MACS Multi-Agent COTR System For Defense Contracting

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Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250

MACS: Multi-Agent COTR System for defense contracting

J. Liebowitz a,1,*, M. Adya a, B. Rubenstein-Montano a, V. Yoon a, J. Buchwalter a, M. Imhoff a,
S. Baek b, C. Suen c
Department of Information Systems, Laboratory for Knowledge Management, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle,
Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
Department of Management and Information Systems, Haub School of Business, St. Josephs University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Center for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8
Received 11 July 2000; accepted 31 July 2000

The ®eld of intelligent multi-agent systems has expanded rapidly in the recent past. Multi-agent architectures and systems are being
investigated and continue to develop. To date, little has been accomplished in applying multi-agent systems to the defense acquisition
domain. This paper describes the design, development, and related considerations of a multi-agent system in the area of procurement and
contracting for the defense acquisition community. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Multi-agents; Intelligent agents; Acquisition

1. Introduction To assist the ARO/COTRs in handling the pre-award

phase of a contract, such as putting together a PR package,
Procurement and contracting are integral parts of the and many other acquisition concerns/rules/ regulations, the
acquisition management process. In US defense research Defense Acquisition Deskbook has been created and appears
contracting, the Acquisition Request Originator (ARO) in both web and CD format (
and Contracting Of®cer's Technical Representative This Deskbook is updated regularly in order to have the most
(COTR) play important roles in the pre-award and post- current set of acquisition rules and regulations at the ®ngertips
award contractual phase. Their responsibilities include eval- of the ARO/COTR. The Procurement Desktop-Defense
uating procurement request (PR) packages and identifying (PD2)/Standard Procurement System (//
forms and other components of the packages that will ensure has been also developed as the standard for procurement
their completion. These activities require them to be rules and regulations. A component of the Defense Acquisi-
familiar with the policies and procedures that support the tion Deskbook is the ªAsk a Professorº module whereby one
acquisition management process. In many U.S. defense submits a question and experts in resource centers reply to
laboratories, scientists must participate in the procurement these requests. There are typically about 100 questions sent
and contracting process in order to be awarded contracts and to experts each month. In addition, the Contracting Of®cer's
continue with their work. However, the nature of contract- Technical Representative Expert System Aid (CESA) has
ing involves many complex, frequently changing rules and been developed to capture the expert's knowledge and
regulations. It is dif®cult for the ARO/COTR to remember experiential learning to help the ARO/COTRs and train
and to keep up-to-date with these new rules/procedures, new specialists in the pre-award phase of a contract [18].
particularly since he/she is principally a scientist or engineer Although CESA can play valuable roles in assisting in the
and not a contract specialist. These activities often become contracting process, multi-agent technology seems to have
burdensome and are not part of the actual research effort. potential for enhancing support for ARO/COTRs beyond
the capabilities of CESA. Among many features of multi-
agent technology, its capabilities for collaboration and
* Corresponding author.
adaptation are particularly appealing for this problem
E-mail address: (J. Liebowitz).
Performed as a Fulbright Fellow, Center for Pattern Recognition and domain. First, agents are capable of cooperating and colla-
Machine Intelligence, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. borating with other agents and possibly human users to
0950-7051/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0950-705 1(00)00084-8
242 J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250

