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Lesson 1

The meaning of
Discuss philosophy and its importance as a
discipline and a means for understanding life
What words come to
your mind when your
hear the word
philosophy? Copy the Philosophy
graphic organizer and
write the words in the
blank circles.
What is Philosophy?
• “Philosophy” came from two Greek words philos which
means love and sophia which means wisdom
• Ancient greeks used this term to refer to “love of
• Love of wisdom refers to the strong desire of the human
person to possess knowledge and apply it correctly.

• People who engage in Philosophy are called

Philosophers or “lovers of wisdom”
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental
questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason,
mind, and language.
Doing Philosophy means engaging oneself in “matters
of utility” and methodologies to eliminate any practical
problem or abstract idea.
Philosophizing traces its roots to when people started
asking why and tried to look for answers
It is an attempt to logically formulate, understood, and
answer the Essential questions that we ask
Philosophical Questions
•What is the origin of the universe and everything
that exists?
•Does God exist? If so, why is there suffering?
•What is the meaning and purpose of life?
• What is real?
• Are we able to perceive and understand reality and
everything in it?
• How do we know what we know?
• Are the things that we know, true?
• What is the ultimate cause of all things?
• What is our purpose in this world?
• To what extend are our choices and actions
considered “free”?
Philosophical Questions
Always remember that these are difficult
questions and almost impossible to answer.
These questions can only be answered by using
reason as a tool wherein it can be expressed in
different forms such as the ability to reflect, ask
questions, explain one’s thought, and analyze
certain experiences and phenomena.

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