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General Information:Name:-.............................................................................................. Age:-..................... Language:-......................... Sex:-...................................... Religion:-.............................. Education Qualification:-.................................................................. Caste:-............................................................................................... Marital status:-.................................................................................. Post:-..................................... Wage:-...................................

Family Description:S. Type Family Relation with Age Educational Respondent Status Marital Status Occupation Total Monthly Income No. of

1. 2.

What type of family you are living with? (a) Nuclear family (a) To supplement family (b) To have better standard of Living. (c) To use your educational qualification. (d) To use spare time. (e) Interested in particular work (b) Joint family Please specify the reason for working? (any one)


What is the nature of your family members? (a) Conservative (b) Orthodox (c) Modern


Between family and work which do you consider important? (a) Family (b) Work (c) Both

5. 6.

Is any elder person lives with you? (a) Yes (a) Helpful for development of personality (b) Economic Necessity (c) Not good (b) No What do the elder members think about working women?


How is the relationship with your In Laws? (a) Cooperative (b) Tension (c) Moody


While doing your job are you able to fulfill the various duties towards (a) Yes (b) No

Father In-law / Mother In-law. If No why? (a) You do not consider it important while doing your job (b) Due to shortage of time (c) Due to Distance (d) Change in social values. 9. 10. How is your Married Life? (a) Sweet (a) Respect (b) Normal (c) Suspicious (b) Tense (c) Disturbance What is the reaction of your Husband regarding your job?

11. job?

Whether your Husband encourages and cooperates you while doing your (a) Yes (b) No (b) No (b) No

12. 13. 14.

Are you dutiful towards your husband while doing your job? (a) Yes (a) Yes Whether your husband in the same job as yours? If there is any barrier to the development of personality of children due to (a) Yes (b) No

your job? 15. What is your opinion regarding rules for children? (a) Children should be free to make friends. (b) Children should not contracted there parents. (c) Children grew better under strict discipline. (d) Parents should treat their children as friends. 16. Do you feel that you are able to devote enough time to your children? (a) Enough. (c) Not enough. 17. (a) Husband. (c) Servant /Maid (e) Self Dependent 18. Who helps you in domestic responsibility? (a) Full time servant (c) Husband (e) Any Relative 19. (a) Yes (b) Part time maid (c) Children (f) None (b) No (b) To some extent. (d) Not at all. (b) In Laws (d) Mother / Father

In your absence who looks after your children?

Are you able to devote as much time to your home as you want?

Social and Culture Status:20. 21. How is the relationship with your neighbours? (a) Good neighbourhood? (a) No Time (c) 3-4 Times 22. (a) No Families (c) 3-4 Family 23. (a) Very good (c) Normal 24. colleagues? (a) No Time (b) 3-4 Times 25. Who accompanies you for social visit? (a) Alone (b) With Husband (c) With Some Friends 26. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 27. Please specify about your most intimate friendsS.No Intimate friend Same Age Same Sex Same Educational status Same Occupation Same Caste Same Religion Same Marital status If there is any special in Friend circle? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No (b) 17 Times (d) 5-6 Times (b) 1-2 Times (c) 5-6 Times (b) 1-2 Family (c) 5-6 Family (b) Good (c) Bad (b) Normal (c) Bad During last month how often did you get together with your

How many families in the neighbourhood you socially meet?

How is the relationship with your working colleagues?

How many times during last month did you get together with your

(a) Very special

(b) Special

(c) Medium


What is the opinion of your friend about you? (a) Strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Disagree


How is the relationship with your relative? (a) Very Good (c) Normal (b) Good (d) Bad (b) Festival (d) Social gathering (b) No Perticular Member of any volunteer organisation Office Bearer not How do you spend your leisure time? S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars News Papers Magazines Fictions Any Other activity Are you a staunch believer in your religion? (a) Yes (b) No (b) No It is possible for you to observe all the traditional customs and religion? (a) Yes


When it is possible for you to meet your relative? (a) Often (c) Any special occasions


Are you member of any voluntary organization? (a) Yes S.No. 1. 2.


33. 34.