solve problems. Agents share information, knowledge, and these knowledge repositories. Knowledge ontologies and
tasks among themselves, and cooperate with each other to ways for representing acquired knowledge (rules, cases,
achieve common goals. The capability of a multi-agent scripts, frames/objects, semantic networks, etc.) are typi-
system is not only re¯ected by the intelligence of individual cally created in the AI ®eld for building expert and other
agents but also by the emergent behavior of the entire agent intelligent systems. The knowledge management ®eld can
community [29]. This ability allows each agent to be apply these AI techniques to help codify the knowledge in
designed to represent a different specialty area of the the knowledge management systems. Other AI techniques
Defense Acquisition Deskbook and develop responses to like intelligent agents [3] can be used to help in the search
the inquiries on the pre-award phase of a contract through and retrieval methods of knowledge in the knowledge
collaboration among multi-agents. Second, agents are management systems. Agents can be used to help in
capable of adapting to the environment, including other combining knowledge which would ultimately lead to the
agents and human users. Agents can learn from experience creation of new knowledge. The AI Applications Institute at
over time to improve their performance [15]. The learning the University of Edinburgh has developed an adaptive
capability is particularly promising for long term use in the work¯ow system, using agent technology, to support
contract acquisition area. A multi-agent system can learn knowledge management. Natural language and speech
appropriate responses based on user inputs and new understanding front-ends as interfaces to knowledge
requirements for contract acquisitions. Such multi-agent management systems may be worthwhile AI techniques to
technology may be a viable alternative to automate parts apply in the coming years to the knowledge management
of the Ask a Professor component in the Defense Acquisi- ®eld.
tion Deskbook. The multi-agent system called MACS Our MACS system uses agent-based technology to
(Multi-Agent COTR System) has been developed to assist enhance the knowledge of those interested in gaining
in defense acquisition, and is a method for capturing, insights into the acquisition ®eld. The objective of this
sharing, and disseminating knowledge as related to the paper is to present the architecture, implementation, and
knowledge management ®eld for defense acquisition related considerations of a multi-agent system, called
applications. MACS. The system is designed to help the ARO/COTR in
Knowledge management [19±21] is the process of creat- answering questions about the pre-award phase of a
ing value from an organization's intangible assets. It deals contract. Knowledge for this multi-agent system is extracted
with how best to leverage knowledge internally in the orga- from CESA [18]. MACS could ultimately be used in the
nization and externally to the customers and stakeholders. Ask a Professor module by applying agents to search the
As such, knowledge management combines various Deskbook and develop responses to ARO/COTR related
concepts from numerous disciplines, including organiza- questions.
tional behavior, human resources management, arti®cial MACS has been designed using both AgentBuilder w soft-
intelligence (AI), information technology, and the like. ware and a Java servlet. Essentially, the agent that interfaces
The focus is how best to share knowledge to create value- with users is a Java servlet that can be viewed on the Inter-
added bene®ts to the organization. net. This agent then communicates with AgentBuilder w
In looking at ways for sharing knowledge, transforming where the other agents in the system, and their knowledge
individual knowledge into collective, organizational knowl- from CESA, reside. Communication between the agent
edge, and reincarnating organizations into ªknowledge designed as a servlet and the AgentBuilder w agents is
organizationsº, the ®eld of AI can help push these basic accomplished with a Java-based communications API
tenets of knowledge management [30]. One of the important provided by Reticular Systems, Inc., the vender for Agent-
areas of knowledge management is knowledge capture and Builder w. This API makes use of the Remote Method Invo-
representation. The knowledge engineering [10] methodol- cation to access distributed objects over a network.
ogies for building expert systems have applied knowledge The next section reviews the literature on multi-agent
acquisition techniques (e.g. interviewing, protocol analysis, frameworks. Section 3 presents applications of multi-agent
simulation, personal construct theory, card sorting, etc.) for systems in the procurement and contracting/acquisition
eliciting the tacit knowledge from domain experts. In order areas. Section 4 then describes the architecture of MACS
to develop knowledge repositories in knowledge manage- for the pre-award phase of contracting and the implementa-
ment systems for formally documenting knowledge in an tion, and Section 5 summarizes our work.
on-line way, these knowledge acquisition techniques could
be applied. Additionally, knowledge discovery and data/text
mining approaches (AI-related methods) could be used to 2. Multi-agent system frameworks
inductively determine relationships and trends in these
knowledge repositories for creating new knowledge. In Over the past few years, some interesting work has been
order to represent this knowledge in these repositories, a developed in creating multi-agent system frameworks [8].
knowledge taxonomy and knowledge mapping are typically One such framework by DeLoach [6] develops a methodol-
constructed for serving as the frameworks on which to build ogy for multi-agent systems engineering. The framework
J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250 243

