Conditional Sentences Test

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CUR Prueba de seguimiento de _________________

Tem FECHA___________Nº_____
Colegio Inmaculada Concepción –Palma del Río-
_____ H.H. Franciscanas de los Sgdos. Corazones

1.- For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb.

1. If I lose my job, I ________ for a new one. (to look)

a) will look b) would look c) look
2. If she hadn't told me to stay, I ________. (to go)
a) will go b) would have gone c) would go
3. She ________ to come to the party if she had known that her ex-
boyfriend would be there. (to agree)
a) would not agree b) did not agree c) would not have agreed
4. If you come tonight, I ________ enchiladas. (to make)
a) will make b) would make c) will have made
5. If I were him, I ________that job. (to take)
a) would take b) did take c) will take
6. He will never speak to me again if he ________ what happened. (to
find out)
a) will have found out b) finds out c) would find out
7. Our cat ________ you if you rub her belly. (to bite)
a) will bite b) would bite c) would have bitten
8. I ________ you if I hadn't thought it was important. (to tell)
a) will not tell b) wouldn't have told c) would not tell
9. If I ________ you were coming, I would have prepared lunch. (to
a) knew b) had known c) will know
10. If I were you, I ________ to the beach instead of going to work.
(to go)
a) will have gone b) will go c) would go

2.- Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

 If I ……............................ (be) taller, I …………................ (not wear) platform shoes.
 She ……....................... (buy) designer clothes if she ……...................... (earn) more
 My parents ……...................... (be) angry if I ..……................. (have) a strange hairstyle.
 If he …….......................... (wear) smarter clothes, he …………................... (look) better.
 You …….................... (not feel) comfortable if you ……....................... (put on) a lot of
 If we ……........................ (go) to school in England, we ……...................... (have to)
wear a uniform.
 If you …………................. (buy) some trendy clothes, you ……...................... (improve)
your image.
 If you……………(stay) at home, there ……………….……………..(not be) any trouble
last night.
3 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 If she had more time, … a he’d ride it to school.

2 If she has the new Star Wars game, b she’ll let you play it.
3 If I was rich, … c I’d buy a sports car.
4 He would have phoned the police … d she would have known the result.
5 If he had a motorbike, … e I’ll tell you.
6 If she had watched the tennis match, f she’d learn another language.
7 If I find the letter, … g if he’d seen the robbery.

4 Read the text. Then complete the sentences in the first, second or third
conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs.
Andrew Chance’s mother was horrified when she
received her son’s Internet shopping bill. Thirteen-
year-old Andrew had spent nearly £1 million on
eMall, an American Internet shopping site.
Andrew used his parents’ password to get into the
site. He then bought a Rolls Royce, a Van Gogh
painting and an antique bed. ‘I’m in big trouble,’
the worried teenager said yesterday.

1 If Andrew’s parents ……………… (not buy) him the computer, he wouldn’t have
shopped on the Internet.
2 Andrew would make more friends if he ……………… (spend) less time on the
3 If his parents ……………… (find out) earlier, Andrew would have spent less
4 If Andrew’s mother doesn’t pay, she ……………… (have to) go to prison.
5 Andrew ……………… (not get) into trouble if he hadn’t used his parents’ password.
6 If I ……………… (be) Andrew’s mother, I’d sell his computer.
7 If teenagers ……………… (have) a computer, they’ll want to surf the Internet.

5 Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.

1 In order to lose weight you need to exercise more.
(First conditional) If you………………
2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note café.
(First conditional) If he’s ……………………
3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. That’s why he’s in prison.
(Third conditional) If she ……………………
4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then he’ll be happy.
(Second conditional) If he ………………
5 Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of the film.
(Third conditional) If he ……………...………………………………………

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