhanced neural activation and neurocognitive traumatic brain injury, stroke, epilepsy, hepatitis C, or
functioning in PLWH,28,29 possibly due to resilience against advanced liver disease; (2) lifetime diagnosis of metham-
HIV-related depletion of DA. phetamine or cocaine use disorder; (3) low verbal IQ as

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Saloner et al J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019

TABLE 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics by COMT Genotype (N = 329)

Variable Met/Met (n = 81) Val/Met (n = 147) Val/Val (n = 101) P
Age (yr) 45.1 (9.69) 43.7 (9.09) 43.6 (8.16) 0.44
Education (yr) 14.3 (2.54) 14.1 (2.39) 13.9 (2.1) 0.54
Estimated verbal IQ (WRAT) 104.4 (11.41) 101 (11.3) 99.8 (11.76) 0.02*
Ethnicity 0.02*
Non-Hispanic White (n = 245) 66 (81%) 110 (75%) 69 (68%)
Non-Hispanic Black (n = 33) 3 (4%) 12 (8%) 18 (18%)
Hispanic (n = 51) 12 (15%) 25 (17%) 14 (14%)
HIV disease characteristics
AIDS diagnosis 53 (65%) 89 (61%) 57 (56%) 0.47
Duration of HIV infection (yr) 10.2 (7.83) 9.5 (6.44) 9.2 (6.3) 0.60
Current CD4 count (cells/mm3) 517 (255.5) 470 (261.1) 457 (261.5) 0.27
Nadir CD4 count (cells/mm3) 180 [63.5–305] 175 [44–297] 175 [55–297.5] 0.83
Plasma viral load
Copies/mL (log10) 1.8 [1.7–3.3] 1.9 [1.7 to 3.7] 2.3 [1.7 to 3.9] 0.45
Detectable 42 (52%) 69 (47%) 57 (56%) 0.33
CSF viral load
Copies/mL (log10)† 1.7 [1.7–1.7] 1.7 [1.7 to 2.2] 1.7 [1.7 to 2.4] 0.21
Detectable† 11 (18%) 34 (29%) 24 (29%) 0.24
ARV status 0.36
Currently on 67 (83%) 105 (71%) 77 (76%)
Past use only 7 (9%) 16 (11%) 10 (10%)
ARV naive 7 (9%) 26 (18%) 14 (14%)
Current regimen type 0.21
PI based 31 (46%) 54 (51%) 42 (55%)
NNRTI based 27 (40%) 38 (36%) 30 (39%)
PI/NNRTI based 4 (6%) 11 (10%) 5 (6%)
Other 5 (7%) 2 (2%) 0 (0%)
Duration of current regimen (mo) 12 [3–33] 13 [4–27] 12 [4–33] 0.96
Neuropsychiatric characteristics
Lifetime any substance use disorder 38 (47%) 68 (46%) 51 (51%) 0.80
Alcohol 35 (43%) 57 (38%) 42 (42%) 0.79
Cannabis 16 (20%) 21 (14%) 18 (18%) 0.54
Opioid 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 0.99
Major depressive disorder
Lifetime 44 (54%) 72 (49%) 51 (51%) 0.74
Current 15 (19%) 19 (13%) 12 (12%) 0.41
BDI score 11.8 (9.57) 12.6 (10.14) 11.2 (9.32) 0.52
Values presented as mean (SD), median [IQR], or N (%).
*Significant difference between Met/Met and Val/Val.
†CSF viral load values available for a subset of participants: Met/Met (n = 60), Val/Met (n = 118), and Met/Met (n = 82).
ARV, antiretroviral; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; NNRTI, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor.