includes the following [6]: and the challenges ahead, namely: (1) how to decompose
problems and allocate tasks to individual agents; (2)
1. identify agent types; how to coordinate agent control and communications;
2. identify the possible interactions between agent types; (3) how to make multiple agents act in a coherent manner;
3. de®ne coordination protocols for each type of interaction; (4) how to make individual agents reason about other agents
4. map actions identi®ed in agent conversations to internal and the state of coordination; (5) how to reconcile con¯ict-
components; ing goals between coordinating agents; and (6) how to
5. de®ne inputs, ¯ows, and outputs associated with the engineer practical multi-agent systems. In addition to this
agents; list of challenges, many researchers are looking at only
6. select the agent types that are needed; autonomous agents; but in many situations, the integration
7. determine the number of agents required of each type and of human collaboration with agent-based interaction will be
de®ne: the agents' physical location or address, the types crucial. Researchers such as Volksen et al. [36] at Siemens
of conversations that agents will be able to hold, and any have developed Cooperation-Ware as a framework for
other parameters de®ned in the domain. human-agent collaboration.

Zeus, developed at British Telecom Laboratories by

Collis et al. [5], is an advanced toolkit for engineering 3. Applications of multi-agent systems in procurement
distributed multi-agent systems. Zeus contains an agent and contracting/acquisition
component library, visualization tools, and agent building
software. The Zeus agent design methodology is to deter- In surveying the literature, there have only been a few
mine candidate agents, de®ne each agent using the graphical multi-agent systems developed directly for the procurement
Zeus Generator tool and identify tasks, describe agent rela- and contracting/acquisition area. Mehra and Nissen [22]
tionships using Zeus Generator, choose from a list of have designed an intelligent multi-agent supply chain
prewritten coordination strategies, and implement/encode management system using Gensym's Agent Development
the agents. Environment, and Chen et al. [4] have built a negotiation-
Flores-Mendez [9], with the Collaborative Agents Group based multi-agent system for supply chain management.
at the University of Calgary, proposes the need for a stan- Steinmetz et al. [32] have designed an ef®cient anytime
dardized multi-agent system framework. He describes the algorithm for multiple-component bid selection in auto-
multi-agent system as an environment consisting of areas. mated contracting. In the logistics area, Satapathy et al.
Areas are required to have exactly one local area coordina- [31] have developed Distributed Intelligent Architecture
tor, which is an agent that acts as a facilitator for other for Logistics (DIAL). This is a multi-agent system designed
agents within its area. Agents use the services of local to aid in real world logistics planning.
area coordinators to access other agents in the system. Business process management is an allied area relating to
Agents can also be connected with yellow page servers the acquisition management ®eld. ADEPT [11] views a
and cooperation domain server agents [9]. business process as a community of negotiating, service-
A variety of other work on multi-agent systems has been provided agents. O'Brien and Wiegand [27] have developed
undertaken. Landauer and Bellman [16] describe an an agent-based process management system architecture for
approach to integration in constructing complex systems work¯ow management. Additional work has been
that rely on cooperative collections of agents instead of a performed by Nissen [23±26] via an intelligent redesign
central planner or organizer. Sycara and Zeng [34] discuss agent called KOPeR.
the coordination of multiple intelligent software agents. Electronic commerce is a rapidly growing area, related to
Arisha et al. [1], from the University of Maryland-College procurement and contracting, where multi-agent systems
Park, describe a platform called Impact for collaborating are being applied. Lee and Lee [17] have developed an
agents. Yabrou et al. [14] at the University of Maryland- intelligent agent-based competitive contract process using
Baltimore County (UMBC), describe the various agent UNIK-AGENT. Zlotkin and Rosenschein [38] have worked
communications languages Ð KQML (Knowledge Query on mechanisms for automated negotiation in state oriented
Manipulation Language), FIPA ACL (Foundation for domains. Tsvetovatyy and Gini [35] have developed
Intelligent Physical Agents-Agent Communication MAGMA, a free-market agent architecture via automated
Language), and others. Joshi and Singh [12] guest edited a purchasing and agent cooperation. The application of multi-
special issue on ªMultiagent Systems on the Netº with a agents for electronic commerce is a fertile growth area.
myriad of papers looking at multi-agent system frameworks Other selected examples of multi-agent systems (non-
and applications. The HINTS system, developed by acquisition related) that have been developed include Intel-
Computer Sciences Corporation for the Australian ligent Agent Decision Support System (IADSS) [37],
defense/health-care communities is another example of a Autonomous Agents for Rock Island Arsenal (AARIA)
multi-agent system that has been developed. [28], Remote Agent Experiment for Spacecraft Autonomy
Furthermore, Sycara [33] discusses multi-agent systems [2], Internet-based multi-agent system for military training
244 J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250

