Artificial Intelligence Search Method Assignment Solution

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9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2


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Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For

Problem solving (course)

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Week 2 : Assignment 2
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2022-08-10, 23:59 IST.
outline Assignment submitted on
2022-08-09, 20:19 IST
Refer to Week 2 Notes before attempting this assignment.
How does an

In general, to reduce clutter in state space diagrams, the bi-directional edges will be drawn
without arrow heads (as undirected edges) and uni-directional edges will be drawn with a single
arrow head. For example, the following two state spaces are equivalent:
work? ()


Week 0 ()

Week 1 () GROUP 1

Week 2 () In the lecture, 8-5-3 Water Jug puzzle was discussed. In this assignment, we will work with 10-7-
3 Water Jug puzzle.
State Space

Search (unit? There are three jugs A, B and C of capacities 10L, 7L and 3L, respectively.  Only two types of
unit=38&lesson=39) actions (operations or moves) are permitted: empty a jug into another jug, or fill a jug to its brim. 
Domain By using only these moves, the state space (subspace) reachable FROM (0, 7, 3) state is shown
Independent below.

(unit? The objective of Group 1 questions is for you to manually explore this subspace and use it as a
unit=38&lesson=40) starting point to answer the questions that follow. 1/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2


Search (unit?




Depth First


unit=38&lesson=46) You can also ponder about what kind of algorithms will find the answers sought, when they do
Week 2
not have the global viewpoint that a visual graph gives us humans. The search algorithms have
Feedback access only to a MoveGen function. Also, ponder about how to write a MoveGen for water jug
Form: puzzle.

Intelligence : Answers to Q1 to Q5 are integers. DO NOT ENTER DECIMAL POINT, SPACES, TABS,
Methods For
Problem 1) Starting from (0, 7, 3), what is the least number of moves required to reach (5, 5, 0)?
solving (unit?
unit=38&lesson=164) 9

Quiz: Week 2 Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

: Assignment
2 Accepted Answers:
(assessment? (Type: Numeric) 9
1 point
2) Starting from (5, 5, 0), what is the least number of moves required to reach (0, 7, 3)?
Materials -
Week 2 (unit?
Yes, the answer is correct.
Week 3 () Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
Week 4 () (Type: Numeric) 2

1 point
Week 5 ()
3) What is the total number of states reachable from (0, 7, 3) via zero, one or more moves?
Week 6 ()

Week 7 () No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Week 8 () Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 20 2/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Week 9 () 1 point

DOWNLOAD 4) Starting from (0, 7, 3), what is the least number of moves required to reach a state like (1, *,
VIDEOS () *)?

Transcripts () Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1

Books () Accepted Answers:

(Type: Numeric) 5
Problem 1 point
Session () 5) Starting from (0, 7, 3), what is the least number of moves required to measure a whole 6

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 3

1 point

6) We want to reach (0, 7, 3) from other states. From which of the following states can 1 point
we achieve (0, 7, 3)? The selected states must satisfy the jug capacity constraint.

(5, 5, 0)

(8, 1, 1)

(6, 2, 2)

(8, 2, 0)

Partially Correct.
Score: 0.5

Accepted Answers:
(5, 5, 0)
(8, 1, 1)
(6, 2, 2)
(8, 2, 0)

7) Note, only a subspace is shown in the figure above. This subspace can be extended1 point
by adding new states (with whole number water levels adding up to 10L and satisfying the jug
capacity constraints) and by adding new transitions. What is true about the full state space of the
10-7-3 Water Jug puzzle?

Each move is reversible

Every state is reachable from every other state

There is at least one state that has no outgoing edges

There is at least one state that has no incoming edges

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
There is at least one state that has no incoming edges 3/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

8) What information is available in Week 2 notes (in 2 PDF files) uploaded to the 1 point
course page? See Lecture Materials link under Week 2.

How to model a problem as a state space search problem?

