Metrolla Organisation Study Report

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Or gani sati onal st udy is an exercise for t he student s who are under goi ng MBA
pr ogra mme. It provi des the st udent s wit h t he first hand i dea on t he general wor ki ng of
t he or gani sati on. The student gets an environ ment where he can act ualize all t he
kno wl edge has acquired i n his curri cul um. The exercise is an opport unit y for t he
st udent t o underst and t he or gani sati onal struct ure, t he maj or depart ment s, fl ow of
i nfor mati on and t he vari ous ot her functi ons i n an organi sati on. Or gani zati onal st udi es
l ook at how i ndi vi dual s creat e or gani sati onal struct ure, practises, and pr ocedures, as
well as how all of t his affects peopl e' s soci al rel ationshi ps and i nstit uti ons.

Met r oll a St eels Lt d is an aut horised distri but or of St eel Bars and TMT Bars. The
co mpany co mes under the Iron and St eel Industry. They are regar ded as one of t he
most sought St eel Bars, TMT Bars suppli ers, traders, export ers, and servi ce pr ovi ders.
It is one of t he maj or suppli er, who suppl yi ng a di verse sel ecti on of St eel Bars and
T MT Bars. Most of t he Cl i ent s suggest t hese TMT St eel Bars due t o t he hi gh qualit y
and reli abl e perfor mance. Thi s report gi ves descripti on on t he or gani sati on struct ure,
co mpany pr ofile, product and ot her det ails of Metroll a St eels Lt d., Muvatt upuzha.

1. 1 Scope of t he St udy

The pur pose of t he or gani sati on st udy is t o underst and Or gani sati on struct ure,
different depart ment s and t heir functi ons and st udy t he Past, Present, and fut ure
of t he co mpany, t he fi nanci al anal ysis and its contri buti on t o publi c transport
syst e m. Thi s st udy exposes t o t he practi cal si de of busi ness and st udy on vari ous
depart ment s na mel y pr oducti on, Mar keti ng, Huma n Resource, Qualit y Cont r ol
and Fi nance Depart ment. Al so, t o anal yse t he S WOT and gi ve suggesti ons.

The st udy was conduct ed for a peri od of 2 weeks, from 16t h May 2022 to 30t h
Ma y 2022 at Metroll a Steels Lt d. Muvatt upuzha in Er nakul a m Di strict

1. 2 Obj ecti ves of t he Study

Pri mar y Obj ecti ve:

 To have a general i dea on t he depart ment al operati ons of Metroll a St eels Ltd.

Secondar y Obj ecti ve:

 To underst and t he or ganizati on struct ure of Metrolla St eels Lt d.

 To conduct an anal ysis based on S WOT (St rengt h, Weakness,
Opport unit y, Threat).
 To anal yse S WOT and suggest i mpr ove ment s.

1. 3 Met hodol ogy of St udy

The st udy was conduct ed on pri mar y and secondary dat a avail abl e.

 Pri mar y Dat a

The pri mar y dat a was coll ect ed directl y from t he manage ment and t he e mpl oyees
t hrough personal i nt eracti ons and discussi ons.

 Secondar y Dat a

Sources of secondar y data were co mpany br ouchers, j our nal s, magazi nes, arti cl es and
i nt ernet.

1. 4 Li mit ati ons

 As t he ti me all ott ed for the st udy was short, onl y li mit ed a mount of dat a coul d
be coll ect ed.
 The st udy was mai nl y based on secondar y dat a, and so it is subj ect t o the
li mit ati ons of t he sa me.
 Fi nanci al results of t he co mpany were not avail able.
 The researcher not possibl e t o coll ect dat a due t o t he restricti ons made by t he
or gani sati on at t he pande mi c Covi d- 19

2. 1 An Overvi e w of Iron and Steel Industry

Nat ure and Characteristi cs of t he Industry

Moder n life greatl y depends on iron whi ch is t he most wi del y used of all met al s. It is
needed t o carry out even t he si mpl est dail y tasks. Iron hel p t o do t he j ob usuall y i n t he
for m of st eel. The uses of iron and st eel woul d see m endl ess li ke t he concret e i n
hi ghways and i n t oweri ng buil di ngs. They need steel for addi ng strengt h. The met al
reli es on transport ati on i n t he for m of iron horse share or as a speci alised st eel all oy i n
a vehi cl e sets i nt o out er space. St eel bars pl ays a st urdy and pi vot al rol e in buil di ng
lasti ng struct ures. St eel rebars shoul d be superi or i n lengt h ductilit y, especiall y when
moder n struct ural desi gns stri ve t o def y t he chall enges of nat ure, space li mi tati ons and
aest heti c percepti ons. Thi s is precisel y where nor mal ct d rebars crack t her mo
mechani call y treat ed ( TMT) rebars excel.

St eel is rat her a speci al for m of iron. An appr opriat e defi niti on for t his account woul d
be iron all oyed wit h 0. 5 percent age t o 1. 5 percent age car bon, so disti ngui shing it from
wr ought iron, whi ch has much l ess car bon, and from cast iron, whi ch has more car bon.

The Covi d- 19 crisis has sent shockwaves i n iron and st eel i ndustry t hrough t he gl obal
suppl y chai ns. It’s leading t o an esti mat ed 5 percent age of decli ne i n producti on of
st eels i n gl oball y i n 2020 rel ati ve t o 2019,( Despit e hit by Covi d, Indi a' s st eel
pr oducti on i ncreases by 25. 6 %: Report).

steel was decl ared an essenti al i ndustry i n several countri es. The de mand for st eel
pr oducti on has fallen sharpl y duri ng t he pande mi c ,( Despit e hit by Covi d, Indi a' s st eel
pr oducti on i ncreases by 25. 6 %: Report). Despit e a year of constructi on acti vit y bei ng
halt ed owi ng t o Covi d- 19, t he st eel i ndustry has perfor med ad mi rabl y. Exports duri ng
t he current fiscal year are pr oj ect ed t o sur pass those of FY21 because it’s already
sur passed 70 % of l ast year' s t ot al( Despit e hit by Covi d, Indi a' s st eel pr oducti on
i ncreases by 25. 6 %: Report). The st eel i ndustry has wit nessed a st eady fl ow of
co mmer ce bet ween t he two countri es even i n Despit e bor der concer ns wi t h Chi na.
( Despit e hit by Covi d, Indi a' s st eel producti on i ncreases by 25. 6 %: Report ). The
Exports were account ed for Rs. 19, 267 crore wher eas t he i mports fro m Chi na

account ed Rs 16, 369 cr ore( Despit e hit by Covi d, Indi a' s st eel producti on i ncreases by
25. 6 %: Report)

Hi st ory

Fr o m t he anci ent ti mes st eel i ndustry has gr own by a fe w men may have operat ed
peri odi call y a s mall furnace pr oduci ng 10 kil ogra ms t o t he moder n i nt egrat ed iron-
and st eel wor ks wit h annual st eel producti on of about 1 milli on t ons( Hi st or y). Ni ppon
St eel i n Japan is t he largest commer ci al st eel maki ng ent erprise whi ch was responsi bl e
for pr oduci ng 26 milli on t ons i n 1987 and 11 ot her co mpani es generall y di stri but ed
t hroughout t he worl d each had out put s of more t han 10 milli on t ons( Hi st or y).
Empl oy ment dat a are not avail abl e excl udi ng t he East ern- bl oc countri es t hat is so me
1. 7 milli on peopl e were empl oyed i n 1987 i n pr oduci ng 430 milli on t ons of steel whi ch
is equi val ent t o about 250 t ons of st eel per person e mpl oyed per year a re mar kabl y
effi ci ent use of hu man endeavour( Hi st or y).

About 2000 BC i n Anat oli a the Iron pr oducti on began, and t he Iron Age was well est abli shed
by 1000 BC. Then spread wi del y the technol ogy of maki ng iron by 500 BC and it had reached
the west er n li mits of Eur ope and it had reached i n Chi na by 400 BC ( Hi st or y). Iron or es are
wi del y di stri but ed and the ot her raw mat eri al charcoal was readil y avail abl e( Hi story).

I n s mall shaft f ur naces the iron was pr oduced as soli d l umps are call ed bl oo ms then whi ch i s
hot f orged i nt o bars of wr ought iron whi ch i s a mall eabl e mat eri al cont ai ni ng bi ts of sl ag and
charcoal.( Hi st or y). The earl y irons cont ai ned of car bons are ranged from very l ow ( 0. 07
percent) to hi gh ( 0. 8 percent), the l atter constituti ng a genui ne steel,( Hi st or y). The mat eri al
wi ll beco me very har d when the car bon cont ent of steel is above 0. 3 percent and brittl e if it
is quenched i n wat er froma te mper at ure of about 850° to 900° C (1, 550° to 1, 650° F) ( Hi st or y)
Reheati ng the steel withi n the range of 350° to 500° C (660° to 930° F) f or reduci ng t he
bri ttl eness whi ch pr ocess known as temperi ng.( Hi stor y). Thi s type of heat treat ment was
known t o the Egypti ans by 900 BC as can be j udged by the microstruct ur e of
re mai ni ng artifacts and f ormed t he basi s of a steel i ndustry f or pr oduci ng a mat eri al that was

i deall y sui ted to the fabri cati on of s wor ds and kni ves( Hi st or y). I n the pr oduction of l ow-
car bon iron to hi gh-car bon cast iron a rapi d transi ti on is made by Chi nese ( Hi st ory). Ther e i s
evi dence f or that they coul d pr oduce heat-treat ed steel duri ng the earl y Han

dynasty ( 206 BC–AD 25)( Hi st or y). The art of met al wor ki ng from t he Chi nese acqui red by
the Japanese, but there i s littl e evi dence of a specifi cally Japanese steel i ndustry until a much
l ater dat e( Hi st or y). The Romans, who have never been l ooked upon as i nnovat ors but mor e
as organi zers, hel ped to spread the knowl edge of iron maki ng, so that the out put
of wr ought iron i n the Ro man worl d greatl y i ncreased( Hi st or y). Iron maki ng conti nued much
as bef ore i n Eur ope with the decli ne of Ro man i nfl uence and ther e i s littl e evi dence of any
change f or many cent uri es i n the rest of the worl d( Hi st or y). By the begi nni ng of the 15t h
cent ury, wat er power was used to bl ow ai r i nt o bl oomer y f ur naces. As a consequence t he
te mper at ur e i n the f ur nace i ncreased to above 1, 200° C ( 2, 200° F) so that i nstead of f or mi ng
a soli d bl oo m of iron a li qui d was pr oduced ri ch i n carbon —i . e., cast iron. soli dified cast iron
was passed thr ough a fi nery i n or der to make thi s i nt o wr ought iron by reduci ng the car bon
cont ent wher e it was mel ted i n an oxi di zi ng at mos pher e wit h charcoal as the f uel ( Hi st or y).
Thi s removed the car bon to gi ve a se misoli d bl oo m whi ch i s cooli ng after was ha mmer ed i nt o
shape( Hi st or y).

Maj or Seg me nts

The st eel i ndustry can be cl assifi ed i nt o t wo seg ment s:

 Pri mar y St eel Pr oducers

 Secondar y St eel Pr oducers

Pri mary Steel Producers also known as i nt egrated st eel Pr oducers, also kno wn as
i nt egrat ed st eel Pr oducers, are i nvol ved i n ent er range of iron and st eel pr oducti on
co mmenci ng from expl orati on of iron ore t o t he producti on of fi nished St eel product s.

The secondary producers purchase iron ore or steel scrap and pr ocess t he m and do
not use coki ng coal. The secondar y st eel Pr oducers can be cl assifi ed i nt o t hree t ypes:

 Maj or secondar y pl ayers

 Mi ni st eel pl ant s
 St eel re-roll ers

Whi l e SAI L, TI SCO and Rashtri ya Ispat Ni ga m Lt d. Are t hree maj or i nt egrat ed st eel
Pr oducers. Ji ndal st eel, Ispat Industri es and Essar steel are some of t he secondar y st eel

Pr oducers i n t he country. There are a nu mber of mi ni st eel pl ants ants and st eel re-
roll ers. Fi nished St eel is used mai nl y i n t he for m of l ong pr oduct s, flat pr oduct s and
all oy st eels.

De mand and suppl y of iron and steel i ndustry

Gl obal st eel producti on has mor e t han tri pl ed over t he past 50 years even t he despit e
nati ons li ke t he US and Russi a scali ng down t heir do mesti c pr oducti on. The st eel
strand t he lies i n its i nfinit e recycl abilit y wit h no l oss of qualit y. All oy whi ch al so
cont ai ns l ess t han t wo percent age car bon and one percent age of manganese and t he
ot her trace el e ment s which is made up pri marily of iron ore. It will ma ke so me
essenti al parts of vari ous sust ai nabl e ener gy t echnol ogi es t hat are t he average wi nd
t urbi ne is made up of 80% age of St eel on average and st eel is used i n t he bas, pu mps,
tanks and heat exchanges of sol ar power i nst allati on and also used i n t he heart of
generat ors and mot ors of el ectri c and hybri d vehi cles. (cont e, 2021)

Mai n De mand creat ors for st eel i ndustry are:

 Aut o mobil e i ndustry

 Constructi on i ndustry
 Infrastruct ure i ndustry
 Oi l and gas i ndustry and
 Shi ppi ng and cont ai ner industry


The gr owt h and devel op ment of iron and st eel i ndustry is a refl ecti on of gl obal
econo my. The iron and st eel i ndustry depi cts a changi ng nat ure i n its growt h and
pr oducti on patt ern. In t he mi d- 1970s, t he rel ativel y devel oped countri es of Nort h
Ameri ca, West ern Eur ope and Japan account ed nearl y a t wo- t hird of t he worl d’s st eel
pr oducti on. ( Di stri buti on of Ir on and St eel I ndustry i n maj or countri es of t he worl d, 2022) But
i n devel opi ng regi ons it graduall y changed t he spati al patt ern and t he attenti on was
shift ed. The mai n pr oducers of iron and st eel i ndustry i n t he worl d are Chi na, Japan,
US A, Russi a, Ger many, Sout h Korea, Brazil, Ukrai ne, Indi a, France and Great Brit ai n.
To war ds t he end of t he last cent ur y, t he gr owt h of the st eel producti on i n countri es li ke
Chi na, Sout h Kor ea, Brazil and Indi a has changed the entire patt ern of st eel producti on
i n t he worl d.

Producti on of Iron and Steel i n maj or countri es of t he worl d

( tabl e no: 1, pr oducti on of iron and st eel)

Count ri es Producti on ( i n crore tons)

Pi g Iron Cr ude St eel

Chi na 131. 23 128. 5

Japan 80. 5 105. 4

US A 47. 9 102

Russi a 43. 3 55. 5

Ger many 27. 3 41. 7

Sout h Kor ea 24. 8 43. 4

Br azil 27. 7 27. 8

Ukr ai ne 25. 7 31. 7

Indi a 21. 3 26. 9

Fr ance 13. 6 20

It al y 10. 9 26. 6

Gr eat Brit ai n 10. 9 16. 1

Fr o m t his tabl e, it is cl ear t hat chi na is t he leading pr oducer of iron and st eel i n t he
worl d. Ar ound 23. 9 percent age of producti on of pi g iron and 13. 9 percent age of
pr oducti on of crude st eel i n t he worl d’s pr oducti on was account ed by Chi na. Chi na is
havi ng t he ol dest syst e m of fabri cat ors of iron, but until t he adopti on of t he fi ve year
pl an i n 1953 it had onl y i nsi gnifi cant i n moder n t ype of manufact uri ng of iron and
st eel. But graduall y, t hey devel oped t he iron and st eel i ndustry and it results i n t he
positi oni ng as hi ghest producer of iron and st eel in t he worl d.

Japan is t he second l argest producer of iron and st eel of t he worl d. The shortage of ra w
mat eri al (iron and st eel) is t he reason for positi oni ng Japan aft er t he Chi na. The first
st eel pl ant Ya wat a was built by t he gover n ment i n 1901. It is t he maj or centre of heavy
i ndustry wit h about one fift h of Japan’s st eel capacit y. The maj or stri ki ng feat ure of
t he l ocati onal patt ern of Japan’s st eel pl ant is t hat t hey are sit uat ed on t he bay- Coast
or ri ver because of t he most of t he Japanese st eel pl ant s depend upon out side for ra w
mat eri als. And also t hey are l ocat ed i n t he heart of great i ndustri al district s whi ch
pr ovi de ready mar ket for fi nished st eel.

Once USA was t he hi ghest Pr oducer of iron and steel but now it’s rank is third i n t he
Worl d. The first st eel plant was est ablished i n 1629 at Massachusetts. The l ast 380
years t he st eel i ndustry in US has under gone t hr ough several changes t hese changes
has not onl y occurred i n the gr owt h and pr oducti on patt ern but also i n t he localisati on
patt ern. Great est share of fi nished St eel produced in USA by t he aut omoti ve i ndustry.