estimated by a Wide Range Achievement Test44 (WRAT) Neuromedical Assessment

reading subtest score ,70; (4) evidence of intoxication by All participants underwent a comprehensive neuro-
positive urine toxicology for illicit drugs (except marijuana) medical assessment and nonfasting blood draw. Detailed
or a Breathalyzer test for alcohol on the day of testing; and history of medical and antiretroviral (ARV) use was collected,
(5) being female. We restricted our sample to men because and ARV treatment status was coded as currently on, past use,
sexually dimorphic effects of COMT on brain function have or never used. HIV infection was diagnosed by enzyme-
been reported,45,46 and there were insufficient numbers of linked immunosorbent assay with Western blot confirmation.
women participants in the parent studies to support Routine clinical chemistry panels, complete blood counts,
separate analyses. Lifetime cocaine or methamphetamine rapid plasma reagin, hepatitis C virus antibody, and CD4+
use disorder, even remote, was exclusionary to eliminate T-cell count (flow cytometry) were performed at each site’s
potential confounding effects of stimulant-induced alter- certified clinical laboratory. HIV viral load in plasma and
ation of dopaminergic signaling. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was measured using reverse

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019 HIV, COMT, and Neurocognitive Impairment

TABLE 2. Cardiometabolic Risk and Neurocognitive Performance by COMT Genotype

Variable Met/Met (n = 81) Val/Met (n = 147) Val/Val (n = 101) P
Cardiometabolic parameters
CMRS 0.01 (0.489) 20.02 (0.548) 20.01 (0.467) 0.91
BMI (kg/m2)* 26.3 (4.42) 25.8 (4.37) 25.4 (4.46) 0.43
Systolic BP (mm Hg)* 127 (14.13) 124.4 (15.41) 124.6 (14.76) 0.41
Diastolic BP (mm Hg)* 79.3 (9.68) 75.8 (8.98) 76.2 (9.66) 0.02†
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 196.8 (54.11) 184.6 (40.68) 192.2 (41.24) 0.12
HDL (mg/dL)* 41.8 (15.94) 42.2 (15.71) 44.5 (22.52) 0.59
Low-density lipoprotein (mg/dL) 111.8 (37.63) 100.2 (35.16) 106.8 (35.22) 0.10
Triglycerides (mg/dL)* 217.6 (149.22) 221.3 (140.91) 228.8 (158.63) 0.87
Glucose (mg/dL)* 94 [86–105.5] 92 [81–107] 92 [83–107.5] 0.87
Neurocognitive performance
GDS 0.51 (0.52) 0.49 (0.58) 0.47 (0.48) 0.84
NCI‡ 29 (36%) 47 (32%) 42 (42%) 0.30
Values presented as mean (SD), median [IQR], or N (%).
*CMRS component.
†Significant difference between Met/Met and Val/Met.
‡NCI defined as a GDS of $ 0.5.

transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (Amplicor; Roche (Gentra Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, MN). All samples were
Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN), with a lower limit of quanti- genotyped using the Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP
tation of 50 copies/mL. HIV viral load was dichotomized as Array 6.0 TM.50
detectable vs. undetectable at the lower limit of quantitation
of 50 copies/mL.

Neurocognitive Assessment
Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment All participants completed a comprehensive and stan-
Nonfasting levels of serum glucose, plasma triglycer- dardized neurocognitive assessment across 7 neurocognitive
ides, and plasma total, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and domains commonly impacted by HIV.1,51 Test scores were
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were assayed by adjusted for known demographic influences (ie, age, educa-
standard protocols at each site’s clinical laboratory. Blood tion, and race/ethnicity) on neurocognitive performance.52–54
pressure (BP) was measured in the seated position with an Deficit scores that give differential weight to impaired over
automated sphygmomanometer, and body mass index (BMI) normal performance were calculated for each domain and
was calculated from measured weight and height. Our averaged to derive a global deficit score (GDS) ranging from
primary predictor of interest was a continuously scaled, 0 (normal) to 5 (severe). Consistent with prior studies,
composite cardiometabolic risk score (CMRS)47 based on neurocognitive status was classified as impaired (NCI) vs.
the 5 components of metabolic syndrome outlined by the unimpaired using a validated cutpoint of GDS $ 0.5.51,55 The
Adult Treatment Panel48 including obesity, elevated BP, GDS is easier to compute, more clearly operationalized (eg,
elevate blood glucose, elevated triglycerides, and reduced Frascati criteria do not specify how to apply a 1 SD cutoff to
(HDL) cholesterol. Cohort-standardized z scores for BMI, define “impairment” of ability domains with variable numbers
systolic BP, glucose, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol of measures), and a more conservative approach to classifying
(inverse polarity) were averaged to generate our CMRS. A NCI as compared to the clinical rating algorithm used in
CMRS was derived from 4 of the 5 component z scores for Frascati criteria for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders;
participants who were either missing HDL (n = 50) or however, an individual classified as impaired through GDS $
triglycerides (n = 4) values. 0.5 is essentially guaranteed to meet the NCI aspect of
Frascati criteria.55