Some properties of state spaces

DFS, BFS algorithms, ancillary functions

DFID-1, DFID-2 algorithms

About node order and tie breaking rule

Examples of list and tuple operations

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
How to model a problem as a state space search problem?
Some properties of state spaces
DFS, BFS algorithms, ancillary functions
DFID-1, DFID-2 algorithms
About node order and tie breaking rule
Examples of list and tuple operations


Use the DFS and BFS algorithms provided in Week 2 Notes to answer questions in this group
and in subsequent groups. These algorithms will be used in the final exam as well.  In DFS and
BFS, a new node is added to OPEN only if it is not already present in OPEN/CLOSED.

More importantly, pay attention to the order in which nodes are opened and closed by the
algorithms. The answers depend on the order in which nodes are processed and how the list is
created and read by the algorithms.

A state space and a corresponding MoveGen is shown below. The start state is S and the goal
state is G.

Manually, run DFS and BFS on this problem and draw the respective search trees, then answer
the following questions.

9) Four search trees associated with the above state space are shown below, where 1 point
the open nodes are white filled and the closed nodes are blue filled. The search trees are shown
for the case when the goal test has passed and the algorithm has ended. 4/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

 Identify the DFS search tree.

Search Tree 1

Search Tree 2

Search Tree 3

Search Tree 4

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
Search Tree 1

10) Identify the BFS search tree? 1 point

Search Tree 1

Search Tree 2

Search Tree 3

Search Tree 4

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
Search Tree 3


A state space and a corresponding MoveGen is given below. Here S is the start node and G is
the goal node. Manually, run DFS and separately BFS until the goal is found, then answer the
following questions. Note that a new node is added to OPEN only if not already present in OPEN

MUST FOLLOW: In your answer, the order of nodes from OPEN/CLOSED list should follow the
order in which the list is maintained by the algorithm. Refer Week 2 notes for details. 5/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

11) At the instance when BFS finds G, the CLOSED list is ____________ .

The CLOSED list contains node pairs (NODE, PARENT), enter only the NODE labels from head
to tail as a comma separated list; if the CLOSED list is empty or is undefined then enter NIL. DO
format: A,B,C


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) D,C,B,A,S

1 point

12) What is the path found by BFS?

Enter the NODE labels, from start to goal, as a comma separated list. DO NOT ENTER


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,D,G

1 point

13) At the instance when DFS finds G, the CLOSED list is ____________ .

The CLOSED list contains node pairs (NODE, PARENT), enter only the NODE labels from head
to tail as a comma separated list; if the CLOSED list is empty or is undefined then enter NIL. DO
format: A,B,C


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) D,C,A,S

1 point

14) What is the path found by DFS?

Enter the NODE labels, from start to goal, as a comma separated list. DO NOT ENTER


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers: 6/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

(Type: String) S,A,C,D,G

1 point


Consider two variations of Depth First Iterative Deepening (DFID) algorithm:

● DFID-1 opens only new nodes (not already in OPEN/CLOSED) in each iteration.
● DFID-2 opens new nodes and also reopens nodes in CLOSED that are currently not in
** When we say that an algorithm “opens” a node, we mean that: after the node is generated by
MoveGen, that node is added to OPEN when the required conditions are met.

Use the DFID algorithms given in Week 2 notes.  Run the two algorithms on the state space
shown here (reproduced from the previous section).

15) What is the path found by DFID-1?

Enter the path (starting from S) as a comma separated list of node labels. If a path is not found
CHARACTERS. Answer format: A,B,C


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) NIL

1 point

16) What is the path found by DFID-2?

Enter the path (starting from S) as a comma separated list of node labels. If a path is not found
CHARACTERS. Answer format: A,B,C


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,D,G

1 point

17) Select all correct statements. 1 point 7/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 always finds it.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 returns the shortest path.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path.

None of the above.
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it.
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path.


18) What data-structures are used to store OPEN nodes, in BFS and DFS algorithms, 1 point

Stack, Queue

Stach, Stack

Queue, Stack

Queue, Queue

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1

Accepted Answers:
Queue, Stack

19) Which of the following are configuration problems? 1 point



Map coloring

'Man,Lion,Goat,Cabbage' Problem

Rubik's Cube

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Partially Correct.
Score: 0.67

Accepted Answers:
Map coloring
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

20) For INFINITE state spaces that have a path from start to goal, which of the following 1 point
algorithms will always find a path?





