How To Become Rich 3

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Invest as Much as Possible in a Diversified Portfolio

While there are limits to how much you can put into a 401(k) or IRA, those limits are
high enough that many people are not able to reach them. And if you do, you can
always invest more in a taxable brokerage account. Thus, if you want to become rich,
you should invest as much as you can — there is no upper limit to that amount.

There are many different investment strategies, but most experts recommend putting
most of your money in the stock market. Some recommend a smaller portion of real
estate or even speculative investments. Burrow recommends a portfolio of 65%
stocks, 25% real estate, 10% speculative asset of choice.

You will want to invest that money in a tax-advantaged account such as a 401(k) or
IRA first. That will help you minimize your tax bill and thus increase your returns
over time. If you manage to max out all tax-advantaged accounts, you can move to a
brokerage account.

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