I mport ant trends i n i ron and steel i ndustry

That trends i n iron and st eel i ndustry i ndi cat es t he gl obal de mand for st eel will
conti nue t o gr ow( St eel I ndustr y Tr ends - Curr ent Event s in St eel I ndustr y). The use of St eel will
i ncrease by 1. 5 ti mes t o acco mmodat e a gr owi ng popul ati on i n t he worl d( St eel I ndustr y

Tr ends - Curr ent Event s i n St eel I ndustr y). From t he contri buti on of St eel i ndustries gl obal
econo mi es also get benefits li ke i n worl dwi de more t han 6 milli on peopl e wor k for
st eel i ndustry( St eel I ndustry Tr ends - Curr ent Event s i n St eel I ndustry). Ever y j ob in t he worl d
wi de st eel i ndustry creates 7. 1 additi onal j obs, leadi ng t o e mpl oy ment for 42 milli on
peopl e( St eel I ndustr y Tr ends – Curr ent Event s i n St eel I ndustry).

Fut ure aspects of t he i ron and steel i ndustry

St eel will conti nue t o be a vit al mat erial across industri es t hat can i nfi nitel y recycl e
and rel y on when t he industry conti nuous t o innovat e i n bot h sust ai nabilit y and
usabilit y. Ne w i nnovations are also t aki ng place i n st eel i ndustry for coast
mi ni mi zati on and at t he sa me ti me pr oducti on sum of t he cutti ng edge t echnol ogy t hat
are bei ng i mpl e ment ed in t his i ndustry are t hi n slab casti ng maki ng of St eel t hr ough
t he use of el ectric fur nace vacuu m t he gassi ng et c. For t he st eel i ndustry to f oll ow a
traj ect or y co mpati bl e with t he goal s of t he Paris Agree ment, its direct CO2 e mi ssi ons
must fall by mor e t han 50 % by 2050 rel ati ve t o today(Ir on and St eel Technol ogy Road map

– Anal ysi s). The Sust ai nable Devel op ment Scenari o outli nes a pat hway co mpati bl e wit h
achi evi ng t hese goal s, whi ch requires a reducti on i n t he direct e mi ssi on int ensit y of
cr ude st eel producti on of 58 % over t his peri od(Ir on and St eel Technol ogy Road map –

Anal ysi s). St eel producti on grows from ar ound 1. 9 Gt i n 2019 t o over 2. 5 Gt i n 2050 i n
t he St at ed Poli ci es Scenari o, dri ven by risi ng dema nd i n e mer gi ng econo mi es. The
do mi nance of t he Peopl e’s Republi c of Chi na i n gl obal producti on decli nes fromj ust
over 50 % t oday t o 35 % i n 2050, as Indi a’s producti on mor e t han tri pl es to cat er for
boo mi ng do mesti c de mand Mat eri al effici ency strat egi es can hel p reduce gr owt h i n
gl obal de mand for st eel whil e deli veri ng t he same mat erial servi ces(Ir on and St eel

Technol ogy Road map – Anal ysi s). In t he Sust ai nabl e Devel op ment Scenari o, st eel de mand
is 19 % l ower t han i n t he St at ed Poli ci es Scenari o i n 2050(Ir on and St eel Technol ogy

Road map – Anal ysi s). Technol ogy perfor mance i mprove ment s and mat erial effi ci ency
deli ver 90 % of t he e mi ssi on reducti ons under t he Sust ai nabl e Devel op ment Scenari o
i n 2030, whereas i n t he l onger ter m, i nnovati ve technol ogi es t hat i nt egrate vari ous
CCUS and hydr ogen t echnol ogi es are required for furt her e mi ssi on reducti ons(Ir on and
St eel Technol ogy Road map – Anal ysi s). By 2050 ar ound 400 Mt CO2 is capt ured annuall y,
and 16 Mt of hydr ogen is used. Ener gy consu mption for st eel producti on decreases by
14 % by 2050 i n t he Sust ai nabl e Devel op ment Scenari o rel ati ve t o t oday and t he
pr oporti ons of vari ous fuel s change radi call y(Ir on and St eel Technol ogy Road map – Anal ysi s).

Coal use decli nes by 40% by 2050, whil e el ectri cit y consu mpti on doubl es 30 % of t his
el ectri cit y (or around 700 TWh) is used for el ectrol yti c hydr ogen generation i n 2050,
requiri ng around 165 GW of el ectrol yser capacity. Innovati on pl ays a critical rol e i n

t he Sust ai nabl e Devel opme nt Scenari o, wit h technol ogi es t hat are pre-co mmer ci al
t oday contri buti ng around 30 % of cumul ati ve e mi ssi on reducti ons, and accounti ng for
ar ound a quart er of pri mar y st eel producti on i n 2050(Ir on and St eel Technol ogy Road map –

Anal ysi s). The regi onal depl oy ment of i ndi vi dual technol ogi es depends on l ocal ener gy
costs, t he regul at or y context and t he exi sti ng portfoli o of assets. The st eel industry has
enough pot enti al t o gr ow at a much accel erat ed pace i n t he co mi ng fut ure due t o t he
conti nuit y of devel op ment proj ects around. Thi s i ndustry is at present wor king near its
pr oducti ve capacit y whi ch needs t o be i ncreased wi t h i ncreasi ng t he de mand.

Chall enges

The mai n chall enges faced by t he iron and st eel i ndustry are t he hi gh cost of ra w
mat eri als or ener gy and pri ce vol atilit y. The i ndustry over i nvest ed i n invest ment
technol ogy upgradati on. Hi gh ra w mat eri al or energy costs are due t o t he fact t hat t he
mai n ener gy source for a bl ast furnace is coki ng coal/ coke. Iron ore costs are also
rel ati vel y hi gh and power costs are risi ng. So me countri es gai n from power subsi di es.
Pri ce vol atilit y bal anci ng ra w mat erial costs with sal es prices has also hurt st eel
pr oducers, most of who m had l ong t er mra w mat erial suppl y contracts.

The fi nanci al crisis affect ed t he i ndustry wit h weak de mand negati vely i mpacti ng
pri ces for fi nished st eels, hurti ng i n parti cul ar t hose co mpani es t hat sol d largel y on
spot contracts.


Indi a has a l ong hist or y of t he use of iron and st eel. Duri ng 2014 t hr ough 2016, Indi a
was t hird largest producer of ra w St eel(Ir on and St eel I ndustr y i n I ndi a). Indi a beca me t he
second l argest st eel producer i n t he worl d i n 2019 aft er Chi na and t he largest producer
of sponge iron i n t he worl d(Ir on and St eel I ndustry i n Indi a). The Indi an st eel i ndustry was
t he de-licensed and de- controll ed i n 1991 and 1992 respecti vel y and most of t he publi c
sect or undert aki ngs mar ket t heir St eel t hrough t he SAI L ( Ir on and St eel I ndustry i n I ndi a).

Duri ng 2018 about 106. 5 milli on t onnes crude st eel and above 72 milli on tonnes pi g
iron were pr oduced i n Indi a( Ir on and St eel I ndustry in I ndi a). Here iron ore of hi gh grade,
essenti al Ferro all oys and coal are l ocall y avail able i n. The great est advantage of t his
i ndustry is t he avail abilit y of coal and iron ore i n cl ose pr oxi mit y, particul arl y i n
Jhar khand, Odi sha, Chhattisgar h and Madhya Pradesh(Ir on and St eel I ndustry in I ndi a). The
t ot al producti on of iron and st eel i ndustry i n Indi a was onl y 1. 3 milli on t onnes bef ore
t he i ndependence. Aft er t he i ndependence, t here are vari ous st eps were t aken under
t he econo mi c pl anni ng, for t he devel op ment of iron and st eel i ndustri es i n t he publi c
sect or(Ir on and St eel I ndustry i n I ndi a). The ne w i ndustrial poli cy i n 1956, pl aced t he iron
and st eel i ndustri es i n schedul e A where onl y public sect or units can be est ablished(I r on
and St eel I ndustry i n I ndi a). Al so keepi ng t he chances open for t he expansi on of exi sti ng
iron and st eel i ndustri es i n t he pri vat e sect or. The first steel pl ant of Indi a was
est ablished i n 1907 at Sakchi village (Ja ms hedpur) by Ja ms hed Ji Tat a namel y. Tat a
Iron and St eel Co mpany, Ja mshedpur. The first publi c sect or pl ant was t aken i n 1954
for est ablishi ng Rour kela St eel Pl ant. There another agree ment was si gned bet ween
Indi a and USSR t o est ablish t he second pl ant under publi c sect or at Bhilai i n 1955,
Al so i n 1956 t here was anot her agree ment signed wit h British Consorti um f or
est ablishi ng st eel pl ant at Dur gapur under publi c sect or(Ir on and St eel I ndustry i n I ndi a).

Though t he devel op ment of t hree publi c sect or units results i n subsequent years t he
t ot al producti on of crude st eel i ngot s has graduall y i ncreased from 1. 47 milli on t onnes
i n 1950- 51 t o 6. 14 milli on t onnes i n 1970- 71 and t hen t o 64. 9 milli on t onnes i n 2009-
10 and 10. 65 milli on t onnes i n 2018(Ir on and St eel Industr y i n I ndi a).

Govern me nt poli cy and its i mpact

The econo mi c refor ms i nitiat ed by t he gover nment si nce 1991 creat ed ne w dime nsi ons
t o t he i ndustri al growt h in t he st eel i ndustry i n general and parti cul ar way. Abolished
licensi ng require ment for t he capacit y creati on for t he cert ai n l ocalisati on restri cti ons
. Al so t he st eel i ndustry was re moved fromt he list of i ndustri es reser ved for t he publi c
sect or. They also grant ed aut omati c appr oval of forei gn equit y i nvest ment. They
re moved t he over t he price and distri buti on wit h a vi e w t o make t he st eel i ndustry
effi ci ent and t he competiti ve. Drasti c reducti on i n i mport dut y t hrough re movi ng
restri cti ons on ext er nal trade, bot h i n i mport and export. The Indi an st eel i ndustry
benefited from t he general poli cy measures li ke reducti on i n i mport dut y on capit al
goods, converti bilit y of rupee on trade account, per mi ssi on t o mobil e resour ces fro m
overseas fi nanci al mar kets a mong ot hers. The i nitiati ve t aken by t he govern ment and
t he li beralisati on of i ndustri al poli cy has gi ven a defi nit e i mpet us for entry,
parti ci pati on and gr owt h of t he pri vat e sect or i n t he st eel i ndustry. The exi sti ng units
are bei ng moder ni sed and a large nu mber of ne w steel pl ants have also co me up i n
different parts of t he country based on moder ni sed, cost effecti ve, st art of -t he- art
technol ogi es. There is a rapi d and st abl e gr owt h of de mand si de has also pro mpt ed at
do mesti c entrepreneurs to set a fresh Gr een fi el d proj ects i n different st ates of t he
country i n t he l ast fe w years. The rapi d gr owt h of do mesti c St eel de mand has l ed t o
t he decli ne i n t he rat e of gr owt h of St eel exports from I ndi a. No w I ndi a is a currentl y
a net i mport er of t ot al fi nished St eel for ensuri ng the adequat e meet t he require ment s
of do mesti c.

De mand and Suppl y Fact ors

The de mand for st eel is risi ng i n t he worl d has predi ct ed(I ndi an St eel I ndustry Anal ysi s Apr
2022: I BEF).

The pr oducti on of FY22 crude st eel i n Indi a is esti mat ed as an i ncrease by 18

percent age t o reach 120 mi lli on t onnes(I ndi an St eel I ndustr y Anal ysi s Apr 2022: IBEF). The
do mesti c avail abilit y of ra w mat eri als has been dri ven Indi an st eel sect or i nt o
gr owt h(I ndi an St eel I ndustr y Anal ysi s Apr 2022: I BEF). Consequentl y t he st eel sect or has been
a maj or contri but or t o Indi a’s manufact uri ng out put(I ndi an St eel I ndustry Anal ysi s Apr 2022:

I BEF). Indi a’s st eel exports will conti nue t o re mai n strong i n t he co mi ng mont hs as
hi gher prices it di verts the regi onal manufact urer’s pr oducti on t o Exports(I ndi an St eel

I ndustr y Anal ysi s Apr 2022: I BEF). The de mand expect ed t o around 20 percent age i n gr ow
and t he gover n ment focuses on t he construction of roads, rail ways, port s, and
airports(I ndi an St eel I ndust ry Anal ysi s Apr 2022: I BEF). Mai n De mand creat ors for st eel
i ndustry are Aut omobil e i ndustry, Constructi on i ndustry, Infrastruct ure i ndustry, Oil
and gas i ndustry and Shi ppi ng and cont ai ner i ndustry(I ndi an St eel I ndustry Anal ysi s Apr 2022:

Seg me nt ati on of Market

The mar ket of iron and steel i ndustry has been segme nt ed on t he basis of t he shape of
St eel, St eel t ype, end users and regi ons i n ter ms of val ue and vol ume. On the basis of
shape of St eel product s can be cl assifi ed i nt o flat St eel, l ong St eel and t ubul ar St eel.
The mar ket seg ment on t he basis of t ype of St eel i ncl udes all oy st eel and a car bon
st eel. On t he basis of applicati ons t he seg ment i ncludes constructi on, shi pping, ener gy,
packagi ng, consu mer appli ances i ndustry, housing, aut omoti ve and ot hers. On t he
basis of regi on t he mar ket si ze i ncl udes t he share of Nort h Ameri ca, Europe, Asi a-
Pacifi c, Lati n Ameri ca and Ro W.

The Maj or pl ayers i n iron and steel i ndustry i n Indi a are:

 TATA steels

Tat a St eel, Asi a' s first i ntegrat ed pri vat e st eel company, was for med i n Indi a
i n 1907 and is t oday one of t he worl d' s t op l ow- cost st eel producers. The
co mpany' s fi nanci al and operati onal perfor mance for FY21 reveal s t hat it
achi eved good free cash fl ow, wit h a focus on gro wt h i nitiati ves, reduced net
debt levels, hi gher ret urn rati os, and, last but not least, cost savi ngs. Al ong
wi t h t he cl ear i mpr ove ment i n Indi an mar ket s, its Eur opean facilities ( whi ch
wer e previ ousl y consi dered a pr obl e m chil d) are expect ed t o perfor m better,
especi all y i n ter ms of free cash fl ow generati on. Plans t o boost capacit y from
21 mt t o 35- 40 mt by 2030 i ndi cat e manage ment' s beli ef i n t he company' s
devel op ment st or y( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Tat a St eel boost ed its market
share i n t he Indi an aut omobil e i ndustry and i ncreased exports i n FY21 (i n li ne

wi t h t he i ndustry)( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). Its iron ore prices re mai n
a mong t he most affor dable i n t he worl d. As a result, it has one of t he hi ghest
operati ng l everages (and fi nanci al leverage) i n t he worl d i n a strong st eel cycl e.
TATA St eel is one of t he best st eel compani es in t he country for si gnificant
pr oj ects( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a).

 Ve dant a
Vedant a ent ered t he st eel i ndustry when it bought a 90 % share i n ESL St eel
Li mit ed ( ESL). In June 2018, Vedant a Li mit ed took control of ESL t hr ough
t he Cor porat e Insol vency Settle ment Pr ocess, whi ch was i nt ended t o handl e
t he resol uti on of non- perfor mi ng assets i n t he Indian banki ng i ndustry( Top 10
St eel compani es i n I ndi a). Vedant a pl ans t o use br ownfi el d devel op ment t o gro w
its st eel operati ons i n Bokar o and beco me one of t he country' s t op steel
pr oducers( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). It is l ooki ng for war d t o expandi ng
hori zons and breaki ng down boundari es i n bot h present and fut ure endeavours,
as well as ensuri ng t hat all of its st akehol ders benefit from conti nued gr owt h,
pr ofit, and success( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Vedant a Lt d ai ms t o focus on
l ong goods and ductile iron pr oduct s as part of its 5- milli on-t onne br ownfiel d
devel op ment.

 JS W St eels
One of Indi a' s most presti gi ous cor porat e gi ant s is t he JS W Gr oup( Top 10 St eel

co mpani es i n I ndi a). It has grown from a si ngl e pr oducti on unit t o beco me Indi a' s
largest i nt egrat ed st eel fir m, wit h a capacit y of 28 MTPA i n Indi a and t he
Unit ed St at es, i n under t hree decades( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). The
co mpany has been at the forefront of research and devel op ment si nce its
i ncepti on( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). The goods are e mpl oyed i n a variet y of
i ndustri es besi des buil ding and i nfrastruct ure, such as aut omobil es, el ectrical
appli cati ons, appli ances, and so on. JS W St eel is a well-known co mpany for
its excepti onal busi ness operati ons and environ ment al st e war dshi p. JS W St eel
is a well-known co mpany for its excepti onal busi ness operati ons and
environ ment al st e war dshi p. JS W St eel has been na med a mong t he t op 15

worl dwi de st eel manufact urers for t he 13t h year i n a row by Worl d Steel
Dyna mi cs, maki ng it t he first Indi an busi ness t o do so( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n
I ndi a).