No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

A dA 8/9
9/19/22, 8:38 PM Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods For Problem solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Accepted Answers:

21) For FINITE state spaces that have a path from start to goal, which of the following 1 point
algorithms will always find a path?





No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
DFID-2 9/9
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

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Unit 5 - Week 2

Course outline

How does an
Assignment 2
NPTEL online The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2020-09-30, 23:59 IST.
course work? As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.

Assignment Several problems of interest can be modeled as a state-space search problem. This is how it is done:
choose a problem, determine what constitutes a STATE (a written representation of the state-of-existence),
Week 0 identify the START STATE and the GOAL STATE(S), identify the operations/actions/moves that cause a
STATE to change, then write down the STATE TRANSITIONS as a function (or program module) that maps
Week 1 a STATE to a set of NEIGHBORING STATES, a.k.a. MoveGen or neighborhood function

Week 2 In state space search a solution is found by exploring the state space with help of neighbourhood function:
begin at the start state and keep expanding until a goal state is found.
State Space
Search (unit?
unit=14&lesson=129) State spaces are used to represent two kinds of problems. In configuration problems the task is to find a
goal state that satisfies some properties. In planning problems the task is to find a path to a goal state.
The sequence of moves in the path is a plan.
Algorithms (unit?
unit=14&lesson=130) State spaces have properties:

Search (unit? Extent: state spaces may be finite or infinite.
unit=14&lesson=131) 1/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

DFS and BFS Exponential Growth: finite state spaces may be very very large — exponential and beyond. And the
(unit? search space associated with a search algorithm may increase exponentially with depth

Comparing DFS Branching Factor: may be constant or bounded or finite or large-and-finite

and BFS (unit?
Reversible: some state spaces are reversible, i.e., every STATE TRANSITION is REVERSIBLE. Most
Depth First real world problems do not have this property, but have regions that are reversible, and regions that
Iterative are not, and in sum total it is not reversible.
Deepening (unit?
Connectedness: All kinds of connectivity from graph theory apply here. The whole state space may
Week 2- be completely connected, or may have several connected components which are mutually disjoint. A
Feedback : search algorithm can only explore the connected component in which the start node lies. The 8-puzzle,
Artificial for example, has two disjoint connected components, and the Rubik’s cube has twelve
Search Methods
for problem Metric Spaces: States (and/or transitions) may provide a metric (say Euclidean distance, Manhattan
Solving (unit? distance, etc.) as a measure of fitness or direction or distance to a goal state.

Lecture BEGIN GROUP: Q1 – Q8

Materials (unit?
unit=14&lesson=173) Water jug puzzle: A seven litre jug is filled with water, you are required to divide it into 1 + 5 + 1 litres. You
Quiz : may use two empty jugs of size 5 and 2 litres for this purpose. There is no other way of measuring water
Assignment 2 except by the size of the jugs, i.e., one can either empty a jug into another or fill another jug to its brim

Week 3
Figure 1:

Week 4

Week 5
Model this puzzle as a state-space search problem. A state is represented by a tuple (A,B,C), where A is
the amount of water in the 7L jug, B is the amount of water in the 5L jug and C is the amount of water in the
Week 6
2L jug. The tuple notation is illustrated in Figure 1.

Week 7 The initial state is (7,0,0), if you transfer water from 7L jug to 5L jug we reach (2,5,0) state, and if you
transfer the remaining water from 7L jug to 2L jug we reach (0,5,2) state. Now we can reverse these two
Week 8 transfers. A state-space expresses all valid states and their transitions. Now, build the state-space for the
water jug puzzle and answer the following questions
Week 9
ATTENTION: Answers to Q1 thru Q7 are integers. DO NOT include spaces, tabs, periods or non-numeric
Week 10 characters in the text box.