COMT Genotyping
For participants enrolled in the TMARC, DNA for
genotyping was isolated from stored whole blood or periph- Psychiatric Assessment
eral blood mononuclear cells using the Qiagen QIAamp DNA Current mood symptoms were assessed using the Beck
Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). COMT Val158Met Depression Inventory version one or two.56 The computer-
(rs4680) SNP was assayed using an array that included SNPs based Composite International Diagnostic Interview57 was
associated with catecholaminergic genes.49 For participants administered to determine DSM-IV diagnoses of current and
enrolled in CHARTER, DNA for genotyping was extracted lifetime substance use disorders and major
from peripheral blood mononuclear cells using PUREGENE depressive disorder.

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Saloner et al J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019

that describe the effect of a predictor (ie, CMRS) at fixed

TABLE 3. Multivariable Logistic Regression Predicting NCI
levels of a continuous moderator (ie, nadir CD4), the J–N
Predictor B (SE) P OR* 95% CI technique identifies the full range of moderator values for
Met/Met† 20.15 (0.34) 0.664 0.87 0.45 to 1.67 which the predictor slope is statistically significant. Region of
Val/Met† 20.42 (0.29) 0.156 0.66 0.37 to 1.17 significance analyses adjusted for the false discovery rate63
CMRS‡ 0.76 (0.28) 0.007 2.13 2.13 to 3.68 and were computed using the jtools package in R statistical
CMRS · Met/Met 20.87 (0.39) 0.025 0.42 0.19 to 0.90 software (version 3.4.4; R Foundation for Statistical Com-
CMRS · Val/Met 20.83 (0.33) 0.012 0.43 0.23 to 0.83 puting, Vienna, Austria).
WRAT§ 20.37 (0.11) 0.001 0.69 0.55 to 0.86
Nadir CD4║ 20.13 (0.03) 0.017 0.88 0.79 to 0.98
Detectable plasma viral load 0.59 (0.29) 0.040 1.80 1.03 to 3.16 RESULTS
Current CD4║ 0.03 (0.05) 0.338 1.05 0.95 to 1.11
ARV status never used 20.26 (0.47) 0.574 0.77 0.31 to 1.93 Participants
ARV status past use¶ 0.15 (0.44) 0.736 1.16 0.49 to 2.72 Table 1 presents COMT group differences on demo-
Non-Hispanic Black# 20.37 (0.44) 0.398 0.69 0.29 to 1.63 graphic and clinical characteristics. COMT distribution across
Hispanich 0.30 (0.34) 0.374 1.36 0.69 to 2.64 the 329 participants (age: M = 44.0, SD = 8.97, education: M
= 14.1, SD = 2.34) was 81 (24.6%) Met/Met, 147 (44.7%)
Bolded predictors are significant at P , 0.05.
*Interaction terms reflect ORRs.
Val/Met, and 101 (30.7%) Val/Val. Genotype distribution
†Compared with Val/Val. was consistent with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the full
‡Per 1 SD change. sample (x2 = 3.49, P = 0.06) and within each race/ethnicity
§Per 10-unit change.
║Per 50-unit change. group (Ps . 0.11). However, genotype frequency differed
¶Compared with ARV status currently using. significantly by race/ethnicity (x2 = 11.24, P = 0.02) with
#Compared with non-Hispanic White. non-Hispanic White participants more likely to carry a Met al-
ARV, antiretroviral.
lele than non-Hispanic Black participants (x2 = 8.75, P =
0.003). COMT groups were comparable across most demo-
graphic, psychiatric, and HIV disease characteristics, with the
Statistical Analysis exception of estimated premorbid verbal IQ for which Met/