 SAI L ( Steel Aut hority of Indi a Li mited)

It is one of Indi a' s largest st eel producers. It is a st eel cor porati on owned by the
Indi an gover n ment and based i n Ne w Del hi( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). SAI L
pr oduces iron and st eel pri maril y i n Indi a' s east ern and central regi ons, close
t o l ocal ra w mat erial sources, wit h fi ve i nt egrat ed facilities and t hree excl usive
st eel fact ories( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). St eel ite ms are manufact ured and
di stri but ed by t he cor porati on. Wit h an annual out put of 16. 30 milli on met ri c
t onnes, SAI L is t he world' s 20t h l argest st eel maker and Indi a' s largest ( Top 10
St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

 Ji ndal Steel and Power

It is a j oi nt vent ure bet ween Ji ndal St eel and Power( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

The mai n poi nt is t hat Ji ndal St eel and Power Lt d is owned by t he Ji ndal Gr oup
(JSPL). The co mpany' s steel capacit y i n Indi a is 8. 6 milli on t onnes per year,
wi t h a 9- milli on-t onne- per-year pell et pl ant and a 3. 11- milli on-t onne- per- year
iron- ore mi ne near by( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). The co mpany has 3,400
MW of si ngl e-l ocati on ther mal-power pr oducti on capacit y i n Chhattisgarh,
wi t h around 38 % of t hat capacit y under power purchase agree ment s ( PPAs)
and a coal li nkage wit h Coal Indi a( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). JSPL has a
gl obal foot pri nt, wit h activiti es i n Moza mbi que (coal), Sout h Afri ca (coal), and
Australi a (coki ng coal). It recentl y sol d its 2. 4 million t onne Oman st eel factor y
t o t he pr omot er fir m and ai ms t o sell JPL' s power assets as well( Top 10 St eel
co mpani es i n I ndi a).

 Hi ndal co Steels
Hi ndal co Industri es Limi t ed is an Adit ya Birla Gr oup co mpany based i n
Mu mbai, Maharashtra, Indi a, t hat manufact ures al umi ni um and copper.
Among t he For bes Gl obal 2000 fir ms, it is pl aced 895t h( Top 10 St eel compani es i n

I ndi a). The Hi ndust an Al umi ni u m Cor porati on Li mited was creat ed i n 1958 by

t he Adit ya Birl a Gr oup. In 1962, t he company began pr oducti on i n Renukoot,
Ut t ar Pradesh, wit h a capacit y of 20 t housand met ri c t onnes of al u mi ni um
met al and 40 t housand metri c t onnes of al umi na per year. Aft er t he co mpany
was restruct ured i n 1989, it was rena med Hi ndal co( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

 TATA Steel BSL

Ever y co mpany has its own set of strengt hs, and underst andi ng t hose strengt hs
is critical t o its success( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Tat a St eel BSL
experi enced t he sa me t hing. Bhushan St eel was goi ng t hr ough a diffi cult time
at t he ti me ( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Tat a Steel BSL (for merl y Bhushan
St eel) was purchased by Tat a St eel i n 2018 thr ough its wholl y owned
subsi di ary Ba mni pal Steel( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). The co mpany' s
perfor mance has been outst andi ng si nce t hen, t hanks t o t he Tat a Gr oup' s strong
ma nage ment bandwi dt h, pr opelli ng it t o our list of t op st eel perfor mers( Top 10
St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). W
ithout a doubt, Tat a St eel BSL is a promi nent pl ayer i n
Indi a' s st eel i ndustry. It is currentl y Indi a' s si xt h largest secondar y st eel
pr oducer, wit h a st eel producti on capacit y of 5. 6 mt pa and mor e t han t hree
decades of experi ence( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). It also has a 1 milli on-t onne
coat ed pr oduct facilit y, a 2. 1 milli on-t onne CRM and downstrea m pr oduct
capacit y, and a st at e-of-the-art 1, 700- mm- wi de col d rolli ng mill, one of India' s

 Ji ndal St ai nl ess Steels

Shri O. P Ji ndal founded Ji ndal St ai nl ess i n 1970( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

It is one of Indi a' s maj or stai nl ess st eel congl o merat es and one of t he world' s
t op t en st ai nl ess st eel firms. The Ji ndal St ai nl ess Gr oup' s crude st eel capacit y
is proj ect ed t o be 1. 9 MTPA( Top 10 St eel compani es in I ndi a).

 TATA Steel Long Products

Tat a St eel Long Pr oducts ( TSLP), for merl y Tat a Sponge Iron Li mit ed, is a
ma ker of hi gh all oy st eel. W
it h a capacit y of one mi lli on t onnes, it is one of
Indi a' s largest speci alt y steel mills i n t he l ong product cl ass.( Top 10 St eel

co mpani es i n I ndi a). The st eel pl ant uses hi gh- qualit y iron ore fromits own mi ne,

whi ch all ows it t o keep pr oduct ho mogeneit y hi gh. In Indi a, t he st eel factor y
i n Ja mshedpur was t he first t o use Hot Met al i n an El ectri c Arc Fur nace, which
has subsequentl y beco me co mmon. ( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). W
it h a tot al
capacit y of 0. 90 milli on t onnes and pr oducti on facilities i n Ja ms hedpur and
Joda, t he co mpany also produces and sells sponge iron for t he secondar y st eel
i ndustry( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). The co mpany also generat es power fro m
t he lat ent heat generat ed insi de its furnaces, whi ch is generall y used for i nt ernal
useTop 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

 Ispat and Goda wari Power

Goda wari Power &Ispat Lt d. ( GPI L), for merl y kno wn as Ispat Goda wari Lt d.
(I GL), is a subsi di ary of Rai pur-based HI RA Gr oup of Industri es( Top 10 St eel

co mpani es i n I ndi a). Mr. B. L. Agra wal, Managi ng Direct or, founded GPI L i n
1999 wit h t he goal of establishi ng an i nt egrat ed steel mill wit h capti ve power
generati on. ( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). The Nati onal St ock Exchange and the
Bo mbay St ock Exchange bot h list GPI L. GPI L is a mil d st eel wi re co mpany
t hat offers a br oad range of servi ces. Sponge iron, bill ets, ferro all oys, captive
po wer, wire rods (t hrough subsi di ary fir m), st eel wires, oxygen gas, fl y ash
bri ck, and iron There ore pell ets are all produced duri ng t he pr ocess( Top 10 St eel
co mpani es i n I ndi a).

Fut ure Outl ook

The iron and st eel i ndustry has a pot enti al t o hel p Indi a regai n its positi ve trade bal ance
i n a St eel as a last t o dri ve t he country’s export manufact uri ng capabilities (Top 10 St eel
co mpani es i n I ndi a). There wi ll be needed t o boost the co mpetiti veness of t he countri es
st eel i ndustry, for achi evi ng t his sum of t he measures are required whi ch are coast er
reducti on acr oss t he suppl y chai n devel op ment of effi ci ent l ogi stics and reducti on i n
fi nanci ng costs ( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Thr ough a bett er credit sect or i nvest ment
opport unities will i ncreases and it also boosts t he i nfrastruct ure devel op ment. No w a
days t he St eel i ndustry is goi ng t hr ough an exciti ng transf or mati on t o t he evol uti on of
vari ous e mer gi ng t echnol ogi es whi ch hel ps t he i ndustry reduci ng costs and increasi ng
pr ofit abilit y( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). There is a bri ght fut ure for iron and st eel
i ndustry. ( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n Indi a). There is a race of expansi on of facilities,

as t he de mand and suppl y country is at present not abl e t o meet by t he maj or pl ayers
i n t he i ndustry( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). The dependency on i mport has t o be
reduced. t he l ocal facilities t o be devel oped li ke technol ogy equi pment’s, R&D centres
for iron and st eel maki ng, speci al facilities t o study t he technol ogy and refor ms i n
educati on sect or needed t o be addressed t aki ng up subj ects of mat erial science and
met all ur gy, soft ware devel op ment of process and qualit y control para met ers. So t here
is a maj or rol e for t he poll uti on control equi pme nt’s( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a).

Industry needed t o wor k more on areas t o cut down t he dependency on import ance
day’s speci alties and super all oys( Top 10 St eel compani es i n I ndi a). Thi s t ype of St eel is
de manded for fut ure t o gr ow t he i ndustri es li ke Aer ospace, Aut o sect or, Defence
Sect or, Tel eco m Sect or, Po wer Sect or, Roboti cs and Medi cal Sect or. No w the countr y
i n t he face of artifici al i ntelli gence hi gh end aut omati on t o control t he st eel pr oducti on
para met ers( Top 10 St eel co mpani es i n I ndi a). Avail abilit y of iron and st eel at a reasonabl e
pri ce is also needed for t he country it will leave t o hi gh concepti on of St eel and gr owt h
t o also t he green ener gy concept has t o be adhered( Top 10 St eel compani es i n Indi a).


The trend is for urbani sati on t o i ncrease, whi ch wi ll i ncrease de mand for Keral a st eel
i n t he constructi on, infrastruct ure, and auto moti ve sect ors. Port abl e cabi n
ma nuf act urers' prefabri cat ed st eel struct ures deser ve speci al consi deration i n t his
regar d. Indi a is poi sed t o reach ne w hei ght s as de mand for PEB Keral a (pre-engi neered
buil di ng) mat eri als and traditi onal st eel buil di ngs grows. Anot her trend i n t he Ker al a
st eel i ndustry is a paradi gm shift i n t he t ypi cal approach of t he Hu man Resour ce ( HR)
depart ment. Because t he steel i ndustry i n Keral a is a labour-i nt ensi ve busi ness, it
necessit at es a hi gh l evel of operati onal effi ci ency based on good HR polici es. The
depart ment al aut horities must mai nt ai n a cl ose eye on t he i ndustry' s key busi ness
trends and dri vi ng fact ors.

They shoul d concentrat e on t he i ndustry' s issues and use S WOT anal ysis to pave t he
way for i ncreased out put. The Keral a st eel i ndustry has gone t hrough nu mer ous
changes, ups and downs si nce its i ncepti on, but it has al ways mai nt ai ned a uni que
positi on i n t he country. The engage ment of large steel compani es i n t he privat e sect or
has been boost ed by t he li beralisati on of i ndustrial poli cy and acti ve gover n ment
i nitiati ves. Exi sti ng mills have been upgraded, and ne wer mills have been (and are
bei ng) creat ed by ne w-age entrepreneurs around t he country. St eel makers are
i ncreasi ngl y concentrati ng on all parts of t he i ndustry, bot h traditi onal and moder n,
i ncl udi ng pre-engi neered met al buil di ngs for residenti al and co mmer ci al use. St eel
de mand is li kel y t o continue t o rise, i nfl uenci ng strong expansi on acr oss all sect ors of
t he econo my.


Ker al a do not have a very l ong hist or y i n iron and st eel i ndustri es. Al most all t he
i ndustri al units of iron and st eel were co mmenced duri ng 1991- 92. Bef ore t hat t he
Ker al a’s de mand for iron and st eel were satisfied by dependi ng the out si de
ma nuf act urers. Metroll a St eels Lt d. Pr ocl ai med a trail i n t he TMT st eel manuf act uri ng
sect or of Sout h Indi a. The soari ng brand i mage, most moder n t echnol ogi es and a range
of superi or qualit y pr oduct s make t he company i n t he list of best iron and st eel
co mpani es i n Keral a.

The Metroll a St eels Lt d. St art ed its operati on in 1995 wit h t he mai n obj ecti ve of
satisfyi ng de mands from Ker al a. It is an unlist ed publi c company i ncor porated on 24
Ma y 1995. The unit comme nced its producti on i n Dece mber 1996. The pr oducti on unit
of t he co mpany is l ocated at Pai pra a fe w kilo metres from t he Muni ci pal t own
Muvat upuzha i n Er nakul u m di strict and account secti on is sit uat ed at Muvat upuzha.
The co mpany has its sist er-concer n at Pondi cherry i n t he na me Metr oll a Iron and Stri ps
Co mpany Lt d. The aut horised capit al of t he company is I NR 4 crore di vi ded i nt o
40, 00, 000 equit y shares of Rs. 10 each, but t he subscri bed shares onl y 31, 94, 340 . The
Co mpany co mmenced wit h a fi nanci al ai d i n t he for m of l ong t er m l oans fro m t he
I DBI and KSI DC and the KSI DC al so had equit y partici pati on. Besi de t hese t he
co mpany has taken a cash credit fromt he FEDERAL Bank.

Met r oll a St eels Lt d. Is a cel ebrit y i n t he worl d of St eel manufact uring, wher e
recogni sed as a hi gh- cl ass manufact urer of qualit y st eel product s wit h I SI certifi cati on
i n all over sout h Indi a. Thi s co mpany has a const ant pursuit of excell ence i n ever y
fiel d fromt heir earnest efforts of a core of technocrat s and t he devot ed wor kfor ce. The
co mpany has been set up by a tea m of technocrats whi ch has gr own from a si ngl e- unit
of St eel pl ant i n t o a multi-l ocati onal and multi- product st eel congl o mer at e at present.
The mai n pr omot er of t he co mpany is Paul Var ghese, he is a graduat e engineer wit h
wor k experi ence over 7 years. No w t he Managi ng Direct or of Metroll a St eel s Lt d. Is
Mr. Kuri en Var ghese who has a ci vil engi neering pr ofessi onal and having year of
experi ence i n t he constructi on i ndustry.

The co mpany has a composit e st eel pl ant havi ng maki ng units of Mil d St eel Ingot s and
Mi l d St eel Rods. Each unit has a capacit y of 24000 TPA. The co mpany have t o units
is St eel melti ng shop and t heir rolli ng mill. The St eel cast e billets where manufact ures
i n t he st eel melti ng shop and t he St eel rods fl ats, squares et c. of vari ous secti ons are
ma nuf act ures i n t he rolling mill. Mil d St eel Ingots are mai nl y used as a raw mat eri al
for vari ous pr oduct s and Mi l d St eel Rods are used i n t he fiel d of construction. All t he
units i mmedi at el y will be certified by I SI. The co mpany ai ms t o be gl obal pl ayer
t hrough t he t echnol ogy-dri ven and wit h a br oad pr oduct portfoli o. They wer e
co mmi tt ed t o mai nt ai n worl d-cl ass qualit y st andar ds, effi ci ent deli ver y schedul es,
co mpetiti ve pri ce and excell ent aft er sal e servi ces. The co mpany is certifi ed as an I SO
9001: 2000 or gani zati on whi ch is capabl e for suppl yi ng qualit y st eel product s whi ch
can be accept abl e i nt ernati onall y. The co mpany has t he abilit y t o devel op, adapt and
adopt t he lat est technol ogy, t o mat ch t he de mands of a dyna mi c and ever changi ng
constructi on i ndustry results i n t he hall mar k achi eve ment s and gr owt h of t he
or gani sati on.

The struct ural engi neers and concret e speci alist around t he worl d have alwa ys been
concer ned regar di ng t he l ong t er m durabilit y of concret e struct ures. To enhance t he
safet y and strengt h of t he struct ures t he ways and means where const antl y sought. They
wer e still not satisfi ed i n spit e of usi ng t he fi nest aggregat es, sand and qualit y ce ment.
RCC struct ures where found wanti ng i n many ways were t he use of Steel bar i n
rei nf orce ment. They were mor e pr one t o corrosi on and also wear mor e vul nerabl e i n
ti mes of eart hquake and ot her nat ural disast ers. Theref ore t here will be a genui ne
questi on for hi gh quality superi or great St eel bars whi ch will ensure l ong t er m
durabilit y of RCC structure. The co mpany realised t hat t he hi gh grade St eel bars will
ensures t he safet y of buildi ngs were not avail abl e i n t he l ocal mar ket. But all over t he
worl d ne w t echnol ogi cally superi or grades of St eel were bei ng used and t he or di nar y
st eel bars has beco me obsol et e. Then t he company was on its way t o fi nd out t he best
technol ogy avail abl e and it leads t o i ntroduce branded “ METCON” TMT ( Ther mo
Me chani call y Treat ed) steel bars manufact ured by adopti ng t he lat est Germa n based
“TURBO TMT PROCESS TECHNOLOGY”. The success of Metr oll a St eel s Lt d.