Week 11 1) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers/moves required to reach (1,5,1)?

Week 12
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 6

1 point 2/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

2) Starting from (1,5,1), what is the least number of transfers/moves required to reach (7,0,0)?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 2

1 point

3) How many paths from (1,5,1) to (7,0,0) have the minimum length found in question 2?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 2

1 point

4) What is the size of the state-space (number of states) in 7-5-2 water jug puzzle?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 14
(Type: Numeric) 18

1 point

5) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 6 litres?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 5
(Type: Numeric) 4

1 point

6) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 4 litre?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 3
(Type: Numeric) 2

1 point

7) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 3 litres?

N h i i 3/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 2

1 point

8) Which of the following is true about the state-space of water jug puzzle? 0 points

State-space is reversible
Every state is reachable from every other state
All seven volumes from 1L to 7L are measurable
There is at least one state that has no outgoing edge
There is at least one state that has no incoming edge
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Every state is reachable from every other state
All seven volumes from 1L to 7L are measurable


9) Four state spaces and one MoveGen is shown below. 1 point

Here (as well as in all state space diagrams in this assignment), to reduce clutter, two-way edges are shown
without arrowheads and one-way edges are shown with arrowheads. 4/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Mark the correct options.

The MoveGen describes State Space 1

The MoveGen describes State Space 2
The MoveGen describes State Space 3
The MoveGen describes State Space 4
None of these.
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
The MoveGen describes State Space 2
The MoveGen describes State Space 3

10)A state space and four MoveGen functions are given below 1 point

Mark the correct options

The spate space is described by MoveGen-1

The spate space is described by MoveGen-2
The spate space is described by MoveGen-3
The spate space is described by MoveGen-4
None of these
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
The spate space is described by MoveGen-2
The spate space is described by MoveGen-4 5/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2


Use the given DFS and BFS algorithms to answer questions in this group. Observe that in these algorithms
a new node is added to OPEN only if it is not present in either OPEN or CLOSED.

A MoveGen and its graphical representation is given below. Here S is the start node and G is the goal
node. Now, run DFS and separately BFS until the goal is found, then answer the questions in this group 6/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Note: The given DFS and BFS algorithms maintain node-pairs in OPEN and CLOSED lists. Therefore,
when typing the contents of OPEN or CLOSED list in the textbox, type the list as comma separated node-
pairs (without using spaces, tabs, period or other symbols), for example: (A,S),(B,S),(S,null)

Note: In your answer the order of nodePairs in OPEN/CLOSED should be as constructed, i.e., the
rightmost entry is the first nodePair added, and the leftmost is the last. This is consistent with how the
Cons operator “:” constructs lists.

Note: If OPEN or CLOSED list is empty then enter NA in the textbox.

11)When DFS finds G, the CLOSED list is _____

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(A,S),(S,null)
(Type: String) ((D,A)(C,A)(A,S)(S,NA))
(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(A,S),(S,nil)

1 point

12)When DFS finds G, the OPEN list is _____

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (G,D),(B,S)
(Type: String) ((G,D)(B,S))

1 point

13)When BFS finds G, the CLOSED list is _____

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(B,S),(A,S),(S,null) 7/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(B,S,)(A,S),(S,null)

(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(B,S),(A,S),(S,nil)
(Type: String) (D, A), (C, A), (B, S), (A, S), (S, null)
(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(B,S),(A,S),(S,null))
(Type: String) (D,A),(C,A),(B,S)(A,S),(S,null)

1 point

14)When BFS finds G, the OPEN list is _____

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (G,B)

1 point

15)Based on your responses to Q11-14, which of the following statements are true? 1 point

When DFS finds G, B is in CLOSED

When DFS finds G, B is still in OPEN
When BFS finds G, B is in CLOSED
When BFS finds G, B is still in OPEN
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
When DFS finds G, B is still in OPEN
When BFS finds G, B is in CLOSED

END GROUP: Q11 – Q15


Consider two variations of DEPTH FIRST ITERATIVE DEEPENING (DFID) where DFID-1 opens only new
nodes (nodes not in OPEN and CLOSED are opened), and DFID-2 allows CLOSED nodes to be reopened
and does not reopen the OPEN nodes. Run the two variations on the following state space which has S as
the start node and G as the goal node. 8/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

16)What is the path found by DFID-1?