[13], and Agent Inception System for visual modeling for route user queries to speci®c agents for response. Thus, the
agent-based applications [7]. typical three-tiered brokered architecture is reduced to two
The ®ve specialty agents in the system each possess
4. Multi-agent architecture for the pre-award phase of a domain expertise about particular aspects of the pre-award
contract phase. The specialty agents are dictated by the CESA
knowledge base. The name of each specialty agent indicates
The CESA provides the primary source from which the its domain expertise and maps to the areas of the CESA rule
multi-agent system's knowledge base has been developed base previously summarized as follows:
[18]. CESA is a rule-based expert system developed at the
US Naval Research Laboratory to help COTRs respond to 1. Forms Agent. This agent identi®es the forms needed to
questions relating to the pre-award phase of contract acqui- complete the contract request based on characteristics of
sition. MACS includes 119 rules of CESA's knowledge the contract.
base covering the following areas: 2. Justi®cation Agent. This agent indicates situations where
a Justi®cation and Approval is required to complete the
² Adequacy of the PR package PR.
± What forms are needed in a PR package 3. Evaluation Agent. This agent provides information about
± Major Procurement evaluation weights, criteria, and procedures related to
± Supply proposals.
± Justi®cation and Approval (Sole Source) 4. Synopsis Agent. The agent is responsible for identifying
± What should be included in a sole source justi®ca- situations where a contract synopsis is required for
tion completion of the PR package.
± What needs to be evaluated 5. Types of Contracts Agent. This agent identi®es the nature
± Whether an Acquisition Plan is applicable of a contract based on contract conditions such as the
± Evaluation source of contract and the nature of the work.
± Evaluation weights and scoring
± Evaluation criteria The specialty agents are self-contained (i.e. their knowl-
± Evaluation procedures edge bases are independent of the other specialty agents),
± Synopsis and thus interaction between these specialty agents is not
± How to format the synopsis required. The brokered User Agent requires two-way feed-
± Synopsis requirements for an 8a or Broad Agency back between itself and the specialty agents. It also has two-
Announcement response way feedback between itself and the user (ARO/COTR) so
± Synopsis requirements for unsolicited proposals in that responses can be forwarded and displayed to the user by
R&D the User Agent. As mentioned in Section 1, the User Agent
± Types of contracts is a Java servlet and the specialty agents are AgentBuilder w
± Firm ®xed price agents.
± Cost plus ®xed fee (CPFF) Agent communication and interaction proceeds in the
± Completion-type CPFF for hardware/software following manner:
project; level of effort CPFF for services or on-
going software development 1. User Agent welcomes the User.
± Normally level of effort CPFF 2. User sends a user request to the User Agent (currently via
± Cost reimbursement/grant/student services contract predetermined keywords selected from a list).
3. The User Agent determines if it understands the request
The web-based, multi-agent architecture presented in this and if so, then broadcasts the request to the Specialty
paper for helping COTRs in the pre-award phase of a contract Agents.
uses a six-agent architecture Ð a User Agent and ®ve speci- 4. If the User Agent needs further clari®cation from the
alty agents that are entrusted with managing the various func- user, it then sends the request for further clari®cation
tions of CESA described above. The six agents represent a back to the user.
modi®ed, brokered agency architecture. We say modi®ed, 5. The User then sends the ªclari®edº request to the User
brokered architecture because a User Agent functions as Agent who in turn sends it to the Specialty Agents.
both an interface and a broker agent. That is, the User 6. If a Specialty Agent can answer the request, it sends the
Agent interacts with the user/COTR to welcome the user, answer back to the User Agent, who in turn forwards it to
ask what pre-award questions the user has, and serves as the the user.
interface between the user/COTR and the other agents in the 7. If a Specialty Agent cannot answer the request, it sends
system. It will also (in future work) be coded with meta- the request back to the User Agent who then (if appro-
knowledge about other agents in the system so that it can priate) forwards it to the user for further clari®cation.
J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250 245

