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Tom said that he

Tom said: „I don’t like my
Present Simple Past Simple didn’t like his back
back muscles”

Tom said that his

Present Tom said: „My hat is Past
hat was hanging on
Continuos hanging on the roof” Continuous
the roof.

Tom said that he

Tom said: „Look! I have
Present Perfect Past Perfect had finished a
finished the dinner!”

Tom said that he

Tom said: „I have been
Present Perfect Past Perfect had been going on
going on english course, for
Continuous Continuous english course for
three years”
three years.

Tom said that he

Tom said: „Yesterday I took
Past Simple Past Perfect had taken a book
a book.”

Tom said that he

Past Tom said: „I was painting Past Perfect
had been painting
Continuous fence” Continuous

Tom said that he

Tom said: „I had wanted to
Past Perfect Past Perfect had wanted to met
met her”

Tom said that he

Tom said: „I had been
Past Perfect Past Perfect had been working
working for 2 hours before
Continuous Continuous for 2 hours before
I called her”
he called her.

Tom said: „I will tidy my Tom said that he

Future Simple Would
room” would tidy his room.

Tom said that he

Future Tom said: „I will be Would + be +
would be travelling
Continuous travelling by bus” -ing
by bus.

Future Perfect Tom said: „By tommorow I Would have + Tom said that he
will have finished it” past would have finished
participle it by tommorow.

Tom said that he

Tom said: „By the end of
Future Perfect Would have would have been
May I will have been living
Continuous been + -ing living there for 2
here for 2 years”

Oprócz cofnięcia czasu należy pamiętać także o tym aby:

 Opuścić znaki interpunkcyjne oznaczające cytat (dwukropek i cudzysłów)

 Zaimki w zdaniu się zgadzały

He said: „I took my chair.”
He said that he had taken his chair.

 Zmienić określenia dotyczące miejsca i czasu

Słowa takie jak: dzisiaj, wczoraj, jutro, teraz, tutaj odnoszą się do tego, co było w czasie(i
miejscu) ich mówienia przez daną osobą, dlatego referując jego wypowiedź należy określać
czas i miejsce z innej perspektywy. „Dzisiaj” zmienia się wtedy w „tamtego dnia”, a „tutaj” w
„tam”.  Oto jak zmieniają się poszczególne słowa:
today – that day
yesterday – the day before
tomorrow – the next day/the day after/the following day
next week/month/ – the following week/month
last week/month – the previous week/month
a week/month ago – a week/month before
here – there
now – then
this – that

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