In the textbox, enter the path as a comma separated list starting from node S, enter only the node
labels, do not enter node pairs, for example: S,A,B,C (and DO NOT use spaces, tabs, period or other
characters in the path).

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,C,E,G

1 point

17)What is the path found by DFID-2?

In the textbox, enter the path as a comma separated list starting from node S, enter only the node labels,
do not enter node pairs, for example: S,A,B,C (and DO NOT use spaces, tabs, period or other characters in
the path).

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,D,G

1 point

18)For depth bound 3, DFID-1 invokes GoalTest ______ times

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 6
(Type: Numeric) 15

1 point 9/10
12/22/2020 Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

19)For depth bound 3, DFID-2 invokes GoalTest ______ times

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 16
(Type: Numeric) 15
(Type: Numeric) 26
(Type: Numeric) 27

1 point

20)Select the correct statements 1 point

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 always finds it

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 returns the shortest path
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path.
None of these
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 always finds it
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path.

END GROUP: Q16 – Q20 10/10
10/25/21, 7:46 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Answer Submitted.


( 

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For

Problem Solving (course)

outline Week 2 : Assignment 2(Non
How does an
NPTEL online Assignment not submitted
course work?
Water jug puzzle: A seven litre jug is filled with water, you are required to divide it into 1 + 5 + 1
litres. You may use two empty jugs of size 5 and 2 litres for this purpose. There is no other way
Pre-requisite measuring water except by the size of the jugs, i.e., one can either empty a jug into another
or fill
another jug to its brim

Week 0

Week 1 Figure 1:     

Week 2

State Space
Search (unit? Model this puzzle as a state-space search problem. A state is represented by a tuple (A,B,C),
unit=38&lesson=39) A is the amount of water in the 7L jug, B is the amount of water in the 5L jug and C is the
amount of
water in the 2L jug. The tuple notation is illustrated in Figure 1.


The initial state is (7,0,0), if you transfer water from 7L jug to 5L jug we reach (2,5,0) state, and
you transfer the remaining water from 7L jug to 2L jug we reach (0,5,2) state. Now we can
unit=38&lesson=40) these two transfers. A state-space expresses all valid states and their transitions.
Now, build the
state-space for the water jug puzzle and answer the following questions


Search (unit?
ATTENTION: Answers to Q1 thru Q7 are integers. DO NOT include spaces, tabs, periods or
numeric characters in the text box. 1/3
10/25/21, 7:47 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

DFS and BFS 1) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers/moves required to reach

Comparing No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 6

Depth First 1 point

2) Starting from (1,5,1), what is the least number of transfers/moves required to reach
No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 2 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Form: Artificial
(Type: Numeric) 2
Search 1 point
Methods for
problem 3) How many paths from (1,5,1) to (7,0,0) have the minimum length found in question 2?
Solving (unit?
unit=38&lesson=45) 1

Lecture No, the answer is incorrect.

Materials Score: 0
(unit? Accepted Answers:
unit=38&lesson=46) (Type: Numeric) 2

Practice: Week 1 point

2 : Assignment
2(Non Graded)
4) What is the size of the state-space (number of states) in ​7-5-2​water jug puzzle?

Quiz: Week 2:
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Assignment 2
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 14
(Type: Numeric) 18
Week 3
1 point

Week 4 5) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 6 litres?

Week 5
No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 6 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Week 7 (Type: Numeric) 5
(Type: Numeric) 4
Week 8 1 point

Week 9 6) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 4 litre?

N h i i 2/3
10/25/21, 7:47 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 10 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Week 11 (Type: Numeric) 3
(Type: Numeric) 2
Week 12 1 point

DOWNLOAD 7) Starting from (7,0,0), what is the least number of transfers required to measure 3 litres?

