Secrets of RF Circuit Design - Joseph J. Carr

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About the author

Joseph J. Can' is a senior electronics enlr_lnefhrwith 16 years of ]srac:tlcal b m : h

expt?rience as an electronics techniviar~.He is the amhor 0€Mmle-rhrg;r
fierfwacu Circzriis rough Pmjects & Eaqwri.mmrk, .Mmler+j.raOsci!labr C3r-
cuds Through Projects wtd E ~ h e n k mil , P7-m!?rdA u k n m Hulrblmok,
Third Edition, all published hv McGraw-Hill. Mr. Cam has r s ~ i tell
t over 800
for t eshnical jo~wnalsand writes monthly r d w n t r s €orPuptihr Corn-rrtuw'rnim ~ z s ,
Popdur Elec&m~.ks, and other magazines. Th? author holds Certified Ekclrtmics
Technician (CET) ccttifieat~sin both consun~erelec tro11ic:sand con~municatims
and helped write the exanlir~ationfor the CET irr rr~erlicdelecti.nrliss. He Livr.~in
Amandale, Virghua.

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