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in laundry

In primitive societies, even today, clothes
are cleaned by beating them on rot›,
near a stream. Certain plants, such as
soapworts, have leaves that ptgqg
saponins, chemical compounds that give a soapy lather. These were probably tht
first detergents people used.
If you look up the word detergent in a dictionary it is simply defined as clecn
inz agent. During the past two to three decades, however, the word deterge nt hu
tended to imply synthetic detergent, or syndet for short, rather than the owe
soap. In fact, commercial formulations consist of a number of components, and i
shall use the term surface-actiue agent, or its abbreviation surfactant, to describe
the special active ingredients that give detergents their unusual properties.
Soap, by this definition, is a surfactant. In fact, it is the oldest one and has been
in use for more than 4500 year.s. Some soap manufacture took place in Venice and
Savona in the fifteenth cent ur3•, and in Marseilles in the seventeenth century. Bi
the eighteenth century, manrlfacture •vas widespread throughout Europe and
North America, and /)r the nine.cent,ii century the making of soap had become a
major industry. As a matter of’ fact, soap became a detergent in 1907 when the
German firm Henkel & Cie put the product Persil on the market. In addition to
the carboxylic acid soap, Persil contained sodium perborate, sodium silicate and
sodium carbonate. Hence perborate + silicate — Persil.

Ordinary soaps are the sodium salts of long-chain fatty acids. They have tb*
general formula RCOO*Na+, where R is a long hyd rocarbo n
CH3 (CH ) i0-16. These salts can be made by the simple neutr alisation react

0 0
R—C—OH + NaOH R—C— O“ Na* -}- HCO

acid base salt wa \e r

However the cheapest sources of the fatty acids are animal fats an de be
soaps are ma
vegetable oils, which are largly esters. In practice, therefore,
saponification reaction
11 O
@ C—O R’ + NaO H II
R— C O"Na“ -j-
ester R’OH
(!*!) (CO US t IC 8Qlt Of fatty acid alcohol
soda) (soap) (e.g. glycerine)

essentially the reverse re oCt irj n. Beef tallow

prinCl|3 gives
OI) gives sot)iuiii the ()@J Common
Na '$ ij o‹›mponent in soap.
Aust ralia provides for
{p[(y Shatter—actual soap plus so-c fat lO8s than 70% of
¿ t › acids, wool wax etc., but these alled sup• fattin
k agents, which can be fats,
mount of water agen ts are limited to a
maximum t1 10 to. The
i0tai A allowed is 17%. In addition, there will be some sodium
chlo ride and glycerol left from the production process. Al9o added are preserv-
ati ves, antioxidants, perfu me and colour ing matter
(titanium dioxide in the case
of white soaps). In laundry soap the amount of fatty material allowed is lower
(60%) and the amount of water is "higher (34%).
of frequen t showering and soft
The combination water means that the use of
toile soap is high in Australia. The consumption per person (kg/inhabitant) rose
from 1.9 kg in 1977 tO 2.25 kg in 1982, compared to a rise in West Germany from
0.90 kg to 0.97 kg. During the same period, consumpti‹ n /eff in the UK from 1.48
kg/person to 1.25 kg; and in France, from 0.67 kg to 0.63 kg.
If the sodium ion of ordinary soap is replaced by other metal ions, soaps with
different properties are produced. When potassium hydroxide is used instead of
sodium hyroxide in the ni-nnufacturing process, soft soaps are formed. These are
semi-solid soaps, once used in shampoos and special-purpose soaps. However
they are more expensive than the ordinary soaps. Most other metals give soaps that
are insoluble in water. Clearly these are not much use for washing, but they do
find ap- plications as additives for greases and heavy lubricating oils, where
their principal function is still as detergents. Copper stearate has been used as a
waterproofing colour agent; not only is it water-repellent, but the copper ion is
poisonous to mil-
dew. The heavy metal stearates are also used as stabilisers or release agents in
plastics such as poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polythene (see ‘Chemistry of
plastics—Vinyl polymers’ in Chapter 6).

Synthetic surfacta nt or soapl

You may ask why soap, which served well for so iriany years, was eventually
dISQlaced.wellIn some ways, ordina ry soaps are better than the newer detergents.
They are cheap and they are manufactu from a re newable soiirce, whereas
nthetic detergents are made from petrocheil icals. Seeps are alsc
dpqn by bncterin, and thus they do
that is, they are readily broke n
Ot r‹iper ties, s›aps do have a
great]3Ollute rivers. However,
er tendency to clog sewerage C
syst,ein8 t}inn synthetic detergents.
TheOgreas e trap of a non-sewored li‹iuse wns ‹if'ten laden with soap. But the most
thertan t reason for p that, when a carboxylic
displacement Of soa is the fact
acid soap is used in hard water, precipice
on occurs. The calcium and magnesium
ions, which g•ivo li‹irdricss l,o the
the soap aricl n ‹ ilril-lilte ursc, ‹›n wha
tever jy


u erJ,

it tleteriorates on storage. an r) it, lbs;

CU **1 >' «d with the modern synthetic surfactantc, '»h;c›i r,
be destpied to lacrforin sli eCialised cleaning tasks. Finally,
front a domestic laundry point of view, soap does not rinse out; it tends tr›
residues behind in the fabric that is being washed. These residues praduall2
up and cause bad odour, deteri‹iration of the fabric and other problems.
\\'hat is the difference bet been a surfactant and soap? In general terms the dif-
ference can lie likened to the difference between cotton and nylon. On the one
hand, soap and cotton are produced from nat,ural products by a relatis ely em.all
modification. On the other hand, synthetic surfactants and nylon are produced
entirely in a chemical factory. Syrrt metre s:‹r1’actants are not very new, either. Bac‹
in 1834 the first forerunner ref (f 2lq,\/‘ synthetic surfactants was produced in tne
form of a sulf’ated castor oil, w1ii‹'b. u as used in the textile industry .
The development of the first detergents in an effort to overcome the reaction ‹!i
soaps with hard water provicles a good illustration of one of the standard chemirai
a;sproaches. If a useful substance has some undesirable property, an attempt '•
made to prepare an analogue, a near chemical relation, which w ill pri i’e r •
The petroleum industry had, as a waste pr‹icltict, the coinptirind fl •'L'* °"*
H,—CH CH „ which used to be burnt ofl". By joining t’otrr of’

at the d‹›uble bmid, the resulting ct›nipoiind i’eact

U "’
Then stadium hydroxide is aililed t‹› neutralise the siilftinit aL its, a lLI t he *
salt shown in I‹ig•ure 2.2 is iilitainecl, which
sul1‹ariate fA l3â).

ci‹, cii, c›i, cH,

Fig. 2.1 Propylenu lul rar»‹ r

—so 3— Na'
Chemistry in the la undry 37

t› v new substance is closely related to

an ordin ary (Fig 2.3) and is an

O Na Un S become R—S^
‘O Na+

Fig. 2.3 Soap and detergent

j , detergen ts produced in this was are much more soluble than soap, and
t,ilciinn find magnesium Salts are soluble, so
i |1eir that a scum is not formed with
However, the y are more stable than soaps and persist in the waste
».tier loni; after use. The con sequence of thl s was the fouling of sewerage
.»d rivers with tremendous masses of froth. The increased stability of the
dete rgen ts resulted from both the gr eater stability of the sulfonate grouping and
hydrocarbon chain molecules contained large
ti t fact that the raw material
prop0rtions of carbon chains that were branched, in contrast to the straight-chain
hy droca rbons from animal fats. As bacteria break down the branched chains more
closel y, detergents were once considered not to be biodegradable at all (see
‘Domestic laundry dete rgen ts — Biodegradability’ later in this chapter).

How do surfactants work?

