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Practical lesson 3-4

Forms and types of educational activities of the

class teacher
Planning of educational work
Zarlikhan Sholpan
3 course Chemitry
1.What is educational work
2.Modern forms and methods of
educational work

Parenting is the process of teaching, protecting and caring for
children with a view to their healthy development into adulthood.

Education is one of the main functions of the

modern school. It is aimed at the formation of a
socially oriented, creatively developed
personality, ready for creative work and moral
In modern conditions, the educational system of the school faces new
challenges. Teachers who carry out educational functions must:

1. be able to navigate in huge flows of information;

2. own ICT (information and communication technologies);
3. to know the language and interests of modern teenagers;
4. combine moral content in educational activities with the
attractiveness of its presentation;
5. show examples of spiritual and moral behavior by your own
example, so that the words of the teacher do not diverge from the
The school educational system is not limited to
specific activities. It covers the entire educational
process including:

1. educational structure;
2. extracurricular activities;
3. communication of students with each other and
4. natural, objective, social environment.
To successfully solve the problems of education, teachers need to create a single educational
space together with parents. It should contribute to the development of a harmonious
personality, be characterized by content and unity of requirements from the family and
school. Interaction with parents is a key moment in the organization of educational

Methods of educational work are the methods of influence of the teacher on the behavior of
the student, his consciousness, will and feelings in order to develop certain qualities, beliefs
and skills in him.
Methods are implemented in specific forms of educational work. Example: a verbal
method can be implemented in the form of a conversation or debate.

The whole variety of upbringing methods is divided into 2 large groups:

Direct. This is an Indirect. The essence of the method

immediate, direct reaction is to create an educational situation
to the behavior of the in which the necessary convictions
student, which manifests and qualities are created in the
itself in a specific situation student in the course of activity.
Such a situation can be created not
and implies the same
only at an extracurricular event, but
immediate or somewhat
also directly in the learning process,
delayed response. at any stage of it.
Modern pedagogy prefers indirect Examples of traditional forms:

methods as the most effective and dispute;

appropriate humanistic approach. Classroom hour;
literary lounge;
Teachers in their educational activities national holidays;
still widely use well-proven traditional oral journal;
relay races.
forms of work.
The concept of "innovative", as a rule, denotes non-standard types
of pedagogical activity that have developed under the influence of
the progress of information and communication technologies.

Examples of innovative forms:

1. electronic quizzes;
2. trainings;
3. interactive games;
4. work with graphic editors;
5. online competitions;
6. robotics tournament.
There are a large number of classifications of
forms of educational activity.
By line of business:
By number of participants:
1. cognitive;
2. labor;
1. individual;
3. sports;
4. environmental; 2. group;
5. patriotic; 3. collective;
6. artistic and aesthetic; 4. massive.
7. legal;
8. cultural and leisure;
9. career guidance.
Organization method:
1.with preliminary training of students and
1. At school: classroom, hall, assembly hall.
without training;
2. In nature: hiking, outdoor excursions.
2. with the involvement of students and
3. In sports facilities: stadium, swimming
parents in the organization process or an event
pool, sports ground.
prepared only by teachers; 4. In institutions of extracurricular activities:
3.intraschool or with the involvement of a palace of creativity, a children's club.
external resources. 5. In cultural institutions: theater, library,
By time: 6. In third-party organizations (for example, a
tour of the factory).

1. short-term;
2. long-term;
3. regular.
The forms most commonly used
by class teachers are:
Classroom hour.
This is the communication of the teacher with the class on
a given topic, during which spiritual, moral, patriotic,
environmental and other important issues are raised. It can
be carried out in the form of a frontal conversation,
discussion, game, joint viewing and discussion of a short
film or program.
Ruler. This is a solemn event, involving the construction of participants in a
line. It can be award, patriotic, environmental, commemorative. It aims to
create an emotional-valuable attitude to any phenomenon, object, event.

Discussion. It can take the form of a round table, forum, debate. The main task
3 is to discuss any topical issue.

Meeting interesting people. An illustrative example has great educational power.

4 The organization of meetings with veterans, outstanding representatives of
various professions, creative people involves students in a direct, lively process
of communication, during which they absorb the spiritual and moral values ​of
the invited guests.
5 Contests. They can be sports, educational and
entertaining, carried out independently or as
components of other forms of educational work. The
introduction of an element of competition increases
the interest of students, allows them to develop
leadership qualities, communication and other skills.
Thank you attention!

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