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dorsal fin (C n): the finon the back ofa snout (Cn): the long nose of some marvel at (v): to be amazed by sth sea animal that helps it swim animals e.g. Crowds of people marvelled at the eg. Martin held onto the dolphins dorsal | ¢.g. A shark has a great sense of smell which killer whale display at the sea life centte. fin and ett give him a tilling ride beneath comes from two nostrilslocatedon the Der marvellous (adj) me sluace bf the sea: bottom ofits snout near its mouth. attached to (adj): full of affection for sb/sth e.g. Jenny is very attached to her mother and misses her very much now that she is studying abroad. tise (v): to become higher e.g. The value of his business rose sharply last year. Der.: arise (v) Opp.: fall raise (v): to increase e.g. Richard is trying to raise awareness of the need for recycling in his neighbourhood. Opp.: lower ties (Cn): connections e.g. He lost most of his ties with his old business partners when he left the company for another job. bond (C n):a strong connection and feeling of love and friendship shared between people; relationship e.g. They have always been great friends as they have such a special bond between them. border (C n): the official line that separates two countries or states e.g. You will need to show your passport to a customs officer before you cross the border. limit (Cn): the greatest number/amount possible or permitted e.g. He had to push his body beyond the limits to break the world record for the marathon. Der.: limited (adj), limitation (C n) observe (v): to watch sb/sth carefully e.g. We lay down in the garden and observed the stars shining in the night sky. Der.: observer (Cn), observation (Cn) dedicated to (pp): devoted and committed e.g. When she retired from dancing, Anna remained dedicated to her art by becoming a dance instructor. commit (myself to sth/doing sth) (v): to promise to do sth e.g. Judy committed herself to finishing the marathon for charity no matter how much she suffered. Der.: commitment (Cn) good-natured (adj): naturally friendly e.g. Denise is always good-natured and friendly with people. moody (adj): changing mood frequently or becoming angry or aggressive suddenly e.g. Davecan be quite moody, so you never know when he's going to be in low spirits. Der.: moodiness (Un) sentimental (adj): showing or expressing feelings in a rather foolish way e.g. Karen is so sentimental that she even cries during soap operas. Der.: sentimentality (Un) self-conscious (adj): uncomfortable about what people think about you e.g. Despite being a great singer, Peter is too self-conscious and uncomfortable to be able to sing in public. Der.: self-consciousness (Un) conservative (adj): not liking changes e.g. They area conservative family viho really stick to some old-fashioned traditions and ideas. relaxed (adj): calm; not worried e.g. My manager is so relaxed that it is easy to approach him and have a discussion. sensible (adj): based on logic rather than emotion e.g. Julie is such a sensible girl that Im sure she'll make the right choices in her career. sensibility (Un) gullible (adj): being easily tricked into believing sth that sb has said e.g. Jack was so gullible when he was young that he believed everything | told him. Der.: gullibility (Un) emotional (adj): having or causing strong feelings eg. It was a very emotional experience for the old couple to attend their grandson's wedding. perfectionist (C n): sb who refuses to do or accept anything that isn't as good as it could possibly be e.g. Fraser is such a perfectionist that he must have rewritten his essay ten times before he was happy to hand it in. thick-skinned (adj): not hurt by criticism e.g. Diane had to be thick-skinned in order not to get hurt by the criticism she received from her boss. Opp. thin-skinned soft-spoken (adj): having a quiet voice e.g. The girl was so soft-spoken that the audience could barely hear her speak. easy-going (adj): calm and tolerant e.g. Our teacher is always easy-going and allows us extra time to do our homework. quick-tempered (adj): getting anary easily e.g. Larry is so quick-tempered and can get angry in an instant. narrow-minded (adj): unwilling to accept other people's ideas e.g. Kevin is so narrow-minded that he never listens to or accepts other people's opinions. Opp. broad-minded big-headed (adj): conceited e.9. George is so big-headed that he thinks he is better than everyone else. cold-hearted (adj): unfeeling e.g. Jane can be cold-hearted and selfish as she never thinks about helping people in need. Opp. warm-hearted break up = separate