The surfactant molecule is often described as tadpole-like because it has a fairly

long fatty tail, which is v•ater-insoluble or ñydropkobic, and a small, often
electrically charged head. which is water-soluble or hydrophilic. There are four
possible combinations tFig. 2.4):
1. The anionic surface-active agents, in which the surfactant is an anion (that is,
it carries a negative charge) and the charge is concentrated in the hydrophilic
or water-soluble head.
2. The Motronic products (the opposite of anionic), in which the head carries a
positive charge.
3. The so-called non -ionic detergents. These do not have a specific charq•e, but
the hydrophilic or water-solu ble portion of the molecule is usually achieved b3
incorporating a polyethylene oxide group into the molecule (see below in the
section on surfactants in domestic laundry detergents). You can see that,
drophilic portion of these molecules
because it is less polar than an ion, the hy
Is usually rather bigger than in the case of the ionic surfactants.
4. products that carry both a positive and a
Finall y, there are some specialised
nega tive charge in the
same molecule. The se are called aniphotrric, and they
are particularly useful t’or very specialised app cat,itinic centre, they
*hampoos). BeCa Lise the y ca I°ry both an ani‹inic anal ‹3 solution in
aendinb tin the pH tit' the
behave as either an anion of p cati‹if l , ‹le
whlCh they are used.
In d ostic detergents, a im ‹in ie s tl J’ ’fiC t¿ pre pretlominan t. Non-tonics are
tII not. Cationic surfactants have two
antiseptic and may be used
irst, they are miltlly
erties. F q f l ts) in
**mbinatand useful pn-ion
i‹in with no rop ic SUt r lact
nappy washes, hair conditioners
d f hFoat lozenges, and as algaecides in ming pools. Second, the positive
3Q Chemistry in the ma rketpla c




Fig. 2.4 Diagrammatic representati on of the shapes and
charges of surfactant molecules

charge on the chain makes them useful for washing plastic articles but„
Glass normally acquires a surface negative charge, which tO £t cert£t; C
attracts dirt. Anionic detergents can remove
this dirt, but cationic
layer adheres to the glass,
attracted to the glass so strongly that a
long hydrophobic (fatty) chain outwards, thus making the glass non-
apparently greasy. The reverse is true for plastic articles, which normally have
positive surface charge. Have you ever noticed how dirt clings TO J3a St1C And I
hard to remove by ordinary washing?
The positive charge also makes cationic surfactants useful as fabric s0ft eneis
(Comfort, Cuddly, Huggie). These are liquids and are added to the rinse cycle. T§t
cationic charge has a strong affinity for wet, negatively charged fabric and forms a
uniform layer on the surface of the fibres, thus liilaricating them and reducing trip-
tion and static. Double chain (di-C 8) cationic surfactants are much less water so-
luble and are used in solid packs in clothes dryers. They are transferred as the
solid to the clothes (e.g. the sheets of Breeze •ur 1*lufiy). The shorter chain
version of these molecules (di-C 2J appears to have sub1,ie effects on cell
membranes and may act in suppressing body immunity.
Because their chains have opposite charges, anionic and cationic surfactants
are generally incompatible. On mixing, they give a scum, so that, except in very
special cases, it is not possible to formulate a detergent that contains both typPS Of
surfactant and hence combines their advantages. (See ‘Domestic laundry deto*
gents—Multicomponent detergents’ later in this chapter.)

The cleaning action of surfactants

The molecules of surfactants tend to concentrate in the surface layers
(because the water-insoluble portion wants to get out of the water), lowerin,° the
surface tension ot’the water and allowing the water to wet non- wettable Su
rfaQbS• Some of the cleaning power of
surfactants thus results from thedirent . hIfdll
of the water to wet the normally hydropho tl CB
bic surface and lift off UC
place a strip of cotton fabric, weighted at one end to pull it into the
0.1% solution of surfacta nt and another in pure water, you will see a diffe
behaviour. Because the pure water alone does not wet the cotton, th8 fabric 5triP
remains ‘upright’, whereas the fabric in the surfactant solution wets OJJt
The long hydrocarbon tails of the detergent molecules are sol uble in
substances such as oil, whereas the polar carboxyl or sulfonate gI°olJPS ar*
J„ ,tqter. Thus the molecules pr o OtCe SCi
the of oil in water by lyin p• across
,he Oil-water int erface. on Cp t2
, pter reaches a ceNain valu e a ti Il I the detergent molecules in the
into les ag gregate
pglecu called the critica[ micellar e
molecules. In these co unes itelles which COTtC rttration, the
i00 ag gr egat WhiCh at high enough contain roughly 40 to
SO U t ip ns their cloudy ap pe ar a nce (becau concentrations give soap
pe Stir), t he hydr oca se
tails lie tOWar d sthey scatter light just as dust does in
the centr
p ice lle contains the wat er-SolU bie g. surface of the
e, while the
polar ends (see Pj

Na Na



Fig. 2.5 A surfactant micelle

How does s sit t.url remit» e I he tiil¿• soil and, with that, frequentl y a lot of the
particulate stiil‘? This i .a c simplex process. The insides of the micelles are virtually
small oil droplets and so can dissolve oily materials, but the main action of the
surfactan t is to stimulate ernulsificatio n. If some olive oil is carefully poured into
water and also into a solution of surfactant and each vessel is vigorously shaken
aRd then put down again, the oil im mediately rises to the surface of the water, but
emains emulsified and dispersed in the detergent solution and can therefore be
Rinsed out. The process of emulsification (e.g. the removal of fat from a plate) is
' /lustrat ed in Figure 2.6.

d eter gent SOlUt!

Fig. 2. f› Eiiiiilsi(i‹ ,iiirni

ienW in anr gommerc›aby produced detem »t raft i»t» bveBroups:the
The ins• S
builders; a filler. bleaches; and flo ore s ers.

rfa cta ftt

for the synthetic surfactant that forms the major active
known as alkylbenzene. In appearance it is a kerosene-like
odour. In fact, it is a product of the pet
liquid leuieindustry
and is o- olefin with benzene. As such it is
made by the
completely insoluble in water. By t reating this material in a process called
verted IO the corresponding sulfonic acid. which is a viscous,
sulfonat ion, it IS con
dark-brown maten (see Fig. 2.2). Chemically. sulfonation is achieved by treating
cess of sulfuric acid. giving the sulfonic acid plue water.
alkylbenzen e with an ex
Inorganic buildCFS

Turning now from su rfacta nt.s let u.s lonk ct the liuilders. Builders ere included in
modern domestic laundry dete rgent.sin nrrler to nasi.•t the stir1’nctent, svstem in its
fi ction. Builders fi
re buth ory«nic and iiii›rgiiiiic. ‹'Y niong the intirganic huilders,
sodium IripolxpD pirate is thr n1nj‹›r ‹›t1r \t ‹l. It i» ‹i m›l¿’y›h‹›syl cue equivalent tu
having been formed from l W'ii lli‹il‹•‹’1il‹ • ••t tli ‹ uli iiiii iiii›iiiihydr‹igen phosphate
and one molecule ‹if mon ›liiKI1tlti3 t!ihi‘tlt‹ r‹ ii t›h‹ ›spliiitt• to give whnt iR Ctirrectly
called pentasodium tritili‹»phu/‹ . › • ‘! t1.11 ‹›f Writer, us Rhown in
Figure 2.7.

