Jao Pho and Red Wa

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Jao Pho and Red Wa

Jhao Pho and Red Wa have been identified as two of the most influential and widespread criminal
organizations in Thailand.1
Jao Pho (Chao pho)
Jao poh literally means “godfather.” It is a term used in Thailand to describe Thai organized crime
groups. The Jao Pho is made up mostly by members of ethnic Chinese background who also operate many
legitimate businesses and have close associations with (corrupt) government officials, law enforcement agencies,
and local and national legislatures. 2They are known for cooperating with the Red Wa (who are associated with the
United Wa State Army) for the trafficking and sale of narcotics. According to Thai authorities, Jao Pho groups
reside in 39 of Thailand’s 76 provinces.
Criminal Activities
They are involved in a wide range of criminal activities such as prostitution, illegal gambling, and drug
trafficking. They are well organized and difficult to detect. The specific crimes in Thailand are drug related
crimes, prostitution, illegal CD copying, money laundering, illegal firearms trafficking, human trafficking,
smuggling of stolen vehicles, and financial and securities fraud.
Illicit Drugs and trafficking in persons, especially women and children, are historically Thailand’s most
notorious organized crime problems. Gradually, the country has transformed from a drug producing and transit
country, to a major consumer of illicit drugs.
 Vote Buying

They are involved in a wide range

of criminal
activities such as prostitution,
illegal gambling, and drug
trafficking. They are known for
cooperating with Red Wa for
trafficking and sale of narcotics.
Jao Pho use their business
and political connection to bribe
local and national officials to
cooperate in the schemes.
They are involved in a wide range
of criminal
activities such as prostitution,
illegal gambling, and drug
trafficking. They are known for
cooperating with Red Wa for
trafficking and sale of narcotics.
Jao Pho use their business
and political connection to bribe
local and national officials to
cooperate in the schemes.
They are involved in a wide range
of criminal
activities such as prostitution,
illegal gambling, and drug
trafficking. They are known for
cooperating with Red Wa for
trafficking and sale of narcotics.
Jao Pho use their business
and political connection to bribe
local and national officials to
cooperate in the schemes.
Jao pho uses their business and political connection to bribe local and national officials to cooperate in the
schemes. It is a common practice in Thailand. Payments to officials are conducted through profit sharing, monthly
payment, or direct participation in their schemes. Officials unwilling to cooperate, the Jao Pho may try to get one
of the official’s superiors to put in a timely word or give an order possibly backed by threats to the recalcitrant
 Prostitution
Thailand has a well-established se industry, it is also a source, transit, and destination country for
trafficked women. Because the sex trade is vital to the country’s enormous tourist industry and Thai policemen
are believed to be heavily bribed by sex establishment owners. Thai officials concerned with the presence of large
number of Burmese sex worker in Thailand or in the trafficking of Thai woman to Japan and Europe for sex work.
 Drug Trafficking
The first objective of the traffickers is to cross border from Myanmar(Burma) to Thailand. Drugs are
transported on foot, on the back of animals, and sometimes in vehicle that can cover rough terrain. Traffickers
bring the merchandise to small towns of the border such as Mae Sot. They are the drugs in warehouse until agent
of the traffickers or whole sellers are ready to sell the stocks. It is then transported to the customer through a drop-
off point decided at the last minute.
Large wholesalers command respect and they uses their links with police and politician to do business. It
is difficult to bring charges against them as they cleverly mix legal and illegal activities. In 2003, an impassioned
War on Drugs by the Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra terrorized low-level drug wholesalers and retailers, but
left the Jao Pho and their structures relatively intact.
 Motorbike Rental Scam
The biggest scam in the island of Koh Tao involves the rental of motorbikes to tourist. All of the
motorbike rental companies require a passport as collateral and use a standard rental agreement that is common.
Bikes that are returned with any damage, no matter how small, result in massive cost for the renter. 3
Red Wa (United Wa State Army)
The Red Wa is the most powerful organized crime gang in Thailand. The Red Wa come from Myanmar
(Burma) and they are associated with the United Wa State Army. They are composed of people from the Wa
ethnic group and they work together with Chinese organized criminals in the drug trade. The Red Wa control the
methamphetamine trade in Thailand and neighboring countries and are also known for being involved in the
trafficking and sale of other drugs, mainly heroin. 4
Criminal Activities
 drug trafficking
 arms trafficking
 counterfeiting (imitate something authentic)
 extortion
 hijacking
 kidnapping
 murder
 Triads
 local Chinese criminals
United Wa State Army
The self-governing ethnic minority known as the Wa live mainly in Burma, where they have their own
army, the powerful United Wa State Army (UWSA). The UWSA, which numbers some 16,000-strong (a 2005
estimate) to 30,000 full-and part-time fighters (2013 estimate) and controls towns along the Chinese and Thai
borders in northeastern Burma’s Shan state, is in a fragile cease-fire with the Burmese military. 5
On 17 April 1989, ethnic Wa soldiers splitting from the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) (underground
communist party in Myanmar (Burma). It is the oldest existing political party in the country.) established the
United Wa State Army. In 1994, the ex-communist Wa (still referred to by the Thais as 'Wa Daeng' or Red Wa)
finally arrived on the Thai border.
 Chao Ngi Lai (Founder)
 Bao Youxiang (Current Leader)
 Wei Hsueh-kang (Leader)- Chinese-born business tycoon and drug trafficker
 Xuexian Ai (Co-founder)
 Zhao Zhongdang (Deputy Commander-in-Chief)
 Aung Myint (Spokesperson)
 Li Zhao Guo (Supreme Court Chief)
 Sun Khun (Deputy Chief of External Relationship Department)
 National Democratic Alliance Army- insurgent group in eastern Shan State
 United Liberation Front of Assam- armed separatist organisation operating in the
Northeast Indian state of Assam.
 Arakan Army- ethnic armed organization based in Rakhine State (Arakan)
 Union of Myanmar- official name of the military government of Burma (Myanmar)
 Shan State National Army
 Mong Tai- insurgent group consisting of soldiers from the Shan minority in Myanmar. 6
Criminal Activities and Flow of Operations
Drug Trafficking
The United Wa State Army (or the Red Wa) is a major concern for the Thai government because
this organization, located in the Burmese part of the Golden Triangle, is believed to be responsible for the
manufacturing and trafficking of millions of methamphetamine tablets (called yaba or mad drug in
Thailand) into Thailand for local consumption. While heroin produced by the Red Wa and other groups in
the Golden Triangle continues to pass through Thailand, the Thai authorities are, as in the past, less
concerned with this because the heroin market in Thailand itself is relatively small. 7
The UWSA is said to be the largest drug-producing organization in Southeast Asia.
Finckenauer & Ko-Lin Chin, Asian Transnational Organized Crime, 10.

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