Text Transcripts No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Books Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 2
1 point

8) Which of the following is true about the state-space of water jug puzzle? 0 points

State-space is reversible

Every state is reachable from every other state

All seven volumes from 1L to 7L are measurable

There is at least one state that has no outgoing edge

There is at least one state that has no incoming edge
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Every state is reachable from every other state
All seven volumes from 1L to 7L are measurable

Check Answers and Submit

Your score is: 0/7 3/3
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2


( 

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For

Problem Solving (course)

outline Week 2: Assignment 2
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
How does an Due on 2021-08-18, 23:59 IST.
NPTEL online As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.
course work?

Refer to Week 2 Notes before attempting Week 2 Assignment.


Assignment BEGIN GROUP 1

Week 0 Water jug puzzle: There are 3 jugs A, B and C of capacities 6L, 5L and 3L, respectively. Only
types of actions/operations/moves are permitted: empty a jug into another jug, or fill a
jug to its brim.

Week 1

The reachable subspace (the state space reachable from (0, 5, 3)) for the water jug problem is
Week 2 shown below. Bold undirected edges represent reversible two way moves. The objective of
Group 1
questions is for you to manually explore this space, and answer the questions that

State Space

Search (unit?
You can also ponder about what kind of algorithms will find the answers sought, when they
do not
have the global viewpoint that a visual graph gives us humans. The search algorithms
have access
Domain only to a MoveGen function. Also, ponder about how to write a MoveGen for
water jug puzzle.



Search (unit?
unit=38&lesson=41) 1/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2




Depth First

Week 2
Form: Artificial

Answers to Q1 thru Q6 are unsigned integers. DO NOT ENTER ANY DECIMAL POINT,

Methods for
problem 1) Starting from (0, 5, 3), what is the least number of moves required to reach (4, 4, 0)?
Solving (unit?

Lecture No, the answer is incorrect.

Materials Score: 0
(unit? Accepted Answers:
unit=38&lesson=46) (Type: Numeric) 5
Practice: Week 1 point
2 : Assignment
2(Non Graded) 2) Starting from (4, 4, 0), what is the least number of moves required to reach (0, 5, 3)?

Quiz: Week 2: No, the answer is incorrect.

Assignment 2 Score: 0
(assessment? Accepted Answers:
name=163) (Type: Numeric) 2

Week 3 1 point

3) What is the total number of states reachable from (0, 5, 3) via zero, one or more moves?
Week 4

Week 5
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Week 6 Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 14
Week 7
1 point

Week 8 4) Starting from (0, 5, 3), what is the least number of moves required to reach (6, y, z) where y
and z can be any values?
Week 9

N h i i 2/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 10 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Week 11 (Type: Numeric) 2

1 point
Week 12
5) Starting from (0, 5, 3), what is the least number of moves required to measure 4 litres?
No, the answer is incorrect.

Text Transcripts Score: 0

Accepted Answers:
Books (Type: Numeric) 4

1 point
6) Starting from (0, 5, 3), what is the least number of moves required to measure 1 litre?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 3

1 point

7) Starting from (0, 5, 3), what is the least number of moves required to reach (3, 3, 2)? 1 point

3 moves

4 moves

5 moves

Not reachable
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Not reachable

8) Which of the following is true about 6-5-3 water jug puzzle’s Reachable Subspace (see 1 point
Notes) of the state space?

The entire Reachable Subspace is reversible

Every state is reachable from every other state

All six volumes from 1L to 6L can be measured

There is at least one state that has no outgoing edge

There is at least one state that has no incoming edge
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Every state is reachable from every other state
All six volumes from 1L to 6L can be measured 3/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2



Use the DFS and BFS algorithms described in the Week 2 notes to answer questions in this
and in subsequent groups. These algorithms will be used in the final exam as well.
Note that a node
is added to OPEN only if it is not already present in OPEN or CLOSED.

More importantly, pay attention to the order in which nodes are opened and closed by the
algorithms. The answers depend on the order in which nodes are processed and how the list
constructed and read by the algorithms.