COMT group differences in demographics, HIV dis- Met displayed significantly higher WRAT scores than Val/
ease, neuropsychiatric, cardiometabolic, and neurocognitive Val (d = 0.40, P = 0.007). Most participants experienced
variables were examined using ANOVAs, Kruskal–Wallis cART-induced immune reconstitution, as evidenced by active
tests, and x2 statistics as appropriate. To follow-up on ARV use (76%) and markedly higher current CD4 counts
significant omnibus results, pairwise comparisons were con- (median = 458 cells/mm3) compared with nadir CD4 counts
ducted using Tukey honest significant difference tests for (median = 180 cells/mm3). Half the sample (51%) had
continuous outcomes or Bonferroni corrections for categor- detectable levels of plasma viral RNA at a limit of detection
ical outcomes.58 Cohen’s d statistics are presented for of 50 copies per ml.
estimates of effect size for statistically significant pairwise
differences. Logistic regression examined the univariate
relationship between CMRS and NCI. COMT, Cardiometabolic Risk, and NCI
Next, we used multivariate logistic regression to model Table 2 presents COMT group differences on cardio-
our NCI classification as a function of COMT, CMRS, and metabolic and neurocognitive variables. Met/Met had signif-
their interaction. COMT genotype was reference coded59 with icantly higher diastolic BP than Val/Met (d = 0.37, P = 0.02),
the high enzymatic activity Val/Val group as the reference. but not Val/Val. COMT groups did not differ significantly on
WRAT, race/ethnicity, nadir CD4, current CD4, plasma viral any other cardiometabolic risk parameters, including the
load detectability, and ARV status were entered as covariates composite CMRS (F = 0.09, P = 0.91). Similarly, COMT
because they either significantly differed across COMT groups did not differ significantly on the GDS (F = 0.17, P =
genotype or are known to influence neurocognition in the 0.84) or frequency of NCI (x2 = 2.39, P = 0.30), with rates
cART era.1,60 A 3-way interaction term between nadir ranging from 32% (Val/Met) to 42% (Val/Val). Although
CD4*COMT*CMRS, as well as accompanying lower-order greater CMRS increased likelihood of NCI, this relationship
terms, was added in a follow-up model to explore the was also not significant [odds ratio (OR) = 1.12, 95% CI:
potential moderating effect of HIV-induced immunosuppres- (0.89 to 1.40), P = 0.34].
sion on the contributions of COMT and CMRS on NCI.
Group differences and logistic regression analyses were
performed using JMP Pro version 12.0.1 (JMP, Version COMT and CMRS Interaction
,12.0.1.; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, 1989–2007). Table 3 presents estimates for the multivariate logistic
Exploratory analyses, stratified by COMT genotype, regression modeling NCI as a function of COMT, CMRS, and
used the Johnson–Neyman (J–N) technique61,62 to compute NCI, covarying for WRAT scores, race/ethnicity, and HIV
any specific boundaries of nadir CD4 at which CMRS sig- disease characteristics. The overall model was significant
nificantly predicted NCI. These boundaries are referred to as (x2(13,329) = 392.68, P = 0.001). A significant omnibus
regions of significance. Compared to simple slope analyses interaction between COMT and CMRS was detected