Depends on t he tracki ng and adopti ng t he l at est i n Worl d t echnol ogy, antici pati ng
cust omer needs wit h ghost effi ci ent, reliabl e soluti ons, and pr omoti ng engi neeri ng
skill and manpo wer calibre. The chall enge of qualit y control has overcome t hr ough
t he dili gence and disci pli ne and by encouragi ng its e mpl oyee t o devel op a sense of
pri de i n t heir j obs. Fr omthe wor kf orce mi nd itself t he need for perfecti on begi ns. The
i ndustry beco me quit e popul ar because of t he Metroll a’s Met con TMT St eel bars offers
no co mpr o mi se i n quality. The strengt h and abilit y t o resist rust is t he speci alit y of
T MT bars. It can st and eart hquakes and ot her disorders t o a cert ai n ext ent. Most of t he
devel oped nati ons t hese t ypes of bars are wi del y used. Metroll a st eels offers worl d
qualit y TMT bars wit h the conti nuous research and advance ment i n t echnol ogy and
t he lat est machi ner y. Now a day’s eart hquake and ot her nat ural disast ers are beco mi ng
quit e co mmon hence wi t h t he advance ment i n technol ogy whi ch gi ve much
i mport ance t o t he safet y of buil di ngs. In Keral a it is t he first ti me t hat I SI mar k are
e mbossed i n TMT st eel bar. The St eel bars are manufact ured wit h t he Germa n TMT
technol ogy pl ay an i mportant rol e i n safet y of buil di ngs. Al so t here will be a qualit y
control i nspecti on by metall urgists i n each st age of manufact uri ng of t he St eel bars
and t his cl ause i nspection i n qualit y has made Mot or ol a t he pi oneer of St eel
ma nuf act uri ng i n Keral a. The strengt h of Met con TMT i s t he decent expertise of
met all ur gists and engi neers i n t he st eel i ndustry.

The begi nni ng of t he company

Kuri en Var ghese had a drea m aft er compl eti ng his ci vil engi neeri ng degree fro m Mar
Ant hanasi ous Coll ege, Kot ha mangal a m. No w he is t he managi ng direct or of Met r oll a
St eels li mit ed t he onl y co mpany i n Keral a whi ch devel oped TMT Met con St eel bars.
He had made a mil est one att e mpt by i ntroduci ng different grades of Met con T MT St eel
bars. Al so t he st eel bars qualit y test ed i n t he Keral a i n first ti me. Mr Kor ean Var ghese
sai d t hat he had a drea m once he co mpl et ed engi neeri ng degree and he pr oud t hat t he
drea m had gr own t o t he ext ent of maki ng qualit y St eel product s for multi st ored
buil di ngs. It was t hat t he drea m whi ch hel ped him t o st udy t he different aspect s of
St eel whi ch can resist eart hquake and ot her adverse cli mati c conditi ons. He st art ed a
har dware shop whi ch is sol d all t he mat erials required for t he constructi on of buil di ngs
i n Muvat upuzha i n 1986. Then he began whol esal e suppl y of St eel bar in 1989. In
1987 - 88 t he sal e fi gure was 100 t ones whi ch gro w rapi dl y t o 1500 t ones i n 1989.
Thr ough t his he got an idea of st arti ng a busi ness i n t his fiel d and hence st art ed t he
Met r oll a St eels Co mpany i n 1996 t o t he support of KSI DC. No w t he t urnover of t he
gr oup of t he co mpany is 650 cr ores.

The co mpany t hought of devel opi ng a ne w t echnol ogy when t he eart hquake wer e
apparent i n Keral a for resist t he eart hquake. Aft er t hat t hey were devel oped Met con
T MT bars wit h t he Germa n t echnol ogy. The I SI mar ked ra w mat erials are used for
Met con TMT so t hat i n the ever y metre of t he TMT bars was cont ai n I SI mar k. The
Met r oll a st art ed a co mpany i n Pondi cherry i n 2000 for t he manufact uri ng of Billets for
t he pur pose of manufacturi ng Met con. Then t he co mpany has beco me number one i n
Ker al a wit h advent of Met con TMT. Kuri en sai d t hat maki ng t he qualit y pr oduct s
consist entl y is t he ai m of t he co mpany. The Met con TMT bars are t he brai n chil d of
such a great and fi ve si ght ed visi on of Mr Kuri en Var ghese. No w t he peopl e i n t he
country are rel yi ng heavil y on Met con TMT bar whi ch offers great er strengt h and
qualit y i nst ead of usi ng ordi nar y St eel bar. TMT bar offers 20 %i s extra strengt h when
we co mpared wit h or di nar y st eel bars also it can wit hst and adverse conditi ons li ke
eart hquake. TMT bars does not l ost strengt h when wel ded t oget her also it is st ay strong
i n te mperat ures even up to 500 degree Cel si us. It is saves a l ot of mat eri al and money
t hrough t he possi bilit y of face t o face wel di ng. Its savi ngs may account up to 15 % of

t he costs i n large pr oj ects. As Per t he revi sed nor ms of is 1786 t he TNT bars are
ma nuf act ured. Thr ough provi di ng I SI l ogo and Metcon e mbl e mi n ever y metre of t he
bar fi nds a way t o eli mi nat e poor qualit y pr oduct from t he i ndustry. Mr. Kuri en
Var ghese also hope for a war m and bri ght reception li ke busi ness oft en offers war m
wel co me t o earl y birds.

Or gani sati on Set up


production administration





( Fi g. no: 1, organi sati on set up)


(tabl e no: 2, list of direct ors)






Corporate Obj ecti ves:

 To est ablish l ong-t er m cust omer rel ati onshi ps based on mut ual benefit and
 To conduct t he co mpany wi t h t he great est et hi cal standar ds possi bl e.
 To fost er a cult ure t hat val ues adapt abilit y, learni ng, and bei ng pr oacti ve i n t he
face of change.
 To pr ovi de e mpl oyees wi t h a chall engi ng career pat h wit h possi bilities for
pr ogress and re war ds.

 To appreci at e t he chance and obli gati on t o make a positi ve difference i n
peopl e' s li ves.
 To keep t he pr oduct' s qualit y hi gh.

Quality assurance by co mpany

To Met con, qualit y enco mpasses not j ust product or servi ce qualit y, but also cost,
deli ver y, and aft er-sal es ser vi ce. Met con has adopt ed appr opri at e qualit y syst e ms f or
its clients i n response of t he concept of qualit y. Met con shown its commi t me nt t o t he
pr oduct qualit y t hr ough the qualit y pr ocesses from r a w mat eri al sel ecti on t o fi ni shed
goods shi ppi ng. The product has an excell ent traceabilit y and i dentit y, whi ch is
mai nt ai ned fromt he recei vi ng st age t o its dispat ch.

Met con is devot ed t o tot al qualit y whi ch will achi eve by deli veri ng hi gh- qualit y
pr oduct s on ti me t o t he cust omer' s compl et e satisfacti on as well as by conti nuousl y
i mpr ovi ng its qualit y manage ment syst e m pr ocesses. Met con' s Bri ght St eel Bars are
free of scal e and ot her da magi ng fl a ws, have ti ght di mensi onal t ol erances, are
strai ght er, and have higher strengt h t han hot-roll ed ite ms. They' re perfect for
machi ni ng and shafti ng appli cati ons.

Fut ure Pl an of t he Co mpany

 Met r oll a' s near fut ure objecti ve is t o i nt egrat e i nter nati onal st andar ds li ke
I SO 14001, whi ch will provi de t he foll owi ng benefits t o t he co mpany.
 Mat eri al savi ngs as a result of mor e t hor ough pr ocessi ng, substit uti on, re-
use, or recycli ng of product i nput s.
 Hi gher yi el ds i n t he manufact uri ng pr ocess
 Less downti me as a result of bett er monit ori ng and mai nt enance I mpr oved
by- pr oduct utilisati on Wast e transf or mati on i nt o commer ci all y val uabl e
for ms
 Savi ngs from safer labour conditi ons

 Lo wer ener gy consu mption
 Lo wer mat eri al st orage and handli ng expenses
 Pr oduct i mpr ove ment s as a result of process adj ustme nt s
 Cost reducti ons connected wit h e mi ssi ons, dischar ges, wast e treat ment,
transport ati on, and disposal
 Pr oduct s of hi gher quality and consist ency
 Reduced pr oduct costs (e.g. from mat eri al substit uti on) Packagi ng cost s are
reduced. Safer pr oduct s
 Lo wer net costs of product disposal t o cust omers
 Mor e effecti ve resource use Pr oduct resal e and scrap val ue are bot h hi gher.

3. 2 Organi sati on Chart

Board of
Di rect ors

Ma nagi ng
Di rect or

Ge neral Manager

Producti St ore Fi nance & HR Mar keti ng QC

on Ma na Ad mn Ma nager
Ma nager Ma nager
ger Ma nager Ma nager

Ma nager Mar keti ng Eng. QC
St ore Chi ef Asst. r executi ves
keepers Accou Ad mn.
nt ant Ma nager Asst.
Co At an
mput er
Operat or
Cl erks Asst. QC
Account ants Cl erks
Cl erks
Cl erk
Hel pers Co mput er s
Operat or Cl erks
Hel pers

Cl erks
Checker OC Cl erks
Assi stant
Producti on Supervi sor Wor kers Hel pers

Mai nt en Supervi sor El ectri ci ans Fi tters Hel pers
(fi g. no: 2, organi sati on struct ure)


Wor k acti vities t hat are rel at ed and l ogi call y connect ed are gr ouped i nt o depart ment s
at Metroll a St eels Lt d. The or gani sati on now has si x depart ment s. The follo wi ng are :

 Fi nance Depart ment

 Hu man Resource Departme nt
 Mar keti ng Depart ment
 Qualit y Control Depart ment
 Pr oducti on Depart ment
 Syst e ms Depart ment


A pr oducti on depart ment is a gr oup of functi ons insi de a co mpany t hat is in char ge of
pr oduci ng ite ms. Thi s can range from a s mall depart ment t hat converts ra w mat erials,
asse mbl es co mponent s i nt o fi nished ite ms, and packages t he m. It is a full y functi onal
depart ment t hat transf orms ra w mat eri als, asse mbl es component s i nt o fi nished goods,
and packages t he m. The pr oducti on depart ment places a hi gh pri orit y on effi ci ency.
That ai m at t he facilit y' s bottleneck operati on is cl osel y monit ored and support ed i n
or der t o maxi mi se t hr oughout (revenue mi nus variabl e expenses). Whil e it is nor mall y
advant ageous t o cut expendit ures wherever possi ble i n t his depart ment, t his is not t he
case wit h t he bottleneck operati on, whi ch shoul d always be full y support ed. Pr oducti on
depart ment is t he pl ace wher e t urni ng i nput s i nto fi nished goods. Thi s depart ment
wor ks t o i mpr ove t he effici ency of producti on so t hat t hey can meet t he t ar get ed
out put s set up by t he manage ment. It ensures t he offeri ng of best qualit y fi nished goods
for consu mers.

Producti on Procedures:

The pr oducti on pr ocess begi ns wit h t he pri mar y pr ocess of converti ng iron ore i nt o
bill ets. In t he iron ore i ncl ude mat erials li ke sponge iron, pi g iron, wr ought iron. The
co mpositi on of mat erials i ncl udes 70 percent age of sponge iron, 20 percent age of Mil d
iron and 10- 15 percent age of Fe all oys, wr ought iron, cast iron and pi g iron. The

resol ve t o deli ver a trul y superi or TMT rebar st arted from t he ra w mat erials so t hat
t hey were used onl y I SI certified billets. The manufact uri ng pr ocess t akes a l ong of
19 st ages. It ensures t he st urdy strengt h is built, phase by phase, i nt o rebar’s. Thi s
dedi cati on has gi ven birth t o Indi a trul y Worl d cl ass TMT rebar’s.


Thi s pr ocess consists of an onli ne heat treat ment i n t hree phases. They are:

St age 1:

In t he first stage, fast cooli ng pr ocess is done i n whi ch is appli ed as t he bar l eaves
fi nished st and. The cooling effi ci ency shoul d be in a rat e of cooli ng down t o a cert ai n
dept h bel ow t he ski shoul d be hi gher t han critical rat e for mart en site quenchi ng.
The bar has an aust enit e core surrounded by a layer co mpri sed of a mi xt ure of aust enit e
and mart en site, wit h t he mart en sit e cont ent i ncreasi ng fromt he centre of the ski n i n
t his st age. The durati on needed for t his st age depends on t he desired t hi ckness of t he
mart en sit e layer.

St age 2: The bar leaves the area of drastic cooli ng and is exposed t o air i n the second
st age. The heat transfer coeffi ci ent of t he environ ment bei ng ver y small. The
te mperat ure gradi ent withi n t he bars cross secti on bei ng ver y l arge t he core reheat s t he
quenched surface l ayer by conducti on. As a result of t he mart en site for med duri ng t he
first st age is subj ect ed t o self-te mperi ng. I t ensures adequat e ductilit y whil e
mai nt ai ni ng a hi gh yi el d strengt h l evel. The l engt h of t he second st age changes greatl y
wi t h t he di a met er of t he bar and t he cooli ng conditi oned appli ed i n t he st age. The
untransf or med aust enit e i n t he surface l ayer transfor ms t o bi nat e whereas t he core
re mai ns aust enit e. The layer near t o t he t e mpered mart en site ski n then st arts
transf or mi ng t o bi nat e dependi ng on t he mat eri als compositi ons and cooli ng
conditi ons.

St age 3:

In t his st age t he bar is positi oned on cooli ng bed it consists of a quasi-isot her mal
transf or mati on of t he remai ni ng aust enit e. The transf or med pr oduct is a mi xt ure of

ferrite or pearlite or ferrite, pearlite and bi nat e. Part ed struct ure on t he surface is t he
effect of quenchi ng.

Advant ages of Met con T MT Bars

 It prevent s t he bars from corrosi on. It also pr ovi des hi gher strengt h bal anced
stiffness, ductilit y hi gher el ongati on val ue, hi gher fati gue strengt h t o bear
dyna mi c and seis mi c l oadi ng.
 To ensure no l oss of strengt h up t o 500 degree Cel si us t he TMT bars are t ested.
The yi el d strengt h decreases onl y 20n/ mm even i n bet ween 500 t o 600 degree
Cel si us.
 It can be butt wel ded or lap wel ded wit hout pre or post heati ng no l oss of
strengt h at wel ded j oi nts. For bett er wel d abilit y and bend abilit y t he cont ent
of car bon t ypi call y l ess than 25 percent age.
 It provi des bars t hat are easy t o wor k wit h and requires onl y l ess effort for
bendi ng or rebendi ng. It pr ocess superi or reverse bendi ng pr operties.

Products Offered By The Co mpany To The Cust o mers

Pr oduct s Specifi cati ons Gr ades

METCON T MT BARS 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16mm Fe- 415, Fe- 500
(I SI )
CTD BARS 5 mm, 5. 5mm, 8mm, 10 mm,
12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm

ROUNDS/ PLAI NS 6mm, 10 mm, 12 mm,

16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm

FLATS 20 * 3 25* 6

25 * 3 32 *6

32 * 3 40 * 6

20 * 6 50 * 6

25 * 5 50 *10

40 * 10
ANGLES 20/ 20/ 3, 25/ 25/ 3, 25/ 25/ 6, 32/ 32/3,
35/ 35/ 6, 40/ 40/ 3, 40/ 40/ 6, 50/ 50/ 6, 65/ 65/ 6,

CHANNELS 100/ 50/ 6,

20/ 3, 75/ 40/ 6

Squares 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm
(tabl e no: 3, product s offered by t he company

Producti on units and its fl ow charts

The co mpany has t wo units for producti on. They are:

 Mel ti ng Unit
 Rolli ng Unit

Mel ti ng Unit

Hi gh qualit y I SI Certified MS cast billet i ngot s are maki ng i n t he melti ng unit. An

el ectri c i nducti on fur nace is pl aced i n t he heart of melti ng unit. The ra w mat eri als is
char ged i nt o t he fur nace usi ng t wo over head cranes wit h el ectro magnet and t he ra w
met al s get melt ed i n t he fur nace. In t he t esti ng l ab of Metroll a st eels t he Molten met al
is che mi call y t est ed, t hen t he test is compl et ed t he required che mi cal s are added t o t he
mi xt ure for gi vi ng pr oper qualities. The Molt en met al is cast ed i nt o t he moul ds for
for mi ng t he st eel i ngot s when t he pr oper mi xt ure is attai ned.

Rolli ng Unit

The rolli ng unit compri ses wit h reheati ng fur nace, roughi ng mills, i nt er medi at e mills,
fi nishi ng mills, t her mo mechani cal treat ment syst em and a cooli ng bed. The reheati ng
fur nace uses fur nace oil and fuel and t he air are pr operl y mi xed and fired usi ng t he
bur ners i nt o t he fur nace. The ra w mat erials for the rolli ng unit are t he steel i ngot s
ma nuf act ured at melti ng unit of Metroll a st eels. The chai n conveyor syst em i s used for
reheati ng of heat ed st eel i ngot s and t aki ng t o t he roughi ng mills. When the bar get s
el ongat ed i n rolli ng it will result i n reducti on of area of cross secti on. In t he fi nishi ng
mi ll and i nt er medi at e mi ll t he sa me pr ocess is happened. The mat eri als fi nished at
required si ze li ke 8mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm i n t he fi nishi ng mill t hen it is taken
for t he TMT pr ocess for gi vi ng hi gh strengt h, weld abilit y and corrosi on resist ance. At
last t he fi nished st eel is taken i nt o t he cooli ng bed and t hen t o t he go down for dispat ch.