call off = cancel check in = register chop off = cut clean up = clean from rubbish come down with = become ill cut down on = reduce fall apart = become unable to think calmly fall for = strongly attracted to. fill in/out = complete get on = embark (a plane, train ete) hand down to = pass down to live off/on = have money to support oneself open up = say what they think or feel pass out = lose consciousness pick sb up = give sb alliftto putaside/by = save put forward = suggest put off = postpone puton=add put out = extinguish (fire) put sth down to =attribute run out of = have no more set off = leave settle down = start living a quiet life sign up = become a member stop off = stop for a short period of time take off = leave the ground (plane) take out (a loan) = borrow money from a bank turn off = switch off wind down = relax flexible (ad, e Der.: flexibility (Un) ble to adapt to different conditions as they occur Jack has a flexible schedule at work, which means he can take mornings off whenever he has errands to run. experience (U n):the growth of knowledge and skills which is acquired by doing sth e opi experience qualification (C n):a skill or quality needed for a job or task e.g. Without a university degree, you won't have the right qualifications to find a position in our company. enclose (v) e Der.: enclosure (Cn) full. 0 put inside 1 (ad): working for the whole part of the working day e.g. Most full-time jobs are from Monday to Friday, from till5 pm. Opp.: part-time reference (C n) e.g. You should include two references from former employers in your CV. salary (Cn): payment for professional or office work (usually paid monthly) e.g. My salary is paid into my bank account on the first day of every month. arrange (v): to make the necessary plans e Der.: arrangement (Cn) bring up (phr v):to raise a child e.g. Mark was born in the countryside, but his parents brought him up in the city. Der: upbringing (sing n) and preparations for sth to happen encounter (C n): an unexpected meeting e.g. | had a really pleasant encounter with a dolphin when I went scuba diving. Ir predator (Cn):an animal that hunts and eats other animals e.g. dreamt that | was lost in a jungle full of dangerous predators such as lions and crocodiles. Der.: predatory (adj) immobility (Un): inability to move e.g. Some snake bites can cause immobility which makes it difficult f victims to find help. Opp.: mo! adapt (v): to adjust e.g. Jake sits with his back curved, but he should learn to adapt his body position so that his backs straight. Der. adaptable (adj), adaptation (Cn interpret (v): to decide on what the meaning or significance of sth is; to understand e.g. interpreted Dan's strange mood to ‘mean that he was not enjoying his new job. Ders interpreter (C n], interpretation (C n) interpretative (adj) Opp: misinterpret loperation (Cn): a business venture le.g. Lewis made his fortune by loperation. It's worth getting a part-time job when you're at university, so you can gain some experlence as well as earning money. Send your applications to the manager, and be sure to enclose your CVin the envelope. letter that is written by sb who knows you to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job or course lironed my suit because Ive arranged to go for an interview early tomorrow morning unning a successful gold-mining ferocious (adj): fierce e.g. Polar bears can look cute on TY, but they can be ferocious animals in the wild. Der.: ferocity (Un) [company (Un): the state of being with lothers leg. Lucy missed the company of her fiends lwhen she left high school 'Der.: companion (Cn), companionship (Un) beyond the limits (phr): past the possibilities of sb or sth e.g. Derek's skills in tennis go beyond the perception (C/U n): the idea you have of st{ g. Environmental awareness has helped to change people's perceptions about how to ‘eat the environment. Opp.: misperception Der.: perceive (v), perceptive (adi) mindless (adj): thoughtless e.g. Many blockbuster films made these days.are full of mindless violence. Der.: mindful (adj) posture (Un): the position in which sb stands or sits, body position e.g. The soldiers stood with an upright posture during the royal ceremony. dedicated to (ad): devoted and committed to e.g. When she retired from dancing, Anna remained dedicated to her art by becoming a dance instructor. limits of anyone else Ihave seen play the game. bond (Cn)za strong connection and feeling of love and friendship shared between people e.g. They have always been great friends. they have such a special bond between them.

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