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019 HIV, COMT, and Neurocognitive Impairment

FIGURE 1. Higher CMRSs signifi-

cantly increase probability of NCI in
Val/Val participants (OR = 2.13, P ,
0.01), but do not relate to NCI in
Val/Met (OR = 0.93, P . 0.05) or
Met/Met (OR = 0.92, P . 0.05)

(x2(2329) = 7.93, P = 0.02) such that higher CMRS levels DISCUSSION

significantly increased likelihood of NCI among Val/Val (OR Dopaminergic dysregulation, cardiometabolic dysfunc-
= 2.13, P , 0.01), yet the deleterious effect of CMRS on NCI tion, and low nadir CD4 counts (ie, advanced HIV-induced
was significantly attenuated in Met/Met [interaction of CMRS immunosuppression) are putative risk factors for NCI in the
· Met/Met (compared with Val/Val): odds rate ratio (ORR) = context of HIV. In contrast to most neuroAIDS studies that
0.42, P , 0.05] and Val/Met [interaction of CMRS · Val/Met examine independent effects of risk factors on NCI, this study
(compared with Val/Val): ORR = 0.43, P , 0.05]. Specif- also examined interactions of cardiometabolic risk, COMT,
ically, CMRS did not significantly predict NCI among Met/ and nadir CD4 to address the complex interplay of these risk
Met (OR = 0.92, P . 0.05) or Val/Met (OR = 0.93, P . 0.05) factors. Although neither COMT nor CMRS correlated
carriers (Fig. 1). Lower WRAT, lower nadir CD4, and univariably with NCI, higher CMRS significantly increased
detectable HIV RNA significantly increased probability of probability of NCI in Val/Val individuals. Furthermore,
NCI (Ps , 0.05). CMRS effects on neurocognitive function in Val/Val carriers
were moderated by nadir CD4: higher CMRS increased
probability of NCI only in participants with nadir CD4 counts
below 180. These findings remained significant in patients
Conditional Role of Nadir CD4 with fully suppressed HIV on cART, underscoring the
To determine whether HIV disease severity influenced relevance of these genetic and environmental risk factors
the interactive effects of COMT and CMRS on NCI, we for NCI for even the most successfully treated PLWH.
expanded our model with terms capturing the 3-way interac- Our group has previously reported better executive
tion between nadir CD4, COMT, and CMRS. A significant 3- function among Met/Met, compared with Val carriers, in
way interaction was detected between nadir CD4, COMT, and HIV+ men.29 By contrast, the Multicenter AIDS Cohort
CMRS (x2(2329) = 8.86, P = 0.01). Nadir CD4 did not Study found no main effects of COMT or interactive effects
significantly alter the null associations between CMRS and with stimulant use and current CD4 on neurocognitive
NCI among Val/Met and Met/Met. In Val/Val, nadir CD4 performance in predominantly male (87%–100%) sam-
significantly moderated the deleterious effect of CMRS on ples.64,65 In our study, COMT did not univariably relate to
NCI [for 50-unit increase: ORR = 0.53, 95% CI: (0.32 to frequency of NCI, which, consistent with prior GDS-based
0.81), P = 0.008]. To inspect changes in the slope of CMRS estimates of NCI in PLWH,51,55 was 36% across the entire
on NCI due to different nadir CD4 counts, we applied the J–N study sample. We may not have detected a univariable
technique. In Val/Val, CMRS significantly increased likeli- relationship between COMT and NCI because individual
hood of NCI (ie, lower bound of CMRS slope . 0) at nadir SNPs often exhibit modest associations with behavioral
CD4 counts below 180 (Fig. 2). Conversely, CMRS did not phenotypes.66 Given that COMT pleiotropically influences
significantly predict NCI in Val/Val for nadir CD4 counts at multiple neurobiological processes, the study of moderating
or above 180. environmental variables can help explain under which con-
To focus on a clinically relevant subgroup, we applied ditions the neurocognitive effects of COMT are most salient.
the 3-way interaction model in participants who were Our results support a gene · environment interaction
currently using cART and had undetectable HIV RNA (n = approach, as the putatively harmful effect of the Val allele
155). Results in this virologically suppressed subgroup did only appeared under environmental conditions of high
not differ from those in the entire study sample, with COMT, cardiometabolic burden and low nadir CD4 counts. Similar
CMRS, and nadir CD4 significantly interacting to predict NCI interactive effects of COMT and cardiovascular risk have
(x2(2150) = 10.25, P = 0.006). been previously reported in healthy adults, with Val carriers

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FIGURE 2. Effect sizes (logits) of

CMRSs on NCI are plotted across
nadir CD4 count for the Val/Val
group. When the X-axis zero-line is
included in the false discovery
rate–adjusted confidence band, the
effect of CMRS is not statistically
significant at that nadir CD4 count.
The region of significance occurs to
the left of the dashed line, indicating
that higher CMRS is significantly
associated with greater likelihood of
NCI only for nadir CD4 counts below