A state space and a MoveGen that generates it is shown below. The start state is S and the
state is G.

Run DFS and BFS on this problem and draw the respective search trees, then answer the

9) Four search trees associated with the above state space are shown below, where the 1 point
open nodes are white filled and the closed nodes are blue filled. The search trees are shown for the
case when the goal test has passed and the algorithm has ended.

Identify the DFS search tree. 4/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

Search Tree 1

Search Tree 2

Search Tree 3

Search Tree 4

None of the above.
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Search Tree 4

10) Identify the BFS search tree? 1 point

Search Tree 1

Search Tree 2

Search Tree 3

Search Tree 4

None of the above.
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Search Tree 2



A state space and a MoveGen is given below. Here S is the start node and G is the goal node.
that MoveGen determines the order in which neighbours are generated. Hand simulate
DFS and
separately BFS until the goal is found, then answer the following questions.

MUST FOLLOW: In your answer, when entering the contents of either OPEN or CLOSED list,
the list as comma separated node-pairs. DO NOT ENTER SPACES, TABS OR OTHER
OR EXTRA CHARACTERS. Answer format: (A,S),(B,S),(S,null)

If the OPEN or CLOSED list is empty then enter NIL in the textbox. 5/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

MUST FOLLOW: In your answer, the order of nodePairs from OPEN/CLOSED list should
follow the
order in which the list is maintained by the algorithm, i.e., from left to right, where
the leftmost entry
is the recent one and the rightmost entry is the oldest one. This is
consistent with how the Cons
operator “:” constructs lists.

11) At the instance when BFS finds G, the CLOSED list is _____ .

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (E,C),(D,B),(C,A),(B,S),(A,S),(S,null)
(Type: String) E,D,C,B,A,S

1 point

12) At the instance when BFS finds G, the OPEN list is _____ .

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (G,D),(F,E)
(Type: String) G,F

1 point

13) At the instance when DFS finds G, the CLOSED list is _________ .

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (F,E),(E,C),(C,A),(A,S),(S,null)
(Type: String) F,E,C,A,S

1 point

14) At the instance when DFS finds G, the OPEN list is _________ .

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) (G,E),(D,C),(B,S)
(Type: String) G,D,B

1 point

15) Based on your responses to Q11-14, which of the following statements are true? 1 point

When BFS finds G, F is in CLOSED.

When BFS finds G, F is still in OPEN.

When DFS finds G, F is in CLOSED. 6/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

When DFS finds G, F is still in OPEN.
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
When BFS finds G, F is still in OPEN.
When DFS finds G, F is in CLOSED.



Consider two variations of Depth First Iterative Deepening (DFID) algorithm: DFID-1 opens**
new nodes (nodes not already in OPEN or CLOSED) in every iteration, and DFID-2 opens
nodes and also reopens nodes in CLOSED and not in OPEN.

** When we say that an algorithm “opens” a node, we mean that after the node is generated
MoveGen, it is added to OPEN if the given conditions are met.

Refer Week 2 notes for DFID algorithms.

Run the two variations on the given search space where S is the start node and G is the goal
Move order is from left to right.

16) What is the path found by DFID-1?

In the textbox, enter the path as a comma separated list starting from node S, enter only the node
labels, do not enter node pairs. DO NOT ENTER SPACES, TABS OR OTHER SYMBOLS OR

Answer format: A,B,C

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers: 7/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

(Type: String) S,A,C,E,G

1 point

17) What is the path found by DFID-2?

In the textbox, enter the path as a comma separated list starting from node S, enter only the node
labels, do not enter node pairs. DO NOT ENTER SPACES, TABS OR OTHER SYMBOLS OR

Answer format: A,B,C

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,D,G

1 point

18) For only depth bound 3, DFID-1 invokes GoalTest ______ times.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 6

1 point

19) For only depth bound 3, DFID-2 invokes GoalTest ______ times.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: Numeric) 15

1 point

20) Select the correct statements. 1 point

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 always finds it.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 returns the shortest path.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it.