Economic status of Employed Women:35. 36. Are you satisfied with your salary? (a) Yes (a) Can bear the daily family expenses. (b) Can give proper education to children. (c) Can afford to live in a suitable house. (d) Can afford to maintain a suitable convenience. (e) Can save some thing. 37. Do you think the Income of your Husband can meet the various (a) Yes 38. Who manages the House hold Budget? (a) Husband (b) Both Husband and Wife (c) Any Other Member of Family (d) Alone. 39. Who does the monthly shopping? (a) Husband (b) Both Husband and Wife (c) Any Other Member of Family (d) Alone. 40. What is the extent of freedom is spending your salary? (a) Necessary things (c) Cloths (e) Gifts 41. What labour saving device you have? (a) Pressure cooker (c) Furniture (e) Any other devices (b) Refrigerator (d) Cooking (b) Decoration of house (d) Ornaments (f) Every things (b) No requirement of the family? (b) No If you Income is sufficient to fulfill the various requirements? (any one)

42. 43.

Being economically dependent if there are feelings of superiority? (a) Yes (b) No What is your opinion about Women participation in economic activity? (a)Women should work only if family income is insufficient. (b)Women manages the household budget vary easily. (c)The household responsibilities must be distributed between members of family. (d) There is must be freedom of spending the salary as desires.

Job Satisfaction and Occupation status:44. 45. What is the form of present Occupation? (b) Temporary. Experience in service. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 46. Duration of Service. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 47. 48. Are you satisfied with the present job? (a) Yes On what basis you get job? (a) Education (c) By experiences (e) Any other 49. Please specify the time factor of getting promotion? (a) 1-2 Years (c) 4-5 Years 50. What is the basis of getting promotion? (a) Cadre scheme (b) Seniority (c) On merit basis or ability (d) Departmental test on the basis of vacancies. (b) 3-4 Years (d) Or more (b) Technical (d) Through some mediator (b) No (a) Permanent.


Please specify the facilities you get in work place? (a) L.T.C. (b) Common rooms (c) Convenience allowance (d) Housing and water supply (e) Recreation (f) Medical benefits


Whom do you like as your controlling officer? (a) Men (b) Women (c) No differences


How is the behavior of higher official towards you? (a) Very good (b) Good (c) Normal (d) Bad


How is the relation of your male colleagues towards you? (a) Very good (b) Good (c) Normal (d) Bad


Do you get just treatment and cooperation from male colleagues? (a) Cooperation and respect (b) Recognition of work done (c) Appreciation (d) Teasing and finding faults


Could you present your difficulties in front higher authority? (a) Easily (b) Without any difficulty (c) With advice of supervisors (d) Help of colleagues (e) Not at all



Are you psychologically satisfied by working in office? (Yes / No) (a) Social respect and security. (b) High wage. (c) Correct hours of work (d) Unhealthy working conditions (f) Healthy working conditions ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

(e) Lack of assignment opportunity ............

Status of Women in Society:58. 59. 60. Do you think employed women had a dual role to play in her life? (a) Yes Whether Married women should work? (a) Yes (a) Respect (c) Sympathetic 61. (b) No (b) Disrespect (d) Ill-treated ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ (c) Disagree What is the view point of society towards unmarried working women? (b) No

What is your attitude towards marriage and family? (Yes/No) (a) If there is marital disharmony it is better to divorce. (b) There should be less expenditure on marriage. (c) Divorce system should be abolished. (d) Children should free to make his own choice. (e) One should marry with in ones caste. (f) Marriage should be performed in courts.

62. 63.

Joint family gives better protection to women and children? (a) Strongly agree (a) Religious (b) Culture (c) Economic (d) Marital status (e) Family (f) Personal health (b) Agree What all fields are affected because of your job?



What is your opinion about the effect on family life of employment? (a) Working women cannot devote enough time to their home and children. (b) Participation in the economic activity makes women happier and they find it easier to adjust to life. (c) There is conflict of authority between husband and wife. (d) Employed women could understand her husband problem better.


What are your view regarding Socio- Economic status of employed (a) Women enjoy better status and are independent and secure. (b) Special place in society and family. (c) Confident and could face and problem. (d) Socio-economic status is not good without co-operation of member of family.



Do you make any decisions in the family? (a) Household budget (b) Shopping (c) Children's future (d) Other Matter Name of respondent:Time:Place:-


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