demonstrating steeper declines in episodic memory compared neurocognitive effects of cardiometabolic risk. In a prior
with Met/Met individuals only at elevated levels of pulse investigation that implemented machine learning to generate
pressure.67 Although the effects of cardiometabolic comor- predictive models for NCI, the predictive utility of viral load
bidities on poor neurocognition are not unique to PLWH, and duration of treatment were improved when nadir CD4
cardiometabolic abnormalities may be particularly disruptive was less than 225,74 a threshold similar to that of this study.
in PLWH given their high prevalence and potential to Some hypothesize that the relationship between cortical
combine with other HIV-related brain insults to synergisti- function and DA bioavailability follows an inverted U-shaped
cally deplete cognitive reserve.68 Although studies of car- curve, with optimal neurocognition occurring at intermediate
diometabolic risk often dichotomize individual levels of DA signaling.75,76 Within this framework, severe
cardiometabolic conditions based on thresholds of clinical immunosuppression in PLWH may lead to persistently sub-
laboratory values,69 we modeled cardiometabolic risk as optimal levels of bioavailable DA even after successful
a standardized, continuous variable. This approach is statis- immune reconstitution with cART. The slow rate of DA
tically advantageous because continuous predictors preserve clearance conferred by the Met allele may protect against this
power and precision.70 Moreover, thresholds for dichotomiz- shift, whereas the neurocognitive deficits present in Val/Val
ing cardiometabolic conditions are imprecisely defined and PLWH with high cardiometabolic burden may reflect an
overlook incremental relationships between cardiovascular inability to compensate for reduced cognitive resources
disease outcomes (eg, stroke) and health indicators (eg, BP).71 associated with DA dysfunction.
Importantly, continuous CMRSs inversely relate to physical Although limitations in our data prevent us from
activity47,72 and, therefore, provide further evidence to investigating biological mechanisms that may underlie the
advocate exercise in its neurocognitive benefits for PLWH. interactive effects of COMT, CMRS, and nadir CD4 on
With respect to conditional effects of HIV-induced NCI, we offer several plausible neurobiological interpre-
immunosuppression, Levine et al65 did not detect interactions tations. Chronic neuroinflammation is a hallmark feature
between current CD4 count and DA-related genes, including of HIV-related CNS dysfunction.77 Immunosuppression,
COMT, on neurocognitive performance. However, as the cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome are
authors note, current CD4 may be a suboptimal indicator of associated with increased levels of proinflammatory bio-
HIV disease severity given that nadir CD4 is a stronger markers in the periphery and in CSF, as well as neuro-
predictor of NCI and brain integrity in the cART era.1,41,73 inflammation on magnetic resonance spectroscopy in
Furthermore, lower nadir CD4, but not current CD4, is PLWH.11,17,78–80 Limited bioavailability of DA and
correlated with reduced DA transporter availability in the epinephrine due to high enzymatic activity of COMT
ventral striatum.25 Our results indicating that lower nadir CD4 may also result in poor neuroinflammatory regulation
counts independently predict higher odds of NCI are because catecholamines play a pivotal role in modulatin-
consistent with the prior findings of Ellis et al41 that describe g lymphocyte and inflammasome activity.81,82 In addition
a monotonic relationship between lower nadir CD4 counts to neuroinflammatory dysregulation, excessive formation
and higher odds of NCI, even in PLWH with viral of reactive oxygen species and endothelial dysfunction are
suppression and minimal-to-moderate comorbidity burden. neurotoxic processes associated with immunosuppression,
Importantly, we also demonstrate that nadir CD4 moderates cardiometabolic risk, and catecholamine metabolism.83–89
the interactive effects of COMT and CMRS. The clinical Although our data reflect the neurobehavioral consequen-
impact of these findings is highlighted by the substantial ces of genetically driven low DA signaling, poor cardi-
portion (55%) of Val/Val participants with nadir CD4 counts ometabolic health, and more severe HIV disease, studies
at or below 180, a range at which our region of significance at a cellular level are needed to elucidate the mechanisms
analysis indicates a heightened vulnerability to the deleterious of their interactions.