2Na,HPO« + NaH,PO, -- - rJa P,O„ + 2H,O

0 O *- O O O 5“
i i
O—P —O— P —O O— P — O— P—O— P—O
i i
0 0 O O O
dip olyphosphate tripoi yphosphate
(tetrasodium) (pentasodium)

O O 3-

Ox I I O

e.g. e.o, trimet a ph Phate

•o„ tetrame tap hospha
Chemistr )/’ in the laundry
Why should t P1{) JyPhos ph a te be p u t p; p
advan () gesfrom the po
ta int O f View
t £t det erg
ent? It
a number of
rma ind icat es that it is Of s a fe
ty. It is non -tohas
CO lTtPa ra ble (t Oxl Cologic al
jr t;t £f nt. It does thr e th’
wilder pH than woeLl ld *13 the detergent MmOn
It buffer table salt) and non-
Firs .
O t h erw is e s the washing water to
be tJ btained. ou may recall th at the first deter-
k e pt was Persil, in ich sodi ca rbona te Y
soap. One of the drawbacks Of the early verg Sodium silicate had been added to
the damage that this could do tO fa bric › on S Of Persil was high alkalinity and
s. the ot her hand, a
alkalin ity is needed to wash fa brics, certain amount of
sodium t ripolyphosphate req ues partieu lar ly cotton, successfully. Second,
factan ts do not pr ecipit at S hard-w
at er ionS. Although synthetic sur-
magnesium), the
ce sen with the ions in har d water (suc h as calcium and
de gree. The full of these IOnS
does tend to decrease detergenc to some
cleaning y

sequest ered by t ri pol

occulating power Of the s u rfactant iS preserved if the ions
yphOsph ate. F inally, tri polyphosphat e is important inare
action; that its
is to say, it helps to keep
defl a clay-type dirt in suspension.
The cont ribution Of h ar dne ss salts from mains water is readily calculated from
data supplied by a water supply authority.
The distribution for Australia is shown
in Table
DDiisstrriibut io n of water hardness in
Wat .er hardness
1 0 kJ •l S cut lcium carbonate) (9c)

181 L*40 1
Ox'er 240 3

To this base level of hardness must be added the hardness contributed by the
soiled fabrics to be washed. The equivalent of 20—30 mg/kg as calcium carbonate
is used. You can measure water hardness with a dipstick test (see
chemistry’ in Chapter 13) and calculate how much polyphosphate a detergent
suitable for your local conditions should contain.
The height of controversy over phosphates in detergents came in the early
1970s in the USA and Australia, and later in Europe. In Canada there is a limit on
the use of phosphates in household detergent s of 2.2% phosphorus (equivalent to
9% of polyphosphat e). In West Germany polyphospha te levels dropped from 40%
Ill 1975 (before legislation limits went into effect) to 30%. This meant a drop
000 tonnes. In 1984 the level
Bros dropped to 20-24%. In the
USA, 000 tonneswent
Desoto to sodium carbonate, Lever
to 160 reformulated Wisk liquid
det ergen t with sodium o capitalise on its nearly
WOrldwide patents based On nitrate and Henkel began t
sodium aJ uminosilica te —zeolites. In Japan, for
90% Of all detergents sold. In
example, zeolites are the sole builde r in more than
was at least 210 000 tonnes per
AUgust 1983, zeolite productiofl capacity in Europe

42 Chemistry in the marketplacr•

here in mo <

cr›rn yarahle performnnee.

r n ) hae never ‹pJlts cleared itself of earJy
Sodium nitr l Jc›tri»cetn ir i N cnrric‹I intn the drinking
ahnut carclnr›genIcIty, rtr al›‹›ut heavy metale
nuyyly fry this xuyerefflcienl. xequeetcring ^X^^!•• freely
In C«nsda and wlth atrict lir nitn in Germany null the Netherlands.
practice of combining sewnge and ntorm Water pffiVid9tt B
the NTA, which then o ppcn rn tn be fern ‹tl’ a yrohlom
The aecond Inorganic huilâer in a sodium «ilient«., e material that is l›„q,
iinown by the name ‘water-g)ann’. Jt in silicate obtained by having the ratio q¿
ar›dium oxide tri silicon dii›xiile different I’rom that ‹›f metseilicate (eee 'M« hin,
dizhwanhing detergents’ in this chapter). In fact the ratio iS 1:2. Thia rrodwt ip
the detergent further cimtr‹›ls the alkalinity. It also nc tn an a corrosion inhihit‹„,
protecting die cast wsnhing-machine parta especially, rind it p/$ys an impo
q¿ role in strengthening the physical t›art. «›I’the detergent powder.

The organic builder

The organic builder Uffed in dotc2’genl.s is a pr‹›duc4 ealJed s‹idiuf oarbozymeIhyl-
cellulose., which is pr‹iduced by trending pure cellulose with caustic •›d« and
ehloracetic ncid. It ia used at .i ‹'vnei,•rit,rut.ion of' Ieng than I !â, end ita majt,› func-
tion in try acl. an an nutr-redoJioniti‹ n ag,enl.: it ittcreuxe« thr. negating. rharge in
fabrics, which then rc;›el the ‹1in J›‹-a l«!‹:aua‹• they arv themselves ne$»
tive1y charged. Imagine thflt y‹ils hovi• a white hari‹lker‹:hi‹:I’ with ii black s‹ifity
spot in one c‹irner. If you washe‹J it in a rJeterp‹:n I shut ‹lid not contain an anti-
reJeponition ngent, the ao‹it w‹›iiJil I›r• dialo‹Jge.if but wi›ill â tend tc red#posit all
over the handkerchieI’so thut it woul‹l i.•m‹• zc a unif’orm grey.
Unf‹irtunately this material ia a‹:t‹vc only on cellulosic lahrica (cottcn, rayen
etc.) and on fabric h!enâz with n ceJJulonic compiinont. Nevertheless these fabrks
d‹› represent around 7fi% i›l’ Auntie I ian waahloada. l•‹ilyacrylic acids and poJ7-
acrylates (1-fl°Z») in a Ir›rmuJati‹in cm handle synthetic» and synthetic blends

An inert filler—sodium sulfatc

9‹›me s‹›dium Jul ui‹• I- g°x.› ix i›ri›du«tl when the exce» »ultu ric @ ) upd I»’
sulfbnation ia netJtrolised, but extra is added rind up tti pp°,r«

marginally usellJl in l‹iwering the critical micelle concentratiiin ‹›l’ tants and thus p

the product.

Fluorescers—‘whiter than white’

cottun ageing
In the ‘good ‹rid days’ we added washing blue s‹› that
XeJJow would l‹i‹ik white. Today, very small nm‹iunta
Chemistry in IL›e I‹zundry 43

d £• t U rgent powders. They are in fact alr eady

,vhen you buy it, but wear and washing rem in the new,
\re them. gleaming business shirt
ultraVi olet light (whlCh is in '›nSibl e) an d These compounds absorb
re-emit blue light (which yellow fabrics do
not reflect fully from sunlight), and so
that which a white fabric would reflect. resto re the mixture of colours reflected to
T he exact nature of the brighteners differs
‹ith geographic location. We are cond
cl nliness, whereas in South Americaitio
ea a ned
red-whblue-white as the accepted hue for
accepte d colour for clean. not ite colouration is the culturally
which some consumers consider SEO clean but they do whiten the fabric,

ma rket, the main reason for to be aest hetically desirable. On the Australian
va riation in washing condit u sing a combination of fluorescers is to cope with

adsorption of the fluo resc ions—n ota bly wash tem peratures, wash time (rate of
wash solution for two or er), and the comparatively high incidence of re-use of
more loads. Also, different fabrics carry different charges.
Nylon carries a positive
charge and cotton a negative one; thus oppositely charged
fluorescers are needed.


The relationship bet.seen foaming po» er and detergency has always been of
interest, and foaming power has become associated in many consumers’ minds
with high detergent p‹›i 'er. The first liquid detergent on the Australian market
was Trix. It was n‹in - ti›.untuk dlJd \s'as stion replaced because of consumer
resistance. H‹iwex'er, it i generally t ‹›nccded lay detergent technologists that foam
has no direct relnl ion sh ip I ‹ i ‹It I er c•ncv in (irdiniiry fabric-washing systems.
But in systems 'lien i he an»ii nt ‹›f iixishing fluid is low, foam may play an
important role. The in ‹lis iiIt1i1 ‘I):1 IU i lms t cull to take up and hold particles of soil
that have been retries ‹ d i r‹›ir t lie it ciii, Jareventing them from being redeposited
and allowing them t‹› be u'acs1ied tir scraped away. This effect is very important in
the on-location sliarnpooing of" carpets, and to a certain extent in the cosmetic
shampooing of hair. Front-loading washing machines work by bashing clothes
against the side of the tub—the high-tech version of beating clothes on rocks.
Front-loaders clean clothes better than top loaders, but only if a low-suds
detergent is used, because the suds cushion the impact and reduce the cleaning
action. The suds can also cause electrical short circuits in time switches, etc.
In some detergent formulatio ns a small amount of soap is included to serve a
number of functions. Depending on the hardness of the wash water and the
balance of the formulation, any soap added will act either as a water softener or as
a surface active agent. However, the primary aim for including soap is to bring
about a rapid collapse of foam d uring rinsing after the wash.
Because washing conditions and habits vary around the world, detergent
formu lations vary greatly also (Table 2.2).