Fl ow Chart of Melting Unit

Ra w Mat eri al

Identificati on & Segme nt ati on

Ins pecti on
Ra w Mat eri al St ore ( Vi sual)

Preparati on of Charge

Chargi ng Furnace

Ins pecti on
Mel ti ng
( Che mi cal)

Mo ul d
Preparati on Al terati on of Melt

Pouri ng to Moul ds Ins pecti on

(che mi cal)
Arrangi ng
Mo ul ds
Cooli ng of Moul ds

Re moval of Ingots

Ingot Dressi ng

(fi g. no: 3, melti ng unit) Ins pecti on

( Fi nish&
St ores Si ze)

Fl ow Chart of Rolling Unit

Bill ets

Ins pecti on
He ati ng Furnace ( Che mi cal)

Ins pecti on
( Che mi cal)
Roughi ng Mill
Ins pecti on
Inter me di ate Mills ( Si ze)

Conti nuous Mills

Ins pecti on (si ze)

Pl ai n/ Rounds Cooli ng Bed

T MT Twi sti ng Machi nes

Be ndi ng & Bundli ng Ins pecti on

( Di mensi on &
Physi cal Test)
St acki ng i n Lots

(fi g. no: 4, rolli ng unit)

Di s patch

Suppl y Chai n Manage me nt

Producti on Pl ant

Di rect Di stri buti on Indi rect Di stri buti on

Producer’s Ret ail Chai n Ret ail ers

Cons u mer Cons u mer

(fi g. no: 5, suppl y chai n ma nage ment)

Purchasi ng Syste m
The ra w mat erials li ke sponge iron, pi g and are import ed from Eur ope, USA Canada
Si ngapore Mal aysi a and Mi ddl e East and where ra w mat erials li ke pi g iron, wr ought
iron, cast e are and br ought from t he country itself from Punj ab and Orissa. For t he
pr ocure ment of ra w mat eri als t he company has got contract wit h different agenci es
abr oad. The purchase syste ms foll owed by t he company consists of,

 For war d buyi ng syst e m

 Bl anket orderi ng syst e m

The purchasi ng decisi on for a peri od is taken i n advance and or gani sati on will come it
accor di ngl y i n ter ms of or der quantit y rat e and deli ver y schedul e. Thi s is because of
fl uct uati on i n t he pri ce of ra w mat eri als.

Under t he Bl anket ordering syst e m, t he co mpany wi ll ent er agree ment wit h its suppli er
t o recei ve ite mf or a record quantit y at a particul ar rat e over a peri od of ti me.

Warehousi ng

There is an i n- pl ant warehouse and fi el d warehouses for t he sell ers at t he company.

The co mpany st ores all of t he goods pr oduced i n the fact or y i n t he i n-pl ant war ehouse,
t hen transports t he m t o t he fi el d warehouse, where t hey are distri but ed t o ret ail ers
pr oduces ret ail sci ence and i ndustri al l ocati ons.

Ma nuf act ure


In Pl ant

Fi el d

Producer’s Industri al Ret ail ers

Ret ail Chai ns Sites

(fi g no. 6, warehousi ng)

Depart ment al Chart

Producti on St ores
Ma nager Ma nager

St orekeepers
Producti on Eng. Asst. Manager
Cl erks

Supervi sors Mai nt enance Eng.

Hel pers

Wor kers Supervi sors

El ectri ci an
Hel pers

Fi tters

Hel pers

(fi g no. 7, Dept. chart)

Rol es and Res ponsibilities

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Producti on Manager:

 Pr oducti on schedul es are pl anned and or gani sed.

 det er mi ni ng t he scope of t he pr oj ect and t he resources required
 wi t h clients and managers, esti mati ng, negoti ati ng, and agreei ng on budget s
and ti mefra mes
 ensuri ng co mpli ance with healt h and safet y regulati ons
 est ablishi ng qualit y assurance st andar ds
 monit ori ng t he manufacturi ng pr ocess
 if required, renegoti ati ng ti mefra mes or ti met abl es
 Mat eri als sel ecti on, orderi ng, and purchase
 coor di nati ng pr oducti on equi p ment repair and routi ne mai nt enance
 coor di nati ng wit h buyers, mar keti ng, and sal es personnel
 overseei ng and managi ng j uni or e mpl oyees' wor k
 Putti ng t oget her rel evant trai ni ng sessi ons Pr oducti on schedul es are pl anned
and or gani sed.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Producti on Engi neer

 Ensure t hat all product and syst e m require ment s are taken i nt o account fro m
t he begi nni ng of t he pr oduct devel op ment pr ocess t hrough t he fi nal product.
 Assi st wit h t he l ayout of t he shop fl oor and cell desi gns.
 Fi xt ures and t ool s for asse mbl y j obs are desi gned.
 Cr eati ng asse mbl y i nstructi ons and ot her production docu ment ati on
 Reduce pr oducti on unpredi ct abilit y by est ablishi ng regul ar wor k pr ocesses as
well as wor k i nstructi ons
 Ensure t hat t he pr oduct and pr ocess qualit y fulfils t he specifi ed st andar ds.
 Support t he equi pment tenderi ng pr ocess t o achi eve t he best qualit y at t he best
pri ce.
 Anal yse and arrange work fl ow, space require ments, and equi pment layout t o
i ncrease i ndustri al effi ci ency.

 Or gani ze pl ant st art-up and shut-down schedul es t o guarant ee mi nimal
pr oducti on ti me l oss Pl an and or gani se mai nt enance Respond t o malfuncti ons
Report downti me and prospecti ve trends
 Support and l ead efforts rel at ed t o conti nuous i mprove ment, probl e m sol ving,
and pr ocess i mpr ove ment.
 Ensure t hat machi ner y and equi pment are pr operl y i nst all ed.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Mai ntenance engi neer

 ensuri ng t hat machi ner y, syst e ms, i nfrastruct ure, and equi pment wor k as
effi ci entl y as possi bl e wi t h t he least a mount of downti me
 conducti ng and super vi sing audits of t he mai nt enance pr ocess
 i dentifyi ng fl a ws
 carryi ng out routi ne mai ntenance
 putti ng i n pl ace vari ous mai nt enance pr ocedures and st andar ds
 st aff educati on on how t o operat e and mai nt ai n equi p ment
 reacti ng t o maj or equi pment fail ures
 forecasti ng and strat egi c pl anni ng for syst e m overhaul s and upgrades, taking
l ong-t er m mai nt enance cost s i nt o account
 purchasi ng, testi ng, and commi ssi oni ng speci alty co mponent s, fi xt ures, or
fitti ngs whil e overseei ng ot her engi neeri ng and t echni cal wor kers
 assisti ng t he company i n est ablishi ng and i mpl e menti ng preventi ve
mai nt enance, predi cti ve mai nt enance, or any ot her preferred mai nt enance
pr ogra mme

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Supervi sors

 Set perfor mance t argets and deadli nes t hat are consi st ent wit h t he co mpany' s
strat egi es and visi on, and convey t he mt o subor di nat es.
 Or gani ze wor kfl ow and make sure e mpl oyees are a ware of their
responsi bilities and all otted t asks.
 Empl oyee pr oducti vit y shoul d be monit ored, and constructi ve criti cis m and
coachi ng shoul d be pr ovided.

 Recei ve concer ns and work t o resol ve issues
 Ti mekeepi ng and personnel recor ds shoul d be kept up t o dat e.
 Inf or mati on from hi gher manage ment shoul d be passed on t o st aff, and vice
 Pr epare perfor mance reports and sub mit t he m.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Workers

 Asse mbli ng ra w mat eri als i nt o t he manufact uri ng pr ocess.

 Asse mbl e pr oduct s on asse mbl y li nes.
 Do t he pr oducti on pr ocess on t he basis of i nstructi ons from t he pr oduction
engi neer.
 Keep an eye on t he manufact uri ng pr ocess.
 Perf or m basi c qualit y and t esti ng i nspecti ons.
 Correctl y deli veri ng fi nished pr oduct s i nt o warehouses.
 Wor k areas and equi pment shoul d be kept cl ean.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of store keeper

 Mai nt ai ni ng accurat e recor ds of mat erials recei ved and distri but ed.
 Counti ng and verifyi ng the physi cal quantit y of mat eri als wit h a bi n car d.
 Keepi ng unaut horised peopl e out of t he st orer oo m.
 Mai nt ai ni ng st ock registers and i nputti ng all recei pts, issues, and mat eri al
bal ances.
 Keepi ng track of and li mi ti ng l osses caused by evaporati on, leakage, t heft, and
ot her fact ors.
 Scheduli ng physi cal verificati on of shop ite ms on a regul ar basis.
 Keepi ng t he st ore neat, clean, and ti dy at all ti mes.
 Pr ovi di ng suppli es, st ock positi on, and ot her i nformati on as request ed.

Functi ons of store manager

 To suit t he needs of custo mers, recr uit and hire staff for t he st ore.

 Co mpl et e schedul es and all ocat e responsi bilities and obli gati ons t o t he st ore' s
e mpl oyees.
 Ne w personnel shoul d be trai ned, and current e mpl oyees shoul d get ongoi ng
educati on and trai ni ng.
 Tr ack and i mpl e ment fi nanci al quot as for t he st ore and e mpl oyees based on t he
co mpany' s st at ed fi nancial goal s.
 Or gani ze your st ore' s i nvent or y.
 St aff shoul d be eval uated peri odi call y and replaced as needed based on
perfor mance criteri a.


The mar keti ng depart ment is a co mpany’s di visi on t hat is i n char ge of t he mar keti ng
functi on. Thi s depart ment att e mpt s t o sell as ma ny pr oduct s as possibl e whil e
re mai ni ng environ ment all y fri endl y. The t ea m creat es mar keti ng strat egi es and bl ends
t he correct mar keti ng mi x t o meet t he de mands and desires of cust omers. They pr ovi de
t he i deal pr oduct for t he i deal cust omer at t he i deal pri ce, at t he i deal l ocati on, and at
t he i deal ti me. They' re also i n char ge of creati ng promoti ons and mai nt aini ng l ong-
ter m cust o mer rel ati onshi ps. A mar keti ng manager overseas t he depart ment s
operati ons. In mar keti ng depart ment s t here are t hree tiers of organi sati on. The seni or
mar keti ng manager is i n char ge of devel opi ng new pr oduct s. Two di strict managers
report ed t o hi m, and his responsi bl e for t he pr oduct s de mand. The sal es manager on
t he ot her hand is someone who wor k i n t he sal es depart ment he is i n char ge of
i ncreasi ng pr oduct sal es and t wo sal es managers report t o hi m. They were also i n
char ge of t he co mpany sales.

Mar ket share anal ysis

Acr oss Keral a, t he co mpany has distri buti on i n ei ght distri cts. Thrissur, Ernakul u m
Kott aya m and Al appuzha are part of it. Koll a m, Pat hana mt hitta, Cali cut and t he
surroundi ng areas or all wort h t he scene.

Pri ci ng strategi es

T MT bars are prices simi l arit y t o t heir count erparts because t hey bel ongs t o t he
pre mi u m mar ket. Tat a TISCON, VI ZAG, SAI L are t here mai n co mpetit ors in t he TMT
mar ket. Co mpany’s pricing strat egy is a competiti on ori ent ed pri ci ng strategy. The
pri ce is chosen aft er t horough exa mi nati on of competiti ve price struct ure under t hi s
t ype of prici ng poli cy. The poli ci es are desi gned t o cell above, bel ow or roughl y i n li ne
wi t h t he co mpetit or’s price. The pri ci ng model s most si gnifi cant aspect is t hat t heir
cannot be any rel ati onship bet ween t he pr oduct price and t he busi ness cost or de mand.
T MT bars are currentl y appr oxi mat el y 50 cent s per kil ogra m. The co mpani es pri ci ng
poli cy is t o be . 5 t o 1 percent age l ower t han t he competit ors.

Mar ket research

Mar ket research is conduct ed on a regul ar basis by t he or gani sati on. The research is
carri ed out i n or der t o det er mi ne t he li kel y mar ket conditi on co mpetiti ve strengt h,
pot enti al buyi ng power probabl e val ue of fut ure sal es and cust omer accept ance. The
fir m perfor ms research on a variet y of t opi cs i ncl udi ng sal es, product s and advertisi ng.
Int ernal and ext ernal source of mar ket research are used by t he company. The
co mpany’s i nt ernal sources are based on i nt ernal recor ds. Ext ernal sources i ncl ude
gover n ment report such as t he confederati on of Indi an i ndustri es ( CMI E) and report s
from pr ofessi onal organi sati on such as t he confi gurati on of Indi an i ndustri es, cha mber
of commer ce, St eel associati on of Indi a and FI CCI .

Advertise ment

The co mpany’s spends appr oxi mat el y 5 % of its net profit on advertisi ng. Pri nt medi a,
audi o visual poi nt of purchase and out er advertising or a mong t he different for ms of
advertisi ng used by t he co mpany. Ne ws papers and magazi nes are exa mples of pri nt
me di a. Advertise ment placed i n a variet y of ne wspapers whi ch i ncl udes:

 Mal ayal a m Manor a ma

 Deepi ka
 Busi ness Li ne
 Mat hr ubhu mi

Al so t he advertise ment done i n vari ous magazi nes whi ch i ncl udes

 Dhana m
 Veedu
 Vanit ha
 Par pi da m

Theatre and radi o advertise ment s are i ncl uded i n the audi o visual advertisi ng. Windo w
di spl ays and fir m showr oo m di spl ays are exa mpl es of poi nt of purchase advertisi ng.
Wal l mur als, hoar di ngs and transit medi a all exa mpl es of out door advertising.

Pro moti onal Eff orts

The co mpani es many pr omoti onal i nitiati ves i ncl ude t he foll owi ng:

Se mi nars and exhi biti ons:

The co mpany host ess a nu mber of exhi biti ons and se mi nars i ncl udi ng Engi neers Meet,
Par pi da m exhi biti ons, Mai son meet s and a Graduat e Associ ati on of Ci vil Engi neers
( GACE).

Pro moti onal mat eri als:

Vari ous pr omoti onal mat eri als are distri but ed t o deal ers t o i nfor mt he m of new pr oduct
feat ures.

Speci al exhi bits and shows:

These are hel d i n conj uncti on wit h conferences and exhi biti ons.

3. 5. 6 Co mpetitors of t he co mpany

In t hree seg ment s we can di vi de t he mar ket for TMT bars. They are:

 Pre mi u m TMT seg me nts

The maj or co mpetit ors in t his seg ment are Tat a, Ti scon, Vi zag, SAI L. The co mpany
has co mpetit ors onl y i n thi s seg ment t hat is t he product s of t he co mpany bel ongs t o
t his seg ment. The co mpany has around 65 t o 70 percent age of share.

 Branded TMT wi t h ISI

Roshan, Agni, Peekay, Paragon, Pri nce, Tul si yan

 Branded TMT wi t hout ISI

Chan mudi, surabhi

Servi ces offered by Met roll a Steels

The vari ous ser vi ces offered by t he Metroll a St eels are:

 I mme di ate deli very

Wi t hi n t he 12 hours from t he ti me of or deri ng t he mat eri als get l oaded and wi ll leave
t he company.

 Feedback

When t he l orry l eaves t he yar d t he det ails of l oad li ke ite ms l oaded, its quantit y, l orry
nu mber, l orry frei ght details, i nvoi ce det ails et c. wi ll be co mmuni cat ed t o t he parti es.

 Be ndi ng

Bef ore t he deli ver y all the mat erials will be bended at a bundl ed accor di ng t o t he
st andar ds.

 Mar ki ng

In ever y metre of t he bars t he I SI mar ked t o ensure t he qualit y and also each bundl e
has a Met con t ag is bounded.

 Test Certifi cate

Test certificat e will provi de for each l ot of mat erial by t he company. The certifi cat e
i ncl udes t he det ails of che mi cal anal ysis, Mechani cal properti es, physi cal properti es
et c. of t hat particul ar l ot.

 Trans port ati on

The co mpany will provi de transport ati on facilities fromt he co mpany pre mises t o t he
deli ver y site on request.

 Det ail ed state me nts

On request t he det ails stat e ment s of t he pay ment s and bal ances will be given t o t he
parti es by t he co mpany.

De part me nt al Chart

Mar keti ng Manager.

Mar keti ng Mar keti ng

Executi ve. Executi ve.
Cl erks Cl erks
ri ci an

Hel pers Hel pers

(fi g no. 8, mar keti ng dept. chart)

Rol es and Res ponsibilities

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Marketi ng Manager

 Coll aborati on wit h seni or manage me nt

The pri mar y responsi bilit y of a mar keti ng manager is t o coll aborat e wit h seni or
ma nage ment. He is t o support t op manage ment i n creati ng mar keti ng plans and
poli ci es, i n or der t o eli mi nat e all probl e ms wit h t he pl anni ng pr ocess and formul at e
strong pl ans and poli ci es.

 Or gani ze and supervi se co mmerci al acti vities.

Pur chase, sal e, packi ng, st orage, transport ati on, advertise ment, sal es pr omoti on,
aft er-sal e-ser vi ces, and other busi ness acti vities must all be coor di nat ed effecti vel y
by a mar keti ng manager.

