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IX-STD (class 9)
By Aarnav

The Ashram school ICSE


The most significant nutrition-related disease is
chronic undernutrition, which plagues more than 925
million people worldwide. Undernutrition is a condition in
which there is insufficient food to meet energy needs; its
main characteristics include weight loss, failure to thrive,
and wasting of body fat and muscle. Low birth weight
in infants, inadequate growth and development in
children, diminished mental function, and increased
susceptibility to disease are among the many consequences
of chronic persistent hunger, which affects those living
in poverty in both industrialized and developing countries.
The largest number of chronically hungry people live
in Asia. These disorders are caused by eating less food, or not taking
enough nutrients in food (through food). Some examples of these kind of
disorders are:
Kwashiorkar ,Pellagra ,Scurvy ,Marasmus ,rickets ,beriberi ,Anemia(Ir
on deficiency) , Etc..


Mainly all of these disorders and diseases are

caused due to Malnutrition, that is not having
enough nutrition in food or having lack of food
(not having enough food, eating less food).
Symptoms of kwashiorkor
 loss of muscle mass.
 an enlarged tummy ("pot belly")
 regular infections, or more serious or long-lasting infections.
 red, inflamed patches of skin that darken and peel or split open.
 dry, brittle hair that falls out easily and may lose its colour.
 failure to grow in height.
 tiredness or irritability.

Cure for kwashiorkor: Kwashiorkor can be corrected by eating more protein and
more calories overall. This can also be had to prevent kwarshiorkor from

Kwashiorkor occurs because of a lack of protiens in your diet. It occurs in

children the age of 5 years old.

Common symptoms of marasmus

 Chronic or persistent diarrhea.
 Distended abdomen.
 Dizziness.
 Dry, peeling skin.
 Emaciated appearance (unlike Kwashiorkor)
 Failure to achieve an appropriate weight to age/size.
 Fatigue.

Cure for marasmus: Initial treatment of marasmus often includes dried skim milk
powder mixed with boiled water. Later, the mixture can also include a vegetable oil
such as sesame, casein, and sugar. Casein is milk protein. The oil increases the energy
content and density of the mixture. It can be prevented by having the above mentioned
protiens and nutients.
Nutrient deficiency is the main cause of marasmus. It occurs in children that don't
ingest enough protein, calories, carbohydrates, and other important nutrients. This is
usually due to poverty and a scarcity of food

Iron deficiency anemia signs and symptoms may include:

 Extreme fatigue.
 Weakness.
 Pale skin.
 Chest pain, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath.
 Headache, dizziness or lightheadedness.
 Cold hands and feet.
 Inflammation or soreness of your tongue.

Cure for anemia : Treatment might include oxygen, pain relievers, and oral and intravenous fluids
to reduce pain and prevent complications. We can prevent anemia by taking iron rich food like dried
fruits, for example dates, dried rasins, dried figs, etc

Anemia occurs when your blood doesn't have enough red blood cells. This can happen if:
Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells
more quickly than they can be replaced

Signs and Symptoms of Scurvy

 Weakness, fatigue, or irritability.
 Loss of appetite or weight loss.
 Muscular pain.
 Sunken eyes.
 Paleness.
 Diarrhea.
 Increased heart rate or shortness of breath.
 Fever.

Cure for scurvy: Scurvy is easily treated by adding some vitamin C to your diet such as fresh
fruit and vegetables. A GP may also recommend taking vitamin C supplements (also called
ascorbic acid) until you feel better. Most people treated for scurvy feel better within 48 hours
and make a full recovery within 2 weeks
Scurvy is caused by not having enough vitamin C in your diet for at least 3 months. Vitamin
C is mainly found in fruit and vegetables. Even people who do not eat very healthily all the time
are not usually considered at risk of scurvy
Symptoms of dry beriberi include:
 Difficulty walking.
 Loss of feeling (sensation) in hands and feet.
 Loss of muscle function or paralysis of the lower legs.
 Mental confusion/speech difficulties.
 Pain.
 Strange eye movements (nystagmus)
 Tingling.
 Vomiting.

Cure and prevention: Beriberi is easily treated with thiamine supplements. Your doctor may
prescribe a thiamine shot or pill. For severe cases, a healthcare professional will administer
intravenous thiamine. Your progress will be monitored with follow-up blood tests to see how well
your body is absorbing the vitamin

What causes beriberi? Beriberi is caused by a lack of thiamine in the body. This lack of
thiamine can be due to a lack of thiamine intake into the body or to an inability of the body to
use the thiamine present in the body itself

Symptoms of pellagra include:

 Delusions or mental confusion.
 Diarrhea.
 Weakness.
 Loss of appetite.
 Pain in abdomen.
 Inflamed mucous membrane.
 Scaly skin sores, especially in sun-exposed areas of the skin.

Cure and prevention: Primary pellagra is treated with dietary changes and a niacin or
nicotinamide supplement. It may also need to be given intravenously. Nicotinamide is another
form of vitamin B-3. With early treatment, many people make a full recovery and start feeling
better within a few days of starting treatment

Pellagra is caused by having too little niacin or tryptophan in the diet. It can also occur if the
body fails to absorb these nutrients. Pellagra may also develop due to: Gastrointestinal
Vitamins are of two types. Based on their solubility,
vitamins are differentiated into fat-soluble and water-
soluble vitamins. Vitamin A, D, E, K are fat-soluble
vitamins and Vitamin B and C are water-soluble
vitamins. These disorders can be prevented by having
the right diet rich with vitamins protiens and all other

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