Sodium perborate bleach

)n water, sodium perbora te (5—15 %) hydrogen peroxide, which is a
lot of the stains while
powerful oxidising agent. The oxidation removes a enerally
not affecting fast colours. It
is particularly effective when the material tS left to
t mpe rature to be effective during a wash.
soak, but requires a fairly high e
Chemistry in t he ma rke
a C€2
e effect on textile fibres or q
thi s bleaCh has virtually no advers
Unlike lorine,
most dyes. WO rldwide that is affecting tg
rikin g c han ge cu rrently occurring
The rnOSt st ITIOVO lower washing tem perat ures. ln
soap and detergent il id stry is n towards
i the USA and Australia a ‘hot’
Jo-ss C, whereng f l In Japan the usual wash *ash
Europe n ‘hOt’ ¥Vflfi 2 18
ernturo (50—G0°C). tempts
may water is used for washiq
ntureis Mexico, liis toricall , cold
with E u ropea n washing habits. COtto n
As a bleach, pe rborate fits in nicely
at whic h t emperat ure perborate rele ases
be w ashed at the boil at 95 C,
linens can At 55‘C, Perborate it
n and bleaches clothes and wine stains.
heavy soil worn shorter times between
90% of its oxyge effective, but as are for much
only about G0% separate bleaches are sold to be used only when an act»ai
washing in Australia, rceived. These bleaches are often chlorine based, but ih,
need for bleaching is pe
rapid rise in synthetic fibres, which are adverse ly a ffected by chlorine, has bOOsted
the use of perborate. the energy crisis of 197S and began droppip$
The Europeans were hit hard by
their wash temperature and wearing their shirts for less than a week. Europes
manufacturers stayed with perborate but developed bleach activators such as
pentaacetyl glucose and tet raa cet ylethyle nedi amin e (TAED), which
to the unstable peracetic acid, which acts as a bleach at low
temperatur e. They have been slow to accept sodium percarbonate. An interesting
speciality chemic$ is magnesium monoperoxyphthalate hexahydrate, which
releases the peroxyacifi anion in solution (used, for example, in Fewa from
Another problem at the lower temperatures is that an enzyme found in many
biological strains, called catalase, decompose s hydrogen peroxide rapidly (at a rate
of a million molecules a minute), and so can destroy the perborate bleach at room
temperature in a few minutes (thru enzyme is deactivated at higher temperature).
Conversely, the high concentrati‹iri of“ a relat ed enzyme in blood stains is used in a
presumptive forensic test for dried blowed.

chlorine should not be used
Presumptive blood tests are generally catalytic tests that involve the use O(
hydrogen peroxide and an indicator that ch‹Jnges colour (or luminesc es)
when oxicliserJ. The release of oxygen by the ae roxid‹1se ‹activity of tt1e
haemoglobin causes the in dicator to change. Common indicators used
include o-tolidine (see ’Swimming pools’ in Chapter 5), and lum ino l.
Another indicator used, phenolphthalin (made from phenolphthalein), also
reacts with other oxidisers. U nfortunately other enzymes (such as vegetab le
peroxidases) also give positive results.
Chemistry in the laundry 45

Fl@• 2.8 A royal statue
(Courtesy of New Scientis t Publications)

Washing in machines

The type of washing machine used in Australia tends to control the standard of
wash, since the percenl,up;‹• tit‘ separate dwellings in Australia that have washing
machines has risen fr‹›iii G’ in 1970 to virtually 100% in 1984. Automation has
brought with it daily v, Nehru tMonclay wash-day is a myth!), small loads, little
soaking, little sorting ‹ f I.if i ie tyl›es, and less care about the end result. Whereas
the English and Europeans wash most loads for at least an hour in water up to
80‘C (today closer to 60°C’) and use plenty of detergent, Australians wash a load
for an average of 10 minutes in water around 40°C and use one-third of the deter-
gent Europeans do. (Median dose: Australia (Sydney), 1.33 g/L; USA, 1.5—2.0;
UK, 2.6-3.5; France 3.5-4.0; Germany, 6.0.) However, Australians don’t wear
Clothes as long before washing them, and so we wash much more often. It all
to even out.
A typical Australi an synthetic domestic laundry powder would have the
average composition shown in Table 2.3.

Liquid laundry detergents

First marketed in the late 1970s, domestic liquid laundry detergents have been the
8*>Wth product in mid-19a0 s. Starting from virtually zero, by 1986 they had
reached 25% of the Australian domes tic laundry detergent market, while in the
$A the level exceeds 30%. In
contrast, usage in Europe is still low but rising
apidly, 5.5% in the UK and 9.Sta Liquid
in France. Local brands include Dynamo,
l2 Ff £Jt d Liquid Fab.
t system. III lTlOSt liquid detergents,
Yo u may wonder about the term sur{acta none su rfacta nt used. There are a
° f l creasingly in **rnber of reasons
for this, the mos t P
the powders; more
ortant of which is
the property of
Table 2.2
Detergent formulations (percentage of ingredient in total formulation)
Heavy-duty powders
USA isouth America powders Detergent
Canada Middle East Heavy-duty (primarily Light-duty laundry
Ingredient Australia Africa Europe Japan liquids Europe) liquitls bars
Active° 8—20 17—32 8—18 19—23 15—50 b 14-25 15-37 18—30
Foam boosters’ 0—2 — 0—3 0-4 0-8
F’oam depressantsd 0.3-5 1-2
Sodium tripolyphosphate 25—35 20-30 20—35 0—15 10—30 10—40 —
Mixed or nonphosphate 15—30 26—30 20—45 0—20 15—20 26-45
Sodium carbonate 0-50 0-60 IS—30
Antiredeposition agents 0.1-0.9 0.2—1 0.4—1.5 0—2 0-0.9 0.3—2.0
Anticorrosion agents* 5—10 S- 12 5-0 15 2-5 0-8 — 3—B
Optical brighteners 0.1-0.75 0.08-0.0 0.1-0.7.5 0.1-0.8 0-0B 0.05—0.3
Bleach b lr a - TO
Enzymes —' II-G.7.› 0-1
Moisture 6-20 G-1'3 i 2tJ — Balance 6-14 Balance 3—14
Fillers 20—45 1fJ-3Fi r - ! !› 18-46 see sodium
Other ingredients' — — 6-9’ 1s—2o“

° Mostly alkylsulfonates (linear and branched), fatty alcohtil eth‹ xy!ate and fatty alcohol sulfates. b Includes up to 10% soap in European for-
mulations.’Ethanolamides, such as coconut monoethanolamide. d In small levels, silicones; at higher levels, soap. e Some formulations use only
sodium tripolyphosphate; others have mixtures of tripoly with other phosphates (for example, sodium orthosphosphate), aluminosilicate ze-
olites, the sodium salt of nitrilotriacetic acid, sodium citrate and sodium carbonate; still others use the other builders alone or in various com-
binations. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, other cellulose-based pol3•mers or synthetic polymers.* Sodium silicates (as purchased solutions).
' In USA, sodium perborate, when used. In Europe, formulations for high-temperature have sodium perborate, whereas those for use at lower
temperatures include boosters such as tetraacetylethylenediamine. 'A few formulations include 20-25% bleach and up to 0.75% enzymes.'As
purchased granules. Predominantly sodium sulfate. 'Usually also include small amounts of colouring agents, opacifiers if desired, fragrance
etc.” Primarily viscosity builders.‘ Predominantly sodium bicarbonate, but can also include other materials such as kaoliri and taJc.

S ource: C & EN, 23 I anuary 1984.

