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Extensão de Nacala

Licenciatura em Gestão Portuária

General English (I)

Tema: Regular and irregular verbs


Ali António Virgílio

Bacar Saide Barari

Danesia Mamudo

Laine Uahabe

Nogueira da Silva

Solange Lipeque

Nacala, April 2021


Extensão de Nacala

Licenciatura em Gestão Portuária

General English (I)

Tema: Regular and Irregular verbs

Trabalho de carácter avaliativo orientado pelo

docente , na cadeira de English, pesquisa
realizada por estudante do 3° grupo do 3° ano
do curso de licenciatura em Gestão Portuária
período laboral.

Docente: Don Faray Rostalino Tomás

Nacala, April 2021


An English verb can be regular or irregular............................................................................................6
There are 3 tips of irregular....................................................................................................................8
PRESENTE CONTINUOUS.................................................................................................................9
The present tense is mainly classified into four parts....................................................................9
Forming the present continuous................................................................................................10
Examples: TO GO, present continuous....................................................................................10
Functions of the present continuous..........................................................................................10
We use the preset continuous...................................................................................................11
Verbs that are not usually used in the continuous form........................................................................11
Referência bibliográfica.........................................................................................................................5
In all languages, to have a good communication, is necessary there is grammatical rules to
follow that we can manage our communication process to be understood with clear message.
Therefore, in English language, there are procedure which can be carried out, just because it’s
formal and the most useful language, especially in formal communications and in informal
communications and, in informal dialogues too, then is necessary there is a verb conjugation
in all grammatical moods, seeing that’s it is useful language around the word, and that’s why
within this wonderful work, we are just going to talk about the extreme important of regular
and irregular verbs, paper in English communication, and also we are going to lock for or
even too that to found out about regular and irregular verb, diference among both flexuous so
that we can be able to identify then, whenever we use then, and others.

 Talking about regular and irregular verbs
 To give definition of verbs
 Know the difference between the regular and irregular verbs
 Give some examples of regular and irregular verbs
 Form some phrases in all moods.

Eastwood (2002) said that, Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop),
or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is
known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives.

Almost all verbs have two other important forms called participles. Participles are forms that
are used to create several verb tenses (forms that are used to show when an action happened);
they can also be used as adjectives. The present participle always ends in -ing: calling, loving,
breaking, going. (There is also a kind of noun, called a gerund that is identical in form to the
present participle form of a verb.) The past participle usually ends in -ed, but many past
participles have irregular endings: called, loved, broken, gone ( Rodríguez 2019).

An English verb can be regular or irregular.

Regular verbs form their past and past participle forms by adding –ed.
For Rodríguez (2019), .A regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical
pattern, or one of the typical patterns, of the language to which it belongs. A verb whose
conjugation follows a different pattern is called an irregular verb. (This is one instance of the
distinction between regular and irregular inflection, which can also apply to other word
classes, such as nouns and adjectives).
In English, for example, verbs such as play, enter, and like are regular since they form their
inflected parts by adding the typical endings -s, -ing and -ed to give forms such as plays,
entering, and liked. On the other hand, verbs such as drink, hit and have are irregular since
some of their parts are not made according to the typical pattern: drank and drunk (not
"drinked"); hit (as past tense and past participle, not "hitted") and has and had (not "haves"
and "haved").

The classification of verbs as regular or irregular is to some extent a subjective matter. If

some conjugational paradigm in a language is followed by a limited number of verbs, or it
requires the specification of more than one principal part (as with the German strong verbs),
views may differ as to whether the verbs in question should be considered irregular. Most
inflectional irregularities arise as a result of series of fairly uniform historical changes so

forms that appear to be irregular from a synchronic (contemporary) point of view may be seen
as following more regular patterns when the verbs are analyzed from a diachronic (historical
linguistic) viewpoint.
Examples are given below ( Rodríguez 2019)..
Walk – walked – walked
Dance – danced – danced
Paint – painted – painted
Work – worked – worked

Affirmative Present Past Negative Interrogative Future


John play’s John is John played John is not Is John play John will
football playing football play football football? play
football football

I am dance I am I danced I don't dance Am I danced? I will

dancing dance

Michel is Michel is Michel were Michel is not Is Michel Michel

work working worked work work? will work

David is paint David is David David doesn't David will

Is David
painting painted paint paint

Irregular verbs Form their past and past participle forms in different ways.
All verbs, whether regular or irregular, have five forms (often called principal parts). These
forms are the infinitive, simple present, simple past, past participle, and present participle.
The difference between regular and irregular verbs is the formation of the simple past and past
participle (Eastwood, 2002).
Regular verbs are dependably consistent—the simple past ends in ed as does the past
Infinitive Simple present Simple past Past participle Participle
to laugh to laugh to laugh to laugh to laugh

to start to start to start to start to start
to wash to wash to wash to wash to wash
to wink to wink to wink to wink to wink

There are 3 tips of irregular

Verbs in which all the three forms are the same (e.g. put – put – put)
Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same (e.g. sit – sat – sat)
Verbs in which all three forms are different (e.g. drink – drank – drunk)

Some verbs can be both regular and irregular. Examples are:

Burn – burnt – burnt (irregular)
Burn – burned – burned (regular)

Dream – dreamt – dreamt (irregular)

Dream – dreamed – dreamed (regular)

Lean – lent – lent (irregular)

Lean – leaned – leaned (regular)

Learn – learnt – learnt (irregular)

Learn – learned – learned (regular)

Leap – leapt – leapt (irregular)

Leap – leaped – leaped (regular)

Smell – smelt – smelt (irregular)

Smell – smelled – smelled (regular)

Spill – spilt – spilt (irregular)

Spill – spilled – spilled (regular)

Spoil – spoilt – spoilt (irregular)

Spoil – spoiled – spoiled (regular)

Complete the following sentences using the past or past participle form of the verb given in
the brackets.