Fig. 2. Internal structure of an agent.

Reasoner, and Modeler. The Perceptor/effectoris designed

Fig. 1. Agent architecture and communication.
to communicate with the external world. Any data, other
than ACL messages, is received and sent through this
8. If, after several rounds of clari®cation, none of the Speci- component. The ACL communicator is used to send and
alty Agents can determine an answer to the request, they receive messages with other agents using an Agent Commu-
send this information to the User Agent who in turn sends nication Language (KQML in this case). Incoming ACL
this reply to the user. messages are parsed and passed to the Reasoner. The
Reasonerreasons with a message received from either
Fig. 1 illustrates the system architecture and communica- Perceptor or ACL communicator to determine if any actions
tion. Each specialty agent consists of four components, as need to be performed to respond to the message. The
shown in Fig. 2: Perceptor/Effector, ACL communicator, Modeler is designed to store the domain knowledge of an

Fig. 3. User Agent input screen.

246 J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250

Fig. 4. User Agent output screen.

agent, and MACS uses rules and frames to represent the 4.1. System interface
domain knowledge of each specialty agent. Rules are used
to represent retrieving strategies, and frames describe their The user interface for this system is intended to support
information sources (forms, justi®cation and approval state- simple communications between the user and the system. In
ments, evaluation criteria, synopses, and contracts). This particular, the user will be expected to be aware of the
structure allows knowledge in the agents to be easily characteristics of the contract under consideration. These
updated. For instance, whenever new forms or justi®cation characteristics are entered through a series of pull-down
statements are released, new frames can easily be added to menus. Selections from these menus are then transported
the Forms and Justi®cation Agents. to the specialty agents in Agentbuilder as a string of
Each agent has explicit goals. Its Modeler is responsible keywords in a KQML message. The response from these
for guiding how to achieve the goals under varying circum- agents is then sent back as a series of strings to the User
stances. The specialty agents respond to incoming queries Agent, and these are represented as recommendations from
by presenting necessary information and/or requirements the multi-agent system.
for ARO/COTRs. For example, the Evaluation Agent can Fig. 3 shows the input screen for the user agent and Fig. 4
assist a COTR with information regarding how to evaluate a is the output screen. These ®gures are depicting a particular
project and what criteria or weights to use for evaluation of a example that will be further discussed in Section 4.2. The
contract. If a COTR has a question regarding ªdetermining interface can be described as follows:
weights on evaluation criteria,º the Evaluation Agent will
reply with ªYou can develop your own weights on technical, 1. The summary window in the input screen makes queries
quali®cations, and cost criteria. Generally speaking, a made by users available to them for easy recollection and
weight of 40 percent (out of 100%) is given to cost.º The revision. Each time the user makes a selection, the results
COTR can input a variety of keywords pertaining to evalua- will be displayed using AND and OR conditions. The
tion weights and criteria to which the Evaluation Agent will selection of AND and OR conditions is described below.
respond. (a) For the pull-down menus on the input screen
J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250 247

Fig. 5. Introductory screen displaying the CESA agency and agents.