Chemistry in the lv undr/ 42’

COCW ical Au stral ian laundry powder

P ercentage of
tOtal formulation
1577 1986
S factants
10—20 10—20
Sodium tripolyphOs phate
20—30 15—25
Sodium silicate
Sodiu m car bonate 7—10 7- 10
5— 15
Sodium carboxymethylcellul ose 0.3—1 0.3—1
0.3—1 0.3—1
0.1—0.2 0.1—0.2
8—12 8—12
Sodium sulfate to 100 to 100

potentiation. By this is meant a mutual reinforcement of the cleaning actions of

two surfactants used together. Figure 2.9 illustrates this. The horizontal axis
rep resents the compositions of mixtures of two surfactants A and B, grading from
100% A (no B) on the left to no A (100% B) on the right. If we measure the deter-
gency or cleaning power of these blends by any convenient method, the
int ermediat e detergencies frequently do not lie on the expected straight line. On
the contrary, there is a peak that clearly shows that there is an optimum
composition of two surfactants.

OPT I k\ U M




7O°/• all 'B’

ajl 'A'
A no ’A'
nO' @’
COMPOS ITI ON Fig. 2.9 Potentiation

In liquid laundry detergent s, the second

su rfacta nt is frequently a non-ionic
one, and it may be either a
coconu t diethanolainide (an alkylolamide) or a
S0tk etic fact y alcohol ethoxylate. Both of these are rather waxy products,
ially all active material. The kylolam ide is prepared by making the fatty
£tcids o
btained from coconut oil react with an ethylene oxide derivative called
rnon oethanolamine. A cond ensation re acti on
takes place with the elimination of
water and a waxy product is formed (Fig. 2.10)•
OR the other hand, the ol ethoxylate
a lcohof illustrates the
fo rmatio n of a fatty su rfactants, the ethylene
Meth od of manufactu re of an ever-increasing
H ’’

fatty acid monoethanolamine alkylolamide

F-ig. 2.10 Condensation reaction

oxide condensates. They are now made in very large quantities all over the worl‹
(including Australia). Ethylene oxide is a toxic gas, it is flammable and it form,
explosive mixtures with air in any proportion from 3% upwards. Whereas in ih»
sulfonation reaction the chemical nature of the product is relatively definite (a.s it
also the case for the coconut monoethanolamide), this is not so for the ethyle ne
oxide condensation products, because we are now dealing with a type o
polymerisation (see ‘Chemistry of plas tics—Condensation polymerisation’ iq
Chapter 6). It is usual for these condensation reactions to take place by starti ng
with a fatty alcohol, which is also a waxy material and chemically is the long fatty
chain forming the hydrophobic part of our surfactant. It has a terminal hydroxyl
group to which a molecule of ethylene oxide can be added thus:

R— CH,OH + H—C—C R — CH, OCH , CH 2 H

Further molecules of etli'ylr°: c ‹.x1 i• ‹ii: i.hen add f3n to the terminal
hydroxyl group which is formed at can h ‘.t i › :›› t lie addition:

R— CH2 CH,CH,OH + (n-1)

If the ethylene oxide and tallow fatty alcohol are reacted together in the
proportion of ten molecules of ethylene oxide to one molecule of tallow fatty
alcohol, not all of the ethylene oxide molecules will combine with the tallow
alcohol molecules in the proportion of ten to one. You will in fact get some
molecules with fewer ethylene oxide groups and some molecules with considerably
more. The graph in Figure 2.11 illustrates the kind of distribution curves that are
obtained when different ethylene oxide condensates are manufactured.
In May 1984, at the World Congress on Surfactants, Bosch-Siemens un veiled
the washing machine of the future. A microprocessor controlled not only t e
optimu m time and temperature cycles for the load entered, but also made up the
correct detergent from components stored in solenoid controlled containers in the
side of the machine—surfactant blends,’ builders, bleach, bleach activato rs an d
softeners etc—all as liquids. A top-up every three to six months or so would be
Chemistry in the laundry 49

16 -


12 yO
Fly. 2.1 $ The distribution of the number of ethylene oxide molecules in the surfactant
molecule for two different mean values of ethylene oxide reacted

A sight such as that sJir›iv n in Figure 2.12 was once relatively common in the
1960s under normal weather cc›nditions. That was in the days before detergents
were what is called biodegradable. ‘Biodegradability’ is a term that requires
careful definition. In essence, it means the process of decomposition of an
organic material by naturally occurring micro-organisms—and note that it applies
only to organic materials. Such a process is one that obviously depends on
time, concentration and tem perature. The surfactants that were used previously
biodegradable but only very slowly. They did not degrade quickly enough for the
surfactants to be destroyed in the conventional sewage treatment plant, or to be
decomposed reasonably rapidly in flowing rivers.


The use of enzymes for washing has a long history, starting with a patent in 1913
for a trypsin enzyme marketed as Burnus. This product was an impure proteolytic
(protein digesting) enzyme of low activity. There was some sporadic activity in
Switzerland around 1935, but it was not until 1945 that Bio 38 was launched.
waswever it had limited com mercial s uccess. In 1958, Novo, an enzyme soak
introduced in Denmark. The first com mercia l success occurred in 1963 in
Holland, where Biotex captured 20% Of‘ the detergent market. In the mid-1960s
enzymes were int roduced in Britain and later in Australia.
Fig. 2.12 Detergent foam in the Molonglo
holds back Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra, River below the Scrivener Dam, \yhich
during one of the overflow’s of the (upstream)
Queanbeyan sewerage system (Courtesy of Canberra 7//73f?S, 25 j un e 19 75)

Enzymes are proteins that act as bio! ogic u1 catalysts and, as such, can alter the
rate of particular chemical reactions out remain unchanged once the reaction is
over. Of the 2000 enzymes classified, about 150 have commercial uses. The;
operate in tepid water in conditions of mild acidity or alkalinity (pH 4 to 8.»)
However enzymes are easily inactivated by a range of chemicals or adverse
Although enzymes can digest proteins in stains, they can also cause severe
allergic reactions in people, just like the proteins in bee stings. However, q•enerally
the allergic response does not occur until after a sensitization period (see ‘Nutrition—
Allergies’ in Chapter 11). Asthma is now recognised as an in dustrldl
clisease that can be caused by exposure to the enzymes used in deterp•en ts. SO/**e
consumers suffer from allergies when they wear clothes washed in e ll *l' C*
detergents. Enzymes were withdrawn from detergents in the mid-1570s by Levi
Bros, but other manufacturers continued to use them in modified for '
encapsulated in wax, which melts and releases them in the wash. The maiJufaot tl r
ing process has been greatly improved to protect the workforce and sens it i °
(atopic) people are screened ‹but of’ such w(irk.
The most common enzyme is allialine protease, which digests protein
alkaline conditions. It is produced from the bacterium Bacillus lich enif ormt s o B-
subtilis in large fermenters. By working at pH 7, the enzy me produced
inactivated and prevented from digesting the bacteria producing it! At J H 9 10,
becomes active again and will work in the presence of polyph OSphate
Clic•mistry iii hie I‹sundry 51


i» dr‹'l‘j se f:it. :int) i11’e being tleveloped for ‹lealing with f'atty sr›il in cl‹ithcs. ’I’hcre
;2, ,pt interecst ing biochemical reason why enzymes are n‹it used in liquid
rt›rmilat,ion .8 With bUilders. The builders are basically metal-complexing agents
:ii d tie up, tti ter nfio, magnesium which is an essential cofactor for the operation
‹if en zymes. In powder formulations, the time that the two components come intr›
contact, in solution is apparently too short to cause deactivation.
In Britain, Lever Bros quietly reintroduced enzymes into Persil Automatic.
The reintroduction of enzymes has been generally done with little publicity and
with the manufacturer using words like ‘protease’ or ‘amylase’, which appear to
have no connection with the earlier products. In the USA, enzyme activated
products are used in about 50% of liquid laundry detergents, 25% of powders
and essentially all powdered bleach laundry additives; in Europe they comprise
over 75% of the premium-quality heavy-duty products including automatic
dishwash- ing powders. In 1978, in Japan, all major brands were reformulated with
enzymes. There were enzyme-containing powders on the Australian market from
the late 1960s until 1972. Apart from a short period in 1987 when an enzyme-
containing product from a small company was on the market, enzyme products are
not in use in Australia. Technical advances in the industrial use of enzymes have
meant that
there are now few potential occupational health problems yet to be resolved.