1. It has been ages since I last ……………… him. (see)

2. The old man has ……………….. better days (see)
3. The cat ………………. all the milk. (drink)
4. The child has ………………… all the milk. (drink)

1. It has been ages since I last saw him.
2. The old man has seen better days
3. The cat drank all the milk.
4. The child has drunk all the milk.

We form the present continuous with Be + V-ing
The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing)
of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. One simple
example of this tense is: He is swimming. ... Some other forms of this verb tense are: I am
singing at church today ( Rodríguez 2019).

The present continuous tense is a grammatical tense that can be used to describe when an
action happened, or may happen. You can use it to describe both events that are happening in
the present – right now, while you are talking about something, or in the future – something
that may or will happen later on .( Rodríguez 2019).

The present tense is mainly classified into four parts:

Simple present.

Eg: I can see the mouse

Present perfect.

Eg 1: I have seen a mouse

Eg 2. She has visited

Present continuous.

Eg 1. I am going to school

Eg 2. I am going to work tomorrow

Present perfect continuous

Eg 1. We´re visiting our grandparents next weekend

Eg. 2. Does she studding at Nampula?

Forming the present continuous

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts - the present tense of the verb to
be + the present participle of the main verb ( Rodríguez 2019).

(The form of the present participle is: base + ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving and smiling)

Examples: TO GO, present continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am going I am not going Am I going?
You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
We are going We aren't going Are we going?
You are going You aren't going Are you going?
They are going They aren't going Are they going

Note: alternative negative contractions: I'm not going, you're not going, he's not going etc.

Functions of the present continuous

As with all tenses in English, the speaker's attitude is as important as the time of the action
or event. When someone uses the present continuous, they are thinking about something that
is unfinished or incomplete (Eastwood 2002).

The present continuous is used:

To talk about things that are happening now, at the moment we speak. A: What are you
B: I´m writing an e-mail.

We´re leaving now. Goodbye.

The BUS is coming

We use the preset continuous

To talk about things are happening now, but not exactly at the moment we speak
My brother is looking for a job at the moment.
YOU are spending a lot of money these days.

To talk about something we have already arranged or planned to do in the future

( Rodríguez 2019).

A: What are you doing on Saturday morning?

B: I´m meeting a friend.

We´re visiting our grandparents next weekend.

My sister is star ting a new job next Monday.

Some verbs are not used the present continuous. They are normally used in the simple form.
Some of the most important ones are:

Like know love hate understand

Believe mean remember want prefer

I am liking tennis > I like tennis.

Are you knowing Maria? > Do you know Maria?

Verbs that are not usually used in the continuous form

The verbs in the list below are normally used in the simple form because they refer to states,
rather than actions or processes (Eastwood 2002).

Opinion 11

• To assume
• To believe
• To consider

Senses / perception

 To feel*
 To hear
 To see*
 To smell
 To taste

Mental states Emotions / desires

 To forget  To fear
 To dislike
 To imagine  To hate
 To know  To hope
 To like
 To mean  To love
 To mind
Measurement Others

 To contain
• To look (=resemble)
 To cost
• To seem
 To hold
• To be (in most cases)
 To measure
•To have (when it means "to
 To weigh possess")*


Verbs (see, hear, feel, taste, and smell) are often used with can: I can see... These verbs may
be used in the continuous form but with a different meaning Perception (Rodríguez 2019).

 This coat feels nice and warm. (your perception of the coat's qualities)

 John's feeling much better now (his health is improving)
 She has three dogs and a cat. (possession)
 She's having supper. (She's eating)
 I can see Anthony in the garden (perception)
 I'm seeing Anthony later (We are planning to meet). ( Rodríguez 2019).

I am I am not

You are You are not

Am I
Yes. I am
Are you
Yes. He/she/it is
Is he
Is she working ? Yes. You/we/they are

Is it
No. I´m not
Are we
No. He/she/it isn´t
Are you
Are they No. You/we/they aren´t

For Eastwood (2002), With most verbs we add-ing.
Go > going
Play > playing
Work > working
If the verb ends in consonant + -e we delete the -e and add -ing.
Come > coming Live > living
Move > moving Have > having
If the verb ends in -ie, we change -ie to -ying.
Die > dying > dying
Be > being> being

If the verb ends in one vowel + one consonant, we double the consonant.
Get > getting
Run > running
Shop > shopping

Sit > sitting
Put > putting
When the verb ends in one vowel + -y, -w or –x, we just add -ing.
Play > playing
Snow > snowing
Mix > mixing

When the last syllable verb is not stressed.

Listen> listening
visit /´VISit/ > visiting

Exception: travel /´TRAVel/ > travelling


During the realization of this work, it was possible to comprehend that, the verb are which
describe action, so the verb are very necessary in sentences construction, them the verb are
classified in two kinds, normally. Regular and irregular verbs.
Regular verbs are those verbs that don’t alter their radials when they are conjugated. And
irregular verbs are verbs which change their radical, then they can’t maintain they initial form
in conjugation and, in the present continuous, those, we sow that it is attends which describe
the actions that started happening, but still in progress.

Bibliográfic Reference

Estwood J. (2002) Oxford guide to English grammar . U.S. Washington.

Rodríguez A. L (2019) P r e s e n t C o n t i n u o u s, São Paulo Brazil


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