If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path.

None of these.
No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-1 always finds it.
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 always finds it.
If there is a path to the goal, DFID-2 returns the shortest path. 8/9
10/25/21, 7:33 AM Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving - - Unit 5 - Week 2

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Unit 4 - Week 2

Course outline Assignment 2

How to access the The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2018-08-15, 23:59 IST.
portal As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.

Topics: State Space Search: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, DFID
Week 1
NOTE: Wherever you are required to type in the answer (instead of clicking on a button) please
Week 2 DO NOT ENTER ANY BLANKS. This is the assessment is evaluated by a program that does exact
string matching. An extra blank in the answer will result in even a correct answer being
Introduction to
state space search
evaluated as wrong.

Search: DFS and This “no blanks” policy will hold THROUGHOUT this course.
1) Which of the following algorithm(s) always terminate(s) on a finite search space? 1 point
Search: DFID

Quiz : Assignment DFS

Week 2- Feedback
: Artificial DFID
Intelligence Search
Methods for None of the above
problem Solving
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Week 3
Accepted Answers:
Week 4 DFS
Week 5 DFID

Week 6 2) Which of the following search algorithm(s) always find(s) a path to the goal (if there 1 point
exists one) in a finite search space.
Week 7
Week 8

Week 9 DFID

None of the above

Week 10
No, the answer is incorrect.
Week 11 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Week 12
Video Download 3) Which of the following search algorithm(s) always find(s) a path to the goal (if there 1 point

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1 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for probl...

None of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

4) Mark the algorithm(s) for which space requirements grow linearly with depth. 1 point




None of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

5) Mark the algorithm(s) that always find(s) the shortest path from start state to goal state 1 point
in any search space.




None of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

6) Which of the following is/are configuration problem(s)? 1 point

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)


Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT)


Rubik's Cube

'Man, Lion, Goat, Cabbage' Problem

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT)

Figure 2.1 depicts a search space in which the nodes are labeled with names like A,
B, C, and D. Node S is the start node, and G is the goal node.

For the questions below please enter the answer as a sequence of nodes separated by a
comma. Please DO NOT enter any blanks. For example, if the answer (order of nodes) is A
followed by C, followed by F, followed by G, the answer should be - Answer: A,C,F,G


2 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for probl...

List the order in which the Depth First Search algorithm inspects the nodes in Figure 2.1. Wherever
there is a contention between more than one node the algorithm chooses one on the left (as seen
by us)

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,D,K,M,O,F,G

1 point

8) What is the path found by the algorithm in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,D,K,M,O,G

1 point

9) What is the path found by the algorithm Breadth First Search for the problem in Fig 2.1?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,G

1 point

10)What is the path found by the algorithm DFID in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0

3 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for probl...

Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,G

1 point
Figure 2.2 depicts a search space in which the nodes are labeled with names like A,
B, C, and D. Node S is the start node. The goal nodes are drawn as square boxes and
the other nodes in circles.


List the order in which the Depth First Search algorithm explores the graph till termination,
searching from left to right.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,D,K,U,V,L

1 point

12)What is the path found by the algorithm in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,D,L

1 point

13)List the order in which the Depth First Search algorithm explores the graph till termination,
searching from right to left.

4 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for probl...

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,C,J,T,R,I

1 point

14)What is the path found by the algorithm in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,C,I

1 point

15)List the order in which the Breadth First Search algorithm explores the graph till termination,
searching from left to right.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,A,B,C,D,E,F,G

1 point

16)What is the path found by the algorithm in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,G

1 point

17)List the order in which the Depth First Iterative Deepening (DFID) algorithm explores the graph
till termination, searching from left to right.

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,S,A,B,C,S,A,D,E,B,F,G

1 point

18)What is the path found by the algorithm in the previous question?

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
(Type: String) S,B,G

1 point

Previous Page End

5 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

Artificial Intelligence Search Methods for probl...

6 of 6 Thursday 08 November 2018 04:23 PM

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