Multicomponent detergents
These are nonwoven rayon sheets on which the different components are each
deposited in separate small piles. A second sheet is then laid on top and laminated
to the first to isolate the cleaning components. The consumer tosses one or more
sheets into the washing machine. The detergent and organic peracid bleach
dissolve during washing, but the waxy spots in which the softeners are embedded
remain. The consumer then transfers the whole load to the dryer without
rem «iving the sheet(s). Heat from the dryer sublimes the fabric sot‘tener.
The lower performance of these products is balanced by their convenience,
particu larly for lightly soiled loads.

*Would we re-use our water?

We are very f‹irtunate in Australin that we have not Intel t‹i t’nce the problem of
water re-use. Af’ter all, most of the piipulati‹in liven in n relatively narrow coastal
$ttip and its effluent, particularly that l’r‹im the mnin cities, gties into the sea more
OP less U ntreated. On the other hand, the regular ilr‹nig1its that have caused water
SU]3ply problems in Canberra, Sydney anal Melb‹iui’ne over the years clearly show
that, a case could be made for the re-use ol‘ at least some of our water. In Australia
We do not have long rivers along which cities are located, taking their water from,
£tfltl returning it to, the river. It has been said, only half jokingly, that, if you live in
Chemistry in I lie t1larktl p!•* ”

ii Cj} y n cii r t li O rllotll ‹›f i lie Missisnij3pl Itivcr, the water y‹›u drink h•s „

passed I lirt›iiiil seven .sl tirn;ichs helium yours. apPearance

'l’lic I lNlt sciviiñc p

i rn)›rt›vc t,lic bi(ic1cg rii(labili ty ti {’ su rl’o [g p$p l»ok at vh„

liicveil by cli‹inging the S tF Ucttire case r,¿
part ca me frrim 3 prOpy]g

gfi }t)\h’11 $ 1il$• t his branching inhibited attack by themicro-‹ and, as a

rebuilt. slowed d‹»vn biodegradation. The remedies for this problem are a
interestin illustration of how emistry works. gain aq
\\*it1i the advent of plastics, propylene was suddenly useful
polypropylene. When the long-chain, branched hyd rocarbon s a desirable
component in automobile petrol, because they contribute d a became high-octane fanti-
knock) rating, it left the st raight-chain hydrocarbons available fOF making
deterp•ents. Th ey are converted into the soft (biodegrada ble
), linear aJkylben zehe
sulfonates (LABS). However, instead of simply sulfonating the straight-chain
hydrocarbons directly, they can first be converted to the alcohol, and then
(Fig. 2.13). sulfate d

R— H R—0— S—
straight-chain acoho sulfur 0
hydrocarbon tr
ioxide sodium alkyl sulfate
and caustic soda (alcohol sulfates)

rg- I.13 Production of sodium alkyl sulfate

Notice the slight difference between the sulfonate, in which the alkyl group. R.
is attached directly to the sulfur atom (see Fig. 2.3), and the sulfate (Fip•. L*.U).
which has an oxygen atom between the sulfur atom and the alkyl group. The sul-
fate is readily hydrolysed under acid conditions; that is to say it is attacked bi’
water to give the original alcohol, which has no deterp•ent action. Tot›thpastec• c‹•‹
- tain alkyl sulf ate detergents because the abrasive contains minerals th‹it @’t)(IJL
react with the soap and inake it unusable.
Figure 2.14 illustrates the differences in the biodeyrad‹ibility tit’ the t4iil’P*‘*
types of detergent. As you can see, soap ilegi ades ‹:‹iinplett'l¿ , :in‹J tiiere .l r*
surf‘actants availolilo which will essent.i‹illy clti the s‹unt•.


Manual disl1waslling ‹IcIcrgcr1I.s
Other detergents used in the lltnno nre litplitl ‹thee a‹ ‹I nre mainly used for
dishwashing. Much the same c‹›n bi›) •j j(}}] () ‘ j}]Jl’tj( 1Hl1tS› lS
used in these liquid
order to pro
detergents, except that inorganic builders' are usually ‹remitted. In
vid P


(0bS0le| e 0etergen\ s)
(Basic Detergents)
60. (Newer Detergents)


I5 25

Fip. 2.14 Biod egradation using Standards

Australia (SA) standard for
biodegradability, ASI 792 (Courtesy
of Surfactants Association of Victoria)

greater solubility, the a Ill

caustic soda, but alsti with JJier.zei28 sulfolât c acid is neutralised, not
only with
salts formed are s‹iliible
in L›‹it II \Vai cl’ and hydrocarbons and so are
emulsifyin g agents. (The t riet lia nolainine is produced from ethylene and
The 1970s saw a market rush to produce the cheapest and lowest quality
manual dishwashing detergents (Experiment 13.1 in Chapter 13 shows you how to
measure the water content of products such as detergents) . Consumers lugged
home from the supermarket multilitre bottles containing 90Po to 959a H2 0. At the
same time some manufacturers introduced concentrates to which consumers
added their own water at home. The quality of some of these also quickly
deteriora without any indication of change of composition on the label. Salt
was added as a thickening agent, to give the impression of a more concentrated
product , while urea and alcohol were added to aid the solubility of magnesium
sul- fate. (Th e magnesium ions improve the detergency of LABS in soft water.)
The (hltd edition of this book over some results obtained at that time.
Co nsu mer organisations agitated for standards, and an Australian Standard
A8 1999-1977 was finally agreed to. I chaired that committee and I remember the
aggravat ion involved in the consensus process required for setting the levels for
active ingredients. This level for regular manual dishivashing detergents was
eventually pushed down to 6%. (Consensus = If at first you don’t agree with me—
y, try again!) Not one manufacturer adopted the standard, but in this instance
the market enforced what consumers and standards never achieved.
A new player entered the kitchen—Morning Fresh by Cussons. It weighed in at
£t b
*< t 36% active ingredients double the strength of the market leaders, and soon
54 Chemistry in the marketplac e

grabbed 25% of the market. Effective advertising and an effective fragrance were
the keys to its success. The fragrance appeared to cover over the ‘greasy’
up odours. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and we soon saw the
products of Double-Stre ngth Sunlight and Double-Strength Palmoliv e Green.
Cussons upped the ante with Morning Fresh currently containing 42% active
ingredients. But do the experiments, because it may all crash down again!

Machine dishwashin g detergents

Generally, machine dishwashing detergents contain only about 2% of low-
foaming, non-ionic surfactant (usually the block co-polymers or propylene oxlde
and ethylene oxide). Their efficiency depends more on their physical character-
istics. A typical formulation of dishwashing detergent is shown in Table 2.4.

Typical formulation of a machine dishwashing detergent
Percentage of
Ingredient total formulation
Anhydrous sodium tripolVl° •osphnte
Anhydrous sodin m met asilicat e
Anhydr‹›us sodium co rlion at e
Low-foam surfac.tant
Sodium dic1ilor‹iis‹›c-y:in It r:it e
(58-649 availalile cii!ci rine ) 2
Corr‹ision in liibitors 9.5

Sodium metasilicate, in particular, is quite caustic and very dangerous if

swallowed. Some commercial powders contain 65% hydrated metasilicate, and
consumer agitation (along with comment in earlier editions of this book) has
ensured that these products are now adequately labelled.
Preparations with greater than 5% sodium carbonate can cause sheet erosion of
glassware, which gradually thins the glass. Chlorine-containing powders can
cause deterioration of plastic kitchenware, but without chlorine the tannin stains
from tea are not removed. Aluminium-ware is also attacked quite strongly;
therefore your saucepans are probably losing weight at an appreciable rate.
Corrosion inhibitors consisting of aluminium salts are added to protect aluminium
c0m‘ ponents—a case of shifting the equilibrium back again!
Liquid formulations have been introduced for machine dishwashing as well.
Examples are Liquid Finish and Palmolive Automatic. In order to keep the liquid
from seeping from a standard powder dispenser, it has an additive such as
bentonite clay, to give it thixotropic properties (see box ‘Fluid flow’ in Chapter
8)- Liquids overcome some of the problems in powder formulation such as
residues, resistance of certain soils, and difficult product solubility due to low-
temperature dishwasher water (a lot of water heat is used in the first cycle to heat
the machine)-
The standard rinse agent consists of 60% low-foaming wetting agent (TeriC 16
or Triton DX12) plus 20% propanol and 20% water.
CAem/sfry in the laundry 55

sc ou ring powders
Scouring powders consist mainly of abrasive powder ( 80%), which can be
screen ed silica, felspar, calcite or limeston e, with the size of most of the material
44 micromet res or smaller. The rest of the powder is sodium carbonate or similar
alk aline salts, with about 2% surfactant and in some cases chlorine bleach. The
blue dye which appears on wetting and which is for appearance only can be finely
divided copper phthalocyanin e, and this sometimes bleaches while in use. (See
AS1962, 1976 Hard Surface (Scouring) Powder.) (General purpose liquid cleaners
are simply a suspension of scouring powder.)