 Identify Markets wit h Pot enti al

The mar keti ng manager must i dentify ne w pot ential mar ket s for t he co mpany' s
goods and servi ces, as well as mai nt ai n ties wit h existi ng mar ket s for t he co mpany' s
pr oduct s, i n or der t o build and raise de mand for t he co mpany' s goods and ser vi ces.

 Assess t he Product

Cust omers' require ment s and desires var y all t he time i n t he t echnol ogy worl d. As
a result, t he mar keti ng manager must research all of t hese changes and analyse t he
pr oduct on a regul ar basis i n or der t o make essenti al product modifi cati ons and
revisi ons.

 Introduce a ne w product or servi ce.

Mar keti ng manager’s research mar ket needs and want s i n or der t o acquire ne w
cli ent s and keep exi sti ng ones. Accor di ng t o it, he i ntroduces ne w pr oducts and
ser vi ces i n or der t o satisfy exi sti ng clients and attract ne w ones (or consu mers).

 Choosi ng t he di stri bution channel s.

The mar keti ng manager is i n char ge of t he physi cal distri buti on of goods and
ser vi ces t hr ough vari ous channel s such as whol esal ers, ret ailers, and so on. He
chooses t he appr opri at e rout e for t he fir m's needs and distri but es fi nal ite ms from
pr oducers t o consu mers.

 Ma ke a market strategy.

The mar keti ng manager sets an acti on pl an based on t he mar keti ng nat ure of t he
co mpany t o defi ne when, how, where, and by who m mar keti ng acti vities such as
sal es forecasti ng, advertisi ng, sal es pr omoti on, pr oduct distri buti on, and so on
shoul d be carri ed out t o meet mar keti ng obj ecti ves.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Marketi ng Executi ves

 Coor di nati ng and pl anni ng mar keti ng i nitiati ves

 Identifyi ng and defi ni ng audi ences t hrough research and dat a anal ysis
 Concei vi ng and presenti ng t acti cs and i deas
 Pr o moti onal efforts
 Putti ng t oget her and disse mi nati ng fi nanci al and statistical dat a, as well as
co mposi ng and revi e wi ng creati ve mat erial
 Keepi ng websit es up t o dat e and l ooki ng at dat a anal yti cs
 Coor di nati ng event s and pr oduct displ ays
 Har moni si ng i nt ernal mar keti ng and an or ganizati on' s cult ure monit ori ng
perfor mance managi ng soci al medi a ca mpai gns updati ng dat abases and
e mpl oyi ng a cust omer relati onshi p manage ment (CR M) syst e m

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Cl erks

 Assi sti ng wit h t he creati on of pr omoti onal mat erials

The mar keti ng cl erk may be i n char ge of writi ng ads and pl aci ng t he mi n l ocal
advertisi ng medi a such as ne wspapers, radi o, and t el evi si on. Advertisi ng
speci alists, on t he ot her hand, frequentl y devel op mor e sophi sti cat ed or
expensi ve advertise ment s. As a result, it is t he clerk' s obli gati on t o get any

techni cal i nfor mati on required, as well as t o guarant ee t hat all det ails are
correct and appr oved by the manager bef ore t he publi cati on dat e.
 Assi sti ng wit h pr omoti onal acti vities
Thi s i ncl udes pl anni ng publi cit y event s, sending out i nvit ati ons, putti ng
t oget her wi ndow di spl ays, and attendi ng trade shows, exhi bits, and soci al
gat heri ngs.
 Keep track of your mailing lists and recor ds
One of t he cl erk' s responsi bilities is t o keep t he co mpany' s maili ng lists up t o
dat e i n t he event t hat cli ent addresses, na mes, phone nu mbers, or other
i nfor mati on changes. When ne w cust omers ma ke purchases, t hey are
aut omati call y added t o the maili ng list and get pr omoti onal mat erials li ke as
ne wsl ett ers, sal es br ochures, and cat al ogues.
 Assi st wit h press rel ease preparati on
The mar keti ng cl erk may be asked t o assist with press rel ease preparation.
Pr ess rel eases are used by busi nesses t o i ntroduce ne w pr oduct s or servi ces, as
well as t o advertise t he co mpany' s product s and ser vi ces.


Hu man Resource ( HR) is t he depart ment wit hi n a co mpany t hat is responsi bl e for
di scoveri ng, screeni ng, hiri ng, and trai ni ng j ob appli cant s, as well as admi ni st eri ng
e mpl oyee benefit programmes. In t he t went y- first cent ur y, hu man resources pl ays a
critical rol e i n assisti ng busi ness i n deali ng wi t h a rapi dl y changi ng busi ness
environ ment and a hi gher de mand for qualified peopl e. The hu man resource
depart ment of a company is responsi bl e for t he trai ni ng and devel opme nt of its
e mpl oyees, who are regarded some of t he fir m's most val uabl e assets. The obj ecti ve
of t he hu man resource depart ment is t o ensure t hat t he co mpany' s personnel are
pr operl y managed, compensat ed, and trai ned. The depart ment is also i n char ge of
recr uiti ng, hiri ng, firi ng, and benefit admi ni strati on. It is t he pr ocess of i mprovi ng t he
qualit y of a company’s most i mport ant asset t hat is its e mpl oyees. It is the strat egi c
appr oach t o t he or gani sations hu man resource acquisiti on moti vati on devel op ment and
ma nage ment. HRM mai n goal is t o ensure t hat and or gani sati ons goal s as well as t he
goal s of its e mpl oyees and manage ment are met satisfact or y. It e mpl oyees in achi evi ng
personal and cor porat e obj ecti ves.

Recruit ment and selecti on process

There is a manager i n char ge of recr uit ment and sel ecti on. The maj orit y of t he hiri ng
is done t hrough ne wspaper advertise ment s e mpl oy ment exchanges and own ca mpus
pl ace ment. Advertise ment s will be pl edged i n highl y circul at ed ne wspapers such as
Mal ayal a m Manora ma busi ness li ne, Indi an express and advertisi ng publi cati ons such
as Veed and Par pi da m whi ch are nor mall y Brit ai n i n t he l ocal language. The dat e ti me
and l ocati on will be i ncl uded i n t he advertise ment.

St eps i n t he recruit ment and t he sel ecti on process:

The st eps i n t he recr uitme nt and sel ecti on pr ocess foll ow a well-defi ned pat h. They

 Appli cati on shortlist

The CVs recei ved fromthe vari ous sources are short listed on t he basis of suit abilit y
of t he require ment.

 Preli mi nary assess ment

A preli mi nar y round of int er vi e ws is conduct ed wi t h t he candi dat es who have been
shortlist ed. In t his i nt ervi e w, it pl ace a great er e mphasis on functi onal abilities.
Toget her i n furt her i nformati on’s on functi onal skills t he appli cant s may be gi ven t o a
busi ness case t o anal yse and present (t his is onl y done for specifi c rol es).

 Fi nal i ntervi e w

Candi dat es who passed t he first round of i nt ervie ws are i nvit ed t o parti ci pat e i n a
second round of i nt ervi ew wit h one or more of t he functi onal heads.

 Me di cal eval uati on

Candi dat es who are sel ected by Met con are asked t o under go medi cal test.

Types of Trai ni ng

On-t he-job trai ni ng is pr ovi ded by Metr oll a Steels i n coll aborati on with KP MG, a
pr ofessi onal trai ni ng associ ati on. Empl oyees t hat are kne w t o t he co mpany as well as
exi sti ng e mpl oyees are frequentl y gi ven trai ni ng. On-t he-j ob and of-t he-job trai ni ng
are i ncl uded i n t he pr ogra m. Inducti on or ori ent ati on trai ni ng is a part of the trai ni ng
pr ovi ded t o ne w wor kers.

Inducti on trai ni ng is given t o ne w ext ensi on staff me mbers shortl y aft er t hey are
hired t o fa mili arise t he m wi t h t heir rol es. It’s begins t he first day on t he j ob for a ne w
e mpl oyee. Thi s for m of trai ni ng is desi gned t wo fami l y arise a ne w e mpl oyee wit h t he
co mpany and its e mpl oyees. All ne w e mpl oyees shoul d recei ve i nducti on trai ni ng t o
hel p t he m creat e a personal commi t ment t o servi ng peopl e and t he co mpany. Thi s t ype
of trai ni ng is i n additi on t o what ever pre-ser vi ce trai ni ng t hat ne w personal may have
recei ved. When it comes t o t he traits of a ne w e mpl oyee when peopl e st art wor ki ng i n
an or gani sati on for t he first ti me t hey want t o know what t hey were getti ng the msel ves

i nt o, what t hey will be doi ng, and who t hey will be wor ki ng wit h. They are most li kel y
t han experi ence t he personal t o be attenti ve and open- mi nded. In fact, when e mpl oyees
are ne w t o t he j ob it is t he best ti me t o capt ure t heir attenti on and still positi ve habits
i n t he m.

Foundati on trai ni ng: In-ser vi ce trai ni ng t hat is also appli cabl e for freshl y hired
wor kers is known as foundati on trai ni ng. Asite from t echni cal compet ence and r outi ne
or gani sati on trai ni ng each e mpl oyee request professi onal knowl edge of gover n ment
rul es and regul ati ons fi nanci al transacti ons ad mi ni strati ve capabilit y co mmuni cati on
skills leadershi p abilit y coor di nati on and cor poration mmi nstit uti ons and t heir l uggage
mechani s ms report writing and short. Empl oyees can recei ve foundati on trai ni ng t o
hel p t he m buil d a strong base is for t he servi ce careers. Thi s trai ni ng is frequentl y gi ven
at t he st art of a servi ces life cycl e.

Exi sti ng personal were gi ven t he foll owi ng trai ni ngs:

 Mai nt enance or refresher trai ni ng

The trai ni ng is provi ded to keep occupant s specifi c subj ect- matt er expertise up t o dat e
and mai nt ai ned. The fresher trai ni ng keeps speci alists, admi ni strat ors, subject- matt er
offi ces, ext ensi on super visors, and frontli ne e mpl oyees up t o speed whil e also all owi ng
t he m t o add t o t heir existi ng knowl edge and skills. Ne w i nf or mati on and procedur es
as well as a revi e w of earli er mat eri als are frequentl y i ncl uded i n mai ntenance or
refresher trai ni ng. Thi s type of trai ni ng is required t o mai nt ai n personal at t he t op of
t heir ga me and keep t hem fr om beco mi ng st uck in a rut.

 On-t he-job trai ni ng

The superi or offi ce or subj ecti ve- matt er speci alist deli ver at ho me or regul arl y
schedul ed trai ni ng t o t he subor di nat e fiel d e mpl oyees such as for ni ghtl y trai ni ng under
t he trai ni ng and visit ( T&V) syst e m of ext ensi on. The trai ni ng is usuall y pr obl e m or
technol ogy-f ocused and it may i ncl ude for mal present ati ons, casual discussi ons and
fiel d opport uniti es t o try out ne w skills and i nformati on. Each ext ensi on depart ment
so peri od offi cer admi ni strat or or subj ect- matt er speci alist mast er pl ay a role i n gi vi ng
on-t he-j ob trai ni ng t o st aff whil e conducti ng day-to- day day operati ons

 Career or devel op me nt trai ni ng
Thi s for m of i n- servi ce trai ni ng is ai med t o i mprove e mpl oyee’s knowl edge,
skills and abilities so t hat t hey can t ake on more responsi bilit y i n hi gher
positi ons. Successful ext ensi on wor kers at all levels trai ni ng fro m t he
depart ment for t heir own conti nui ng educati on and pr ofessi onal devel op ment.
That’s why t he fact t hat ext ensi on e mpl oyees are responsi bl e for pl anni ng their
o wn career devel op ment educati on, organi sati on ma y different specifi c criteri a
and creat e possi bilities for st aff by pr ovi di ng opti ons.

Ot her Acti vities i n Hu man Resource depart me nt:

Ti me offi ce

The depart ment is i n charge of keepi ng track of t he wor kers ti me i n and out. Ot her t ask
i ncl ude pai n wages t aki ng vacati ons and so on. Di fferent shi ps are kept i n t heir on
depart ment. The e mpl oyees dail y attendance depart ment specifi es t he foll owi ng
wor ked by secti on day clock nu mber grade and huma n resource.


Met r oll a St eels has a well- managed securit y di visi on. It t o regul at e t he fl ow of bot h
mat eri als and peopl e i nt o t he or gani sati on. The securit y tea m wit h, whi ch is led by t he
chi ef securit y offi cer is di vi ded i nt o t hree gr oups. To facilitat e t he securit y measures
1. 3 is i mpl e ment ed t o regul at e peopl e and mat erials. For each mat erial section separat e
gat e passes are issued. Gat e passes are offered t o a vari et y of areas, i ncl uding

 War ehouses for ra w mat eri als

 Ret ail ers t hat sell fi nished ite ms

Passes for visit ors are also avail abl e. At each poi nt, additi onal securit y li ght s are
i nst all ed. Except for ot her pressi ng circumst ances, e mpl oyees are onl y per mitt ed t o
leave t he fact or y at t he end of t heir shift.

Empl oyee strengt h

The co mpany consist of 250 e mpl oyees i ncl udi ng t he manage ment st aff wor k man,
cl eri cal st aff, and contract e mpl oyees.

Wor ki ng hours

There are t hree shi ps i n the co mpany:

 Shift A- 6: 00 a. m. t o 2: 00 p. m.
 Shift B- 2: 00 p. m. t o 10:00 p. m.
 Shift C- 10: 00 p. m. t o 6:00 a. m.

Sal ary pay me nt

Al l super vi sor y personal are required t o open a savi ngs bank account wit h t he federal
bank and i nf or m t he account s depart ment of t he account nu mber whi ch will t hey are
aft er re mit t he sal ary. And e mpl oyee’s average mont hl y i nco me is RS. 8000. The
re munerati on i ncl udes a sti pend, a meal all owance and a phone. If an e mpl oyee’s
i nco me is dependent on his or her abilit y t o travel, t he travel all owance is not i ncl uded
i n t he wages.

Ent ry and exit

Al l e mpl oyees are gi ven a phot o I D badge and ever yone from t he out si de is gi ven a
vi siti ng pass. The security di visi on controls t he flo w of peopl e and mat eri als i nt o and
out of t he fact or y. A separat e pass is required for bot h entry and exit i n the case of
mat eri als. When t he suppli es have been l oaded the vehi cl e must go t o the waiti ng
bri dge t o confir mt hat t he wei ght is correct. The wei ght as well as t he vehi cles nu mber
and model are i mmedi at el y st ored i n t he comput er.

Att endance procedure

Empl oyees are gi ven an identify bars t hat i ncl udes a phot o of t he msel ves. Eat a person
shoul d desi gn t he att endance regi st er when t hey arri ve for dut y. The security guar d at
t he gat e ent ers t he ti me. The sa me pr ocedure is foll owed upon l eavi ng t he fact or y.


On t he basis of existi ng rol e i n t he co mpany t he e mpl oyees are entitled t o t he
foll owi ng t ypes of leave:

 Cas ual leave

Leave t aken for personal reasons and on a casual basis will be deduct ed fro m t he
a mount of casual leave already accr ued. Ho wever, if t here is no credit for casual leave,
it will be reduced t o pri vilege l eave onl y. Under no circu mst ances will sickl y be used
t o offset pri vil ege l eave. In additi on, no mor e t han t hree casual leaves can be used at a
ti me.

 Si ck Leave

In t he event of ill ness, t his is per mi ssi bl e. Ho wever, wit hout t he backi ng of a medi cal
certificat e gi ven by a licenced medi cal practiti oner, no mor e t han t hree days of absence
can be t aken at a ti me. Under t he currentl y gui delines, a maxi mu m of 80 days of si ck
leave may be accu mul at ed.

 Pri vil ege l eave

The wor d pri vil ege li ve is i nt erchangeabl e wit h end li ve or annual leave, and it is
refers t o a peri od of rust and recuperati on for an empl oyee. As a result t he co mpany
anti ci pat es t hat an e mpl oyee will take advant age of l uxur y l eave at least once a year
and enj oy a rel axi ng vacati ons t hat he may ret ur n to wor k t ot all y rej uvenat ed. A years’
wort h of pri vil ege l eaves li mit ed t o t hree ti mes. Ho wever, due t o the uni que
circu mst ances of t he case, manage ment has issued as speci al order all owi ng pri vil ege
leave on mor e t han t hree occasi ons ever y year. At t he ti me of retire ment or cessati on
of servi ce, a maxi mu m of 270 pri vil ege l eaves ma ybe coll ect ed, accor di ng t o t he
exi sti ng l eave rul es i n effect.

Pro moti on

Aft er discussi on wit h t he head of t he hu man resources depart ment and t he ma nager at
t he i ndi vi dual pl anned l ocati on, pr omoti on is chosen on t he basis of consistentl y good
perfor mance over a peri od of ti me as assist ed and suggest ed by t he respecti ve
depart ment or functi onal heads.

