L A Level Physics B Datasheet Forumulae

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Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklet

GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary

Advancing Physics
Physics units (PILOT) 77307735 Physics units 28602865

These data, formulae and relationships are for the use of candidates following the Advancing Physics Pilot and Advancing Physics. Clean copies of this booklet must be available in the examination room, and must be given up to the invigilator at the end of the examination. Copies of this booklet may be used for teaching.

CST236 2000/2001



Values are given to three significant figures, except where more or less are useful.

Physical constants
speed of light permittivity of free space electric force constant c 3.00 108 ms1 8.85 1012 C2 N1 m2 (or F m1) 8.98 109 N m2 C2 ( 9 109 N m2 C2)

1 k = ____ 40

permeability of free space charge on electron mass of electron mass of proton mass of neutron mass of alpha particle Avogadro constant Planck constant Boltzmann constant molar gas constant gravitational force constant

0 e me mp mn m L, NA h k R G

4 107 N A2 (or H m1) -1.60 1019 C 9.11 1031 kg = 0.000 55 u 1.673 1027 kg = 1.007 3 u 1.675 1027 kg = 1.008 7 u 6.646 1027 kg = 4.001 5 u 6.02 1023 mol1 6.63 1034 J s 1.38 1023 J K1 8.31 J mol1 K1 6.67 1011 N m2 kg2



Other data
standard temperature and pressure (stp) molar volume of a gas at stp gravitational field strength at the Earths surface in the UK Vm g 273 K (0 C), 1.01 105 Pa (1 atmosphere) 2.24 102 m3 9.81 N kg1

Conversion factors
unified atomic mass unit 1u 1 day 1 year 1 light year = 1.661 1027 kg = 8.64 104 s 3.16 107 s 1016 m

Mathematical constants and equations

e = 2.72 arc = r sin tan and cos 1 for small = 3.14 1 radian = 57.3 circumference of circle = 2r area of circle = r 2

surface area of cylinder = 2rh ln(xn) = n lnx ln(ekx) = kx volume of cylinder = r 2h surface area of sphere = 4r 2 4 volume of sphere = r 3 3


1012 p

109 n


103 m

103 k

106 M

109 G



Formulae and relationships Optics

focal length 1 1 1 = + v u f Cartesian convention (object distance u, image distance v, focal length f)

refractive index

sin i speed of light in vacuum n = = speed of light in medium sin r

(angle of incidence i, angle of refraction r)

power P = IV = I 2R Vload = E IRinternal conductance I G= V G = G1 + G2 + ....... resistance conductivity capacitance discharge of capacitor R = R1 + R2 + ....... A G = l 1 1 energy stored = QV = CV 2 2 2 Q = Q 0e = RC
t/ RC

(power P, potential difference V, current I ) (emf E, internal resistance Rinternal) (conductance G) (conductors in parallel) (resistors in series) (conductivity , cross section A, length l) (charge Q, capacitance C) (initial charge Q0, time constant RC) (time constant )

for a material in tension Hookes law F = kx tension cross-sectional area extension strain = original length stress Young modulus = strain stress = Elastic strain energy = G kx2 (tension F, spring constant k, extension x)



kinetic theory of gases pV = d Nmc 2 (pressure p, volume V, number of molecules N, mass of molecule m, mean square speed c 2)

Motion and forces

force = rate of change of momentum impulse = Ft power = Fv components of a vector in two perpendicular directions (force F) (velocity v)

equations for uniformly accelerated motion

1 s = ut + at 2 2 v = u + at v 2 = u2 + 2as

(initial speed u, final speed v, time taken t, acceleration a, distance travelled s)

for circular motion

v2 a = r

(radius of circle r)

Energy and thermal effects

efficiency energy efficiency = useful energy output energy input E = mc
(/ ) kT

(change in energy E, mass m, specific thermal capacity c, temperature change ) (ratio of numbers of particles in states differing in energy by , at temperature T)

Boltzmann factor



n = dsin (on a distant screen from a diffraction grating or double slit; order n, wavelength , angles of maxima )

k d2x = a = x = (2f )2x 2 m dt
x = A cos 2 f t x = A sin 2 f t T= 2 1 f= T 1 1 1 total energy E = kA2 = mv 2 + kx 2 2 2 2 m k (periodic time T) (acceleration a, force per unit displacement k, mass m, displacement x, frequency f) (amplitude A, time t)

Atomic and nuclear physics

radioactive decay N = N t N = N0et ln2 T = absorbed dose = energy deposited per unit mass risk = probability consequence expected random variation in N random counts is of the order mass-energy relationship energy-frequency relationship for photons Erest = mc2 E = hf h = p N (number N, decay constant ) (initial number N0) (half-life T )

(energy E, mass m, speed of light c) (photon energy E, Planck constant h, frequency f ) (wavelength , Planck constant h, momentum p (= mv for slow moving particles))



Field and potential

for all fields dV V field strength = dr r F g= m GM Vgrav = r electric fields kQ Velec = r (potential gradient dV/dr)

gravitational fields

(gravitational field strength g, gravitational force F, mass m) (gravitational potential Vgrav, gravitational constant G, mass M, distance r) (electric potential Velec, electric force constant k, charge Q, distance r)

force on a current carrying conductor force on a moving charge F=IlB F=QvB d(N) = dt (flux density B, current I, length l) (charge Q, velocity perpendicular to field v) (induced emf , flux , number of turns linked N)


SB (CW) SO2318/1




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