Drain cleaners

Brain cleaners are a mixture of caustic soda (NaOH) and aluminium filings,
which react in and with water to provide heat to melt fat and to saponify the


Hypochlorite salts (e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) serve as

disinfectants, bleaches and deodorisers. Specifically they are used to disinfect
contaminated utensils, nappies, and vater for drinking or swimming. Liquid
household bleach is usually 5?é sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Commercial
solutions are made by adding gaseous chlorine to 12—15% sodium hydroxide
solution (NaOH) until alkalinity is just neutralised, and the resulting solution is
diluted to 5%. Even a little i oo much 1'ree chlorine results in an acidic solution that
is unstable. Manufacturers with inadequate production controls use too little
chlorine and market a product with a free alkalinity that may run as high as 1%
NaOH, whereas a well-controlled product has much lower alkalinity. (This
chemistry is discussed in more detail in the section on swimming pools in Chapter
S.) The thickened stabilised bleaches such as Domestos contain an amine oxide
surfactant as the main thickening agent.

Mixing household bleach with preparations containing ammonia leads to the
form £f tion of chloramines (NH2 Cl, NHCl,), which form acrid fumes and cause
respiratory distress but have no permanent consequences. If swallowed, house-
hold bleach causes immediate vomiting but with no serious consequences except
those associated with vomiting in general. The treatment for the inp•estion of
bleach is to swallow immediately one or more of milk, egg white, starch paste or
Illllk of magnesia. Avoid sodium bicarbonate because it releases carbon dioxide.
Do not use acidic antidotes.

J O tlld removers
The domestic moulds found in kitchens and bathrooms in Australia belong to a
mall range of common fungal types. The moulds are normally found growinp•
ma rketplace
ss Chemis t ry in the

Some, especiall PRoma, can cause allergies, but the
the t
betwee n is their Ll nsi glltlines s. A survey by the Australian Cons um
hou sehold pro zO m mo R sp ecies around the country to be: Ad e/a id,
ns SOCiat ion (ACA) Canberra (Phoma,
Bri sba ne ( Pli oma,
Rh t‘zopus) •’
p / | | CJ pliura,
¿{ p|bourne (
iil oiild reint›v ers only thickened, stabilised bleach solutions
b o t tle s iVl t i. S pray CapS. The same safety instructions as for bleaches apply.

c lo uds •a m mon ia
\\”hen am monia (NH 3 ) was first made from coal tar, the solutions were very
murky. Later the Habe r process for ‘fixing’ the nitrogen of the air gave a very pu re
to ‘cloudy am monia’. For this reason
produ ct, but by this time people were used cloudy. Fresh
soap is added to keep pure, clear ammonia household ammonia
Ranges in con centration
up to
10% actual NH,. Ammonia vapour is extremely
caustic. A little am monia
irritating and the solution is very alkaline and acts as awill
oven overnight saponify the fat to a cer-
in a dish of hot water placed in a cold
tain extent and make oven cleaning easier.
If ammonia is swallowed, the p•enera1 rules to follow are:

Do not use emetics — dri ii r?t induce v omitinp•.

Drink large quanl ities ra* writer (›I weak acids such as diluted vinegar or
lemon juice.
Drink egg white, milk or olive oil, which act as soothing agents.

Contaminated eyes or skin should be washed with copious amounts of tap water.

Stain removal
To a large extent, stain-removal procedures are based on solubility patterns (like
dissolves like) or on chemical reactions. Stains caused by fatty substances such
8S chocolate, butter or grease can be removed by treatment with typical dry-
cleanin° solvents such as tetrachloroethylene, C* 2' CCl, . Removal of iron stains
(e.g. 2US t
and some inks) involves a chemical reaction: treatment with oxdllC ilCl
(poisonous!) forms a soluble complex with the iron. Much stain removal is carried
out by oxiclation, with oxidising bleaches such as hydrogen pe roxide, SOdlU>
perborate (which forms hydrogen peroxide in water), or laundry bleach (SOdlU
hypochlorite). "these bleaches work on mildews and blood, for example, but bleach
should not lie used ‹ n wool liecause it attacks the linkages that hold the wool
The working of’ some methocls is not c‹imp1etely understood. For exam ple,
use of copious amounts of‘ salt on a recl wine stain on a table cloth probab ly
ates by osmosis, that is, the salt draws out the water from the fibres of the
and takes the red stain along with it. This method only works on a ff13SI1 S "’
before the red dye becomes firmly attached to the cloth.
Chemistry in the laundry 57

Dry-clean ing
The ter m dT fi-ClC'OtI !! p W£tS lntroduced generally to cover the cleaning of textiles
with organic solvents rather than water. When cleaning in water, the water-
solu ble components of the soil are not taken into account, because they
spon taneous ly dissolve in the water and so their removal is not a problem. In dry-
cleaning the situation is quite similar with regard to oily and greasy dirt. The
necessity for also removing water-solu ble substances such as salt and sugar is one
of the reasons why water is usually added to the dry-cleaning bath.
The organic solvents most frequently used in dry-cleaning can dissolve only
extrem ely quantities of water. Generally, chlorinated hydrocarbons such as
chlorinated ethylen e are used. However, the surfactants form ‘inverse’ micelles,
where the polar groups are inside and the hydrocarbon tails outside in the
solvent phase (compare Fig 2.5). The interior of these micelles can dissolve
additional water (about 1.5 molecules of water per surfactant molecule). The
removal of solid particles is promoted by surfactants in dry-cleaning as well as in
normal washing. Sufficient water is solubilised to maintain a reasonably high
relative humidity of water vapour above the solvent; this is a convenient measure
of the ‘activity’ of water in the solvent. (An explanation of the Biblical
phenomenon of Gideon’s
fleece in Judges 6 given by C.Al. Giles is vaguely relevant to this discussion.' ) In
practical dry-cleaning, h‹isvever, an upper limit to the relative humidity is
determined by the fact that textile material shrinks, wrinkles or felts if the relative
humidity is too high.


Organic pollution is the most widespread type of river pollution. ‘Organic’

materials are those complex carbon-based compounds that are such important
parts of living matter—proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But many other
substances, including detergents and pesticides, are chemically very similar.
Untrea ted sewage, the discharges from sewage works, and waste from paper
factories and food factories all add organic matter to our rivers.
If the discharge of this organic waste is small compared to the amount of water
in the river, it is broken down to simple inorganic substances by bacteria and
fungi In the river water. It is a natural process and is known as self-purification.
The main chemical elements in organic matter are carhon (C), hydrogen (H),
some oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P), The large
mOlecules are broken down and the elements form carbon dioxide, water,
nitrates, SUlfates and phosphates, which are harmless in small amounts.
If you look at Figure 2.15 you will notice that oxygen is needed for self-
Qtlrlficati on. This oxygen must come from the oxygen dissolved in the river water.
The dissolved oxygen removed in this way by the bacteria during self-purification
lS replace d by oxygen seeping through the surface of the water and, during
daylight hours, by oxygen given off by the submerged green plants. However, if
the Pollution is heavy—if there is a lot of organic matter—oxygen will be
£OlTt the water faster than it can be replaced, and self-purification stops. When
O, ’2

water O
phosphate '
COC nitrate


£ig. 2. IS M ovem ent of molecuJes befsveen air end vrater

there is no oxygen present at all. sortie types of bacteria can still break down
organic matter, but marsh peas (methane) and ‹offensive and poisonous substances
such as ammonia a nd liJ'dr(igen sulfirde (rotten egg peas) are formed instead of’ the
mild products of .self-purlficat i‹›n. 3’he sSnells antl c‹i1our of the bottom of a pond
or stagnant iv.ater come I’n ›i.i (li is a it less breakdown of organic matter. Fortu-
nately, few rivers in incl us I i i:tit.‹t rI '’rim n tries t(iday are as badly polluted with
organic matter as thls, exCtJ3t sonnet iinc's bi• .accident—and accidents do happen.