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 81, Number 5, August 15, 2019 HIV, COMT, and Neurocognitive Impairment

We acknowledge several limitations to this study. First, Diego (UCSD), the Sanford-Burnham Medical Discovery
the cross-sectional and associative nature of our data prevent Institute (SBMDI), and the University of California, Irvine
us from drawing causal inferences, especially about the (UCI). The TMARC comprises: Administrative Coordinating
relationship between NCI and CMRS in the context of Core (ACC): Executive Unit: Director: I.G., MD; Co-
genetic and HIV disease history predictors. Second, we Directors: R.J.E., Scott L. Letendre, MD, and Cristian L.
lacked an HIV-uninfected comparison group, hindering our Achim, MD, PhD; Center Manager: M.C.; Associate Center
ability to determine the specificity of our findings to PLWH. Managers: Erin E. Morgan, PhD and Jared Young, PhD;
However, by exploring the conditional effect of nadir CD4 Data Management and Information Systems (DMIS) Unit:
with the J–N technique, we demonstrate how HIV disease Anthony C. Gamst, PhD (Unit Chief) and Clint Cushman, BA
severity in a clinically relevant and well-represented range (ie, (Unit Manager); ACC: Statistics Unit: Florin Vaida, PhD
nadir CD4 ,180) can modulate the effects of genetic and (Unit Chief), Ian S. Abramson, PhD, Reena Deutsch, PhD,
environmental risk factors for NCI. Third, our results focused and Anya Umlauf, MS; ACC: Participant Unit: J. Hampton
on clinically informative risk factors for NCI that may inform Atkinson, MD (Unit Chief) and Jennifer Marquie-Beck, MPH
future interventions targeting the maintenance of cardiome- (Unit Manager); Behavioral Assessment and Medical (BAM)
tabolic health (eg, exercise, diet, and sleep) and dopaminergic Core: Neuromedical and Laboratory Unit (NLU): Scott L.
therapy (eg, COMT inhibitors), but our sample comprised Letendre, MD (Core Co-Director/NLU Chief) and R.J.E.;
men only and therefore limits the applicability of our findings BAM Core: Neuropsychiatric Unit (NPU): R.K.H (Core Co-
to women. Fourth, we studied the effects of only one variant Director/NPU Chief), J. Hampton Atkinson, MD, Thomas D.
of COMT, but not other DA-related genetic variants on NCI Marcotte, PhD, Erin E. Morgan, PhD, and Matthew Dawson
in PLWH. As is the case with theoretically driven SNP (NPU Manager); Neuroimaging (NI) Core: Gregory G.
analyses, COMT may be in linkage disequilibrium with other Brown, PhD (Core Director), Thomas T. Liu, PhD, Miriam
SNPs in the DA pathway that could account for the presumed Scadeng, PhD, Christine Fennema-Notestine, PhD, Sarah L.
effects of COMT. “Omics” techniques that leverage rich, Archibald, MA, John R. Hesselink, MD, Mary Jane Meloy,
multileveled data (eg, genetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic) PhD, and Craig E.L. Stark, PhD; Neuroscience and Animal
may advance the characterization of complex and subtle HIV- Models (NAM) Core: Cristian L. Achim, MD, PhD (Core
related neurobiological phenotypes.6 Given that multiple Director), Marcus Kaul, PhD, and Virawudh Soontornniyom-
components of the DA signaling pathway (eg, receptors, kij, MD; Pilot and Developmental (PAD) Core: Mariana
metabolic enzymes, and transporters) can be quantified across Cherner, PhD (Core Director) and Stuart A. Lipton, MD,
multiple levels of analysis (eg, host genetics, microRNA PhD; Project 1: Arpi Minassian, PhD (Project Director),
expression, and imaging), an “omics” approach has the William Perry, PhD, Mark A. Geyer, PhD, and Jared W.
potential to uncover clusters of DA-related factors that track Young, PhD; Project 2: Amanda B. Grethe, PhD (Project
with intermediate biological phenotypes as well as disease Director), Susan F. Tapert, PhD, and Assawin Gongvatana,
and neurobehavioral endpoints (eg, NCI). PhD; Project 3: Erin E. Morgan, PhD (Project Director) and
Taken together, our findings suggest a tripartite model Igor Grant, MD; Project 4: Svetlana Semenova, PhD (Project
by which genetically driven low DA reserve, cardiometabolic Director); Project 5: Marcus Kaul, PhD (Project Director).
dysfunction, and history of immunosuppression synergisti-
cally enhance risk of NCI among HIV+ men. These
interactive effects remain significant in virally suppressed REFERENCES
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