labeled ªType of Contractº and ªContract Amount,º 6. When an appropriate response to a user's query is not
the user may only select one keyword because choices found, the output screen displays the message ªSorry, but
in these pull-down menus are mutually exclusive. this agent does not have a response to your query.º
(b) For the remaining menus, the user may select
multiple options and these will appear as AND condi-
tions in the summary window. 4.2. The computerized multi-agent system
2. The user may be allowed to deselect options from the
summary window. The agent architecture depicted in Fig. 1 has been compu-
3. Selections in the summary window are sent as a string to terized into a working multi-agent system. The user agent
the User Agent. appears as in Figs. 3 and 4. The following ®gures are screen
4. Responses from the specialty agents to the user agent are shots of the specialty agents in AgentBuilder. Speci®cally,
then displayed on the output screen. The summary Fig. 5 provides an overview of the specialty agents Synop-
window with the user's selections is also displayed on sis, Contracts, Evaluation, Forms and Justi®cation on the
this screen. Once a response is sent, it is categorized left-hand side of the screen. The test_agent is used to vali-
according to the speci®c specialty agent from which the date each specialty agent prior to linking it with the User
response was sent. Therefore, if multiple agents respond Agent.
to the query, then their responses are appropriately cate- Figs. 6 and 7 depict different aspects of a sample rule in
gorized. the Evaluation Agent of the multi-agent system. Fig. 6
5. The output screen also allows the user to return to shows the coding for rule 57 on the right-hand side of the
previous selections, start a new session, and exit from screen. Under ªWHENº the conditions for ®ring the rule are
the interface. listed-and these are the conditions given in Fig. 3. ªTHENº
248 J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250

Fig. 6. Sample rule from the ªEvaluationº specialty agent including inputs and outputs.

provides the text displayed to the user after the ªWHENº validation of the meta-knowledge encoded in the User
conditions have been met. The test_agent is then shown in Agent will have to be undertaken to further support this
Fig. 7 with the KQML message that must be sent to the statement since responding specialty agents will be depen-
Evaluation Agent in order for rule 57 to ®re. Once ®red, dent on where the User Agent sends the COTR queries. In
the text from rule 57 is displayed to the user as previously this regard, this system is one of the earliest ones in the ®eld
shown in Fig. 4. of defense contracting.
The study provides a foundation for enhancing this
system such that it could be applied to domains other than
5. Summary contract acquisition. We envision that future work on this
system in terms of the learning and natural language
In this study, we have demonstrated the development of a capabilities will support this generalization of our work.
multi-agent system that supports functions in defense acqui- Furthermore, the integration of the system with the more
sition tasks. Speci®cally, the goal of this multi-agent system dynamic DAD site will ensure the dynamic nature of this
is to help the COTR more easily and effectively answer system and will reduce the risks of static systems that are
questions relating to the pre-award phase of a contract often associated with traditional rule-based systems.
over the Web. This is particularly useful because of the Future development of the system will include the inte-
complex nature of the pre-award phase of contracting. gration of additional knowledge from the Ask a Professor
Dividing the knowledge base into ®ve areas of domain questions (which are archived on the web) via the Defense
expertise via the specialty agents can enhance performance Acquisition Deskbook. The emphasis of future work will be
of the system by increasing the speed with which responses on the User Agent. First, the broadcast method for sending
can be obtained from the specialty agents. Future testing and messages to the specialty agents will be converted to a
J. Liebowitz et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 13 (2000) 241±250 249

Fig. 7. Sample User Agent with input for ªEvaluationº agent Rule 57 to ®re.

routing system with meta-knowledge about each specialty functions will parse this to obtain a potential list of
agent's domain knowledge designed into the User Agent. keyword that may be of interest to the user.
This will be accomplished by parsing values from this input
strings entered by users to direct queries to the various
specialty agents. Second, additional functionality will be Acknowledgements
built into the User Agent. This increased functionality will
involve three things as follows: This work was partially funded by EARP'99 (External
Acquisition Research Program) and a Fulbright Fellowship.
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