Clarification of river water

Jam jars, potash alum, clay soil or river water.

Muddy river water contains soil held as a colloid in the water. Colloidal particles
are generally charged, either with positive or negative charges, and it is the
repulsive forces between charges of the same sign that keep the colloid pa rticles
suspended in the solution.
If compounds that form ions are added to the colloidal solution, the positive
ions will gather around any particles that are negatively charged (and negative
ions around particles that are positively charged), thereby effectively screening
the repulsive forces between the colloidal particles. The reduction in mutual
repulsion allows the particles to clump together and thtis settle out of the water
Many colloidal suspensions are found to carry negative charges; thus ionic
com pounds that ve
yield multicharged positive ions are particularly effecti
Chemistr y in the lv undr/ S9
flocculating agents. The must C used is}3Ot£lSh alum,
OITl mo n ly
which can be pur ch ased at many pharm KAI(SO, )t ' 12H,O,
supp ly shops. It is SOmeti mes used photo shops OF SWlfRming pool
tO elarify city
cess, SI ROFLOC, ›s now water supplies, but a CSIRO pro-
frequen tly used.

Fill a jam jar with water e
and add a small quanti of POHto the jar. Shake
the jar and then allow the heavy solid materialty clay
to settle
for a few minu tes. (You by leavin g it to stand
s uspension.) could use creek O F iv r W£t ter
1° e instead of the clay
To onesome of the
of the jars muddy water
add a small quyou have prepared into two simil r jam j ,r
antity (abou a
ta te £i S

the jar. aspoonful) of potash alum
two jars to stand. Check the clarity of water in the jars from
to time. You should notice the the jar to which you time
colloid suspension in
added the alum begin to cla have
as the colloidal particles flocculate and settle to the
bottom of the jar.
Test other ionic COmpounds for their effectiveness as flocculating agents.
Consider the relative rates at which given
quantities of the compounds clarif y the

Do not try to drink the clarified water. Special care
treatment works to ensure the purity of the reticulated is taken at drinking-wat er
water supply. The clarified
water you have preparetl is not suitalile for drinlting.

What would be the problems associated with a return
[Competition with fat used for food—e.g. margarine.] to using only soap?
2. The production of soap required a lot of caustic soda, which is made by
electrolysing salt. The other product of the electrolysis is chlorine. What is it used
fOr? [PVC] Balancing the need for and production of caustic soda and chlorine is
the basic problem of the chemical industry in any emerging chemical technology.
Are phosphates a real environmental problem in Australia?
How much more does it cost to wash with hot water rather than cold water?
Consider the water capacity of the washing machine; number of cycles requiring
fresh water; cost per unit of electricity. For example, if you normally use 55 L of
hot water in your average-sized machine, and cold water for rinsing, then using
the fact that one unit of electrici ty will raise the temperature of 15.6 L of water
by 55‘C (i.e. from l5‘C to 70‘C) and that a unit costs say 7.5 cents (including
heat losses), the cost per wash will be 27 cents.
• What advantages does a good liquid laundry detergent have?
11. Co nvenience! 2. The variety of products could be greater because there are
fewer formulating difficulties. 3. The use of detergent can be automated, by
having a reservoir in the washing machine to automatically dispense liquid
laundry detergent— an d save on wastage resulting from lazy measuring or‘ solids.
4. The
60 Chem istry i n the m a rketplace

type of surfactant used in liquid detergents is generally less affected by „h £l

6. How much phosphate should a laundry detergent contain?
The water-softening reaction requires one molecule of t ri polyphospha te
each molecule of hardness salt. From this equivalence it is possible to ca lcul ate the
amount of tripolyphosphate required to com pensate for each level of hard less.
However, it is necessary to know the con centrati on of washing powder in the W£t$¿
solution. A survey by Lever and Kitchen in Sydney revealed the wide distribuii„
shown in Table 2.5.

Distribution of the amount of
detergent used by consumers in doing
their was hing
Product dosage used by Consumers
consumers (g/L) ( >›)
0-0.4 8

3.I.i—3. 1

’'\ The median concentration is 1.3 g/L. The median is the value with equal
percentage of greater and lesser usage. Why is the median preferred to the mean as
a measure of average? What is meant by the ‘robustness’ of a measure of average?
For a wash solution of hardness 80 mg/kg as calcium carbonate and a dosage of
detergent at 1.3 g/L, what is the adequate percentage of tri polyphosphate (TPP)?
[22% J. Remember, at this level, half the population will be underdosing. What
percentage TPP would cover 75% of the Sydney pop ulation? [36%] Of course, at
this level three-quarters of the population will be overdosing and pollut inq•
How much surfactant should a laundry detergen t
7. contain? [Well, the amou nt
of surfactant in the final wash should (accordi ng to the manufacturers) be at the
critical micelle concentratio n. For anionic su tllis is relatively }j1gh,
although it is lowered by all the other ingredien ts
powcier designed for an expected . A
d‹ise of 2 g O Product present
per (litre
N 10°" mole/L) might
contain 20“/• surfactant. The molecular mtlss Of s odium do of water
decylbenzene sulfonat e
is 340, so this dose represe nts 10 ' m‹ile/L. The a
will 1also be adjusted accordingl mount of tripolyphosphate etc.
and gal (British) — 1.2 gal (US)y. 2 g/L isTeq
4.54 .] uivalen t to 4 OZ/12 gal (100 g/50 L);
differ suite consid
Note that detergent powde rs ma erably in density so that
nuf actu rers specify
measuring by volume, which the in their instructions old

the packet, can be misleading as a basis for COm

parison. With a cost for deter gen
Chemistry in the louf7dr/ 5j

powder of say $2.50 per kilogram or about 20 cents per wash, the cost of the deter-
gent is almost as much as the cost of the hot water.
g. Have you ever had medical problems with a detergent or soap, such as asthm ,
de rmati tis, photodermatitis (caused by sunlight on a skin sensitised by a
che mica l)? Why do you buy the brand that you do—advertisement on television;
well-known company; washes better; cheaper; on special at the shop?
9. Have you ever wondered why packets of laundry detergent from the two major
companies cost approximately the same in all the eastern capital cities? Both
companies manufactu re in Sydney and the freight costs are quite large. [Ask the
10. How would you go about dividing the cost of the packet of detergent up into:
production costs
advertising and sales
Would it be easy to bias these figures depending on the case you were trying to
11. Soap bubbles are bluwn on a T-piece with three taps so that one bubble is
big- ger than the other (Fig. 2.10). ’The in|aut tap A is closed and the other two
taps are opened so that air can pass from ‹vie humble tti the other. The question is
—does the big bubble blow the li1 tle bubble u{i till they are equal (socialist) or
does the big bubble get bigger and the little get litt ler (capitalist)? [You’re wrong
—they are capitalists! Why? See ‘Cheini trv tit“ su rfaces’ in Chapter 4 for an
answer.] A high stability soap bubble soluti‹iii may be made from ammonium
lauryl sulfate surfactant with glycerol (glycerine) and table salt (NaC1).

Fig. 2.16 Blowing soap bubbles with a T-piece


J.C.M. Giles, J. Cir em. Ed. S9, 1962, 584•

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