Perf or mance apprai sal

Ever y year, each e mpl oyee’s perfor mances is evaluat ed and gi ven t o a commi tt ee t hat
wi ll assess whet her or not t hey shoul d be pr omot ed.


Empl oyees may be transferred from one unit t o anot her or from one depart ment t o
anot her asked j udge essenti al i n t he i nt erest of t he co mpany’s busi ness, as sti pul at ed
i n t he t er ms of appoi nt ment. In t he event of a relocati on, t he coast ers of transferri ng
t he e mpl oyee’s fa mil y and personal bel ongi ngs woul d be covered by t he for m wit hi n
t he ter ms of t he prevaili ng TA or DA gui deli nes.

Incre me nts or re wards

Empl oyees will be graded i ncre ment s based on t heir perfor mance begi nni ng on April
1st of each year if t hey j oined t he co mpany bef ore Oct ober 1st of t he previ ous year. The
ear ni ngs may differ sli ghtl y from one unit or busi ness l ocati on t o t he next. The
e mpl oyee cannot de mand an i ncrease as a matt er of ri ght; i nst ead, t he i ncre ment will
be grant ed sol el y on t he basis of t he e mpl oyees previ ous year’s perfor mance, as t he
and reco mmended by t he correspondi ng departme nt or unit head. In the event of
excepti onal perfor mance, manage ment may el ect to pr ovi de furt her acknowledge ment,
eit her i n ter ms of st at us or monet ar y co mpensati on, or i n acknowl edgeme nt of t he
e mpl oyees efforts And achi eve ment s. That e mpl oyees val ue contri buti on co me up
pot enti al for growt h, and co mpet ency, a mong ot her fact ors are used t o det er mi ne
a war ds. The t al ent is used by t he or gani sati on

 Consi st entl y enhances manage ment leadershi p abilit y

 mai nt ai ns fl ow of t al ent up t hr ough t he or gani sation
 assures pr oacti ve trai ni ng and devel op ment
 Pl aces t he appr opri at e person i n t he ri ght rol e at the ri ght ti me are t he maj or
focuses of t he t al ent pool syst e m.

Empl oyee welfare scheme

Foll owi ng are t he t ypes of e mpl oyee welfare scheme adopt ed by t he co mpany

 Gr oup te mp i nsurance

The co mpany has taken out a poli cy t o pr ovi de i nsurance coverage i n t he event of an
e mpl oyee’s unti mel y deat h whil e wor ki ng for t he co mpany.

 Gr oup personal acci dent i nsurance

The co mpany has taken out an i nsurance poli cy for its e mpl oyees t o cover t he risk of
acci dent s t hat result i n partial or t ot al disabilit y or t hat.

 Gr at uity

If an e mpl oyee conti nued fi ve years of servi ce Wit h t he co mpany he is entitled t o get
grat uit y. In t he case of ter mi nati on of servi ce or t he t our t ot al disable ment t he
qualifyi ng peri od of fi ve years is not necessar y.

 Saf et y poli cy

Met r oll a St eel e’s consi ders healt h and safet y t o be one of its t op pri orities. The
co mpany’s poli cy is t hat ma nage ment will do all possi bl e t o offer a safe and healt hy
wor kpl ace, i ncl udi ng preventi ng i n acci dent s and mi ni mi si ng health hazar ds
co mpani es operati ons, mai nt enance and ot her pl ant acti vities.

For achi evi ng t hi s objecti ves

Met r oll a last deals strictly foll ow all appli cabl e legal require ment s as well as nu mer ous
techni cal nor ms and st andar ds. The co mpany has est ablished t he fire and safet y
depart ment, whi ch will run by certified pr ofessi onal s who will be cl osel y i nvol ved i n
t he pl ans t hey t oday or patience and will also pr ovide essenti al trai ni ng t o t he personal.
Thi s will ensure t hat t he wor kpl aces is safe, healt hy and environ ment all y friendl y, and
t hat acci dent s are avoi ded.

Thr ough acti ve environ ment i n safet y co mmittee meeti ngs, and safet y week
cel ebrati ons t he co mpany is commi tt ed t o i nvol vi ng its e mpl oyees i n safet y i nitiati ves.
Each e mpl oyee safet y perfor mance will be eval uated at his or her annual appr ai sal and
career advance ment revi ew.

When it comes t o sel ecti ng and pr ocuri ng pl an Taco ma equi pment co ma and mat eri als,
t he or gani sati on will pri oritise safet y and healt h. To i mpr ove safet y wit hi n t he i ndustry,
t he cor porati on will provi de pr oper trai ni ng t o st aff.

Usi ng vari ous pr ocedures such as safet y audit and risk assess ment s, t he organi sati on
wi ll assess t he st at us of safet y, healt h and t he environ ment on a regul ar basis.

Emergency preparedness

They conduct mock drills i ncl udi ng fire drills at regul ar i nt ervals for check t he
e mer gency preparedness.


I mpr oved a wareness is usuall y benefi ci al i n preventi ng acci dent s. The cor porati on has
post ed safet y i nstructi on boar ds, si gns, and sl ogans at all critical pl aces t o educat e st aff
a war e of t he hazar ds i nvol ved wit h t heir e mpl oyme nt.

St at ut ory co mpli ance

As st at ed i n our safet y policy, we cl osel y add here t o t he foll owi ng pr ovi si ons

 The fact ori es act of 1948

 The petrol eu m act of 1934
 El ectri cit y act of Indi a of 1910
 Indi an boil er act of 1923
 Environ ment al Pr ot ecti on act of 1986, Secti on 5

De part me nt al Chart

HR Manager.

Asst. Manager Asst. Manager

Co mput er Operat or Co mput er Operat or

Cl erks Cl erks

(fi g no. 9, HR dept. chart)

Rol es and Res ponsibilities

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of HR Manager

 Cr eati ng and i mpl e menting HR pl ans and acti vities t hat are i n li ne wit h the
co mpany' s overall strat egy
 Addr essi ng de mands, grievances, or ot her diffi culties t o bri ng manage ment and
e mpl oyee rel ati ons cl oser t oget her.
 Taki ng char ge of t he hiring and sel ecti on pr ocess
 Support present and fut ure busi ness de mands by i nvesti ng i n hu man capital
gr owt h, engage ment, mot i vati on, and preser vati on.
 Devel op and oversee t he organi zati on' s overall HR strat egy, met hods, tactics,
and pr ocedures.
 Cr eat e a pl easant wor ki ng at mosphere.
 Oversee and manage a high- perfor mance perfor mance appraisal syst e m.
 Mai nt ai n t he compensation struct ure and benefits package.
 Assess trai ni ng requireme nt s i n or der t o i mple ment and track trai ning
pr ogra mmes.
 HR metri cs are used t o report t o manage ment and gi ve decisi on assist ance.
 Ensure t hat all aspects of human resource manageme nt are compli ant wit h t he

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Assistant HR Manager

 For t he Hu man Resources depart ment, do admi ni strati ve tasks such as

scheduli ng, keepi ng files, and sorti ng mail.
 Dat a on e mpl oy ment shoul d be ent ered i nt o a co mput er dat abase.
 Assi st HR super vi sors wit h t he hiri ng pr ocess, i ncl udi ng pl aci ng j ob
advertise ment s onli ne and scheduli ng candi dat e i ntervi e ws.
 Or gani ze t he l ogi stics for ne w e mpl oyee ori ent ati ons and trai ni ng sessi ons.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Co mput er Operator

 Pr ovi des i nfor mati on based on machi ne acti vities.

 Perf or ms duti es as directed by t he recor ded i nstructi ons/ pr ocesses.
 Pr epare t he environ ment for operati ons i nvol vi ng el ectroni c soft ware access.
 If necessar y, makes appropri at e changes t o docume nt s.
 Monit ors and mani pul at es t he dail y operati ons of machi nes.
 Err or det ecti on and st oppage co mmuni cati ons, obser vati on, and pr ocedur e
adj ust ment of peri pheral equi pment are all used t o keep operati ons runni ng
s moot hl y.
 Cr eat es and distri but es bat ch reports t o end users.
 Mai nt ai ns t he event l ogs for all control servi ces.
 Us er issues will be resol ved by respondi ng t o queries and i nquiri es.


The Qualit y Control Depart ment is i n char ge of monit ori ng and ensuri ng t hat all
necessar y pr ocedures for safe machi ne operati on are foll owed at each stage of
pr oducti on, and each pr oduct t hat e mer ges fromt he pr ocess meet s all of t he est ablished
st andar ds and specifi cations for ensuri ng a s moot h and troubl e-free operati on. All
pr oducti on machi ner y and i nst allati on vehi cl es are al so under t he control of the Qualit y
Contr ol Depart ment. The Qualit y Control Departme nt issues a specifi c certificati on -
a guarant ee for proper product i nst all ati on and operati on – t o t he cust omer at t he end
of each pr oj ect.

Met r oll a st eels li mit ed will make ever y effort t o meet client expect ati ons i n or der t o
mai nt ai n cust omer happi ness. Their goal will be to i mpr ove t he pr ocedures so t hat t he
cli ent s may get hi gh qualit y ite ms at a reasonable pri ces. They will guarant ee t hat
st at ut or y l a ws and regulati ons are foll owed t o the wor d and spirit. The co mpani es
dedi cat ed t o i mpr ovi ng its qualit y manage ment syst e m on a conti nuous basis.

Obj ecti ves

 The co mpany will ensure t hat consu mer require ment s are co mmuni cated
t hroughout t he ent erprise
 Al l st aff will be encouraged and moti vat ed t o wor k t oget her as a tea mi n or der
t o i mpr ove pr ocess
 Empl oyee safet y and energy savi ng are t wo of t he or gani sati ons pri mar y goal s
 The co mpany will do ever yt hi ng possi bl e t o reduce negati ve environ ment al
consequences by monit ori ng pr ocess and adopti ng t he reco mmended acti ons

To ens ure quality

Metro l a st eels li mit ed is well known t hr oughout Sout h Indi a as a high qualit y
ma nuf act urer and dependabl e suppli er of I SI certified st eel bars. TQCS i nter nati onal
li mit ed has recogni sed Met r oll a as an I SO 9001- 2000 certified pr oducer capabl e of
suppl yi ng i nt ernati onal accept abl e st eel product s.

The vari ous pr ocedures foll owed for testi ng Met con on TMT

 As per I SI: 1786

I SI: 1786 specifi es t he properti es of hi gh-strengt h def or med St eel bars and wi r es used
i n concret e rei nf orce ment. They i ncl ude bars with grade such as fe-415 fe- 500 and
ot hers.

 Test for che mi cal properties

Duri ng pr oducti on is che mi call y anal ysed t wi ce i n Metr oll a St eels li mit ed superi or
che mi cal laborat or y. Che mi cal test es are carri ed out t o det er mi ne t he che mi cal
co mpositi on. Car bon, Sul phur, Phosphor us, manganese and ot her el eme nt s are
measured i n t he met als.

 Test for physi cal properties

Physi cal pr operties Wei ght, lengt h, cross secti onal area and si ze i n t he met al is test ed.

 Test ed for mechani cal properti es

To fi nd out t he mechani cal propert y t he foll owi ng tests are conduct ed.

Testi ng done on uni versal testi ng machi ne ( UTM)

The met al is test ed usi ng t he UT Mi n an advanced mechani cal laborat or y t o det er mi ne

t he pr oof stress ( N/ mm2) , yi el d stress ( N/ mm2), ulti mat e t ensil e stress ( N/ mm2), and
percent age of el ongati on.

Be nd test

Met con TMT bars perfectl y meet s I S: 1786 (Indi an) and BS 4449( British) st andar ds
i n t he bend t est.

Re bend test

In rebend t est, Met con TMT Bars precisel y mat ch I S: 1786 (Indi an) and BS 4449 (
British) specifi cati ons. Met r oll a St eels adheres t o t he wi del y recogni sed E2P2
pri nci pl e. Wit h t his strategy, t he or gani sati on is abl e t o reduce wast e t hrough t he
recycli ng pr ocess.

Energy Conservati on Concept

Ener gy Effici ency and Poll uti on Preventi on ( E2P2) ent ails t he effi ci ent and opti mal
use of ener gy and resources at t he sa me ti me i n order t o i ncrease pr oducti vit y and
pr ofit abilit y whil e reducing ener gy consu mpti on and reduci ng t he creati on of ext er nal
environ ment al wast es. Met r oll a St eels li mit ed is att e mpti ng t o put t his noti on i nt o
practi ce, and ongoi ng research is bei ng conduct ed i n t his fiel d. The Ener gy Effi ci ency
( E2) noti on si mpl y refers t o t he use of ener gy t o its full capacit y. Alt hough ener gy
account s for t he maj ority of a company’s overall annual operati ng posters it also
pr ovi des t he great er opport unit y for Consi derabl e cost savi ngs because it is usuall y i n
ever y pr ocess and function. Fi nanci al operati ng perfor mance i mpr oved dra mati call y
when ener gy i nput s were opti mi sed. On t he ot her si de, t he Poll uti on Preventi on ( P2)
appr oach e mpl oys t he effecti ve use of mat erial t o reduce, if not eli mi nat e, wast ers and
t heir environ ment al i mpact for st op wasti ng is an indi cati on of i neffi ci ent process and
mat eri al conversi on i nt o val uabl e goods for manufact uri ng or gani sati ons wi ll st op as
a result, reduci ng wast e impr oves pr oducti vit y and pr oduct qualit y.

E2P2 is it t oo wet technique t hat has been shown t o be cost effecti ve i n a vari et y of
sit uati ons. Whil e t he E2 strat egy focuses on impr ovi ng or maxi mi si ng exi sti ng
pr ocesses, t he P2 appr oach focuses on re or ganisi ng pr ocess t o opti mi se mat eri al
consu mpti on and eli mi nat e wast e. Because energy is a necessar y co mponent of all
pr ocess st eps and co mmerci al operati ons, t he E2P2 co mbi ned appr oach is feasi bl e.
End of process wast es, for exa mpl e t ypi call y need a large a mount of resources t hat is
ener gy and mat erials t o produce i n a t ypi cal manufact uri ng scenari o full st op as a t hat
is ener gy and mat erials to pr oduce i n a t ypi cal manufact uri ng scenari o. As a result, by
mi ni mi si ng fl ash t he energy and mat erials used t o creat e it can be reused under t ur ned
i nt o mor e mar ket abl e goods. Additi onall y t he expendit ures connect ed wit h t hat trash
woul d be saved and used for ot her company require ment s.

As a result Metroll a last St eels li mit ed E2P2 pr ogra m is a reasonabl e and pr oducti ve
i nitiati ve i nvol vi ng,

 Changes t o pr ocess and or procedures

 Modi fi cati ons t o equi pment or technol ogy

 Recycli ng whil e i n t he manufact uri ng pr ocess
 Restruct uri ng of t he pr oduct or ra w mat erials
 I mpr ove ment s t o housekeepi ng
 Enhance ment t o operati ons and mai nt enance
 Met r o l ast near fut ure objecti ve is t o i nt egrat e i nt ernati onal st andar ds li ke I SO
14001, whi ch will provi de t he foll owi ng benefits benefits t o t he co mpany.
 Increases i n pr ocess yi el d due t o mor e compl et e processi ng, repl ace ment, reuse
or recycli ng of product i n i nput s
 Less downti me as a result of bett er monit ori ng and mai nt enance i mpr oved by
pr oduct utilisati on based transf or mati on i nt o co mmer ci all y val uabl e for ms
 Lo weri ng ener gy consu mpti on
 Cost of mat eri al st orage and handli ng are reduced
 Cost savi ngs as a result of safer wor ki ng conditi ons . cost is connect ed wit h the
e mi ssi ons, dischar ges, wast e treat ment, transport ati on and disposal are Radi o
Ci t y. Are
 Pr oduct enhance ment s as a result of process modificati ons
 Pr oduct s of hi gher quality and consist ency
 Pr oduced a pr oduct coast ers exa mpl e from mat eri al substit uti on packagi ng
costs are reduced. Resource utilisati on t hat is more effici ent
 Pr oduct s t hat are safer
 Lo wer net product disposal costs t o cust omer pr oduct resal e and scrap value
are bot h hi gher.

De part me nt al Chart

Quality Cont rol Manager

Eng. Quality Checker

QC Assistant QC Assistant

Cl erks Cl erks

(fi g no. 9, qualit y dept. chart)

Rol es and Res ponsibilities

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Quality Cont rol Ma nager

 To buil d effi ci ent quality control met hods, you must first underst and the
de mands and want s of your cust omers.
 Cr eat e and revi e w pr oduct or pr ocess require ment s.
 Set require ment s for provi ders of ra w mat erials or i nt er medi ar y goods, and
keep track of t heir compl iance.
 Ensure t hat healt h and safet y regul ati ons, as wel l as legal require ment s, are
foll owed.
 Pr ovi de assist ance and feedback t o i nspect ors, techni ci ans, and other
e mpl oyees.
 Obser ve all st ages of product creati on t o spot any depart ures from qualit y
require ment s.
 Exa mi ne t he fi nal product and co mpare its properties t o t he specifi cati ons.
 Appr ove t he correct product s or rej ect t he ones t hat are defecti ve.
 Mai nt ai n correct recor ds and do st atistical anal ysis
 Soli cit feedback from client s t o see if t heir needs are bei ng satisfi ed.
 Det ail ed reports shoul d be sub mitt ed t o t he appr opriat e executi ves.
 Al ways be on t he l ookout for ways t o i mpr ove and est ablish ne w effi cient

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Quality Checker Engi neer

 I mpl e ment t he techni ques and pr ocesses devel oped by t he qualit y cont rol
ma nager for product devel op ment.
 Mai nt ai n, monit or, and ensure t hat product s are of t he hi ghest qualit y.
 Cr eat e and i mpl e ment qualit y st andar ds for tests, inspecti ons, and assess ment s.
 Cr eat e for ms and i nstructi ons for anal ysi ng, assessing, reporti ng, and recor ding
pr oduct or servi ce quality st andar ds.

 Assi st t he QC manager i n t he devel op ment of strat egi es for eval uati ng the
precisi on and accuracy of anal yti cal equi pment, tests and measure ment s, and
ma nuf act uri ng equi pment.
 Tr oubl eshoot and resol ve issues li nked t o qualit y assurance.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of QC Assistant

 Assi sti ng t he qualit y checker engi neer i n i mpl eme nti ng t he techni ques and
pr ocess devel oped by t he QC manager.
 Assi sti ng i n mai nt ai ni ng and monit ori ng t he pr oduct s qualit y.
 Assi sti ng i n i mpl e ment i ng qualit y st andar ds for tests, i nspecti ons, and
assess ment s.
 Assi sti ng i n fi ndi ng and resol vi ng issues li nked t o qualit y assurance.


The fi nance depart ment of a company is i n char ge of obt ai ni ng fi nances for t he

co mpany, managi ng funds i nsi de t he co mpany, and t aki ng decisi ons for t he use of
money on vari ous assets. It is t he part of an or gani sati on responsi bl e for ensuri ng
effecti ve fi nanci al manage ment and fi nanci al control t o support all company acti vities.
The depart ment is i n charge of i nco me and expendit ure, as well as ensuri ng t hat t he
fir mruns s moot hl y wit h little downti me. Fi nance depart ment responsi bilities i ncl ude
econo mi c anal ysis t o i mpr ove i mport ant busi ness strat egi es, i n additi on t o t he t ypi cal
rol es of processi ng payr oll, i nco me, and expenses.

Functi ons of fi nance depart ment

 The day-t o- day recor ding, anal ysis and i nt erpret ati on of t he co mpany’s
fi nanci al transacti ons.
 Ma nagi ng t he cash i nfl ow and outfl ow of t he company
 Assi sti ng t he t op manage ment for t he preparati on of company’s budget and
 Handli ng t he t ax issues
 Ma nagi ng t he co mpany’s existi ng assets
 Gi ve assist ance t o t he managers for maki ng key strat egi c decisi ons

The fi nance depart ment is di vi ded i nt o t wo secti ons

 Account s depart ment

 Taxati on depart ment

The account depart ment is furt her can be di vi ded i nt o t wo secti ons purchasi ng and
payr oll

Purchase secti on

The fact or y is i n char ge of purchasi ng mat eri als and send and st ored it t heir directl y.
There is a separate department exi sts i n the fact ory i s call ed purchase depart ment. All paper
wor ks and quot ati ons and pri ce bargai ni ng are handl ed by thi s secti on but fi nance i s handl ed

by the head offi ce and f unds are all ocat ed on a weekl y basi s. The paper work regar di ng
mat eri al s bet ween the head offi ce and the fact ory al so handl es by thi s secti on.

Payroll secti on

Payr oll is handl ed by t he payr oll secti on i n coll aborati on wit h t he mar keti ng
depart ment. The pay slip is sent onl y once t he mar keti ng depart ment s have cl eared
each candi dat e. Based on i nput s from t he marketi ng depart ment, i ncreme nt s and
deducti ons are det er mi ned based on t arget and objecti ve achi eve ment.

Taxati on

The co mpany’s chi ef fi nanci al controll er is i n charge of taxati on. Thi s depart ment has
t he char ge of all fi nancial decisi ons, wor ki ng capit al manage ment and so on. Thi s
secti on is also i n char ge of appeali ng t he fundi ng of j oi nt vent ure wit hdrawal s wit h
fir ms out si de Indi a.


The budget is prepared by t he co mpany is sal es ori ent ed budget due t o t he St eel
busi ness is mostl y dependent on sal es. All departme nt has creat ed a departme nt budget
for t he pur pose of constructi ng a busi ness budget, t hen whi ch is compared t o t he
previ ous years budget. The foll owi ng nu mbers sho w t he trend i n budget all ocati on
over t he last fe w years

 50 % of mat erials
 9 % of payr oll
 20 % of mar keti ng
 50 % of R&D
 Capit al struct ure

Metr oll a steel is a publi c limi t ed co mpany. The company has not rai sed any f und from t he
publi c because the shar es are hel d by the me mbers of the company. The capi tal struct ur e of
the company i ncl udes onl y those f unds contri but ed by its me mbers. The worki ng capi tal i s
gi ven by the federal bank.


Duri ng t he previ ous fi nanci al year 2019- 20 t he co mpany had an average tur nover of
rupees 450 crores. The company t ur nover is i ncreasi ng at rat e of average 15% on each
year. The qui ck i ncrease i n t he consu mpti on due to t he buil di ng i ndustri es.


The co mpani es ear ni ng is li ke wi se i ncreasi ng at rapi dl y. The appr oxi mat e pr ofit after tax
i n the Last year made by the company was RS. 4 Crores.

De part me nt al Chart

Fi nance & Ad mn
Ma nager

Chi ef Account ant Asst. Ad mn Manager

Account ant
Cl erks

Co mput er
Operat or

Cl erks
ri ci an

(fi g no. 10, Fi nance dept. chart)

Rol es and Res ponsibilities

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Fi nance and Ad mi nistrati on Manager

 Ma nage t he fi nanci al and admi ni strati ve tea ms i n or der t o meet t he company' s

fi nanci al obj ecti ves.
 Ma ke t he co mpany' s mor e effi ci ent for achievi ng fi nanci al goal s and
obj ecti ves.
 Oversee t he creati on of financi al recor ds for t he general ledger, payr oll, budget,
and expenses, a mong ot her t hi ngs.
 Assi st wit h account s payabl e and recei vabl e tasks.
 Keep accurat e recor ds of cash wit hdra wal s and deposits at t he bank.
 Exa mi ne t he current accounti ng syst e m and provi de reco mmendati ons for
changes if where needed.
 Assi st i n t he creati on and manage ment of a budgeti ng syst e m.
 Pr oduce fi nanci al reports and account reconcili ations.
 Identify and address difficulties wit h i nvoi ci ng, accounti ng irregul ariti es, and
ot her fi nanci al issues.
 For pay ment settle ment s manage all client accounts.
 Initiat e e mpl oyee orient ati on and trai ni ng pr ogrammes.
 Keep resource and ot her mat eri al require ment s for fi nanci al and ad mi ni strati ve
duti es.
 Keepi ng and managi ng cost s wit hi n budget ed li mi ts.
 Ne w personnel i n fi nancial and ad mi ni strati ve duties shoul d be i nt ervi e wed,
hired, and trai ned.
 Assi st i n t he t asks of resource i dentificati on, job assi gn ment, perf or mance
eval uati on, and pr omoti on decisi on.

Functi ons of Chi ef Account ant

 fi nanci al anal ysis and its sub mi ssi on of report t o t he manage ment is done as
per t he needs.
 Perf or m mont h-end accounti ng t asks such as j our nal entri es and
reconciliati ons.
 Wor k wit h t he fi nance t ea mt o meet deadli nes for specifi ed accounti ng duties.
 Exa mi ne co mput erised accounti ng syst e ms and make reco mmendati ons t o t he
I T st aff for bett er performa nce.
 Pr epare fi nanci al reports and st at e ment s for revi ew by managers.
 Exa mi ne fi nanci al i nconsist enci es and make reco mmendati ons for effi cient
fi xes.
 Monit or spendi ng, eval uat e revenue, and i dentify budget discrepanci es, t hen
report t o manage ment.
 respond t o accounti ng enquiri es from manage ment i n proper ti me.
 offeri ng advi ces t o ot her account ant s when it is necessar y.
 Assi st i n t he for mul ati on of budget s
 Assi st wit h auditi ng acti vities by suppl yi ng necessar y i nfor mati on and
co mpl eti ng request ed paper wor k.
 Fi nanci al transacti ons shoul d be monit ored and recor ded i n accor dance wit h
cor porat e poli ci es and regul ati ons.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Account ant

 Assi sti ng chi ef account ant i n prepari ng fi nanci al recor ds.

 Assi st i n t he for mul ati on of budget s and spendi ng manage ment for assi gned
account s.
 Assi st wit h auditi ng acti vities by suppl yi ng necessar y i nfor mati on and
co mpl eti ng request ed paper wor k.
 Assisti ng i n exa mi ne fi nanci al i nconsist enci es and make reco mmendati ons for
effi ci ent fi xes.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Assistant Ad mi ni strati on Manager

 Me eti ngs are schedul ed on t he basis of personnel and roo m avail abilit y.
 Calls and e mails are i mmedi at el y ret ur ned and t he i nfor mati on is
co mmuni cat ed t o all members of t he tea m.
 Inco mi ng e mail is screened and sort ed i nt o desi gnat ed fol ders.
 For reduci ng t he errors invoi ces and or ders are doubl e checked.
 Offi ce papers shoul d be copi ed, di gitised, and filed.

Rol es and Res ponsi bilities of Co mput er Operator

 Pr ovi des i nfor mati on based on machi ne acti vities.

 Perf or ms duti es as directed by t he recor ded i nstructi ons/ pr ocesses.
 Pr epare t he environ ment for t he operati ons whi ch invol ves el ectroni c soft ware
 If necessar y makes appr opri at e changes t o docu ment s.
 Monit ors and mani pul at es t he dail y operati ons of machi nes.
 Err or det ecti on and st oppage co mmuni cati ons, obser vati on, and pr ocedur e
adj ust ment of peri pheral equi pment are done for t he s moot h runni ng of
operati ons
 Cr eat es and distri but es bat ch reports t o end users.
 Mai nt ai ns t he event l ogs for all control servi ces.

St rengt h We akness
 I SO certificati on for premi u m pr oduct s  The change i n price is unpredi ct abl e
 Ra w mat erials are avail abl e at l ow rat e  Hi gh expensi ve machi nery used causes
 Accessi bilit y of l ow cost labour hi gh cost of pr oducti on.
 The co mpany has a subst anti al mar ket  There is an excessi ve energy usage
share  The wor kers must have a hi gh l evel of
 There is a conti nuous i mpr ove ment i n t he expertise
ma nuf act uri ng pr ocess  Out dat ed pr omoti onal strat egi es

Opport uniti es Threats

 The co mpany has t he abilit y t o ext end t he  Techonol ogy is al ways changi ng.
mar ket on a nati onal or an i nt ernati onal  Fake or l ow qualit y pr oduct s are
scal e avail abl e i n t he mar ket at l ow pri ce
 The gr owt h of t he i nfrastruct ure sect or i n  Increased co mpetiti on as a result of
nati onal level econo mi c li beralisati on.
 Gover n ment poli ci es are mor e favourabl e  Pri ce fl uct uati on

St rengt hs:

 It is t he first company whi ch gets I SO Certification for t he pre mi u m pr oduct s

pr oduced by t he usi ng t he l at est technol ogy.
 The maj orit y part of raw mat eri al is used purchased fromt he country onl y a
cert ai n percent age of ra wmat eri al is i mport ed from ot her countri es. So t he ra w
mat eri als are avail abl e at t he mi ni mu m cost.
 They utilize mi grant labourers for t he l ower level operati ons because of t he
reason t he labour cost is mi ni mu m.
 The whol e co mpany shares hel d by t he fa mil y me mbers it hel ps t o t ake
deci si ons i mmedi at el y .
 The co mpany have good R&D depart ment whi ch hel ps i n conti nuous research
for i mpr ovi ng t he pr ocess conti nuousl y by adopting l at est technol ogy.

We akness:

 The co mpany al ways trying t o updat e t he lat est technol ogi es havi ng hi gh cost
due t o t his t he change i n pri ces cannot be predi ct abl e
 Hi gh cost machi ner y is needed t o use foll owi ng t he l at est technol ogy
 The wor kers shoul d needed hi gh l evel of expertise for usi ng t he l atest
technol ogy.
 The co mpany foll ows traditi onal pr omoti onal strategi es even t he moder n lo w
cost promoti onal strat egies are avail abl e.

Opport uniti es:

 The co mpany has t he abilit y t o ext end t he market share on a nati onal or
i nt ernati onal scal e because of t he hi gh pre mi u m qualit y of product s.
 Day t oday t he gr owt h of i nfrastruct ure sect or is risi ng rapi dl y at t he nati onal
level whi ch also i nfl uence t he de mand of t he St eel bars.
 Thr ough t he gl obalisation of t he econo my t he company can i mport ra w
mat eri als from anywhere i n t he worl d.
 No w t he gover n ment polici es are mor e favourable for iron and st eel i ndustry
because it pl ace a vit al role i n t he i nfrastruct ure devel op ment of a country


 The t echnol ogy is al ways changi ng so t he co mpany shoul d be have mor e

flexi bilit y i n adopti ng it
 No wadays t here are so many fir ms are pr oduci ng the sa me pr oduct s whi ch have
l ow qualit y and l ow pri ce.
 No wadays t he iron ore have hi gh price because of its non avail abilit y
 Due t o t he li beralisati on t here is a so many fir ms are partici pat ed i n t his
i ndustry from out si de t he country it i ncreasi ng t he co mpetiti veness.


 Met r oll a St eels has a si gnifi cant presence i n t he local mar ket.
 Met r oll a St eels pl aces a hi gher val ue on pr oduct qualit y t hrough t he continues
research and i mpr ovi ng t he pr ocess conti nuousl y by adopti ng l atest
technol ogy.
 The or gani sati on uses mi grant labours whi ch hel ps t o reduce i n labour cost.
 Appr opri at e gri evance process is carri ed out i mme di at el y.
 The Manage ment Inf or mati on Syst e mis assi gned a l ow pri orit y.


 The co mpany does not have any i nf or mati on syste m, t he use of MI S has the
pot enti al t o i mpr ove t he organi zati on' s overall perfor mance whi ch i ncl udes
pr oper l ogi stics manageme nt, purchasi ng of ra w mat eri al at ri ght ti me, et c.
 Mor e research coul d be done t o i ncrease t he quality of t he pr oduct by adopt i ng
lat est technol ogy at mi nimu m l evel of cost.
 The co mpany can mai ntai n a good rel ati onshi p bet ween t he mi ddl e men li ke
whol esal ers, agent s and ret ailers t hey will hel p t o add ne w cust o mers and
mai nt ai n t he existi ng l ocal cust omers.
 The pri ce of ra w mat erial li ke iron ore is al ways i ncreasi ng because of its
unavail abilit y. So t he company shoul d adopt better met hods t o use t he ra w
mat eri als i n effecti ve and effi ci ent way. Al so company shoul d fi nd out bett er
ways t o reduce t he pr oducti on cost.


Obj ecti ves of t he st udy:

 To underst and t he departme nt al operati ons of Met roll a St eels Lt d,

 To underst and t he or ganisati onal struct ure of Metroll a St eels Lt d.
 To conduct a S WOT analysi s and suggest i mpr oveme nt s

Maj or Fi ndi ngs:

 Met r oll a St eels has a si gnifi cant presence i n t he local mar ket wit h t heir high
qualit y certified pr oducts t hrough t he conti nues research and i mpr ovi ng t he
pr ocess conti nuousl y by adopti ng l at est technol ogy.
 The co mpany have l ess labour cost due t o recr uiti ng t he l ower level e mpl oyees
from mi grant s labours.

Maj or Suggesti ons:

 The co mpany does not have any i nf or mati on syste m, t he use of MI S has the
pot enti al t o i mpr ove t he organi zati on' s overall perfor mance whi ch i ncl udes
pr oper l ogi stics manageme nt, purchasi ng of ra w mat eri al at ri ght ti me, et c.
 The co mpany can mai ntai n a good rel ati onshi p bet ween t he mi ddl e men li ke
whol esal ers, agent s and ret ailers t hey will hel p t o add ne w cust o mers and
mai nt ai n t he existi ng l ocal cust omers.

Thi s st udy hel ps me t o underst and t he vari ous strengt h, weakness, opportuniti es and
t hreats of t he co mpany. It also hel p i n i mpr ovi ng my kno wl edge about t he operati ons
done on vari ous depart ment s i n each and ever y day.


Re ports:

 Annual report – 2019- 2020

 Annual report – 2020- 2021

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